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MSU-IIT Commencement Guidelines: 53rd Ceremonies

Guidelines for the Candidates of the 53rd Commencement Ceremonies
Commencement Exercises
July 18, 2023; 9:00 O’clock in the morning, MSU-IIT
Pre-commencement Ceremonies by Cluster
July 16, 2023 (8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., MSU-IIT
Cluster 2: CSM
July 16, 2023 (1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.), MSU-IIT
Cluster 3: COE
July 17, 2023 (8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.), MSU-IIT
Cluster 4: CED/CHS/CCS
July 17, 2023 (1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.), MSU-IIT
Commencement Rehearsal
July 15, 2023 (8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
July 13, 2023
Cluster 1
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cluster 2
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
July 14, 2023
Cluster 3
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cluster 4
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Checking of Attendance: 8–8:30 a.m. and 12:00–12:30 p.m. for the Pre-Commencement
and for the Commencement Ceremonies, 8:00–8:30 a.m.
The ceremonies shall consist of the following:
Part I:
Shepherding of graduands from their respective colleges to the University
Part II:
Commencement Program
1) Processional
2) Entry of Colors
3) Invocation
4) Pambansang Awit
5) Silahis Gloria Opening Production
6) Acknowledgment of Officials
7) Welcome Address and Introduction of the Commencement Speaker
8) Commencement Address
9) Reading of the Citation on the Plaque of Appreciation
10) Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation and Tokens to the Guest Speaker
11) Song Tribute to the Graduates
12) Presentation of the Awardees of Excellence in Academic and Extra-Curricular Performance
13) Presentation of University Gawad Tsanselor Awardees
13) Presentation of the Candidates for Graduation
14) Conferment of Titles and Degrees
15) Message from the Graduating Class
16) Graduation Song
17) Song Tribute to Teachers and Parents
18) Pledge of Loyalty to the Alma Mater
19) Oath-Taking of the Graduates
20) Himno ng Pamantasang Mindanao, and
21) Recessional
● All candidates are required to attend the rehearsals, the Pre-commencement and
Commencement Ceremonies. Have this guide sheet signed by your College Marshal. Show this
at the Registrar’s Office upon request of your documents after graduation. Ensure also that your
attendance is checked before the Commencement Ceremonies.
● If the candidate is unable to attend the rehearsals for the Pre-commencement and
Commencement Ceremonies, an excuse letter addressed to the Registrar and duly endorsed by
the College Marshal must be submitted.
● Observe punctuality in all graduation-related activities.
Vehicle Parking:
● Per Institute policy, only vehicles with stickers obtained from the Security Office can enter the
● Before the processional, vehicles of faculty members and System officials with stickers,
including those that are given priority numbers by the Security Office, are allowed to be driven
before the vicinity of the gymnasium and can park only in areas designated by the Security
Office. Parking of faculty and staff vehicles are on a first-come-first-served basis and is subject to
availability of space.
● During the processional, vehicles of faculty members, staff and those with stickers are allowed
enter the campus but up to Molave Street (fronting the Main Library) only. After entering the
Entrance Gate (near the administration building), a right turn must be done at Molave Street
(fronting the library). Here is where one may alight from the vehicle. Another right turn must
then be done at the 12th of July Street (fronting the Security Office) until the Exit Gate where
the vehicle then leaves the campus.
● During the processional, only vehicles that ferry dignitaries who will participate in the
ceremonies will be allowed to enter the campus beyond the intersection in front of the Security
● Outsiders (not a faculty or staff of MSU-IIT) with their vehicles are not allowed to enter the
campus during the Pre-Commencement and Commencement Ceremonies on July 16 -18, 2023.
Academic Regalia:
● The prescribed academic regalia consisting of the gown and cap for all candidates,
stole/langkit for undergraduate students and hood for graduate students should be worn
throughout the ceremonies.
● Ensure that the correct color of the tassel is secured, i.e., MS/PhD - Red; CASS - Light Green;
CBAA - Beige, COE&T - Orange; CSM – Dark Green, CON - White; CED – Sky Blue; SCS - Pink;
SIS- Purple
● The gown must be well-pressed and the hood/stole must be securely pinned on both
● The hem of the academic regalia must be below the knees for both male and female
● No corsage, or any unauthorized adornment, shall be worn with the academic regalia. Bags are
discouraged from being carried.
