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MAPEH 2 First Quarter Reviewer

❖ Rhythm refers to the flow and pattern of movements of sounds and silence
through time. It is also the regular beat or sound that you hear.
❖ Rhythmic Pattern is a combination of long and short sounds and silences.
❖ Maintain a steady beat when chanting, walking, tapping, clapping,
stomping, and playing musical instruments.
❖ Rhythm is shown by its symbols and notations so that you can follow the
beat or the patterns properly.
❖ Sound is something heard in the environment such as animal sounds, noise,
or a musical tone. It may or may have a definite pitch or tone.
❖ Silence refers to the absence of sounds. It is when things around you are
quiet. There is a feeling of complete rest or stillness..
❖ Notes are for sounds we hear while rests represent silence.
❖ Steady beats are regular pattern of sounds to mark a specific time
❖ Simple rhythmic patterns are beats that follow a regular arrangement.
These consist of strong and weak sounds in music that are played
❖ Rhythmic patterns use words that are commonly applied in chants and
echo clapping.
❖ Ostinato is a short melodic or rhythmic phrase that is repeated by the same
voice or instrument in a musical piece. It is a pattern that goes over and
over again without changing unless the composer makes some changes in
the composition.
❖ Drawing is the art of making images on a surface, like paper by using pencil,
pen or crayon.
❖ A drawing of yourself or a person is called portrait. A group drawing or a
family drawing is done when you make a drawing of two or more persons or
objects. It is also called Family Portrait.
❖ Artists consider proportion when they make drawing. Proportion means
making sure that the drawing of a body is near the natural size as compared
with other parts.
❖ Shapes refer to circles, rectangles, squares, and triangles. We call these
shapes as geometrical shapes. Those forms that have natural shapes are
also considered as organic shapes. Examples are shapes of fruits, plants,
animals and clouds.
❖ A Still Life is a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects. These
could be fruits, flowers, vases, plants, and animals
Physical Education
❖ Body Shapes are called Symmetrical when your body parts like
arms and legs are equal on both sides.
❖ When one of your arms is stretched upward and your other arm
is hanging down, your one leg is stepped forward and the other is
stepped backward, then the shape of your body is called
❖ Whenever your body is in place or when your body moves, you
are creating body shapes.
❖ Movement is the act of changing your body positions. This helps
improve your balance, coordination, space awareness.
❖ Fundamental movement is a simple and basic movement that
you use in your everyday life. These are some of the physical
activities you do when you play some games with your playmates.
Even if you’re young, you know that your body can perform and
develop different body movements and skills. These are
locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
❖ Locomotor skills are movement patterns that make your body
move from one place to another.
❖ Fundamental skills help your body with space awareness,
qualities of your movement, and relationships with the
environment, people and objects.
❖ Eating a Balanced diet means choosing what to eat wisely from a
variety of food present in all food groups – GO, GROW and GLOW
foods. This also means eating food in the right proportions, and
consuming the right amount of food to achieve and maintain a
healthy body weight.
❖ GO FOODS give energy, these help us run, jump, and play all day.
Examples of this type of food group are bread, rice, cereals, and
other food that primarily provide carbohydrates.
❖ GROW FOODS food that make your body grow. Examples of these
food group are meat, fish , seafood, nuts, and eggs. These are rich
in protein.
❖ GLOW FOOD help in making our body work well. These are rich in
vitamins and minerals that help you have healthy skin, shiny hair
and sparkly eyes. Examples of this food are fruits and vegetables
such as avocado, papaya, mango, banana, squash, eggplant,
❖ Everyday food are food that belong to the basic food group. They
should be part of the daily meal because they provide the body
with the nutrients needed to stay healthy.
❖ Sometimes food are food that do not fit into any of the food
groups. When taken in moderation, “sometimes food” could be
part of a healthy diet. Examples are butter, margarine, jam,
popcorn, and chocolate bars. They could be eaten once in a while.