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Wind Power Plant Project Certification Service Specification

Edition March 2023
Project certification of wind power plants
The PDF electronic version of this document available at the DNV website dnv.com is the official version. If there
are any inconsistencies between the PDF version and any other available version, the PDF version shall prevail.
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DNV service specifications contain procedural requirements for obtaining and retaining certificates
and other conformity statements to the objects, personnel, organisations and/or operations in
DNV AS March 2023
Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@dnv.com
This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this
document. The use of this document by other parties than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liability or responsibility
for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document.
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The numbering and/or title of items containing changes is highlighted in red.
Changes March 2023
Figure 1-1,
Figure 1-3
Updated introduction, objective and scope considering current
offshore wind market expectations. Restructured part of Sec.1
to ease the reading and understanding. Figures updated as
Improved the project certification deliverables description and
possible options.
Storage of records
Amended clarification of storing certification records.
Wind turbines, offshore
substation and power cables
Added references to DNV-RP-0585 and DNV-RP-0618 where
Basic design
Added more details to improve understanding of the basic
design certification phase.
Substation, structural design
and geotechnical design
Clarified requirements and reordered to improve clarity of the
Helicopter decks
Updated subsection with making mainly reference to DNVST-0145.
Health, safety and
Removed redundancies to improve language and clarity.
Integration of type certificates
Added the applicability of type certificates according to IECRE
OD-501 in project certification.
Electrical energy storage
Added latest market demands and clarified DNV's service
National requirements USA
Mapping of the USA regulation 30 CFR 585 requirements with
the project certification features and sharing project practices.
National requirements Poland
New appendix to address the certification of offshore wind
power plants in Poland.
Energy islands
New appendix to address the certification of energy islands as
an option.
Editorial corrections
In addition to the above stated changes, editorial corrections may have been made.
Service specification — DNV-SE-0190. Edition March 2023
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Project certification of wind power plants
Changes - current
This document supersedes the September 2020 edition of DNVGL-SE-0190.
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Section 1 General.................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................7
1.2 Objective...........................................................................................9
1.3 Scope................................................................................................ 9
1.4 Application...................................................................................... 10
1.5 References...................................................................................... 15
1.6 Definitions and abbreviations......................................................... 20
1.7 Procedure........................................................................................26
Section 2 Development......................................................................................... 38
2.1 General........................................................................................... 38
2.2 Concept........................................................................................... 38
2.3 Design basis................................................................................... 39
2.4 Basic design....................................................................................47
2.5 Design............................................................................................. 48
Section 3 Construction.......................................................................................... 60
3.1 General........................................................................................... 60
3.2 Manufacturing................................................................................. 60
3.3 Transport and installation...............................................................71
3.4 Commissioning; operation and maintenance manuals.....................73
Section 4 Operation and maintenance.................................................................. 80
4.1 In-service/periodic monitoring....................................................... 80
4.2 In-service surveillance....................................................................81
4.3 Wind turbines................................................................................. 82
4.4 Substation.......................................................................................83
4.5 Power cables.................................................................................. 83
4.6 Control station................................................................................ 83
4.7 Certification of modifications.......................................................... 84
4.8 Condition based evaluation.............................................................84
Section 5 Lifetime extension................................................................................. 85
5.1 General........................................................................................... 85
5.2 Wind turbines................................................................................. 85
5.3 Substation.......................................................................................85
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Project certification of wind power plants
Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3
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6.1 General........................................................................................... 86
Section 7 Repowering........................................................................................... 87
7.1 General........................................................................................... 87
7.2 Wind turbines................................................................................. 87
7.3 Substation.......................................................................................88
7.4 Power cables.................................................................................. 88
Section 8 Power plant related services/systems.................................................. 89
8.1 General........................................................................................... 89
8.2 Site-specific type certification........................................................ 89
8.3 Site suitability of wind turbines......................................................90
8.4 Meteorological masts...................................................................... 93
8.5 Navigation and aviation aids of offshore plants.............................. 93
8.6 Power plant performance............................................................... 94
8.7 Shop approval.................................................................................95
8.8 Helicopter decks............................................................................. 97
8.9 Health, safety and environment......................................................97
8.10 Integration of certificates............................................................. 99
8.11 Escrow........................................................................................ 102
8.12 Electrical energy storage systems............................................. 102
8.13 Wind farm control.......................................................................103
Appendix A List of documents offshore substation............................................. 105
A.1 List of documents offshore substation..........................................105
Appendix B Deliverables example....................................................................... 112
B.1 Project certificate......................................................................... 112
B.2 Statement of compliance.............................................................. 120
Appendix C National requirements USA - CVA's services................................... 125
C.1 General......................................................................................... 125
C.2 National requirements.................................................................. 125
C.3 CVA nomination............................................................................ 125
C.4 Scope of the CVA duties............................................................... 126
C.5 Departure requests....................................................................... 132
C.6 Notification periods...................................................................... 132
C.7 State waters................................................................................. 133
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Project certification of wind power plants
Section 6 Decommissioning...................................................................................86
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5.4 Power cables.................................................................................. 85
D.2 References.................................................................................... 136
D.3 Definitions and abbreviations....................................................... 136
D.4 Scope............................................................................................ 136
D.5 Certificates and validity................................................................137
D.6 Procedural requirements.............................................................. 140
D.7 Procedure for offshore assets...................................................... 142
D.8 Grid Code Compliance and Marine Warranty Survey..................... 148
D.9 Final deliverable........................................................................... 148
Appendix E Energy islands.................................................................................. 151
E.1 General......................................................................................... 151
E.2 Development................................................................................. 155
E.3 Construction..................................................................................165
E.4 Operation and maintenance.......................................................... 171
E.5 Lifetime extension........................................................................ 173
E.6 Decommissioning.......................................................................... 174
E.7 Repowering................................................................................... 174
E.8 Power plant related services/systems.......................................... 175
Changes – historic.............................................................................................. 177
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Project certification of wind power plants
D.1 General......................................................................................... 134
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Appendix D National requirements Poland..........................................................134
1.1 Introduction
The scaling of renewable production capacity and reduction of the levelized cost of electricity is a key goal
for the wind industry. The scaling and cost reduction may come from many sources and may be relevant
during the development, manufacturing, construction and operational lifetime of the wind power plant. This
implicitly includes increased focus on state-of-the-art technical requirements, safety aspects and quality. DNV
has been in the wind energy market for more than four decades. The experiences gained and lessons learned
from European offshore wind power projects and in recent years from emerging markets such as Asia and
USA were taken into account during maintenance of this service specification (SE) edition. The full lifecycle of
a wind power plant is considered and reference is made to all relevant standards in order to ensure that the
project certification scheme meets market needs and expectations.
DNV also established the committee of experts (COE). The COE, which involves external members, ensures
that the DNV service documents benefit several stakeholders and most importantly, the market.
The combination with the experiences and know-how is essential to achieve an optimal power plant
performance. Further improvement of reliable quality, stable operation and proper risk management will help
to promote renewable power in a competitive energy sector even better.
In times of cost reduction, scaling and faster implementation needs, the efficient independent evaluation is
of higher importance to monitor and prove the state-of-the-art level of safety, quality and reliability. Focusing
on reducing capital expenditure costs alone may have critical quality impacts and may increase the overall
lifetime risk and operational costs.
This service specification (SE) specifies DNV’s services for project certification of onshore and offshore wind
power plants. It serves as:
— mitigation of project individual risks at the different lifecycle phases
— holistic approach and provides practical guidance to speed up the individual certification
— facilitator to identify and apply relevant technical standards for the benefit of the safety, quality and
reliability of a wind power plant
— guidance for developers/owners during the whole lifecycle from concept to decommissioning and
repowering of the wind power plant
— guidance for different subcontractors such as designer and manufacturer
— description to meet the state of the art for wind power plants, and to go beyond
— support in optimising the different lifecycle phases of the power plant
— common communication platform for describing the scope and extent of activities performed for
certification of a wind power plant and its assets
— contractual basis for the certification scope of wind power plants or their individual assets.
Figure 1-1 provides an overview of the project certification process and subjects covered by this service
specification. The figure serves also as application oriented navigation and guidance. It eases the
identification of the relevant sections of this document with respect to the interests of the reader.
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Service specification — DNV-SE-0190. Edition March 2023
Project certification of wind power plants
Figure 1-1 Project certification of wind power plants incl. energy islands - document navigation overview (numbers in
brackets denote section numbers)
Page 8
The objective of project certification is to mitigate project individual risks at the different lifecycle stages.
Project certification ensures that the wind power plant is designed, constructed and operated safely and cost
efficiently by fulfilling the applicable requirements. It provides evidence to different stakeholders that a set of
requirements laid down in different standards are being met.
The aim of this document is to provide a flexible certification scheme to address individual needs, reduce the
costs over the lifetime while not compromising on quality. Additional certification phases [1.7.2] or services
Sec.8 may be chosen to enhance the power plant reliability and value. The service specification serves also to
detail and clarify the certification activities and facilitate achieving compliance.
The DNV scheme is also intended to cover the requirements implied when using IEC related certification
schemes. The main differentiators of the DNV scheme to other schemes such as BEK, BSH, IEC and IECRE
— more guidance and descriptions to facilitate transparency, understanding and application
— most wind power plant relevant topics are addressed in one service specification, referencing relevant
— flexible scheme to address and allow project specific needs
— more additional options for a more holistic scheme containing additional phases
— shorter update cycles of the scheme and standards to facilitate implementation of the latest state-of-theart technology and processes.
The benefits by applying this service specification may be among others:
— mitigating enviromental, personnel and damage risks at an effective stage through independent
— increasing confidence in technical integrity and reliability
— supporting the quality management
— enabling implementation of innovations
— minimising financial project risks
— securing investments and optimise return of investment
— securing better insurance/policy rates; decrease contingencies
— independent approval of the wind power plant to reduce risks from developing, construction to operations
and increase trust
— reducing costs by early detection of non conformities
— supporting the interface management between assets, stakeholders and project phases
— confirmation that requirements as stated by project developers, investors, operators, manufacturers
governmental and non-governmental organisations are fulfilled
— proof by an independent body to meet the nationally and internationally acknowledged state of the art
— utilising statements and certificates to support authorisations by governmental institutions
— stepwise documentation of the maturity of the wind power project.
The benefits depend on the specific individual interests and the agreed scope with reference to assets and
phases covered by the contracted certification.
1.3 Scope
The certification scheme described in this service specification covers all phases of the lifecycle of onshore
and offshore wind power plants. The evaluation of the individual wind power plant against applicable
requirements considering site-specific conditions at a given location is addressed. Project certification
includes one or more of the assets wind turbines, offshore substation, power cables and covers the project
lifecycles design basis, design, manufacturing, transport and installation, commissioning and optionally the
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1.2 Objective
1.4.1 General
This service specification applies to wind power plants and their assets wordwide. The following assets of a
typical wind power plant are covered by the services described herein, see Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-7:
wind turbines including rotor-nacelle assembly and support structure
substation(s) including topside(s) and support structure(s)
power cables
control station
energy islands, see Figure 1-3 and Table 1-6.
Figure 1-2 Offshore and onshore wind power plant assets
Project certification is applicable for each single asset of the wind power plant such as wind turbines and
substations. The project certificate may be issued for the single asset (see Figure 1-1, asset related project
certificates) or a combination of assets.
Each asset may be further subdivided into components of wind turbines and substations, sections for power
cables and systems for control stations or parts of energy islands, see examples given in Figure 1-3. This
document is providing the option in certifying even parts of the asset in reference to Figure 1-3. In such
cases the object, scope, applicable standards and interface and/or limitation shall be defined.
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1.4 Application
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Figure 1-3 Wind power plant assets and their components, sections and systems, and energy
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Project certification of wind power plants
Figure 1-4 Definition of offshore and onshore wind turbine components
The substation(s) of a wind power plant can be distinguished by the following components, see Figure 1-5.
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The wind turbines of a wind power plant can be distinguished by the following components, see Figure 1-4.
The power cables of a wind power plant can be distinguished in the cable route sections illustrated in Figure
The communication lines of the control station for the monitoring of a wind power plant can be defined as in
Figure 1-6. The certification of the control station may prove the capability of controlling wind power plants of
other operators as well.
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Figure 1-5 Definition of offshore and onshore substation components
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Figure 1-6 Scheme of a power plant control
An energy island can consist of the following assets and components, see Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-7 Energy island and their components and assets
The subdivision of the different assets into components, cable route sections or control room systems is done
to enable optional services by certifying single components, cable sections or systems of an asset as well.
Alternatively a component certification according to DNV-SE-0441 may be conducted.
This service specification is generally applicable for fixed wind farm installations. In case of floating wind
turbine installations, see:
— DNV-SE-0422
— DNV-ST-0119
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Project certification of wind power plants
Within this service specification any reference to offshore requirements is meant for offshore project
certification only.
1.5 References
This document makes reference to relevant DNV documents and other international documents. Unless
otherwise specified in the certification agreement or in this service specification, the latest valid revision of
each referenced document applies, see [1.7.9].
Table 1-1 lists DNV references used in this document.
Table 1-1 DNV service documents
Fabrication and testing of offshore structures
Safety, operation and performance of grid-connected energy storage systems
Coupled analysis of floating wind turbines
Subsea power cables in shallow water
Corrosion protection for wind turbines
Analysis of grouted connections using the finite element method
Manufacturing and commissioning of offshore substations
Electromagnetic compatibility of wind turbines
Seismic design of wind power plants
Rock scour protection for monopiles
Technology qualification
Integrated software dependent systems
Project certification of wind farms according to IEC 61400-22
Type and component certification of wind turbines according to IEC 61400-22
Certification of grid code compliance
Technology qualification management and verification
Certification of navigation and aviation aids of offshore wind farms
Certification of lifetime extension of wind turbines
Certification of meteorological masts
Certification of floating wind turbines
Shop approval in renewable energy
Certification of condition monitoring
Type and component certification of wind turbines
Verification of Onshore Pipelines
Risk based verification
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— DNV-RP-0286.
Verification and certification of submarine pipelines
Risk based verification of offshore structures
Verification of process facilities
Verification of power-to-X facilities
Transport and installation of wind power plants
Design of electrical installations for wind turbines
Floating wind turbine structures
Grid code compliance
Support structures for wind turbines
Offshore substations
Lifetime extension of wind turbines
Offshore gangways
Subsea power cables for wind power plants
Shipboard lifting appliances
Offshore and platform lifting appliances
Loads and site conditions wind for turbines
Rules and guidelines - IV Industrial services - Part 1: Guideline for the certification of wind turbines
Rules and guidelines - IV Industrial services - Part 2: Guideline for the certification of offshore wind
Table 1-2 lists IEC references used in this document.
Table 1-2 IEC documents
IEC 31010
Risk management — Risk assessment techniques
IEC 60076 series
Power transformers
IEC 60079 (all parts)
Explosive atmospheres
IEC 60204-1
Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines — Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60335-2-40
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for
electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
IEC 60227 series
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V
IEC 60364 series
Low-voltage electrical installations
IEC 60502 series
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um
= 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um= 36 kV)
IEC 60529
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Codes)
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IEC 60534 (all parts)
Industrial-process control valves
IEC 60751
Industrial platinum resistance thermometers and platinum temperature sensors
IEC 60870 series
Telecontrol equipment and systems
IEC 60947 series
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
IEC 60947-3
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switchdisconnectors and fuse-combination units
IEC 61131 series
Programmable controllers
IEC 61400-12 series
Wind energy generation systems - Part 12: Power performance measurements of electricity
producing wind turbines
IEC 61400-21-1
Wind energy generation systems - Part 21-1: Measurement and assessment of electrical
characteristics - Wind turbines
IEC 61400-22
Wind turbines - Part 22: Conformity testing and certification (withdrawn)
IEC 61400-25 series
Wind energy generation systems - Communications for monitoring and control of wind power
IEC 61400-26-1
Wind energy generation systems – Part 26-1: Availability for wind energy generation systems
IEC TS 61400-30
Wind turbines – Part 30: Safety of Wind Turbine Generator Systems (WTGs) - General
principles for design
IEC 61508 series
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
IEC 61511 series
Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector
IEC 61882
A Guide to Hazard and Operability Studies, 1979, Chemical Industries Association Limited,
IEC 62040 series
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)
IEC 62053 series
Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements
IEC 62271 series
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear
IEC 62305 series
Protection against lightning
IEC 62477-1
Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - Part 1: General
IEC 62610
Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment
IEC/IEEE 82079-1
Preparation of information for use (instructions for use) of products - Part 1: Principles and
general requirements
IEC Clarification sheet: Project certification recognition arrangement
IECRE Operational document: Type and Component Certification Scheme (wind turbines)
IECRE Operational document: Project Certification Scheme
Table 1-3 lists ISO references used in this document.
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ISO 2451
Guidelines for the management of assets of water supply and wastewater systems
ISO 5149 series
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements
ISO 9000
Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary
ISO 9001
Quality management systems - Requirements
ISO 10418
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations - Process safety
ISO 10440 (all parts)
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Rotary-type positive-displacement
ISO 11114-4
Transportable gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents Part 4: Test methods for selecting steels resistant to hydrogen embrittlement
ISO 11119 (all parts)
Gas cylinders
ISO 12100
Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
ISO 13702
Petroleum and natural gas industries – Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on
offshore production installations – Requirements and guidelines
ISO 13709
Centrifugal pumps for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries
ISO 15649
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Piping
ISO 15916
Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems
ISO 22734
Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis — Industrial, commercial, and residential
applications Electrolysers
ISO 26142
Hydrogen detection apparatus — Stationary applications
ISO/IEC 13273-1
Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 1:
Energy efficiency
ISO/IEC 13273-2
Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources - Common international terminology - Part 2:
Renewable energy sources
ISO/IEC 17000
Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principles
ISO/IEC 17065
Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
ISO/IEC 17025
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
ISO 45001
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 55000
Asset management - Overview, principles and terminology
ISO 55001
Asset management - Management systems - Requirements
ISO 55002
Asset management - Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001
ISO 3834-2
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 2: Comprehensive quality
Table 1-4 lists other references used in this document.
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Table 1-3 ISO documents
Offshore Compliance Recommended Practices (OCRP), Edition 2
BEK 1773
Executive order on the technical certification and servicing of wind turbines etc.
BEK 73
Executive order on the technical certification scheme for wind turbines
BSH No. 7005
Standard Design, Minimum requirements concerning the constructive design of offshore
structures within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
CFR 30 Part 585
US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 30 – Mineral Resources, Chapter V – Bureau of
Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Department of the Interior,Subchapter B – Offshore,
Part 585 – Renewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer
Continental Shelf
Maintenance for HV cables and accessories
EN 54-2
Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 2: Control and indicating equipment
EN 764 (all parts)
Pressure equipment
EN 12094 series
Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems
EN 13852-1
Cranes - Offshore cranes - Part 1: General-purpose offshore cranes
EN 50110-1
Operation of electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
EN 50288 series
Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control
EN 1090-2
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 2: Technical requirements for
steel structures
EN 12495
Cathodic protection for fixed steel offshore structures
EN 50308
Wind turbines - protective measures - requirements for design, operation and maintenance
Basic safety training (BST)(Onshore/Offshore), Version 13, October 2019
IEEE 762
IEEE Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability, Availability,
and Productivity
EN 1997-2
Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 2: Ground investigation and testing
EN 61400-22
Wind turbines - Part 22: Conformity testing and certification
National Electrical Code
Offshore Wind Electrical Safety Standards Harmonization: Workshop Proceedings
Maritime Safety Act
Act of 18 August 2011 on Maritime Safety (Journal of Laws 2022.515), reference used in
Appendix D, Polish: Ustawa z dnia 18 sierpnia 2011 r. o bezpieczeństwie morskim (Dz.U.
Offshore Act
Act of 17 December 2020 on the promotion of electricity generation from offshore wind farms
(Journal of Laws 2022.1050), reference used in Appendix D, Polish: Ustawa z dnia 17 grudnia
2020 r. o promowaniu wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w morskich farmach wiatrowych (Dz.
U. 2022.1050)
Construction Law
Act of 7 July 1994 Construction Law (Journal of Laws 2021.2351), reference used in Appendix
D, Polish: Ustawa z dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. Prawo budowlane (Dz. U. 2021.2351)
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Table 1-4 Other references
Construction Design
Ordinance of the Minister of Development of 11 September 2020 on the detailed scope and
form of the construction design (Journal of Laws 2022.1679), reference used in Appendix D,
Polish: Rozporządzenie Ministra Rozwoju z dnia 11 września 2020 r. w sprawie szczegółowego
zakresu i formy projektu budowlanego (Dz. U. 2022.1679)
1.6 Definitions and abbreviations
1.6.1 Definition of verbal forms
Table 1-5 lists verbal forms used in this service specification.
