Comparative Abundance and Density of Oithona and Peridinium along Logolog River, an estuarine environment traversing an Coal-Fired Power Plant Project Introduction This study covered assessment of the physico-chemical water parameters in relationship with plankton count of Logolog River in Sual, Pangasinan. Logolog River is a small isolated stream situated at western part of Pangasinan, stretching at 5.5 kilometers that drains in Lingayen Gulf. The river runs in between of Brgy. Baybay Sur and Brgy. Pangascasan of Sual, Pangasinan; whereas, distinctly, the Sual Coal Fire Power Plant can be located. With little known information about this river, an assessment was made that encompassed the month of March for weekly recording of in-situ water parameters (temperature, salinity, pH), collecting of water samples for lab analysis (BOD,TSS, Total and Fecal Coliform), and counting plankton (specifically of genus Perdinium and Oithona) obtained from horizontal tow to provide baseline information of the river’s water quality in terms of physical, chemical, and biological scope. Materials and Methods In the said assessment, the study made used of several devices and equipment in measurement and determination of water quality parameters. Sampling was made in three (3) designated stations, comprising of Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream. All samples for each station were replicated into three. For determining onsite parameters, a water quality-checker probe was used to determine temperature (C̊), salinity (ppt), and pH level. Nine (9) PET bottles, meanwhile, were used to collect water samples from the river for laboratory analysis of BOD (mg/mL), Total Suspended Solids (mg/L), Total and Fecal Coliform (MPN) in four consecutive weeks (1 month). Likewise, nine 250ml PET bottles were used to contain water samples for plankon, whereas a plankton net (130µm) was used in horizontal tow sampling. Plankton analysis, delimited to Peridinium and Oithona, was done quantitatively because samples by genus were counted under a compound microscope using a Sedgewick Rafter Counting Cell. Plankton analysis was performed at the Natural Food and Biology laboratory at BFAR – NIFTDC. The study was classified under non-experimental, exploratory type of research which employed collection of ambient water quality parameters and were discussed in descriptive approach. Descriptive mean tables were carried out for the physico-chemical parameters temperature, salinity, pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total and Fecal Coliform Load. For plankton count, identified Peridinium and Oithina were only considered under the analysis. Collectively, all parameters were enjoined in performing Pearson-R correlation and Regression Analysis to determine significant relationship among them. Scatter plots were also made to graphically illustrate fluctuation behavior of the two plankton genera with respect to ambient parameters. Finally, Analysis of Variance for repeated measures (ANOVAR) was carried out to determine significance of variations among the collected data derived from the conduct of the study. All statistical tests performed in the study were automatically run in the IBM SPSS Stat Editor. Stat Results and Discussions Thirty-six (36) water samples were collected in one month, with breakdown of nine (9) collected water samples per week. The descriptive statistic table was provided below to show the frequency distribution, central tendency, and standard deviation. Descriptive Statistics Factors/ Paramaters N Minimu Maximu m m Statisti Statistic Statistic c Sum Mean Statistic Statistic Std. Deviation Statistic Skewness Statisti c Std. Error Wk 36 1 4 90 2.50 1.134 .000 .393 Temp 36 26.70 35.20 1128.90 31.3583 2.50604 -.256 .393 Salnt 36 17.00 35.00 978.00 27.1667 5.65938 -.459 .393 pH 36 7.03 7.55 264.69 7.3525 .16031 -.474 .393 BOD 36 .09 4.72 40.99 1.1386 1.05750 1.328 .393 TCol 36 .00 110000. 00 724240. 