102 Impaired Mobility Nancy L. Low Choy, Eamonn Eeles, Ruth E. Hubbard INTRODUCTION Impaired mobility and balance dysfunction each become more common with aging. Acute changes in each (“off legs,” falls) remain among the “geriatric giants” or now, as they increasingly are called, acute geriatric syndromes. Whether slower changes in mobility and balance are physiologic (and inevitable) or pathologic (and potentially mutable) remains unclear. The accumulation of deficits, including those that affect motor performance, may be inevitable at an advanced age. However, factors such as sedentary behavior, emergence of chronic diseases, and low levels of physical activity, which all make significant negative contributions to mobility integrity, can be mitigated. This chapter addresses impaired mobility and the integral relationship with balance, but does not focus on the issue of falls, the theme of Chapter 103. We briefly review some essential features of how mobility changes with age. This is approached from a hierarchical perspective that includes higher order, executive function through gait speed to gait initiation, transitions from sitting to standing and, finally, from lying to sitting. Next, we describe some common gait disorders and how a structured approach to assessment can facilitate their classification. The clinical assessment of balance and mobility for older adults is reviewed to highlight strengths of specific tools for management in community and hospital settings. Finally, we explore the relationship between impaired mobility and frailty and appraise current interventions for impaired mobility across the frailty spectrum. AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN MOBILITY Mobility is the term used to refer to a number of fundamental daily activities that range from walking to sitting and standing tasks to in-bed mobility. In this section, we explore the age-related changes that occur with each of these activities, providing a foundation for the assessment and management of balance and mobility. Executive Function Walking was traditionally seen as an automatic task requiring little input from higher mental functions. However, an intricate interaction between gait and executive function is now recognized.1 Older healthy adults with the greatest declines in executive function, relative to cognition, exhibit impaired functional mobility2 and experience more falls.3 As executive function declines, an increase in the double support phase and step time of the gait pattern occurs.4 Studies investigating dual tasks, which are dependent on intact executive function, have demonstrated that older adults are less able to maintain normal walking while performing an additional task, particularly talking.5 Even in physically fit older adults, dual tasks influence balance during walking through a direct effect on body sway and stride variability and an indirect effect on gait velocity.6 Task shifting when multitasking is also impaired with aging, with inhibitory control, mental set shifting, and attentional flexibility predictive of functional mobility in older adults.7 The pathophysiology of these changes may originate in the prefrontal cortex, which plays a crucial role in executive functioning and is particularly vulnerable to microvascular damage.8 Hypoactivation of the medial frontal gyrus, a region involved in motor planning, is linked with falls in older adults7 although, intriguingly, frontal executive network disruption does not appear to be predictive of fallers.9 Pilot studies have shown that targeted executive function training is feasible and may improve gait parameters, including balance.10 Gait Speed Older adults tend to walk more slowly than young adults. In a nationally representative sample of community dwellers in Ireland, usual walking speed declined after the age of 50 years, with the most pronounced drop after age 65.11 Although this sample excluded patients with severe cognitive impairment, dementia, and Parkinson disease (PD) and those living in residential care facilities, individuals with chronic disease were included. This raises the question of whether declines in gait speed are secondary to pathologic processes rather than being age-related changes. Studies of the fittest older adults support the latter hypothesis. Cross-sectional investigations of elite athletes have shown reductions in speed and endurance of approximately 3.4%/year between 50 and 74 years, with notable acceleration after older adults 75 years.12 However, although some slowing of gait speed is to be expected with increasing age, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that this may not be benign. Generally speaking, gait speed is reflective of overall health status. The mean walking speed of older community dwellers is significantly faster than their age-matched peers in the hospital13 or in residential care facilities.14 Slow gait speed is also associated with adverse outcomes. A systematic review of 27 different studies has concluded that slowness (measured by walking at a usual pace over 4 m) identified autonomous older adults at risk of future disability, cognitive impairment, and institutionalization.15 Similarly, in pooled data from 34,485 people older than 65 years followed for between 6 and 21 years, survival increased across the full range of gait speeds, with significant increments per 0.1 m/ sec.16 Gait speed has therefore been advocated as a marker of frailty, either exclusively17 or in combination with other markers of strength and vitality.18 Indeed, in a study of seven potential frailty criteria, including