Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications Tutorial Graph Coloring via Locally-Active Memristor Oscillatory Networks Alon Ascoli 1, * , Martin Weiher 1 , Melanie Herzig 2 , Stefan Slesazeck 2 , Thomas Mikolajick 2,3 and Ronald Tetzlaff 1 1 2 3 * Citation: Ascoli, A.; Weiher, M.; Herzig, M.; Slesazeck, S.; Mikolajick, T.; Tetzlaff, R. Graph Coloring via Locally-Active Memristor Oscillatory Networks. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22. 10.3390/jlpea12020022 Academic Editors: Alexander Serb and Adnan Mehonic Received: 22 January 2022 Accepted: 2 April 2022 Published: 18 April 2022 Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in Chair of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Circuits and Systems, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany; (M.W.); (R.T.) Nano-Electronic Materials Laboratory (NaMLab) gGmbH, 01187 Dresden, Germany; (M.H.); (S.S.); (T.M.) Institute für Halbleiter-und Mikrosystemtechnik, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany Correspondence: Abstract: This manuscript provides a comprehensive tutorial on the operating principles of a bioinspired Cellular Nonlinear Network, leveraging the local activity of NbOx memristors to apply a spike-based computing paradigm, which is expected to deliver such a separation between the steady-state phases of its capacitively-coupled oscillators, relative to a reference cell, as to unveal the classification of the nodes of the associated graphs into the least number of groups, according to the rules of a non-deterministic polynomial-hard combinatorial optimization problem, known as vertex coloring. Besides providing the theoretical foundations of the bio-inspired signal-processing paradigm, implemented by the proposed Memristor Oscillatory Network, and presenting pedagogical examples, illustrating how the phase dynamics of the memristive computing engine enables to solve the graph coloring problem, the paper further presents strategies to compensate for an imbalance in the number of couplings per oscillator, to counteract the intrinsic variability observed in the electrical behaviours of memristor samples from the same batch, and to prevent the impasse appearing when the array attains a steady-state corresponding to a local minimum of the optimization goal. The proposed Memristor Cellular Nonlinear Network, endowed with ad hoc circuitry for the implementation of these control strategies, is found to classify the vertices of a wide set of graphs in a number of color groups lower than the cardinality of the set of colors identified by traditional either software or hardware competitor systems. Given that, under nominal operating conditions, a biological system, such as the brain, is naturally capable to optimise energy consumption in problemsolving activities, the capability of locally-active memristor nanotechnologies to enable the circuit implementation of bio-inspired signal processing paradigms is expected to pave the way toward electronics with higher time and energy efficiency than state-of-the-art purely-CMOS hardware. Keywords: graph coloring; cellular nonlinear networks; memristor oscillatory networks; locally-active memristors; control theory published maps and institutional affiliations. 1. Introduction Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/). Memristor technologies promise to revolutionise the world of electronics in the years to come, allowing to boost the performance of integrated circuits beyond the Moore era. Theoretically introduced in 1971 by L. Chua [1], memristors are essentially resistances with state- and input-dependent programmable capability [2]. Despite the first association between Chua’s theory and the experimental observation of fingerprints of memristive behaviour at the nanoscale was made by R.S. Williams and his team at Hewlett Packard Labs in 2008 [3], the appearance of memory resistance switching effects in miniaturized physical structures were reported in numerous occasions throughout the past two centuries [4], J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 2 of 30 constituting the object of extensive and intensive investigations for the development of novel solid-state memories first in the 1960s [5]. In fact, the main application of memristors [6]—certainly the most profitable one from a business perspective point of view—is the design of memories with higher retention, lower power consumption, and larger density as compared to state-of-the-art data storage units [7]. Another major field of application regards the development of innovative neuromorphic systems, which resemble biological entities more closely than traditional artificial networks ([8–11]). A closely-related branch of research takes inspiration from the high levels of organization and energy efficiency of biological systems to develop mem-computing machines ([12–14]), which extend the functionalities of traditional cellular architectures [15]. Another bio-inspired research direction aims to the circuit implementation of in-memory computing paradigms through high-capacity memristive memories, stacked in 3D crossbar arrangement above underlying CMOS circuitry [16], and employed, alternatively, to store data or to execute processing tasks ([17–20]), which reveals the high potential of novel hardware platforms of this kind to resolve the von Neumann bottleneck, limiting the maximum operating speed of traditional computing engines, in the near future. Additionally, the unique combined capability of non-volatile resistance switching memories to sense data ([21,22]), learn how to recognize patterns [23], process information [24], and store multiple states [25] within a single tiny physical volume, and the availability of nanoscale locally-active [26] volatile memristors, which may amplify the small signal upon suitable polarization ([27,28]), open up yetunexplored opportunities for the Internet-of-Things (IoT) industry, which urgently calls for the development of miniaturized, low-power, light-weight, portable, and smart technical systems, which, within a very short time frame, are able to acquire a large amount of information from the environment, to extract features of interest from noisy data so as to solve specific optimization problems, and to store or transmit to a prescribed user the most relevant results of the computation. One of the most challenging tasks for computing machines, based upon the classical von Neumann architecture, is the solution of combinatorial optimisation problems belonging to the non-deterministic polynomial (NP)-hard complexity class1 . Nowadays there is a huge interest in developing novel inexpensive low-power high-speed hardware solutions capable to solve NP-hard problems more efficiently than traditional computers, given that high-performance technical systems of this kind may find application in various industry sectors, e.g., for traffic management, airline scheduling, gene sequencing, and electronic chip wiring. A recent Nature Electronics publication [29] proposed the use of a memristive crossbar array—refer to Figure 1—for accelerating the vector-matrix multiplications (VMMs) at the basis of the update rule of an iterative machine learning algorithm, which is credited to Hopfield, and enables to solve combinatorial problems, within an overall disruptive analogue hardware architecture, leveraging and controlling its numerous inherent noise sources to allow a power-efficient derivation of the optimal solutions. 1 The time it takes for a von Neumann computing machine to find the optimal solution to a NP-hard problem, which involves n elements, scales exponentially with n. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 3 of 30 Figure 1. In-memory computing in a N × N memristive crossbar array (here N = 4). In-memory computing in an N × N memristive crossbar array (here, N = 4). Naturally obeying Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL), the bio-inspired network enables a time-efficient computation of VMMs. With j ∈ {1, . . . , N }, the current flowing down the jth column of the array is simply given by i j = ∑iN=1 Gi,j · vi , where Gi,j denotes the conductance of the memory resistive switch located at the intersection between the conductive nanowires stretching along row i and column j [29]. The computation of the currents at the outputs of the crossbar columns assumes that the bottom terminals of all the memristors—refer to the thick black horizontal segments in their circuit-theoretic symbols—are at virtual ground. Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNNs) with locally-active volatile memristors [30] constitute a powerful engine for the implementation of bio-inspired spike-based computing paradigms. This manuscript, inspired to a recent publication [31], is devoted to explain in a pedagogical form how these bio-inspired memristor cellular arrays2 , may be adopted for solving a complex NP-hard problem known as vertex coloring. While page limitation prevented a complete description of the theory at the basis of the spike-based computing paradigm implemented by the proposed cellular arrays3 , all details are pedagogically reported in this tutorial. In regard to the structure of the manuscript, Section 2 provides a brief description of the memristor model adopted for the study. Section 3 introduces the memristive computing engine for solving the vertex coloring problem, including a discussion of its operating principles, and the specification of strategies aimed to compensate for non-idealities, including an imbalance in the number of couplings per oscillator, and the memristor device-to-device variability. Section 4 presents a rigorous iterative procedure for coloring a graph via the network phase dynamics. Importantly, control paradigms to resolve local minima-based impasse conditions [33] are proposed in Section 5, which further compares the performance of the proposed spike-based computing engine, endowed with ad hoc circuitry to implement such strategies, with the solutions of state-of-the-art software and hardware competitor systems. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 6. 2 3 CNNs with non-volatile memristors ([12–14]) may pave the way toward the development of advanced visual-sensor processors [32] with high spatial resolution and intrinsic memory capability. Importantly, depending upon the graph under focus, the proposed Memristor CNN (M-CNN) may feature either local or non-local capacitive couplings. The solution of the vertex coloring problem through the proposed M-CNNs depends upon the phase differences among the oscillations developing in the constitutive units of the array at steady state. In order to highlight the steady-state oscillatory behaviours of the cells during operation, the bio-inspired arrays are also referred to as Memristor Oscillatory Networks (MONs) in the remainder of the manuscript. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 4 of 30 2. A Physics-Based Model for the Threshold Switching Dynamics of a Nano-Scale Locally-Active Memristor Device Stack In a past study [34,35] we employed physics laws to construct state evolution and memductance functions of a NbOx memristor, fabricated at NaMLab, after inferring the physical mechanisms, which underlie its nonlinear dynamics, from the outcome of experimental measurements, and the insights gained through theoretic investigations of a mathematical model, derived previously on the basis of Chua’s Unfolding Theorem [28]. A thorough analysis of the proposed physics-based model [34] revealed that the Mott insulatorto-metal transition does not constitute the key physical mechanism at the origin of the threshold switching process, that each of our NbOx -based memristors undergoes under the application of a generic quasi-static voltage stimulus between its two terminals. Conversely, a temperatureactivated trap-assisted Poole-Frenkel conduction mechanism underlies the abrupt turn-on dynamics of the volatile memristor. Importantly, shortly after our discovery, a further proof of evidence for the validity of our conjecture was provided by engineers from Hewlett Packard (HP) Labs [36]. Remarkably, despite it was originally proposed for the NbO microstructure, the physics-based model in [34] was found to fit rather well also experimental data extracted from nanoscale variants of the NbOx threshold switching resistance from NaMLab after minor adaptations [37,38]. As illustrated in Figure 2(a), ([30,31]), the equivalent circuit model of the memristor M consists of the series combination between a linear resistor Rc , capturing the action of the top electrode resistance, and a parallel one-port, formed by a core memristor M̃, and a nonlinear resistor R, which accounts for the parasitics inherent to the NbOx nanostructure, and is responsible for the manifestation of leakage current effects. Several studies [34,35] have revealed that the state of the core memristor is well captured by its body temperature T. In fact, as anticipated earlier, threshold switching effects in the nano-device originate from runaway Joule self-heating governed by Poole-Frenkel electrical conduction mechanisms. Taking this into account for the formulation of a state-dependent Ohm’s law, with ṽm (ĩm ) representing the voltage (current) of M̃, and choosing Newton’s law of cooling to dictate the time evolution of the state, the DAE set, governing the static and dynamic behaviour of the core memristor may be expressed as dT dt = ĩm = 1 Γ · ĩm · ṽm − th · ( T − Tamb ), Cth C th 1 a01 − a11 · |ṽm | · ṽm , G ( T, ṽm ) · ṽm , · exp − R01 T g( T, ṽm ) , (1) (2) where Cth (Γth ) stands for the effective thermal capacitance (conductance) of the core device M̃, Tamb denotes the ambient temperature, R01 , a01 and a11 are constants4 , while vm (im ) symbolises the voltage (current) falling across (flowing though) the memristor M, whose circuit-theoretic symbol is shown in Figure 2(b). Remarkably, the DAE set (1)–(2) of the core memristor falls into the voltage-controlled extended memristor family from Chua’s classification5 [40]. The constitutive relationship f (vR , iR ) = 0 of the nonlinear resistor R is given in implicit form as ! p a02 − a12 · |vR | vR = R02 · iR · exp . (3) Tamb 4 5 The reader is invited to consult [34,35] for details on the association between the real parameters R01 , a01 and a11 and the physical properties of the core nanostructure. It is instructive to observe that there exist memristor physical realisations, whose models feature an even more general input- and state- dependent Ohm law than what is admissible for extended memristors. For these two-terminal devices, including the TiO2 memristor from HP Labs [39], the mathematical description includes an implicit Ohm law of the form h( x, vm , im ) = 0, with x, vm , and im denoting the device state, voltage, and current, respectively. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 5 of 30 revealing that a variant of the Poole-Frenkel law explains current transport phenomena in the parasitic resistor as well6 . The nominal parameter values for the core memristor and nonlinear resistor models were obtained by fitting the underlying equations to experimental data extracted from nano-device samples (see [37,38] for details on the NbOx nanostructure fabrication process). Importantly, since the non-negligible intrinsic spread in dynamic behaviour from sample to sample may impair the capability of a computing engine based on memristive hardware to perform a predefined data processing task as desired, this nonideality may not be neglected in circuit design considerations. Particularly, in the analysis to follow, where a Memristor Oscillatory Network (MON) is adopted to find optimal solutions to graph coloring problems [31], it will be accounted through the replacement of specific parameters in the NbOx nano-scale threshold switch physics model, specifically Γth , R01 , a01 , a11 , RC , R02 , and a12 , with corresponding ones, i.e., in turn, Γth,α , R01,α , a01,α , a11,α , RC,α , R02,α , and a12,α , that are controlled via a real variable α, which is set randomly to a distinct value chosen from a uniform distribution across the closed range [0, 1] for each nanostructure individually, prior that the simulation of the ODE, modelling the array associated to a pre-specified graph, is commenced. Figure 2. (a) Equivalent circuit of the physical model of a NbOx nanoscale memristor M from NaMLab. The linear resistor RC and the nonlinear resistor R respectively account for the effects of electrode contact resistance and parasitics. (b) Memristor circuit-theoretic symbol. Table 1 reports the parameter setting of the nano-scale memristor physics-based model modulated according to the device-to-device variability estimated statistically beforehand through the analysis of current-voltage characteristics of a large number of samples under a common quasi-static stimulation [31]. Table 1. Parameter setting for NbOx nanoscale threshold switch from NaMLab. The effects of the memristor-to-memristor variability are accounted through the assignment of a distinct value, chosen randomly within the closed set [0, 1] to the variable α, controlling specific coefficients of Equations (1), (2), and (3). Cth / J · K−1 1 · 10−14 Γth,α / W · K−1 1.889 · 10−6 · 1.064α Tamb / K 293 R01,α / Ω 3.047 · 0.831α a01,α / K 3620 · 1.061α a11,α / K· V−1 820.4 · 1.137α Rc,α / Ω 173.8 · 1.092α R02,α / Ω 565 · 1.377α a02 / K 1000 a12,α / K· V−1/2 168.8 · 1.083α 3. Memristive Computing Engine for Solving the Vertex Coloring Problem One of the most popular NP-hard problems is graph or vertex coloring. Given an undirected graph, consisting of a certain arrangement of edge-coupled vertices, the aim of the problem is to assign a color to each vertex, satisfying the constraint, which dictates 6 The mathematical description of the nonlinear resistor, formulated in Equation (3), is in fact equivalent to the model of a NbOx memristor, as originally presented in [34,35], which reveals the correspondence of the real parameters R02 , a02 and a12 to physical properties of the nanostructure, in the limit when changes occurring in the device state, defined as its body temperature, are negligible. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 6 of 30 that a given color should be shared between as many vertices as possible so long as no edge connects any two of them. The lowest number of color groups, the vertices of the unconnected graph may be classified into, is called chromatic number. As revealed back in 1988, graph coloring may be achieved by harnessing synchronisation mechanisms in arrays of of coupled oscillatory cells [41]. A more recent work [42] showed that the assignment of colors to vertices of a graph may be naturally implemented through the analysis of the steady-state phase shifts between capacitively-coupled relaxation oscillators exploiting negative differential resistance (NDR) effects in vanadium dioxide (VO2 ) nano-structures. Inspired from this research, we have recently investigated the capability of an oscillatory network, leveraging locally-active dynamics in NbOx memristors, and featuring capacitive couplings, to identify the minimum possible number of colors assignable to the vertices of an associated undirected graph via phase dynamics. In order to color a given graph of N vertices or nodes, a unique number in the set {0, 1, . . . , N − 1} is first attributed to each vertex. A one-to-one association is then established between the vertices (edges) of the graph, and the oscillators (coupling capacitors, each of capacitance CC ) of the associated network. The oscillator 0, corresponding to the node 0, assumes a critical role in the solution of the graph coloring problem, and is called reference cell. A general indication, regarding the selection of a suitable reference oscillator among the N possible candidates, will be given shortly. As an example, Figure 3(a) and (b) show a 6-node ring and the associated MON, respectively. Figure 3. (a) A 6-node ring-shaped undirected graph (b) Associated MON. The oscillator i of the network corresponds to the vertex i of the graph (i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}). With reference to Figure 4, plots (a) and (b) show the oscillator circuit and its symbol, respectively. Each oscillatory cell is composed of the parallel connection between a NbOx memristor M, a bias circuit, consisting of the series combination of a DC voltage source VS with a series resistor RS , allowing to polarize [28] the resistance switching memory within the locally-active region of its DC current-voltage locus, and a capacitor C. Figure 4. Memristive oscillatory cell (a) and its symbol (b). On the basis of the NbOx nano-device physics-based model, expressed by Equations (1), (2), and (3), under the variability-aware parameter setting of Table 1, we carried out a deep numerical investigation of the capability of an array of capacitively-coupled memristive J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 7 of 30 oscillatory cells to classify the vertices of a pre-defined undirected graph in the least number of groups. While the memristor model parameters, accounting for the inherent fluctuations in static and dynamic properties among distinct nano-device samples, were already reported in Table 1, only the values assigned to the physical quantities of the non-memristive circuit elements in the proposed MON are provided in Table 2. Table 2. Parameter setting for the non-memristive circuit elements in the oscillator of Figure 4(a). VS / V 2.5 RS / Ω C/ F CC / F 5525 10 · 10−9 0.2 · 10−9 3.1. Operating Principles of the Capacitively-Coupled Networks The capacitive nature of the couplings in the network is responsible for pulling the phases of physically-connected oscillators far apart one from the other at steady-state. This repelling mechanism may be exploited to colour the vertices of the associated graph. The phases of uncoupled oscillators tend to form clusters, which may be interpreted as color groups for the corresponding vertices. The larger is the separation between phase clusters, the simpler is the classification of the nodes of the graph into color groups. To illustrate this concept, let us consider a simple undirected graph, composed of one edge, which couples two nodes, as shown in Figure 5(a). The chromatic number of this graph is obviously equal to 2. The corresponding oscillatory network is depicted in plot (b) of the same figure. Simulating the circuit with nominal parameter setting7 , the time waveforms of the voltages across the capacitors or those of the currents through the memristors within the circuits of the two capacitively-coupled memristive oscillators are expected to feature a steady-state phase shift of about 180◦ . Upon the emergence of anti-phase synchronisation between the two oscillators of this simple network, it would be natural to assign one color to vertex 0 and another one to vertex 1 of the associated graph of Figure 5(a). As a further example, Figure 5(c) visualises another undirected graph with chromatic number equal to 2. The respective oscillatory array is shown in plot (d) of the same figure. Simulating this network, the phases of oscillators 1 and 2 are expected to cluster together, and to shift away from the phase of reference oscillator 0 as much as possible, approaching a relative value of approximately 180◦ at steady state. With the network exhibiting such a phase pattern at steady state, it would be straightforward to divide the vertices of the associated graph into two color groups, including vertex 0 and vertices 1 and 2, respectively. Due to a couple of non-idealities the expectations on the phase dynamics of the networks in plots (b) and (d) of Figure 5 are not fulfilled in practice. Details will be provided in the next two sections. 