Family Nurse Practitioner Program NU675 Management of Women and Children in Ambulatory Care Exam #1 Study Guide Exam 1 will be available for download on ExamSoft on 10/23/23 @9am, you do not need a password to download. Please note students are required to download prior to entering room (in-person or virtual) to take exam. Failure to download PRIOR to arriving for the exam may prohibit you from taking the exam This is an exam; please see the JCN testing policies in the syllabus and student handbook. It is an individual effort, and NO resources are permitted to be used during the exam. Overview: 1. This exam will include the content covered in modules 1 through 7 2. It is comprised of 90 questions and you will have 135 minutes to complete it. 3. It must be taken on 10/24/23 9:00am EST. 4. Exam grades will be available after all students have completed the exam, and a thorough item analysis is completed by faculty. This typically takes approximately 24-48 hours. 5. Students may review their exams in a proctored session. Please contact course faculty for an appointment after grades are posted. You will only be able to review questions that were answered incorrectly up to 10 business days after posted grades for said exam. 6. Please do not request additional details or information regarding this study guide (e.g. “Exactly what do you want us to know about…?”). Exam information will only be distributed to all students at the same time and not on an individual basis. In addition to your comprehensive review of the material, it is suggested that you pay close attention to the following content areas: Growth and Development Principles of normal child development. Pediatric physical exam. Teething/dental care. Normal development expected at milestones, as well as anticipatory guidance. Normal language acquisition, development/delays/bilingual families. Crying episodes. Infant reflexes. Why does the APRN assess gestational age, developmental age, and birth weight? Nutrition Sleep Genetics Pediatric Environmentalism Health promotion/Disease Prevention Immunizations/Infectious Disease Safety/Injury prevention INTENSIVE DAY Pelvic exam/STI/Breast Provider responsibility situations for mandatory reporting to child welfare organizations. Tanner scale Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR) vaccine recommendations/schedule Breastfeeding/supplements/growth spurts. Introduction of milk/solid foods. Normal weight gain. Most common cause of infant malnutrition. BMI classifications. Food refusal Discuss nutritional requirements of the pediatric population. Identify sleep patterns of the pediatric population. Sleep-onset association disorder. Understand the basic principles of genetics relationship between genetics and diseases. Apply/integrate basic genetics/genomics into primary care Explain the impact of social, political and economic influences upon the environment & human health exposures Impact of worldwide climate change on nutrition and food security. Understand information on human exposure to environmental hazards Recognize that infectious diseases are the leading causes of illness in infants and children. Distinguish serious infection from those that are self-limiting. Best practice – immunization technique Flu vaccine/Vaccine refusal/Live virus vaccines Roseola/Erythema migrans Hand, foot and mouth disease/5th disease Evaluation of a WBC count Sore throat – infectious mononucleosis, epiglottitis, GABHS, scarlet fever Understand approaches to safety and injury prevention in the pediatric population. Evaluation and treatment of the following STIs: bacterial vaginosis, Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis. Pap procedures Contraception/Pregnancy/Menopause/Gender Presentation/ Menstruation/High risk behaviors/Suicide Ophthalmology/Ear Disorders/ Cleft Palate GI GU Microscope procedure and equipment Breast anatomy, breast exam, concerning findings, imaging and interpretations Normal pelvic exam Discuss Menopausal dyspareunia Menstrual disorders: dysmenorrhea Oral contraceptives: indications, contraindications, adverse reactions Pregnancy: Chadwick’s sign, fundal height, vaccination considerations, nutritional counseling, normal weight gain, GDM diagnosis and management High risk behaviors/ Suicide in adolescents Understand the standards and guidelines for visual screening and eye care in children. Methods for early detection and correction of visual disorders. Assessment of the eye/red reflex/Hirschberg test. Strabismus, conjunctivitis, exotropia, nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Recognize normal ear anatomy and physiology to be able to confidently identify, assess, and diagnose ear disorders in children Assessment/Weber and Rinne. AOM, otitis externa, effusion – when to refer. EOM – use of a wick. Recognize when to refer for ophthalmology and ear disorders. Identification and intervention for Craniofacial abnormalities. Diagnosis, evaluation treatment and management of the following: abdominal pain, swallowing foreign body, appendicitis, Hirschsprung disease, ulcerative colitis, recurrent abdominal pain, vomiting/diarrhea, celiac disease Recognize that GU problems can occur at any point from the kidneys to the urethral meatus. UA considerations in teenagers; uncircumcised males; vaginal adhesions; hydronephrosis, glomerulonephritis, UTI testing/treatment; hypospadias; hematuria; hydrocele; varicocele Recognize conditions that need immediate referral to the ED. Dermatology Review content for Atopic Dermatitis, Pityriasis Rosea, & Eczema