weakness, weight loss, and exhaustion, slow gait speed was the strongest predictor of chronic disability and the only significant predictor of falls.19 The dynamic nature of frailty has also been explored and supported by the measurement of mobility changes in older adults.20 The cause of slow gait speed has not yet been fully elucidated, but cerebrovascular disease is likely to be the key pathophysiologic factor. Slow walking has been linked to white matter hyperdensities and with gray matter changes in the medial temporal area.9,21 A smaller volume of the prefrontal area seems to contribute to slow gait through slower information processing and motor planning.22 Similarly, the association between faster gait speed and larger cerebellar gray matter volume is significantly influenced by information-processing ability.23 Hypertension may also be a critical contributor. In the Cardiovascular Health Study, hypertension accelerated slowing of gait speed24 and mediated the association between the degree of white matter hyperintensities and mobility impairments.25 855 856 PART III Problem-Based Geriatric Medicine Gait Initiation Gait initiation requires the integrated control of limb movement and posture and is achieved with purposeful postural shifts at toe off, including relaxation of the triceps surae for swing and synergistic contraction of ventral, hip abductor and quadriceps muscles for support, modulated by controlled knee flexion mid stance. These culminate in a forward step, with steady-state velocity being achieved in less than two steps.26 Gait initiation is well preserved in healthy older adults.27 Abnormalities of gait initiation are a sensitive but not specific sign of disease processes in older adults, such as those with PD, multiple cerebral infarcts, normal-pressure hydrocephalus, progressive supranuclear palsy, and cervical myelopathy. Transitions Into Standing from Sitting The ability to stand from a bed or chair is a critical aspect of mobility, independently predicting mobility disability and activities of daily living disability in community-dwelling older adults.28 The activity of standing up involves a number of phases, including the following: (1) a preparatory phase that positions the feet for weight acceptance, along with forward inclination of the trunk to shift the center of mass forward over the feet; (2) a peak force phase, enabling weight acceptance onto the feet to commence standing up; (3) a phase of controlled extension enabling attainment of upright stance; and (4) a stabilization phase in stance that enables the individual to remain steady.29 Inefficient preparatory patterns may occur when people are obese30 or present with chronic obstructive airway disease,31 along with PD or some other neurologic gait disturbance.27 Reduced range of motion in the hips, pelvis, knees, and spine is common with aging and impedes the initial shift of the total body center of mass over the feet. Weakness of the hip girdle muscles is also a frequent finding in older adults and is a manifestation of general deconditioning, and those affected may need to use their arms to help themselves up. Chair stands are sensitive to changes in postural control, strength, and coordination and thus are useful as a physical performance measure32 for frail and high-function older adults. Transitions from Lying to Sitting Over the Bed Edge One study of older adults has shown the importance of the start position in bed and strength in the upper limbs when weak trunk musculature makes it difficult for older adults to sit up over the bed edge.33 Preparatory positioning of the person (rolling the person onto his or her side or elevating the bed head), in conjunction with use of the upper limbs, can provide effective assistance during sitting over the bed edge when trunk muscles are weak.34 In addition, the lower limbs can be used for added momentum if well-timed with upper limb and trunk components. When trunk muscles are weak, ongoing reliance on the upper limbs for support during sitting up and sitting will be required.34 Thus, for an older adult to be independent in getting out of bed, muscles of the trunk and upper and lower limbs need to be targeted in intervention programs. COMMON DISORDERS OF GAIT Gait disturbances associated with aging are often multifactorial, a combination of sensory, neurodegenerative, and negative mental-cognitive biofeedback.35 Pragmatically, disorders of gait may be divided into those that are clinically obvious and others that are less apparent. The following gait patterns would be evident to experienced clinicians and are classified according to level of impairment and interaction with the nervous system36: Middle-level disorders include the following: • The slow and shuffling gait of parkinsonism • The stiff limb with clumsy circumduction and scuffing of footwear due to hemiparesis, usually observed in a stroke victim • Sensory cerebellar ataxia and vestibular pathology—share unsteadiness as a core feature but can be discriminated clinically by isolating and unmasking the affected organ Lowest level disorders include the following: • Antalgic gait pattern with a shortened phase on the injured side to alleviate pain experienced when bearing weight on that side, often secondary to disease in the ankle, hip, or knee • A combination of problems (frequently secondary to arthritis or arthrodesis of the ankle) that cause alterations in load bearing and secondary stress in adjacent joints (antalgic gait), muscle weakness of the tibialis anterior (foot slap or toe drag gait), and compensatory gait patterns (steppage gait) involving