Table 1-5 Definitions of verbal forms
verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the document
verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly
suitable, without mentioning or excluding others
verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the document
1.6.2 Definition of terms
Table 1-6 lists terms used in this service specification.
Table 1-6 Definitions of terms
accommodation platform
installation which is used to accommodate a number of people for a longer period of time
assembly of power output
separate set of equipment and structures permanently fixed or not fixed to the ground,
including the sea-bed, for the evacuation of power from an offshore wind farm, from
the upper voltage side terminals of transformer or transformers located in the offshore
substation or substations located in the Polish maritime areas up to the ownership
demarcation point specified in the grid connection conditions, see App.D
term used in the context of wind power plant projects to describe the object to be
developed, manufactured and maintained
In this service specification the term refers either to 'wind turbines', the 'substation', the
'power cables' or 'control station'.
fixed structure placed on the island body
cable section
this term is used to split the power cable into different lengths / routes, so called cable
refers to third-party issue of a statement or certificate, based on a decision following
review, that fulfilment of specified requirements has been demonstrated related to
products, processes or systems (ISO/IEC 17000)
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main part of an asset
In this service specification, the term refers to rotor–nacelle assembly, part of the support
structure of the wind turbine (tower, substructure and foundation). For substation the
term refers to topside equipment, topside structure and parts of the support structure
( substructure and foundation)
component certificate
certificate issued by a certifying body, here DNV, when it has been demonstrated that
a component type in question, here a wind turbine part, component, or system or subassembly, complies with the applicable regulations
The component certificate will allow the customer to manufacture certified wind turbine
components or systems during the period of validity of the certificate.
construction design
documentation containing the site development design, the architecture-construction
design, and the technical design packages as defined by Polish Construction Law, see App.D
control station
onshore or offshore based facility to control the wind power plant
converter station
installation at which electricity is received from the offshore wind turbines of a wind farm
and/or one or more substations
It is used for the conversion from high voltage alternating current to high voltage direct
current for onward transmission of electrical energy to an onshore converter station.
DNV’s contractual partner (applicant)
design brief
document describing the methodologies to be adopted in the detailed structural design of
the asset or component
design lifetime
time period that was considered during strength verification (e.g. of a wind turbine) when
the device was designed
Alternatively named as (original) design lifetime in the context of lifetime extension
electrical energy storage
installation with defined electrical boundaries, comprising at least one electrical energy
storage, which extracts electrical energy from an electric power system, stores this energy
internally in some manner and injects electrical energy into an electrical power system and
which includes civil engineering works, energy conversion equipment and related ancillary
energy island
island to connect and distribute electrical power from surrounding wind farm(s) with the
possibility of further infrastructure like accommodation and power-to-X facilities and port
export system
DC system between energy island converter station(s) and onshore converter station(s) to
transmit the electrical power to the onshore transmission grid
part of the support structure for a wind turbine or substation that transfers the loads acting
on the structure into the soil
initial audit
during a single inspection the general qualification (quality management system and
technical qualifications) of the manufacturer and the critical manufacturing processes with
respect to the ability to manufacture the component will be audited
curved tubular conduit designed and installed on a structure to support and guide one or
more pipeline risers or cables (EN 12495)
lifetime extension
additional lifetime beyond the (original) design lifetime
asset on which persons are accommodated
measurements for a specific purpose with a limited timeframe
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measurements carried out for the lifetime of the project
offshore wind farm
installation constituting a separate set of equipment for generation of electricity which
consists of one or more offshore wind turbines, medium voltage power grid together with
offshore substations, excluding the equipment located on the upper voltage side of the
transformer or transformers located in this substation, see App.D
offshore wind power plant
term referring to the assets of an offshore wind farm including total number of offshore
wind turbines, support structures, substations with topside and support structure and power
cables and control station
onshore wind power plant
term referring to the assets of an onshore wind farm including total number of onshore
wind turbines, support structures, and if relevant, substations, power cables and control
operating life/ service life
lifetime from commissioning to decommissioning of a component or asset
optional services
services which are not part of the scope required to obtain statements of compliance and
project certificates
outstanding issue
term used to denote a deviation from standards and technical requirements specified in the
certification agreement, and which needs to be completed for full compliance
harbour where vessels may take on or discharge cargo or personal
conversion of electrical energy into hydrogen, methane, etc.
Power-to-X technologies are:
— Power-to-Hydrogen
— Power-to-Fuel
— Power-to-Chemicals
— Power-to-Ammonia
— Power-to-Power
— Power-to-Protein
— Power-to-Syngas
primary structure
load-bearing structure that transfers permanent loads, life loads and environmental loads,
caused by gravity and environment and actions on the support structure, to the soil
Structural parts the failure of which will have substantial consequences to the structural
integrity shall be classified as primary structure.
project certificate
document signed by DNV and affirming that, at the time of assessment, the asset referred
to in the certificate met the requirements stated in the normative documents and the
mandatory certification phases have been covered
project certification
evaluation that the wind power plant or specific assets (e.g. wind turbine, support
structures, offshore substation, power cables) is in compliance with applicable requirements
for a specific site
non-mandatory advice
remote inspection
systematic approach to the use of technologies that can capture, record and/or live stream
images and videos of a product, process or installation, to be analysed by a DNV qualified
resource located off-site
secondary structure
structures such as boat landings, access ladders, access platforms, internal platforms,
internal ladders, landing points at transitions piece and hoisting point
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special structure
same as primary structure
In addition the structural parts are subject to particularly arduous conditions (e.g. stress
condition that may increase the probability of brittle fracture, multi-axial stresses).
statement of compliance
statement signed by a qualified party affirming that, at the time of assessment, a product,
project or a service meets specified requirements
statement of feasibility
statement signed by a qualified party affirming that, at the time of assessment, a new
product or project under development was considered conceptually feasible and suited for
further development and qualification
term referring to transformer stations, converter stations or other platforms, with or
without accommodations
An onshore or offshore substation may be defined as an integral asset of the wind farm
project or as a separate asset for DNV project certification. Whenever, in this service
specification the term is used in general, it describes the substation including the support
structure, as this is the power transferring unit.
term referring to the part of the support structure for a wind turbine which extends upwards
from the soil and connects the foundation and the tower
The term is also used to designate the part of the support structure for a substation which
extends upwards from the soil and connects the foundation and the topside or platform.
support structure
structure below the yaw system of the rotor-nacelle assembly and includes tower structure,
substructure and foundation
The term is also used to designate the structure below of the topside structure and includes
substructure and foundation of a substation.
interface between hydrogen unit on the island and a vessel for hydrogen transport
structures and equipment placed on a supporting structure
In general to provide functions to the substation or energy island's (e.g. transformer
substation, converter substation, control substation, accommodation unit).
total lifetime
lifetime after manufacturing of the component or asset until deconstruction (original design
lifetime plus lifetime extension)
transformer station
installation at which electricity is received from the offshore wind turbines of a wind farm
and converted from medium voltage to high voltage in order to facilitate transmission of
electricity to an onshore transformer station or to an offshore converter station using AC
asset on which persons are not routinely accommodated and which is visited for inspection
and maintenance tasks only
confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have
been fulfilled (ISO 9000)
wind power plant
energy producing facility, comprising all its main assets to produce power and transfer it
into the power grid
Typically also known as wind farm. In this service specification the term wind power plant
is associated with the main assets wind turbines and substation(s) including their support
structures, power cables and optionally the control station.
wind turbine
system which converts kinetic wind energy into electrical energy
Whenever, in this service specification the term is used to describe the wind turbine in
general, it describes the rotor-nacelle assembly including the support structure, as this is
the power generating unit.
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1.6.3 Abbreviations
Table 1-7 lists abbreviations used in this service specification.
Table 1-7 Abbreviations
alternating current
accidental limit state
assembly of power output equipment
Bekendtgørelse om teknisk certificeringsordning for vindmøller
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency)
Code of Federal Regulations
Conseil International des Grands Reseaux Électriques
condition monitoring system
construction and operations plan
certified verification agent
Committee of Experts
ducting and instrumentation diagram
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V.
escape, evacuation and rescue analysis
electrical energy storage
electrical energy storage system
electromagnetic compatibility
European Union
factory acceptance test
facility design report
finite element method
fabrication and installation report
fatigue limit state (is one of the ultimate limit states)
failure mode and effect analysis
Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation
general activities plan
grid code compliance
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Global Wind Organisation
hazard identification
hazard and operability study
health, safety and environment
heating, ventilation and air conditioning system
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC system for certification to standards relating to equipment for use in renewable energy applications
intellectual property
International Organization for Standardization
inspection and test plan
liquefied natural gas
low voltage ride through
marine warranty survey
normally attended installation
non-destructive testing
normally unattended installation
outer continental shelf
operational document
onshore substation
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
offshore substation
offshore wind farm
piping and instrumentation diagram
professional engineer
periodic inspection concept
periodic monitoring
personal protective equipment
quantitative risk analysis
renewable energy certification body
rotor-nacelle assembly
DNV recommended practice
site assessment plan
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supervisory control and data acquisition
safety certificate contractors
safety certificate personnel leasing
site design conditions
DNV service specification
serviceability limit state
site-specific design assessment
DNV standard
statement of compliance
statement of feasibility
scope of work
transport and installation
type certification
ultimate limit state
Unites States of America
1.7 Procedure
1.7.1 Power plant lifecycle phases
The main power plant lifecycle phases may be defined as shown in Figure 1-8.
Figure 1-8 Main power plant lifecycle phases
The power plant lifecycle phases may be supported during the project execution by respective certification
phases to prove their feasibility and reliability. The overview Figure 1-9 provides guidance in selecting the
relevant certification phases (and sections of this service specification) meeting the power plant lifecycle.
Complementary phases are listed as well, which may be seen as proposal to complete the lifecycle of a power
plant. The related certification phases are described in the following section [1.7.2].
The wind power plant design lifetime was in many projects 20 years in the past. The cost reduction pressure
in the power sector necessitates to consider also to increase the design lifetime for example to 25, 30 or
even 40 years. The wind power plant design lifetime shall be chosen by the developer and shall be taken into
consideration from the project beginning through all relevant phases.
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The five certification phases within the project certification extend from design basis to commissioning,
operation and maintenance, see Figure 1-9 (darker arrows). The certification scheme proposed in this service
specification expands these certification phases by further optional certification phases such as e.g. concept
and decommissioning, see Figure 1-9 (brighter arrows).
Figure 1-9 Certification phases for wind power plants
Each phase shall be completed by a statement of compliance.
The following certification phases are shown in Figure 1-9:
Concept: covers the concept development at the beginning of the wind power project.
Design basis: covers the site conditions and the basis for design.
Basic design: covers the generic design documentation for a subsequent detailing and implementation.
Design: covers the steps necessary to achieve final design approval. This includes the site-specific design
approval of the integrated structural system of the project related assets.
Manufacturing: covers the surveillance during manufacturing of the project related assets.
Transport and installation: covers the surveillance during transport and installation of the project related
Commissioning, operation and maintenance manuals: involves all follow-up evaluation and on-site
inspections during the implementation and start of operation of the power plant.
In-service: involves follow-up evaluation and periodic on-site inspections after start of operation
Lifetime extension: covers continued operation of a wind power plant beyond its initial design lifetime.
Decommissioning: contains the planning and execution of a wind power plant decommissioning and
Repowering: covers the renewal and reinstallation (typically partial or complete upgrading) of a wind
power plant at a former power plant site.
1.7.3 Applicant General
The typical project certification applicant is the wind farm developer, owner or operator. The applicant or
customer is the direct contractual partner for whom DNV is performing the verification and certification
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1.7.2 Certification phases
Typically, but not necessarily, DNV carries out the verification and certification work related to the
site conditions and overall wind power plant for the project developer
wind turbine type for the wind turbine supplier
support structures, substation and power cable for the selected contractor.
---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Deliverables
The documentation submitted for the certification process shall be complete and self-explanatory. The
content shall meet the requirements of the agreed and applied standards. All relevant documentation shall
be subject oriented and in a logical sequence to facilitate cross checking between documents (e.g. design
basis, design, manufacturing, transport, installation, commissioning etc.). Each document shall be named
explicitly by e.g. title, report no., page no., date and a revision description table. Furthermore the documents
should be signed officially at least by the author and/or the approver to identify responsibilities. Alternatively
the documentation submitted shall bear unambiguous evidence of having been subject to designer’s and/or
owner’s quality management system.
The documentation, including standards and codes as well as other requirements and specifications, shall be
prepared in the English language, unless otherwise agreed between DNV and the customer.
Guidance note:
The documents submitted should be in a logical work package basis per certification phase (see Figure 1-9) and cover the
requirements as stipulated in the respective section of this service specification to facilitate the process.
1.7.4 Certification body General
DNV is audited on a regular basis to prove its competence and independency. This is processed and
documented by the accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17065. Among others DNV is accredited and
internationally acknowledged according to the following project certification schemes (non-hierarchical
BSH no. 7005
EN 61400-22 (stability dated ending 2023-05)
IEC 61400-22 (withdrawn)
BEK 73
BEK 1773
The current accreditation certificate of DNV may be provided on request.
Additionally, DNV is entitled to operate as an renewable energy certification body (RECB) under the IECRE
system. DNV provides certification services according to the IECRE OD-501 Type and Component Certification
Scheme and as first accepted RECB according to the IECRE OD-502 Project Certification Scheme.
IECRE operational documents and clarification sheets are available under IECRE.
Performing project certification for wind turbines and optionally other installations complying with the
mandatory phases of this document, see [1.7.2] enables issuing a project certificate according to IECRE
OD-502 considering the IECRE procedure.
The IECRE wind energy sector working group REMC WE-SWG is responsible for the development of
conformity assessment aspects of IECRE i.e. transfer from IEC 61400-22, clarifications, amendments and
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Guidance note:
— IECRE Basic Rules, Rules of Procedures, Meeting Decisions and Administrative Documents
— IECRE Operational Documents (IECRE OD-501, IECRE OD-502, etc.)
— IECRE Clarification Sheets.
DNV shall apply relevant parts of these documents to issue an IECRE project certificate. However, there
may be further limitations related to IECRE certification such as WE-SWG decisions. In some cases, this
may prevent DNV from issuing an IECRE certificate although a DNV certificate according to this services
specification is issued.
Guidance note:
Reference lists and list of certifications are published on www.dnv.com/renewables-certification.
---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Deliverables
Certification deliverables in the context of this service specification are documented by certification reports,
statements of feasibility or compliance, final certification report and the project certificate. An overview on
project certification deliverables is given in Figure 1-10.
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revisions. To accomplish this and to align with all other IEC certification schemes the IEC 61400-22 is split
with the IECRE system as follows:
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Figure 1-10 Overview on project certification deliverables
DNV project certificates may be issued for onshore or offshore wind power plants. It may include one or more
assets as defined in this service specification, see Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-3.
The project certificate for an offshore wind power plant may include the wind turbines, offshore substation
and power cables ensuring the evaluation of the interfaces, see Figure 1-1.
A project certificate for a wind power plant may contain the assets:
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wind turbines
power cables
control station
energy island.
A project certificate is supported by at least the following certification deliverables:
statement of compliance
statement of compliance
statement of compliance
statement of compliance
statement of compliance
final certification report.
design basis
transport and installation
commissioning, operation and maintenance
A statement of compliance shall be issued after successful completion of a certification phase. Each
statement of compliance is supported by (a) phase related certification report(s).
After completion of the certification phases a final certification shall be performed. During the final
certification DNV shall check that all outstanding issues have been solved. All parts of the certification
(reports, statements and type certificate) shall be consistent and complete with regard to the assets subject
to certification. A DNV project certificate shall be issued after successful completion of the final certification.
The project certificate(s) may be maintained throughout the in-service phase. For in-service a certification
report and statement of compliance is issued for maintenance of the project certificate, see [1.7.6].
Certification reports and statements of compliance may also be issued for subdivisions of the different assets
into components, cable route sections or control room systems as described in [1.4.1].
Certification reports and respective statements serving the design basis and design may be merged if
Guidance note:
The certification reports and statements of compliance for design basis and design should generally be separate. For certain assets
such as the power cables or subdivision of assets the combination of deliverables for the design basis and design certification may
be appropriate to reduce the quantity of documents, efforts and increase efficiency.
App.B illustrates an example of a DNV project certificate and statement of compliance.
In the event that full compliance is not obtained during the wind power plant certification, the deliverables
shall depend on the nature of the lack of compliance. Three deliverable outcomes are available depending on
the lack of compliance and are described in the following:
— No outstanding issue. Statement(s) of compliance with the accompanying DNV certification reports shall
be issued. A DNV project certificate shall be issued based on the statements of compliance for the asset
— Non-safety critical outstanding issues. One or more provisional statement(s) of compliance shall be issued
with the outstanding issue(s) listed in the statement(s) of compliance. A provisional project certificate
may be issued on request, which points out the outstanding issue(s). The outstanding issues listed on
the statements of compliance shall be repeated in the project certificate. Specific description of the
outstanding issues shall be given in the accompanying DNV certification reports. As outstanding issues
become closed, an updated statement of compliance and finally a project certificate with no outstanding
issues may be issued.
— Safety critical outstanding issues. Statement(s) of compliance and the project certificate shall not be
issued. DNV shall deliver the DNV certification report(s) that shall list the outstanding issues whose
rectification is required before the statement of compliance may be issued.
On request intermediate certification reports may be issued to document the certification status [1.7.7].
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The wind power plant lifecycle phases as displayed in Figure 1-8 are building on each other and are
interconnected by various relationships.
During project development, the design basis lays out requirements for subsequent phases. Further
examples are aspects of transport and installation to be considered already during the design phase as well
as manufacturing processes that shall fulfil certain criteria that have been underlying the assessment of the
The certification interfaces shall be considered during the execution of the certification process. Figure 1-11
provides an overview of the interfaces and inputs to be considered implementing the type certificate and
during project certification.
Figure 1-11 Interfaces of the certification phases
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1.7.5 Interfaces of certification phases
1.7.6 Validity and maintenance
The project certificate of the wind power plant documents conformity to this project certification scheme valid
at the time of the issuing date.
The validity of the project certificate is conditional on maintenance and limited to the design lifetime of the
installation stated in the project certificate. The maintenance of the project certificate is optional.
Maintenance of the project certificate is conditional on periodic in-service evaluation [4.1] by DNV and
requires the following:
— maintenance and repair is carried out according to the approved maintenance manuals, or equivalent
approved maintenance programs
— periodic inspections by DNV or other acknowledged in-service inspectors during the validity period of the
certificate to check that the wind power plant corresponds with the certified design, see [4.1]
— annual reporting by the customer covering the certified wind power plant (or assets) including information
— the operation statistics of the on the site installed certified assets; e.g. annual yield, availability
— abnormal or deviant operating experience or operating failures as well as their repair and minor
— reporting by the customer of planned major repairs and modifications without delay and in sufficient time
to allow for evaluation by DNV before implementation and to enable updating of the design assessment
and others, if relevant
— major modifications and repairs shall be performed with DNV approval.
Following a successful completion of an in-service evaluation, a certification report and the statement of
compliance in-service shall be issued, see [4.1].
In case the project certificate is maintained, the first in-service certification shall be completed one year after
commissioning of the wind power plant. For modifications such as repair or component replacement, see
Guidance note 1:
It is not expected that all assets are inspected by an independent inspector within the first year of operation, see [4.1]. The
independent review is based on provided documentation as described in this section above.
The commissioning date of the wind power plant should be the date on which the first asset of the plant (e.g. wind trubine) was
In case an in-service agreement for the power plant is in place between DNV and the customer, the interval
of confirmation of the project certificate is set to the duration of the service agreement plus one year;
however, five years is the maximum period of confirmation. The certification report in-service shall be issued
annually, the related statement of compliance at the end of the validity of the agreement or every five years,
whatever applies earlier.
Guidance note 2:
The in-service certification phase is optional. However, it becomes mandatory, if maintenance of the project certificate is chosen.
It is strongly recommended to perform the maintenance of the project certificate for the complete lifetime. The resuming of
certificate maintenance of a suspended or invalid project certificate may be difficult or even impossible. Maintaining the validity by
in-service increases the value of the power plant and documents the increase for a possible sale.
For a condition-based evaluation of the wind power plant or assets, see [4.8].
