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Chess Game Overview

Chess is a board game for two players, a game board made up of a square made up of 64
boxes in 8 rows and 8 columns is used, the boxes are of two colors and are alternated by color,
each player at the beginning of the game It has 16 pieces.
The object of the game is to place the opposing king in the position where it cannot avoid
being captured, this position is called checkmate.
It is played on a grid board of 8 × 8 squares, 2 alternated in black and white colors, which
constitute the 64 possible positions of the pieces for the development of the game. At the
beginning of the game each player has sixteen pieces: a king, a queen, two bishops, two
knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. It is a strategy game in which the objective is to
overthrow the opponent's king.
Chess is for some people a sport, a game-science, an art or a simple hobby, understanding its
beauty is complicated and that is what attracts both children, youth and adults.
During a game of chess, a player faces many questions, alternatives and the need to ask
himself: What is my rival threatening? .
Chess must emphasize not only the competitive part, but also promote integration and
The basic rules and principles of chess are easy to master, but the subtleties of the game
require in-depth study and a high degree of concentration.
It is one of the most popular games in the world. It is considered not just a game, but an art, a
science, and a mental sport. The latter is very appropriate, given that it is often played