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Green Transition Assessment Guidelines (WP1)

Draft Guidelines for Conducting
Comprehensive Green Transition
Assessment (WP1)
The key objectives of WP1: ............................................................................................................. 2
Purpose of the guidelines ............................................................................................................... 3
Target audience ............................................................................................................................... 3
Green transition in the EU............................................................................................................... 3
WP1 methodology .......................................................................................................................... 4
Time and work plan................................................................................................................. 4
Phase 1: Thematic CGT assessment ........................................................................................ 4
Phase 2: National CGT assessment ......................................................................................... 5
Phase 3: Regional CGTA report summary ............................................................................... 5
Terms of Content for Desktop Study (Phase 1 - Step 1): ............................................................... 5
Key thematic-related indicators, statistics, and trends ........................................................... 6
Targets and indicators ..................................................................................................... 6
Key Statistics.................................................................................................................... 6
Thematic area stakeholders mapping ..................................................................................... 7
Thematic area governance gap assessment (to be developed further) .................................. 8
Institutional effectiveness and efficiency ................................................................................ 8
Human resources and capacities ............................................................................................ 8
Crosscutting areas of the thematic area ................................................................................. 8
Finance for transition .......................................................................................................... 8
Social impacts and just transition ....................................................................................... 8
Digitalisation ....................................................................................................................... 8
R&D and innovation ............................................................................................................ 8
Stakeholder consultations ............................................................................................................... 8
Thematic CGTA finalisation ............................................................................................................. 8
National CGT Assessment ............................................................................................................... 8
10. Regional CGTA summary report preparation .................................................................................. 8
List of acronyms
WP 1
Cross-cutting - Key thematic area
Comprehensive green transition assessment
Climate neutrality
Civil society organizations
European Commission
European Green Deal
European Union
Focal point
Green transition
Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia
Key thematic area
National coordinator
National implementing partner
National Team
Research and development
Thematic Leads
Thematic coordinators
Table of content
Work package 1
1. The key objectives of WP1:
To assess the current situation, gaps, and opportunities from all project thematic areas (8 Key
thematic areas (KTAs) and 5 Cross-cutting thematic areas (CC TAs))
To provide a baseline and starting points for Roadmap development (WP2)
If to summarise into key questions or dimensions WP1, it would be:
What are the targets for each thematic area? (what are the ambitions and aims for each area
in relation to green transition?)
Who are the key stakeholders in the area (who they are? Stake from non-public actors? Who
might be supporting and blocking green transition?)
How well functioning are key and cross-cutting thematic areas? (to reach targets, there must
be a sufficient and advanced legal basis, smart policy mix, and effective and efficient
institutions behind with enough and capable staff)
Key issues with EU approximation and future steps?
What is the alignment with the European Green Deal?
2. Purpose of the guidelines
CGTA requires conducting green transition assessment across 8 KTAs and 5 CC Tas (please see Figure
1), in four countries, by a mixed team of more than 30 international and national experts. Against
this background, the guidelines provide unifying and generic assessment frameworks, so that the
extent of the analysis and reporting of findings are standardized and comparable among the KTAs,
and among the countries to the extent possible.
Figure 1 Key thematic areas (KTAs) and Cross-cutting thematic areas (CC TAs) for green transition
readiness assessment for GUMA countries
3. Target audience
Key target audience for this guide are Thematic Leads (TLs), Thematic Coordinators (TCs) and Team
experts (national and international) of 8 KTAs and 5 CC TAs. The TLs are expected to customize the
generic assessment and reporting frameworks to suit their own KTA needs.
The Cross-cutting thematic leads should use this guide to the degree that is possible. Otherwise, they
should be customized to fit the needs of the overall WP1 aims (to provide situation, stakeholders,
statistics and key gaps and opportunities of CCA in each KTA and generally).