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The purpose of the final certification report as described in [] is to assess the interfaces and check for
consistency and completeness with regard to the phases and assets (certification reports and statements of
compliance, type certificate) described in this service specification.
Safety relevant incidents shall be reported to DNV without delay. DNV shall evaluate the incidents. In case of
a serious defect of the asset in question, DNV shall suspend the certificate until elimination of the cause. The
certificate shall be reaffirmed after successful evaluation of the rectifying measure.
Provisional statements or provisional certificates have a maximum validity of one year. During this period the
customer shall document the closing of the outstanding issues (see []) and these shall be evaluated
by DNV.
1.7.7 Customer - DNV interaction
The project certification provides the customer an independent evaluation and an independent proof of
compliance of the wind power plant considering specific standards and needs.
This service specification should be referred to as a contractual document in the project certification
agreement between the customer and DNV. This document specifies the obligations of the customer when the
wind power plant or its assets shall become certified, as well as DNV’s service obligations to the customer.
The deliverables by DNV shall be agreed in detail between the customer and DNV as part of the contract. The
DNV project certificate is issued when all of the required statements of compliance according to the project
certification scheme have been issued and the final evaluation is done successfully. The deliverables and
further details are listed in [].
Each certification phase for an asset, component, system or power cable section may be verified separately
according to the DNV project certification scheme. Timeframes of the verification and certification activities
shall be discussed and agreed between the customer, DNV, and suppliers before commencement of the work.
The certification scheme described here contains issuing one project certificate per asset. This allows the
involvement of asset related contractors in the project certification, which eases the involvement of additional
resources from the applicant’s perspective.
For a new project under development, uncertainties should be reduced early in the development and changes
should be managed in an effective way. Early involvement of DNV having an in-depth understanding of the
activities required may lead to better decisions with an appropriate risk profile.
Guidance note:
Identification of risks and their mitigation are less costly at an early design stage compared to a later stage (Figure 1-12). A
reduction of interfaces may help reducing project risks. This service specification provides the respective information to influence
all project phases from the beginning.
Figure 1-12 Effects of early identification and mitigation of risk
In the course of the certification project DNV will issue intermediate status reports on request or at agreed
intervals. Provisional statements of compliance and project certificates may be issued, depending on the
grade of outstanding issues with a limited validity, see [] and [1.7.6].
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Re-certification may be necessary, if additional requirements for maintenance of the project certificate are
set by national authorities or by the applicable design code or standard during the validity period of the
On request, optional services to DNV project certification may be performed and should be documented
separately see [1.7.2] and Sec.8.
1.7.8 Certification requirements, quality management
In general subsequent certification phases should not be initiated before previous or dependent phases are
completed and approved. For example, prior to evaluation of the manufacturing phase, the design basis
phase and the design phase should both be completed and approved. Alternative ways are possible and may
be agreed with DNV.
The customer shall provide evidence of a consistent quality management system covering all aspects of
the development and operation of the wind power plant or its assets. In particular the customer shall show
quality relevant procedures to DNV for the own implemented procedures and the suppliers, covering design,
manufacturing, transportation, installation, inspection, operation and documentation processes. When a valid
certificate for ISO 9001 of an accredited certification body is in place, DNV shall reduce this assessment to a
plausibility check.
The quality management system certificate according to ISO 9001 attests quality capability for example of a
manufacturing facility. This will not necessarily imply that the purchasers’ specification and often ambitious
component requirements and quality expectations are met. Measures to cover these expectations and prove
them independently are listed in this service specification, e.g. see [3.2].
Test reports delivered shall be prepared by accredited testing laboratories and meet the requirements of ISO/
IEC 17025 and relevant standards for the specific testing. For non-accredited testing laboratories, DNV shall
verify that the laboratories carry out their work according IEC/ISO 17025, as applicable.
For the use of information from a component or type certification of a rotor-nacelle assembly or wind turbine
type for the purpose of the project certification DNV shall be given written permission by the component or
type certificate owner, see also [2.5.2] and [8.10].
The certification body shall store records to demonstrate that all certification process requirements have been
effectively fulfilled. The records shall be stored for the design lifetime of the object plus five years, starting
from the issuing date. The records shall be kept confidential.
1.7.9 Standards, codes and additional requirements
This service specification provides the key references to the technical requirements to be fulfilled for the
assets subject to project certification.
The standards, codes and requirements which form the basis for the wind power project shall be listed and
agreed in the design basis document during the certification phase design basis. For the site in question,
relevant statutory requirements shall also be listed. Such requirements may be decommissioning and safety
related issues such as requirements for embarkation and rescue.
Other requirements relevant for the project certification such as requirements for the grid connection and
specific requirements of the owner and the grid operator shall be listed as well.
The standards, codes and additional requirements which are applicable for the project and site in question,
shall be verified for compliance with the design prerequisites of the project and for completeness and
adequate suitability and applicability.
This service specification and referenced DNV standards present the state of the art in wind power plant
technology mainly with respect to the strength, quality and safety of the plants.
Additional requirements for the wind power plant resulting from, e.g.
local regulations
manned/unmanned operation
shipping and navigational requirements
lighting and marking aids
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The evaluation of single assets’ components, systems or power cable sections may be offered optionally to
enable issuing statements of compliance after successful completion of the respective activities.
shall be taken into account besides the requirements defined in this service specification. This service
specification provides additional guidance with respect to some of the listed topics.
For dated standards and codes, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document including any amendments applies. In case of deviations from this rule, it shall be
agreed on an individual basis and in advance with DNV.
1.7.10 Combination of standards
DNV certification according to internationally recognized standards shall follow the principles described in this
service specification. Wherever combinations of such standards are used, the exact terms of reference and
documents to be issued shall be agreed and specified in detail in the design basis.
The application of standards other than those referenced in this document does not allow for a reduction
of the targeted safety level as described in this services specification and related technical standards. DNV
reserves the right to ask for additional requirements to cover issues essential to the certification process if
they are not covered by the standards in question.
It is not allowed to combine safety measures of different standard systems due to the possible differences in
the underlying safety philosophies of the different standard systems.
In case standards are combined, caution shall be exercised and the choice of standards is subject to
acceptance by DNV.
Guidance note:
Within a particular standard, aspects such as requirements for partial safety factors for calculations of design loads and design
resistance are generally mutually balanced to give an overall acceptable safety level. In another standard with the same overall
acceptable safety level, the requirements for the safety factors may have been balanced differently. Picking requirements for load
factors from one standard and material factors from another may therefore easily result in unpredictable, and possibly too low or
unnecessarily high, safety levels.
1.7.11 Surveillance requirements
The customer, or other entity having legal responsibility for the premises where DNV personnel will work,
shall inform DNV of any safety and health hazards related to the work and/or any safety measures required
for the work, prior to starting the work, or if such information is not available at that time, during the
performance of the work.
Whenever DNV undertakes to work on site, the customer shall provide all adequate safety measures to
ensure a working environment that is safe and in accordance with all relevant legislation.
If at any time during the execution of work on site a DNV employee judges that the work situation is unsafe
then work shall be suspended until such situation has been made safe.
Remote inspections may be used as an alternative method to the on-site visual inspection. DNV is
continuously developing digital technologies for its services such as remote inspections. In particular in
times that limit our ability to travel and hold physical meetings or on-site visits, remote inspections provide
solutions. The use of remote inspections shall be contractually agreed with DNV.
DNV shall report critical findings to the customer immediately after any surveillance. DNV shall issue
surveillance reports to the customer and the frequency of these shall be agreed with the customer. The
report shall describe the extent of the surveillance including findings, non conformities and possible
In offshore projects the transport and installation (T&I) surveillance, see [3.3], may be combined with the
marine warranty survey (MWS), if both are carried out by DNV or other acknowledged marine warranty
surveyor and agreed at the beginning of the project. Caution should be taken as the scope of the T&I
inspector and MWS surveyor differ significantly with respect to the project certification purpose to verify
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— boat/helicopter services
— personnel health and safety
Guidance note:
Project stakeholders such as authorities or national requirements may define additional requirements with regard to the use of
MWS or combination with T&I certification. For example, as outlined in App.C, the agreed project approach will be subject to
additional regulatory approval.
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compliance with previous certification phases. Briefings and written approvals for consent between the
parties with respect to availability and instructions of the MWS for the success of the T&I surveillance
certification are required. The certification body shall evaluate the nominated MWS for acknowledgement and
coverage of T&I surveillance certification.
2.1 General
This section provides guidance which should be considered from the early beginning of the project during the
conceptual phase to the final design of the wind power plant. The aim is to make use of the most influencing
phase of the whole project (see Figure 1-12) to keep as low as possible the cost of change and as high as
possible the ability to adapt to the most convenient lifecycle costs.
2.2 Concept
The design of a wind power plant is a major task, influenced by many aspects. It is useful to have a look at
the whole arrangement of the plant in the very early planning stages by a third party. By this, the risks of the
design approaches shall be identified and evaluated to enable a possible trade-off between risks, timeline,
costs and gains.
The review of the concept is an optional certification phase. It is a technical plausibility check during the
genesis of the preliminary conceptional work for the wind power plant. DNV’s review accompanies the actual
concept work, checking each major step regarding its implications for a later certification process.
If applied, the concept phase considerably eases the later certification process, as the critical questions are
known and have been duly handled long time before the actual manufacturing begins. Changes in this early
design phase are easily accomplished, while later, during the mandatory tasks of the certification process,
any design change is very costly, both in time and money.
The concept of a new wind power plant is checked for plausibility by DNV. The following topics should be
looked at regarding their technical impact and feasibility, if applicable:
site wind and other environmental conditions, mean/extreme wind speed
water depth, currents and mean/extreme sea state, if applicable
reliability of the sources of item 1) and 2)
grid connection possibilities resp. distance to main consumers, local rules of authorities
logistic accessibility for large components and human resources
general soil conditions, depth of effective foundation level below (soil or water) surface
general foundation type (on- or offshore, if offshore: fixed or floating)
corrosion protection strategy/corrosion control concept
general plant layout
size, type and number of wind turbines and their distances to each other
concept of substation with respect to structural, safety and electrical design
control of wind power plant
homogeneity of lifecycle concept of wind power plant, i.e. trade-off between dimensioning of components
and maintenance/repair frequency, if applicable
14) standards to be applied for design and their interfaces. Advantages and disadvantages of different
standard series and their holistic concept (i.e. fit of the design standard to the planned manufacturing
15) risk analyses for different possible design approaches for the components of the wind power plant.
Trade-off between high risk approach and its possible gains/losses as compared to conventional design
16) reviewing extent, contents and time horizon of test series required for newly innovated design parts or
As new promising innovations often fail due to small and easily avoidable issues, the plausibility check may
in these cases, at least partially, go into the detail design process to assure a feasible concept which may be
developed further.
In order to qualify alternative or novel design and for general guidance on the implementation of a risk based
approach, see the following DNV service documents:
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Once the evaluation of the concept has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification report
and on request a statement of feasibility, listing the assets subject to evaluation.
2.3 Design basis
2.3.1 General
The design basis shall include all parameters relevant for the wind power plant design, stating the methods
to be used. If values are taken from background documents, those shall be referenced and handed in. The
design basis shall be assessed for plausibility, quality issues and completeness.
In particular, choices, supplementary information and deviations relating to the design issues shall be clearly
stated in the design basis.
Developing the design basis is a combined effort by several parties (contributors) including reports on
specialized topics supplied by expert consultants. The coordination of the interfaces between the contributor’s
documents is facilitated if this responsibility is clearly anchored in the customer’s project organization.
With information from several contributors information on the same topic may be provided in more than one
document. In case of multiple data or documentation on the same topic the customer is requested to clearly
inform DNV, which data/documentation is part of the design basis and subject to evaluation and what to
A way to address the above is in a document that describes the data sources to be applied in the design basis
and which project partner is responsible for supplying which information.
The design basis shall include documentation of the following:
a) site conditions
b) standards, codes and additional requirements
c) design criteria
d) manufacturing, transport, installation and commissioning requirements
e) operation and maintenance requirements
f) wind turbine type(s) and/or wind turbine main specifications.
Guidance note:
In case of multi-contracting, the design basis may comprise three parts that together form the design basis for the project:
A: site conditions, and general requirements relating to (a) through (e).
B: rotor-nacelle assembly and tower specific requirements relating to (b) through (f), including definition of design load cases and
design wind parameters, load factors and turbine design methodology.
C: substructure and foundation specific requirements relating to (b) through (e).
Typically, but not necessarily, part A is carried out by the project owner, part B by the wind turbine supplier and part C by the
substructure and foundation contractor or designer.
Above definitions may be applied in an analogical way for the offshore substation.
Once the evaluation of the design basis has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for design basis, listing the assets subject to evaluation.
A certification report and a statement of compliance for site condition assessment only can be issued on
The site condition assessment and the respective certification deliverables may be further subdivided
according to the items listed in [].
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— General
One integral part of the design basis are the site design conditions which denote all external influences acting
on the wind turbine and auxiliary structures of the wind power plant from outside.
The following site design conditions shall be documented:
— site and wind power plant configuration incl. cable route
— wind conditions
— marine conditions (bathymetry, waves, tides, correlation of wind, waves and current, coastal zone
dynamics (for the cable landfall), sea ice, seabed movement, scour, marine growth etc.)
— soil and geotechnical conditions
— other environmental conditions, such as: salt content of the air, temperature, ice and snow, humidity,
lightning strike, solar radiation etc.
— electrical grid conditions
— influence of nearby wind power plants
— terrain roughness and terrain complexity
— seismic influence, if present
— other site conditions, such as traffic, disposed matters, pipelines and existing cables.
These site design conditions including reports on measurement results and further analyses shall be assessed
for plausibility, quality and completeness. Independent analysis for selected parameters may be carried out
by DNV based on the environmental and geotechnical data provided.
The site-specific measurements shall be carried out and documented as required in DNV-ST-0437, unless a
conservative approach is adopted.
Measurements of the external conditions of the site shall be carried out:
either a testing laboratory accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 and relevant standards,
or the certification body shall accompany the measurement campaign in order to verify the satisfactory
quality and reliability of the measurements; such verification shall include evaluation of:
documentation of measuring setup
test and calibration methods
measurement traceability
assurance of the quality of test and calibration results, and
reporting of the results
and the certification body shall verify that data acquisition, analysis, and reporting of the external
conditions at the site is carried out by qualified personnel (e.g. meteorologists, engineers or geologists)
or, if 1) and 2) are not available because the project specific measurement campaign has been executed
prior to the involvement of a certification body the certification body shall verify that:
— data acquisition has been carried out using adequate test methods, and using appropriate equipment
that has been calibrated
— all measured data is sufficiently traceable
— data acquisition, analysis, and reporting of the external conditions at the site has been carried out by
qualified personnel (e.g. meteorologists, engineers or geologists), and
— adequate quality assurance has been applied to data acquisition, analysis and reporting.
For offshore sites normally no or only limited project specific ocean measurements (wave, current and water
level) are available and data from adjacent locations shall be capitalised on instead. Proper transformation
of such other data shall be performed to account for possible differences due to different water depths and
different seabed topographies. Such transformation shall for example take wave shoaling and refraction into
account. Hindcast of ocean data may be used to extend measured time series, or to interpolate to places
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2.3.2 Site condition assessment
The geotechnical site conditions, site investigation and laboratory testing are assumed to have been carried
out by companies with relevant experience of similar work. The quality of the soil investigation and the test
results shall fulfil the requirements given in EN 1997-2. Not necessarily all parts of ISO/IEC 17025 may apply
to the geotechnical field and laboratory work.
In all cases, DNV shall evaluate whether relevant reports properly document the external conditions, the
data acquisition, as well as the setup and calibration of the hindcast and transformation. Furthermore, the
certification body shall evaluate the applied statistical methods and the design parameters for the external
DNV shall review the electrical power grid conditions to be used as the basis for the wind power project. Geotechnical site conditions
Geotechnical site assessment means getting information about the soil or rock conditions in the place of the
planned wind power plant. The target is to design the substations’ and turbines’ foundations as cost and time
effective as possible within the limitations of the state of the art.
The soil investigations shall provide all necessary geotechnical design data for the foundation. They may be
divided into geological studies, geophysical surveys and geotechnical ground investigations. Further details
may be found in the DNV-ST-0126.
Soil investigations should normally comprise the following types of investigation:
site geological survey to find out, whether the subsoil conditions are homogeneous or not
in-situ testing on each position of platform and turbine
soil and rock sampling with subsequent static laboratory testing
topography survey of the sea floor, if applicable.
They may also comprise, if useful in special circumstances or required by local authorities:
— geophysical investigations for correlation with borings and in-situ testing
— shear wave velocity measurements for assessment of maximum shear modulus
— cyclic laboratory testing.
The extent and contents of a ground investigation programme is not a straight-forward issue and will depend
on the foundation type. The local conditions strongly determine the type and extent of the site assessment.
It should be emphasised, that for the most commonly used foundation types such as monopiles and jackets,
very detailed and distinct information for the individual location of each single platform and turbine is
required, while the vast space between the various sites is of little interest.
If little or no information is available, conservative assumptions for the geotechnical parameters shall be
taken by the geotechnical expert. Conservative parameters tend to increase the size and the cost of the
foundation. As the foundation’s share of the total wind power plant cost is substantial, this may have serious
consequences for the financial balance of the whole project. The more detailed the investigations are, the
more cost-effective the later foundations will be.
To reduce the cost of the geotechnical site assessment itself, the most favourable procedure is therefore
— first to plan the plant layout,
— then perform the site assessments at the turbine and platform locations only.
In this case a geophysical investigation may be omitted.
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where measured data have not been collected. If hindcast is used, the hindcast model shall be calibrated
against measured data to ensure that the hindcast results comply with available measured data.
Last minute changes typically spoil the above sequence. The turbine size may be changed and therefore also the power plant
layout. Often, the turbine sites are pushed to locations where no soil investigations had been executed. To minimize the later cost
of the whole plant it is advantageous to repeat the complete soil investigation campaign for all new locations, although initially this
means losing time and investing money. The money invested will pay off later, but the additional time is often lost.
An alternative may be to perform an intensive geophysical investigation from the start and to try to correlate its findings with the
results of the geotechnical campaign (which may comprise more locations than shown by the first plant layout). If successful, this
may give geotechnical design values also at locations where no detailed geotechnical soil investigations took place.
The degree of accuracy for this procedure and thus its eventual cost-effectiveness for the whole project depends significantly on
the soil situation and the density of the geophysical and geotechnical investigations. For some site conditions, it is very successful,
for some not. Thus, the site assessment may develop into a trade-off between minimum costs and plant layout flexibility in a
limited project time frame.
The decision, which course shall be followed, should be taken as early as possible. The importance of the site
assessment for the overall cost effectiveness of all plant substructures is usually underestimated, leading to
higher total plant cost than necessary.
2.3.3 Wind turbines General
During the certification phase design basis documents that cover the requirements defined in this section
shall be submitted.
The objective of the design basis is to compile the information required for design, manufacturing, transport,
installation and operation of the support structure and the site-specific approval of the wind turbine. The
design basis should therefore present factual information in a logical and unambiguous way to support the
planning and execution of the wind power plant assets and their lifecycle.
The design basis shall describe the main data of the wind turbines in the wind power plant. The following
items are typically included in the design basis document:
geographical locations of the wind turbines
general description of wind turbine type and wind power plant layout
project co-ordinate system and well-defined vertical reference including project datum
water depth ranges
allowable frequency range
type of substructure and foundation
design lifetime
applicable standards, codes and additional requirements
site conditions, see [2.3.2]
technical interface, e.g. to adjacent components
materials and welding
corrosion protection strategy/corrosion control concept, e.g. alignment with fatigue design requirements
manufacturing and storage methods and requirements
transportation and installation methods and requirements
operation and maintenance methods and requirements
decommissioning methods and requirements.
Guidance note:
The elevations of the interface at tower bottom and tower top, hub height and lowest heights blade tip, main access platform
should be stated. Figures depicting the layout and elevations with the design values facilitate the understanding.
The referenced standards, recommended practices, methods and procedures shall be defined in hierarchical
order for the various fields of applicability.
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Guidance note:
— DNV-ST-0437
— DNV-ST-0126
— DNV-RP-0416.
In seismically active areas DNV-RP-0585 may be applied.
The standards may be replaced by applicable IEC standards and Eurocodes, see [1.7.10].
The developer may have requirements in addition to the standards and codes that are listed in the design
basis. Such requirement shall be clearly described and forwarded to DNV with the design basis documents.
