Objectives of the Administration • To assess student’s Oral Reading, Silent Reading Comprehension and Listening Comprehension levels. These 3 types of assessment aim to determine the learners’ independent, instructional and frustration levels. • To determine a whole class reading level and identify particular students who may need more assistance in performing reading task Table 1. Schedule of Phil-IRI Administration FILIPINO AND ENGLISH Type of Test Pretest Phil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) Within the first or second month of the school year Individualized Phil-IRI Assessment (only for students who did not pass the GST) Within a month after the GST is administered Posttest Within the last 2 months of the school year Who needs to take the test? • All Grades 3 to 12 – FilipinoPhil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) • All Grades 4 to12 – EnglishPhil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) What’s new in the Revised Phil-IRI? • Group Screening Test ( GST ) – 20 items – Grade 3-6 in Filipino & Grade 4-6 in English • Below 14 score- will undergo graded passage • Group Assessment will be conducted during class time • Individual Assessment will be done outside the class hour. Group Screening Test Table 3. Starting Point for the Graded Passage If the raw score in the GST is Start with a Graded Passage that is Example: 0-7 points Three (3) Grade levels lower than current level GST: Grade 7 Graded Passage: Grade 4 8-13 points Two (2) Grade levels lower than current level GST: Grade 7 Graded Passage: Grade 5 14 points and above Discontinue testing -- NOTE: • If a student garners a score of 13 and below in the Filipino GST, s/he will be given the Filipino Graded Passages Pre-Test. If the student garners a score of 13 or below in the English GST, s/he will be given the English Graded Passages Pre-Test. What’s the process of the Revised Phil-IRI? • Phil-IRI Oral Reading Test – to identify student’s miscues, read the no. of words that a student reads per minute; and understanding of the passage read • Phil-IRI Listening Comprehension for Non –reader • Phil-IRI Silent Reading Test – an optional activity • English and Filipino - Sets A , B , C , D REMEMBER THE SCORE • Test score >14 – reading at the level • Test score < 14 – not at the reading level 7th 7th What are flexible ways to use Phil-IRI? a. Group Reading Level – for all students The Phil-IRI GST can be used to determine a whole class’ reading level, and identify particular students who may need more assistance in performing reading tasks. What are flexible ways to use Phil-IRI? b. Individual Reading Level – for those w/ raw score below 14 in the Phil-IRI GST The individually administered Phil-IRI Graded Passages can be used to determine a student’s independent, instructional and frustration levels for three types of literacy tasks: Oral Reading, Silent Reading, and Listening Comprehension What are flexible ways to use Phil-IRI? c. Monitor Growth and Response to Intervention Pre-test and Post-test results of the Phil-IRI can be compared to monitor growth in students’ reading skills, as well as determine the efficacy of the program or reading interventions conducted by the school and/or classroom teachers. What are flexible ways to use Phil-IRI? d. Describe Reading Behavior The recording of the student’s oral reading behavior during the conduct of the individually administered Phil-IRI Graded Passages can help the teacher describe a student’s reading performance and his behavior. What are flexible ways to use Phil-IRI? It specifies the number of words read per minute, the cues used for identifying or recognizing words, manner of reading, etc. Types of miscues as well as types of comprehension questions answered correctly can also be analyzed by the teacher to help him/her design appropriate reading lessons or interventions How long does it take to administer the Phil-IRI? • The administration of the Phil-IRI GST for a whole class takes approximately 30 minutes. The time it takes to administer the Phil-IRI Graded Passages would vary for each student. Who can administer the PhilIRI? • All Filipino and English subject teachers can administer the PhilIRI Group Screening Tests in their respective classes. Reading teachers/leaders can administer the Phil-IRI Graded Passages to individual students who need further assessment. The Phil-IRI Group Screening Test • A silently-administered test in both Filipino and English. Each tool is composed of a 20item comprehension test based on a set of levelled passages. The Phil-IRI Group Screening Test • The passages were written and selected based on concept load, level of vocabulary used, sentence complexity, nature of themes and cohesion. Group Screening Test Guidelines in Conducting the GST • STEP 1: Secure an updated copy of the class list. If available, attach the class list to: Form 1A: Talaan ng Pangkatang Pagtatasa ng Klase (PPK) sa Phil-IRI for Filipino or Form 1B: Summary of the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test Class Reading Record (CRR) for English (See Appendix B1 and B2) • STEP 2: Secure a complete set of the Phil-IRI Testing Kit from the Principal’s office or the designated coordinator. a. Phil-IRI Manual for Administration b. Phil-IRI Practice Item Charts c. Phil-IRI Group Screening Test Forms (See Appendix A1-A4, B1 and B2) d. Phil-IRI Group Screening Test Answer Sheets (See Appendix F) e. Timer f. Pen g. Masking Tape • STEP 3: Prepare for Testing a. Secure an area conducive for testing (i.e. well-ventilated, welllit and free from distractions). b. Review the procedures for administration and accompanying forms. c. Lay out the necessary materials (e.g. practice item charts, group screening test forms). d. Establish rapport and orient the test-takers as follows: • STEP 4: Administer the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test a. Secure the number of copies necessary for testing (i.e. number of test-takers, plus one) b. For smooth administration, give the following reminders before testing: c. Distribute the answer sheets. Have the students fill in their personal information. d. Using a chart, model how the test should be answered. e. Distribute the test booklets. f. If there are no questions, have them answer the test silently. Sample Test Booklet: • STEP 5: Report the Results a. Fill out Form 1A (if Filipino GST is taken) or Form 1B (if English GST is taken). b. Record the names of the students in the class. On the second column, put a (check mark) if the student took the screening test; if not, mark with an X. c. Refer to the GST booklet (Teacher’s copy) to identify the type of question for each item in the test. Record the number of Literal, Inferential and Critical questions answered in the test. (Ex: If Student A got 3 correct answers out of 5 literal questions, record it as 3/5 under Literal column) d. Record the total number of correct responses (over 20) of each student. Mark with a (check mark) the appropriate column where each student’s score may be classified (either ≥ 14, or < 14). e. At the bottom of the form, indicate the total number of students for each column. f. Submit the accomplished form/s and answer sheets to the Principal’s office. The Phil-IRI Forms 1. Phil-IRI Form 1A: Talaan ng Pangkatang Pagtatasa ng Klase (PPK) sa Phil-IRI a. The Phil-IRI Form 1A is to be used for the GST in Filipino. The objectives of completing and submitting this form include the following: a) to identify the types of questions (literal, inferential or critical) that each child can answer; b. to classify the students to be recommended for administration of the Phil-IRI tests, c) to capture the reading performance of the class, thus design appropriate classroom instruction. This form includes the class list, the itemized scores of the students according to the types of questions answered, and their total score. Analysis of GST The Phil-IRI Forms Group Screening Test Table 3. Starting Point for the Graded Passage If the raw score in the GST is Start with a Graded Passage that is Example: 0-7 points Three (3) Grade levels lower than current level GST: Grade 7 Graded Passage: Grade 4 8-13 points Two (2) Grade levels lower than current level GST: Grade 7 Graded Passage: Grade 5 14 points and above Discontinue testing -- The Phil-IRI Forms PHIL-IRI Form 3A STAGE 2: Administration of the Phil-IRI Graded Passages (Individual Administration) Oral Reading English/Filipino Step 1: Determine Starting Point of Graded Passages Table 3. Starting Point for the Graded Passage If the raw score in the GST is Start with a Graded Passage that is Example: 0-7 points Three (3) Grade levels lower than current level GST: Grade 7 Graded Passage: Grade 4 8-13 points Two (2) Grade levels lower than current level GST: Grade 7 Graded Passage: Grade 5 14 points and above Discontinue testing -- The Phil-IRI Forms STAGE 3: Provision of Reading Intervention STAGE 4: Administration of the Phil-IRI Graded Passages (Posttest) • After receiving specialized instruction, the students will be re-assessed using the PhilIRI Posttest Forms. The Phil-IRI Posttests have a total of 4 parallel sets (SETS A-D) that the test administrator can choose from. • Using these graded passages, the administrator must again identify student’s independent, instructional frustration levels. The posttest results be compared with the pre-test results. test the and may