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Fluid Mechanics Problem Set

Problem Set 1
1. If 7 π‘š3 of oil weighs 50 kN, calculate its specific weight 𝛾, density 𝜌, and specific gravity.
2. The viscosity of water at 20°C (68°F) is 1.008 cP (centipoises). (a) Compute the absolute viscosity
𝑓𝑑 2
(b) If the specific gravity at 20°C is 0.996, compute the kinematic viscosity in 𝑓𝑑 2 /𝑠𝑒𝑐.
3. If the density of a fluid is 1260 π‘˜π‘”/π‘š3 , determine its (a) specific gravity, (b) specific volume, (c)
specific weight, and (d) weight for the volume of 7.5 L.
4. If the specific gravity and dynamic viscosity of a fluid at 20°C are 13.6 and 1.526 cP, respectively,
determine its (a) specific weight and (b) kinematic viscosity
5. Convert 15.14 poises to 𝑓𝑑 2 /𝑠𝑒𝑐 if the liquid has specific gravity 0.964.
6. If the density of a liquid is 835 π‘˜π‘”/π‘š3 , find its specific weight and specific gravity.
7. A reservoir of glycerin has a mass of 1500kg and a volume of 0.90π‘š3 . Determine the specific gravity
of the glycerin.
8. One cu.ft. of glycerin has a mass of 2.44 slugs. Find its specific weight in 𝐾𝑁/π‘š3
9. Specific gravity if alcohol is 0.78. Calculate its mass density.
10. If an object has a mass of 150kg at sea level, what would be its mass when acceleration due to
gravity is 9 π‘š/𝑠 2 .
11. What is specific weight of air at a temperature of 35C and an absolute pressure of 480 KPa. R=29.4
12. If kinematic viscosity of a liquid is 3π‘₯10 − 6 π‘š2 /𝑠, determine the equivalent in stokes.
13. If the viscosity of oil SG=0.85 is 15.14 poises, compute the kinematic viscosity in π‘š2 /𝑠.
14. A slab weighing 176 N slides down at 12° inclined plane on a 3mm thick film of oil having an
absolute viscosity of 0.0814 Pa.S. The contact area is 0.3 π‘š2 . Find the terminal velocity of the slab.
15. A plate separated by 0.5mm from a fixed plate moves at 0.5 m/s under a force per unit area of 4
𝑁/π‘š2 . Determine the viscosity of the fluid between plates.
16. A 15-kg block slides on an inclined plane having an angle of inclination of 30° on a 0.1 mm film of
SAE 10 oil at 20°C (μ = 8.14 × 10−2 Pa-s); the area of contact is 0.25 π‘š2 . Find the terminal velocity
of the block.
17. If the specific gravity of a given liquid is 1.3, determine its (a) specific weight (b) specific volume.
18. Under standard conditions a certain gas weighs 0.14 𝑙𝑏/𝑓𝑑 3 . Calculate its density, specific volume,
and specific gravity relative to air weighing 0.075 𝑙𝑏/𝑓𝑑 3 .
19. The specific gravity of ethyl alcohol is 0.79. Calculate its specific weight (in both pounds per cubic
foot and kiloNewtons per cubic meter) and mass density (in both slugs per cubic foot and kilograms
per cubic meter).
20. A certain gasoline weighs 46.5 𝑙𝑏/𝑓𝑑 3 . What are its mass density, specific volume, and specific
21. If 200𝑓𝑑 3 Of Oil weighs 10520 lb, calculate its specific weight, density, and specific gravity.
22. One cubic foot of glycerin has a mass of 2.44 slugs. Find its specific weight in both pounds per
cubic foot and kilonewtons per cubic meter.
23. A quart of SAE 30 oil at 68F weighs about 1.85 lb. Calculate the oil's specific weight, mass density,
and specific gravity.
24. If the specific volume of a gas is 360 𝑓𝑑 3 /𝑠𝐼𝑒𝑔, what is its specific weight?