ORBITAL ORBITAL FRACTURES FRACTURES Sehar Uppal Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery INTRODUCTION Orbital fractures are unique among cranio-maxillofacial (CMF) fractures. fl Management of orbital fractures poses a challenge to every surgeon because of its complex anatomy, relationship to vital structures such as the globe and the brain, and its direct in uence on the most precious of senses, Vision. ANATOMY OF THE BONY ORBIT 7 structural layers •Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue •Muscles of Protraction •Orbital Septum •Orbital Fat •Muscles of Retraction •Tarsus •Conjunctiva EYE GAZES CLASSIFICATION Converse and Smith 1960 (a) Pure (blow-in or blowout fractures) fracture of the internal walls with intact rims (b) Impure (complex with involvement of one or more rims) associated fractures of the rims CLASSIFICATION Mason and colleagues 1990 Fractures based on the energy of impact, the degree, and extent of comminu on and displacement observed on CT: ti (a) Trap door fractures — Low-velocity injuries (b) Medial blowout fractures — Intermediate-velocity injuries (c) Lateral blowout fractures — High-velocity fractures CLASSIFICATION Hammer 1995 Fractures based on their occurrence with other fractures of the face: ti (a) Type I: Orbito-zygoma c fractures (b) Type II: Internal orbital fractures (c) Type III: Naso-orbito-ethmoid-type fractures (d) Type IV: Complex fractures of the face CLASSIFICATION Hammer 1995 Fractures based on their occurrence with other fractures of the face: ti (a) Type I: Orbito-zygoma c fractures (b) Type II: Internal orbital fractures (c) Type III: Naso-orbito-ethmoid-type fractures (d) Type IV: Complex fractures of the face CLASSIFICATION Rowe and Williams •ISOLATED FRACTURES OF THE ORBITAL RIM : 1. Superior rim 2. Inferior rim 3. Medial rim 4. Lateral rim • COMPLEX COMMINUTED FRACTURES : 1. Naso-ethmoidal fractures 2. Fronto-naso-orbital fractures Rowe and Williams ISOLATED ORBITAL WALL FRACTURE fi ROOF a)Anterior cranial fossa b)Levator palpebrae superioris/superior rectus c)Frontal sinus FLOOR a)Antrum b)Infra-orbital nerves and vessels c)Inferior rectus/inferior oblique MEDIAL WALL a)Lacrimal sac and naso-lacrimal canal b)Ethmoidal sinus c)Medial rectus d)Suspensory ligament LATERAL WALL Superior orbital ssure and associated structures PATHOPHYSIOLOGY In the event of trauma Thick rims protect the eyeball Absorb shock by fracturing themselves Orbital walls (esp. medial and oor) fracture in an isolated way Get displaced outwards or inwards fl Blow-in / Blow-out Fracture BLOW-OUT FRACTURES MECHANISM OF INJURY HYDRAULIC THEORY globe-to-wall theory BUCKLING THEORY THE HYDRAULIC THEORY First described by Pfeiffer in 1943 Hydrostatic pressure within the globe or orbital contents is transmitted to the orbital walls. When there is a direct trauma to the globe (eye), it causes a sudden increase in the intraorbital pressure. This increased pressure then causes a fracture of the weakest point of the orbit, which is usually the orbital floor or the medial wall. THE BUCKLING THEORY Impact against the sturdy orbital rim transmits force to the more fragile orbital walls, resulting in a blowout fracture Blow-out fractures can be classified into two broad categories OPEN DOOR TRAP DOOR Trap-door Open-door EFFECTS OF BLOW-OUT FRACTURE BLOW-IN FRACTURES •Dingman and Natvig in 1964 •Fragmented bones of the orbital oor are displaced into the orbit. •Proptosis , Exopthalmos and diplopia are common •Other unusual ndings are1. Rupture of the globe 2. Superior orbital ssure syndrome 3. op c nerve injury. fl fi fi ti •More commonly seen in fractures of – orbital roof CLINICAL EXAMINATION • Periorbital Examina on ti ti ti ti ti ti ti • Ini al Opthalmological evalua on • Visual acuity — SNELLEN CHART • Ocular mo lity — FORCED DUCTION TEST & HESS CHART • Pupillary examina on — SWINGING FLASH LIGHT TEST — pupillary size, shape & symmetry, light reac vity • Fundoscopic examina on- TONOMETRY – to assess Intraocular pressure (Normal 10-20mmHg) <30mmhg •HERTEL EXOPTHALMOMETER – measure exopthalmous RADIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS • Conventional radiographs have a minimal role • CT scans -- ordered in fine cuts of 0.5 mm : all the three planes - “gold standard” • Coronal and sagittal scans - # of floor and roof, • Axial scans-- # of medial and lateral walls and to study optic canal integrity. • CT imaging is critical in diagnosis of enophthalmos (# <2mm). MRI Scan – Limited to determining soft tissue injuries • Entrapment of muscles and to assessing damage to the optic nerve. • To identify intra-orbital herniation of brain in the case of blow-in #. CLINICAL FEATURES •Circumorbital Edema and ecchymosis •Subconjunctival haemorrhage – due to fracture → subperiosteal bleeding → escapes in subconjuctival plane. •Enopthalmous •Subcutaneous emphysema with crepitus •Contusions and hematomas •Lacerations involving the eyelids •Unilateral Epistaxis – bleeding into antrum •Injuries to the canthal apparatus (medial and lateral) •Numbness in area of distribution of Infraorbital Nerve and facial nerve. •Diplopia ENOPHTHALMOS Caused by• Lateral and inferior displacement of the zygoma • Disruption of the inferior, medial, and/or lateral orbital walls • Decrease in orbital soft tissue volume by herniation of orbital soft tissue • Dislocation of trochlear attachment of superior oblique muscle. • Diagnosis should be made after the swelling has dissipated. • Clinically, suprapalpebral fold and reduced projection on viewing from an inferior view or worm’s view, causing pseudoptosis of the upper lid. •Hypophthalmos is noted as a change in the horizontal pupillary levels. DIPLOPIA • Greek word Diplous - Double and Ops – Eye • Double vision • Eyes are normally positioned so that image falls exactly on the same spot on the retina of each eye. • Slightest displacement of either eye causes DIPLOPIA as the image is shifted to a different position on the retina of the displaced eye. TYPES OF DIPLOPIA Monocular Diplopia Binocular Diplopia • Monocular diplopia, (15%) • Usually indicates a detached lens, hyphema, or other traumatic injury to the globe. - There is distortion with the light path through the eye (typically an eye issue) • Binocular diplopia, (85%) • Approx. 10% to 40% of zygomatic injuries. TRAUMATIC DIPLOPIA 1. Physical interference a) Extravasation of blood into and around the muscles b) Impingement of bone spicules c) Displacement of the bony origin (e.g. inferior oblique) d) Avulsion from the bony origin including displacement of the pulley of the superior oblique e) Entrapment of muscle within the fracture line f) Incarceration of periorbital fat in a bony defect g) Formation of fibrous adhesions between the muscle sheath, periorbital fat or the periosteum and the margins of the defect. 2. Physiological imbalance This is due to the muscles acting at a mechanical disadvantage following displacement of the globe 3. Neurological deficits a) Supra-nuclear (impairment of co-ordinated movements) b) Nuclear lesions c) Infra-nuclear and intra-cranial injury d) Cavernous sinus compression (A/V fistula) e) Superior orbital fissure contusion f) Intra-orbital damage ANALYSIS OF DIPLOPIA Rules governing the relationship of two images • RULE 1- displacement of the false image -may be horizontal or vertical or both • RULE 2- separation of the 2 images is greatest in the direction in which the weak muscle has its purest action • RULE 3- False image is displaced furthest in the direction in which the weak muscle should move the eye Tests for Diplopia 1. Hirschberg Test 2. Maddox rod assessment of ocular assessment 3.Cover Test Two types : Alternating cover test Unilateral cover test ( cover-uncover test ) Lazy eye will deviate inward and outward Retrobulbar Hemorrhage Lacrimal System Injuries •Injury to the canaliculi or the nasolacrimal ducts in naso-orbito-ethmoidal injuries may present as epiphora. •Patency of the naso-lacrimal duct and sac can be verified by jones test 1 and 2 or by a simple lacrimal probing test with insertion of a Crawford silicone intubation tubes though the canaliculi and visualization of the same at the distal end of the disruption. •ROPLAS test or regurgitation on pressure over lacrimal sac may be performed clinically to elicit posttraumatic blockage of the nasolacrimal duct . •Confirmation with a CT dacrocystogram •Reconstruction of the lacrimal drainage system is achieved by simple intubations or a formal dacryocystorhinostomy APPROACHES TO THE ORBIT LOWER EYELID 1.Transcutaneous 2.Transconjunctival TRANSCUTANEOUS LOWER EYELID APPROACHES Converse in 1944 SUB-CILIARY INCISION by Converse the year 1944 Given Incision approxin2mm It involves an incision made 2 mm just below the lash line over the tarsal plate. Skin undermined Extended Lower Eyelid Approach Extended Lateral Exposure with the Subciliary Approach Subtarsal Approach Initially described by Converse, the subtarsal approach is similar to the subciliary approach, but it has shown to result in fewer complications and has acceptable esthetics Subtarsal Approach (CONVERSE) Identification and Marking of the Incision Line Suborbicularis Dissection Skin Incision fl Subtarsal approach used to access a fracture of the infraorbital rim and oor Infra-orbital Rim Approach Relative indications : conjunctival or orbital pathology A hypertrophic orbicularis oculi muscle Preexisting laceration of the infraorbital rim Persistent globe edema Presence of globe prosthesis An unstable globe or corneal injury. Given the unsightly scar associated with the infraorbital incision and other available less morbid approaches to the orbit, however, it should be rarely used. The incision is marked in at the level of the infraorbital rim margin in a minor skin crease that is present at the transition of the thin eyelid and thick cheek skin An incision is then made through skin, and then preorbital orbicularis oculi muscle Dissection should take placed down to the preorbital periosteum. The periosteum begins to blend with orbital septum 1 to 2 mm inferior to the infraorbital rim and the periosteal incision should be placed just below this transition point. Trans-conjunctival Incision Vasoconstriction inferior cantholysis Corneal shield and traction sutures lateral canthotomy dissection in the subconjunctival plane. Transconjunctival lncision Periosteal incision Closure of conjunctiva and inferior canthopexy. Subperiosteal Orbital Dissection Skin sutured Trans-caruncular Approach Transconjunctival Incision Subconjunctival Dissection Exposure of medial wall Periosteal Incision UPPER EYELID APPROACH A.K.A. BLEPHAROPLASTY INCISION In this approach, a natural skin crease in the upper eyelid is used to make the incision The incision should begin at least 10 mm superior to the upper lid margin and be 6 mm above the lateral canthus as it extends laterally. The dissection is carried over the orbital rim, exposing periosteum. The skin-muscle flap is retracted until the area of interest is exposed. The periosteum is divided 2 to 3 mm posterior to the orbital rim with a scalpel. Trans-antral Endoscopic-Assisted Approach (converse and Smith) Supraorbital/Lateral Brow Incision • Entry to the antrum is gained through a transoral Caldwell Luc procedure • a 0° or 30° endoscope may be used to visualize the orbital floor. (a) Lateral brow incision (b) Lateral brow extension Tarsorrhaphy Corneal shield Treatment Planning and Management of Orbital Fractures Hammer’s classification • Type I (Orbito-Zygomatic)- ORIF of the zygomatic complex first, followed by internal orbital reconstruction. Type II (Internal Orbital) 1. Fractures of the Orbital Roof- • Less than 10% may need any form of surgical intervention. • Most