recruitment of the long toe extensors, with hammer toe deformity a consequence Because these disorders are covered in other chapters, here we shall concentrate on gait disorders that may present more of a diagnostic challenge. The term gait apraxia has largely been superseded by the term higher level gait disorder. This is based on abnormalities of the highest sensorimotor systems and assumes integrity in basic sensorimotor circuitry.36 Gait pattern in higher level disorders is attributed to a motor programming failure comparable to the problems encountered in PD. These abnormalities can be classified according to their functional or neuroanatomic associations. Even so, their exact nature is still debated, and the present uncertainty is reflected by the many classification systems that have been proposed (Table 102-1).36-38 For locomotion, interrelated higher level structures (the corticobasal ganglia–thalamocortical loop) meet the demands of the personal desire to move and the maintenance of posture within the confines of environmental limitations.38 Pathology in any of these regions or their connections therefore results in an array of gait disorders, such as the following: • Suppression of conversion of personal will into task execution manifesting as hesitation or freezing and problems initiating TABLE 102-1 Classification of Higher Gait Disorders* Location Classification36 Parameter Frontal Gait Disorder Phenomenology classification36 Clinical findings Liston classification37 Elble classification38 Frontal Dysequilibrium Subcortical Dysequilibrium Speculative Isolated gait ignition failure Loss of postural balance Inability to initiate a reflexes continue movement ←-------------------Equilibrium apraxia------------------→ Ignition apraxia ←-------------------------------------Mixed gait apraxia------------------------------------→ ←------Dysfunctional or absent postural righting-----→ Gait ignition failure Extrapyramidal features, some postural imbalance Mixed gait apraxia Bizarre ineffective gait *Cautious gait, psychogenic gait, and extrapyramidal overactivity probably retain their separate identities and have been omitted from the table. CHAPTER 102 Impaired Mobility gait or making turns (particularly affected by abnormalities of the supplementary motor area and its connections)38 • Dysfunctional processing with gait adversely influenced by emotional and environmental information • Dysfunctional or absent postural righting reflexes, resulting in injurious falls • In contrast to hypokinesis implicit in basal ganglia underactivity, disturbance in basal ganglia function may also lead to excessive, involuntary and uncontrolled limb movements.39 Classifications of gait have been criticized for their lack of consistency.37 The Nutt classification, for example, includes frontal gait disorder, cautious gait, frontal disequilibrium, and cortical disequilibrium as distinct entities.36 The older adult, with accumulation and overlap of pathology, may exhibit problems of higher gait that are not reducible to such discrete categories. Distinct gait parameters have been identified by Liston and colleagues according to their own clinically proposed subtypes.37 This allows for the theoretical inclusion of mixed pathology and gait subtypes. The amalgamation of disordered balance in conjunction with ineffective gait by Elble38 seems a sensible if not altogether precise way to overcome the lack of connection between the site of pathology and physical characteristics of the gait disturbance. The phenomenologic entanglement of cautious gait is worthy of consideration.40 Frequently multifactorial, a cautious gait may be more classically considered as a sensory disorder across locomotor afferent axes—vestibular, visual, or peripheral nervous system.41,42 The slower gait speed associated with loss of balance confidence and fear of falling implicates a compensatory consolidation of remaining locomotor sensorimotor processing. Cautious gait may be entirely appropriate in the setting of a recent fall, with loss of confidence or a perceived fear of falling.40 Crosssectional studies have suggested that a cautious gait is common and is associated with poor standing balance, depression, anxiety, fear of falling, and reduced strength.41,43 It is these features that indicate a cautious gait as a marker of high risk but one potentially amenable to targeted interventions. The distinction between dysfunctional and excessive compensatory mechanisms and a primary disturbance of gait is important.44 Identification and attempted correction of underlying factors contributing to the syndrome of cautious gait should precede attribution of a primary gait disorder.43 In direct contrast to cautious gait, those with careless gait15-17 exhibit disinhibition of movement, with an inability to match their judgment to their physical limitations or the hazards posed by the external environment. Although many studies have reported that older adults with dementia walk slowly,45 if their overall degree of physical impairment is taken into account (e.g., use of walking aids, functional impairment), they may actually walk too quickly.46 Such recklessness implicates frontal lobe disturbance, as noted, and may account for the high incidence of injurious falls observed in those with dementia. Similarly, in hospitalized older adults, those with delirium are at increased risk of falls because of excessive ambulation and lack of insight into mobility problems.47 Conceivably a motor expression of dysexecutive syndrome, and therefore measurable, the development of tools to test ambulatory