20117.77 37808.100 00 78 73 1.950 .393 FCol 36 .00 1400.00 3940.00 109.4444 300.46578 3.215 .393 TSS 36 17.70 98.36 2256.73 62.6869 21.09815 -.439 .393 Oithona 36 0 56 284 7.89 14.577 1.985 .393 Peridinium 36 0 422 2709 75.25 118.725 1.914 .393 Valid N (listwise) 36 Based on the table, the Logolog River had an average weekly temperature of 31.56C̊, salinity of 27.17 ppt, pH of 7.35, BOD of 1.14 mg/L, Total Coliform of 20,117.78MPN, Fecal Coliform of 109.44MPN, and TSS level of 62.69 mg/L. For the average plankton count, meanwhile, the river had an average weekly abundance of 8 count/ml and 75 count/ml for Oithona and Peridinium, respectively. Correlation Statistical correlations were carried to determine significant interaction of relationship among variables considered in the study. The Correlations Wk Pearson Correlation Salnt Salnt 1 .590** .160 .000 .350 pH BOD TCol * -.063 .449** .165 .004 .714 .006 .336 .469* FCol TSS Oith Peridin ona ium .728* .251 .388* .000 .140 .019 * Sum of Squares and Crossproducts 45.0 58.65 36.00 674150 1970.0 609.7 145. 1829.5 2.985 -2.655 00 0 0 .000 00 85 000 00 Covariance 1.28 1.676 1.029 6 .085 -.076 19261. 17.42 4.14 56.286 52.271 429 2 3 N 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 * Pearson .590 1 .423* .349* .099 -.160 * ** Correlation .636 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .010 .037 .000 .566 .351 Sum of Squares 58.6 219.8 209.9 328250 and Cross4.906 58.97 4217.8 50 08 50 .667 products 7 33 1.67 9378.5 Covariance 6.280 5.999 .140 -1.685 120.51 6 90 0 N 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 * Pearson .517 .160 .423* 1 -.221 -.253 .033 * Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) .350 .010 .001 .196 .137 .849 Sum of Squares 36.0 209.9 1121. 16.42 1963.3 and Cross46.23 189111 00 50 000 5 33 products 2 6.667 Tem p Wk Sig. (2-tailed) Temp 36 .785* * 36 36 .229 -.171 .000 .180 .320 1453. 292. 1775.7 266 433 25 41.52 8.35 2 5 50.735 36 36 36 .047 .221 -.597** .787 .196 .000 194.8 637. 14030. 58 667 500 pH Covariance N 36 36 36 * Pearson .469 .349* .517** * Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) .004 .037 .001 Sum of Squares 2.98 16.42 and Cross4.906 5 5 products TCol BOD Covariance .085 .140 .469 18.2 .469 -1.321 54031. 56.095 5.567 400.87 19 905 1 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 1 -.252 .080 .025 .185 .228 .138 .642 .886 .280 .180 .899 -1.495 .026 -.043 N 36 36 36 36 36 Pearson -.063 -.221 -.252 1 ** Correlation .636 Sig. (2-tailed) .714 .000 .196 .138 Sum of Squares - 39.14 and Cross2.65 58.97 46.23 1.495 0 products 5 7 2 Covariance -.076 -1.685 -1.321 -.043 1.118 N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) 36 .449* Sum of Squares and Crossproducts 6741 32825 50.0 0.667 00 Covariance FCol 1.02 32.02 5.999 9 9 N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Sum of Squares and Crossproducts 36 36 36 36 * .099 -.253 .080 .096 .006 .566 1926 9378. 1.42 590 9 36 36 -.176 .305 17021. 21.90 18.6 41.750 117.07 500 9 80 3 486.32 1.193 .626 .534 -3.345 9 36 36 36 36 36 .096 .338* -.279 .353* .034 .578 .044 .099 .842 .035 134178 3756.2 1550.1 217.9 18.5 .989 72 43 50 36 3833.6 107.32 44.290 85 2 6.227 .530 36 36 36 36 36 1 .283 .341* .129 .137 .642 .578 .094 .042 500308 112677 9517 18911 1702 13417 36822. 955.55 878.4 16.66 1.500 8.989 222 6 56 7 142945 2719 486.3 3833. 321937 54031 2480.6 39.38 29 685 0.159 .905 35 4 36 36 36 36 36 36 .165 -.160 .033 .025 .338* .283 .336 .351 .849 .886 .044 .094 1 .042 .807 112677 1970 1963. 41.75 3756. 315978 9354. 4217. 955.55 .000 333 0 272 8.889 639 833 6 .454 248 729 1.11 1 710 65.4 60 36 .091 .597 139 82.2 22 .323 .055 507660 40.000 145045 8.286 36 -.071 .681 88525. 000 TSS Covariance N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Sum of Squares and Crossproducts Oithona Covariance N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Sum of Squares and Crossproducts Covariance Peridinium N Pearson Correlation 56.2 56.09 107.3 321937 90279. 267.2 120.5 1.193 399. 2529.2 86 5 22 0.159 683 75 10 492 86 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 * .728 .785** .047 .185 -.279 .341* .042 1 .230 .170 * .000 .000 609. 1453. 785 266 17.4 41.52 22 2 36 36 .787 .280 .099 .042 .807 .178 .323 247 194.8 21.90 951787 9354.6 1557 14873. 217.9 3.66 58 9 8.456 39 9.616 428 50 8 271939 267.27 445.1 70.6 424.95 5.567 .626 -6.227 .384 5 32 76 5 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 .251 .229 .221 .228 .140 .180 .196 .180 .000 .305 145. 