● All candidates must wear semi-formal or formal attire underneath their academic regalia.
● College Marshals are tasked to ensure that the candidates are wearing their academic regalia
properly; otherwise, the offending candidate may not be allowed to join the ceremonies.
Parents, Guardians and Guests:
● Each candidate is entitled to three (3) ID cards. One (1) for the candidate and two (2) for the
parent/guardian/guest. This card serves as an entry pass to the gymnasium.
● The ID card must be pinned on the left chest and must be visible for security personnel to
check upon entering the gymnasium.
● Parent/guardian, including faculty members or Institute officials who are parent/guardian of
the candidates, may be asked to open their bags and packages for inspection by the security
personnel at the gym entrance.
● Children under seven (7) years old are strictly not allowed inside the gymnasium.
Parent/guardian with children under 7 years old will be advised to view the ceremonies at one of
our designated live-streaming areas.
● All parents/guardians/guests will sit on the bleachers. All seats are on a first-come-first-served
basis. Parents/guardians/ guests must be seated before the start of the ceremonies. They may
not be allowed to enter the gymnasium once the ceremonies have started.
● Parent/guardians and guests are not allowed to enter the gymnasium ground floor or ask a
favor from the ushers/usherettes to hand-over anything to the candidates, except in emergency
● Parents/guardians and guests are requested to wear semi-formal or business attire.
● Parents/guardians and guests are allowed to take pictures only from their seats. Candidates,
however, are not allowed to take pictures even on their seats during the entire ceremonies.
● Only official photographers are allowed to take pictures on the ground floor during the
● Silence must be maintained during the ceremonies. Cell phones and other electronic devices
should be turned off or placed in silent/vibrate mode. Texting and calling are strictly
discouraged, except in emergency situations.
During the Commencement Ceremonies:
● Candidates shall remain standing facing the aisle while the faculty members and officials are
doing the processional. They remain in this position until the last dignitary passes by. Once the
dignitaries are on stage, all candidates shall face the stage.
● They shall remain standing until the invocation and the singing of the National Anthem. They
shall then sit following the direction of the Stage Marshal.
● As part of the program, the Vice Chancellor reads the academic and extra-curricular awards.
Once your award is called, you are required to stand up and be recognized by rendering a bow.
Once the next award is read, you may sit down.
● Applause for an individual candidate is NOT allowed. Mass applause is done at an appropriate
time as may be directed by the Stage Marshal.
● During the presentation of the candidates by the Chancellor, the candidates will stand as their
degree is presented; they shall remain standing until all degrees have been presented, and the
candidates have been conferred their respective degree by the MSU President.
● Once the candidates have been conferred their respective degree, the graduates give a
resounding clap. At the cue of the Stage Marshal, clapping is stopped, and the tassel is
transferred from the right side of the cap to the left. Then, the graduates give themselves another
resounding clap.
● There shall be no tossing of caps in the air after conferment.
After the Ceremonies:
● Graduates shall follow the members of the Institute Council in the recessional, starting from
the first row and to be led by students nearest the aisle.
● No graduate or faculty member should break the recessional march until he/she has exited the
● Expressions of congratulations and giving of flowers, leis or gifts should be done outside the
gymnasium and only after the commencement ceremonies. The graduates and their parents
may, however, return to the gymnasium for a pictorial.
● Gowns, caps, and hoods must be immediately returned after graduation to avoid penalty.
● College/School Marshals will tag as absent or late, in the online Clearance System, those who
are absent or late, respectively, in the ceremonies. The graduate may be cleared if an excuse
letter is submitted to and approved by the College/School Marshal.
*Attendance to the Graduation Rehearsals on July 15, 2023 of Mr./Ms.
__________________________________ of the College/School of
______________________ is concurred by:
College/School Marshal
(Signature over Printed Name)
*Please show this duly-signed guide sheet upon requesting documents from the Office of the
University Registrar’s after graduation.
Congratulations on your Graduation!