7 The nominal parameter setting is obtained from Table 1 for α = 0.5. As will be shown later, simulating the memristor model under a quasi-DC voltage stimulus and with the variability parameter stepped across its existence domain, the locus observed for α = 0.5 appears in the center of the distribution of characteristics emerging in the voltage-current plane. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 8 of 30 Figure 5. (a) A 2-node 1-edge graph. Its chromatic number is 2. (b) Oscillatory network corresponding to the graph in (a). (c) A 3-vertex 2-edge graph. Its chromatic number is once again 2. Interestingly, the number of edges departing from vertex 0 (from either vertex 1 or vertex 2) is 2 (1). (d) Oscillatory network corresponding to the graph in (c). Before proceeding, the following remark explains how the autonomous memristive array is initialised, and clarifies how the steady-state phases of the cells are computed when the network converges to an oscillatory solution. Remark 1. With VS and RS fixed to specific values, as reported in Table 1, all memristors in the network are biased in a common operating point lying along the NDR of the DC Im –Vm locus of the NbOx resistive nanoswitch. Defining as vC,i and Ti the states of the second-order cell i of the memristive array (i ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}), the initial conditions for the capacitor voltage and the memristor8 temperature are set in each oscillator to 0 V, and to the ambient temperature Tamb , fixed to 293 K in Table 1, respectively. A random sequence is generated to mismatch, in a nondeterministic way, the time instants, at which the signals generated by the DC voltage sources within the oscillators ramp toward the nominal VS value over a time span of 1 µs at the beginning of a simulation. If sustained periodic oscillations develop across the network at steady state, for each oscillator i ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}, the phase of the memristor current im,i relative to the phase of the current im,0 through the NbOx device in the reference oscillator 0 is then computed, as follows. First, the common period T of the oscillations, observed in the time waveforms of the memristor currents at steady state, is estimated. For each i-value in the set {0, . . . , N − 1}, the time instant ti , at which the memristor current im,i in the cell i attains a given threshold value Ith , specifically 0.5 mA, during its ascending phase, within a single common steady-state cycle, is then recorded. The cycle, utilised for these calculations, covers the time span [t0 , t0 + T ], where t0 marks the time instant, when this threshold crossing event occurs for the memristor current im,0 in the reference cell 0. Next, for each i-value, the temporal span ∆ti , ti − t0 , which separates the instants ti and t0 , at which the threshold crossing event occurs for the memristor currents in the cells i and 0, respectively, is calculated. Finally, this allows to compute the steady-state phase shift between cells i and 0 via9 (s) ϕi , ω0 · ∆ti , where ω0 , 2π T , for each i-value. 3.2. Compensation for an Imbalance in the Number of Couplings per Oscillator If an imbalance in the number of edges per node characterises the coupling structure of a given graph, the phases of physically-coupled oscillators in the corresponding memristive oscillatory network may be found to hold only a marginal distance one from the other at steady state. The balanced nature of the graph of Figure 3 (Figure 5(a)) originates from the fact that each of its six (two) nodes is coupled to 2 other nodes (the other node). On the other hand, inspecting the graph of Figure 5(c), vertex 0 is coupled to vertices 1 and 2, while each of vertices 1 and 2 is connected to vertex 0 only. The resulting imbalance in the number of couplings per cell, arising in the associated array of memristive oscillators—refer to Figure 5(d)—prevents the phases of cells 1 and 2 from separating as expected from the 8 9 The voltage across (current through) the memristor in the cell i is indicated via vm,i (im,i ). (s) The units of the steady-state relative phase of oscillator i, computed via ϕi = ω0 · ∆ti , are radiants. In order (s) to express ϕi in degrees, its formula needs to be scaled by the factor 180◦ π (i ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}). J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 9 of 30 phase of cell 0. This is shown in the phase diagram10 of Figure 6(a), where the dashed orange and green traces, illustrating the time evolution of the phases of cells 1 and 2 relative to cell 0, respectively, feature a separation as small as 50◦ from the reference 0◦ level at steady state. The unbalanced nature of the network of Figure 5(d) results in an imbalance in the capacitive load per oscillator. Looking at the coupling configuration in this array, and recalling the circuit of each oscillator, shown in Figure 4(a), in which, for simplicity, the memristor is replaced with its small-signal equivalent circuit model [43], the application of basic circuit-theoretic principles allows to obtain an expression in the sinusoidal regime for the capacitive impedance ZCi ( jω), loading oscillator i for each value of i in the set {0, 1, 2}, i.e., = ZC k ( ZCC ( jω ) + ZC ( jω )) k ( ZCC ( jω ) + ZC ( jω )), = ZC k ZCC ( jω ) + ZC ( jω ) k ZCC ( jω ) + ZC ( jω ) , ZC2 ( jω ) = ZC k ZCC ( jω ) + ZC ( jω ) k ZCC ( jω ) + ZC ( jω ) , ZC0 ( jω ) (4) ZC1 ( jω ) (5) (6) where ZC ( jω ) = ZCC ( jω ) = 1 , and jωC 1 . jωCC (7) (8) Defining Ca k Cb , Ca · Cb , Ca + Cb (9) the load capacitance Ci of the oscillator i ∈ {0, 1, 2} in the network of Figure 5(d) may be extracted easily from the (i + 1)th equation in the triplet (4)–(6), yielding C0 C1 C2 = C + 2 · (CC k C ), = C + CC k (C + CC k C ) ≈ C + CC k C, = C + CC k (C + CC k C ) ≈ C + CC k C, (10) (11) (12) where the approximations stem from the inequality C >> CC , yielding C + CC k C ≈ C. Analysing Equations (10)–(12) it is clear that, in order to compensate for the imbalance in the capacitive load per oscillator within the network of Figure 5(d), an additional capacitor with capacitance Ccomp,j = CC k C should be added in parallel to the capacitor C in the circuit of oscillator j, for each j-value in the set {1, 2}, as shown in Figure 6(b). Simulating the balanced network, the relative phases of cells 1 and 2 cluster together, converging to values close to the expected 180◦ level at steady state, as may be evinced from plot (a) in the same figure, where the orange and green solid traces reveal the time evolution of ϕ1 and ϕ2 , respectively. 10 A new graphical tool—which we call phase diagram—is introduced in this research study [31] for visualising the phase dynamics of the network. Referring, for example, to the phase diagram of Figure 6(a), a specific trace visualises the time evolution of the phase of oscillator j relative to oscillator 0 (j ∈ {1, . . . , N − 1}). Reading the time flow along the radial direction, the angle between the segment, joining the origin to the point, where the trace is found to lie at time t, and the blue horizontal line, denoting the 0◦ -valued reference level, represents the phase shift ϕ j (t) of oscillator j with respect to oscillator 0 at time t. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 10 of 30 ONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS 3 (a) 90° 12 45° 135° α=0.0 α=0.2 α=0.4 α=0.6 α=0.8 α=1.0 3ms 2ms 1ms 1 180° 2 0ms 225° 0° 0 315° 270° 0.2 0.4 0.6 vM /mA 0.8 1.0 c current-voltage characteristic of distinct realizations of depending on the variability parameter α, which accurately bution obtained by measuring 196 NbOx-based threshold d number of connections Fig. 1(a) will be implemented with its associn Fig. 1(b), we can determine the evolution of between the oscillators, as depicted in Fig. 4 es. For this phase shift oscillator 0 will serve nd a large phase shift relative to this reference eted as a different color. On the radial axis, the and the angle in this plot illustrates the phase numbers represent the number of the respective ad coupled only two oscillators by a capacitor, arameters of Table I, we would have recorded a approximately 180° between them, as known [9], [15]–[18]. Thus, similarly, it would be hieve a phase shift of 180° between oscillators ell as between oscillators 0 and 2, to obtain maximum phase separation between different ndently of the chosen graph. But, as seen in lines) we derive approximately 50° phase shift. e because oscillator 0 has two connections and nd 2 only have one. Because of this, there is i n the network. The effective capacitance Cef f cillator i ∈ {0, 1, 2}, consists of the internal of the oscillator and in parallel to this, for each ly-connected neighboring oscillators, the series ween the respective coupling capacitor Cc and itance loading the respective coupling capacitor us, we derive the following equations for the s of this network: + 2 · (CC ||C) (3a) + CC || (C + CC ||C) ≈ C + CC ||C (3b) + CC || (C + CC ||C) ≈ C + CC ||C (3c) for oscillator 1, which has only one physically-connected ator, i.e. the reference oscillator 0, the total capacitance tive coupling capacitor is the parallel between the internal reference oscillator 0 and the series connection between the h couples oscillators 0 and 2, and the internal capacitance Fig. 4: Evolution of the phase shift (referenced to oscillator 0) of the three oscillators for the graph of Fig. 1 for the unbalanced (dashed) and balanced (solid) case without variability (α = 0) between the memristors. The bold numbers represent the numbering of the respective vertices. Figure 6. (a) Phase diagram visualising the time evolution of the phases of oscillators 1 (in orange) and 2 (in green) relative to oscillator 0, sitting on the 0◦ phase state throughout the simulation (blue horizontalCCline) CC for the original unbalanced network of Figure 5(c) (see the dashed traces) and for the compensated network in plot (b) of this figure (refer to the solid traces). In the first (latter) case, CC ||C CC ||C 1 of 0oscillators 2 the phases 1 and 2 are found to cluster together, and to distance themselves from the ◦ reference 0 phase, associated to oscillator 0, by approximately 50◦ (180◦ ) at steady state. (b) Complete Fig. 5: Balanced associated network of the graph depicted in Fig. 1. circuitry of the memristive oscillatory network of Figure 5(d) after compensation for the imbalance in thewith: number of couplings per oscillator. Here Ccomp,1 = Ccomp,2 = CC k C. since CC C, CC ||C = CC C . CC + C With reference to Figure 6(b), it is interesting to observe that the compensating caThe difference in this effective capacitance is approximately pacitance C for oscillator j ∈ {1, 2} is equal to the product between CC k C and comp,j the difference in the number of connections times CC ||C. If we add this difference the oscillator ofbetween the associated the network the todifference number of connections for oscillator 0, coinciding with the (as illustrated in Fig. 5), the network becomes balanced. number of connections per oscillator in the unbalanced network of Figure 5(d), The evolutionmaximum of the phase shift for the balanced associated network is depicted in Fig.number 4 (solid lines). As expected, the and the of connections for oscillator j. Taking inspiration from this finding, for a phase shift is approximately 180°. We are also able to color general network the network clearly in two unbalanced colors (color 1: vertex 0 and color with N oscillators, the compensating capacitance Ccomp,i for 2: vertices 1 and 2). In general, the compensation capacitor oscillator {0, 1,of. N. . oscillators , N − 1is} is computed via i Ccomp for the oscillator i ini a∈network given by: i Ccomp = (nmax − ni ) · (CC ||C) nmax = max nj 0≤j<N (4a) Ccomp,i = (nmax − ni ) · (CC k C ), (13) (4b) the number oficouplings for with ni as where the numberniofiscouplings of oscillator and nmax as the maximum number of couplings, which at least one of the N oscillators, the network is comprised of, has. nmax Hereafter, the balanced associated network will be used for the implementation of graphs. oscillator i, while = max {ni }, 0≤ i < N (14) C. Impact ofisthe device-to-device variability of theofNbO the maximum number couplings x memristor per oscillator in the original network. While reducing the coupling capacitance may allow to accelerate the phase dynamics in the memristive A major issue is the device-to-device variability of the NbOx memristor and its impact on the behavior of the network. of factors influence its selection. In this regard, to name but computing engine, a number In Fig. 6, the behavior of the graph in Fig. 1(a) and its a couple key first associated balanced networkof(Fig. 5) isaspects, shown taking the CC should not be too small, otherwise the capacitive path device variability into account. The dashed shows, that theto be paired so as to reproduce the links, joining the vertices between any two line oscillators, phase shifts of oscillator 1 and 2 with respect to oscillator 0 do the associated graph, across the proposed cellular medium, would effectively act as not converge.of Thus, the network cannot be used for the task of an open circuit. Concurrently, CC may not be so large as to violate the validity of the approximation C >> CC , used to derive the compensating capacitance Ccomp,i for each oscillator i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1} (refer to Equation (13)), which enables to counteract the non-uniformity in the load capacitance per oscillator across the cellular medium, allowing to keep the natural frequencies11 of the oscillators close together, which facilitates the convergence of the memristive computing engine to some steady state. In the remainder of this paper, any unbalanced network will first be compensated, and then simulated for the solution of a given graph coloring problem. 3.3. Compensation for the Memristor Device-to-Device Variability Simulating the network of Figure 5(b) for the case, where the device-to-device variability is taken into account, the memristor currents in the two oscillatory circuits may be unable to settle on steady-state oscillatory waveforms. Figure 7(a) shows the currentvoltage loci obtained by simulating the memristor model Equations (1), (2), and (3) under a quasi-DC voltage stimulus for each value of the variability parameter α in the set 11 The natural frequency of an oscillator is the inverse of the period of the oscillations developing across its circuitry. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 11 of 30 {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}. It is worth to pinpoint that the distribution of quasi-static characteristics, visualised in this figure, matches the variability observed in analogous loci measured from 196 device samples. Assuming that the oscillator 0 (1) in the two-cell network hosts a memristor, featuring a quasi-DC im –vm locus lying in the center (on the right end) of the distribution of Figure 7(a), the network is found to fail to converge to steady-state oscillatory dynamics. This issue is essentially due to the significant mismatch between the DC operating points of the resistive nano-switches in the two oscillators. It may be addressed by reprogramming the DC operating point of the memristor in cell 1. This may be achieved [28] by adjusting either the resistance RS of the series resistor, as done in this research study, or the voltage VS of the DC source within the circuit of oscillator 1 until an anti-phase synchronisation pattern is found to emerge in the network. As demonstrated in the phase diagram visualised in plot (b) of Figure 7, stepping the increment ∆RS,1 in the series resistance RS of oscillator 1 from 0 Ω up to 151 Ω, the network keeps featuring non-convergent phase dynamics for a while (see the orange trace relative to the case ∆RS,1 = 50 Ω). Then, from some point onward, the memristor currents in the two oscillators settle on steady-state oscillatory waveforms, sharing the same frequency, but differing in phase by an offset, which progressively approaches the expected 180◦ level as the series resistance RS of oscillator 1 gets larger (compare the green and purple traces, obtained for the first and second ∆RS,1 -value in the set {100, 125} Ω, respectively). Finally, the two capacitively-coupled cells attain anti-phase synchronisation (refer to the red trace corresponding to the scenario ∆RS,1 = 151 Ω). As another example, Figure 7(c), where the orange and green dashed traces illustrate the time evolution of the phase of oscillators 1 and 2 relative to oscillator 0, respectively, demonstrates that the balanced network of Figure 6(b) fails to converge to a steady-state oscillatory solution when the first, second, and third value in the set {0.5, 0, 1} is assigned in turn to the variability parameter α in the model of the memristor in oscillator 0, 1, and 2. A numerical procedure, tuning separately12 , one at a time, the series resistances in (s) oscillators 1 and 2 with the intention to maximise the steady-state phase shifts ϕ1 and (s) ϕ2 , determines that decrementing (incrementing) the series resistance of oscillator 1 (2) by ∆RS,1 = −134 Ω (∆RS,2 = +151 Ω), the network exhibits a steady-state oscillatory pattern characterised by the anti-phase synchronisation between oscillators 1 and 2, on one side, and oscillator 0, on the other side. In the remainder of this section, in order to compensate for the negative effects that the memristor device-to-device variability has on the performance of a balanced network, the following approach shall be adopted. First, a reference cell, hosting the memristor, to which the random number generator assigns a variability parameter value closest to 0.5 among all NbOx devices in the array, should be selected. In a hardware implementation of the memristive network, the memristor of the reference oscillator would approximately display the average dynamical behaviour among all the resistive nano-switches employed in the array13 . This would minimise the subsequent adjustment to be carried out on the bias circuit of each oscillator j ∈ {1, . . . , N − 1} to reprogram the DC operating point of the respective memristor14 . Then, for each j-value in the set {1, . . . , N − 1}, the oscillator j is capacitively coupled only to the reference oscillator 0, and the series resistance RS in its 12 13 14 In order to reprogram appropriately the operating point of the memristor in the cell j ∈ {1, 2} of the 3-oscillator network under focus, the cell j itself is capacitively coupled only to the reference cell 0, and, as described earlier, ∆RS,j is tuned until anti-phase synchronisation emerges in the resulting two-cell network. This procedure is carried out separately for oscillators 1 and 2. It is important to pinpoint that, while the choice of a reference cell for the preliminary compensation of the memristor device-to-device variability should fall for a specific oscillator, as specified here, no rule dictates the selection of a reference cell for the later computation of the relative phase pattern of the array, as discussed in Section 4. It is important to observe that, while taking the proposed device-to-device compensation measure, care need to be taken so as to keep the natural oscillation frequency of each oscillator within a close range. In fact, a wide spread in this parameter, inevitably differing across the cellular medium, due to the RS tuning procedure, would jeopardize the convergence of the bio-inspired computing engine to some steady state. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 12 of 30 DC bias circuit is adjusted through a numerical procedure till the point when its increment or decrement by ∆Rs,j induces a 180◦ phase shift between the memristor currents of the two cells. It is important to observe that, in hardware, such RS tuning procedure needs to be carried out only once, during the computing machine testing phase, directly after its fabrication. In order to simplify the programmability of the series resistor, it could be implemented through a voltage-controlled CMOS transistor forced to operate in the linear region. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS 3 IEEE TRANSACTIONS 4 ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS (a) im /mA 3.0 2 90° iM /mA 2.0 1.5 (c) 90° 90° α = 0.0 α = 0.2 45° α = 0.4 α = 0.6 3ms α = 0.8 2ms α = 1.0 1ms 135°2.5 1 2 180° (b) 0ms 135° ∆Rs,1 ∆Rs,1 ∆Rs,1 ∆Rs,1 135° 45° 3ms 0ms 180° 0° 0 12ms 180° 1ms2 = = = = 2 90° 12 151Ω 45° 125Ω 100Ω 3ms 50Ω 135° 45° 2ms 3ms 1ms 2ms 0ms 0° 0 1ms 0ms 1 2 180° 0° 0° 0 1.0 225° 0.5 225°0.0 225° 315° 0.0 0.2 1 0.4 0.6 vm/mV 0.8 315° 315° 270° 225° 1.0 315° 1 270° Fig. 4: Evolution 270° of the phase shift (referenced to oscillator 0) of the three oscillators for the graph of Fig. 1 for the unbalanced (dashed) and balanced Fig. 3: Quasi-static current-voltage characteristic of distinct realizations of Fig. 6: the Evolution of the (solid) case without variability = 0) between memristors. The phase bold shift (referred to oscillator 0) of the three Fig.accurately 7: Phase shift behavior for two coupled(αoscillators with variability for Fig. 6: Evolution of the thememristor phase shift (referred on to the oscillator 0) parameter of the three M depending variability α, which numbers the numbering the respective vertices. oscillators for the graph of Fig. 1(a) with variability (oscillator 0: α = 0.5, distinct adjustments ∆Rrepresent of the series resistor of RS . The reference oscillator oscillators for the graph of Fig. with variability (oscillator 0: 196 α =NbO 0.5,x-based reflects the 1(a) distribution obtained by measuring threshold 1: α = has 0.0 and oscillator 2: α = 1.0) between the memristors. (blue line) has the variability parameter α = 0.5, theoscillator other oscillator oscillator 1: α = 0.0switching and oscillator devices.2: α = 1.0) between the memristors. 270° Figure 7. (a) Spread in the distribution of quasi-DC memristor current-voltage loci, as emerging Depicted is the all behavior of eachof oscillator the uncompensated (dashed α = model 1.0. Depicted is the behavior of each oscillator for thesimulations uncompensated (dashed from numerical of the Equations (1), (2)C,Cand (3) for values the for variability C C and compensated (solid line) cases. In the compensated case, oscillator line) line) and compensated (solid line) cases. In the compensated case, oscillator 1 was adapted by ∆R = −134Ω and oscillator 2 by ∆R = 151Ω. The bold 1 was adapted by ∆R parameter = −134Ω and oscillator by ∆Rset = 151Ω. bold α in2 the {0,The 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}. (b) Phase diagramnumbers showing the time evolution of the are the labels identifying the vertices of the graph under study. numbers are the labels identifying the vertices of the graph under study. CC ||C CC ||C B. Unbalanced number of connections ◦ 11 the0 reference phase shift of oscillator 1 relative to the 0 -valued2phase of oscillator 0 for each of the 2 If the graph of Fig. 1(a) will be implemented with its associvalues of the seriescanresistance increment ∆R in the set {50, 100, 125, 151}Fig.Ωby (refer in turn to the Fig.S,1 5: Balanced associated network of vertex the graphcoloring. depicted inBut 1. a small adjustment of the DC operating atedbynetwork Fig. 1(b), we determine the evolution of vertex coloring. But a smallinadjustment of the DC operating the phase shift between the oscillators, as depicted in Fig. 4 point of each oscillator, the characteristics of the 3 0 orange, green, andofred achieveonanti-phase point of each oscillator, depending on thepurple, characteristics the traces). The two capacitively-coupled oscillators depending by dashedthis lines. For can this be phase shift In oscillator corresponding memristor, this issue can be solved. In Fig. 6 corresponding memristor, issue solved. Fig. 6 0 will serve forshift therelative largest this set. (c) Phase diagram illustrating the assynchronisation reference and a large phase to this∆R reference S,1 -value the solid lines show the behavior of thephase network with adsince Cin C C, with: the solid lines show the behavior of the network with adwill be interpreted as a different color. On the radial axis, the in the resistance of the series resistor 5 balanced 4 CChoc C changes hoc changes in the resistance ofoftheoscillators series resistor1 R dynamics (in orange) and 2 (in green) for the network of Figure 6(b) for the RS . As S . As time is shown and the angle in this plot illustrates the phase . oscillators 1 and 2 are found to feature a phase shift of CC ||C = desired, desired, oscillators 1 and 2 are found to feature a phase shift of C + C C shift. The bold numbers represent the number of the respective case specific parameters the modelFig.of8: the inapproximately the cells 0,180° 1, and 2 aretorespectively Graph memristor of a ring of six vertices. with respect oscillator 0. With regard to approximately 180° withIfwhere respect oscillator With regard toby in vertex. we hadtocoupled only0.two oscillators a capacitor, The difference in this effective capacitance is approximately strategy to find the right adjustment of the operating point our strategy to find thesystem right adjustment ofTable the operating point difference inwithin the number of connections times CC ||C. If we with parameters of I, wesecond, would have and recorded a theα-value controlled by the first, third the setour { 0.5, 0, 1 } (see the dashed traces), of an oscillator, consider the simple case where two oscillators of an oscillator, consider the of simple case where twobetween oscillators phase shift approximately 180° them, as known add this difference to the oscillator of the associated network are coupled. The first oscillator serves as a reference and is not and the[15]–[18]. negative the be network performance to the memristor device-to(as illustrated Fig. 5), theassociated becomes balanced. on the finalinphase shifts thenetwork oscillators feature are coupled. The from first oscillator as a reference and is noton [1],after [8], serves [9], Thus,effects similarly, it should would be based adjusted. This reference oscillator should feature a quasi-static The evolution of the after phase the shiftnetwork for the balanced associated within the associated network reaches a adjusted. This reference oscillator should feature a quasi-static desirable to achieve a phase shift of 180° between oscillators device variability have been0 compensated by incrementing (decrementing) the series resistance S by current-voltage which lies inRthe center of the is depicted in Fig.are4 (solid lines). As expected, the 0 and 1 as well as between oscillators and to obtain state. network Thereby, the vertices sorted according tocharacteristic current-voltage characteristic which lies in the center of the 2, stable in Fig. 3. In our case we select a device shiftsolid is approximately 180°. We areassociated also depicted able to color a ∆R reproducible maximum separation 134 Ωphase (∆R +between 151 Ω) (referofphase to lines). thedifferent values thethe steady-state phase shifts ofdistribution their distribution depicted inS,1 Fig.= 3. − In our case we select a device S,2 = the network clearly in two colors (color vertex within1: α ascending = 0.5.0 and The color other oscillator is adjusted by adapting colors independently of adjusted the chosen But, as seen in relative oscillators to the reference oscillator with α = 0.5. The other oscillator is by graph. adapting 2: vertices 1 and 2).itInis general, the compensation capacitor Fig.by4 ∆V (dashed lines)the we series derive resistor approximately 50° phase shift. order. theto voltage source by ∆V or/and the series resistor by ∆R numerical Additionally, necessary provide the the voltage source or/and by ∆R i C for the oscillator i in a network of N oscillators is of the This is the case because oscillator 0 has two connections and Remark In view of a future implementation, parameter memristive comp until the phase shift to approximately 180°, as seen information regarding which vertices the are connected. This setting is converges until the phase shift converges to2. approximately 180°, as seen hardware oscillators 1 and 2 only have one. Because of this, there is given by: inA.Fig. 7N for×an oscillator with α = 1.0 and the reference defined by the symmetrical adjacency matrix This N in Fig. 7 for an oscillator with α = 1.0 and the reference i could becapacitance optimized to increase the data processing speed further. However, a ancomputing imbalance in theengine network. The effective Cef i f (blue line) (4a) with α = 0.5. It can be determined, Ccomp = (ngraph noscillator · (C the whole undirected vertices. oscillator (blue line) with α = 0.5. It can be determined, matrix defines max −of i )N C ||C) The loading the oscillator i ∈investigation, {0, 1, 2}, consists of aimed the internal that formatrix: a too small adjustment (∆R = 50Ω) there is no comprehensive to ensure this would not impair the accuracy of the engine following expression describes the elements of the that for a too small adjustment (∆R = 50Ω) there is no n = max n (4b) max j capacitance C of the oscillator and in parallel to this, for each 0≤j<N convergence. By implementing a larger change (∆R = 100Ω, ( convergence. By of implementing a larger change (∆R =oscillators, 100Ω, the physically-connected neighboring the calculations, should concurrently beseries carried out. On onei ishand, the of the computing coupled to joperating ∆R =of125Ω), the speed system with 1ni ifasoscillator the number of couplings oscillator i and converges but not to a 180° phase ∆R = 125Ω), theconnection system converges but not to a 180° phase between the respective coupling capacitorACc and Aji = (5) ij = nmaxmemristor as iftheoscillator maximum number ofshift. couplings, which at leastit By implementing ∆R = 151Ω the system engine should not be so large to prevent the to respond to the stimuli, experiences over works as 0 i and j are not coupled, shift. By implementing ∆R = 151Ω the system works as the total capacitance loading the respective coupling capacitor one of the N oscillators, the network is comprised of,athas. intended and stays 180° phase shift. However, there is a 1 phase shift. However, there is a intended and stays at 180° Cc itself. Thus, we would derive thenot following equations for the thoroughly its rich dynamics time, which allow to exploit for solving the challenging whereby i and j denote the column and the row of the Hereafter, the balanced associated variability network will be usedthe foradapted and the reference oscillator. between three thisthe network: variability between theoscillators adapted of and reference oscillator. adjacency matrix. As an example, for the graph a ring of sixhas been implemented for all oscillators in the the implementation of graphs. This adaptation coloring underinfocus. On asthe other hand, the array ofof capacitively-coupled memristor This adaptation hasvertex been implemented fortask all oscillators the vertices shown in Fig. 8, we derive the following adjacency 0 network individually utilizing the same reference oscillator. If network individuallyCutilizing the2 ·same reference oscillator. If (CC ||C) (3a) ef f = C + matrix A: oscillators is expected to attain a steady state within a sufficiently-short time all the the NbOxframe. thevariability system isof oscillating faster, dueFor to smaller capacitors C 1 the system is oscillating faster, due to smaller capacitors CCC ||C (3b) C. Impact of the device-to-device Cef ≈ C+ f = C + CC || (C + CC ||C) memristor 0 1 0 0 0 1 and CC , it becomes difficult or even impossible to determine and CC , it becomes difficult or even impossible to determine case studies, investigated in this research work, except for those simulations, in which the proposed 2 Cef = C + C || (C + C ||C) ≈ C + C ||C (3c) C C C f A major issue the NbO operatingofpoint at which the system works. In this case 1 is0 the1 device-to-device 0 0 0 x the operating point at which the system works. In this case the variability computing engine waswhich unable transient phase, the value assigned to has theto be coupling and memristor its impact on the behavior of the network. device-to-device variability decreased, which is a the device-to-device variability has to be decreased, is a to exit the 0 1 0 1 0 0the A = . (6) In Fig. 6,0the 0behavior ingoal Fig.in1(a) andfabrication. its 1 For example, for oscillator 1, which has only one physically-connected graph major device Hereafter, all memristors will 1 0 of1 the0to major goal in device fabrication. Hereafter, all memristors will capacitance C enabled the oscillators’ phases to converge steady-state values within tens of C neighboring oscillator, i.e. the reference oscillator 0, the total capacitance associated0balanced is shown taking with athe device-to-device variability by distinct 0 0 network 1 0 (Fig. 1be5)implemented be implemented with device-to-device byparallel distinct loadinga the respective coupling variability capacitor is the between the internal dashed line shows, that milliseconds. Each0 design maydevice in variability fact1 affect some figure of the thecorresponding bio-inspired parameters αof∈merit [0, 1]the and oscillators will 0 into 0 account. 0 1 The 0key the reference oscillator and the series parameter connection between the parameters α ∈ capacitance [0, 1] andof the corresponding oscillators will phase shifts of oscillator 1 and 2 with to as oscillator 0 doin this section. capacitance, which couples oscillators 0 and 2, and the internal capacitance be respect adapted described be adapted as described in2.this section. For example, reducingAccording the capacitance of each oscillator may converge. the coloring, network cannot used for induce the task of an acceleration in ofnetwork. oscillator tonotthe rules C ofThus, vertex only be unconnected vertices are allowed to have the same color. This means that III. G ROUPING VERTICESNDR INTO COLORS the phase dynamics. However, it could also reduce the range of admissible memristor bias III. G ROUPING VERTICES INTO COLORS for all pairs of vertices m, n in a color Ck , the corresponding One of the most significant parts of the vertex One of the most significant of thewhich vertex coloring prob- element points,parts about the processing unit would undergo limit-cycle oscillations [44], which, ascoloring a probAmn of the adjacency matrix has to be zero: lem is the decision regarding which vertices belong to the same lem is the decision regarding which vertices belong to the same consequence, would shrink the tuneable range series R(7)S be inassigned the device-to-device ∀m,for n ∈ Cthe . group and should to the same color. This decision k : A mn = 0resistance group and should be assigned to the same color. This decision variability compensation procedure. 4. A Rigorous Strategy for Coloring a Graph via the Network Phase Dynamics As explained earlier, the assignment of colors to the nodes of a graph is based upon the relative phases among the oscillators of the associated network at steady state. However, a rigorous strategy, as proposed below, needs to be applied at the end of the network J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 13 of 30 simulation to classify the vertices of the associated graph into color groups, with the intention to use the minimum possible number of colors15 . As described earlier, the relative phases among the oscillators of a given network are computed at the end of a simulation, on the basis of the time instants at which, within a common steady-state period, the time waveforms of the currents through the memristors cross a threshold value Ith , here set to 0.5 mA, during the ascending phase. This calculation allows to order the relative phases in increasing order, with the 0◦ reference level sitting on the first position of the arrangement, which we refer to as phase shift ordering in the remainder of the paper. The phase shift ordering directly translates into a corresponding ranking among the oscillators, with those, which feature a lower steady-state phase relative to the reference cell, sitting higher in the table. Equivalently, the ranking among the oscillators may be interpreted as a ranking among the associated vertices. Our rigorous strategy to assign colors to the vertices of the associated graph on the basis of the network phase dynamics is based upon the analysis of the oscillator/vertex ranking through an iterative procedure composed of N iterations. The first iteration may be summarised as follows. Initially the first vertex in the table, i.e., reference vertex 0, is inserted in the first color group. Proceeding toward the bottom of the table, for j ∈ {2, . . . , N }, vertex at position j in the table is assigned the same color as ( j − 1)th -placed vertex if the graph features no edge between these two vertices, otherwise the jth -ranked vertex is defined as the first element of a new color group. After coloring vertex at row N in the table, a final check needs to be carried out to verify if the vertices in the last color group may be merged with those in the first color group. This may be done if and only if no pair of vertices in these two groups is connected by means of an edge in the undirected graph. In cycle i ∈ {2, . . . , N } of the iterative procedure, the color assignment step is repeated in a similar fashion, analysing progressively the vertices at positions i, i + 1, . . ., N, 1, 2, . . ., i − 1 in the table. With such iterative procedure, at least one of the cycles will allow to determine the minimum number of color groups, identifiable by the network, given the phase shift ordering it outputs at the end of a certain simulation. In other words, indicating the kth color group, which, on the basis of the prediction of the ith cycle of the iterative procedure, (i ) is identifiable by the network, as Ck (k ∈ {1, . . . , mi }, where mi ∈ [n, N ] denotes the total number of colors assigned to the N nodes of the associated graph in the ith iteration, and n represents the chromatic number of the graph itself, the proposed strategy will output the N particular group classification obtained from the qth iteration, whereby mq = minii= =1 { m i } . Remark 3. Remarkably, the initialisation of the oscillatory network, and, particularly, the temporal order of activation of the DC voltage sources in its oscillators, plays a crucial role on the steady-state phase arrangement, and, as a result, on the outcome of the proposed strategy. Consequently, it is possible that the classification of the vertices of a graph into color groups, as estimated via our iterative procedure, is not optimal. Under these circumstances, the network is unable to identify the chromatic number of the associated graph, since it converges to an oscillatory solution corresponding to a local minimum for some optimisation goal associated to the vertex coloring problem. Let us denote the phase shift vector as ϕ , [ ϕ0 = 0◦ , . . . , ϕ N −1 ], where ϕi stands for the phase shift between oscillator i and reference oscillator 0 over the course of a certain simulation of the network (i ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}). Given that the network of capacitivelycoupled oscillators tends to pull the phases of physically-connected cells far apart one 15 The proposed strategy will determine the minimum possible number of color groups, which, under a given initialisation setting, the network is able to identify as it classifies the nodes of the associated graph. Importantly, as will be clarified later, this minimum number does not necessarily coincide with the chromatic number of graph, since the network may converge to a correct but suboptimal solution. Methods allowing the memristive array to overcome a suboptimal solution so as to approach the optimal one will be presented shortly. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 14 of 30 from the other, it is expected that the phase dynamics unfold toward a steady-state pattern maximising a function F (ϕ) of the form F (ϕ) , 1 N −1 N −1 · ∑ ai,j · | ϕi − ϕ j |, 2 i∑ =0 j =0 (15) where ai,j is the element at row i and column j of the so-called adjacency matrix A, which encodes the coupling arrangement within a N-node graph16 . Transforming the expression for F (ϕ) in Equation (15), another function of the phase shift vector, defined as G (ϕ) , 1 N −1 N −1 · ∑ ai,j · cos( ϕi − ϕ j ), 2 i∑ =0 j =0 (16) is chosen to describe the optimisation goal of the network as it evolves toward a stable (s) (s) solution. It is worth pinpointing that the phase shift vector ϕ(s) = [ ϕ0 = 0◦ , . . . , ϕ N −1 ], emerging in a well-behaved network at steady state, minimises the function G (ϕ). For a general network, however, the optimization goal function might feature a number of local minima besides the global minimum. If the oscillatory solution, the network converges to, at the end of a certain simulation, corresponds to a local (the global) minimum of G (ϕ), the application of the vertex coloring strategy, described earlier, results in a group number higher than (equal to) the chromatic number of the associated graph. The analysis of an exemplary network, specifically the one shown in Figure 3(b), allows to gain a deeper insight into the phase dynamics of a memristive array in a pair of simulation scenarios, associated to a suboptimal and to the optimal initialisation scenario, respectively. The network under focus is already balanced, since each of its oscillators is coupled to the 2 adjacent cells, thus only the memristor device-to-device variability needs to be neutralised. Figure 8(a) ((c)) visualises the time evolution of the phase dynamics emerging in the network under a suboptimal (the optimal) initialisation setting. In both scenarios the optimisation goal function decreases over time, but, in the first (latter) case, G (ϕ) converges asymptotically toward a local (the global) minimum, as depicted in plot (b) ((d)) of the same figure. 