4. Green transition in the EU
Green transition refers to the overall economy’s shift from fossil-based energy production and
consumption systems — including oil, natural gas, and coal — to renewable energy sources like wind,
biomass, hydro and solar. The green transition in the EU is driven by European Gren Deal (EGD)
initiative of the European Commission (EC). In the European Green Deal perspective, the term "green
transition" signifies a comprehensive and ambitious strategy to transform the European Union (EU)
into a more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and climate-neutral economy and society. This
transition encompasses a wide spectrum of policies, initiatives, and actions to tackle urgent
challenges related to climate change, environmental degradation, and sustainable development. At
its core, the green transition commits the EU to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, effectively
balancing greenhouse gas emissions with removals. This involves, among other significant emissions
reductions across all sectors, a rapid expansion of renewable energy sources, enhanced energy
efficiency, and the transition to a circular economy that emphasizes waste reduction and sustainable
resource use. Moreover, it strongly focuses on biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture,
clean mobility, green finance, social inclusivity through a "just transition," and ongoing innovation
and research.
5. WP1 methodology
5.1. Time and work plan
WP 1 will be conducted in three main phases and a number of steps (Please see Figure 2).
Furthermore, there will be two rounds of stakeholder consultation and a few rounds of National
Steering Committee meetings (NSC). NSC meetings will aim to assure ownership and approval of the
process and findings by the national government representatives.
Expected outputs
Phase 1: Thematic CGT Assessment
Step 1
Desktop study
Step 2
Stakeholder consultations
Step 3
Thematic CGTA workshop
Step 4
Thematic CGTA report finalization
D1-8: 8 Thematic CGTA report
D 8-12: 4 Cross-cutting CGTA reports
Phase 2: National CGT Assessment
Step 5
Experts national synthesis workshop (prioritization)
Step 6
Preparation of first National CGTA report
Step 7
Stakeholder consultations
Step 8
National CGTA report finalization
D13-16: 4 National CGTA reports
Phase 3: Regional CGTA reports summary
Step 9
Selected team will prepare regional summary report
D 17: Regional CGTA report summary
Stakeholder consutlations
SH consultations
Number of SH consultations
National Steering Committee rounds
National Steering Committees
Figure 2 WP 1 Implementation phases and steps
5.2. Phase 1: Thematic CGT assessment
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
To identify what thematic targets and indicators are used
To identify thematic area-related statistics (e.g. economic outputs, employment, emission
To identify the key stakeholders in the thematic area for the project process (who are key
decision makers, influencers, knowledge providers) and for Green transition (who might be
supporting the green transition and who might be blocking) and who to consult in different
stakeholder consultations (step 2 or step 7).
On EGD thematic level to assess how well functioning the areas are and what are the critical
gaps and opportunities
To identify critical gaps in EU approximation work
To assess the alignment with the European Green Deal framework (targets and indicators)
Deliverables (per country):
8 Key thematic areas reports, with emphasis on:
o TA targets and indicators and relevant statistics
o Key gaps and recommendations in legal, policy, institutional, HR and capacity part
o Key gaps in the EU approximation process
o Alignment of EGD and national policies and future opportunities and needs
o 4 chapters on 4 Cross-cutting areas and their gap analysis in TA
Four crosscutting thematic areas reports summarising the situation, gaps and opportunities
for the future within each area for green transition
5.3. Phase 2: National CGT assessment
To prioritize thematic areas in accordance to its importance and influence for the green
To score all thematic areas in how well or not well they are doing (key gaps and
To identify overarching and crosscutting key areas that need to be addressed (e.g. finances,
capacity, institutional efficiency..)
To present
To present national alignment with
To present it in a way so that it can be used as a baseline for Roadmap work
Deliverables (per country):
One National CGTA report, with emphasis on
o Prioritised key and crosscutting thematic areas
o Key priority gaps and opportunities
o Overarching issues
o Alignment with EGD
5.4. Phase 3: Regional CGTA report summary
To showcase how the region of GUMA countries as a hole is doing when it comes to
readiness for Green Transition and Climate neutrality
One Regional CGTA summary report
6. Terms of Content for Desktop Study (Phase 1 - Step 1):
The parts below will be the key areas of assessment and data collection. The structure below will be
the structure of the desktop study (Step 1). After the desktop study is finished, stakeholder
consultations (Step 2) will be conducted. And after the inputs from stakeholder consultation, the
finalization of the thematic area CGTA report will be done (Step 4).
