Scientific Method: Grade 7 Intervention Material

Modified Strategic Intervention Material
Quarter 1 Week 1
Special Science Elmentary School – Grade Seven
Modified Strategic Intervention Materials
Grade Seven – Quarter 1: Week 1:
- The Scientific Method
- Scientific Investigation
Development Team
Jella Marie F. Pangilinan
Cover Art Illustrator:
Erich D. Garcia
Paz I. Canlas
Paz I. Canlas
Mark Jeremy D. Roque
Management Team
Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESOV, Schools Division Superintendent
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, Chief CID
Paz I. Canlas, Education Program Supervisor in Science
Department of Education – Division of Pampanga
Office Address:
High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes,
San Fernando City, Pampanga
Landline Number:
(045) 435-27-28
Email Address:
Title Card
Guide Card
Hi, young scientists! I am Jay. Today we will learn
about the scientific method. I am sure that you are
excited to learn. Come on! Let’s explore more with
the help of my friends!
A. Introduction
is a systematized body of knowledge
based on facts, unbiased observations
and systematic experimentation. Science
came from the Latin word “Scientia,”
meaning knowledge.
Wow! Now, I know why
we follow steps when
making experiments.
Teacher Jella,
what is science?
It is a process used to find answers to questions about the things
around us.
It involves the application of scientific knowledge and problemsolving skills. It can be done anywhere.
Here are the different
1. Observation and identification of the problem
Researchers make observations around them to spot
problem areas. Then, they identify the specific problem
they want to study.
Problem - this is the question that you are trying to
answer or problem that you are trying to solve. Try to
narrow it down and be very specific.
Example: Do santan plants need much sunlight to
many flowers?
2. Formulation of hypothesis
Hypothesis - an educated guess.
- a temporary answer to a problem.
-a prediction based on data
- it is what you think the answer based upon
your gathered information.
Example: Santan plants need much sunlight to
produce many flowers.
3. Experimentation
•This is the stage where the hypothesis is tested.
•This is broken into two parts, materials, and procedure.
•Materials is a list of equipment that you will need for the
•Procedure is a list of instructions that you need to follow
the experiment.
Variables - factors that affect the result of the experiment.
Three Kinds of Variables
•Independent (manipulated) variable – the variable that is
changed in the experiment to see its effect.
•Dependent (responding) variable – the factor being affected by
the independent variable.
•Controlled variables – variables that stay the same all
throughout the experiment.
Two Types of Groups:
•Experimental setup – the setup in which change is applied.
•Control setup – the setup that is used as a standard for
4. Analysis of Data
•The analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the
experiment allow the researchers to list the findings of their
5. Conclusion
•It the answer to the question of the experiment.
•Based on the findings of the experiment, the researchers draw
generalization about the problem they are investigating.
•It is OK if it turns out that your hypothesis was not correct. What
you learned is more important.!
6. Communicate your results
•One of the most important parts of the scientific method I
report to others your findings.
•You will help others learn.
is to
B. Learning Competency
Main Task:
The learner should be able to describe the components of a
scientific investigation. (S7MT-Ia-1)
The learner should be able to identify the different steps in scientific
C. Pre-assessment
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use your activity
1. It is a series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a
a. scientific method
b. recipe
c. data collection
d. metric system
2. It is NOT a step in the scientific method.
a. Make observation
b. Form a theory
c. Collect data
d. Form a hypothesis
3. It is a testable explanation to a problem that has not yet been tested.
a. data
b. theory
c. hypothesis
d. fact
4. It is often involved in testing a hypothesis.
a. answer
b. experiment
c. problem
d. safety check
5. This is the scientific definition of a hypothesis.
a. A hypothesis is the right answer to an experiment.
b. A hypothesis is the wrong answer to an experiment.
c. A hypothesis is an educated guess.
d. I don't know.