16 If an (no) edge connects vertices i and j, then ai,j = a j,i = 1(0). Note that A = AT ∈ R N × N . J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 15 of 30 SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS 5 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS (a) 6 (b) G(ϕ) G(ϕ) G(ϕ) not several vertices can be 90° 41 Starting the routine an be performed utilizing 90° onebyvertex after the other as starting point. 2 1 −1.6 cy matrix A, which includes from vertex 1, the first test would 135° check whether or not 45° vertex −1.8 135° 45° 10ms 8ms onging to the tested 4 mayvertices. be included in the same color group C1 as 6ms vertex 1. 3 0 −2.0 10ms 4ms 8ms ted in the sameWith colorone Ck ,ofthethe phase shift vector elements as starting −2.2 point, 2ms 6ms 0ms 4ms 180°number of colors, 0° o matrix. 2ms 4 54 −2.4 the identification of the minimum which 03the 0ms 1 180° 0° 2 0 −2.65 network is able to identify with such a phase shift ordering, is scillators of the associated 3 −2.8 Note of the verticesensured. according to that this method, referred to as standard in the −3.0 remainder of the paper, does not 225° guarantee the determination Physically-coupled oscillators 315° 25 implemented by the 4 6 315° 0 225° 2 8 10 of oscillations. the chromatic number of the graph ft between their 270° SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS 6 t/ms However, the number of sub-matrices which need 270° ller phase shiftnetwork. are probably 9: Exemplary trajectories for the(c)phase of the associated (d) G(ϕ) for the phase evolution of Fig. 11: network Evolution of the minimization goal o belong to the group isFig.still to same be analyzed much lower compared to theshifts number for the graph of a ring of six vertices shown in Fig. 8. All capacitor voltages Fig. 9, which trends towards a local minimum of −3 (compared to the global phase wethe derive the of possible orderings the vertices, i.e. in(Nthe −network 1)!, obtained and allof memristor temperatures are initialized respectively to obtained in Fig. 10(b)). The assignment of vertices to color 90° ng point.shifts, Starting routine minimum of −6 −2 2 1 0V and to T = 293K. The voltage of the DC source in each cell is systematically be tested for any presorting according to the phase shift. If the groups, on the basis of the final phase shifts of the amb respective oscillators, is check whetherwithout or not vertex 135° 45° ramped from 0V to V over a time of 1µs. A random sequence is generated S cientlygroup decreases number visualized in Fig.−3 9 by highlighting the perimeter of the portion of the circle, network works well, the sorting will lead to theat which color C1associated asthe vertex 1. to dedicate a particular ordering in the time instants the N DC 3 trends of the0 phases of the 10ms where the 2 trajectories, indicating the temporal reasonable calculation time. 8ms minimal number of colors for this graph. voltages begin to rise. r elements as starting point, 6ms oscillators corresponding to the vertices 0 and 3, 1 and 4, 2 and 5, respectively 4ms to check of allcolors, possible sortings −4state, with the same colors used in this plot to fill the two 4 belong to at steady 2ms number which the 4 5 0ms 1 180° 0° 2 circles symbolizing the corresponding vertices of the N vertices, this would result graph. This is a correct 5 IV. T HE NETWORK AS OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM 0 uch a phase shift ordering, is 3 the corresponding sub-matrix Asolution −5 coloring problem, but not the optimal one, since it does of the vertex mple a network with Nin=the 25 upon analyzing 1: eferred to as standard In this section we will gain a deeper insight into the operation not provide the minimal number of colors, i.e. the chromatic number of the 23 10 possible combinations. guarantee the determination of the whole network. Here we interpret the A A01system 0as 1an graph under consideration. −6 ding to implemented the phase shifts, we A1 =225° 00 = . (9) graph 4 6 0 2 8 10 engine by for the optimization algorithm. We A will see that, due315° to 0an A 1 10 11 forsub-matrices the optimal coloring. For of which need 70° 2 t/ms improper choice of the initial conditions, the system may be thecompared ordering to of the number vertices Because the sub-matrix A1 is not equal to the zero matrix, er the unable to identify the minimal number of colors. This can be properties, for instance the device-to-device variability, which ssociated oscillators, we first vertex 0 and 1 cannot be grouped in the same color. ces, i.e. (N −interpreted 1)!, obtained Fig. Thus, 10: (a)the Evolution of the phase shift of the associated network for the as local solution of an optimization problem, 8. (a) Phase dynamics the{0} balanced ofassignment Figureof3(b) with compensation for the −2assigned 2 where differently operation each oscillators, the turn i.e. Ifto the the first color isFigure of ((c)) vertex 0 only, i.e. C1 1ofaffects = while innetwork graph depicted Figthe 8. The of vertices to color groups, onon the g vertex/oscillator, to the phasethe shift. solving algorithm reaches its limit. In the following, two basis of the final phase shifts of the respective oscillators, is visualized in sequence of the voltage sources of the oscillators. Because the memristor device-to-device variability and under a suboptimal (the optimal) initialisation setting. (b) shift, in the ordered list. We we have to create a second color, which is associated with the sorting willpossible lead tosolutions the −3 local solution and 3reach the 0plot (a) by highlighting the perimeter of the left (right) half circle, which the to avoid ((d)) the optimization goal G(ϕ) in equation (12) is a non-convex funccond vertex/oscillator of this Timestep, evolution of to thetest optimisation goalalso function a local (theofglobal) minimum in the vertex 1. In the next we have if vertex 4 can s graph. 3 trajectories, indicatingtoward the temporal trends the phases of the oscillators global be explained and validated. color to it, unless thesolution vertex will may colored with the second color. Because vertex 1 tion, and 4itare notfeature several local minima. The one with largest corresponding the first vertices 1, 3, and (0, 2,application and 4), belong at vertex steady simulation scenario illustrated in plot (a) ((c)). Intothe (latter) case5 the of to the −4 4 5 state, with the colors used plot (b) to fill the three circles symbolizing pled to the reference oscillator connected i.e. modulus is same the global The others only local the sub-matrix Athe 2 : respective vertex MIZATION ALGORITHM coloring strategy to ranking divides theoptimum. 6 in nodes ofEvolution the graph ofare Figure 3(a) into the associated verticesoptimization of the graph. (b) of the gradient minimization goal goal of the solutions. −5 of theoptimization zing the respective sub-matrix representation A. Mathematical Simple algorithms like based 3 (2) colors. In the first (latter) case the composition of each of the 3 (2) color groups is made clear by G(ϕ) for the vector phase evolution shown in (a), which trends towards the per insightIninto the operation A11 A14 0 0 le later). thenetwork case there is methods and also theThe proposed implementation of the vertex A2 = = (10) global minimum of −6. initial conditions of allthe capacitor voltages and interpret the system as an A A 0 0 the colors assigned in plot (a) ((c)) to the arcs of the circular sectors, which host final destinations −6 41 44 two vertices, the one memristor task, temperatures in the network are set asdynamics reported in of the coupled caption of coloring exploiting the analogue Thesecond oscillatory interpreted as an 0 traces 2 associated 4 engine 6 to solving 8 10 clustering together, as well as by the colors assigned in the .group. We will see the that, due to an network can be of the phase shifts Fig. with a different stop random to dedicateand a particular Then third vertex memristor oscillators, at sequence local solutions, remainordering there is the zero matrix, they cantime both be grouped in the9 but second / ms optimization problems. We know that, under the given condiinnodes the time at which thethe N DC voltages begin to rise. nditions, system may be inset 4}). of plot (b)next ((d))vertex to the for respective of instants the Since chromatic number of the graph group hasthe been created so capacitively far, color (C The testingafterwards, is vertex 2, forgraph. improperly chosen initial conditions. There areis 2 = {1; (b) tions, two coupled oscillators maximize the phase mber colors. This can beto colorofonly if it is coupled 2, the relative phases among the oscillators of the network converge to a suboptimal (the optimal) which is not connected to vertex 4 but is coupled to vertex some algorithms which are able to overcome local solutions, Fig. 10: Evolution the are phaseable shift to of generalize the associated network for the shift between them to (a) 180°. Thus,ofwe optimization on the otherproblem, hand, twowhere color graph depicted in Fig2 8.cannot Thethe assignment of vertices to color groups, on the pattern in simulation of (a) ((c)). 1. Thus, vertex be included in plot the second color and leading to the global solution. Inspired by distinct approaches, this for a network of coupled oscillators. For a network of limit. In vertex the following, twoa basis of the final phase shifts of the respective oscillators, isFig. visualized in 8. toThanks to the [27] correct initial conditions, we are the third is assigned will be assigned a third color. Vertex 5 can be added the like genetic algorithms or simulated annealinghere procedures N oscillators adjacency matrix A, we assume plot (a) by highlighting the perimeter of the left that (right)the half circle, which the ocal solution reach the with coupled to theand second vertex, able to determine that theproposed oscillators can be divided into two Let us gain a deeper insight into the outcome of the graph coloring strategy third color (C = {2; 5}). Finally, vertex 3 has to be associated [28], two possible strategies to determine the global solution 3 3 trajectories, indicating the temporal trends of the phases of the oscillators system maximizes the sum of the phase differences between andcolor validated. me group of the second corresponding groups, associated to two different colors respectively. The first to the vertices 1, of 3, and 5is (0, 2, and 4), belong tosolving at 2steady with a fourth color, because it connected to vertex and, for the case the suboptimal simulation, which, as demonstrated in Figure 8(a), outputs for the vertex coloring problem via coupled oscillators coupled oscillators given by: the same colors usedassigned in plot (b)the to fill the three circles symbolizing outine goes on in a similar state, color ispresented assigned to sections all even IV-C vertices 2, 4) and the second as awith result, may not be third color. Since the first will in and(0, IV-D. the steady-state shiftbe vector: X Xfollowing the associated vertices of the graph. (b) Evolution ofphase the minimization goal 1 fhetheremaining optimization goal of vertices in the themax color to all odd vertices (1, 3, 5). For rings with an even oscillator and the oscillator with the highest phase shift could G(ϕ) for the vector phase in (a), which Aijevolution |ϕi − ϕshown (11) trends towards the j| one. To illustrate these steps, ϕglobal minimum of −6. The initial conditions of all capacitor voltages and ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) number of vertices, the minimal number of colors is always be2 close to each other in the phase plot, a final test will be ( s ) T ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 0≤i<N 0≤j<Nϕ = [ ϕ}0are, setϕ1as ,reported ϕ , ϕ3the, caption ϕ4 , ϕof5 ] = [0 , 118 , 240 , 358 , 120◦ , 242◦ ]T . (17) temperatures the to network | {z inout ng of sixasvertices depicted C. Obtaining erpreted an engine solvingin memristor two. Thus, theglobal correctsolutions solution by cancrossover be determined utilizing the additionally carried verify if the first2and inthe last vertex Fig. 9 but with a different =F (ϕ) random sequence to dedicate a particular ordering hase under shifts the of the associated that, given condi- ininthethe can be grouped the same color C1 . first Because properly initialized snetwork. 10(b) s evolution timeorder instants at The which the N DCinvoltages to rise. The possibility of ourto resulting phasebegin shift ordering, namely ϕ0to−overcome ϕ1s − Fig. ϕ4s −the ϕ2slocal −shows ϕ5ssolutions − ϕthe 3 , allows 9. Thesemaximize trajectories in vertexthe cillators theresult phase 3 isoptimization not connected to vertex vertex 3 can be inserted of the optimization goal. The value of the optimization goal where we highlighted goal F (ϕ). 0, Here ϕ is 17 optimization goal G(ϕ) is inspired by genetic algorithms. establish the following vertex ranking : s,shifts: we are able the to generalize color Cof procedure results a grouping the vertices G(ϕ) first decreases exponentially and then asymptotically 1 . This vector of allinphases the oscillators and ϕin the ith of i is Genetic algorithms simulate the evolution of a population, scillators. For element a network into three C1 = C2 = individuals {1; 4} converges to approximately −6,generation which is the minimum of of ϕ and hence thedifferent phase ofcolors, the ithnamely oscillator. Aij{0;is3},0where for3.the next are global generated from Fig. 8. Thanks to the correct initial conditions, here − 1inwe −Fig. 4are −8.2 − 5 − (18) th th trix A, we assume that the and C = {2; 5}, for the example of the graph shown 3 row and j of the optimization problem (12) for this graph. the element in the i column of the adjacency > the old population by mutation and crossover and only the able to determine that the oscillators can be divided into two ϕ3 ϕ4 ϕ5 ) e phase differences between In this case the testing routine, from vertex 0, resulted ◦ matrix the optimization goal Fstarted (ϕ), will fittest individuals of the old population and the new individuals groups, associated to two different colorswe respectively. The first2 58◦ 120◦ 242 )>A. . To (8) normalize 17 Since, here, oscillator i is associated to vertex i for each in the indication of three different colors for this graph . i ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}, the oscillator sequence, correspondtake the cosine function of each phase difference, which leads will be selected for next generation. This means that the color is assigned to all even vertices (0, 2, 4) and the second Local and globalthe solutions to the phase maybe beB. indifferently However, for aing different graphshift thisordering, might not the case andreferred to as oscillator ranking or vertex ranking. As will to the change from a maximization to a minimization problem fittest individuals would the of ones forming population color to all odd vertices (1, 3, 5). For rings with an even be clarified later on, this is not alwaysDepending the case, when actions are on the network Aij |ϕi − ϕj | (11) the initialbestate theperformed system, the sometimes theto therefore theoptimization testing routine to be repeated by selectingon perturbation and results in the following task:has number enhance its performance. number of vertices, the minimal of colors is always with the best score in some health-monitoring measure (i.e. the he vertices is: 0; 1; 4; 2; 5; 3. N network is unable to identify the minimal number of colors zwith the smallest } phase shift. two. X X Thus, the correct solution can determined utilizing the in and the therefore associatedthe genetic algorithm) 1 2 With the initial conditions chosen in the be simulation of Fig.optimization 9, thethe minimum for givengoal graph, optimization goal[27]. does (ϕ) min properly Aij network. cos (ϕ ϕ )10(b) (12) i −Fig. shows the evolution In the we will transfer the crossover idea to our colors, which the network is jable to identify is three. As afollowing, result, ine, we assign the first vertex, ϕ 2number of initialized not reach the global minimum. In contrast to the optimum 0≤j<N the0≤i<N application of the testing to the phase ordering of equation optimization goal.strategy The value of theshift optimization goal goal F (ϕ). Herevertex ϕ is of t,ation if the second vertex, network. |(8)the global for solution obtained in Fig. 10, as already shown in already founds {z the best solution of } the graph coloring problem the th G(ϕ) first decreases exponentially and then asymptotically andis ϕnot thecase, i eoscillators color. This illustrated in Fig. crossoverinitial should exchange the i isthe initial conditions =G(ϕ) chosen in Fig. 9. Note that three is not the As optimal solution Fig. 9 and in Fig. 11, 12, for aa different state, the system to approximately −6, which theareglobal minimum eected, of thewhich ith oscillator. Aij is converges of the problem i.e. the initial conditions chosenishere sub-optimal. is also obvious elements of some network identification vector, which, in our where we highlighted the new optimization goal G(ϕ). reaches only a local solution [7]. Thereby, the choice of proper th column of the adjacency of the optimization problem (12) for this graph. case, corresponds to the phase shift vector, to bypass the local Fig. 10(b) shows the desired evolution of the phase shifts initial conditions for the dynamic elements of the network mization goal F (ϕ), we will However, is not possible our network, since for a properly initialized network associated to the graph of solutions. (i.e. capacitors and this memristors) dependsinupon several system hase difference, which leads B. Local and global solutions n to a minimization problem Depending on the initial state of the system, sometimes the mization task: network is unable to identify the minimal number of colors A cos (ϕ − ϕ ) (12) for the given graph, and therefore the optimization goal does Fig. 12: I phase shif a phase and can that ϕi i ∈ {1, to recon can be transisto of the [9]. Thu (Fig. 13 vertices. 1 chang other w when co of (a) th the num seen in network the first in Fig. 1 goal of − shifts an 5ms a c local so in an o with two enables to imple pairs of able to network i, j ∈ [0 particula lowest n 1 2 N (N − we need After an determin 1) Ident In this s by cros vertex, w of color each ver after we itself. M differen by appl vertex o of one J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 16 of 30 For each i-value in the set {1, . . . , 6}, the ith cycle of the proposed iterative graph coloring procedure provides the following group classification of the nodes of the undirected graph of Figure 3(a): (1) = {0, 3}, C2 (2) = {1, 4}, C2 C1 C1 (3) C1 (4) C1 (5) C1 (6) C1 = {4, 2}, = {2, 5}, = {5, 3}, = {3, 0}, (1) = {1, 4}, C3 (2) = {2, 5}, C3 (3) C2 (4) C2 (5) C2 (6) C2 = = = = (1) = {2, 5}, (19) (2) = {3, 0}, (20) (3) (3) {5, 3}, C3 = {0}, C4 (4) {3, 0}, C3 = {1, 4}, (5) (5) {0}, C3 = {1, 4}, C4 (6) {1, 4}, C3 = {2, 5}. = {1}, (21) (22) = {2}, (23) (24) In each of cycles 1, 2, 4, and 6, our iterative procedure assigns the vertices of the graph of Figure 3(a) a minimum number of colors, i.e., 3, which, as expected, is higher than the chromatic number of the graph itself, i.e., n = 2. In each of these iterations the same three pairs of vertices are grouped together, thus any number in the set {1, 2, 4, 6} may be assigned to q, and, as a result, any of Equations (19), (20), (22), and (24) may be taken as outcome of the graph coloring procedure. The suboptimal solution of the graph coloring problem is clearly indicated in Figure 8(a), where 3 different colors are used to mark the arcs of the 3 circular sectors, which in turn host the final destinations of the 2 traces associated to the phase shifts of the oscillator pairs (0, 3), (1, 4), and (2, 5), as well as in the inset of Figure 8(b), where a distinct color is used to fill each node pair in the set {(0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 5)}. Let us now analyse comprehensively the working principles of our graph coloring strategy for the case of the optimal simulation, which produces Figure 9(a) for the dynamical behaviour of the memristor currents in the 6 oscillators of the network over the steady-state time interval t ∈ [9.9, 10] ms. Looking in more detail at the evolution of the memristor currents over the last part of this time interval, i.e., for t ∈ [9.97, 10] ms, Figure 9(b) shows the common period18 T of the 6 oscillatory waveforms, and marks the time instants t0 and t3 , at which im,0 and im,3 cross the threshold value Ith = 0.5 ms, respectively, allowing to compute the steady-state phase shift ϕ3 (s) between cells 3 and 0, as described in the figure caption. Computing also the relative phase shifts of the other 5 oscillators of the network over the common T-long time interval shown in plot (b) of Figure 9(b), the steady-state phase shift vector ϕ(s) is found to be equal to ϕ(s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) = [ ϕ0 , ϕ1 , ϕ2 , ϕ3 , ϕ4 , ϕ5 ]T = [0◦ , 180◦ , 5◦ , 195◦ , 11◦ , 182◦ ]T . (s) (s) (25) (s) as indicated in Figure 8(c). The resulting phase shift ordering, namely ϕ0 − ϕ2 − ϕ4 − (s) (s) (s) ϕ1 − ϕ5 − ϕ3 , allows to establish the following vertex ranking: 0 − 2 − 4 − 1 − 5 − 3. (26) For each i-value in the set {1, . . . , 6}, the ith cycle of the proposed iterative graph coloring procedure provides the following group classification of the nodes of the undirected graph of Figure 3(a): 18 in this work the estimation of the common period T of the oscillations developing in a N-cell network, and the associated group ordering of the phase shifts of the cells 1, . . ., N − 1 relative to the null phase of the reference cell 0 are carried out every cycle throughout the duration of any simulation. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 17 of 30 (1) = {0, 2, 4}, C2 (2) = {2, 4, 0}, C2 (3) = {4, 1}, C2 C1 C1 C1 (4) C1 (5) C1 (6) C1 (1) = {1, 5, 3}, (27) (2) = {1, 5, 3}, (28) (3) = = = (3) = {5, 3}, C3 (4) {1, 5, 3}, C2 = {0, 2, 4}, (5) {5, 3, 1}, C2 = {0, 2, 4}, (6) (6) {3, 0}, C2 = {2, 4}, C3 = {0, 2}, (29) (30) (31) = {1, 5}. (32) In each of cycles 1, 2, 4, and 5, our iterative procedure assigns the vertices of the graph of Figure 3(a) a minimum number of colors, i.e., 2, which, as expected, coincides with the chromatic number of the graph itself, i.e., n = 2. In each of these iterations the same two triplets of vertices are grouped together, thus any number in the set {1, 2, 4, 5} may be assigned to q, and, as a result, any of Equations (27), (28), (30) and (31) may be taken as outcome of the graph coloring procedure. The optimal solution of the graph coloring problem is clearly indicated in Figure 8(c), where 2 different colors are used to mark the arcs of the 2 circular sectors, which in turn host the final destinations of the 3 traces associated to the phase shifts of the oscillator triplets (0, 2, 4), and (1, 5, 3), as well as in the inset of Figure 8(d), where a distinct color is used to fill each node triplet in the set {(0, 2, 4), (1, 5, 3)}. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 18 of 30 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 9.9 9.92 9.94 9.96 9.98 10 4 3 2 1 0 9.97 9.98 9.99 10 Figure 9. (a) Steady-state time evolution of the memristor current im,i of oscillator i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} over the time interval [9.9, 10] ms for the simulation of the balanced network of Figure 3(b) with compensation for the memristor device-to-device variability and under the optimal initialisation setting (see also Figure 8(c),(d) for more results obtained from this simulation). The differences in the peak values of the waveforms originate from the variability in the static and dynamic properties of the samples, as reproduced by our memristor model. As was already shown in relation to their relative phases in Figure 8(c), the oscillator triplets (1, 5, 3) and (0, 2, 4) group together, as respectively indicated over the first and second half of the first observable cycle, where the order of appearance of the nearby peaks of the memristor currents follows in turn the patterns 1-5-3 and 0-2-4. The same color coding map, as established in Figure 8(c) and reused in the inset of Figure 8(d), is adopted here to differentiate between the traces pertaining to distinct oscillators. (b) Zoom-in view of the time behaviour of each memristor current in the network across the time span [9.97, 10] ms. The common period T of the oscillatory waveforms is found to be equal to 19.21 µs. As an example, the time instant t0 (t3 ), at which the memristor current im,0 (im,5 ) of oscillator 0 (3) crosses the threshold Ith = 0.5 mA in its ascending phase over the first observable cycle, gives 9973.8457µs (9984.2351µs), allowing to (s) compute the steady-state phase of oscillator 3 relative to the reference oscillator 0 via ϕ3 = ∆t3 · ω0 , with ω0 = 2T·π . Performing a calculation of this kind for each of the remaining 5 oscillators results in the steady-state phase shift vector ϕ(s) reported in Equation (25). 5. Control Paradigms to Resolve Local Minima-Based Impasse Conditions In order to overcome the impasse, emerging when a memristive network converges to a stable oscillatory solution associated to a local minimum of the optimisation goal function G (ϕ), it is necessary to destabilise the array through an ad-hoc perturbation. We identified two possible strategies allowing to pull the dynamical system out of a local minimum of J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 19 of 30 the respective optimisation problem. In many cases, after recovering from the impasse, the network was found to converge asymptotically toward an oscillatory solution associated the global minimum of the optimisation goal function. The proposed approaches, referred to as crossover and pulse destabilisation strategies, are presented in the following two sections. 5.1. Crossover Strategy One of the strategies, allowing the network to overcome an impasse situation, inspired from genetic algorithms [45], is based upon the interchange between the connections of two properly-selected oscillators19 ([31,33]). This corresponds to the exchange of the associations between the two cells of the network and the corresponding vertices in the relative graph. In order to select the most appropriate pair of oscillators—let us use indices i and j to label them—for the crossover, the following two-step procedure is applied. 1. 2. 19 20 21 For each value of k in the set {0, . . . , N − 1}, the vertex k is removed from the original N-node graph, and the iterative vertex coloring strategy is applied to the resulting graph of ( N − 1) nodes, using a modified version of the vertex ranking, which is tabulated beforehand, after a simulation of the oscillatory network, under a generic sub-optimal initialisation setting, attains the steady state. Specifically, the label of the vertex k, taken out of the original graph, is removed from the original vertex ranking, resulting in a new table with N − 1 entries. For each value of k, a N × N matrix, denoted as A(k) , and obtained from the original adjacency matrix A by setting to 0 all the elements at row k and at column k, may still be used to define the connectivity of the respective ( N − 1)-node graph. Coloring the N − 1 vertices of N distinct graphs, at least one of the N problems will be found to admit the best solution, allowing to categorise the N − 1 nodes of the relative graph through the lowest number of color groups. The particular node k, which, extracted out of the original graph, allows the resulting network to identify the least number of colors according to our iterative vertex coloring procedure, may then be chosen as first vertex i to involve in the crossover20 . Assigning, one at a time, any integer from the set {0, . . . , i − 1, i + 1, . . . , N − 1} to k, the iterative vertex coloring strategy is then applied to a new vertex ranking, obtained from the original table by interchanging the positions of vertices i and k. Note that the original N-node graph, with connectivity defined by the adjacency matrix A, should be considered in each of the N − 1 applications of the iterative vertex coloring strategy, since nothing else, except for the correspondence between oscillators and vertices, is affected in a crossover operation21 . Solving the resulting N − 1 vertex coloring problems, the solution, assigning the least number of colors to the N nodes of the original graph, will be determined. It may happen that, on the basis of the proposed iterative procedure, for two or more values of k, the exchange between the positions of oscillators k and i in the original vertex ranking results in a common lowest number of color groups for the N nodes of the original graph. In this case, the choice of the second oscillator j to involve in the crossover falls for the particular candidate The application of a crossover to pairs of oscillators implies the necessity to endow the network with reprogrammable connections, e.g. via transistor-based switches, which, however, would add on to the integrated circuit (IC) overhead in a future hardware implementation of the network. In fact, it is highly probable that this node mostly prevents the optimisation measure of Equation (16) from attaining the global minimum, which would provide as solution to the vertex coloring task the chromatic number of the original N-node graph, as desired. In case, for each of two or more values of k, the application of our vertex coloring strategy to the respective ( N − 1)-node graph, obtained by removing the vertex k from the original graph, results in a common lowest number of colors, any of these node i candidates may be finally considered for the crossover The interchange between nodes i and k operated on the original vertex ranking is due to the fact that the application of a crossover between the corresponding oscillators in the network is equivalent to exchanging their associations to the respective pair of vertices in the original graph. The relative phases, inherent to the oscillators, maintain the same ordering, as established originally. As a result, the oscillator ranking remains unaltered, but the mapping from oscillator ranking to vertex ranking is subject to the earlier mentioned node interchange. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 20 of 30 k, whose relative phase ϕk features the largest distance from the relative phase ϕi of oscillator i in the steady-state phase shift vector ϕ obtained through the simulation preceding the application of the two-step strategy. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the proposed two-step procedure, let us apply it to the vertex ranking 0 − 1 − 4 − 2 − 5 − 3, obtained at steady state from a simulation of the balanced network of Figure 3(b) (or, equivalently, of Figure 10(b), the corresponding graph of which is illustrated again in Figure 10(a) for the sake of clarity) with compensation for the memristor device-to-device variability and under the same sub-optimal initialisation setting as in the simulation illustrated in Figure 8(a),(b) (see the caption of Figure 11 for details). According to the first step of the procedure, applying our iterative vertex coloring strategy to the original vertex ranking, i.e., 0 − 1 − 4 − 2 − 5 − 3, after depriving it of the kth node label, with the associated 5-node graph obtained from the original one of Figure 3(a) by breaking all the connections of the kth vertex (k ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}), the smallest number of colors, the vertices of the 5-node graph are assigned to, is 2 for each k-value in the set {0, 1}, and 3 for each k-value in the set {2, 3, 4, 5}. The choice for the i cell for the crossover may then fall either on reference oscillator 0 or on oscillator 1. Let us choose the latter cell. In line with the second step of the procedure, exchanging the positions of labels k and i = 1 in the original vertex ranking 0 − 1 − 4 − 2 − 5 − 3 (k ∈ {0, 2, 3, 4, 5}), the application of the iterative vertex coloring strategy to the resulting sequence, with respect to the original 6-node graph of Figure 3(a), results in a minimum number of color groups equal to 2 for each k-value in the set {0, 2}, to 3 for each k-value in the set {3, 4}, and to 4 for k = 5. Now, given that, in the original steady-state phase shift ordering, (s) (s) (s) (s) ϕ2 − ϕ0 = 122◦ > ϕ1 − ϕ0 = 118◦ , oscillator with label k = 2 is selected as cell j for the crossover. With reference to Figure 10, where plots (a) and (b) show once again the six-node ring-based graph, and the associated capacitively-coupled array of memristor oscillators, plot (c), redrawn in a different but equivalent form in plot (d), depicts the novel coupling arrangement in the network upon the interchange between the connections of oscillators 1 and 2. Figure 10. (a) Original 6-node ring-based graph. (b) ((c) or, equivalently, (d)) Coupling arrangement in the network associated to the graph in (a), before (after) a crossover between cells 1 and 2, which swaps the correspondence between these cells and the respective nodes in the graph. The numerical results illustrated in Figure 11, where plots (a), (b), and (c) respectively show phase dynamics, time evolution of the optimisation goal function, and temporal trend of the solution of the classification task, respectively, provide evidence for the success of the circuit implementation of the crossover strategy in pulling the dynamical system out of the impasse state, allowing its asymptotic convergence to the solution of the graph coloring problem associated to the global minimum of G (ϕ). These results were obtained by simulating the balanced network of Figure 10(b), with compensation for the memristor device-to-device variability, and under the same sub-optimal initialisation setting as in the simulation illustrated in Figure 8(a),(b). With reference to Figure 11, at the end of the first part of the simulation, covering the time span t ∈ [0, 5) ms,the optimisation goal function was found to sit at a local minimum value, specifically −3 (see plot (b)), and the minimum number of colors, which, on the basis of our iterative vertex coloring procedure, may be J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022,IEEE 12, 22 IEEE TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS ON ON CIRCUITS CIRCUITS AND AND SYSTEMS—I: SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR REGULAR PAPERS PAPERS 22 11 21 of 30 22 11 11 88 22 assigned to the nodes of the graph in Figure 10(a), is 3 (refer to plot (c)). At t = 5 ms the 33 00 33 00 33 00 connections of oscillators 1 and 2 were interchanged, as shown in plot (c) or, equivalently, 55 55 44 44 in plot (d) of Figure 10. Looking more at44 Figure 11, 55the dynamics of the relative phases of (b) (b) (c) (c) steady-state pattern, the cells resume directly(a)(a)after the crossover, approaching a new stable whereby ϕ) is found to sit at itstotoglobal minimum particularly −6prior (see plot (b))), Fig. Fig. 13: 13: Illustration Illustration of ofG aa(crossover crossover in in the the network network associated associated the the graph graph of of Fig. Fig. 88 between betweenlevel, oscillators oscillators 11 and and 2. 2. (a) (a) Network Network prior to to the the crossover. crossover. Oscillator Oscillator 11 (2) (2) is is associated associated to to vertex vertex 11 (2). (2). (b) (b) Crossover Crossover implementation implementation by by reconfiguration reconfiguration of of the the connections connections between between the the oscillators. oscillators. The The connections connections from from oscillator oscillator and the network is able to identify the chromatic number of the graph in Figure 10(a), as 22 are are assigned assigned to to oscillator oscillator 11 and and vice vice versa. versa. (c) (c) Rearrangement Rearrangement of of the the view view of of the the network network in in (b) (b) to to enable enable an an easier easier comparison comparison to to (a). (a). Oscillators Oscillators 11 and and 22 reverse reversedetermined their their roles roles in in the the network. network. Oscillator Oscillator 11 (2) (2) is is now now associated associated to to vertex vertex 22 (1). (1). coloring procedure (refer to plot (c)). through the proposed iterative vertex 90° 90° 10ms 10ms 8ms 8ms 6ms 6ms 4ms 4ms 44 2ms 2ms 0ms 0ms 0° 0°22 11180° 55180° 33 00 22 −2 −2 −3 −3 33 −4 −4 33 11 00 44 55 −5 −5 225° 225° 315° 315° 270° 270° Number Number of of colors colors 45° 45° G(ϕ) G(ϕ) 135° 135° 22 −6 −6 00 (a) (a) 22 44 66 time time // ms ms (b) (b) 88 10 10 00 22 44 66 time time // ms ms (c) (c) 88 10 10 Fig. Fig. 14: 14: Evolution Evolution of of (a) (a) the the phase phase shift. shift. (b) (b) the the optimization optimization goal goal G(ϕ) G(ϕ) and and (c) (c) the the number number of of colors colors for for the the graph graph in in Fig. Fig. 8. 8. For For this this simulation simulation the the same same 11. Time evolution of the phases ofinstant the oscillators of the of balanced of initial initial Figure state state as as the the one one(a) selected selected for for the the system system of of Fig. Fig. 99 was wasrelative chosen, chosen, but but at at the the time time instant tt = = 5ms 5ms the the crossover crossover of oscillators oscillators 11network and and 22 was was implemented. implemented. The The assignment assignment of of vertices vertices to to color color groups, groups, on on the the basis basis of of the the final final phase phase shifts shifts of of the the respective respective oscillators, oscillators, is is visualized visualized in in plot plot (a) (a) by by highlighting highlighting the the Figure with compensation the memristor and under the same perimeter perimeter of of the the3(b), left left (right) (right) half half circle, circle, which which the the 33for trajectories, trajectories, indicating indicating the thedevice-to-device temporal temporal trends trends of of the the variability, phases phases of of the the oscillators oscillators corresponding corresponding to to the the vertices vertices 0, 0, 2, 2, and and 4 4 (1, (1, 3, 3, and and 5), 5), belong belong to to at at steady steady state, state, with with the the same same color color used used in in plot plot (b) (b) to to fill fill the the three three circles circles symbolizing symbolizing the the corresponding corresponding vertices vertices of of the the sub-optimal initialisation setting as in the simulation illustrated in Figure 8(a),(b), for the case where graph. graph. the connections of oscillators 1 and 2 are interchanged at t = 5 ms. Right before the application of the crossover to the two cells, the network is found to sit on a stable oscillatory solution associated to a local minimum of the on optimisation (see also theof phase clusters emerging in vertex additional additional simulation simulation is is performed performed on the the network network goal in in the thefunction twotwo- lowest lowest number number ofthree colors, colors, the the final final choice choice goes goes for for that that vertex step step plot procedure. procedure. At At before the the end, end,the we wecrossover finally finally select select the the particular particular jj candidate, candidate, which, in in the the original original sorting, sorting, features features the the highest highest (a) right procedure). Despite the phasewhich, shift vector, measured much earlier vertex vertex i,i, whose whose removal removal from from the the sorting sorting results results in in the the least least phase phase shift shift modulus modulus with with respect respect to to vertex vertex i.i. than it was33done in the simulation of Figure 8(a),(b), was found to be slightly different from the one number number of of colors colors .. Therefore, Therefore, this this test test is is based based on on the the phase phase ( s ) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ T By By, utilizing utilizing this this, 119 two-step two-step strategy, we only only need need 2N 2N − −11 tests. tests. 00 [0 00, 118 in Equation (17),adjacency specifically ϕ A 238 , 359 , 240strategy, ] , thewe resulting vertex A ii shift shift reported vector vector ϕ ϕ and and on on the the modified modified adjacency matrix matrix A= ii.. A Thus, Thus, for for aa network network with with ten ten vertices vertices we we reduce reduce the the number number is is obtained obtained from from the the adjacency adjacency matrix matrix A A of of the the(18) graph, graph, by byEvolution of the optimisation goal function over ordering remains defined by Equation . (b) of of calculations calculations from from 45 45 to to 9. 9. Thus Thus our our two-step two-step method method saves saves setting setting all all its its elements elements on onnumber the the iithth row row and and column column to zero, zero, through the iterative vertex coloring procedure time. (c) Minimum of color groupsto assigned aa lot lot of of computation computation time time for for larger larger networks. networks. As As an an example, example, which which represents represents the the removal removal of of the the vertex vertex ii from from the the original original let us us time apply apply(the this this procedure two-step two-step method method to to the the once example example of of Fig. Fig. 14. 14. of Section 4 to the nodes of the graph in Figure 3(a) let over is applied every graph. graph. At At the the end end of of the the first firstof part part of ofcurrents the the simulation, simulation, i.e. i.e. at at tt = = 5ms 5ms T-long cycle, with the common period T of the oscillatory waveforms the through the we we reach reach aa steady steady state state phase phase shift shift as as shown shown in in equation equation (8). (8). 2) 2) Identify Identify the the second second vertex vertex jj 6= 6= ii for for the the crossover: crossover: memristors, measured over the time interval [4.965,According 4.984] ms,tofound tostep, be equal to 19.24 µs).ofAfter the the first first step, the the lowest lowest number number of colors, colors, which which In In the the second second step, step, the the other other vertex vertex j, j, involved involved in in the the crossover, crossover, According to the crossover nodes into 2 groups (c). The interchange between the couplings of the network network is is able able to to identify identify for for each each case case where where one one of of the the is is determined. determined. Here, Here,these ii is is fixed fixed to to are the the classified result result of of the the first first step step the vertices vertices of of the the associated associated graph graph removed, removed, is is calculated. calculated. For For of of the the strategy. strategy. To To determine determine the the number number of of resolve colors, colors, which, which, oscillators 1 and 2 was thus found to the impasse, allowing the memristive array to approach the theofcalculations, calculations, we weidentify follow follow the the the chromatic routine routine of of section section III III using using most mostthe likely, likely, the the network network will identify identifytoafter after the the crossover crossover optimal solutionwill associated the global minimum G (ϕ), and to number the steady steady phase phase shift shift vector vector of of equation equation (8) (8) as as well well as as the the between between vertices vertices ii and and j, j, we we can can apply apply the the concept concept described described the n = 2IIIofto the associated graph A (see also the two phase clusters emerging (a)the at test the of end of 1, 00 modified adjacency adjacency matrix matrixinA Aplot For the test of vertex vertex 1, we we in in section section III to the the adjacency adjacency matrix matrix A and and the the modified modified modified ii.. For the phase simulation). derive the the following following modified modified adjacency adjacency matrix: matrix: crossver crossver phase shift shift vector vector ϕ ϕcc obtained obtained from from the the phase phase vector vector derive ϕ, ϕ, by by interchanging interchanging its its iithth and and jjthth elements elements as as illustrated illustrated in in 00 00 00 00 00 11 Fig. Fig. 12 12 for forAs ii = =anticipated 11 and and jj = = 2: 2: earlier, the circuit implementation of the crossover crucially re 00 00strategy 00 00 00 00 quires the availability of reprogrammable connections among the oscillators of the network. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 ϕ ϕjj ifif kk = = ii .. A A0011 = = (14) 00 00Furthermore, the cir- (14) 11 00 11 00 This inevitably of the hardware platform. ϕ ϕcckk = =increases (13) (13) ϕ ϕii ifif kk the = = jj area overhead 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 cuitry necessary to with reprogrammable connectivity, may introduce ϕ ϕkkendow otherwise otherwise 11 00 00 00 11 00 some mismatch between the capacitive loads of the oscillators, which may represent an If, If, two two or or more more vertex vertex jj candidates, candidates, after after the the crossover crossover with with The The modified modified network network may may group group the the remaining remaining five vertices obstacle toward thenetwork convergence of thethe phase dynamics of the memristive array toward five the vertices vertex vertex i,i, lead lead to to aa modified modified network able able to to identify identify the same same into into two two color color sets sets i.e. i.e. CC11 = = {0, {0, 4, 4, 2}, 2}, and and CC22 = = {5, {5, 3}. 3}. The The pattern corresponding to the global minimum ofidentification the optimisation problem. For this reason, identification of of two two colors colors is is also also achieved achieved by by the the modified modified another strategy for pulling the dynamical system out of a local minimum, which is original more network network obtained obtained by by taking taking vertex vertex 0 0 out out of of the the original graph, graph, modified modified network network identifies identifies the the same same lowest lowest number number of of colors, colors, any any of of these these vertices vertices may may be be selected selected first first vertex vertex for for the the crossover. crossover. while while in each each of of the the other other cases cases the the resulting resulting modified modified network network amenable toasascircuit implementation, is presented in in the next section. 33If, If, as as aa result result of of the the removal removal of of any any of of two two or or more more vertices, vertices, the the resulting resulting 5.2. Pulse Destabilisation Strategy Inspired from simulated annealing algorithms [46] as well from our latest approach— referred to as Kick-Fly-Catch paradigm—for humanoid robot motion control [47,48], the proposed strategy ([31,33]) is based upon supplying energy to the system, while it sits in an impasse state. Particularly, a pulse is applied to an ad-hoc oscillator by offsetting the value VS of its DC voltage source by an appropriate amount ∆VS for a given time interval of length Tp . Consequently, the relative phase of the oscillator, sitting at the steady-state J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 22 of 30 level ϕ(s) previous to the stimulation, experiences a sudden shift by ∆ϕ, which is found to depend upon amplitude ∆VS and length Tp of the voltage pulse. Taking inspiration from the research study presented in [49], extensive numerical simulations revealed that, for a given pulse width22 Tp , there is an approximately-linear relation between the pulse height ∆VS and the sudden shift ∆ϕ, that the relative phase of the oscillator experiences upon destabilisation, i.e., ∆VS ≈ V0 · ∆ϕ , 180◦ (33) where V0 was numerically set to −0.23 V for the networks analysed in this research study23 . Provided the right choice is made regarding the cell to perturb, and the proper amplitude and width are assigned to the voltage pulse stimulus, the resulting resumption of the phase dynamics of the oscillators should ideally allow the optimisation goal function to move out of the local minimum, converging asymptotically toward its global minimum. A two-step procedure, presented below, is proposed here to determine the most suitable cell to perturb and the most appropriate pulse amplitude. 1. 2. The most suitable oscillator i ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1} to target in the pulse destabilisation action is determined in the same way as was done for the selection of the cell i ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1} to involve in the crossover process (see the first step in the procedure aimed to choose the right cell pair (i, j) to involve in the coupling interchange strategy). The second step is aimed to determine the appropriate shift ∆ϕ to be added to the (s) steady-state relative phase ϕi of oscillator i for pulling the network out of the local minimum state, facilitating its convergence to an oscillatory solution, which would ideally correspond to the least number of color groups for the N vertices of the associated graph. To accomplish this task, for each value of k within the set {1, . . . , M − 1}, ◦ with M a predefined positive integer, the offset ∆ϕk = k · 360 M is added to the phase (s) shift ϕi of cell i in the steady-state relative phase shift vector ϕ(s) recorded before the application of the pulse destabilisation process, and the iterative graph coloring procedure is applied to the resulting vertex ranking for the original graph. The choice for the most appropriate offset ∆ϕ, within the specified set of k-dependent uniformlyspaced values, goes for the ∆ϕk -candidate, which, according to our graph coloring strategy, allows the network to classify the nodes of the associated graph in the lowest number of color groups. If, for two or more k-values, the application of the iterative graph coloring procedure to the vertex ranking, resulting from the phase shift order(s) ing, obtained by adding up the relevant offset ∆ϕk to the phase shift ϕi of oscillator i in the steady-state relative phase shift vector ϕ(s) , leads to the identification of the same lowest number of colors, the selection goes for the ∆ϕk -candidate featuring the largest modulus. Finally, the pulse amplitude of the Tp -long stimulus to be applied to oscillator i is obtained from Equation (33). In order to gain more insights into the mechanisms underlying this two-step procedure, let us apply it to the vertex ranking 0 − 1 − 4 − 2 − 5 − 3, obtained at steady state from a simulation of the balanced network of Figure 3(b) with compensation for the memristor device-to-device variability and under the same sub-optimal initialisation setting as in the simulation illustrated in Figure 8(a),(b) (see the caption of Figure 12 for details). Given that the first step of the procedure is identical to the first step of the algorithm allowing to 22 23 In this work Tp was set to twice the common graph-dependent period T of the oscillatory waveforms of the capacitor voltages and of the memristor currents in the network before the application of the pulse destabilisation paradigm. We acknowledge, however, that the most suitable formula, expressing the relationship between the amplitude ∆VS of a destabilising pulse of fixed width Tp and the resulting sudden shift ∆ϕ in the phase of the perturbed oscillator, may depend upon network properties and parameters. A deeper study, aimed to optimise the shape of the destabilisation stimulus, will be carried out in the future. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 23 of 30 select the optimal cell pair (i, j) to involve in the crossover strategy, retrieving the results presented in the previous section, either oscillator from the label set i ∈ {0, 1} may be chosen as target of the pulse destabilisation action. Let us go for the latter one. Following the guidelines established for the second step of the procedure, setting M to 4, for each kvalue in the set {1, 2, 3}, colors are assigned to the nodes of the original graph of Figure 3(a) by applying the proposed iterative methodology to the kth vertex ranking variant derived from the phase shift vector ϕ(s) = [0◦ , 118◦ , 238◦ , 359◦ , 119◦ , 240◦ ]T recorded right before the time instant24 t = 5 ms, at which the pulse perturbation action is commenced by adding (s) up the kth value of ∆ϕk in the set {90◦ , 180◦ , 270◦ } to the relative phase ϕ1 of oscillator 1. Analysing the kth vertex ranking within the set {0 − 4 − 1 − 2 − 5 − 3, 0 − 4 − 2 − 5 − 1 − 3, 0 − 1 − 4 − 2 − 5 − 3} (k ∈ {1, 2, 3}), according to our node coloring paradigm the network identifies a minimum number of color groups equal to the kth number in the set {3, 2, 3}. Setting k to 2 in the formula for ∆ϕk , from Equation (33) the amplitude ∆VS of the pulseONapplied toAND oscillator 1 REGULAR at t =PAPERS 5PAPERS ms for a Tp = 38.48 µs-long time interval is set to IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS ON ONCIRCUITS CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR PAPERS IEEE TRANSACTIONS CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR −0.23 V (see the caption of Figure 12 for details). 10 101 90° 90°90° 10ms 10ms 10ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 6ms 6ms 6ms 4ms 4ms 4ms 2 22 2ms 2ms 2ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 44 0° 40°0° 0 00 2 22 1 11 −2−2−2 −3−3−3 −4−4−4 3 33 4 44 0 00 5 55 −5−5−5 225° 225° 225° 315° 315° 315° 270° 270° 270° (a)(a)(a) −6−6−6 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 1010 time time / ms / ms time / ms (b) (b)(b) 3 33 Number of colors Number of colors Number of colors 5180° 5180° 5180° 1 11 3 33 45° 45°45° G(ϕ) G(ϕ) G(ϕ) 135° 135° 135° 2 22 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 1010 time / ms timetime / ms/ ms (c) (c)(c) Fig. 15:15: Evolution of of (a) the phase shift. (b)(b) the optimization goal G(ϕ) andand (c) the number of colors for for the graph in Fig. 8. For this simulation the the same Fig. Fig. 15: Evolution Evolution of(a) (a)the thephase phase shift. shift. (b)the theoptimization optimization goal goal G(ϕ) G(ϕ) and(c) (c)the thenumber number ofofcolors colors forthe thegraph graph ininFig. Fig. 8.8.For Forthis thissimulation simulation thesame sam Figure 12. (a) Phase dynamics of the balanced network of with for thein ainphase initial state as as the one selected forfor the system of of Fig. 9 was chosen, butbut at time instant tFigure =t 5ms a3(b), pulse was applied to oscillator 1, resulting initial initial state state asthe the one one selected selected forthe thesystem system ofFig. Fig. 9 9was was chosen, chosen, butthe at atthe thetime time instant instant t==5ms 5ms a apulse pulse was wascompensation applied applied totooscillator oscillator 1, 1,resulting resulting ina aphase phas shift ofofapproximately 180°. The assignment of of vertices to to color groups, on on the basis of the final phase shifts of the respective oscillators, is visualized in ini shift shift ofapproximately approximately 180°. 180°. The The assignment assignment ofvertices vertices tocolor color groups, groups, onthe thebasis basis ofofthe thefinal final phase phase shifts shifts ofofthe therespective respective oscillators, oscillators, isisvisualized visualized memristor device-to-device variability, and under the same sub-optimal setting inthe plot (a)(a)(a) by thethe perimeter of of the left (right) halfhalf circle, which thethe 3the trajectories, indicating the the temporal trends of the phases ofas the oscillators plot plot byhighlighting byhighlighting highlighting the perimeter perimeter ofthe theleft left (right) (right) half circle, circle, which which 3 3trajectories, trajectories, indicating indicating theinitialisation temporal temporal trends trends ofof the thephases phases ofof theoscillators oscillator corresponding to to the vertices 0, 2,0,2, and 4 (1, 3, and 5),5), belong to at state, with thewhere same color used in plot (b) to(b) fill the three circles symbolizing the the corresponding corresponding tothe the vertices vertices 0, 2,and and 4 4(1, (1, 3, and and 5),belong belong totosteady atatsteady steady state, state, with with the thesame same color color used used ininplot plot totothe fill fillthe thethree three circles circles symbolizing symbolizing th the simulation illustrated in3, Figure 8(a)-(b), for the case the voltage VS(b) of DC source in corresponding vertices of of the graph. corresponding corresponding vertices vertices ofthe thegraph. graph. oscillator 1 is offset by ∆Vs = −0.23 V from the time instant t = 5 ms for a temporal window of duration Tp = 38.48 µs (the common period T of the oscillatory waveforms of the currents through the memristors, measured over the interval [4.965, 4.984] ms, was now found tofeaturing be equal to phase 19.24 µs). destabilized network featuring a new phase shift ordering, likely, would bebebe identifiable byby thethe network in time case the phase destabilized destabilized network network now now featuring a anew new phase shift shift ordering, ordering likely, likely, would would identifiable identifiable by the network network in incase case the the phase phase namely 0; 4; 2; 5; 1; 3 (0; 4; 1; 2; 5; 3 or 0; 1; 4;1;4; 2;4;2; 5;2;5;5 shift ϕAs of oscillator i experienced a sudden translation by namely namely 0; 0; 4; 4; 2; 2; 5; 5; 1; 1; 3 3 (0; (0; 4; 4; 1; 1; 2; 2; 5; 5; 3 3 or or 0; 0; 1; shift shift of of oscillator oscillator i i experienced experienced a a sudden sudden translation translation by by iϕϕ discussed earlier, right before the application of the pulse to cell 1, which triggers a sudden shift ii 3, 3, respectively) is is able to to group thethe vertices intointo twotwo (three) any offset ∆ϕ ainaset ofofM −− 1−1uniformly-spaced values 3, respectively) respectively) is able able to group group the vertices vertices into two (three) (three any any offset offset ∆ϕ ∆ϕ in a set set of M M 1 uniformly-spaced uniformly-spaced values values ◦ j jin j in its relative phase by approximately 180 , the network is found to sit on a stable oscillatory solution ◦ ◦◦ AsAs aAsresult , in, ,in order to to change thethe phase shift ϕ1 ϕof (∆ϕ j=·j360 /M , with j= 1, . 1, . . ., .M 1). Thereby wewe cancan colors. colors. a aresult result inorder order tochange change thephase phase shift shift ϕ (∆ϕ (∆ϕ j· 360 · 360 /M /M , ,with with j j= =1, ,. M ,− M− −1). 1). Thereby Thereby we cancolors. j j=j= 1 1ofo associated to a local minimum optimisation goal function (see = also the ◦ ◦three reapply the concepts exposed in insection IIIof tothe adjacency 1 by ∆ϕ 180 , at,◦ ,at t at=t tphase 5ms a clusters Ta-long voltage 2∆ϕ reapply reapply the the concepts concepts exposed exposed insection section IIIIII tothe tothe the adjacency adjacencyoscillator oscillator oscillator 11by by∆ϕ =180 180 = =5ms 5ms aTT-long -long voltage voltag 2 2= p p p destabilisation action). Despite the phase shift vector, emerging plot (a)phase right before theϕpulse of of amplitude ∆V∆V = −0.23V , as, ,as follows from equation matrix AAA and totoatoin shift vector matrix matrix and and aperturbed aperturbed perturbed phase phase shift shift vector vector ϕ,ϕobtained , ,obtained obtainedpulse pulse pulse ofamplitude amplitude ∆V ==−0.23V −0.23V asfollows follows from from equation equation from the phase vector ϕϕ by translating phase shift ϕiϕsimulation of (15), is added to the voltage V of the DC source of oscillator 1 11 S from from the the phase phase vector vector ϕbyby translating translating the the phase phase shift shift ϕ of of (15), (15), is is added added to to the the voltage voltage V V of of the the DC DC source source of of oscillator oscillator measured much earlier than itthe was done in the of Figure 8(a),(b), was found to be slightly ii SS itself, resulting the of◦the optimization oscillator i by a aphase offset ∆ϕ ◦ , 238◦approach ◦ , 119 ◦ ]optimization Toptimization j : j :j : oscillator oscillator i ibyby aphase phase offset offset ∆ϕ ∆ϕ itself, itself, resulting resulting the asymptotic asymptotic approach approach of the the different from the one reported in Equation (17), specifically ϕ(s) in = in [0in◦the ,asymptotic 118 , 359 , of 240 , ((( goal G(ϕ) to to the global solution, as shown in Fig. 15.15. Further goal goal G(ϕ) G(ϕ) tothe theglobal global solution, solution, asasshown shown ininFig. Fig. 15.Further Furthe the resulting vertex ordering (18) Timegraphs evolution of optimisation ϕiϕ+ ∆ϕ∆ϕ kremains i=i i defined by Equation j j jif if ϕ if= kk= examples of. (b) larger willwill be the discussed in in section V. V.V i i++∆ϕ p= p examples examples of of larger larger graphs graphs will be be discussed discussed in section section ϕpϕkϕ (16) (16) (16) assigned through the iterative vertex coloring k k== goal function. (c) number ϕkϕMinimum otherwise. The benefits of of this concept areare thethe ease andand unconstrained ϕ otherwise. otherwise.of color groups The The benefits benefits ofthis this concept concept are the ease ease and unconstrained unconstrained kk nature of of the selection process of of an appropriate phase offset procedure of Section 4 tocandidates, the nodes after of theaddition graph in Figure 3(a) over time (the procedure is once nature nature ofthe the selection selection process process ofan anapplied appropriate appropriate phase phase offset offse If,If,If, two orormore phase offset ∆ϕ to to j j jcandidates, two two ormore more phase phase offset offset ∆ϕ ∆ϕ candidates,after afteraddition addition toby which to translate the phase shift a given vertex in order by by which which to to translate translate the the phase phase shift shift a a given given vertex vertex in in order orde every T-long cycle). After the pulse destabilisation 2 colors are assigned to these nodes. The pulsethe phase shift ofofvertex i, i, lead to to atomodified network with thethe the the phase phase shift shift ofvertex vertex i,lead lead a amodified modified network network with with theto allow the network to reach the global solution and and its to toallow allowthe the thenetwork networktoto reach reachthe thethe global global solution solutionand andand anditsit same lowest number of colors, the choice falls on the candidate based perturbation of oscillator 1 was thus found to resolve impasse, allowing memristive same samelowest lowestnumber numberofofcolors, colors,the thechoice choicefalls fallsononthe thecandidate candidatesimple circuit implementation. But the impact of the amplitude simple simplecircuit circuitimplementation. implementation.But Butthe theimpact impactofofthe theamplitude amplitud with the largest modulus. According to equation (15) thethe with with the the largest largest modulus. modulus. According According toto equation equation (15) (15) the array to approach the optimal solution associated toor the minimum (ϕnetwork )network , andperformance toperformance identifydepends thedepends width of of the pulse onof the network on on or orglobal width width ofthe thepulse pulse on onG the the performance depends on corresponding amplitude ∆V of the T -long pulse to be added corresponding corresponding amplitude amplitude ∆V ∆V ofof the theTthe T-long -long pulse pulsetotobe beadded added thethe system parameters, thus thethe determination of plot anofan accurate chromatic number n = 2 of associated graph (see also the two phase clusters emerging in the system system parameters, parameters, thus thus the determination determination of an accurate accurat upup to the nominal value V of the DC voltage source of S uptotothe thenominal nominalvalue valueVV theDC DCvoltage voltagesource sourceofofestimation of the relation between the pulse parameters and SS ofof the estimation estimation therelation relationthe between between thepulse pulseparameters parametersand and (a) iatis enddetermined. of the simulation). Despite, at the time instant t =ofof 5 the ms, when pulsethe perturbation oscillator oscillator oscillator i ithe isfinally isfinally finally determined. determined. thethe resulting translation in in the phase shift of of the perturbed the resulting resulting translation translation inthe the phase phase shift shift ofthe theperturbed perturbed commences, G ( ϕ ) undergoes a sudden increase from the local minimum value of − 3, it descends such as as the oneone proposed in in (15) forfor the graphs Let ususus apply this two-step method to tothe example of of Fig. 15.15. oscillator, oscillator, such such asthe the one proposed proposed in(15) (15) forthe thegraphs graph Let Let apply apply this this two-step two-step method method tothe the example example ofFig. Fig. 15.oscillator, steeply straight away, decreasing monotonically toward the global minimum value of − 6 thereafter. analyzed in this study, might turn out to be a difficult tasktask AtAt the end of the first half of the simulation i.e at t = 5ms the analyzedininthis thisstudy, study,might mightturn turnout outtotobebea adifficult difficult task Atthe theend endofofthe thefirst firsthalf halfofofthe thesimulation simulationi.ei.eatatt t==5ms 5msthe the analyzed more complex networks. Also thethe implementation of this steady state phase shift vector is isexpressed byby equation (8),(8), for more more complex complex networks. networks. Also Also theimplementation implementation ofofthis thi steady steady state state phase phase shift shift vector vector isexpressed expressed by equation equation (8),forfor cancan notnot guarantee immaculate determination of ofo analogously asasas inin thethe crossover simulation of ofFig. 