292.4 000 33 4.14 8.355 3 -.034 .129 -.091 .230 1 -.136 .842 .454 .597 .178 .430 743 637.6 18.68 248729 2473. 18.53 13982. 7.55 8228.0 67 0 1.111 668 6 222 6 00 18.21 71065. 70.67 212. .534 -.530 399.49 235.08 9 460 6 502 2 6 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 -.176 .353* .323 -.071 .170 1 ** .597 .136 36 36 .388* -.171 Sig. (2-tailed) .019 .320 Sum of Squares and Crossproducts 1829 1550. 507660 1487 822 493350 1775. 14030 117.0 88525. .500 143 40.000 3.428 8.00 .750 725 .500 73 000 0 Covariance 52.2 - 44.29 145045 424.9 14095. 50.73 400.8 2529.2 235. 71 3.345 0 8.286 55 736 5 71 86 086 N 36 36 36 36 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). .035 36 .055 36 .681 36 .323 .430 36 36 36 Week as correlated with independent variables The factor “Week” has strong positive correlation with temperature (0.590), pH (0.469), Total Coliform (0.449), and TSS (0.728) based on the table above. The positive correlation of week with parameters temperature, pH, Total Coliform, and TSS had something to do with distinct climate pattern in the Philippines since the month of March fall under typical dry season (MarchMay). Dry seasons are characterized with increased ambient temperature and heat index. According to Silent Gardens (2019), the month of March kicks off the warmest months in the Philippines, characterized with hot and dry weather. With direct relationship of Week and Temperature, the increasing of temperature has influence with the increasing of pH level of the water. In contrast, Gillespie (2018) claims that there is an inverse correlation with pure water’s temperature and pH; however, differences are too small to be picked by basic pH testing method. With this, other confounding factors may have influenced this strong correlation with pH and temperature. Levels of Total Coliform (MPN) were observed to be increasing with respect to passing weeks. The strong correlation of coliform load and week may be synonymous with the temperature factor. According to LeChevallier (2003), coliform level is significantly higher when water temperatures were above 15 °C. In addition, he claims that bacterial growth may be very rapid at warmer climates, but microbial activity still depends on underlying environmental system. Water Temperature correlated with TSS, pH, BOD The water temperature has strong correlation with TSS (.785), significant correlation with salinity (.423), pH (.349), and a negative correlation with BOD (-.636). Rise of water temperature may enhance the increase of water turbidity and suspended solids in Logolog River. According to Kentucky Government (2018), though indirectly, the heat absorbency of the particulate and suspended solids affects other water parameters such as temperature and dissolved oxygen. Nevertheless, suspended solids interfere with oxygen and nutrient dispersion to deeper layers of river. Salinity and pH, meanwhile, are directly related with temperature. Increase of temperature enhances the acidity of water as said by Clark (2019). On the other hand, salinity can affect water temperature with reference to density of water (sciencelearn, 2017). Water Salinity correlated with pH and Peridinium abundance Water salinity of Logolog River is strongly correlated to pH and Peridinium abundance. A strong positive correlation was established between water salinity and pH, obtaining a p value of (0.517). This implies that, going downstream, as salinity of the river water increases, the pH also increases. In contrast, a strong negative correlation was determined between water salinity and Peridinium abundance, obtaining a p value of (-0.597). Meaning, the increase of water salinity, going downstream, decreases the number of Peridinium found in the river. Total Coliform Level correlated with TSS Total Coliform level of the river water is slightly correlated with Total Suspended Solids (0.341). Though slight correlation may be translated to small effect or interaction of two independent factors, the increase of total suspended solids (TSS) derived from effluent discharge may carry rich load of fecal coliform bacteria. Also, it can be noted around