impulsivity would have clinical utility and the potential to predict risk. Drug burden exponentially challenges the vertical and multiple pathways involved. This may be less of a direct effect on the locomotor system, except in the case of extrapyramidal consequences of neuroleptics, and more an impact on the executivecognitive hierarchy. Any drug or combination that impinges on sentient capability can affect mobility adversely and will make a preexisting mobility impairment even more precarious.48 Conversely, treating cognitive impairment may improve gait characteristics, showing that assessment and thoughtful pharmacologic 857 management of cognition is the prerequisite of a holistic approach to the optimization of mobility.49,50 CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF BALANCE AND MOBILITY Community ambulation imposes challenges to mobility and balance through the demands of speed, distance, surface (e.g., cement, gravel, sand), terrain (e.g., slope, curb, and road challenges) and stairs that is further challenged by dual tasks (e.g., talking, carrying objects), objects in the environment (e.g., people, animals, physical structures), different lighting (e.g., dark, dim, shade, sunlight), and weather conditions.51 Balance is integral to mobility and may be associated with stabilizing activities (e.g., preserving upright posture while standing), more dynamic and adaptive responses to internal perturbations, or reactive responses to external perturbations.52 Balance and gait impairments can be quantified using different tests. These measure varying balance parameters, gait speed, and impact of other graded challenges, including secondary tasks that require attention and higher order executive function. A range of balance and mobility tools32,53-76 is summarized in Table 102-2 in relation to reliability, validity, performance norms for older adults, sensitivity to change across short (e.g., acute hospital stay) or longer time periods (e.g., subacute rehabilitation, community-based care), and ability to predict adverse health or fall outcomes. The functional gait assessment,72-77 BEST test and mini–BEST test,69-72 and timed up-and-go (TUG) test, with or without dual task components,60-64 have emerged as the stronger tools to consider in relation to outcomes and for predicting risk of falls in rehabilitation and community contexts. Evidence has also suggested that monitoring backward walking78 and stair climbing in conjunction with gender and fear of falling79 are critical elements indicating the risk of falls in home and community settings. A broader functional approach to balance and mobility assessments, with the inclusion of bed mobility, sitting and standing balance, transfers, and walking, appears to be better suited to the acute ward setting when frail older adults are hospitalized. Some tools (Table 102-3) have been mainly investigated in subacute rehabilitation settings (e.g., Clinical Outcome Variables Scale [COVS],80 modified elderly mobility scale [MEMS]81) and residential care settings (PMS),82-84 whereas the de Morton mobility index (DEMMI)85-89 and hierarchical assessment of balance and mobility (HABAM)90-93 have been more thoroughly examined in the acute ward setting. The assessment of balance and mobility across a range of motor tasks offers several clinical benefits, such as the following: • Risk stratification of health—using mobility and balance as a noninvasive tool to identify physiologic decline before conventional means of evaluation register such concerns • Exploration of relationships between mobility and balance and specific diagnoses and/or geriatric syndromes • Identification of objective thresholds of improvement to determine suitability and timing of more intensive rehabilitation programs • Visual demonstration of progress to inform patients and caregivers, facilitate teaching and learning opportunities, and enable multidisciplinary understanding • Assessment of mobility and balance to provide a culture of clinically meaningful patient contact without redress to expensive technologies Given the importance of mobility and balance as an overall correlate of an individual’s state of health, selection of a mobility tool with the capacity to track daily changes in a patient’s health, such as the HABAM (Figure 102-1),93 is an important criterion to consider when managing an acutely unwell patient. This has 102 858 PART III Problem-Based Geriatric Medicine TABLE 102-2 Measures of Balance and Gait for the Hospital, Rehabilitation, or Community Settings Clinical Balance and Gait Measures Items Rated or Measured by Scale or Test Clinical Test for Sensory Integration of Balance (CTSIB)53,54 Five times sit to stand (5×STS)32,55,56 Feet apart—firm EO/EC, foam EO/EC Feet together—firm EO/EC, foam EO/EC Time to complete standing up and sitting down five times Berg Balance Scale (BBS): 0-56 points57-59 14 items rated 0-4—sitting, standing, transfers, stepping, 360-degree turn, pick up object on floor Time to stand, walk, turn at 3 m, return to chair and sit down60,61 Timed up-and-go (TUG) test—TUG manual; TUG cognitive60-64 Reliability and Validity for Older Adults Normative Data for Older Adults Well established53 Pass-fail; 30-sec trials53 Well-established acute and rehabilitation settings32,55 Well established across settings 60-69 yr = 11.4 sec; 70-79 yr = 12.6 sec; 80-89 yr = 14.8 sec55 Well established across acute, rehabilitation, and community settings 60-69 yr < 8.5 sec; 70-79 yr < 9.5 sec63 Age-matched healthy adults = 1.36 m/sec Older men > 550 m Older women > 450 m >56 MDC= 4-7 points58 10-m walk test (10MWT)65 6-m walk test (6MWT)66 10-m timed (sec) over 14-m walkway Distance walked over 30-m walkway Well established Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)—score 0-24; eight walking items rated 0-367,68 Standard—change walk speed; walk + head movements, pivot turn, step over and around obstacles, walk up and down stairs Biomechanical, stability, transitions anticipatory control, reactive control, sensory orientation, walking tasks and gait Well established Healthy older adults score = 21 ± 367,68 Well established Healthy older adults score >69%71 Standard—change walk speed, walk + head movements, pivot turn, step over obstacles, heel-toe walk, walk with EC, backward walking, walk up and down stairs Well established86,88 Healthy older adults score > 22 MDC = 577 BEST test—score 0-108; 36 items rated 0-3 (six categories of balance and gait tested)69-73 Functional gait assessment— score 0-30; 10 items rated 0-373-77 Well established Predictive of Adverse Health or Falls and Fall Risk Floor and Ceiling Effects Failed trials on foam EO/EC linked to adverse health and fallers54 >13.6 sec (older adults with disability) >15 sec linked to recurrent fallers 41-56: low fall risk 21-40: moderate fall risk 0-20: high fall risk59 Ceiling effect with higher functioning older adults No ceiling effect; real change = 2.5 sec56 >13.5 sec moderate predictor of falls Faller-nonfaller 3.69 sec difference >13.5 sec Predictive of 83% of prospective fallers in 6-mo60,64 Not established No ceiling effect MDC = 2.5 sec60 Fallers walk < 250 m MDC varies between clinical groups by ≈90 m Moderate risk for fall < 1968 Fallers = 11 ± 4 Predictive of 67% of prospective fallers across 6 mo Predictive of fallers73 No ceiling effect defined <22/30—high fall risk up to 80 yr of age <20—high fall risk if >80 yr Predictive of 100% of fallers across 6 mo73,76,77 No ceiling effect established in older adults Ceiling effect with higher functioning older adults No ceiling effect Ceiling effect with higher functioning older adults No ceiling effect established in older adults EC, Eyes closed; EO, eyes open; MDC, minimal detectable change. particular utility in frail older adult patients, in whom traditional signs of illness may not be present. IMPAIRED MOBILITY AND FRAILTY Falls are frequently pivotal events in the life of a frail individual. Trauma aside, the loss of confidence, mobility decline, deconditioning, social withdrawal, and fear of falling can become overwhelming. The most consistent independent predictors of future falls in older adults are gait or balance deficits.94 This is consistent with the paradigm of frailty in older adults as the failure of a complex system.95 Normal ambulation requires the coordination of many different muscles acting on multiple joints; it is accomplished by the integration of activity in spinal neuronal circuitries with sensory feedback signals and descending commands from the motor cortex.96 The central nervous system coordinates this activity, adjusts it to fit environmental conditions, and refines it when required, all while maintaining a remarkable degree of precision. This is evident when foot position is considered during normal walking, in which multiple joints and muscles act to ensure that the foot is elevated by 1 to 2 cm above the ground and the position varies by less than 4 mm.97,98 The computational task solved by the human brain to accomplish this feat is extraordinary, given the infinite number of combinations of joint and muscle positions that have to be attained relative to each other to arrive at the desired outcome. Bipedalism is a higher order function that requires a significant degree of connectivity and coordination among several interdependent components (muscular, skeletal, and nervous) of the complex system that is the human body. Consequently, it is not surprising that frail individuals who have gait and balance deficits and who have lost the ability to integrate multiple inputs in the face of stress often present with impaired mobility and falls.99 There is a direct relationship between frailty and mobility; impairment in balance and mobility is universal at a high frailty CHAPTER 102 Impaired Mobility 859 TABLE 102-3 Functional Mobility Measures for Acute Wards, Residential Care, and Rehabilitation Units* 102 Reliability and Validity for Older Frail Adults Predictive for Falls and Fall Risk Minimal Detectable Change Bed mobility, horizontal and vertical transfers, wheelchair mobility; upper limb function; walking ability—speed, distance, external challenges Lying down and sitting up, sit to stand, standing balance, gait speed, gait independence, stairs, functional reach Bed mobility, sitting, transfers, walking82,83 Established in subacute rehabilitation settings Not established 7 points7 Ceiling effect with higher functioning adults Established in subacute rehabilitation settings Established in residential care settings Not established81 Not defined Ceiling effect with higher functioning adults 5 points82,83 None reported in aged care context De Morton mobility index (DEMMI)— converted score, 0%-100%85-89 15 items of graded challenge— bed mobility, sitting, standing, gait, advanced gait activities 9 points89 None reported with older adults Hierarchal assessment balance and mobility (HABAM)—0-6590-93 Three broad categories of graded challenge mobility (bed, sitting, standing)— walking, 0-26; transfers, 0-18; balance, 0-21 (no aid) Established in acute ward, rehabilitation, and community settings86-88 Established for acute hospital settings90-93 Inverse relationship between level of mobility and