6. It is the summary at the end of an experiment which explains the
a. conclusion
b. procedures
c. materials
d. responding variable
7. It is the first step in the scientific method.
a. Ask a question
b. Conclusion
c. No Horse Play
d. Observe
8. Before beginning an experiment, this is what you must first compose.
a. Hypothesis
b. Conclusion
c. Plan
d. Experiment
9. It is anything that can change in an experiment.
a. measurement b. variable c. observation
d. qualitative
10. This is the fourth step in the scientific method.
a. analyze the data
b. ask a question
c. conduct the experiment
d. draw conclusions
D. Review
The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is
used to explore observations and answer questions. There are six steps
in the scientific method. The first step is the observation and
identification of the problem. This step is done through the use of our
senses. The second step is the formulation of hypothesis. A hypothesis is
an educated guess or a possible answer to your problem. To test the
hypothesis it must undergo experimentation which is the third step in
the scientific method. In the experimentation, we are dealing with
variables. A variable is anything that can change or be changed. In
other words, it is any factor that can be manipulated, controlled for, or
measured in an experiment. There are three types of variables. These
are independent, dependent, and controlled. The next step is the
analysis of data. In this step, the collected data from the experiment
and interpretation of data gathered from the experiment allow the
researchers to list the findings of their study. The fifth step is conclusion
which is based from the findings of the experiment. Here, the
researchers draw generalization about the problem they are
investigating. Lastly, communicate your results. One of the most
important parts of the scientific method is to report to others your
findings so you can help them to learn.
Activity Card
Hello, young scientists! Now that you have
some idea about the scientific method let’s try
to answer the following activities. I know you
can do it!
Activity 1
Direction: Read the experiment and use it in answering the following
questions. Write your answers on your activity notebook.
Noah is conducting an experiment in his classroom to
determine how light affects the growth of Sampaguita plants. One
plants is placed under full sunlight, the second plant is placed under
a shaded area, and the third is placed under a dark closet. He
predicts that the plant that receive more light will grow more leaves.
1. What is the independent variable in Noah’s experiment?
A. The type of plant
B. The amount of light
C. The growth of the plant
D. The type of soil
2. Which of the following would be the best hypothesis for this
A. Plants grow differently under different conditions.
B. If I put Sampaguita plant under direct sunlight, it will grow
more leaves.
C. Many things including sunlight affect the growth of a plant.
D. If I gave Sampaguita plant more water, the
Sampaguita will grow more flowers.
How is it? Did you answer the activities
correctly? Great! Let’s have some more for you.
Note: Use your activity notebook in answering.
Activity 2
Activity 3
Direction: Arrange the steps in scientific method by writing the
number on the blanks.
________________a. Analysis of Data
________________b. Communicate your results
________________c. Observation and identification of the problem
________________d. Conclusion
________________e. Experimentation
________________f. Formulation of hypothesis
On the activities, you have observed that critical thinking is a key
component in the scientific method. Without it, you cannot use logic
to arrive to conclusions. Moreover, when making an experiment, there
should be a dependent variable (which does not change) and an
independent variable (which does change). An experiment should
include an experimental group and a control group. The control group
is what the experimental group is compared with.
It is important to follow the step by step procedure of the
scientific method to have a reliable conclusion. Skipping or mixing up
steps may lead to wrong conclusions or even danger. Therefore, it is a
must to stick with the steps and do them properly.
The scientific method was used even in
ancient times, but it was first documented by
England's Sir Francis Bacon (1561–1626) who set up
inductive methods for scientific inquiry. The scientific
method can be applied to almost all fields of study
as a logical and rational problem-solving method.
Sir Francis Bacon
Enrichment Card
Hello there! Are you still with me? Now that
you are familiar with the scientific method, I
hope you are enlightened about its
importance to us. If you really learned
something from our discussion, can you please
analyze the problem below and answer it.
Activity 1
Direction: Read the sample experiment below. Write
the known variables in the correct category. “Some
variables may not be used.”
Activity 2
Ella wants to know if using certain brands of fertilizer would make
a difference in the number of watermelon grown. A fertilizer is something
that a farmer or gardener use to help plants grow better. She decided
to plant three sections of watermelons. Section A was given Miracle
Direction: Answer
B was in
Scott Pro fertilizer and section C
SENTENCES.was given Home Depot brand fertilizer. She made sure to give each
plants the same amount of fertilizer, sunlight, and water. She recorded
What is scientific method in your own words and
her observations in a three month period.
why it is important for scientist to follow this process?
Reflection Card
Congratulations, young scientists! You have
done very well! Before we proceed on your
next task, kindly fill out the table below.
Assessment Card
Enumerate the steps in scientific method.
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on a sheet of paper.
