
DATE: 10/20/2023
Mr. John Denzel Baniqued is a BS psychology student at Tabako University. He graduated
last April 2019. He enrolled at Marlboro University for a review program to prepare for his
October 2019 Psychometrician Board Exam. Two weeks after the exam, Mr. John Denzel passed
and topped the October 2019 Psychometrician Exam.
Marlboro University decided to cash in on the popularity of John Denzel and decided to
publish on their official website as well as in their marketing brochures the following caption.
JOHN DENZEL BANIQUED!!! Number 1 sa Board Exam.
Be like him. Enroll at Marlboro University. Home of Topnotchers!
Home of John Denzel!
What do you think of the act of Marlboro University? Why?
The act of Marlboro University is not ethical. They are using Mr. John Denzel Baniqued's
success for their own marketing purposes without his consent. This could potentially mislead
aspiring students into thinking that enrolling at this University guarantees similar success like he
had, which may not be the case. This situation also concerns the privacy and the rights of
individuals to control their own achievements and personal information. This kind of publicity
without permission is not respectful or considerate of Mr. Baniqued's right over his own
Dr. Lansingan and Dr. Lavinia were assigned as an RQAT to evaluate the BSIT program of
San Bedac College. Dr. Lavinia went to the Registrar and asked for the TOR of Rod Boots An Roa
Duterts. It was provided by the Registrar's Office. Dr. Lavinia asks permission from the Chief
Registrar to take a picture of the Transcript of Records (TOR) of Mr. Duterts. The Chief Registrar
granted the request of Dr. Lavinia. However, without the knowledge of the chief Registrar, Dr.
Lavinia posted the TOR of Mr. Duterts. Mr. Duterts filed a complaint with the Privacy
Commission against Dr. Lavinia for violating the Data Privacy Act.
During the hearing, Dr. Lavinia aver that is San Bedac who is liable for the reason that he
lawfully obtained the copy of the TOR of Mr. Duterts. Do you agree with Dr. Lavinia? Why or why
No, I do not agree with Dr. Lavinia. Even though Dr. Lavinia lawfully obtained the copy of
Mr. Duterts' Transcript of Records (TOR) from the Registrar's Office with permission, it was not
right for Dr. Lavinia to post it without Mr. Duterts' consent because the Registrar’s Office was
unaware of it. This action violated Mr. Duterts' privacy rights, which is protected by the Data
Privacy Act. Dr. Lavinia should have respected Mr. Duterts' privacy and not shared his TOR
without his permission. Therefore, Dr. Lavinia is responsible for the violation, not San Bedac