risk of falls94 Not established Not established Sensitivity to change in health status reported in acute setting93 None reported with older adults Functional Mobility Measures Items Rated or Measured by Scale or Tool Clinical Outcome Variables Scale (COVS)—0-91 points; 13 items rated 1-780 Modified elderly mobility scale—0-23 items rated 0-381 Physical mobility scale (PMS)—0-4682-84 Floor and Ceiling Effects *Functional mobility includes a range of motor tasks from bed mobility to walking. burden100 and leads to functional decline, with physical activity a critical element in the prevention of this deterioration. Although mobility and balance impairment are sensitive if nonspecific indicators of acuity in frail patients, these elements may be insufficient to define frailty fully in keeping with the tenet that multiple systems, not just mobility, are implicated. Thus, holistic management is required that is best informed through a comprehensive geriatric assessment.101 Through a comprehensive assessment, targeted interventions can be implemented. Several groups have emphasized the need to understand osteoporosis and sarcopenia (the reduction of muscle mass and function) in the pathogenesis of frailty,102-104 as well as the negative impact of chronic diseases (e.g., degenerative arthritis, obesity) on the progression to frailty.105 Because immobility and lack of exercise are major factors responsible for the emergence of chronic diseases and development of sarcopenia, objective evaluation of physical performance has been advocated as an indicator of frailty in older adults.85,93 Poor performance on selected tests characterize those who may benefit from targeted and multifactorial interventions.106-108 Some components of frailty may be more predictive of adverse outcomes. Women with lower limb osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis have a mild to moderate risk of falls and balance impairments in comparison to age-matched older women.105 Among very frail older adults, those with mobility disability had a higher risk of mortality and nursing home placement than those without disability.109 The effects of osteoporosis and sarcopenia have been implicated in more severe presentations of frailty in communitydwelling older women.103,104 In participants in the MacArthur Study of Successful Aging, six frailty subdimensions were identified, involving different combinations of four or more of ten criteria: weight loss, weak grip, exhaustion, slow gait, low physical activity, cognitive impairment, high interleukin-6 level, high C-reactive protein level, subjective weakness, and anorexia. Each had a different predictive validity for disability and mortality, suggesting “that pathways to frailty differ and that sub-dimensionadapted care might enhance care of frail seniors.”110 Although some researchers in the aging field have emphasized the conceptualization of frailty as a risk state and others have aimed to clarify components of the risk state, the importance of mobility impairment is universally recognized. Both approaches to frailty are motivated by the need to increase our understanding of the pathways to poor health in older adults, and they are not irreconcilable. Inouye and associates,111 for example, have identified impaired mobility as one of four shared risk factors—along with older age, baseline cognitive impairment, and baseline functional impairment—for five common geriatric syndromes (delirium, pressure ulcers, incontinence, falls, and functional decline) and for the overarching geriatric syndrome of frailty. It is certainly feasible to unite the two different approaches to frailty, recognizing and investigating the importance of components of frailty, yet managing it as a complex condition. INTERVENTIONS FOR IMPAIRED MOBILITY The prevalence of impaired mobility and frailty requires a continuing emphasis on interventions within the community, residential care, and hospital settings. Community-Dwelling Older Adults Exercise programs of varying design have diverse positive effects in community-dwelling older adults, including improved muscle strength and gait speed,112 reduction in falls,113 and improved balance.114 In longitudinal cohort studies, physical activity is protective of impaired physical function.115 Participation in frequent and intense training can result in even greater improvements in reactive balance performance; for example, older athletes undertaking long-term, high-intensity training demonstrate better and more rapid stabilization of posture following perturbation than healthy older adults under challenging conditions.116 A systematic review and meta-analyses of intervention programs involving older adults117 has revealed stronger effects in programs that included exercises that challenged balance, used a higher dose of 860 PART III Problem-Based Geriatric Medicine HIERARCHICAL ASSESSMENT OF BALANCE AND MOBILITY Completed By: __________________________________ Date Completed: _____________________ Date Assessed Instrument Day -14 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 21 21 21 21 18 18 18 16 16 13 14 15 16 17 18 BALANCE 21. Stable ambulation 21 14 14. Stable dynamic standing 10 10. Stable static standing 7 7. Stable dynamic sitting 5. Stable static sitting 5 5 5 5 0. Impaired static sitting TRANSFERS 18. Independent and vigorous 18 16. Independent 16 14 Independent but slow 14 12. One-person standby 12 11. One-person minimal assist 11 7. One-person assist 7 3. Two-person assist 7 7 3 0. Total lift MOBILITY 28. Unlimited, vigorous 26. Unlimited 25. Limited >50 m, no aid 21. Unlimited, with aid 19. Unlimited with aid, slow 18. With aid >50 m 18 18 16. No aid, limited 8-50 m 15 15. With aid 8-50 m 14 14. With aid <8 m+ 12. 