1. It is a testable explanation to a problem.
A. data
B. theory
C. hypothesis
D. fact
2. It is often involved in hypothesis testing.
A. answer
B. experiment
C. problem
D. safety check
3. This is the scientific definition of hypothesis.
A. A hypothesis is the right answer to an experiment.
B. A hypothesis is the wrong answer to an experiment.
C. A hypothesis is an educated guess.
D. I don't know.
4. This is the summary at the end of an experiment. This explains
the results.
A. conclusion
B. procedures
C. materials
C. responding variable
5. It is the first step in the scientific method.
A. Ask a question
B. Conclusion
C. No Horse Play
D. Observe
We have already reached the end of
the activities. You did great!
Congratulations! Did you get a perfect
score? If you did, you’re AMAZING! And
if not, I know you can do better next
Thank you for your cooperation.
I hope you enjoyed and learned
a lot of things today. Good day!
See you again!
Bye, friends!
Answer Card
1. A
5. C
2. B
6. A
1. B
1. C
3. C
7. D
2. B
2. F
b. 6
4. B
9. B
3. A
c. 1
5. C
10. A
4. E
d. 5
5. B
e. 3
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
6. D
Activity 3:
a. 4
f. 2
Enrichment Card
Assessment Card
Scientific method is a step by step procedure that uses scientific
measures and skills. It is important to scientists because without scientific
method inventions and discoveries wouldn’t be possible.
Test 1:
Test 2:
1. Observation and identification of the problem
1. C
2. Formulation of hypothesis
2. B
3. Experimentation
3. C
4. Analysis of Data
4. A,
5. Conclusion
5. D
6. Communicate your results
Title Card
Teacher/ Writer
Guide Card
Science is more about doing than knowing. Scientists are always
trying to learn more and to gain a better understanding of the natural
world. There are basic methods of gaining knowledge that are
common to all of the sciences. At the heart of science is the scientific
investigation. A scientific investigation is a plan for asking questions
and testing possible answers in order to advance scientific knowledge.
You are probably familiar with flow charts, like the steps followed
in a scientific investigation. The series of steps in a flow chart is
frequently referred to as the scientific method. This was discussed to
you in the previous lesson. Science textbooks often present this simple,
linear "recipe" for a scientific investigation. This is an oversimplification
of how science is actually done, but it does highlight the basic plan
and purpose of any scientific investigation: testing ideas with
Jaira is slicing an apple when she observes that after
some time the sliced apples turned brown. She wants to
prevent the apple from turning brown after being sliced. She
thinks that dipping apple slices into different liquids will slow the
process of browning. She used lemon juice, milk, and water. She
recorded her observations in after 30 minutes.
B. Learning Competency
Main Task:
The learner should be able to describe the components of a
scientific investigation. (S7MT-Ia-1)
The learner should be able to:
apply the different steps of scientific investigation.
appreciate and value the importance of scientific investigation.
C. Pre-assessment
Direction: Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is
false. Write your answer on your notebook.
1. __________An experiment investigates the effects of the
dependent variable on the independent variable.
2. __________Only conclusions that support the hypothesis
should be reported in scientific research.
3. __________The steps of the scientific method must not
always be followed in a certain sequence.
4. __________A scientific investigation is generally
undertaken to answer a question.
5. __________A testable hypothesis can be proven true if it
really is false.
6. __________Results of an investigation are not reliable if
they have been replicated.
7. __________You cannot apply the scientific method to
answering a question in your daily life.
8. __________Scientific method is a series of logical steps for
testing a hypothesis.
9. __________Observations cannot be made with different
10. __________Methods used by scientists to communicate
the results of their research include publishing papers.
D. Review
Steps of a scientific investigation include observing and identifying a
research question or problem, forming a hypothesis, experimenting,
analyzing evidence or data, drawing conclusions, and
communicating the results. Scientific investigation must be guided by
ethical rules. They help ensure that the research is done safely and
the results are reliable.
Activity Card
Hi, young scientists! I’m Mr. Einstein and I’m here to guide
you in our journey in learning scientific investigation. Let’s
start our journey by answering the following activities. I
know you can do it. We can do it! Let’s start!
Activity 1
Experiment Time!
Activity 2
Scientific Investigation Crossword!
Direction: Use the clues to solve the crossword. Write your answer on your
How is it? Did you answer the activities
correctly? Great! Let’s have some more for
Activity 3
Speak More on the Method!
Direction: Answer in detail what each step signifies. Write your answer on
your notebook.