1. Key thematic-related indicators, statistics, and trends
2. Thematic area stakeholders mapping1
3. Thematic area governance2 gap assessment
a. Legal and policy framework
i. General
ii. EU approximation gap assessment (from a thematic area point of view)
iii. European Green Deal alignment assessment
b. Institutional effectiveness and efficiency
c. Human resources and capacities
4. Crosscutting areas of the thematic area
a. Transitional finance
b. Social impacts and just transition
c. Digitalisation
d. R&D and innovation
6.1. Key thematic-related indicators, statistics, and trends
This part aims to showcase the current ambitions (targets) in the area and how (targets) they aim to
achieve that. Furthermore, we want to understand the importance and influence of each thematic
area through key statistics.
6.1.1. Targets and indicators
How to do it?
Collect all available thematic area-related strategic and planning documents (e.g. National
Energy Plan 2030, National Development Strategy 2030, National Energy and Climate plans
Assess them and identify key agreed targets and indicators guiding thematic area
What should be the output:
A short few-page summary of key indicators and targets
6.1.2. Key Statistics
How to do it?
Stakeholders include public institutions (National, regional, local), businesses, academia, Civil Society organisations,
individuals, media, political leaders, groups and other organisations who will be impacted by the GT, or who could
influence the outcome of GT.
Governance relates to the political and institutional processes and outcomes that are necessary to achieve the goals of
GT. Governance structure refers to the framework of legal rules, procedures, roles, and the division of responsibilities
within the whole decision-making process for implementing GT, from national to local levels.
Collect all key relevant and available statistics in relation to the thematic area (for at least the
last 5 years):
a. Emissions in the thematic area
b. Energy usage/consumption in the thematic area
c. Employment
d. GDP input
e. Natural resource use
f. ..??
What should be the output:
A short few-page summary of key thematic area related statistics
Example for indicators and targets
Relevant Statistics/indicators
Aggregated GHG Emissions
in the thematic area
Primary energy consumption
Employment rate
GDP contribution
Percentage of natural
resource use
6.2. Thematic area stakeholders mapping
The aim here is to identify the key stakeholders of the thematic area (Public institutions, private
sector, academia, Civil Society Organizations, International actors and others) to:
Understand who are the key stakeholders for the GUMA project and Green Transition
To identify key stakeholder groups to be consulted during Step 2 and or Step 7 (consultation
Understand which stakeholder groups might be supporting and who might be hindering the
green transition process (stakeholders who might not need to be consulted but who should
be taken into consideration when planning the Roadmaps (WP2)
How to do it?
Please use the stakeholder mapping tool provided in Annex 1 and the guidance on excel tool in
Annex 2. Each team should fill in Annex 1 in relation to its specific thematic area.
What should be the output:
A short few-page summary (internal) with:
Key stakeholders (influence and interest) critical for green transition from different sectors
List of stakeholder groups/names for stakeholder consultations (Step 2 and or Step 7)
Groups of stakeholders who could be championing green transition
Groups of stakeholders who could be blocking the transition
6.3. Thematic area governance gap assessment (to be developed further)
Legal framework
Policy Framework (including EU approx. and EGD alignment)
HR and Capacity
To start with:
Start with the collection/mapping of:
a. Legal framework for the thematic area
b. Policies that guide thematic area
c. Institutional mapping (focusing on what institutions perform which functions)
Further desktop study info Information below is being finalised and
will be shared soon
6.4. Institutional effectiveness and efficiency
6.5. Human resources and capacities
6.6. Crosscutting areas of the thematic area
6.6.1. Finance for transition
6.6.2. Social impacts and just transition
6.6.3. Digitalisation
6.6.4. R&D and innovation
7. Stakeholder consultations
8. Thematic CGTA finalisation
9. National CGT Assessment
Regional CGTA summary report preparation