With respect to the wind turbine type the design basis of the type certificate is used for comparison and
implementation into the project specific design basis. The wind turbine type certificate is not needed in the
design basis phase, but typically in the design phase, for which reason the customer’s obligations and DNV’s
services related to the wind turbine type are given in [] for the design phase. For the integration of
type certificates, see [8.10]. Load and response
The relevant input parameters for the load and response analysis shall be documented in the design basis.
These include the site conditions, wind power plant layout, RNA, type of support structure, design life time,
structural, hydrodynamic and soil damping, aero-elastic code applied in the load analysis as well as other
codes used in this regard (e.g. for considering of hydrodynamic loading) and a validated simulation model
(e.g. from an existing type certificate), see DNV-ST-0437 for detailed information on the required data.
Guidance note 1:
Specifying different lifetimes for components or structures such as the substructure may be reasonable and should be considered.
For instance the impact of installation situations and periods (e.g. substructure without tower) shall be considered in the design
load cases, see DNV-ST-0437.
When specifying damping values, the individual sources of damping should be considered separately. The aerodynamic damping
and in case of a co-simulation the hydrodynamic damping are accounted for automatically by means of aero-elastic simulations.
Other sources of damping include structural damping in the support structure, soil damping and if not already included due to cosimulation hydrodynamic damping. Possible contributions from active or passive damping devices may be added but are subject to
documentation and evaluation at latest as a part of the design phase.
A lower and upper bound of the vertical seabed elevation should be defined that accounts for the overall seabed variation over the
design lifetime, together with local scour (around elements) and global scour (overall structure). It is recommended to define this
as detailed as possible in the design basis. However, pending issues may be postponed to the design phase if explicitly mentioned
in the design basis.
The site-specific load case definitions for the wind turbines shall be derived and documented in the design
basis, based on the approved load case definitions from the existing wind turbine type certificate, the applied
standards, the site conditions and possible site-specific modifications of the control and protection system.
The load case definition shall clearly demonstrate how the operational conditions such as misalignment of
wind and waves and the extreme conditions are considered and how wind, waves, currents and water depth
are correlated.
Within an offshore wind power plant the substructures may:
be exposed to different design wave loads
be placed in different water depths
have different soil stiffness
have different damping
have different structural stiffnesses etc.
In order to determine the design loading based on only a few representative design positions, it shall be
documented that the loading will be conservative for those positions, where no integrated load analysis will
be performed. If this proof is not possible during the design basis certification phase it shall be documented
as part of the design certification phase.
An overview of the link between the various kinds of information required is shown in Figure 2-1.
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At least the following standards shall be applied for the asset wind turbine:
The environmental conditions are verified as part of the site assessment [2.3.2]. However, the (design)
metocean conditions are influenced by wind farm layout and sub-structure design (e.g. due to scour and
wake effects). The method of deriving the design metocean conditions as well as the resulting design
metocean conditions shall be documented as part of the design basis.
Guidance note 2:
The simulation model of the RNA including the control and safety system may be available at DNV due to component or type
certification of the machine and hence it would not be necessary to generate the model. The use of a possible model is subject to
written authorization by the turbine manufacturer who commissioned the model development.
---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Design methodologies
Part of the design basis is a description of the main design methodology, including the method of load
calculation, and structural and geotechnical design methodologies.
DNV will evaluate the principles used to establish load combinations for the SLS, the ULS, the FLS and
if relevant the ALS for compliance with DNV-ST-0437. In seismically active areas DNV-RP-0585 may be
The impact of the secondary structure on the primary structure is considered part of the primary steel
evaluation. This impact also includes ship impact, see DNV-ST-0126. Wind turbine type
The wind turbine type to be integrated in the project certificate shall bear a type certificate. Interfaces
between type and project certification are shown in [1.7.5], Figure 1-11. The certification scheme applied for
the type certification shall be stated in the design basis.
Guidance note 1:
For offshore wind turbines a rotor-nacelle assembly (RNA) component or type certificate may be available instead of a wind turbine
type certificate. This certificate may be integrated in a project certificate, too. The tower is usually project specifically designed.
For onshore wind turbines a type certificate may be available including the tower, however the above mentioned case with an RNA
and a site-specific tower is applicable for onshore projects as well.
For the purpose of simplification, the term wind turbine is used in the following also as synonym for the
RNA, in case of general descriptions. Thus the term type certificate will be used also with reference to the
component certificate of an RNA. The distinction will be made where relevant.
The type certificate shall preferably be issued by DNV. However, type certificates issued by other accredited
certification bodies may be accepted by DNV, see [8.10.7]. The type certificate shall be submitted during the
design basis phase.
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Figure 2-1 Development of load and responses (offshore)
Major deviations from the RNA design covered by the type certificate may require an update of the type certificate, see DNVSE-0441.
The wind turbine specification in the design basis shall uniquely define the type. If the wind turbine has
been type certified by DNV, the specification may be limited to a reference to the type certificate. The
specifications of possible deviations from the wind turbine type defined in the type certificate, such as
additional corrosion protection, shall be submitted for design basis certification. For the use of information
from the type certification [1.7.8] shall be considered.
Specifications and turbine models from the DNV type certification shall be made available to DNV for the
independent load analysis of the integrated RNA and support structure, see [1.7.8]. The control system
applied shall be the same as for the type certified wind turbine.
If the wind turbine has been type certified by another certification body recognized by DNV, DNV will
require documentation of the wind turbine type (see also [8.10]), necessary for evaluation and independent
calculation of the loads and response of the integrated RNA and support structure, and DNV will review this
Guidance note 3:
The design basis information regarding the wind turbine requires contributions from the turbine manufacturer. There is a significant
interaction in the design process of the support structure between the substructure and foundation designer and the wind turbine
and tower supplier, see [1.7.5]. The resulting requirements and deliverables should be contractually agreed before the project
---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Manufacturing, transport, installation and commissioning
The design basis shall state assumptions, specifications and requirements for structural design for loads
occurring during manufacturing, transportation, installation and commissioning, such as environmental
loads, lifting loads, and local loads from temporary supports. The design basis shall also state assumptions,
specifications and requirements for the manufacturing, transportation, installation and commissioning
programs themselves. Manufacturing and commissioning of the wind turbine is usually properly documented
through the type certification, see [1.7.5] and Figure 1-11. Commissioning requirements for the substructure
and the foundation are usually very limited.
Assumptions, specifications and requirements may include, but are not necessarily limited to:
standards, codes and additional requirements, see [1.7.9]
specifications and tolerances
limiting environmental conditions
quality management systems
manufacturing requirements, e.g. application of coatings, allocation of anodes and storage methods
methods and loads of relevance for transportation and installation
requirements for transportation, installation (incl. loading) and commissioning manuals
quality management systems for the installation contractors.
The assumptions, specifications and requirements are expected to depend on owner’s requirements as well
as on the actual contractual arrangements for the wind power plant project.
When the wind turbine has been type certified by DNV, only those assumptions, specifications and
requirements not verified as part of the type certification may be stated.
DNV shall evaluate assumptions, specification and requirements stated in the design basis. Operation and maintenance
The design basis shall state assumptions, specifications and requirements for structural design against loads
occurring during operation and maintenance. The design basis shall also state assumptions, specifications
and requirements for the operation and maintenance programs.
Assumptions, specifications and requirements to be stated include, but are not necessarily limited to:
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Guidance note 2:
inspection scope and frequency
target lifetime of components, systems and structures
requirements for service and maintenance manuals
requirements for condition monitoring systems.
For the type certified wind turbine, most of these assumptions, specifications and requirements are covered
by manuals approved in the type certification process, see [1.7.5] and Figure 1-11.
When the wind turbine has been type certified by DNV, only assumptions, specifications and requirements not
verified as part of the type certification may be stated.
DNV shall evaluate assumptions, specification and requirements stated in the design basis.
An approved design basis may be modified due to requirements or conditions which become available during
the project development in particular in the design phase. The design basis is then subject to evaluation and
if completed a new revision of the statement of compliance and accompanying certification report will be
2.3.4 Substation
A design basis document shall be created in the development phase to document the basic criteria to be
applied in the general design (structural, machinery, electrical, safety etc.) of the installation.
Following items shall be considered in the design basis document:
platform/unit geographical location and main functionalities
general description of wind turbine type and wind power plant layout
project co-ordinate system and well-defined vertical reference including project datum
general description, main dimensions and water depth ranges
type of substructure and foundation
service life of platform
applicable standards, codes and additional requirements
site conditions, see [2.3.2]
topside interface requirements with details of leg spacing, topside weight and centre of gravity
materials and welding
coating and corrosion protection system
manufacturing and storage methods and requirements
transportation and installation methods and requirements
operation and maintenance methods and requirements
decommissioning methods and requirements.
Further details on required content and scope of the design basis may be found in the relevant sections of
DNV-ST-0145. In seismically active areas DNV-RP-0585 may be applied.
In general, hazard and risk identification methods should be applied supplementary to obtain input for the
design basis, see DNV-ST-0145 App.B.
DNV shall evaluate the design basis for compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and other standards and codes
identified in the design basis.
2.3.5 Power cables
Design and assessment require early definition of applied standards or calculation techniques for the planned
cable system. Functional requirements (e.g. specified design loads, environmental aspects, etc.) shall be
defined by the applicant detailing the performance expectations and desired characteristics.
A design basis document shall be established specifying all boundary conditions of the cable project, which,
together with the functional specifications, enable a designer to pursue the design activities. Subjects
covered in a design basis shall include the following:
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general description of power cable types and wind power plant layout
geographical locations and system overview
applicable standards, codes and additional requirements
site conditions, see [2.3.2]
technical interfaces
quality management systems
manufacturing requirements and storage methods
transportation and installation methods and requirements
operation and maintenance methods and requirements
decommissioning methods and requirements.
DNV-ST-0359 shall be applied and requirements stipulated therein shall be fulfilled for certification. In
seismically active areas DNV-RP-0585 may be applied.
2.3.6 Control station
The design basis for the control station contains a first definition of the functionalities of the control station.
Therefore a design basis document shall be established specifying all functions of the control room. Subjects
covered in this document shall include the following:
— wind turbines, substation and cabling to be controlled
— communication system of the wind power plant
— condition monitoring system for assets.
— operating systems, safety systems and SCADA of the wind power plant.
control and monitoring of wind turbines
control and monitoring of substation
control and monitoring of power cables
control and monitoring of grid connection
condition monitoring of wind turbines (optional for onshore, mandatory for offshore wind power plants)
condition monitoring of substation (optional).
Guidance note:
The communication system of the wind power plant should be based on IEC 61400-25 series.
The design basis document shall be submitted for assessment.
For the certification of condition monitoring systems and condition monitoring bodies DNV-SE-0439 shall be
DNV-RP-D201 Sec.6 for integrated software dependent systems may be applied.
For asset management the ISO 55000 series may be applied. With respect to asset management in general
ISO 55000 specifies the overview, concept and terminology in asset management. The requirements for the
establishment, implementation and improvement of a management system for asset management are given
in ISO 55001. Further interpretation and implementation guidance is given by ISO 55002.
2.4 Basic design
The evaluation of the basic design is an optional certification phase.
If applied, the basic design phase considerably eases the later certification process, as the subsequent
detailed design builds up on an approved basic design, see Figure 2-2.
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The purpose of the basic design certification phase is to approve basic design documentation such as
design on a conceptual level, design briefs and employer's specifications to prove their adequacy for a later
project-specific implementation. The basic design documentation shall describe the intended procedure to
be adopted in the detailed structural design of the asset or component. Generic site condition should be
assumed for the basic design. All applicable limit states for the design should be considered in the basic
design documentation. Primary structural design and concepts of electrical safety and protection systems
should be documented.
The basic design shall follow a design basis if available, alternatively the site conditions and design
methodologies shall be defined at this phase. The basic design demonstrates that the generic design is
compliant with the state of the art considering defined assumptions, which shall be validated at the following
certification phases. The project-specific application shall be assessed during project-specific implementation
and certification e.g. during design and manufacturing phase.
Once the evaluation of the basic design has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for basic design, listing the assets subject to evaluation.
2.5 Design
2.5.1 General
DNV shall evaluate the final design for compliance with design criteria and design basis selected according to
The final design basis document shall be submitted at the beginning of the design phase, at latest. As an
optional intermediate step the design principles given in design briefs may be verified, see [2.4], before the
final design documentation is delivered to DNV. Details of the evaluation activities in this phase are given in
the following sections.
The designer should prepare a report that states all assumptions made in design. This report should be used
as input for the development of the subsequent phases such as manufacturing and maintenance, see Figure
1-11. The documentation for these phases may not be finalised during the design phase and the evaluation
of this documentation will therefore be covered in the respective relevant phase. However, at the design
phase the design influencing assumptions shall be documented, at least.
Once the evaluation of the design has been successfully completed, DNV will issue a certification report and
a statement of compliance for design, listing the assets subject to evaluation. A certification report and a
statement of compliance for the integrated load analysis only may be issued on request.
For onshore sites and optional services, see [8.2].
For the purpose of simplification in description, the term type certificate will be used also in reference to a
component certificate of an RNA. The distinction will be made where relevant, see [].
2.5.2 Wind turbines General
Typically a type certified RNA and a site-specific support structure are used for offshore projects. For onshore
projects, the tower and foundation may be site-specific or may be covered by the existing type certificate.
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Figure 2-2 Development certification phases with the optional basic design certification phase
In cases where all wind turbines including support structure are identical and where it is possible to
determine the highest-loaded turbine, a single load analysis may be sufficient. However if there are
differences in the turbine or support structure design (e.g. due to different water depths) or if a highestloaded turbine cannot be determined, several load simulations are required. In such case turbines may be
combined into clusters, where each cluster is represented by one position for which load simulations are
The models used for load analysis as well as the results of the load analysis shall be documented and are
subject to evaluation. Unless the load simulation model has been verified as part of the type certification
and DNV has been granted permission by the wind turbine manufacturer to utilise the evaluation results, the
evaluation shall include an independent analysis to verify the model used for load analysis.
In seismically active areas, design of the wind turbine may follow the principles in DNV-RP-0585. Rotor-nacelle assembly
The rotor-nacelle assembly (RNA) shall be evaluated for project certification. This shall be documented by a
type certificate or the mandatory phases of the type certification according to IECRE OD-501, DNV-SE-0441
or comparable shall be fulfilled, see [8.2] and [8.10]. The certified RNA shall be evaluated with respect to
the specific project and site-specific conditions in project certification. In the following reference is made to
the term type certification only, even when the fulfilment of the mandatory phases of type certification is
possible, too, for the purpose of project certification.
DNV shall verify that a valid type certificate is in place. The certificate shall be valid at the date of issue of
the statement of compliance for the design phase and may also be valid at the date of issue of the project
certificate. The purpose of a valid type certificate is to implement an approved RNA design into the project.
Therefore design changes to the certified design shall be addressed.
The certification scheme applied for the RNA type certificate shall be stated in the design basis. In addition,
the following conditions, requirements and specifications shall be presented to DNV and shall be certified by
external conditions assumed for the RNA design including the grid conditions
proof that the type certification design loads cover the project certification design loads
requirements for manufacturing
requirements for transportation and installation
requirements for operation and maintenance
specifications for the interfaces between wind turbine and support structure, e.g. tower–substructure
geometry, stiffness of support structure, and stiffness of soil support
— adaptions or extensions to the type certified electrical system (e.g. grid connection equipment)
— in case there is no valid type certificate available at the date of issue of the project certificate:
specification/description of all design changes made since the last change report was submitted to the
type certification body.
Guidance note 1:
Adequate implementation and site-specific adaptations of the type certified RNA for the project is part of the project certification
process. Potential synergies from type certification may be used where identified and possible. Alternatively the site-specific type
certificate (see [8.2]) may be implemented into the project, see [8.10.6]. Regarding permissions required by suppliers see [1.7.8].
A methodology for how to handle deviations from the conditions of the type certificate, such as
reinforcements of the blades, reinforcements of the tower top and yaw system, and modification of the
electrical systems, shall be outlined.
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A site-specific load analysis based on the design basis according to [] shall be performed using an
integrated simulation model, which includes aero-elastic and hydrodynamic effects. If for wind turbines being
installed offshore aero-elastic and hydrodynamic loads are not determined by co-simulation, the method used
is subject to approval by DNV. For onshore sites, it may be possible to avoid site-specific load analysis, if it
can be shown, that the site conditions are more benign than the design conditions, see DNV-ST-0437.
Major deviations from the wind turbine design including the controller, covered by the component or type certificate may require an
update of the component or type certificate, see [8.10.3].
The RNA specification shall uniquely define the type. If the RNA has been type certified by DNV, the
specification may be limited to a reference to the type certificate and specifications of possible deviations
from the certified RNA type, such as additional corrosion protection or other site-specific configurations, see
[8.3.3]. Permissions required by suppliers to use specifications and wind turbine models from the DNV type
certification shall be provided to DNV by the developer or contractor, see [1.7.8]. The use of information from
the type certification, such as the independent load analysis of the integrated RNA and support structure shall
be required to implement the RNA into the project.
The control system applied in the project shall be the same as for the type certified RNA. If this is not the
case the new control system release (hardware and software) shall be included in the type certification or a
site-specific design evaluation shall be performed as part of the project certification.
If the RNA has been type certified by a certification body other than DNV and this body is recognized by DNV,
DNV shall require documentation of the wind turbine type and will evaluate this documentation, see [8.10].
Guidance note 3:
Documentation of the RNA type for evaluation and independent calculation of the loads and response of the integrated wind
turbine and support structure may include turbine specifications and a software model of the wind turbine and the load conditions
and loads, which form the basis for the type certificate. In that way DNV should assess the adequacy of the model before
performing an independent load analysis of the RNA and the site-specific support structure.
DNV shall certify that the RNA design basis is in compliance with the certified design basis of the wind
power plant. The type certificate for the RNA shall be evaluated with respect to the site-specific loads and
DNV shall review the RNA type certificate conditions and limitations as compared to the actual site
conditions. The action taken by designers with respect to these conditions shall be stated in the design
documentation. In addition this comparison will cover metocean conditions, if applicable, including other
relevant conditions such as:
solar radiation
rain, hail, snow and ice
chemically active substances
mechanically active particles
electrical conditions
Due account shall be taken of the generally more aggressive offshore environment. Environmental conditions
other than wind and marine conditions may affect the integrity and safety of the offshore wind turbine by
thermal, photochemical, corrosive, mechanical, electrical and other physical actions.
Moreover, combinations of the environmental parameters given may increase their effects. Hence, the
documentation for utilization ratios used shall be subject to special considerations.
In particular, electrical components like generator, converter, transformer, switch gear and enclosures shall be
designed for the appropriate site conditions, see to DNV-ST-0076.
The corrosion protection systems shall be able to withstand the site-specific marine environment, see DNVST-0126 and DNV-RP-0416.
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Guidance note 2:
Design documentation shall be provided for new, modified or reinforced components and systems, such
as corrosion protection systems, which are not fully covered by the type certificate for the wind turbine.
The documentation shall be prepared according to the design basis and, if relevant, according to the
requirements for the type certification scheme applied.
DNV shall evaluate that the RNA electrical system including the RNA or wind turbine terminals meets the
requirements in the approved design basis with respect to the following:
— the design of the electrical system shall ensure minimal hazards to people as well as minimal potential
damage to the wind turbine and external electrical system during operation and maintenance of the wind
turbine under all normal and extreme conditions
— the electrical system, including all electrical equipment and components, shall comply with the relevant
— the design of the electrical system shall take into account the fluctuating nature of the power generation
of RNA or wind turbine
— provisions shall be made to ensure adequate protection of all electrical components and systems against
the effects of corrosion and humidity.
A provisional type certificate may be taken as intermediate basis for the project certification. Depending on
the applicability to the project and grade if outstanding issue(s) related to the provisional type certificate
a provisional statement of compliance for the design with limited validity may be issued, see [] and
[1.7.6]. Support structure
The support structure comprises the tower, the substructure and foundation, which transfer the loads into the
soil. Distinction is made between primary and secondary structures for the support structure (see [1.6.2]).
Primary structures transfer permanent loads and environmental loads, acting on the support structure, to
the soil. Secondary structures covered by this certification scope comprise access ladders, external access
platforms, boat landings and power cable tubes (e.g. J-tubes).
Guidance note:
Certain elements of the primary structure such as cans of tubular nodes, ring flanges of tubular towers, thick-walled deck-toleg and column connections may be classified as special structures. Special structures are part of the primary structures. The
reasoning for introducing this terminology is to distinguish these structures for their special loading and stress conditions, and the
necessity for additional quality demands. The same terminology is used in DNV-ST-0126.
