SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY APP PROJECT Title - Language Translator Team member (Batch no. 1) Himaani Srivatsava (RA2211003020181) Rishita Gangrade (RA2211003020165) Riya Paul (RA2211003020189) ABSTRACT The development of technology connects everyone from different parts of the world. The problem is that people can't actually understand each other because they have problems communicating . Some problems are related to communicating with foreign passengers, disabled people, friends from different countries on social media and international business partners. This device was invented to solve this whole problem that people face in today's life. Translation is a medium for conveying knowledge and information. It can be a bridge that connects people with different languages and cultures. Through translation, people can learn and understand each other's language and culture. Translation is not just about changing words, it is also about conveying as much as possible the culture of the original language and its cultural equivalence with the recipient of that language. A better translation needs to be logically factual and acceptable to all. Therefore, the message contained in the source language can satisfy readers in the target language. Translation is necessary to spread new information, knowledge, and ideas around the world. Achieving effective communication between parties of different cultures is essential .Translation can change history as new information is disseminated. Innovations in language translation allow speakers of different languages to communicate anything. Therefore, it is of great importance to humanity from the point of view of science, cross-cultural exchange, and world trade. Therefore, we have proposed a project to bridge this language barrier. This project was initiated to break the language barrier, to reduce the disconnect between people around the world, connect people, get maximum profit and provide job opportunities. Design (ER design and Front end design) OBJECTIVE To ensure effective communication between people around the world. To provide the ability for two parties to communicate and exchange their ideas. To encourage learners to discuss their ideas eloquently in their target language. To perform and translate our native language. To encourage the lexical usage of advanced proficiency in the target language by the learners BLOCK DAIGRAM: LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR PROBLEM IN EXISTING SYSTEM 1. Projects implemented till date are all concentrated on providing the application which uses the network 2.the translated texts are recorded in the webpage history PROPOSED SYSTEM 1. we have come up with a project which provides complete working modules (doesn't depend on internet connection ) 2.extends user privacy :doesn’t require logging into the app or accessing the external web pages available online. RESULT Python code Python output Java methodology: Code implementation sni: Maven dependency that is used: Java output CONCLUSION Our Language Translator project serves as a valuable tool for facilitating cross-cultural communication. It enables users to overcome language barriers, fostering understanding and collaboration. Its potential impact on accessibility and global reach makes it a valuable addition to any project with diverse audiences or international scope. Its versatility and accessibility make it a valuable asset for individuals, businesses, and communities worldwide. As technology advances, these apps continue to evolve, promising even greater efficiency and accuracy in translation services. Translation is not merely at changing words, but also transferring cultural equivalence with the culture of the original language and the recipient of that language as well as possible. The better translation must be accepted by all people in logic and based on fact; thus, the message which is contained in the source language (SL) can satisfy the target language (TL) reader with the information within. When you understand the importance of translation for everyone, you will be able to see it as a necessary and worthy investment. Multilingual speech to speech translation is one of the most serious problems inherent in globalization. The demand for trans-lingual conversations, triggered by ITs technologies has boosted research activities on Speech to speech technology. Our project provides a way to overcome this problem by translating speech from one language to another in an efficient manner. References ● Sireesh Haang Limbu, “Direct Speech to Speech Translation Using Machine Learning”, December 2020. ● S. Venkateswarlu, D. B. K. Kamesh , J. K. R. Sastry and Radhika Rani, “ Text to Speech Conversion”, 23 September 2020. ● Chris Piech, Sami Abu-El-Haija, “Auto-Translation for Localized Instruction”, Sep 2019 ● Sagar Patil, Mayuri Phonde, Siddharth Prajapati , “Multilingual Speech and Text Recognition and Translation using Image”, April-2020 ● Rithika.H 1 , B.Nithya Santhoshi,“Image Text To Speech Conversion In The Desired Language By Translating With Raspberry Pi” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research. ● Liang Gu, Member, IEEE, Yuqing Gao, Fu-Hua Liu, and Michael Picheny, Fellow, IEEE,“Concept-Based Speech To-Speech Translation Using Maximum Entropy Models for Statistical Natural Concept Generation” in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 14, NO. 2, MARCH 2006. ● Asim Smailagic, Dan Siewiorek, Richard Martin, Denis Reilly, “CMU Wearable Computers for Real - Time Speech Translation”. THANK YOU