1 person standby/+/-aid 12 9. 1 person hands-on/+/-aid 7. Lying-sitting independently 9 7 12 9 7 4. Positions self in bed 0. Needs positioning in bed Notes for scoring the HABAM. • Baseline (-14) is taken as 2 weeks prior to the current assessment. • Each domain (balance, transfers, mobility) is scored at the highest level attained. • In balance, “dynamic” refers to withstanding a force, either administered externally (e.g., a sternal nudge) or internally (e.g., reaching forward). • In transfers, standby assist refers to no hands-on assistance but presence of an aide for security; minimal assist refers to hands on with little force, chiefly for guidance. • In mobility, <8 m corresponds to not being able to walk outside the room; 8-50 m mobility is being able to get to the nursing station and back; >50 m is more than one trip around the ward. • The HABAM should be scored using the patient’s usual walking aid. A Figure 102-1. Hierarchical assessment of balance and mobility form. A, The patient’s mobility and balance had deteriorated considerably from baseline. The patient could only move from side to side in bed and required the assistance of two people to transfer and to walk. By the second hospital day, however, recovery had begun and accelerated after day 5. 861 CHAPTER 102 Impaired Mobility HIERARCHICAL ASSESSMENT OF BALANCE AND MOBILITY 102 Completed By: __________________________________ Date Completed: _____________________ Date Assessed Instrument Day -14 01 02 03 05 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BALANCE 21. Stable ambulation 21 14. Stable dynamic standing 10. Stable static standing 7. Stable dynamic sitting 5. Stable static sitting 5 0. Impaired static sitting TRANSFERS 18. Independent and vigorous 18 16. Independent 14 Independent but slow 12. One-person standby 11. One-person minimal assist 7. One-person assist 3. Two-person assist 3 3 0. Total lift MOBILITY 28. Unlimited, vigorous 26. Unlimited 25. Limited >50 m, no aid 21. Unlimited, with aid 19. Unlimited with aid, slow 18. With aid >50 m 18 16. No aid, limited 8-50 m 15. With aid 8-50 m 14. With aid <8 m+ 12. One-person standby/+/-aid 9. One-person hands-on/+/-aid 7. Lying-sitting independently 4. Positions self in bed 0. Needs positioning in bed 7 4 Notes for scoring the HABAM. • Baseline (-14) is taken as 2 weeks prior to the current assessment. • Each domain (balance, transfers, mobility) is scored at the highest level attained. • In balance, “dynamic” refers to withstanding a force, either administered externally (e.g., a sternal nudge) or internally (e.g., reaching forward). • In transfers, standby assist refers to no hands-on assistance but presence of an aide for security; minimal assist refers to hands on with little force, chiefly for guidance. • In mobility, <8 m corresponds to not being able to walk outside the room; 8-50 m mobility is being able to get to the nursing station and back; >50 m is more than one trip around the ward. • The HABAM should be scored using the patient’s usual walking aid. B Figure 102-1, cont’d. B, Another patient with a similar level of decline continued worsening on the second and third hospital days; this signaled a rapidly fatal course that ended in death by day 6. (Modified from MacKnight C, Rockwood K: Rasch analysis of the hierarchical assessment of balance and mobility [HABAM]. J Clin Epidemiol 53:1242-1247, 2000; and Rockwood K, Rockwood MR, Andrew MK, et al: Reliability of the hierarchical assessment of balance and mobility in frail older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc 56:1213-1217, 2008.) 862 PART III Problem-Based Geriatric Medicine exercise, and did not include a walking program. These elements are integrated into the balance strategy training program,118 Otago Exercise Program,119 and tai chi120,121 to promote healthier aging of sedentary and active older adults. Intervention programs involving frail older adults may need to be modified to accommodate problems such as degenerative arthritis,105 osteoporosis and sarcopenia,103,104 and the age-related decline in sensorimotor systems.122 Because the benefits of exercise are rapidly lost when exercise is ceased, the issue of adherence to interventions and exercise continues to need attention.123 Although adherence to exercise is a multifactorial issue, follow-up of older adults participating in an exercise-based intervention after discharge to home has revealed that being female, with a low self-efficacy124 for falls, as well as concern regarding pain during exercise, are critical factors to consider.125 Other studies have emphasized the need to screen for cognitive impairment before commencing interventions.126 Limited but fairly consistent findings in trials of higher methodologic quality have shown that home-based exercise and fall-related multifactorial programs,106-108 along with communitybased tai chi programs delivered in a group format,120,121 have been effective in reducing fear of falling in community-living older adults. Of note, frail older females positively engaged in a home-based intervention program when provided with supportive phone follow-up across the intervention period,125 supporting one strategy for future delivery of home-based programs for frail older adults. It is thus important to monitor physical capacity and balance, along with cognition and self-efficacy, when individuals enroll in intervention programs in home or community contexts. Physical capacity along with self-efficacy will help inform goal setting and the type of instruction and support that individual participants may require to maximize community ambulation. Older Adults in Residential Care Facilities Exercise programs for frail older adults in long-term care have yielded conflicting results. A systematic review of physical training in institutionalized older adults has indicated positive effects on muscle strength, but effects on gait, disability, balance, and endurance were inconclusive.109 In some studies, exercise programs involving very frail older people resulted in no improvements in physical health or function,127 with an increase in musculoskeletal injury and falls128 reported. In contrast, other studies have concluded that exercise improves physical performance scores,129 slows further functional decline, and reduces falls.100,130 Given these discrepancies in reported adverse events, it is likely that the status of an individual needs to be understood so that the benefits of exercise can be attained while the potential for adverse outcomes, such as falls, can be reduced through appropriate selection of the delivery mode. Tools with predictive capacity for falls in the residential care setting, such as the Physical Mobility Scale,84 could be instructive in this context, enabling clinicians to meet the needs of residents to participate safely in exercise programs for improved health. Older Adults in Hospital Impaired mobility in the hospital should be considered a negative prognostic sign. Mobility decline in hospital is an important determinant of poor functional recovery,131 as well as a predictor of mortality.132 Measured through accelerometry, lower mean daily step count is associated with readmission to hospital,133 and an inability to engage with performance-related tasks is linked to failure to achieve premorbid mobility.132 Note also that many acutely ill people cannot walk, decline in bed mobility which can be tracked by the HABAM, is also a herald of death.93 Hence, if physicians only think about walking before they concern themselves with mobility, they will miss informative clinical signs. What can be done to mitigate these adverse outcomes? Even in ambulatory hospitalized patients, the time spent standing or walking is only of the order of 1 hour/day.132 Interestingly, the risk-averse culture within health profession may contribute to the restriction of mobility activities in an effort to provide “care and keep them safe.”134 Avoidance of nosocomial disability requires identification of frail inpatients with interventions to address the multifactorial nature of mobility disturbance. Again, interventions to improve outcomes in hospitalized older adults have centered on exercise. A Cochrane systematic review135 has determined the effect of exercise interventions for acutely hospitalized older medical patients on functional status, adverse events, and hospital outcomes. Of 3138 potentially relevant articles screened, seven randomized controlled trials and two controlled clinical trials were included. Although the effects of exercise on functional outcome measures were unclear, there was level 2 evidence that multidisciplinary intervention that includes exercise may increase the proportion of patients discharged to home, and reduce the length and cost of the hospital stay for acutely hospitalized older medical patients. Nutritional support also improves outcomes of hospitalized older adults.136 Although mobility outcomes were not explicitly reported, attention to nutrition significantly reduced patients’ risk of dying after hip fracture.137 Anabolic agents are theoretically attractive as therapeutic agents in hospitalized older adults, reducing the negative nitrogen balance and improving body composition, but small randomized controlled trials have shown no effects on mobility or function, and further studies with longer follow-up periods are needed.138 Embedding nutritional support, early mobilization and cognitive stimulation in an Eat, Walk, Engage model has shown promising effects on outcomes such as length of hospital stay.139 This holistic approach is congruent with informing interventions through a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA),101,140 with subsequent optimal outcomes for older adults. CONCLUSION Mobility impairment is integral to frailty, however it is defined. The need to quantify mobility performance during the acute care period is compelling, with selection of tools that are sensitive to changes in health status. Measures of balance and gait that include a graded challenge are more instructive for rehabilitation and community contexts. Assessment tools deliver a number of functions—for inpatients, they can provide clinicians with valuable information on which to make decisions regarding readiness for discharge from the acute hospital environment; for community dwellers, they provide predictive indicators for falls so that preemptive prevention interventions can be implemented. Multifactorial and multidisciplinary interventions are essential to manage impaired mobility in older adults at the frailer end of the health spectrum. Exercise modes that include balance training, functional strength, and endurance training seem to be most effective to manage the demands of community ambulation and promote healthier aging. Knowledge of the factors limiting engagement and adherence to exercise modes is another challenge that requires the attention of health professionals with physical capacity, cognition, and self-efficacy emerging as issues to be considered when planning intervention programs for older adults.