Observation and Identification of the
Formulation of Hypothesis
Analysis of data
Communicate your results
Scientific investigation method is a systematic way of
gaining scientific knowledge. It trains us to think critically and
creatively and also trains us to be more observant and more
analytical. It gives us a standard approach in investigating the
phenomena around us like conducting investigatory
projects. Investigatory project is basically any science experiment in
whihc you start with an issue or problem and then, conduct
research or an investigation to decide whether what you think
matches with the actual outcome.
Through science investigatory projects, students develop their
scientific investigation and acquire knowledge of the different
scientific concepts, theories, principles and laws of nature. They use
their higher-order processes or thinking skills in conducting a study.
Enrichment Card
Hello! Are you still there? Let’s be more enlighten about
scientific investigation by answering the following
questions. Is that okay with you? Oh, that’s great. I know
you can do it. :)
Making observation is very important
because it sparks someone’s curiosity.
Without it, there will be no inventions
and discoveries. And to make
observations, we rely on our senses.
Question 1: What senses do you use when you observe?
Data are the information gained from
observing and testing an
experiment. Scientists use data to gain
understanding and make
conclusions. Scientists often use graphs or
tables to show their data and research
Question 2: What are the two types of data? Use the
jumbled letter as your clue.
a. VUAQLE ITATI- ______________________
b. NAITVQUATITE - _____________________
Importance of Scientific Investigation
Necessity is the mother of invention. A need or
problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need
or solve the problem. And one of the efficient way to
solve problems is scientific investigation.
All of us is a scientist. We don't need to be a scientist and go to a
laboratory to perform scientific method. And just because it has the word
“scientific” in it, doesn’t mean that it’s hard to understand or apply. In
fact, you most likely already use the scientific method all the time.
Scientific investigation can help us in our everyday life. Scientific
investigations helps many scientists in solving problems and in making
their experiments, but not only scientific problems can be solve by it's
steps. It has also a potential to help us to be successful in our everyday
life and solve many personal problems of a ordinary people.
Reflection Card
Congratulations, young scientist! You have
done very well! Before proceeding on your
next task, kindly fill out the table below.
3-2-1, WRITE IT!
Assessment Card
During summer Oliver sells ice and ice candy to help his parents in
their finances. Sometimes Oliver observes that ice candy hardens faster
than ice itself. He thinks that putting sugar to water will make the freezing
much faster. He used 2 identical containers, the same amount of water
for each container, sugar, and water. For container A, 1/2 cup of sugar
(use a measuring cup) is added, and container B only water. He placed
them in the freezer and wait for one hour. He recorded his observations
and data. Use the format below in answering your scientific
investigation. Write your answer on your notebook.
Instruction: On your own, observe your surroundings and identify a
problem. Be specific in choosing your problem. Use the steps of the
scientific method in answering your problem. Use the format given in
test 1 in answering your scientific investigation.
We have already reached the end
of the activities. You did great!
Congratulations! You did AMAZING!
Until next time! Bye, young scientists!
Reference Card
Answer Card
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
1. Independent variable
1. Conclusion
6. Observations
2. Dependent variable
2. Data
7. Problem
3. Constants/ dependent variable
3. Procedures
Activity 3:
4. Control group
4. Hypothesis
Depends on the
5. Experimental group
5. Control
Question 1:
Question 2:
a. Sight
b. Smell
c. Touch
d. Hearing
e. Taste
Assessment Card
Test 1:
1. Observation and identification of the problem -The ice candy hardens
faster than ice itself. Does Oliver’s prediction is right?
2. Formulation of hypothesis - He thinks that putting sugar to water will
make the freezing much faster.
3. Experimentation - Materials: 2 identical containers with the same
amount of water, 1/2 cup of sugar, measuring cup and spoon.
Procedure: a. In two identical containers put same amount of water
each. b. For container A add 1/2 cup of sugar and stir it well with the use
of spoon. c. Then put the two containers in the freezer for one hour. d.
After one hour record your observation and record data.
4. Data Analysis - Container A - the water and sugar freezes completely
Container B - the water is not totally frozen
5. Conclusion - Water with sugar freezes/hardens faster than ordinary
6. Communicate your results- Share my findings to my mom or with my
Test 2: Depends on the student
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Division of Pampanga
Office Address:
High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes,
San Fernando City, Pampanga
(045) 435-27-28
Email Address: