ECONOMICS LEARNING OBJECTIVES KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING : Show knowledge and understanding of inflation and deflation definitions. ANALYSIS : Measure inflation and deflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) , analyse and explain global inflation and deflation crises. EVALUATION : Discuss the causes, consequences and policies to control inflation and deflation using real life case studies. Audio-Visual Aid 20 minutes & Distribution of Worksheets LEARNING ACTIVITY RUBRICS O Spending a few moment watching and thinking about the video individually and attending to the worksheets O Pairing (grouping) Learners. By trying to identify the answers they think is the best, the most convincing or the most unique. O Pairs (groups) to share their thinking via presentation or sending one group member to a new group to discuss , compare and refine ideas. GUIDELINES O Meaning and measurement of inflation and deflation using the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). O Causes of inflation: Demand-pull inflation Cost-push inflation. O Causes of deflation: Demand-side policy and Supply-side policy GUIDELINES O The consequences of inflation and deflation for Consumers, Workers, Savers, Lenders, Firms and The economy as a whole. O The range of policies available to control inflation and deflation and how effective they might be. GROUP WORK GROUP PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT