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Consumer Protection Act MCQs & True/False Questions

Consumer Protection Act MCQs
Question 1
Consumer Protection Act is significant to
A) Immovable Goods
B) Movable Goods
C) Particular Goods and Services
D) All Goods and Services
Answer: D
Question 3
Under the Consumer Protection Act, the rights of a consumer do not include to be
A) Safety
B) Choose
C) Presented
D) Informed
Answer: C
Question 4
When the seller manipulates the price, it is known as
A) Caveat Emptor
B) Unfair trade practices
C) Restricted trade practices
D) None of the above
Answer: C
Question 5
Under this act, the minimum age of forum member of a district forum should be
A) 30
B) 40
C) 35
D) 65
Answer: C
Question 6
The maximum age for a state commission member should be
A) 60
B) 35
C) 70
D) 67
Answer: D
Question 7
The maximum age national commission member should be
A) 60
B) 35
C) 70
D) 65
Answer: C
Question 8
Which of the following forum can reappoint the same person as its member?
A) National commission
B) State commission
C) District commission
D) None of the above
Answer: D
Question 9
In which forum is it compulsory to have a female member?
A) National commission
B) State commission
C) District commission
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Question 10
Within how many days does the opposite party have to answer after they are informed about the complaint?
A) 30
B) 5
C) 20
D) 15
Answer: A
1. R.A. 7394, Consumer Act of the Philippines is the law that was signed by
then President Corazon C. Aquino on May 27, 1992 and took effect on June 7,
1992, that aims to provide protection to consumers by stabilizing the price and
supply of basic necessities and prime commodities.
Reason: R.A. 7581, Price Act.
2. The Senior Citizen is entitled of 20% discount on the following products and
services: medicines, air transportation, hotels, utility, prime and basic
Reason: R.A. 9994 provides that utility, prime and basic commodities have a
discount of 5%.
3. The head of Office of the Senior Citizens Affair (OSCA) in the municipality is
appointed by the Mayor and must be at least a college graduate.
Reason: R.A. 9994 provides that the OSCA Head is at least a high school
4. The eight (8) Consumer Rights was conceptualized on March 16, 1962 in the
Reason: It was conceptualized in the United States of America by President
John F. Kennedy
5. Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) stickers for motorcycle helmets are
issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in collaboration with the
Department of Trade and Industry.
Reason: Only the Department of Trade and Industry issues Import Commodity
6. Panic-buying is the abnormal phenomenon where consumers buy basic
necessities and prime commodities grossly in excess of their normal
requirement resulting in undue shortages of such goods to the prejudice of less
privileged consumers.
6. Panic-buying is the abnormal phenomenon where consumers buy basic
necessities and prime commodities grossly in excess of their normal
requirement resulting in undue shortages of such goods to the prejudice of less
privileged consumers.
7. Price tag must be written clearly, indicating the price of the consumer
product excluding VAT and other types of charges per unit in pesos and
Reason: Price tag must include VAT and other type of charges in pesos and
8. One of the remedies that a consumer can demand from the retailer, supplier,
dealer or distributor of imperfect or defective products is reimbursement of
the amount paid for the defective product with prejudice to any losses.
Reason: Reimburse the amount paid for the defective product without
prejudice to any losses
9. The Director of Realty Service Council of the Philippines is empowered to
prescribe standards and qualifications for the realty service practitioners under
R.A. No. 2728.
Reason: The Director of Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection
10. ASEAN was established on August 8, 1967.
1. Unless sooner lifted by the President, automatic price control on basic
necessities shall remain effective for the duration of the condition that brought
it about.
a. not more than 90 days
b. not more than 60 days
c. not more than 45 days
d. not more than 30 days
ANSWER: B. Not more than 60 days
2. The following are prime commodities under the Price Act, EXCEPT:
a. Garlic and vinegar
b. Toilet soap
c. Potable bottled water
d. Patis
ANSWER: C. Potable bottled water
Garlic and Vinegar are not basic necessities but listed under the list of prime
commodities under the R.A. No. 7581, as amended.
3. In Guaranty of Service Firms, service firms shall guarantee workmanship and
replacement of spare parts for a period _________ which shall be indicated in
the pertinent invoices.
a. Not less than 120 days
b. Not less than 90 days
c. Not less than 60 days
d. Not less than 30 days
ANSWER: B. Not less than 90 days
4. It means the average price at which any basic necessity has been sold in a
given time within a month a particular area is declared a disaster area or under
a state of calamity.
a. Prevailing price
b. Regular price
c. Average price
d. Least price
ANSWER: A. Prevailing price
5. The Consumer Act of the Philippines, especially Title III, Chapter I, Rule 2
Section 7 of Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2, series 1993, the
words _________ or words to such effect shall not be written into the contract
of sales, receipt or sales transaction, in any document evidencing such sale or
anywhere in the store or business establishment.
a. “Sale items are non-refundable”
b. “Exchange will not be accepted on item in any way used, damaged or
c. “Exchange of merchandise will not be accepted without a valid receipt or
other evidence of purchase”
d. “No Return, No Exchange
ANSWER: D. “No Return, No Exchange”
6. What are the two (2) government agencies mandated to implement Republic
Act 10054, otherwise known as the “Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009”?
a. Department of Transportation and Communication and DTI
b. Philippine National Police and DTI
c. Department of Public Works and Highways and DTI
d. LTFRB and DTI
7. This act is also known as the Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of
a. Republic Act No. 9225
b. Republic Act No. 9255
c. Republic Act No. 9205
d. Republic Act No. 9505
ANSWER: A. RA No. 9225
8. To avoid falling prey to phishing and other online scams, the DTI reminds
consumers to keep in mind the following tips, except:
a. Never directly respond to an e-mail asking for personal information.
b. Verify the message’s authenticity by contacting the institution yourself.
c. Be wary of pop-up windows by always clicking on the small “x” in the
upper corner of the window.
d. If you think you have received a fraudulent spam email, forward it to the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
Reason: Forward the spam email to National Telecommunications Commission
(NTC), not NBI
9. It exists where the buyer expressly tells the seller the reason for acquiring
the goods/product being sold, and where the buyer relies on the seller’s skill or
judgment on the quality of the goods.
a. Full warranty
b. Implied Warranty
c. Extended Warranty
d. Life time Warranty
ANSWER: B. Implied warranty
10. The following are the key principles of ASEAN except:
a. Effective cooperation among themselves.
b. Settlement of differences by peaceful means
c. Interference in the internal affairs of one another
d. Renunciation of the threat or use of force
WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER (Wrong spelling, wrong)
1. This program has been launched by the Department of Trade & Industry to
give due recognition to establishments upholding consumer rights and
practicing responsible business.
2. Who sits as Chairman in the Local Price Coordinating Council (LPCC) in every
3. It refers to t the branch of medical science devoted to the study of the
biological and physical changes and the diseases of old age.
ANSWER: Geriatrics
4. It means consumer sales or leases which are personally solicited by any
person or organization by telephone, person-to-person contact or by written or
printed communication other than general advertising or consummated at the
buyer’s residence or a place of business.
ANSWER: Home Solicitation Sale
5. It refers to a mode of dispute resolution whereby DTI facilitates
communication and negotiation between parties and assists them in reaching a
voluntary agreement regarding a dispute.
ANSWER: Mediation
6. In case of trade transaction, it means the amount of money which would
constitute full payment upon delivery of the property (except money) or
service purchased at the creditor’s place of business.
7. It refers to that part of the package of a tobacco product that is most likely to
be displayed, presented, or shown or examined under normal and customary
ANSWER: Principal display panel
8. When did former President Benigno “P-noy” Aquino sign the Philippine
Lemon Law?
ANSWER: July 15, 2014
9. It refers to a technique intended for broad consumer participation which
intends to increase the sales, patronage and/or goodwill of a product.
ANSWER: Sales Promotion
4. It means consumer sales or leases which are personally solicited by any
person or organization by telephone, person-to-person contact or by written or
printed communication other than general advertising or consummated at the
buyer’s residence or a place of business.
ANSWER: Home Solicitation Sale
5. It refers to a mode of dispute resolution whereby DTI facilitates
communication and negotiation between parties and assists them in reaching a
voluntary agreement regarding a dispute.
ANSWER: Mediation
6. In case of trade transaction, it means the amount of money which would
constitute full payment upon delivery of the property (except money) or
service purchased at the creditor’s place of business.
7. It refers to that part of the package of a tobacco product that is most likely to
be displayed, presented, or shown or examined under normal and customary
ANSWER: Principal display panel
8. When did former President Benigno “P-noy” Aquino sign the Philippine
Lemon Law?
ANSWER: July 15, 2014
9. It refers to a technique intended for broad consumer participation which
intends to increase the sales, patronage and/or goodwill of a product.
ANSWER: Sales Promotion
10. It refers to a written warranty that meets all the minimum requirements
and standards set forth under the Consumer Act of the Philippines.
ANSWER: Full Warranty
WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER (Wrong spelling , wrong)
1. A consumer product which can no longer be used for the purpose which it
was made, produced or manufactured.
ANSWER: Deteriorated Product
2. A product which fails to comply with an applicable consumer safety rule
which creates a substantial risk or injury to the public.
ANSWER: Substandard Product
3. The rules, procedures and criteria by which one may participate and win and
by which the winner may claim his prize in a sales promotion.
ANSWER: Mechanics
4. Under the Price Act, the head of the implementing agency may from time to
time issue prices for any or all basic necessities and prime commodities under
his jurisdiction for the information and guidance of producers, manufacturers,
traders, retailers and consumers known as____________.