river’s geographical premises the scattered residential communities and the operation of the Sual Coal Fire Plant (). Fecal Coliform Level correlated with BOD Correlation between Fecal coliform and BOD yields a p value of (.338). The Biochemical Oxygen Demand aims to measure the degree of organic pollutants present in the water, meanwhile, fecal coliform level tells the degree of bacterial contamination originated from domestic wastewater discharge. TSS Level correlated with Temperature Strong positive correlation (.785) between TSS and Temperature was obtained in the analysis, which suggests the significant influence of suspended solids to warming of water temperature. In vice versa, fluctuation of water temperature may also exhibit hyperactivity of some plankton organisms (algal bloom) which contributes to increase of TSS that can be manifested in the river water’s turbidity. Peridinium Count correlated with BOD Peridinium and BOD were found to be slightly correlated at p value 0.353. This indicates significant effect of BOD level to population of phytoplankton Peridinium, where increase of BOD can affect the population of Peridinium. However, in the compilation made by Novis (2016), Peridinium are classified under indicator taxa for good water quality. Oithona and Peridinium Abundance at different Stations Average Abundance of Oithona in Three Sampling Stations 25 20 15 OithUP OithMD 10 OithDW 5 0 OithUP OithMD OithDW The preceding graph presents the average abundance of Oithona (zooplankton) at three different sampling stations. Highest mean (18 counts) for Oithona abundance was obtained at downstream (OithDW) of Logolog. The river’s midstream (OithMD) and upstream (OithUP), had an average mean count of 3 and 2, respectively. Based on graph, a pattern of linear relationship was established which implies that the zooplankton genus Oithona is most abundant at downstream environment. As the sampling station ascends, the count of zooplankton Oithona decreases subject to variation of water salinity and temperature. According to Wang, (2017), lower temperature and higher salinity in the surface water signifies a positive indication for aggregation of the genus Oithona. Average Abundance of Peridinium in Three Sampling Stations 200 180 160 140 120 PeriUP 100 PeriMD 80 PeriDW 60 40 20 0 PeriUP PeriMD PeriDW The preceding graph presents the average abundance of Peridinium (phytoplankton) at three different sampling stations. Highest mean (166 counts) for Peridinium abundance was obtained at downstream (PeriUP) of Logolog. Meanwhile, the river’s midstream (PeriMD) and downstream (PeriDW), had an average mean count of 23 and 7, respectively. Phytoplankton Peridinium are mostly found in freshwater water bodies, though some inhabit brackish environment (Rogers, 2013) Regression Analysis In this study, a regression analysis was employed to determine a good predicting factor for the abundance of Peridinium (Phytoplankton) and Oithona (Zooplankton). The independent variables: water temperature, salinity, pH, BOD, Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform, and TSS were included for the regression analysis. Using the Stepwise Method of SPSS, a good predicting factor for Peridinium and Oithona was identified from the pooled independent factors. Correlations Peridin Temp Salnt ium pH Peridinium 1.000 -.171 -.597 -.176 Temp -.171 1.000 Salnt Pearso pH n Correla BOD tion TCol FCol .423 -.597 .423 1.000 -.176 .349 BOD TCol FCol TSS .353 .323 -.071 .170 .349 -.636 .099 -.160 .785 .517 -.221 -.253 .033 .047 .185 .517 1.000 -.252 .080 .025 .353 -.636 -.221 -.252 1.000 .096 .338 -.279 .323 .099 -.253 -.071 -.160 .080 .096 1.000 .283 .341 .033 .025 .338 .283 1.000 .042 TSS .170 .785 .047 .185 -.279 .341 .042 1.000 Peridinium Temp . .160 .160 . .000 .005 .153 .019 .017 .000 .027 .283 .341 .176 .161 .000 Salnt Sig. (1- pH tailed) BOD .000 .153 .017 .005 .019 .000 . .001 .098 .001 . .069 .098 .069 . .069 .321 .289 .424 .443 .022 .394 .140 .050 TCol FCol TSS .027 .341 .161 .283 .176 .000 .069 .424 .394 .321 .443 .140 .289 .022 .050 . .047 .021 .047 . .404 .021 .404 . Peridinium 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Temp 