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Is equality a myth?

Debate Although this might be a very debatable topic. ‘Gender equality’. different people shall have different opinions,context or an entire different mindset. An incredibly significant powerful message that has to be delivered to the young modern generation. Living in Pakistan, we as girls, are repeatedly reminded about our gender and telling us to stop achieving what we want. 75 years later, women are still fighting for equal representation in Pakistan, Around 1.8 million children are out of school in Balochistan. 66 percent of school-age children are out of school and 70 percent of them are girls. On the other untold side, boys arent treated equally either, theyre forced to be ‘strong’ since they tend to be in authority. It does not end here, because colour discrimination and body shaming still exists. The whiter you are the more prettier you tend to be. In Pakistan, majority of the people care about people being ‘pretty’. And being pretty means; slim yet not flat, white but not too white, good-looking and so not arrogant. They ordering their favourite pizza isn’t it? Thus, Equality is a myth. If everything around us were to be ‘equal’ then we shall be lost, because obviously if everybody would eventually succeed how would we have the interest and desire to be creative? Unique? And lets suppose a community exists where all there is, is ‘equal’; the success and hard work of individuals would be no use, therefore there will be no one aiming for human development and growth.
As time progresses, we shall hope that this which serves as a proof of how powerful liberal oppressors can be with their damned brainwashing methods through the use of human conformity may dissolve. “Equality is a myth to protect the weak. some of us are strong in the Force, others are not. Only a fool believes otherwise.”
― Drew Karpyshyn, Darth Bane: Path of Destruction