ANSWER: Suggested Retail Price
5. When a person has stocks of any basic necessity or prime commodity fifty
(50%) higher than his usual inventory and unreasonably limits, refuses or fails
to sell the same to the general public at the time of discovery of the stocks is a
prima facie evidence of ________.
ANSWER: Hoarding
6. The sale or offering for sale of any basic necessity or prime commodity at a
price grossly in excess of its true worth.
ANSWER: Profiteering
7. The maximum price at which any basic necessity or prime commodity maybe
sold to the public.
ANSWER: Price Ceiling
8. It means the sale, lease, exchange, traffic or distribution of goods,
commodities, productions, services or property, tangible or intangible.
ANSWER: Commerce
9. It refers to the set of conditions to be fulfilled to ensure the quality and
safety of a product.
ANSWER: Standard or Standards
10. What does PBR stands for?
ANSWER: Philippine Business Registry
1. The consumer awareness drive dates back in March 15, 1962 when President _________ presented a speech to the UnitedStates
Congress in which he extolled four basic consumer rights which later became the Consumer Bill of
A. Bill Clinton B. John Kennedy C. Ronald Reagan D. George Bush
2. When is the World Consumer Rights Day celebrated?
A. April 15
B. July 15
C. March 15
D. September 15
3. Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 1098 dated September 26, 1997, the country shall be celebrating the Consumer Welfare
Month every month of ___________.
A. July B. August
C. September D. October
4. Who was the Philippine President who signed Proclamation No. 1098 declaring the synchronized celebration of Consumer Welfare
Month in the country? According to the proclamation, there is a need to focus national attention on the role consumers play in the
vitality of the economy.
A. Fidel V. Ramos
B. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
C. Joseph Estrada
D. Rodrigo Roa Duterte
7. As part of the Consumer Welfare Celebration is the conduct of DTI- Certified Establishment (DTI-CE) otherwise known as
the________ Awards. Now on its 12th year, this award continuously gives due recognition to establishments that upholdthe rights of
consumers, practice responsible business operations and assure that consumers get best value for their money.
A. Bigkis B. Bagsik
C. Bagsak
D. Bagwis
8. It refers to a virtual trading environment that enables value exchange between buyer sand sellers.
A. digital communications
B. digital marketplace
C. digital world
D. digital era
9. Which among the following is not a basic consumer right?
A. Right to Life B. Right to Safety
C. Right to be Informed D. Right to Choose
10. On April 9, 1985, UN adopted the Guidelines for Consumer Protection, which embraced the principles of the ____consumer rights.
A. five B. six
C. seven
D. eight
11. Republic Act No.______, otherwise known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines protect the interests of Filipino consumers and
establish standards for business and industry by safeguarding consumers against hazards to health and safety and against deceptive
and unfair sales practices, informing and educating consumers on sound choice, providing means for redress, and involving consumers
in policy decisions.
A. 7341 B. 7394 C. 9473 D. 4173
12. When was the Consumer Act of the Philippines enacted?
A. July 21, 1991
B. July 2, 1991
C. July 2, 1990
D. July 21, 1990
13. Last 2008, the Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and Department of
_______issued a consumer protection joint circular providing consumer protection guidelines on the selling of products and services thr
ough ecommerce.
A. Education
B. Environment and Natural Resources
C. Trade and Industry
D. Labor and Employment
1. “If the defect is due to mishandling on the part of the buyer, can he/she still return the item and demand for exchange or
refund? YES or NO?”
NO. The prohibition covers only hidden defects, shoddy goods or imperfect service.
2. What is the law that protects the consumers against hazards to health and safety, and against deceptive, unfair and
unconscionable sales acts and practices.?”
3. What is the Act that grants additional benefits and privileges to senior citizens in the Philippines amending Republic Act No.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9257 Series of 2004 (An Act Granting Additional Benefits and Privileges to Senior Citizens Amending for
the Purpose Republic Act No. 7432, otherwise known as “An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizens to Nation
Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges and for other Purposes”)
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9994 Series of 2010 (An Act Granting Additional Benefits and Privileges to Senior Citizens, further
amending Republic Act No. 7432, as amended, otherwise known as "An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizens to
Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges and for Other Purposes)
Winners will be notified by the DTI Camarines Sur Provincial Office. Prizes will be sent to the winners via Gcash upon
presenting of his/her Valid ID bearing Picture and Signature.
4. It is an act providing protection to consumers by stabilizing the price and supply of basic necessities and prime commodities
and by prescribing measures against undue price increases especially during emergency situations and like occasions
ANSWER: Republic Act No. 7581 or The Price Act
5. “What has been violated whenever the producer, manufacturer, supplier or seller through concealment, false representation or
fraudulent manipulation induces a consumer to enter into sales or lease transaction of any consumer product or service?”
ANSWER: Regulation of Sales Acts and Practices or The provision under prohibition against Deceptive Sales Act or Practice.