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Salnt 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 pH 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 BOD 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 TCol 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 FCol 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 TSS 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 N The Pearson-R correlation was initially carried out to determine statistical relationship of the variables. Only variables tending to the abundance of Peridinium and Oithona (dependent variables) were sorted by the regression analysis through Stepwise Method. Variables Entered/Removeda Model Variables Variables Method Entered Removed Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-ofF-to-enter <= 1 Salnt . .050, Probability-ofF-to-remove >= .100). a. Dependent Variable: Peridinium Based on applied Stepwise approach, the variable “Salinity” was found to be a potential predicting factor of the Peridium abundance. However, the genus Oithona was found with no potential predicting factor. Abundance of Peridinium at Increasing Salinity Level Perdinium Count Peridinium 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 0 Peridinium Линейная (Peridinium) y = -12,516x + 415,27 R² = 0,3559 10 20 30 Salinity Level (ppt) 40 The preceding graph illustrates the inverse linear relationship of water salinity level to the Peridinium abundance of the Logolog River. It can be visualized in the graph that the increasing of water salinity (ppt) in the Logolog River can show decreasing abundance of Peridinium at decreasing altitude. With predicting formula y= -12.516x+415.27, the abundance of the phytoplankton Peridinium can be mathematically projected at R2= 0.3559 (36%) level of reliability. Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures (ANOVAr) Using the ANOVA for repeated measures (ANOVAr) in the SPSS, the Abundance of phytoplankton Peridinium and zooplankton Oithona, sampled at four different time settings (weekly), were analyzed separately. The ANOVAr determined the significant variations of withinsubject factor (time) at between-subject factor (abundance). The test of variances derived from repetitive measures is hereby statistically translated as follows: Ho : p ≥ 0.05; null hypothesis Ha : p < 0.05; alternative hypothesis Accept Ho If calculated p value is greater than or equal to 0.05; this means that there are no significant variations obtained from repeated sampling of Peridinium/ Oithona. However, if p value falls below the α error of 0.05, Ho is rejected, and Ha is therefore accepted. Post-hoc tests were also executed to further assess probability value of variations obtained from the ANOVAr. VARIATIONS FOR ABUNDANCE OF PERIDINIUM The phytoplankton Peridinium was assigned for the analysis of variances from repeated measures. Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa F df1 df2 Sig. PAbd1 6.199 2 6 .035 PAbd2 11.754 2 6 .008 PAbd3 14.806 2 6 .005 PAbd4 5.287 2 6 .047 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + Station Within Subjects Design: PAbd Test of homogeneity from the sampled genus Peridinium was carried out to ensure measurement integrity, accuracy and sample distribution. All considered factors of the study obtained statistically significant variations among the between-subject factors. Pairwise Comparisons Measure: Abundance (I) Station (J) Station Mean Difference Std. Error Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb (I-J) Lower Bound 1 2 3 Upper Bound 2 179.917* 35.918 .002 92.028 267.805 3 180.500* 35.918 .002 92.611 268.389 1 -179.917* 35.918 .002 -267.805 -92.028 3 .583 35.918 .988 -87.305 88.472 1 -180.500* 35.918 .002 -268.389 -92.611 2 -.583 35.918 .988 -88.472 87.305 Based on estimated marginal means *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments). Rotational pairwise comparison was made Univariate Tests Measure: Abundance Sum of Squares df Mean Square Contrast 64950.597 2 32475.299 Error 11611.083 6 1935.181 F Sig. 16.782 .003 The F tests the effect of Station. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means. Calculated p value is equal to .003, thereby rejecting the null and accept the alternative hypothesis. This translates that the abundance of Peridinium, as scattered across the Logolog River, have significant differences and variations. Since Ho was already rejected, Ha shall now be assessed for possible remedial computation obtained /desired from the value. Post Hoc Tests Station Multiple Comparisons Measure: Abundance (I) Station (J) Station Mean Std. Error Sig. Difference (I-J) 1 Tukey HSD 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 2 179.92* 35.918 .006 69.71 290.12 3 180.50* 35.918 .006 70.29 290.71 1 -179.92* 35.918 .006 -290.12 -69.71 3 .58 35.918 1.000 -109.62 110.79 1 -180.50* 35.918 .006 -290.71 -70.29 2 -.58 35.918 1.000 -110.79 109.62 2 179.92* 35.918 .002 92.03 267.81 2 3 LSD 1 3 180.50* 35.918 .002 92.61 268.39 1 -179.92* 35.918 .002 -267.81 -92.03 3 .58 35.918 .988 -87.31 88.47 1 -180.50* 35.918 .002 -268.39 -92.61 2 -.58 35.918 .988 -88.47 87.31 1 3 180.50* 35.918 .004 77.68 283.32 2 3 .58 35.918 1.000 -102.24 103.41 2 3 Dunnett t (2-sided)b Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 1935.181. *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. b. Dunnett t-tests treat one group as a control, and compare all other groups against it. Abundance Station N Subset 1 Student-Newman-Keulsa,b,c 3 3 6.42 2 3 7.00 1 3 Sig. Tukey HSDa,b,c 2 186.92 .988 3 3 6.42 2 3 7.00 1 3 Sig. 1.000 186.92 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on observed means. The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 1935.181. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000. b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed. c. Alpha = .05. Descriptive Statistics Station Mean Std. Deviation N OAbd1 OAbd2 OAbd3 OAbd4 1 2.67 1.528 3 2 8.33 12.741 3 3 19.67 4.726 3 Total 10.22 10.146 9 1 1.33 1.155 3 2 7.33 5.774 3 3 28.67 6.110 3 Total 12.44 13.144 9 1 2.67 2.887 3 2 14.00 9.539 3 3 45.00 24.000 3 Total 20.56 23.001 9 1 3.00 5.196 3 2 16.33 8.083 3 3 56.00 21.071 3 Total 25.11 26.535 9 Multivariate Testsa Effect OAbd Value Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Pillai's Trace .733 3.661b Wilks' Lambda .267 3.661b 3.000 4.000 .121 Hotelling's Trace 2.746 3.661b 3.000 4.000 .121 Roy's Largest Root 2.746 3.661b 3.000 4.000 .121 .824 1.167 6.000 10.000 .395 .227 1.464b 6.000 8.000 .301 3.179 1.589 6.000 6.000 .294 3.107 5.178c 3.000 5.000 .054 Pillai's Trace OAbd * Station F Wilks' Lambda Hotelling's Trace Roy's Largest Root 3.000 4.000 .121 a. Design: Intercept + Station Within Subjects Design: OAbd b. Exact statistic c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level. Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya Measure: Abundance Within Subjects Effect Mauchly's W df Sig. Epsilonb OAbd Approx. Chi- Greenhouse- Square Geisser .115 10.194 5 .075 Huynh-Feldt .529 Lower- .929 Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an i matrix. a. Design: Intercept + Station Within Subjects Design: OAbd b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Wit Subjects Effects table. Tests of Within-Subjects Effects Measure: Abundance Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares OAbd OAbd * Station Error(OAbd) Sphericity Assumed 1305.861 3 435.287 3.829 .028 Greenhouse-Geisser 1305.861 1.588 822.319 3.829 .067 Huynh-Feldt 1305.861 2.786 468.706 3.829 .032 Lower-bound 1305.861 1.000 1305.861 3.829 .098 Sphericity Assumed 1253.389 6 208.898 1.837 .148 Greenhouse-Geisser 1253.389 3.176 394.638 1.837 .206 Huynh-Feldt 1253.389 5.572 224.936 1.837 .155 Lower-bound 1253.389 2.000 626.694 1.837 .239 Sphericity Assumed 2046.500 18 113.694 Greenhouse-Geisser 2046.500 9.528 214.785 Huynh-Feldt 2046.500 16.717 122.423 Lower-bound 2046.500 6.000 341.083 Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts Measure: Abundance Source OAbd Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares Linear OAbd OAbd * Station 1253.472 1 1253.472 12.549 .012 Quadratic 12.250 1 12.250 .078 .789 Cubic 40.139 1 40.139 .477 .516 Linear 1244.678 2 622.339 6.231 .034 Error(OAbd) Quadratic 1.167 2 .583 .004 .996 Cubic 7.544 2 3.772 .045 .957 Linear 599.300 6 99.883 Quadratic 941.833 6 156.972 Cubic 505.367 6 84.228 Estimates Measure: Abundance