C.A.P.S Here is an editor’s tool to use with primary students. C.A.P.S. is an acronym for students to remember to use while editing their own writing. It’s a simple tool for primary students to independently utilize while checking the features of simple sentences. Hang the poster on a bulletin board to help the students remember the 4 easy features of a sentence. Or students can use the editors’ checklist for independent writing assignments. After my students do some writing, I tell them, “Don’t Forget Your C.A.P.S.” Thank you for downloading this product! Visit my blog for more ideas and activities to use in the classroom. Visit my Facebook and Twitter page too! To receive notification on my new products, freebies, sales, and giveaways, you can follow me here. ©2019 @Teacher’s Take-Out. All rights reserved. Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for ONE classroom use only. Any duplication for more than one classroom such as another teacher, a grade level, school, an entire school system or commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from Teacher’s Take-Out. You may contact me at: teacherstakeout@gmail.com Don’t forget your CAPS! apitalization ll sentences make sense unctuation pelling/Spacing ©Teacher’s Take-Out Don’t Forget Your Caps. Don’t Forget Your Caps. Don’t Forget Your Caps. Capitalization Capitalization Capitalization All sentences All sentences All sentences make sense make sense make sense Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Spelling/Spacing Spelling/Spacing Spelling/Spacing ©Teacher’s Take-Out ©Teacher’s Take-Out Don’t Forget Your Caps. ©Teacher’s Take-Out Don’t Forget Your Caps. Don’t Forget Your Caps. Capitalization Capitalization Capitalization All sentences All sentences All sentences make sense make sense make sense Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Spelling/Spacing Spelling/Spacing Spelling/Spacing ©Teacher’s Take-Out ©Teacher’s Take-Out ©Teacher’s Take-Out