14. The The numerical results illustrated in14. Figure 12, where plots (a), (b),anand (c) respectively algorithm algorithm can not guarantee guarantee an animmaculate immaculate determination determination analogously analogously in the crossover crossover simulation simulation ofFig. Fig. 14. The Thealgorithm thethe global solution, butbut it enables the system totrend overcome a a application ofof the first step ofofthe strategy provides analogous show phase dynamics, time evolution of the optimisation goal function, and temporal the global global solution, solution, but ititenables enables the thesystem system totoovercome overcome application application ofthe the first first step step ofthe the strategy strategy provides provides analogous analogous percentage of of local solutions. results asasas obtained ininsection IV-C. Vertices 0 0and 1 1play a a alarge large large percentage percentage oflocal local solutions. solutions. results results obtained obtained insection section IV-C. IV-C. Vertices Vertices 0and and 1play play major rolerole ininin preventing thethe network from determining thethe major major preventing preventing the network network from from determining determining the 24 role In order to presentoscillator a fair comparison between the beneficial effects of the crossover and pulse destabilisation chromatic number. Selecting 1 as target of of the pulse V. V. R chromatic chromatic number. number. Selecting Selectingoscillator oscillator 11as astarget target ofthe the pulse pulse V.ESULTS RRESULTS ESULTS control paradigms, wecandidates ensured that the simulations in Figures 11 and 12 provided identical results for destabilization process, the offset are chosen freely In this section the results for the vertex coloring of selected destabilization destabilization process, process, the the offset offset candidates candidates are are chosen chosen freely freely ◦initialisation ◦ InInassigning this thissection section the theresults results for forthe thevertex coloring coloring selected t 3∈ values, [0, 5) msi.e. by ∆ϕ choosing the◦ same setting, and a common random set ofvertex α-values to theofofselected from a aset {90 , ◦180 , ◦270 },◦ }, ◦withj ∈ j ∈∈ from the 2nd DIMACS implementation challenge will from from aset set33values, values,i.e. i.e.∆ϕ ∆ϕ {90 ,◦180 , 180 ,◦270 , 270 },withj withj∈∈graphs j j ∈{90 memristors. graphs graphs from from the the 2nd 2nd DIMACS DIMACS implementation implementation challenge will wil {1, 2, 3} (M = 4). Consequently, three perturbed phase shift be presented. In Table II, the selected graphs, thechallenge number {1, {1,2,2,3}3}(M (M==4). 4).Consequently, Consequently,three threeperturbed perturbedphase phaseshift ◦shift be be presented. presented. In In Table Table II, II, the the selected selected graphs, graphs, the the number numbe vectors may be computed. For example, for ∆ϕj = 180 , ◦ ◦ of their vertices, and their chromatic number, which is the vectors vectorsmay maybebecomputed. computed.For Forexample, example,for for∆ϕ ∆ϕ 180, , ofoftheir j j ==180 theirvertices, vertices,and andtheir theirchromatic chromaticnumber, number,which whichisisthe th from equation (8) we obtain minimal number of different colors by which their vertices from fromequation equation(8) (8)we weobtain obtain minimal minimalnumber numberofofdifferent differentcolors colorsbybywhich whichtheir theirvertices vertice > be colored, are given on the left side. On the right side of .> (17) may ϕp p=p 0◦ ◦ ◦298◦ ◦ ◦240◦ ◦ ◦358◦ ◦ ◦120◦ ◦ ◦242◦ ◦ ◦> maybebecolored, colored,are aregiven givenononthe theleft leftside. side.On Onthe theright rightside sideofo 298 240 240 358 358 120 120 242 242 ϕϕ == 00 298 . . (17) (17)themay same table the performance results of oscillatory networks the thesame sametable tablethe theperformance performanceresults resultsofofoscillatory oscillatorynetworks network For each perturbed phase shift vectors, adopting the testing and of the Brelaz heuristic in solving vertex coloring problems For Foreach eachperturbed perturbedphase phaseshift shiftvectors, vectors,adopting adoptingthe thetesting testing and andofofthe theBrelaz Brelazheuristic heuristicininsolving solvingvertex vertexcoloring coloringproblems problem J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 24 of 30 of the solution of the classification task, respectively, provide evidence for the success of the circuit implementation of the pulse destabilisation strategy in pulling the dynamical system out of the impasse state, allowing its asymptotic convergence to the solution of the graph coloring problem associated to the global minimum of G (ϕ). These results were obtained by simulating the balanced network of Figure 10(b), with compensation for the memristor device-to-device variability, and under the same sub-optimal initialisation setting as in the simulation illustrated in Figure 8(a),(b). With reference to Figure 12, at the end of this first part of the simulation, covering the time interval expressed as t ∈ [0, 5) ms, the optimisation goal function was found to sit at a local minimum value, specifically −3 (see plot (b)), and the minimum number of colors, which, on the basis of our iterative vertex coloring procedure, may be assigned to the nodes of the graph in Figure 3(a), is 3 (refer to plot (c)). From the time instant t = 5 ms and for a Tp = 38.48 µs-long time interval, the offset ∆VS = −0.23 V is added up to the nominal value VS of the DC voltage source in oscillator 1. As may be evinced by inspecting Figure 11, the relative phase of cell 1 undergoes a sudden shift by approximately 180◦ , and, thereafter, the phase dynamics of the network evolve toward a new stable steady-state pattern, whereby G (ϕ) is found to sit at its global minimum level, particularly −6 (see plot (b))), and the network is able to identify the chromatic number of the graph in Figure 10(a), as determined through the proposed iterative vertex coloring procedure (refer to plot (c)). 5.3. Discussion Since a single crossover or pulse destabilisation manoeuvre may be unable to pull a more complex memristive network out of an impasse situation, or to reach the solution associated to the global minimum of the optimisation goal function, in case the dynamical system receives enough energy to move out of the solution associated to a local minimum of the optimisation goal function25 , a good approach to address this issue would be to reapply either of the two proposed strategies periodically, interchanging the connections of two distinct appropriate oscillators or applying a suitable destabilising pulse to a different ad-hoc oscillator at regular time intervals26 . Let us provide a proof of principle of the proposed approach, focusing on the pulse destabilisation control strategy. Similar results were obtained through the periodic application of the crossover paradigm. With reference to Figure 13, plot (a) shows the time evolution of the phase shifts of the oscillators with labels running from 1 to 24 with respect to the reference cell 0 in a capacitively-coupled network of NbOx memristor oscillators implementing a N = 25-node undirected graph known as queen5_5 [50]—see also the inset in plot (b)—in case compensation for the mismatch between the capacitive loads of the oscillators and for the memristor device-to-device variability is set in place, and for the case where, periodically, on the basis of the two-step strategy introduced in Section 5.2, a distinct oscillator is perturbed by means of a Tp -long pulse of appropriate height ∆Vs . As shown in plot (b) the optimisation goal function evolves progressively through various local minima before attaining the global minimum value, which is associated to the identification of the chromatic number of the queen5_5 graph, i.e., n = 5, as demonstrated in plot (c). After a 38 ms-long transient time interval, the network exhibits a robust oscillatory solution, given that the subsequent application of destabilisation pulse stimuli to the oscillators does no longer affect the phase dynamics. 25 26 In some cases, after overcoming the impasse situation, the dynamical system could approach a new oscillatory solution associated to another local minimum of G (ϕ). The time separation Tint between consecutive applications of the crossover or pulse destabilisation strategy is set to 2 ms in the simulations discussed in this section. Furthermore, in this work the estimation of the common period T of the oscillations appearing in a N-cell network, and the associated group ordering of the phase shifts of the cells 1, . . ., N − 1 relative to the null phase of the reference cell 0 are carried out every cycle throughout the duration of any simulation. Moreover, in the first (latter) control strategy, the application of a pulse to the same oscillator (a crossover involving either oscillator from the same pair) is not allowed until at least 5 iterations of the control strategy have elapsed first. As a result, each pulse destabilisation (crossover) manoeuvre targets a different oscillator (involves a different pair of oscillators). J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 25 of 30 IEEE IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS ONON ON CIRCUITS CIRCUITS CIRCUITS AND AND AND SYSTEMS—I: SYSTEMS—I: SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR PAPERS PAPERS PAPERS 12 12 12 90°90° 90° 100ms 100ms 100ms 80ms 80ms 80ms 60ms 60ms 60ms 40ms 40ms 40ms 20ms 20ms 20ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0° 0° 0° 40 40 40 14 14 14 20 20 20 12 12 12 Number of colors Number of colors 180° 180° 180° 45°45° 45° 10 10 10 G(ϕ) G(ϕ) 135° 135° 135° 0 00 8 88 −20−20 −20 225° 225° 225° 315° 315° 315° 6 66 −40−40 −40 0 00 270° 270° 270° (a)(a) (a) 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100100 100 time time time / ms // ms ms (b)(b) (b) 0 00 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100100 100 time time time / ms // ms ms (c)(c) (c) Fig.Fig. Fig. 16:16: 16: Evolution Evolution Evolution of of (a) of (a) (a) thethe the phase phase phase shift. shift. shift. (b)(b) (b) thethe the optimization optimization optimization goal goal goal G(ϕ) G(ϕ) G(ϕ) andand and (c)(c) (c) thethe the number number number of of colors of colors colors forfor for thethe the queen5_5 queen5_5 queen5_5 graph, graph, graph, which which which results results results in in the in the the global global global solution solution solution of of five of five five colors. colors. colors. To To To findfind find thethe the global global global solution, solution, solution, every every 2ms 2ms 2ms a pulse aa pulse pulse was applied. applied. applied. TheThe The resulting resulting resulting assignment assignment assignment of of the of the the vertices vertices vertices to to different to different different colors, colors, colors, depending depending depending on Figure 13. Evidence for the every capability ofwasawas 25-cell network, preliminarily compensated for theon on their their their final final final phase phase phase shift, shift, shift, is visualized is is visualized visualized by by by highlighting highlighting highlighting of of the of the the adjacent adjacent adjacent segment segment segment with with with thethe the respective respective respective background background background color color color in in the in the the graph graph graph in in (b). in (b). (b). Number of colors Number of colors G(ϕ) G(ϕ) unbalance in the number of connections per oscillator, and for the inter-device variability inherent to memristors, to converge toward the optimal solution of the vertex coloring problem for the graph 90°90° 90° queen5_5 [50]. The45° cyclic application of a pulse stimulus of fixed length 18 18 18 and appropriate amplitude to 135° 135° 135° 45° 45° 60 60 60 an ad-hoc oscillator of the network 16 16 16 the global minimum solution. 40 40 40 guides the phase dynamics toward 100ms 100ms 100ms 80ms 80ms 80ms 60ms 60ms 60ms 20 20 20 time evolution of the phase of each (a) Phase diagram visualising the oscillator j ∈ {1, . . . , 24} relative 40ms 40ms 40ms 14 14 14 20ms 20ms 20ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 180° 180° 180° 0° 0° 0° 0 00 to the phase of the reference oscillator 0. (b) Time waveform of the12optimisation goal function G (ϕ). 12 12 −20−20 −20 (c) Progression of the outcome of the iterative vertex coloring procedure of Section 4 over time. 10 10 10 −40−40 −40 225° 225° 225° 315° 315° 315° half of Throughout the second the −60−60 −60 simulation the minimum number 8 of 88 color groups, assigned to the 0 00 20to 20 20the 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80number 100100 100 00 20 20 20 40 in 40 40 the 60 60 60inset 80 80 80of 100 100 100 (b), is fixed 270° 270°graph queen5_5, 0visualised vertices of270° the plot chromatic time time time / ms // ms ms time time time / ms // ms ms (a)(a) (a) (b)subject to further pulse-based perturbations. (c)(c) (c) n = 5 of the graph itself, despite the network(b)is(b) Fig.Fig. Fig. 17:17: 17: Evolution Evolution Evolution of of (a) of (a) (a) thethe the phase phase phase shift. shift. shift. (b)(b) (b) thethe the optimization optimization optimization goal goal goal G(ϕ) G(ϕ) G(ϕ) andand and (c)(c) (c) thethe the number number number of of colors of colors colors forfor for thethe the queen6_6 queen6_6 queen6_6 graph, graph, graph, which which which results results results in ain intemporary aa temporary temporary local local local solution solution solution of of eight of eight eight colors. colors. colors. To To To optimize optimize optimize thethe the determined determined determined solution, solution, solution, every every every 2ms 2ms 2ms a crossover aa crossover crossover waswas was implemented. implemented. implemented. Table 3 shows a comparison between the solutions of the node coloring task for a number of graphs [50] pertaining to the 2nd algorithm implementation challenge for NPhardnetwork problems Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) [51], oscillatory oscillatory oscillatory network network as as as a computing aaincomputing computing engine engine engine forfor for thethe the implemenimplemenimplemenIEEE IEEE IEEE Transactions Transactions Transactions on on on Circuits Circuits Circuits and and and Systems Systems Systems I: Regular I: I: Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, vol.vol. vol. 66,66, 66, no. 7, 2019. 7, 7, 2019. 2019. tation tation tation of of of optimization optimization optimization algorithms. algorithms. The The The fact fact fact that, that, that, for for for general general general derived fromalgorithms. the application of various techniques, namely an algorithmic approach [2][2] [2] R. R. R. Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, A. A. A. Ascoli, Ascoli, Ascoli, I. Messaris, I.I. Messaris, Messaris, andand and L. L. O. L. O. O. Chua, Chua, Chua, “Theoretical “Theoretical “Theoretical founfounfouninappropriate inappropriate inappropriate initial initial initial conditions, conditions, conditions, thethe the network network network converges converges converges to to to a aa dations dations dations of of memristor of memristor memristor cellular cellular cellular nonlinear nonlinear nonlinear networks: networks: networks: Memcomputing Memcomputing Memcomputing with with known as Brélaz heuristic [52], methods based upon the analysis of the phase dynamics ofwith local local local solution, solution, solution, was was was deemed deemed deemed to to to bebe be thethe the main main main reason reason reason why why why the the the bistable-like bistable-like bistable-like memristors,” memristors,” memristors,” IEEE IEEE IEEE Transactions Transactions Transactions on on on Circuits Circuits Circuits andand and Systems Systems Systems I: I: I: Regular Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, 2019. 2019. 2019. without a control strategy capacitively-coupled arrays of locally-active oscillators system system system diddid did rarely rarely rarely determine determine determine thethe the graph graph graph chromatic chromatic chromatic number. number. number. ByBy Bymemristor [3][3] [3] A. A. A. Ascoli, Ascoli, Ascoli, I. I.Messaris, I. Messaris, Messaris, R. R. R. Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, andand and L. L. L. O. O. O. Chua, Chua, Chua, “Theoretical “Theoretical “Theoretical implementing implementing implementing thethe the concepts concepts concepts of of of crossovers crossovers crossovers (section (section (section IV-C) IV-C) IV-C) and and and for bypassing local minima solutions, as respectively presented in nonlinear [42], and in Stability Section 4, foundations foundations foundations of of memristor of memristor memristor cellular cellular cellular nonlinear nonlinear networks: networks: networks: Stability Stability analysis analysis analysis thethe thepulse pulse pulsedestabilization destabilization destabilization(section (section (section IV-D), IV-D), IV-D),onon onthethe thememristive memristive memristive with with with dynamic dynamic dynamic memristors,” memristors,” memristors,” IEEE IEEE IEEE Transactions Transactions Transactions on on on Circuits Circuits Circuits andand and Systems Systems Systems and, finally, paradigms including either a reconfigurability of the oscillators’ couplings, I: Regular I: I: Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, 2019. 2019. 2019. network, network, network, local local local solutions solutions solutions may may may bebe be bypassed, bypassed, bypassed, and, and, and, in in in most most most graph graph graph [4][4] [4] A. 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The The utilization utilization utilization of of of these these these concepts concepts concepts tosystem to to solve solve solve to method method method to to to design design design memcomputers memcomputers memcomputers with with dynamic dynamic dynamic memristors,” memristors,” memristors,” IEEE IEEE IEEE Section 5.2,The to enable the dynamical exit an impasse state,withand to resume the Transactions Transactions Transactions on on on Circuits Circuits Circuits andand and Systems Systems Systems I: Regular I: I: Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, 2020. 2020. 2020. vertex vertex vertex coloring coloring coloring problems problems problems leads leads leads to to to a far aa far far superior superior superior performance, performance, performance, calculations of the problem solution, thereafter. [5][5] [5] A. A. A. Crnkić, Crnkić, Crnkić, J. Povh, J. J. Povh, Povh, V. V. Jaćimović, V. Jaćimović, Jaćimović, andand and Z. Z. Levnajić, Z. Levnajić, Levnajić, “Collective “Collective “Collective dynamics dynamics dynamics with with with fewer fewer fewer color color color groups groups groups as as as compared compared compared to to to those those those identified identified identified viavia via of phase-repulsive of phase-repulsive phase-repulsive oscillators oscillators oscillators solves solves solves graph graph graph coloring coloring coloring problem,” problem,” problem,” Chaos: Chaos: Chaos: AnAn An The results obtained through the analysis ofof the phase dynamics in memristive osother other other means means means in in in other other other significant significant significant studies studies studies reported reported reported recently recently recently in in in Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Journal Journal Journal of of Nonlinear of Nonlinear Nonlinear Science, Science, Science, vol.vol. vol. 30,30, 30, no. 3, 2020. 3, 3, 2020. 2020. [6][6] [6] M.M. M. K. K. K. Bashar, Bashar, Bashar, R. 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IEEE, IEEE, IEEE, from Section 4, where no technique to bypass local minima solutions is set in place, are hardware hardware hardware implementation implementation implementation of of of anan an array array array of of of oscillators oscillators oscillators with with with freely freely freely 2019. 2019. 2019. comparable to the corresponding ones of the Brélaz algorithm. As mayforbe evinced [7][7] [7] S. S. S. A.heuristic A. A. Lee, Lee, Lee, “k-phase “k-phase “k-phase oscillator oscillator oscillator synchronization synchronization synchronization for for graph graph graph coloring,” coloring,” coloring,” configurable configurable configurable connections connections connections between between between thethe the cells. cells. cells. Furthermore, Furthermore, Furthermore, other other other Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics in in Computer in Computer Computer Science, Science, Science, vol.vol. vol. 3, no. 3, 3, no. no. 1, 2010. 1, 1, 2010. 2010. concepts concepts concepts or or or better better better strategies strategies strategies for for thethe the given given given concepts, concepts, concepts, allowing allowing allowing implemented from Table 3, the for graph coloring paradigm through capacitively-coupled [8][8] [8] A. A. A. Parihar, Parihar, Parihar, N. N. N. Shukla, Shukla, Shukla, M.M. M. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, S. S. S. Datta, Datta, Datta, andand and A. A. A. Raychowdhury, Raychowdhury, Raychowdhury, thethe the network network network to to to identify identify identify thethe the chromatic chromatic chromatic number number faster faster faster or or or with with with vertices “Computing “Computing “Computing with with dynamical dynamical dynamical systems systems systems based based based on on on insulator-metal-transition insulator-metal-transition insulator-metal-transition memristive oscillators innumber [42] classifies the of with all investigated graphs, with the oscillators,” oscillators,” oscillators,” Nanophotonics, Nanophotonics, Nanophotonics, vol.vol. vol. 6, no. 6, 6, no. no. 3, 2017. 3, 3, 2017. 2017. less less lesseffort, effort, effort,shall shall shallbebe beinvestigated. investigated. investigated.Furthermore, Furthermore, Furthermore,thethe thethermal thermal thermal exception ofshould the one called [50], into[9][9] a[9]A.number color groups equal to or lower A. Parihar, A. Parihar, Parihar, N. N. Shukla, N.of Shukla, Shukla, M.M. M. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, S. Datta, S. S. Datta, Datta, and and and A. A. Raychowdhury, A. Raychowdhury, Raychowdhury, “Vertex “Vertex “Vertex noise noise noise of of of memristors memristors memristors should should bebe be included included included inqueen6_6 in in future future future simulations simulations simulations coloring coloring coloring of of graphs of graphs graphs viavia via phase phase phase dynamics dynamics dynamics of of coupled of coupled coupled oscillatory oscillatory oscillatory networks,” networks,” networks,” than theif number ofhave colors assigned toonthe nodesScientific of the corresponding graphs through the to to todetermine determine determine if ifit ititmight might mighthave have a aabeneficial beneficial beneficial effect effect effect on onthethe the Scientific Scientific reports, reports, reports, vol.vol. vol. 7, no. 7, 7, no. no. 1, 2017. 1, 1, 2017. 2017. [10] [10] [10] V. V. Saraswat, V. Saraswat, Saraswat, S. S. 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PrMnO PrMnO PrMnO based based based oscillator oscillator oscillator phase phase phase noise,” noise,” noise,” in in 2019 in 2019 2019 Device Device Device Research Research Research ConConConthe nominal parameter setting in cell and coupling circuits is unaltered in the numerical 3 33 ference ference ference (DRC). (DRC). (DRC).IEEE, IEEE, IEEE, 2019. 2019. 2019. EFERENCES R REFERENCES EFERENCES investigationsRof the networks of all the graphs Table 3, itLi, isand unclear whether theof same [11] [11] [11] Wu, J. J. Wu, Wu, L. L. Jiao, L. Jiao, Jiao, R. R. R. Li, Li, and and W.W. W. Chen, Chen, Chen, “Clustering “Clustering “Clustering dynamics dynamics dynamics of nonlinear of nonlinear nonlinear [1][1] [1] M.M. M. Weiher, Weiher, Weiher, M.M. M. Herzig, Herzig, Herzig, R. R. Tetzlaff, R. Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, A. A. A. Ascoli, Ascoli, Ascoli, T. Mikolajick, T. T. Mikolajick, Mikolajick, andand and S. SleS. S. SleSleoscillator oscillator oscillator network: network: network: Application Application Application to to graph to graph graph coloring coloring coloring problem,” problem,” problem,” Physica Physica Physica D: D: D: values were assigned to the physical attributes of the components of the array for the sazeck, sazeck, sazeck, “Pattern “Pattern “Pattern formation formation formation with with with locally locally locally active active active s-type s-type s-type NbO NbO NbO memristors,” memristors,” memristors,” Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Phenomena, Phenomena, Phenomena, vol. vol. vol. 240, 240, 240, no. no. no. 24, 24, 24, 2011. 2011. 2011. x xx simulations of the corresponding systems in [42]. Furthermore, while the mathematical characterisation of our NbOx resistance switching memory is rooted on strong physics foundations, and is endowed with device-to-device variability control, the simplistic, model adopted to characterise the locally active VO2 memristor in [42], has no physics basis, assuming that the two-terminal element may feature at any given time one of two conductance values, denoting the metallic and insulating state, respectively, depending upon the voltage falling across it, and does not account for the inherent spread in the device static and dynamic properties from sample to sample. The application of our iterative graph coloring strategy to the vertex orderings derived from the simulations of the networks from Table 3, for the case where the tendency of the oscillators’ phase shifts to approach local J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 26 of 30 minima solutions is counterbalanced through the implementation of either the crossover or the pulse destabilisation control paradigms, leads to an evident performance improvement. With reference to each of the graphs—namely mycie15, queen5_5, queen6_6, queen7_7, and queen8_8—whereby, according to the iterative strategy from Section 4, our memristive network is unable to identify the chromatic number n on its own, the periodic application of either of the two control paradigms from Sections 5.1 and 5.2 allows the lowest number of colors assigned to the N vertices to decrease, and, in most cases, the final phase pattern of the memristive oscillatory array allows to determine the global minimum solution. As an example, which also reveals how further studies are necessary to improve the performance of our memristive networks in coloring the vertices of complex graphs, Figure 14(a) shows the phase dynamics of a balanced network implementing the queen6_6 graph [50], for the case where the mismatch in the number of couplings per oscillator and the memristor device-to-device variability are respectively compensated via the methodologies described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, and a periodic application of the crossover control paradigm of Section 5.1, involving a distinct pair of oscillators from cycle to cycle, is set in place. In this case, the network keeps in a transient phase throughout the simulation. As may be evinced by inspecting the time evolution of the optimisation goal function G (ϕ), shown in plot (b), and the evolution of the outcome of our iterative vertex coloring strategy over time, illustrated in plot (c), the dynamical system does not exhibit a monotonic decrease toward the global minimum solution, escaping the best solution, computed around 50 ms, to approach higher local minima thereafter. With regard to our intention to enhance the local minima bypass paradigms further, the analysis of the potentially-beneficial impact of the memristor thermal noise source on the capability of the dynamical system to descend monotonically toward the global minimum solution is one of the future research activities in our agenda. Remark 4. The first priority in our research agenda is to realize a hardware prototype able to solve various graph coloring problems of small/medium size on the basis of the oscillators’ phase dynamics. In order to allow a hardware implementation of the proposed memristive computing engine to solve a number of different graph coloring problems, the connections between the processing units need to be adjustable on a case by case basis, which calls for the use of a coupling arrangement typical of a Hopfield neural network, with the introduction of a transistor switch, controllable via some ad hoc multiplexer, in series with each capacitor CC . While hardware architecture considerations for large networks are still quite premature, we believe that scaling up the size of the computing engine would require the use of an array-like structure, as typically used for memories, to implement the programmable coupling circuitry. Except for the memristors, which could be arranged in crossbar configuration across the metal layers, the rest of the circuitry, necessary to implement the oscillatory cells, would be laid out on the CMOS substrate. In later generations of the proposed hardware, also back-end of line (BEOL) transistors can be envisioned so as to further increase the area efficiency of the computing platform. From a problem-solving perspective, scaling up the network size to tackle problems of bigger dimension, envisaging, in general, a larger number of connections between the vertices of the associated graphs, shall result in an inevitable increase in the number of local minima for the optimization goal function, which complicates the operation of the control circuitry, as it tries to guide the oscillators’ phases toward the optimal grouping at steady state. This is a general problem for all state-of-the-art software algorithms and hardware platforms, which aim to minimize non-convex optimization goal functions. In order to solve graph coloring problems of higher complexity, some fine tuning of the control strategies, proposed in this manuscript, as inspired by the most efficient NP-hard optimization problem solvers, available today, is expected to be necessary. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 27 of 30 0 00 Number of colors Number of colors 0° 0°0° Number of colors 180°180° 180° G(ϕ) G(ϕ) G(ϕ) Table 3. Comparison between the solutions of the vertex coloring problem for various graphs [50] for the 2nd algorithm implementation challenge for NP-hard problems in DIMACS [51], obtained through the application of a specific algorithm, known as Brélaz heuristic [52], by means of methods exploiting the phase dynamics of capacitively-coupled memristive networks without a control strategy for IEEEIEEE TRANSACTIONS IEEE TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS ONON CIRCUITS CIRCUITS ANDAND SYSTEMS—I: AND SYSTEMS—I: SYSTEMS—I: REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR PAPERS PAPERS PAPERS 12 1212 bypassing local minima solutions, namely the technique proposed in [42], and the iterative node coloring 90° procedure, presented in Section 4, and via the iterative node coloring procedure augmented 90° 90° with strategies, 45° based and pulse destabilisation,14presented in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, 1414 40crossover 4040 135°135° 135° 45° 45° upon respectively, and aimed to overcome local minima solutions [31]. The results tabulated in the last 12 12 12 100ms 100ms 100ms 20 2020 80ms 80ms 80ms 60ms 60ms 60ms 40ms 40ms 40ms three columns were computed through the analysis of 100 ms long numerical simulations. 20ms 20ms 20ms 10 1010 0ms 0ms 0ms 8 88 Minimum Number of Color−20 Groups −20 −20 for the Classification of the Vertices of the Associated Group 6 strategy 66 Brélaz algorithm [42] iterative strategy iterative strategy and crossover control iterative and pulse destabilisation control −40 −40 −40 225°225° 225° 315° 315° 4 4 4 315° 4 4 0 0 0 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 0 0 0 20 202040 5404060 606080 8080 100 100 100 270° 5 5 5 270°270° 5 time time / time ms / ms / ms time / time ms/ ms / ms 6 6 7 6 6 time 7 6 (a) (a)(a) 7 5 (b) (b)(b) 5(c) (c)(c) Fig. 16: Fig. 16: Evolution 16: Evolution Evolution of (a) of of the (a)(a) phase thethe phase phase shift.shift. (b) shift. the (b)(b) optimization thethe optimization optimization goalgoal G(ϕ) goal G(ϕ) and and (c)and the (c)(c) number thethe number number of colors of of colors colors for the forfor queen5_5 thethe queen5_5 queen5_5 graph, graph, which which which results results results in the in in global thethe global global 10Fig. 12 11 8 G(ϕ) 8graph, solution solution of five of of five colors. five colors. To find ToTo find the find global thethe global global solution, solution, solution, every every every 2ms2ms a 2ms pulse a pulse a was pulse applied. was applied. applied. The The resulting The resulting resulting assignment assignment assignment of the of of vertices thethe vertices vertices to 10 different to to different different colors, colors, colors, depending depending depending on onon 12solution 12colors. 14 10 was their final their final phase final phase phase shift, is shift, visualized is is visualized visualized byby highlighting highlighting of the of of adjacent thethe adjacent adjacent segment segment segment withwith the with respective thethe respective respective background background background colorcolor in color the in in graph thethe graph graph in (b). in in (b). (b). 15their 14shift, 15by highlighting 13 13 90° 90° 90° 180°180° 180° 45° 45° 45° 100ms 100ms 100ms 80ms 80ms 80ms 60ms 60ms 60ms 40ms 40ms 40ms 20ms 20ms 20ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0° 0°0° 60 6060 18 1818 40 4040 16 1616 20 2020 0 00 −20 −20 −20 −40 −40 −40 225°225° 225° 315°315° 315° 270°270° 270° (a) (a)(a) −60 −60 −60 0 0 020 202040 404060 606080 8080 100 100 100 timetime / time ms/ ms / ms (b) (b)(b) Number of colors Number of colors 135°135° 135° Number of colors n 4 5 6 5 7 7 9 G(ϕ) G(ϕ) vertices 11 20 47 25 36 49 64 G(ϕ) graph mycie13 mycie14 mycie15 queen5_5 queen6_6 queen7_7 queen8_8 14 1414 12 1212 10 1010 8 88 0 0 020 202040 404060 606080 8080 100 100 100 timetime / time ms/ ms / ms (c) (c)(c) Fig.Fig. 17: Fig. Evolution 17:17: Evolution Evolution of (a) of of the (a)(a) phase thethe phase phase shift.shift. (b) shift. the (b)(b) optimization thethe optimization optimization goalgoal G(ϕ) goal G(ϕ) G(ϕ) and and (c)and the (c)(c) number thethe number number of colors of of colors colors for the forfor queen6_6 thethe queen6_6 queen6_6 graph, graph, graph, which which which results results results in a in temporary in a temporary a temporary locallocal solution local solution solution of eight of of eight colors. eight colors. colors. To Phase optimize ToTo optimize optimize the determined thethe determined determined solution, solution, every every every 2ms2ms a 2ms crossover a associated crossover a crossover was was implemented. was implemented. implemented. Figure 14. (a) dynamics ofsolution, the network to the graph queen6_6 [50], after its preliminary compensation for the unbalance in the number of connections per oscillator, and for the inter-device inherent memristors, upon the periodic between the couplings oscillatory oscillatory oscillatory network network network as variability aascomputing asa acomputing computing engine engine engine forto for the for the implementheimplemenimplemenIEEE IEEE IEEE Transactions Transactions Transactions oninterchange Circuits onon Circuits Circuits and and Systems and Systems Systems I: Regular I: I: Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, vol. vol. 66, vol. 66,66, no. 7, 2019. 7, 7, 2019. 2019. tation tation tation of optimization ofoptimization optimization algorithms. algorithms. algorithms. TheThe The factthis fact that, factthat, that, for for general forgeneral general dynamics ofof two specific oscillators. In case the phase of the network keep in a transient state [2] [2] R.[2] Tetzlaff, R.R. Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, A. Ascoli, A.A. Ascoli, Ascoli, I. Messaris, I. I. Messaris, Messaris, and and L.and O. L. L. Chua, O.O. Chua, Chua, “Theoretical “Theoretical “Theoretical founfounfouninappropriate inappropriate inappropriate initial initial initial conditions, conditions, conditions, the the network thenetwork network converges converges converges to atoEvolution toa a dations dations dations of the memristor of of memristor memristor cellular cellular cellular nonlinear nonlinear nonlinear networks: networks: networks: Memcomputing Memcomputing Memcomputing withwith with throughout the 100 ms-long simulation. (b) of optimisation goal function G (ϕ) over local local local solution, solution, solution, waswas was deemed deemed deemed to be totobe the bethe main themain main reason reason reason whywhy why the the the bistable-like bistable-like bistable-like memristors,” memristors,” memristors,” IEEE IEEE Transactions IEEE Transactions Transactions on Circuits onon Circuits Circuits and and Systems and Systems Systems I: I: I: time. (c) Minimum number of colors, assigned to the nodes of the graph queen6_6 through the Regular Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, 2019. 2019. 2019. system system system diddid rarely didrarely rarely determine determine determine the the graph thegraph graph chromatic chromatic chromatic number. number. number. By ByBy [3] [3] A.[3]Ascoli, A.A.Ascoli, Ascoli, I. Messaris, I. I.Messaris, Messaris, R. Tetzlaff, R.R.Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, and and L.andO. L. L.Chua, O.O.Chua, Chua, “Theoretical “Theoretical “Theoretical implementing implementing implementing the the concepts theconcepts concepts of crossovers ofofcrossovers crossovers (section (section (section IV-C) IV-C) andand and iterative vertex coloring procedure of IV-C) Section 4, applied once every cycle, versus time. Half way foundations foundations foundations of memristor of of memristor memristor cellular cellular cellular nonlinear nonlinear nonlinear networks: networks: networks: Stability Stability Stability analysis analysis analysis the the pulse thethrough pulse pulse destabilization destabilization destabilization (section (section (section IV-D), IV-D), IV-D), on on the on the memristive the memristive memristive withwith dynamic with dynamic dynamic memristors,” memristors,” memristors,” IEEE IEEE IEEE Transactions Transactions Transactions on Circuits onon Circuits Circuits and and Systems and Systems Systems the simulation the nodes of the graph, illustrated in the inset of plot (b), are classified into I: I: Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, 2019. 2019. 2019. network, network, network, local local local solutions solutions solutions maymay may be bypassed, bebebypassed, bypassed, and,and, and, in most ininmost most graph graph graph I: Regular [4] [4] A. [4] Ascoli, A. A. 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TheThe utilization The utilization utilization of these ofofthese these concepts concepts concepts to issolve tosubject tosolve solve tomethod unstable, when the network, thereafter, further perturbations. method method to design tocrossover-based todesign design memcomputers memcomputers memcomputers with with dynamic withdynamic dynamic memristors,” memristors,” memristors,” IEEE IEEE IEEE Transactions Transactions on Circuits onon Circuits Circuits and and Systems and Systems Systems I: Regular I: I: Regular Regular Papers, Papers, Papers, 2020. 2020. 2020. vertex vertex vertex coloring coloring coloring problems problems problems leads leads leads to atofar toa afar superior farsuperior superior performance, performance, performance, Transactions A.[5] Crnkić, A.A. Crnkić, Crnkić, J. Povh, J. J. Povh, Povh, V. Jaćimović, V. V. Jaćimović, Jaćimović, and and Z.and Levnajić, Z. Z. 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(DRC). IEEE, IEEE, IEEE, hardware hardware hardware implementation implementation implementation of an ofofarray ananarray array of oscillators ofofoscillators oscillators withwith with freely freely freely 2019. 2019. 2019. emerging in systems from cellular and the reproduction of complex phenomena [30] S.[7]A. S. S.Lee, A.A.Lee, “k-phase Lee,“k-phase “k-phase oscillator oscillator oscillator synchronization synchronization synchronization for for graph forgraph graph coloring,” coloring,” coloring,” configurable configurable configurable connections connections connections between between between the the cells. thecells. cells. Furthermore, Furthermore, Furthermore, other other other[7] [7] Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics intutorial Computer in in Computer Computer Science, Science, vol.operating vol. 3,vol. no. 3, 3, 1, 2010. 1, 1, 2010. 2010. biology [44]. 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Ganguly, Ganguly, “Fundamental “Fundamental “Fundamental asperformance, vertex coloring. due toannealing page limitation, only a P.compact description of the network network network performance, performance, similarly similarly similarly as While, as inasainin simulated a asimulated simulated annealing annealing limitlimit on limitnetwork ononnetwork network size size scaling sizescaling scaling of oscillatory of ofoscillatory oscillatory neural neural neural networks networks networks due due todueto to optimization optimization optimization process. process. process. signal processing paradigm, implemented by the proposed Memristor Oscillatory Network, PrMnO PrMnO PrMnO oscillator oscillator oscillator phase phase phase noise,” noise,” noise,” in 2019 in in2019 Device 2019Device Device Research Research Research Con-ConCon3 based 3 based 3 based ference ference ference (DRC). (DRC). (DRC). IEEE, IEEE, IEEE, 2019. 2019. 2019. R EFERENCES R EFERENCES R[31], EFERENCES was reported in this tutorial reports[11] all[11] the details of the mechanisms underlying J.[11] Wu, J. J. Wu, L.Wu, Jiao, L. L. Jiao, R. Jiao, Li, R.R. and Li,Li, and W.and Chen, W.W. Chen, Chen, “Clustering “Clustering “Clustering dynamics dynamics dynamics of nonlinear of of nonlinear nonlinear [1] [1] M.[1]Weiher, M.M. Weiher, Weiher, M. Herzig, M.M. Herzig, Herzig, R. Tetzlaff, R.R. Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff, A. Ascoli, A.A. Ascoli, Ascoli, T. Mikolajick, T. T. Mikolajick, Mikolajick, and and S.and SleS. S. SleSleoscillator oscillator oscillator network: network: network: Application Application Application to graph to to graph graph coloring coloring coloring problem,” problem,” problem,” Physica Physica Physica D: D:D: its modus operandi. Importantly, control methods [33] to compensate for the inherent sazeck, sazeck, sazeck, “Pattern “Pattern “Pattern formation formation formation withwith locally with locally locally active active active s-type s-type s-type NbONbO memristors,” Nonlinear Nonlinear Nonlinear Phenomena, Phenomena, Phenomena, vol. vol. 240, vol. 240, no. 240, 24, 2011. 24,24, 2011. 2011. x NbO x memristors,” x memristors,” variability of memristor devices, to counteract the imbalance between the load capacitances of the oscillators, as well as, most importantly, to prevent the bio-inspired network to attain a sub-optimal steady state, are developed and implemented in circuit form. The Memristor Oscillatory Network, endowed with the proposed control circuitry, is found to outperform state-of-the-art software and hardware competitor alternatives, identifying, for J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2022, 12, 22 28 of 30 each graph from a wide selection, the lowest number of color groups for the respective vertices. As a more general conclusion, the potential of all locally-active devices, including niobium ([28,43,54]) or vanadium dioxide [55] threshold switches, and ovonic threshold switches [56,57], is expected to be subject to a thorough exploration, in the years to come, for a possible exploitation of their small-signal amplification capability for electronics applications, e.g. to build nano-oscillators with tuneable frequency ([58]), to solve NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems, as discussed in this manuscript, for reproducing complex biological phenomena [44], for exploring new forms of computing via pattern formation dynamics [59], or for designing bio-plausible neuromorphic circuits [10]. Author Contributions: All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding. 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