are amenable to conservative management with observation and follow-up of neurological and ophthalmic status. Symptoms • Dural tears, • CSF leak, • tension pneumocephalus, • diffuse cerebral edema, • contusions of the frontal lobe (a) (b) (c) (d) Blow-in fracture, Blow-out fracture, Fracture of the supraorbital rim, Fronto-basilar fracture Indications for intervention•CSF leak •Displaced intra cranial fragments •Compromised vision •Mechanical impediments •significant enophthalmos or exophthalmos. Choice of material -Titanium meshes -Porous polyethylene implants fixed with micro-screws -Split Calvarial grafts 2. Fractures of the Lateral Orbital Wall• Restoration of the architecture or augmentation of the same ensures correction of enophthalmos. Reconstruction(i) Alloplasts - titanium meshes, - porous polyethylene sheets - custom-made polyether ether ketone (PEEK ) implants (ii) Bone grafts calvarium or ilium 3. Medial Wall Fractures Incidence - 5–71% ; isolated fractures –rare Indications – 1. Restriction of ocular motility 2. Diplopia 3. Enophthalmos Choice of material – 1 Bioactive resorbable sheets 2 Titanium mesh 4. Orbital Floor Fractures The internal orbit is divided into three zones which helps in evaluating the difficulty of approach and exposure: (i) Anterior third (ii) Middle third (iii) Dorsal third Absolute Indications1. Enophthalmos and/or hypophthalmos 2. Severe restriction of ocular motility 3. “White eye blowout” Relative Indications 1. Defect is larger than 50% of the orbital floor area or greater than 20 × 20 mm of defect size especially in the zone between the floor and the medial wall 2. Diplopia which is non-resolving and persistent for more than 2 weeks due to entrapment or fibrosis of orbital soft tissue Relative Contraindications1. Associated ophthalmic injuries like retinal tears, hyphema, displacement of lens, ruptured globe, avulsion injuries of the globe, etc. 2. Loss of vision in one eye with the only seeing eye involved in a fracture Graphical representation of the equator of the globe (E) and the associated equatorial (A) and post-equatorial (B) zones of the foor Type III NOE Fractures The Key Elements for Managing Type III Fractures •Management of the medial canthal tendon (MCT) as indicated with the focus being the attachment or avulsion of the medial canthal tendon (MCT) to the fracture fragment •Management of the soft tissue drape after reposition of the MCT •Restoration of the nasal dorsum projection •Evaluation of injuriThe Key Elements for Managing Type III Fractures to the lacrimal system: canaliculi, sac and the nasolacrimal duct (NLD), and its management Type IV (Complex Fractures of the Face with Orbital Fractures) • This type includes all the combinations of the fractures of the face. • Sequencing and fixation of all facial fractures need to be completed prior to the reconstruction of the internal orbit. ComplicationsThe most common immediate complications that are secondary to orbital surgery include: • Edema • Infection • Would dehiscence • Aberrant implant position • Extrusion of implants • Hemorrhage • Blindness – rare • Paraesthesia or dysesthesia Delayed complication may present in the form of: • Persistent enophthalmos/hypophthalmos • Persistent or worsened diplopia with altered vision • Restricted ocular movement due to fibrosis and adhesion. Other adverse outcomes include: • Entropion • Ectropion • Hypertrophic scars/keloids • Change in the axis of the palpebral fissure Recent Advances in Management of Orbital Fractures 1. Computer-assisted surgery 2. Intraoperative imaging and navigation 3. Patient-specifc implants for reconstruction Conclusion -All patients with orbital trauma need to be subjected to ophthalmological examinations both pre and post-surgery. -Globe protection, gentle retraction of tissues, and intraoperative testing for vision are mandatory during orbital surgery. ORBITAL THANK YOU FRACTURES