Station Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 1 2.417 3.525 -6.210 11.043 2 11.500 3.525 2.874 20.126 3 37.333 3.525 28.707 45.960 Pairwise Comparisons Measure: Abundance (I) Station (J) Station Mean Difference Std. Error Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb (I-J) Lower Bound 1 2 3 Upper Bound 2 -9.083 4.986 .118 -21.283 3.116 3 -34.917* 4.986 .000 -47.116 -22.717 1 9.083 4.986 .118 -3.116 21.283 3 -25.833* 4.986 .002 -38.033 -13.634 1 34.917* 4.986 .000 22.717 47.116 2 25.833* 4.986 .002 13.634 38.033 Based on estimated marginal means *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments). Univariate Tests Measure: Abundance Sum of Squares Contrast Error df Mean Square 1969.042 2 984.521 223.708 6 37.285 F 26.405 Sig. .001 The F tests the effect of Station. This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means. Multivariate Tests Value Error df 3.000 4.000 .121 .267 3.661a 3.000 4.000 .121 2.746 3.661a 3.000 4.000 .121 2.746 3.661a 3.000 4.000 .121 Each F tests the multivariate effect of OAbd. These tests are based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means. a. Exact statistic 4. Station * OAbd Measure: Abundance Station OAbd Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 1 2 3 Sig. .733 Wilks' lambda Roy's largest root Hypothesis df 3.661a Pillai's trace Hotelling's trace F Upper Bound 1 2.667 4.558 -8.487 13.820 2 1.333 2.828 -5.588 8.254 3 2.667 8.662 -18.529 23.863 4 3.000 7.720 -15.889 21.889 1 8.333 4.558 -2.820 19.487 2 7.333 2.828 .412 14.254 3 14.000 8.662 -7.196 35.196 4 16.333 7.720 -2.556 35.223 1 19.667 4.558 8.513 30.820 2 28.667 2.828 21.746 35.588 3 45.000 8.662 23.804 66.196 4 56.000 7.720 37.111 74.889 Summary and Conclusion The Logolog River has an average temperature of 31.36˚C, average salinity of 27.17 ˚C, average pH of 7.4, average Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of 1.14 mg/L, average Total Coliform of 20,118 MPN, average Fecal Coliform of 109 MPN, and average Total Suspended Solids (TSS) of 62.69 mg/L. Mean abundance of 8counts/station (zooplankton Oithona) and 9 counts/station (phytoplankton Peridinium) was obtained along the stretch of the subject river. Densest assemblage of Peridinium (166 countm/station) was obtained in the upstream river section. In contrast, Oithona were (17 countm/station) found most abundant at downstream of Logolog. In application of Pearson-R analysis, it was revealed that there is strong positive correlation (.785) between TSS and Temperature. This implies the significant influence of suspended solids to warming of water temperature. In contrary, strong negative correlation (.636) was obtained between association of BOD and TSS, suggesting that as the TSS level increases the BOD level decreases. Out of correlated variables, regression analysis was also carried out to determine good predicting factor/s for the plankton (Oithona and Peridinium) abundance. Derived from lengthy calculations, only the water salinity was identified the potent predicting variable (y = -12.516x +415.27;R² = 0.3559) of water salinity. Abundance of genus Oithona, on the other hand, obtained no match of possible predicting variable. Analysis of Variance for repeated measures (ANOVAr) was also performed thru SPSS as means to validate if there is/ is no significant difference (0.003) among subjects. In application of ANOVAr, the test revealed that the abundance of phytoplankton Peridinium, scattered at three (3) river sections measured weekly in a month, are not statistically equal. Therefore, the significant difference can support that the most abundant area for Peridinium are usually found in the headwater of a stream. Meanwhile, the abundance of zooplankton Oithona obtained at three river sections are statistically not equal with p value of (0.001). SOURCES: CLARK, J. (2019) Temperature Dependence of the pH of pure Water. Retrieved from the Internet < k_Maps/Supplemental_Modules_(Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry)/Acids_and_Bas es/Acids_and_Bases_in_Aqueous_Solutions/The_pH_Scale/Temperature_Dependence_ f_the_pH_of_pure_Water> GILLESPIE, C. (2018). 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