DNV shall evaluate that the design of the support structure is in compliance with the design basis. The
evaluation of the structural design will include design review and independent design analyses, if deemed
The design evaluation shall be carried out to an extent sufficient to enable DNV to state that the support
structure complies with the approved design basis and DNV-ST-0126. The customer shall document that the
resulting safety level complies with the level intended in DNV-ST-0126. Fatigue design documents should be
based on DNV-ST-0126.
The following evaluation activities are conducted:
— review of detailed design calculation reports, design drawings and manufacturing specifications for
detailed structural design of the support structure
— relevant independent analyses of loads and structural strength.
The evaluation may include independent analyses of the support structure using appropriate methods, such
as FEM analyses, and covers:
— structural strength (stress levels, buckling and joint check) in both in-situ scenarios and transitional
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DNV shall review the submitted design report of the site-specific loads with respect to the loads assumed
for the type certificate. The objective is to evaluate that the loads do not exceed the verified capacity. Any
increases in load level as well as any changes in modes shapes and natural frequencies shall be stated in the
design report and will be evaluated.
soil stiffness and soil capacity
fatigue life (incl. consideration of fatigue accumulated during phases of installation and commissioning)
dynamic behaviour/natural frequency checks
vibrations induced by vortex shedding
serviceability (if applicable).
If the design includes highly utilized structural connections, such as grouted connections of steel structures
and tubular joints, detailed independent FEM calculations of the connections may be carried out by DNV.
For grouted connections DNV-ST-0126 and DNV-RP-0419 shall be applied.
Environmental loads from wind, if relevant, waves and current, acting on the support structure, shall be
based on a load analysis of the integrated system of RNA and support structure, and documentation in a
form suitable for evaluation shall be submitted to DNV. The evaluation may include an independent analysis
according to DNV-ST-0126.
The evaluation of the structural design shall focus on:
— review of design calculations for ULS, SLS, FLS and ALS
— review of design implementation of manufacturing and installation requirements, however only with
respect to the structural integrity of the final installed (permanent) support structure
— evaluation of proposed corrosion protection system(s) against design requirements with a view to required
design life, standards and codes, operation and maintenance
— review of design drawings and manufacturing specifications with respect to requirements in standards,
codes and with respect to assumptions in calculations regarding dimensions, materials, tolerances and
For geotechnical design of foundations, see DNV-ST-0126. The purpose of a soil investigation is to provide a
range of strength and deformation parameters with sufficient accuracy.
Additionally the investigations shall supply information to evaluate deterioration from dynamic loads in
sufficient detail. The investigations should be targeted on the actual phase of the project with respect to
extent, details and accuracy.
The evaluation of the geotechnical design shall focus on:
evaluation of calculation methods, stability and failure modes
review of geotechnical design calculations for ULS, FLS, SLS and, if relevant, ALS
review of design documentation regarding soil preparation, tolerances and scour protection
the expected stiffness and damping of the support structure shall be checked against assumptions made
in calculations of wind turbine loads.
The following design documentation shall be submitted for evaluation of the final structural and geotechnical
— design documentation for the structural and geotechnical design calculations, for ULS, SLS, FLS and ALS.
The documentation should include descriptions of the assumptions made for the calculations, for example
regarding manufacturing and installation methods
— design report containing design calculations for the corrosion protection system(s)
— design report of the driveability study, if applicable
— design drawings including general note drawing(s)
— design documentation regarding scour and scour protection design, if relevant
— installations/equipment.
For rock scour protection DNV-RP-0618 may be applied. Manufacturing, transport, installation and commissioning plan
The manufacturing, transportation, installation (including loading and unloading, such as lifting loads) and
commissioning plans for the RNA and the support structure shall be reviewed by DNV for compliance with the
agreed requirements stated in the approved design basis.
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The overall DNV aim is to verify that the final structure planned in-situ will not been exposed to unforeseen
loading during manufacturing, transportation, installation and commissioning. Exposure to fatigue loading
during transportation may also be of relevance.
DNV shall review the plans or initial manuals for the RNA and support structure and verify their compliance
with the approved design basis. The review and verification should cover the following:
manufacturing and goods handling processes
transport procedures considering loading
installation procedures
commissioning procedures including check lists describing function test of protection system, initial
energisation of the electrical system, testing after installation to confirm proper, safe and functional
operation of all devices, controls and equipment safe start-up
procedures for safe shutdown; safe emergency shutdown
environmental conditions, e.g. required weather window
interface points, e.g. connection to foundation and to the electrical system
quality control, measurements and inspections
personnel safety.
The following verification activities shall be conducted by DNV in order to verify compliance of the
transportation and installation procedures with the approved design basis:
— review of transportation and installation requirements (transportation, lifting)
— review of structural design subjected to transportation and installation loads.
For the RNA and support structure, DNV shall require the preparation of transportation and installation
manuals, which as a minimum shall consist of the transportation and installation procedures and the
emergency procedures specified by the wind turbine manufacturer. The manuals should also include
contingency procedures. The manual may be based on the transportation and installation manuals for the
type-certified wind turbine, duly updated with a view to the site-specific application and design influencing
Evaluation of the manufacturing, transportation, installation (including loading and unloading, such as lifting
loads) and commissioning processes shall be based on applicable standards, e.g. DNV-ST-0054. In-service plan
The assumptions from the design work shall be the basis for the in-service plan. The designer should prepare
a report that states all assumptions made in design. This report should be used as input to the development
of the inspection and maintenance plan.
The above mentioned documentation may not be finalised during the design phase and the verification of this
documentation will therefore be covered in the transport and installation or commissioning phase. However,
at the design phase the design influencing assumptions shall be documented, at least.
For the RNA, DNV shall require that the relevant input to the in-service and maintenance manual(s) is
prepared. As a minimum the in-service plan shall consist of the service and maintenance requirements.
The manuals shall also provide for unscheduled maintenance. The plan may be based on the service and
maintenance manual(s) for the type-certified wind turbine, duly updated with a view to the site-specific
application and design influencing assumptions. DNV shall review the in-service plan and shall verify that this
is in compliance with the approved design basis. The review and verification should cover the following:
— scheduled maintenance actions including inspection intervals and routine actions
— condition monitoring systems
— quality recording and record keeping processes.
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Normally the different manuals for the topics listed will not all be finalised at the design stage. However, at
the design phase the design influencing assumptions shall be documented by respective plans, at least. The
final site-specific RNA manuals and manuals for the support structure shall be reviewed during the transport,
installation and commissioning, operation and maintenance phase, see [3.3.2], [], [] and
2.5.3 Substation General
DNV shall evaluate that the design of the substation is in compliance with the design basis, DNV-ST-0145
and other standards and codes defined in the design basis as well as national regulations. In seismically
active areas, design of the substation may follow the principles in DNV-RP-0585. Installation categories
The installations to which this service specification and DNV-ST-0145 applies may be categorized in the
following way:
Purpose of the installation:
a) Transformer substation.
b) Reactor substation.
c) Converter substation.
d) Accommodation platform.
e) Combined purpose.
From case to case a combination of above mentioned items a. to c. on a single unit or installation
(combined purpose) may be feasible.
Method of connection to the sea bed.
The following types of construction may be distinguished:
— installation permanently fixed by piling or suction caissons/anchors
— installation or units resting on the sea bed by action of gravity (gravity foundation)
— installation or unit with excess of buoyancy, connected to a base by tensioned anchoring
elements (tension leg foundation).
Type A: unmanned substation containing main power system as defined in DNV-ST-0145 [].
Persons are only expected to be present for inspection and maintenance activities without
overnight stays between working shifts. Provided habitability services (toilets, kitchen, shower) are
limited and intended solely for the use during the working shift not facilitating for overnight stay.
Type B: temporarily (i.e. overnight stays between working shifts are assumed to take place, even if
irregularly) or permanently manned substation containing main power system as defined in DNVST-0145 [] and accommodation spaces. On departure of personnel from the substation all
systems shall be returned to a safe and unmanned state, without adding additional hazards such as
legionella developing in water systems.
Type C: a separate accommodation platform or an accommodation platform connected to another
substation by a bridge. Structural design and geotechnical design
The evaluation of the design of the substation topside and the support structure shall be based on loads,
capacities, design methods and principles specified in the approved design basis and in relevant DNV
standards, e.g. DNV-ST-0145 and DNV-ST-0126. For areas where the approved design basis or the DNV
standards do not apply, reference to a recognized standard or design method may be accepted by DNV.
The structural design evaluation should include:
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For the support structure, DNV shall require that relevant input to the inspection and maintenance plan shall
be prepared. The input to the inspection plan and the maintenance manual shall be seen as a help to the
operations and maintenance organization that normally is established later. Examples of issues to be covered
are inspections and checks of the corrosion protection system and inspections for fatigue cracks, the scour
protection system and assumed service vessel(s), if relevant.
loads and load combinations
geotechnical design
design of primary structure
design of secondary structures
topside arrangement
foundation design
transportation, installation, operation and maintenance
grout design, if applicable
corrosion protection design
For the geotechnical design of foundations, see DNV-ST-0126. Guidance for prediction of scour and for
means to prevent scour is also given in DNV-ST-0126 and DNV-RP-0618. The purpose of a soil investigation
is to provide a range of strength and deformation parameters with sufficient accuracy. Additionally the
investigations shall supply information to evaluate deterioration from dynamic loads in sufficient detail.
The investigations should be focused on the actual phase of the project with respect to extent, details and
The design documentation shall include reports, calculations, plans, specifications, procedures and other
documentation, where applicable. An exemplary list may be found in App.A.
The evaluation of the structural design of the topside and support structure shall in general focus on design
methodology and safety levels as well as the aspects defined in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Focus of verification for substations
Topside structure
Subject of verification
Support structure
Ultimate limit states (ULS)
Servicability limit states (SLS)
Corrosion protection systems
Design calculation:
Fatigue limit states (FLS)
Accidential limit states (ALS)
Eigen frequency and vortex shedding analyses
Design drawings
Installation methods and occurring loads
Manufacturing specifications
Fatigue loaded elements of the topside shall be checked for FLS. Transportation fatigue shall be evaluated, if relevant.
Fatigue design documents shall be based on DNV-ST-0145. The applied methods for fatigue analysis shall be
consistent and follow one application standard.
The following evaluation activities are conducted:
— review of detailed design calculation reports, design drawings and specifications for structural design
— relevant independent analyses of loads and structural strength.
The verification of the support structure by independent analysis shall cover ULS and FLS.
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— structural strength (stress levels, buckling and joint check)
— soil stiffness and soil capacity
— fatigue life.
If the design includes highly utilized structural connections (e.g. grouted connections of steel structures,
tubular joints, transition piece), detailed independent finite element calculations of the connections shall be
carried out by DNV. Such analysis shall be described in an independent scope of work. Electrical design
The electrical design shall be assessed for compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and further standards, codes
and requirements specified in the design basis. The focus of the evaluation shall be on the safety of the
installation as defined in the approved design basis. The evaluation shall be carried out by spot checks of the
diagrams, specifications and calculations of the transmission and distribution system.
The electrical design review shall include the following aspects:
— main and emergency power supply of the auxiliary power system
— cabling and termination, control and protection of the auxiliary power system
— power supply of systems and components with regard to safety including ventilation, communication,
lighting system, navigation marking, identification
— lightning protection
— earthing and equipotential bonding.
The documentation listed in App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of the electrical design.
Specific studies for which documentation shall be made available may include:
short-circuit studies
discrimination study
load schedule on emergency power system
protection coordination and setting.
Further subjects may be reviewed optionally:
— main power system (including main components such as transformers, converters, switchgears)
— electrical performance of the substation connected to wind power plant and grid, see [8.6].
In case the optional scope is covered it shall be addressed in the certification deliverable. Design of safety systems and arrangements
Evaluation of the design of the safety systems and arrangements shall be based on applicable standards, i.e.
DNV-ST-0145 and national regulations.
The fire and explosion protection design review shall include consideration of the following aspects:
— nature and risks of potential fires and explosions
— quantities of fluids, flammable and combustible materials handled, processed and stored on the substation
— manning concept and human factors.
The documentation listed in App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of fire and explosion protection
In the context of fires and explosions, the results of the evaluation process and the decisions taken with
respect to the need for, and role of, any risk reduction measures (the 'fire and explosion strategy') shall be
reviewed during the evaluation.
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The verification may include independent analyses of the structure using appropriate methods, such as FEM
analyses, and covers:
Complex substations are likely to require detailed studies to address hazardous fire and explosion events. Simple substations may
rely on the application of recognized codes and standards. The fire and explosion strategy should describe the role and functional
requirements for each of the systems used to manage possible hazardous events on the substation.
As for functional requirements, the following shall be reviewed during the evaluation:
— purpose and duty of a particular system
— integrity, reliability and availability of the system
— survivability of the system and dependency on other systems.
Deck layout and mitigation measures shall be checked for compliance with applicable standards and
For substations featuring an accommodation module, specific evaluations to assure compliance with
applicable standards and regulations shall be carried out. Access and transfer design
Evaluation of the access and transfer design shall be based on applicable standards such as DNV-ST-0145
and national regulations.
The documentation listed in App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of access and transfer design.
The design of the boat fender system shall be verified as part of the structural design review.
Evaluation of the design of the helicopter deck is optional. A specific scope shall be agreed, see [8.8] and
Layout of stairs and ladders shall be verified as part of the emergency response design. Emergency response design
Evaluation of the emergency response design shall be based on applicable standards as specified in the
design basis, e.g. DNV-ST-0145 and national regulations.
The documentation listed in App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of emergency response design.
The documentation submitted to DNV for evaluation shall address the following topics:
environmental conditions
distance to the nearest installation, to shore and to coastal facilities
number and distribution of personnel
effect of time of day on emergency response
immediate effects of an incident on the installation and people
development of heat and smoke in the event of fire and availability of muster areas, means of escape and
The evaluation of the emergency response design shall include an assessment of the proposed emergency
response measures, comprising an analysis of performance of the measures and a judgement of their
adequacy. Platform layout and safety systems shall be evaluated with regard to hazard identification and
safety for humans, the environment and the asset considering:
alarms and communications
escape routes and muster areas
evacuation, rescue and recovery.
For the assessment of the selection of emergency response equipment, the following issues shall be
— location
— type
— number
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Guidance note:
accessibility and survivability under emergency conditions
reliability and/or availability
maintenance, usability and training requirements.
Changes on the installation or changes of the external situation that may affect the emergency response
procedures shall also be part of the assessment. Such changes in particular include:
potential emergency scenarios
emergency response equipment
emergency response organization
emergency response procedures
staff experience
research results and new knowledge
changes in statutory legislation. Manufacturing, transport, installation and commissioning plan
Evaluation of the manufacturing, transportation, installation (including loading and unloading, such as lifting
loads) and commissioning processes shall be based on applicable standards, e.g. DNV-ST-0145, DNVST-0054, and DNV-RP-0423. In-service plan
DNV shall require that relevant input to the inspection and maintenance plans shall be prepared. The input to
the inspection plan and the maintenance manual shall be seen as a help to the operations and maintenance
organization that normally will be established later. Examples of issues to be covered are inspections and
checks of the scour protection system and the corrosion protection system, assumed service vessel(s), and
inspections for fatigue cracks if relevant.
Evaluation of the operation and maintenance programme shall be based on applicable standards such as
DNV-ST-0145 and industry best practice.
The following documentation shall be submitted for evaluation:
— description of risk based inspection and maintenance programmes, covering inspection, scheduled
maintenance and unscheduled maintenance
— service and maintenance manual for key components.
The documentation shall be evaluated and verified for compliance with the approved design basis regarding
scope and intervals of the following:
operational monitoring and condition monitoring
safety related inspection and maintenance
scheduled maintenance
unscheduled maintenance provisions
record keeping and quality control.
2.5.4 Power cables
Cable design is highly dependent on the conditions of the power plant project being developed. Important
assumptions and applicable parameters shall be clearly described in the design brief, including at least:
site conditions
overall number of turbines
type and rating of turbine
location of the individual turbines
location of the offshore substation or onshore grid connection
voltage level(s)
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choice of the cable type(s)
choice of cable route(s)
feasibility of cable installation and burial
condition monitoring of power cable(s), if applicable.
Electrical system studies should establish basic electrical design parameters. Normal, emergency operation or
other interconnection schemes specified for the wind power plant shall be studied in:
— power flow simulations (static, transient, harmonics)
— short-circuit calculations.
Ground investigations shall be conducted in order to investigate site geological, geophysical and soil
DNV-ST-0359 shall be applied and requirements stipulated therein shall be fulfilled for certification. In
seismically active areas, design of the power cables may follow the principles in DNV-RP-0585.
2.5.5 Control station
Design of the control station means that all tasks the control station is dealing with shall be described in
detail. These tasks are:
operation management of the wind power plant (technical / commercial)
control and monitoring of wind turbines
control and monitoring of substation
control and monitoring of power cables
control and monitoring of grid connection
condition monitoring of wind turbines (optional for onshore, mandatory for offshore wind power plants)
condition monitoring of substation (optional)
maintenance management of wind turbines
maintenance management of substation
maintenance management of power cables.
Guidance note:
The maintenance management includes scheduling of measures, scheduling of maintenance personnel, organisation of spare parts
and organisation of tools.
Condition monitoring may be performed by the control station itself or by a separate independent monitoring
body. If the condition monitoring is performed by a separate monitoring body, the communication with this
separate monitoring body shall be described in detail.
A condition monitoring within the control station shall be carried out by experts, who are not in charge of the
controlling of the wind power plant.
The descriptions listed above shall be submitted for assessment.
For the certification of condition monitoring systems and condition monitoring bodies DNV-SE-0439 shall be
DNV recommended practice DNV-RP-D201 Sec.7 for integrated software dependent systems may be applied.
For asset management the ISO 55000 series may be applied, see [2.3.6].
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3.1 General
This section contains requirements for state-of-the-art quality management measures, which shall be applied
to achieve desired lifetimes and availability rates of the wind power plant.
Safe and failure-free operation requires different operational measures, selection of adequate material and
reliable designing. In addition to this the importance of diligent and careful material processing should not be
underestimated to ensure the power plant safety and availability.
In this certification phase DNV provides surveillance during manufacturing, transport and installation in order
to evaluate compliance between the approved design and the wind power plant built. This may support the
applicant to determine and eliminate at an early stage possible defects during engineering, manufacturing
and installation, which may impact the later availability of the plant or parts of it.
For the applicant it may be of additional value, to involve an independent expert for surveillances in addition
to the own controls to detect and avoid remaining quality deviations at an early stage.
For surveillance [1.7.11] shall be considered.
3.2 Manufacturing
3.2.1 General
DNV shall conduct manufacturing surveillance in order to evaluate compliance between the approved design
and the product in the workshop. The surveillance shall be conducted at the manufacturer’s premises
for production of main components and structures as well as in the rotor-nacelle assembly shop and
manufacturing of offshore substations. It shall involve:
inspection of manufacturing
evaluation of quality management system, if ISO 9001 certificate is not available
product related quality and process audits
evaluation of contractor’s quality management activities.
Manufacturing surveillance consists of (initial) audits and inspections of project related components.
The surveillance activities comprise both on-site inspections and document review. This means that the
manufacturing surveillance consists of three main activities, document review, initial audit and inspection,
see Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Activities of manufacturing surveillance
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The purpose of the inspections is to cover the production process of the components. This is performed
by inspecting related manufacturing processes and quality controls to evaluate compliance with approved
design, defined work instructions and specifications.
The detailed scope of the inspections shall be developed based on the results of the audits, which may result
in an adjustment of inspections to be performed in the ongoing process. Complementary to the inspection
the manufacturing records are reviewed.
Guidance note 1:
The general document review (documents not unique to the particular project) and initial audit may be omitted during project
certification, if a shop approval for the production purpose is available, see [8.7].
The customer shall assure that DNV gets access to the relevant manufacturing and assembly sites.
Permissions required by suppliers shall be provided to DNV by the developer or contractor.
The extent of the inspections and the number of occasions when inspections shall be carried out for project
certification shall be evaluated by DNV for each specific project.
For component manufacturers producing on a large scale (no pre-series production) with a good track record,
the number of inspections may be reduced to a minimum but generally some inspection shall be performed.
In other cases more detailed inspections shall be carried out.
In general manufacturing surveillance starts with a higher extent at the beginning and depending on the
inspection results the extent and quantity of inspections shall be adapted during the process after evaluation
of each inspection performed using a risk based approach. For planning purpose initially three inspections
(one day each) should be assumed as a minimum, at start, mid, and end of production at each manufacturer.
Alternatively, a time-based approach should be elaborated. The following sections [3.2.2] to [3.2.5] provide
further guidance with reference to the component and asset related inspections.
Guidance note 2:
In contrast to defining a sample size (i.e. number of components to be inspected), the time-based approach may be more
appropriate to achieve the aim of a representative and value adding independent inspection. This applies in particular for offshore
substations where usually only one unit per project is being manufactured. Instead of a fixed quantity of components to be
inspected an agreement on time-based inspections over the whole production period may be found. Purpose is to cover the most
critical manufacturing processes of a project specific asset (e.g. substation) by an independent inspection.
The risk based approach shown in Figure 3-2 serves to differentiate the manufacturing surveillance extent
dependent on the estimated risk for failure, the willingness to take a risk and the involved consequences. The
risk level is higher for a component or an assembly, the failure of which will lead to severe consequences. On
the other hand a higher verification level will help to reduce the risk level. Verification levels and surveillance
frequency are described in DNV-SE-0477 App.A. The application of the verification levels for the substation is
described in [3.2.3].
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The purpose of the (initial) audit is to check the qualification (ability to perform the production of
relevant components according to the specified standards and quality and to document this ability) of the
manufacturing company prior to commencement of production and to check the documentation forming the
basis for the production.
The verification level shall be specified by the customer and confirmed by DNV dependent on suppliers’
qualification, relevance of components’ integrity and complexity and the consequences of a potential failure,
see Figure 3-2.
Following criteria shall be considered for taking the decision on the verification level.
Suppliers’ qualifications:
certificates of the suppliers (e.g. shop approval [8.7], ISO 3834-2, EN 1090-2)
qualification of the suppliers by a 2 party in place (e.g. by the purchaser)
suppliers' track record (e.g. same parts produced for type certification)
experience with the suppliers from previous manufacturing surveillances (e.g. track record)
experience of the suppliers with the component in question (e.g. new or known type of component, track
— experience of the suppliers and purchasers (e.g. similar components for the same purchaser produced
Relevance of component for structural integrity:
— location of the component (e.g. in the load path)
— special, primary, secondary member (e.g. type of stressing, risk for brittle fracture)
— redundant / non-redundant component.
Complexity of component:
— innovative or complex design
— easy/difficult to manufacture
— new or innovative material.
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Figure 3-2 Risk dependence of manufacturing abilities and complexity/importance of a
The manufacturing surveillance shall be based on relevant standards together with design documentation
previously submitted to DNV as input for the design assessment, such as documentation of:
critical items
test programs
inspection and test plan
approved design drawings and specifications
qualification of personnel.
Each inspection shall be completed at the manufacturing premises and the following documentation shall be
made available to DNV for the surveillance to be conducted:
workshop qualification (e.g. workshop approval)
manufacturing process mapping
general arrangement drawings and specifications
manufacturing drawings, specifications and instructions
inspection and test plan (ITP)
welding procedure specifications and related welding procedure qualification records
work procedures for NDT and corrosion protection
inspection check sheets, NDT reports, and measurements reports
certificates of personnel qualifications (e.g. for NDT testing).
Each inspection shall be documented in a detailed inspection report including photo documentation whenever
deemed necessary. Permissions required by suppliers shall be provided to DNV. The supplier shall have the
right to refuse photos where these may be including additional IP without relevance for the surveillance and
Depending on the scope and extent of the manufacturing certification conducted during the type certification,
synergies may be determined and used for the manufacturing surveillance for the project certification. In
case a site-specific type certification [8.2] is available the manufacturing surveillance may be adapted to a
Guidance note 3:
The manufacturing evaluation during the type certification is a random inspection. The manufacturing surveillance for project
certification is a project specific inspection of a representative quantity of the project ordered components. This surveillance is
ordered by the developer (project certification applicant) and performed in the developers’ interest.
The purpose of referring to the site-specific type certification [8.2] is to reduce efforts and costs for the project developer during
project certification. At the same time the turbine manufacturer may prepare a site suitable product to reduce avoidable adaptation
during a project certification.
Once the surveillance of the manufacturing has been successfully completed, DNV will issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for manufacturing, listing the assets subject to evaluation. The
verification level and surveillance frequency applied for manufacturing surveillance shall be stated as well in
the certification deliverables.
3.2.2 Wind turbines Surveillance of the rotor-nacelle assembly
The type certification of the rotor-nacelle assembly (RNA) is based on design assessment, manufacturing
certification, evaluation of quality management, testing and measurements, see DNV-SE-0441 and [1.7.5].
As suppliers of the wind power plant the RNA manufacturer and the suppliers of the main components shall
operate a quality management system.
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For wind turbines it is assumed that a serial production is running in all manufacturing workshops subject to
inspection such that all important processes according to inspection and test plan (ITP) for one component
may be seen in one visit. The ITP shall as a minimum include a list of process steps and related acceptance
criteria for which quality control measures are specified to meet the project requirements.
The surveillance of the assembly of hub and nacelle shall be completed in the wind turbine assembly
workshop. The manufacturing surveillance at the assembly workshop shall be carried out at start of the
project specific assembly of these components and depending on the results in the course of production as
stated in [3.2.1]. The manufacturing surveillance shall focus on:
compliance with the quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
visual inspection of units under assembly
visual inspection of electrical installation
document review (components certificates, production worksheets and final documentation).
The components of a standard RNA listed in the following and the described processes shall in general be
subject to manufacturing surveillance in connection with project certification. The list of components and
processes to be inspected shall be evaluated for each project under consideration of the wind turbine specific
design, e.g. direct drive or gearbox design. If the results of a manufacturing process may be inspected
sufficiently in a subsequent process, inspection at the manufacturer for this process is not necessary, e.g.
inspection of machined areas for a cast or welded component may be inspected during incoming goods
inspection at the assembly workshop. Therefore, the list below should be reduced or extended. This shall be
agreed at the beginning of the project.
List of components of a standard RNA:
rotor blades
rotor hub
rotor shaft or axle journal
main bearing(s)
main bearing housing(s)
frequency converter
high-voltage switchgear
generator structures (direct drive only)
main and generator frame
hub assembly
nacelle assembly.
The manufacturing surveillance for these components shall be carried out at the start of the project
specific manufacturing of these components and depending on the inspection results in the course of
production as stated in section [3.2.1]. The extent of surveillance shall be based on a document review at the
manufacturers’ premises, covering the following items:
— compliance with the quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
— visual inspection of on-going jobs in order to check compliance with documented manufacturing
— test document review
— final document review.
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If a quality management system in conformity with ISO 9001 is not available, DNV shall evaluate the system.
The DNV project certification shall in addition to this perform inspection and audit activities in order to
evaluate that the manufacturing of the wind turbines for the specific project are carried out according to the
approved design and with the intended quality.
Focuses for manufacturing surveillance are the project specific adaptations of a type certified turbine and its components. The
manufacturing surveillance is a project specific inspection of a representative quantity of the components ordered for the project.
The availability of a quality management system at the workshop is a prerequisite. Quantities of inspection are adjustable, if
reasonable and still representative. The manufacturing sites in projects are often neither limited to, nor the same as, in type
certification. If synergies are identified (e.g. by same manufacturing site as inspected during type certification), these may be used
to reduce efforts, upon agreement and permissions, see [3.2.1].
In general the sub-sub-suppliers of the wind power plant developer may not be inspected, if the documentation is complete and
compliant to the processes at the sub-supplier. However, in practice it may be helpful to decide for inspection at the sub-subsupplier to avoid observations of discrepancies at a later stage during the sub-supplier inspection.
Secondary steel (ladders, boat landings, etc.) is not a mandatory part of the manufacturing surveillance and
shall be agreed in advance.
Guidance note 2:
In certain cases, depending on whether the parts are critical or not with respect to design, component strength, and manufacturing
process or innovative material the inspection scope may be extended. Furthermore certain components are catalogue parts and
may not be subject to inspection (e.g. certain types of bearings). The same applies for standard designs of generators (not direct
---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Surveillance of the support structure
The support structure for the wind turbine consists of the following components:
— tower
— substructure, if applicable
— foundation.
Separate surveillances of these components shall be carried out as outlined in the following.
A tower section manufacturing surveillance shall be carried out for conical or tubular steel towers. The
surveillance shall be completed at the manufacturer’s shop and shall randomly focus on:
compliance with quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
incoming goods inspection
welding procedures specification and welding procedures qualification
welders qualification
construction drawings (shop drawings) versus reviewed drawings (design drawings)
visual inspection of on-going jobs
repair work
witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
visual inspection of finished sections before shipping
document review.
Surveillance of monopiles and jacket structures shall be completed at the manufacturers’ shops or in the
fabrication yard and shall randomly focus on:
compliance with quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
incoming goods inspection
welding procedures specification and welding procedures qualification
welder qualifications
construction drawings versus reviewed drawings
visual inspection of on-going jobs
repair work
corrosion protection systems
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Guidance note 1:
Surveillance of concrete structures and foundations shall be completed at the fabrication shop or construction
site andshall randomly focus on:
construction and shop drawings for compliance with design drawings and specifications
surveillance of measuring and testing equipment
compliance with the specifications, standards and procedures
formwork, reinforcing steel, embedment prior to concrete casting
preparations for casting, use of correct materials, construction joints, grouting of ducts, curing conditions
material tests
corrosion protection systems
repair work
document review.
For other types of support structures, such as suction buckets or lattice towers, a detailed manufacturing
surveillance programme shall be tailor made for each specific project.
Agreed surveillance of secondary structures shall be completed at the fabrication shop or at the
manufacturers’ premises. The surveillance shall randomly focus on:
compliance with quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
welding procedures specification
welder qualifications
construction drawings versus reviewed drawings
visual inspection of on-going jobs
witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
visual inspection of finished structures before shipment
document review.
Alternatively the scope and type of components to be inspected may be determined by the risk based
approach described in [3.2.1] and in more detail in DNV-SE-0477.
3.2.3 Substation General
The scope of manufacturing surveillance shall be agreed at the start of the project-specific manufacturing
and depending on
— the inspection results in the course of production start, i.e. initial audit as stated in section [3.2.1]
— the demands of the owner, fabrication yard or local authority.
The surveillance scope and extend shall be defined based on verification levels.
— Verification level low: the level of manufacturing surveillance largely depends on the fabricator’s own
quality management. Hence, DNV i focus on spot-check review of fabrication records. A close followup of inspection items according to an agreed inspection and test plan (ITP) and punch-list items is not
feasible. Likewise, detailed on-site review and approval of fabrication specifications (e.g. welding process
specifications) and records (e.g. test reports) is not foreseen.
Audit and inspection reports shall be issued by DNV for each audit or inspection.
— Verification level medium: this level of manufacturing surveillance envisages regular site inspections
and the attendance of agreed inspections and tests according to project and component specific ITPs. A
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— witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
— visual inspection of finished monopiles before shipping
— document review.
Audit and inspection reports shall be issued by DNV for each audit or inspection.
— Verification level high: this type of manufacturing surveillance envisages permanent site attendance by
DNV inspectors, enabling the attendance of tests and inspections according to project and component
specific ITPs and the close monitoring of the fabrication and outfitting. In contrast to the aforementioned
levels of surveillance, on-site review and approval of fabrication and test procedures may be carried out
by the DNV inspector.
Audit and weekly inspection reports shall be issued by DNV. Based on DNV’s monitoring of the fabrication,
observation reports may be issued, if agreed beforehand.
Guidance note 1:
It is recommended to choose the medium verification level as this provides an appropriate contribution and supplementation to the
manufacturers and owners own quality management. The medium verification level allows for ITP-driven surveillance activities and
an efficient tracking of findings. Furthermore, the fabrication and testing may be monitored at an adequate level.
For the fabrication of the substation, the following documentation shall be submitted to DNV for the
evaluation of the manufacturing activities:
— general arrangement drawings and specifications intended for the manufacturing
— manufacturing drawings, specifications and instructions
— inspection test plans and procedures.
The extent of items to be included in the manufacturing surveillance shall be agreed before the start of
fabrication and may depend on the demands of the owner and local authority. As a minimum, the primary
structure and the interface between secondary and primary structure is considered relevant to be included
in the manufacturing surveillance. The manufacturing and surveillance shall be based on DNV-ST-0145 and
additionally DNV-OS-C401 for steel structures, if not agreed otherwise.
Guidance note 2:
A hierarchy of standards for the manufacturing requirements should be agreed at the beginning of the project. Usually the
substation is not subject to classification but certification according to this service specification. In case the substation is
manufactured in accordance with DNV-OS-C401 but in the context of this service specification, the requirements listed in DNV-OSC401 Ch.3, with respect to qualification of companies may be excluded.
Guidance for the planning and execution of manufacturing surveillance activities may be found in DNVRP-0423. Surveillance of topside structure
The manufacturing surveillance of the topside structure shall be carried out according to one of the following
verification levels.
Verification level low: depending on the number of manufacturing sites five to ten surveillance visits to the
manufacturer’s workshop or yard are considered as the minimum number of surveillances to be completed
by DNV. The surveillance shall include initial audits at the involved fabrication yards, three to four inspections
during the fabrication period and a final inspection at the end of fabrication.
Verification level medium: for each manufacturing site involved in the topside fabrication an initial audit
shall be carried out. During the period of steel fabrication one (1) inspection day per week at every involved
manufacturing site is considered as the adequate number of surveillances to be completed by DNV.
Verification level high: for each manufacturing site involved in the topside fabrication an initial audit shall be
carried out. During the period of steel fabrication at the main manufacturing site one permanent inspector
should be foreseen. Depending on the number of sub-suppliers or during peak periods of fabrication an
increase of personnel may be required.
The surveillance activities shall prioritize components and processes with highest risk and failure with most
severe consequences as described in [3.2.1] but may also include secondary structures, if agreed. The
surveillance shall be focus on:
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follow-up of findings and punch-list items is feasible. Likewise, fabrication records may be reviewed and
approved, if agreed.
compliance with quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
adherence to established quality assurance processes
welding procedures specification and welding procedures qualification
welders’ and NDT operators’ qualifications
construction drawings versus reviewed drawings
visual inspection of on-going jobs
corrosion protection systems
witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
visual inspection of finished sections before shipping
document review
review of as-built documentation, including nonconformities and technical queries which are relevant for
the design.
Guidance for the planning and execution of manufacturing surveillance activities may be found in DNVRP-0423. Surveillance of topside equipment
Systems and arrangements essential for safe operation of the offshore substation are part of the project
certification of the substation and therefore manufacturing surveillance of such topside equipment is
necessary for the certification of the substation.
The manufacturing surveillance of the topside equipment shall be carried out according to one of the
following verification levels.
Verification level low: three surveillance visits to the topside assembly workshop or yard are considered as
the minimum number of surveillances to be completed by DNV. Two additional surveillance visits may be
necessary for testing purposes.
Verification level medium: during the period of outfitting and testing of the installed systems 1.5 inspection
days per week at every involved manufacturing site are considered as the adequate number of surveillances
to be completed by DNV.
Verification level high: during the period of outfitting and testing of the installed systems at the main
manufacturing site one permanent inspector should be foreseen. Depending on the agreed scope, additional
tests such as factory acceptance tests or inspections at sub-contractors may be covered by an increase of
manning, if required.
Surveillance shall be, as a minimum, focus on the following systems and arrangements:
passive fire protection
active fire protection
fire and gas alarm and detection system(s)
drain system
fuel system
ventilation system
communication systems/public address and general alarm system(s)
power operated fire doors/access system
automatic actions and shutdown
main, emergency and escape lighting systems
auxiliary power supply of safety systems/emergency services
means of escape
means of evacuation
means of rescue and recovery
life-saving appliances and personal protection equipment.
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Verification level low: depending on the number of manufacturing sites five to ten surveillance visits to the
manufacturer's workshop or yard are considered as the minimum number of surveillances to be completed
by DNV. The surveillance shall include initial audits at the involved fabrication yards, three to four inspections
during the fabrication period and a final inspection at the end of fabrication.
Verification level medium: for each manufacturing site involved in the support structure fabrication an initial
audit shall be carried out. During the period of steel fabrication one (1) inspection day per week at every
involved manufacturing site is considered as the adequate number of surveillances to be completed by DNV.
Verification level high: for each manufacturing site involved in the support structure fabrication an initial
audit shall be carried out. During the period of steel fabrication at the main manufacturing site one
permanent inspector should be foreseen. Depending on the number of sub-suppliers or during peak periods
of fabrication an increase of manning may be required.
For novel types of support structures and for manufacturers DNV starts to work with, the number of
surveillance visits shall be agreed for each project on a case-by-case basis and should follow the medium
verification level.
Surveillance of monopiles and jacket structures and agreed secondary structures shall be completed at the
manufacturers' shops or in the fabrication yard and shall be focused, on a random basis, on:
compliance with quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
incoming goods inspection
welding procedures specification and welding procedures qualification
welder qualifications
construction drawings versus reviewed drawings
visual inspection of on-going jobs
repair work
corrosion protection systems
witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
visual inspection of finished monopiles before shipping
document review.
For other types of support structures, such as suction buckets, a detailed manufacturing surveillance program
shall be tailor made for each specific project. Agreed surveillance of secondary structures shall be completed
at the fabrication shop or at the manufacturers' premises. The surveillance shall be carried out on a random
basis and shall be focused on:
compliance with quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
welding procedures specification
welder qualifications
construction drawings versus reviewed drawings
visual inspection of on-going jobs
witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
visual inspection of finished structures before shipment
document review.
3.2.4 Power cables
Power cables or its components shall be subject to manufacturing inspection and a comprehensive test
programme before, during and after the manufacturing process. This includes:
— type tests, demonstrating satisfactory performance through mechanical testing followed by electrical and
material testing
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The manufacturing surveillance of the support structure shall be carried out according to one of the following
verification levels.
For the testing and test reports requirements listed in [1.7.8] shall be considered. Witnessing of tests may be
required and shall be agreed with DNV in advanced.
The manufacturing surveillance shall be carried out at the start of the project specific production of the power
cables and depends on the results in the course of production as stated in section [3.2.1].
DNV-ST-0359 shall be applied and requirements stipulated therein shall be fulfilled for certification.
3.2.5 Control station
Construction of the control station besides installing the hardware and software means that all necessary
manuals (if not already available) and instructions shall be written in detail. They shall be available at the
control station during operation. Further on the reporting procedures shall be prepared.
The necessary manuals are:
detailed technical description(s) of the wind turbine(s)
detailed technical description of the substation
operating manual for the wind turbines
operating manual for the sub station
maintenance manual for the wind turbines
maintenance manual for the substation.
The necessary instructions are:
— process instructions for operation of the wind power plant
— process instructions for the monitoring of the wind power plant
— process instructions for the condition monitoring of the wind power plant (optional for onshore, mandatory
for offshore wind turbines of the power plant)
— list of availabilities of personnel for twenty-four-seven operation
— list of responsibilities of personnel
— process instructions for emergency cases.
The necessary reporting procedures are:
log book for each wind turbine (incl. commissioning report)
log book for the sub station
log book for the power cables
event tracking for the whole wind power plant
reporting to investors, insurance and authorities (i.e. DNV, BSH).
Manuals, instructions and reporting procedures listed above shall be submitted to DNV for assessment.
Manufacturing surveillance is not intended for the control station in the sense of this service specification. In
case of individual customer requests the scope shall be agreed with DNV.
For the certification of condition monitoring systems and condition monitoring bodies DNV-SE-0439 shall be
DNV recommended practice DNV-RP-D201 Sec.8 for integrated software dependent systems may be applied.
For asset management the ISO 55000 series may be applied, see [2.3.6].
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— routine tests, verifying that the product meets specifications, including tests on manufactured cable
lengths, tests on factory joints and factory acceptance tests of delivery cable lengths.
3.3.1 General
Transportation and installation is a crucial temporary lifecycle phase in a wind power project. DNV shall
perform transportation and installation surveillance as part of the project certification process.
For wind power projects the transport and installation surveillance starts with loading at the manufacturers’
production sites and ends at the wind power plant site.
The transportation and installation surveillance shall be followed up by a detailed inspection report. This
inspection report shall include photo documentation whenever deemed necessary. Permissions required by
suppliers shall be provided to DNV by the developer or contractor.
Prior to the transportation of the component or assets, method statements for transportation and installation
manuals including loading and unloading shall be issued for DNV review.
For general safety principles, requirements and guidance for the transport and installation of onshore and
offshore wind power plants DNV-ST-0054 should be applied.
As part of the project certification process DNV shall perform:
— review of the transport and installation documentation (e.g. installation manuals, method statements,
— surveillance of transport and installation for compliance with the transport and installation documentation
— analysis of the inspection report(s) on deviations, damages, impact on the structure.
The target of these certification activities is to assure that:
— the loads on components and subsystems of the asset are not exceeding the design limits during
transport and installation
— the execution of transport and installation procedures are in conformity with the requirements stated in
the approved design documentation
— possible transport and/or handling damages or deviations from the approved procedures are being
detected and evaluated in terms of their impact on the integrity of the asset.
The documentation for the transport and installation shall include at least the following information:
— wind power plant overview
— wind power plant site plan
— technical specifications applicable for transport and installation (among others these comprise dimensions,
weights of components and centres of gravity, dimensions of the barges and installation vessels, offshore
cable mechanical properties)
— limiting environmental conditions for transport and installation (e.g. wind speed, wave height,
temperature, timeframe)
— technical data of transport and installation arrangement including required fixtures (sea fastening), tooling
and equipment (e.g. upending tools, lifting arrangements)
— proofs and respective certificates/evaluation reports of structural integrity of the components during
transport and installation (including intermediate construction and transportation states or deviating
— relevant component/type certificates (e.g. type certificate of the offshore wind turbine)
— detailed description of working steps having influence on the asset integrity over the lifetime of the wind
power plant (among others load-out, transport, lifting, set-down, piling, suction, levelling, grouting,
pre-assembly of rotor star, installation of tower segments, nacelle, rotor star/rotor blades, installation
of substation topside, welding, cable laying, cable trenching, cable pull-in, scour protection, corrosion
— description of required protection measures (e.g. protecting caps, vortex ropes, active corrosion
protection, environmental protective coverage)
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3.3 Transport and installation
Transport and installation surveillance includes the following activities:
— identification and allocation of relevant components of the assets
— inspection of components/prefabricated subassemblies to be transported and installed for adequate
quality of manufacture (in case this has not been carried out at the manufacturers’ workshops)
— monitoring of environmental conditions for conformity with the approved documentation
— design-actual comparison installation location coordinates (for foundations)
— monitoring of methodology, sequences, limiting values and timing of important working steps (loadout, transport, lifting, set-down, pile driving, grouting, welding, bolting, installation of scour protection,
activation of corrosion protection system, etc.)
— checking the components for damage during transport and installation as well of the impact on the
structure (among other pile driving damage analysis)
— DNV inspector for project certification shall be present during transport and installation.
The transport and installation surveillance may be combined with MWS, see [1.7.11].
Once the surveillance of the transport and installation has been successfully completed, DNV will issue a
certification report and a statement of compliance for transport and installation, listing the assets subject to
3.3.2 Wind turbines
The transport and installation surveillance of the wind turbines shall cover at least 10% of the wind turbines
of the wind power plant where the first installation site is part of this scope.
The surveillance comprises the support structure (e.g. monopile, transition piece, jacket, suction bucket,
tower) and the RNA itself (e.g. nacelle, hub, blades).
The amount of surveillance shall be increased to avoid higher cost implications during later phases such as
operation, in the case of appearance of:
— transport and/or handling damages or deviations from the approved procedures
— coordination, management or quality issues.
The general section above applies, see [3.3.1].
3.3.3 Substation
The transport and installation surveillance of the offshore substation and/or accommodation platform shall
cover all main components, typically the support structure and topside.
The general section above applies, see [3.3.1].
3.3.4 Power cables
The transport and installation surveillance of the inner park cabling system shall cover at least 10% of
the system length where the first installation site is part of this scope. The export cable route shall be
accompanied to full extent, if applicable.
The amount of surveillance shall be increased in the case of appearance of:
— transport and/or handling damages
— coordination, management or quality issues.
The installation certification phase includes onshore (landfall) and offshore construction activities as well
as load-out and transport. Processes and limiting conditions shall be well analysed and documented in so-
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— limiting values (among other cable trenching depth, cable pull-in strengths, pile driving number/energy,
jacket levelling angle, tightening moments for bolt connections)
— description of quality control check points, measurements and inspections (including non-destructive
tests), required by the design.
The applicable operational limiting conditions shall be defined based on the intended vessel’s capabilities, the
planned installation techniques, the applicable weather windows and suitable contingencies. The operational
limiting conditions shall be based on detailed load effect analyses, vessel station keeping capability and
FMEA/HAZOP data. Continuous monitoring and recording of the measuring devices required for control of the
operational limiting conditions shall be performed during all phases of installation activities in order to assure
the power cable integrity.
The operational criteria shall account for uncertainties both in weather forecasts and monitoring of
environmental conditions. Regular weather forecasts of a recognised meteorological centre shall be available
on-board of the cable installation vessel, supplemented by historical environmental data.
DNV-ST-0359 shall be applied and requirements stipulated therein shall be fulfilled for certification.
3.3.5 Control station
The transport and installation topic is not applicable for the control station in the sense of this service
specification. In case of individual customer needs the scope should be agreed with DNV.
3.4 Commissioning; operation and maintenance manuals
3.4.1 General
DNV shall evaluate the commissioning, operation and maintenance manuals and shall witness the
commissioning to evaluate compliance between the approved design basis, design and the as built wind
power plant.
The commissioning, operation and maintenance manual(s) submitted for certification should be those
intended for the end-user (developer, operator, maintenance provider etc.). The manuals shall cover all
assets of the wind power plant under certification. The manuals may also be in digital format. IEC 82079-1,
shall be considered for preparation of manuals.
The manuals shall be compliant with the requirements of the type certification of the wind turbine and the
design basis of the wind power plant. Provision for documenting operational and maintenance records shall
be included in the manuals.
An as-built inspection covering the complete power plant shall be performed to evaluate that the completed
installation meets the specified requirements, and to document any deviations from the original design.
For surveillances [1.7.11] shall be considered.
The detailed scope of work shall be agreed upon and stated in the certification contract between customer
and DNV.
The operation and maintenance activities during in-service are addressed in Sec.4.
3.4.2 Commissioning General
For commissioning of the assets the following activities shall be performed for certification:
assessment of the commissioning manual
commissioning surveillance
inspection of installations and review of commissioning records.
The requirements for the commissioning manual are described below.
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called method statements (procedures) for the installation and testing execution of the complete subsea
cable system. Risk assessments, including hazard identification (HAZID), hazard and operability study
(HAZOP) and/or failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) shall be carried out for each step of the installation
procedures. An overall installation manual shall be developed. The installation manual shall include the
installation sequence and methodologies for the individual installation steps.
For each asset the commissioning manual shall be submitted to DNV for certification.
The commissioning manual shall describe all working steps that shall be performed during commissioning.
The format and level of detail shall be such that the qualified technical personnel may comprehend the
The commissioning manual shall contain the following information as a minimum:
type identification of the respective assets
checks required before the start of commissioning
working steps of the commissioning process
checks required to conclude the commissioning
warnings for hazardous situations
blank form sheets for the commissioning report.
IEC 82079-1 shall be considered for the preparation of the manuals.
Once the surveillance of the commissioning has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for commissioning, listing the assets subject to evaluation. Wind turbines Assessment of the commissioning manual
The commissioning manual shall be submitted for assessment. Commissioning surveillance
Before commissioning surveillance starts, the customer shall provide a written statement that the wind
turbine has been erected properly and completely. The commissioning shall be performed under surveillance
of DNV.
This surveillance covers witnessing by the inspector during the actual commissioning, whereas DNV is
obligated to follow up quality-relevant nonconformities found during the surveillance. Quality-relevant
nonconformities and their consequences shall be communicated immediately.
In the course of commissioning surveillance the commissioning manual shall be followed and functions of the
wind turbine shall be tested. This includes the following tests and activities:
test of the emergency stop buttons
triggering of the brakes and witnessing of the turbine’s behaviour
test of the yaw system
behaviour at grid loss
behaviour at over speed
test of automatic operation
visual inspection of the entire installation
test operation of the ballast system and bilge pumps, if applicable
test on draught and stability for floating structures.
In addition to the tests, the following items shall be examined during commissioning surveillance by visual
inspection of the entire wind turbine:
general appearance
corrosion protection
conformity of the main components with the certified types/versions
control software version
design and traceability/numeration of the same.
The number of wind turbines for commissioning surveillance shall be agreed between the customer and DNV.
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The requirements for certification of the different assets are described below. Inspection of installations and review of commissioning records
The wind turbines shall undergo an inspection of the entire wind turbine. This inspection shall be performed
after the commissioning has been carried out. DNV does not require witnessing of the actual commissioning
process at the turbines chosen for inspection.
The following items shall be inspected:
general appearance
corrosion protection
conformity of the main components with the certified types and versions
design and traceability including numeration of the same.
Additionally, the commissioning records shall be submitted to DNV for assessment.
The number of inspections and review of commissioning records of wind turbines shall cover at least 10% or
two turbines (the larger of the two numbers shall be chosen) of the wind power plant.
In case the inspection reveals serious nonconformities, the number of wind turbines for inspection shall be
increased. The extent shall be discussed and agreed between the customer and DNV. Substation Assessment of the commissioning manual
The commissioning manual shall be submitted for assessment. Commissioning surveillance
Before commissioning surveillance starts, the customer shall provide a written statement that the substation
has been erected properly and completely. The commissioning shall be performed under surveillance of DNV.
The surveillance shall be based on relevant standards, such as DNV-RP-0423, DNV-ST-0145 and on design
documentation previously submitted to and reviewed by DNV.
The surveillance covers (inside the scope agreed) witnessing by the inspector during the actual
commissioning, whereas DNV is obligated to follow up quality-relevant nonconformities found during the
surveillance. Quality-relevant nonconformities and their consequences shall be communicated immediately.
The commissioning procedure may be divided in different parts like e.g. onshore commissioning, offshore
commissioning without grid connection, offshore commissioning with grid connection. Within the course of
commissioning surveillance the commissioning manual shall be followed and functions of the substation shall
be tested. This includes the following tests and activities:
— visual inspection of the entire installation including passive fire protection, means of escape, means of
evacuation, means of rescue and recovery, check of correspondence of the fire and safety plans to the
final equipage and marking of the substation
— tests of fire and gas alarm and detection system
— tests of firefighting systems
— tests of drain system
— tests of fuel system
— tests of ventilation system
— tests of communication systems/public address and general alarm system
— tests of power operated fire doors/access system
— tests of automatic actions and shutdown (cause and effects)
— tests of main, emergency and escape lighting systems
— tests of auxiliary power supply of safety systems/emergency services
— tests on draught and stability for floating structures.
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In case the surveillance reveals serious nonconformities, the number of wind turbines for surveillance shall be
increased. The extent shall be discussed and agreed between the customer and DNV.
general appearance
corrosion protection
conformity of the main components with the certified types/versions
design and traceability of the same.
The scope of commissioning surveillance shall be agreed between the customer and DNV. It shall be stated in
the contract.
In case the surveillance reveals serious nonconformities, the scope of the surveillance shall be increased. The
extent shall be discussed and agreed between the customer and DNV. Inspection of installations and review of commissioning records
The substation shall undergo an inspection of the parts which were not in the scope of the commissioning
surveillance. This inspection shall be performed after the commissioning has been carried out. DNV does
not require witnessing of the actual commissioning process at the components and systems chosen for
The following items shall be inspected:
general appearance
corrosion protection
conformity of the main components with the certified types/versions
design and traceability of the same.
Additionally, the commissioning records shall be submitted to DNV for assessment.
The extent of the inspections shall be discussed and agreed between the customer and DNV. Power cables
Subsea cables and fibre optic elements shall subsequently be commissioned after successful laying and
installation. Fixation, testing and termination works shall be carried before the cables shall be put into
Commissioning surveillance shall cover at least 10% of array power cables, and export power cable to full
DNV-ST-0359 shall be applied and requirements stipulated therein shall be fulfilled for certification. Control station General
Commissioning of the control station is performed in conjunction with the commissioning of the wind turbines
and the substation. The tests described in [] (wind turbine) and [] (substation) shall be
preferably executed at a practicable place and monitored by the control station. Before execution of these
tests the communication system within the wind power plant shall be tested for functionality.
DNV recommended practice DNV-RP-D201 Sec.9 for integrated software dependent systems may be applied.
For asset management the ISO 55000 series may be applied, see [2.3.6]. Assessment of the commissioning manual
The commissioning manual shall be submitted for assessment.
The control station’s commissioning manual shall describe how the communication tests shall be performed
and how the control station’s/SCADA quality criteria shall be validated in enabling the tasks of the power
plant operating phase.
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In addition to the tests, the following items shall be examined during commissioning surveillance by visual
inspection of the entire substation: General
The operation manual shall include at least the following information:
site-specific requirements
general description of all wind power plant components that are covered by the manual
the adherence to grid code compliance should be documented
description of general operation of the wind power plant
description of SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)
description and specification of all operation activities to be carried out during the operational life of the
wind power plant
description of emergency cases (including personnel safety) and actions
description of power back-up installations
telecommunication procedures
details about access possibilities (helicopter, ship, etc.) and the conditions associated with it
fault handling and resetting
personnel safety requirements.
Once the evaluation of the operation manuals has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for operation, listing the assets subject to evaluation. Wind turbines
The operation manual for the wind turbines, certified as part of the type certification, shall be included, see
[1.7.5] and Figure 1-11. Modifications to the manual, due to the prevailing site conditions, shall be explicitly
mentioned. Substation
The operation manual for the substation shall be in compliance with DNV-ST-0145. Power cables
This section refers to requirements for a safe and reliable operation of a subsea power cable system during
its service life with the main focus on management of cable integrity. The cable owner/operator shall
establish and maintain an asset management system for the subsea cable installation which complies with
regulatory requirements, when not included in the overall offshore wind power plant management system.
The cable shall be operated and maintained to ensure adequate performance with regard to safety and
required system availability considering, e.g. environmental conditions and consequences of failures. Detailed
procedures for all required in-service activities shall be established including specification of monitoring,
inspection and repair activities.
The requirements of DNV-ST-0359 shall be applied in general. Control station
The main objective of the control station is to operate the wind power plant. The necessary personnel to
operate the power plant may consists of:
wind power plant operator
plant manager
maintenance manager
control personnel
monitoring personnel
condition monitoring personnel (optional for onshore, mandatory for offshore wind power plants).
Task of the wind power plant operator:
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3.4.3 Operation manual
Tasks of the plant manager:
analysis of the operating data, availability of each wind turbine
cost effectiveness study
revenue prognosis
optimisation possibilities.
Tasks of the maintenance manager:
coordination of maintenance and periodic monitoring of the assets
scheduling of maintenance
scheduling of maintenance personnel and necessary equipment
scheduling of periodic monitoring (ideally performed by DNV).
The task descriptions shall be submitted for assessment.
DNV recommended practice DNV-RP-D201 Sec.10 for integrated software dependent systems may be
For asset management the ISO 55000 series may be applied, see [2.3.6].
3.4.4 Maintenance manual General
The maintenance manual shall describe all working steps that shall be performed during maintenance.
The format and level of detail shall be such that the qualified technical personnel may comprehend the
The maintenance manual shall include at least the following information:
prerequisites for maintenance
working steps tests and inspections to be performed at the maintenance
warnings against hazardous situations
maintenance record templates
maintenance plan.
IEC 82079-1 shall be considered for the preparation of the manuals.
The requirements for the maintenance manuals of the different assets are described below.
Once the evaluation of the maintenance manuals has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a
certification report and a statement of compliance for maintenance, listing the assets subject to evaluation. Wind turbines
The maintenance manual shall be submitted for assessment.
The inspection plan for the periodic monitoring inspections, see [4.3], shall be submitted for assessment. Substation
The maintenance manual shall be submitted for assessment.
The inspection plan for the periodic monitoring inspections, see [4.4], shall be submitted for assessment. Power cables
The maintenance manual shall be submitted for assessment. DNV-ST-0359 shall be considered.
The inspection plan for the periodic monitoring inspections, see [4.5], shall be submitted for assessment.
Objectives for (continuous) monitoring are to record the status of the cable system, to detect changes in
operating conditions and to take mitigation actions such as restricting operational parameters (e.g. electrical
current, temperature).
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— operation of the wind power plant (based on weather forecast, trace of vessel traffic within wind power
plant borders etc.).
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For the maintenance of the control station, see [4.6].
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4.1 In-service/periodic monitoring
The activities during operation and maintenance of a wind power plant are addressed by the in-service
certification phase. The objective of in-service or periodic monitoring is the inspection of the entire assets
and components of the wind power plant under consideration of the site-specific conditions. The following
sections are focusing on offshore wind power plants. For onshore wind power plants the approach may be
different and shall be agreed with DNV in advance.
The topside of the substation (if applicable), rotor-nacelle assembly of the wind turbine, support structures,
seabed level or scour protection and power cables are within the scope of in-service or periodic monitoring.
Structural integrity including electrical systems, machinery, functioning of safety and braking systems shall
be examined as well.
The periodic monitoring shall be based on periodic inspection concept (PIC), including a site-specific
inspection and test plan also defining acceptance criteria. The PIC shall be certified latest before start of
operation of the wind power plant and constantly updated throughout the lifetime.
The PIC is based on different sources of information. The wind power plant operator is responsible to prepare
the periodic inspection concept. All relevant information (see Figure 4-1) such as:
— conditions from previous certification phases
— design requirements
— regulatory requirements.
The certification documents of the different certification phases of the project certification shall be available
as they may contain more detailed information on conditions, implemented in the PIC.
The in-service phase includes surveillance activities on a regular basis (periodic monitoring) during their
operational lifetime. All assets of the entire wind power plant should be inspected at least once during a fiveyear period.
Guidance note:
It is recommended to make more frequent inspections at the beginning of the first five years period. For example for the
submerged structures to inspect the scour and marine growth development. Towards the end of the operational lifetime it's
recommended as well to increase the inspection frequency due to potential higher risk of component non-conformities.
Inspection intervals for subsequent inspections should be modified based on findings. The determination of
the quantity of wind turbines subject to inspection for in-service/periodic monitoring shall be agreed before
inspection on a project specific situation. Where the inspections are carried out by acknowledged in-service
inspectors other than of DNV, DNV shall witness such inspections on spot check basis.
The inspector performs the inspections and documents the results. In a second step all findings from those
inspections shall be summarized. The summary report shall contain the verification of findings against the
acceptance criteria. Both summary report and detailed inspection reports shall be forwarded to DNV for
assessment of compliance with the PIC.
Once the evaluation of the in-service or periodic monitoring has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue
a certification report and a statement of compliance for in-service, listing the assets subject to evaluation.
Regarding validity of the project certificate, see [1.7.6].
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4.2 In-service surveillance
The scope of work shall be based on the project-specific PIC that identifies the inspection activities required,
the related acceptance criteria, the inspection intervals, and the reporting requirements. The inspection
interval shall depend on the knowledge builtup during the previous phases of the certification process. The
first surveillance after commissioning shall usually take place after one year.
The in-service surveillance consists of a document review and inspections. The document review shall include
as a minimum:
review of
review of
review of
of findings from the previous inspections
revised procedures
maintenance documentation
maintenance history in the file or any digital registration.
The inspection shall be performed in compliance with the PIC and shall include as a minimum:
— follow-up of findings from the previous inspections and results from document review
— verification that installed components are still in compliance with certification requirements
— verification that repair and maintenance is performed according to approved program.
The maintenance, repair and inspection program shall be updated as required based on findings and
deviations. Any update of the PIC including the individual inspection checklist shall be subject to DNV
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Figure 4-1 Overview in-service/periodic monitoring
4.3.1 General
The sections above apply, see [4.1] and [4.2]. In addition, see DNV-ST-0126.
The wind turbine manuals, and in-service/periodic monitoring plans certified as part of the type certification,
shall be included, see [1.7.5], Figure 1-11 and processed as part of the design phase. The in-service plan
required during the design phase [] shall be taken into consideration. Modifications of the manuals,
due to the prevailing site conditions, shall be explicitly mentioned.
4.3.2 Rotor-nacelle assembly and structures above water
Periodic monitoring of a number of wind turbines is required in order to verify compliance with the approved
design. The surveillance shall comprise relevant systems of the wind turbines’ installations such as:
rotor including blades and hub assembly
mechanical transmission including gearboxes
nacelle structure and connections
generators, converters and transformers
control and protection systems
condition monitoring system
electrical systems
lifting applications
personnel safety installations
structures (e.g. tower, transition piece, monopile/jacket above water).
The inspection of the systems listed above shall focus on the following items:
condition of corrosion protection
fatigue cracks
dents and deformation(s)
bolt pre-tension
status on outstanding points of the previous surveillance
settings and parameters used by the control system
cooling media for transformer and generator if applicable
lubrication where applicable
test of the control and protection system (witness tests carried out by the operator)
review of maintenance protocols.
4.3.3 Submerged structures
The structures below water shall be subject to periodic monitoring in order to verify compliance with
approved design.
The surveillance shall comprise relevant systems of the wind turbines' installations such as:
structures below water including foundation
boat landings (ladders and fenders)
corrosion protection systems
scour protection system.
The inspection of the systems listed above shall focus on the following items:
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4.3 Wind turbines
marine growth
cracks and deformations
bolt pretension
status of findings of the previous inspections.
Before the inspection the structure shall be cleaned if required to allow proper inspection.
4.4 Substation
4.4.1 General
The sections [4.1] and [4.2] apply. In addition, see DNV-ST-0145.
In general, the in-service plan required during the design phase [] shall be taken into consideration.
Components recommended for consideration during in-service surveillance of the substation and its support
structures, equipment and cables are given in the following subsections.
4.4.2 Topside and structures above water
Periodic surveillance of the substation and the part of its support structure above water is required in order to
verify compliance with the approved design. The surveillance shall cover as a minimum:
steel structure of topside and support structures
fire-fighting equipment and systems by visual inspection and test
life-saving appliances by visual inspection and test
electrical systems such as generators, converters, and transformers, switchgears, auxiliary power systems
and emergency power generation systems
control and protection systems
lifting applications
personnel safety installations
Helideck and/or winching platforms
selected systems and components by general inspection and test.
The surveillance of the systems listed above shall focus on relevant items as further detailed in DNV-ST-0145
4.4.3 Submerged structures
The structures below water shall be subject to periodic surveillance in order to verify compliance with the
approved design.
The surveillance of the submerged structures shall focus on relevant items as further detailed in DNVST-0145 Sec.11.
4.5 Power cables
DNV-ST-0359 shall be applied and requirements stipulated therein shall be fulfilled for certification.
4.6 Control station
The in-service or periodic monitoring as described in [4.1] and [4.2] shall be preferably coordinated by the
maintenance manager, see [3.4.3], considering following items for the wind power plant.
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coordination of periodic monitoring of wind turbines
coordination of periodic monitoring of substation
coordination of periodic monitoring of power cables
scheduling of periodic monitoring.
For asset management the ISO 55000 series may be applied, see [2.3.6].
4.7 Certification of modifications
Assets subject to modifications during in-service shall be certified according to this specification.
In general, modifications as repair or component replacement made to an originally certified wind power
plant or its components shall be evaluated regarding its design and implementation. Depending on the extent
of modification and its influence the respective certification phase according to Sec.2 and Sec.3 should be
Typically the certification of modifications should be based on documentation of the previous certification.
A comparison of the modification with previous design and processes shall be prepared and the influence
on safety and integrity be determined. Manufacturing, transport and installation procedures relevant for the
components subject to modification shall be considered.
On-site replacement shall be witnessed by a qualified DNV expert if implementation compliance with the
revised documents shall be evaluated and confirmed.
Once the evaluation of the modification has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for modifications, listing the assets or component subject to evaluation.
4.8 Condition based evaluation
It may be required to evaluate the condition of a wind power plant being in operation and not having been
subject to in-service certification since commissioning as described in [4.1] and [4.2].
The purpose of a condition based evaluation is to determine the current technical condition of the wind power
plant, identify initial damages and mitigate risk of damages due to early detections.
Typically the complete wind turbine is subject to inspection by a qualified DNV expert. Before inspection,
preparation is based on documents such as operation and maintenance manual, maintenance, repair and
replacement records and requirements from certifications and building permits, see [4.1]. The inspection
shall be performed following [4.2] and subsequent asset related sections as far as applicable.
Other wind power plant assets or its components are subject to evaluation based on agreement.
Once the condition-based evaluation has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification report
and a statement of compliance for condition-based evaluation, listing the assets or component subject to
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5.1 General
Wind turbines and their support structure) are designed for a specified lifetime. Usually a design lifetime of
20 years is taken as the basis for the design.
If a wind turbine or wind power plant shall be operated beyond its design lifetime (see Figure 5-1), the
turbine/wind power plant shall be assessed with regard to its potential for lifetime extension.
Different approaches may be taken to provide the necessary evaluation.
Figure 5-1 Definition of lifetimes
Once the evaluation of the lifetime extension has been successfully completed, DNV will issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for lifetime extension, listing the assets subject to evaluation.
5.2 Wind turbines
Certification requirements regarding lifetime extension of wind turbines may be found in DNV-SE-0263.
Technical requirements for extending the lifetime of wind turbines are defined in DNV-ST-0262.
5.3 Substation
For substations the principals stipulated in the documents listed under [5.2] may be taken as a basis for the
evaluation of the extension of the original design lifetime.
5.4 Power cables
For power cables the subject of lifetime extension is addressed in CIGRÉ TB 279, chapter 8.
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6.1 General
The certification of decommissioning and subsequent deconstruction and transport of the wind power plant/
its parts is an optional module. The removal of the wind power plants hardware including all assets and
equipment from site (i.e. deconstruction and transport) may be enforced by law or may be carried out for
economic or reputation reasons.
The degree of deconstruction shall be defined in the beginning. It may vary from partial to complete removal
of power plant components or even to an extensive restoration of the original site state (including sub sea
floor). Local laws may prescribe this very stringently.
The decommissioning manual shall document at least the following:
— methodology and description of all working steps of the decommissioning of all the wind power plant
— estimation of the duration of the decommissioning including possible waiting time
— requirements for transportation.
The concept of the decommission and deconstruction should be developed before construction of the wind
power plant.
The detailed decommission and deconstruction manuals shall be developed at latest during operation and
adapted continuously where necessary to meet the real conditions and circumstances of the power plant and
its environment.
The following steps shall be certified:
decommission and deconstruction concept
For all steps, the general concept as well as the manual shall be reviewed. Additionally, there is an exemplary
witnessing on site for the steps two to four.
Concepts and manuals shall describe the methodology of the work to be performed in a traceable and
plausible way. A time schedule for each major step, with a view to the seasonal weather conditions, shall
be included. The steps may be similar to the ones of the construction phases transport, installation and
commissioning, just in a reverted order.
All works shall be planned with a view on minimizing risks for personnel and the environment. The concepts
shall contain the relevant risk scenario analyses. A possible loss of certain components and their eventual
recovery shall be treated in a conceptual way.
In case of deviations of the real actions on site from the manual, DNV shall be contacted immediately; the
deviations shall be documented and submitted for assessment.
For decommissioning of power cables DNV-RP-0360 shall be applied.
The results of the decommissioning concept evaluation (see above step 1) will be documented by a
certification report and a statement of compliance. The certification may be continued on this basis until final
decommissioning (see above steps 2 to 4).
Once the evaluation of the decommissioning has been successfully completed, DNV GL shall issue a
certification report and a statement of compliance for decommissioning, listing the assets subject to
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7.1 General
Repowering means the substitution of existing wind turbines or assets (partially or completely) with new
ones at the same site. The substitution of major components may also be meant as repowering. Usually, the
reason for repowering is to increase the energy output on a given area. Compared to a completely new site,
an existing one has generally lower barriers for obtaining a (re-)building permission, may have higher mean
wind speeds, better logistics and grid availability.
More modern and bigger wind turbines usually have a larger hub height, earning energy in a larger air
volume with higher wind speeds on the same area. Due to more advanced turbines, transformers and control
technology, the new power plant has a higher mean power, may be better integrated into the grid and has
lower lifecycle costs, benefitting from the wind turbine operating experiences in the past.
After at least 10 years of continuous operation, there may be much more precise environmental data
available for the site than in the original design phase. These may be used to design the wind power plant in
a way that it fits exactly to this special site.
The certification process is similar to that for new wind power plants.
For some certification phases, there are differences to the handling of a power plant on a new site. For
— design basis
all environmental data (i.e. soil, wind, wave, currents, scour) shall be completely updated and diligently
compared to formerly available data.
— design
environmental conditions may have had an impact on the operation and/or maintenance of the old
turbines, e.g. dust, sun radiation, salt, local grid characteristics. This shall be taken into account for the
components of the new wind power plant to achieve lower lifecycle costs.
For gravity based foundations, the soil may be consolidated for the loads of the old wind power plant,
giving better parameters for a new gravity based foundation newly erected at the same location.
The re-powering certification may be even more cost efficient, if the repowering is carried out based on a
former DNV certified project. In this case information and documents from the previous certification may be
used to increase synergies. Permissions required shall be provided to DNV.
Once the evaluation of the repowering has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for repowering, listing the assets subject to evaluation. Depending
on the scope of the repowering a certification of the new power plant as described in [2.3] to [3.4] may be
7.2 Wind turbines
Repowering may show the following options:
Exchange of turbines on each single site, using the old substructures for the new wind turbines.
New, larger turbines have higher rated powers, but the substructure may be designed for ultimate loads
of equal size due to updated environmental data and better turbine control systems.
The fatigue damage for a given wind scenario is much less influenced by new controllers, but an analysis
of the damage accumulated so far may show enough reserves for a second life of the substructure.
If the confidence in the analysis of past damages is not high enough, the substructure may still be used
for new turbines on basis of the observational method. An already existing substructure may profit
from 10 years or 20 years of periodic monitoring. All structural faults due to low quality and low cycle
fatigue have by than shown up, leaving only the pure fatigue damages as unknown factor. The required
monitoring (and repair) concept shall take a lower number of probable failure modes into account than
required for a fully new design at an unknown site, see Sec.5.
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Exchange of turbines on the same single sites, using new substructures.
The original geotechnical data may be used (and re-interpreted, e.g. by large scale tests), saving a new
geotechnical campaign.
New wind power plant layout, i.e. new turbines on new individual sites.
For turbine and sub-structure detailed design, this may be treated as a new power plant. The old
components may shall be removed, please refer to Sec.6.
As the cost for the substructure comprises a substantial part of the total building investment, option 1 is
financially most attractive, but also the most demanding one from an engineering point of view. Its key
aspect is the environmental and structural damage data acquisition over the operational life of the old wind
power plant on which the evaluation of the fatigue damages is based. A relevant instrumentation of new wind
power plants with a view to a later repowering may be worthwhile.
7.3 Substation
If the power output of the wind power plant increases, the required transforming power of the substation
increases. Two main options are seen:
The support structure of the substation remains unchanged, while the transformers and others systems
are partially or completely exchanged. Minor changes to the support structure are possible, as long as no
main load carrying members are affected.
The substation is designed and erected completely new. The old components shall be removed, see
Option 1 requires a re-calculation of the substructure, based on updated loads. As the fatigue action on
substructures is relatively low and as the new extreme and fatigue design loads may be lower than the old
ones, this may be successful. The whole procedure may be based on that for the wind turbines (see Sec.5),
but under less stringent boundary conditions.
Further options such as an additional substation to an existing one may be possible.
7.4 Power cables
A higher power output also means higher cable loads. In most cases, the existing cables may be
completely exchanged. As for the other components, the design of the new components may benefit by the
environmental data accumulated during the operation of the existing power plant.
Further options such as an additional power cable to an existing one may be possible.
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8.1 General
This section provides a description of typical wind power plant related services and systems. These may be
certified on an optional basis as part of the above described asset related project certification or be provided
as stand-alone. These optional services are available on request, based on the individual needs. In case of a
certification of the wind power plant as a whole these systems should be part of the wind power plant project
certification as long as the topic is applicable to the site and configuration of the power plant.
Further topics not specifically addressed in this service specification or only partly by the referenced
standards are:
submarine warning devices
SCADA systems
wind power plant access (procedures, instructions)
ice warning and protection systems
air and ship traffic.
These items would not exclusively relate to one of the assets, but may be relevant for the power plant
operation and maintenance. Thus these items may be part of the above described certification process,
if contractually agreed. The subjects require an early consideration in the wind power plant planning.
Therefore, they should be taken into account within the work for the above mentioned design basis of the
wind power plant and all subsequent certification phases, see [2.3].
In case the SCADA system shall not be considered as part of the certification of the wind power plant, the
relevant chapters of the manuals shall not be verified by DNV. A later certification may be only partly or not
possible at all.
In case the SCADA system is part of the certification, it shall be considered throughout the different
certification phases from design basis certification phase to in-service for the assets wind turbines,
substation, power cables and control station.
8.2 Site-specific type certification
The project certification or parts of it are always project related, thus for a specific project intention and
therefore linked to a defined site.
In general the adaptation and implementation of an existing type of turbine into a project is part of the
project certification and described in this service specification above. The existing type certificate is taken as
the basis.
Guidance note:
This work is typically done in collaboration between the project developer and the wind turbine manufacturer.
Alternatively it is possible to perform a site level certification according DNV-SE-0441 [2.8].
The site level certification is introduced to be prepared for project certification of offshore and onshore
projects. The site level certification aims at minimising the efforts in project certification for the turbine
manufacturer. In this case the implementation of an existing type of turbine into the project is facilitated. The
site-specific type should already consider the project specific needs the wind turbine shall comply with. In
the project certification the implementation of such a site-specific type certification shall then be limited to
checking that all current requirements of the project are being met.
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Statement of compliance
Statement of compliance
Statement of compliance
Site-specific loads
A-test +
A-manufacturing +
Tower design
Noise emission
Foundation design
Power performance
according to inspection
Final deliverable
Type certificate
Electrical characteristics
8.3 Site suitability of wind turbines
8.3.1 General
In particular for smaller onshore wind power plants, the objective to ensure a safe and cost-efficient
operation may in many cases not be achieved by performing a full project certification according to Sec.2 to
Sec.4 of this service specification. Instead for such projects the assets substation, power cables and control
station may not be subject to certification and the focus may be put on an independent verification of the site
suitability of the RNA and the site-specific support structures and other site-specific design modifications.
This service specification describes two typical scope services for the assessment of site suitability (sitespecific design assessment/SSDA and site-specific load assessment/SSLA) as well as a flexible scope service
(site-specific assessment/SSA). Table 8-2 summarizes the scope of each service.
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Table 8-1 Site-specific type certification according to DNV-SE-0441
Site-specific design
assessment (SSDA)
Site-specific load
assessment (SSLA)
Statement for
design evaluation
or type certificate
Statement for
design evaluation
or type certificate
RNA and support structure information
Wind conditions
Wind farm influence (site description/layout) /
wake analysis (highest loaded WT)
Site complexity analysis
Other environmental conditions
Operating conditions
Site-specific extreme loads
Site-specific fatigue loads
Site-specific seismic loads (extreme loads)
Design loads exceedance (e.g. stress reserve,
operation and maintenance plan)
Scope name / content
Basis for evaluation
- X (SSA)
Geotechnical conditions
Seismic site conditions
Electrical site conditions
Flexible scope, to be
defined by customer.
A scope table will
be included in the
statement annex.
Geotechnical design
Site-specific design of the rotor-nacelle
Site-specific modifications of the control and
protection system
Site-specific design of the tower
Site-specific design of the foundation
Site-specific corrosion protection system(s)
Site-specific manufacturing plan,
transportation and installation plan
Grid code compliance
— m: mandatory elements which are a mandatory part of the scope of assessment
— a: applicable elements which become mandatory part of the scope of assessment, if applicable at site (e.g. stress
reserve, if site loads are higher than design loads, design changes compared to certified design)
— i: information elements which shall be documented by the customer and are used as input for the service, but for
which no assessment should be performed unless explicitly requested
— blank elements which neither shall be documented nor assessed by default.
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Table 8-2 Site suitability service options
In case the project specific design lifetime of the asset wind turbine exceeds the design lifetime the wind
turbine is type certified for, both the fatigue limit state of the turbines structural components and the
functional performance of the asset wind turbine shall be evaluated for the extended design lifetime.
Relevant aspects are e.g. deterioration of material properties due to ageing, permanent deformations due
to creep, wear or increased internal play as well as exceeding of fatigue load levels reached during blade
testing. Maintenance manuals shall cover the entire project specific turbine design lifetime.
The site suitability service options described may be applied to offshore wind turbines as well.
Guidance note:
The SSDA is commonly used as stand-alone service for onshore wind power plants. Anyway, the SSDA service is applicable to
offshore wind turbines, too. For offshore wind turbines, the SSDA is typically used by the wind turbine manufacturer to prove
suitability of the type certified wind turbine for a specific site. By obtaining an SSDA for the wind turbine, the manufacturer eases
the implementation of the asset into the project of a wind power plant developer.
8.3.2 Site-specific design assessment (SSDA)
The site-specific design assessment (SSDA) covers relevant aspects of the design for a defined wind turbine
variant considering the site conditions and wind farm layout.
The scope of certification mandatorily includes wind farm influence (wake effect and highest loaded turbine),
site complexity analysis, fatigue and extreme loads. If a highest-loaded turbine cannot be determined,
several load simulations are required to determine the site-specific design loads.
In case design loads are exceeded a justification and if relevant the assessment of additional documents
become mandatory part of the scope of certification. Amendments to the operation and maintenance plan
related to structural integrity and safety should be considered.
In case any site-specific design modifications have been performed (e.g. of the RNA, control and protection
system, tower or operating and maintenance plan), they become mandatory parts of the scope of
For all unmodified components (RNA and tower if included in TC/DE), for which design loads are not
exceeded, this needs to be demonstrated by a comparison of site-specific loads with the design loads.
All mandatory scope elements listed in Table 8-2 shall be evaluated for the SSDA. Basis for the SSDA is
typically a statement of compliance for design evaluation or a type certificate according to DNV-SE-0441
or other certification schemes. The SSDA results in a certification report and a statement of compliance,
confirming that the design of the turbine is suitable for the site conditions and wind farm layout.
8.3.3 Site-specific load assessment (SSLA)
The site-specific load assessment (SSLA) covers relevant aspects of the loads for a defined turbine variant
considering the site conditions.
The scope of certification is limited to and mandatorily includes fatigue and extreme loads. Site conditions,
wind farm influence, comparison of loads with the design loads, design changes, site-specific tower designs,
etc. are not within the scope.
All mandatory scope elements listed in Table 8-2 shall be evaluated for the SSLA. Basis for the SSLA is
typically a statement of compliance for design evaluation or a type certificate according to DNV-SE-0441
or other certification schemes. The SSLA results in a certification report and a statement of compliance,
confirming that the site-specific loads have been calculated in compliance with the requirements of DNVST-0437 or other relevant standards.
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Assessment of all scope elements, which are not mandatory (i or blank in the table) may be performed as
optional assessment in each service. Assessment of an optional element shall be mentioned in the report and
The site-specific assessment for selected topics (SSA) covers selected scope elements. The scope elements
shall be agreed in advanced with reference to the Table 8-2 and shall be evaluated for the SSA. Assessment
of at least one of the scope elements is mandatory. Further scope elements may be relevant to be covered,
depending on the project needs.
The SSA results in a certification report and a statement of compliance. These documents shall list the scope
elements covered and interfaces to clearly define the scope. For the scope elements, it shall be stated, if an
element has been
— verified by DNV (verified)
— not verified by DNV (not verified)
— was found to be not relevant for a specific site/project (not relevant).
8.4 Meteorological masts
A meteorological (met) mast located close to the wind power plant may be certified. The met mast structure
shall be certified against DNV-ST-0126 and equipment and instrumentation against IEC61400-12-1. This
shall ensure that the set of requirements laid down in the standards are met during design and construction,
and maintained during operation of the met mast. In addition this shall ensure that the stakeholders shall get
a reliable structural design and reliable wind (and wave) measurement for the wind power plant throughout
the service life of the met mast.
For the project certification the met mast is divided in two parts comprising:
— met mast structure, and
— equipment and instrumentation.
More information may be found in DNV-SE-0420, where all relevant information may be found for off- and
onshore met mast certification as well as how to maintain the certificate by periodic maintenance during the
service life of the met mast.
8.5 Navigation and aviation aids of offshore plants
The assessment of the navigation and aviation aids (see Figure 8-1) of offshore plants is an optional service
recommended by DNV and even mandatory in some countries (e.g. Germany) in addition to the regular
project certification. This service aims at increasing the safety of sea and air traffic within and close by the
offshore plant and is divided into three steps:
assessment of navigation and aviation aids concept
periodic inspections.
In a first step, DNV assesses the navigation and aviation aids concept, which describes the planned actions
with regards to the four most important aspects of a marking concept:
day marker or aids
night aids
The second step is the commissioning of the four aspects listed above, which shall assure that all aspects are
realised as planned in the concept and that the operation of the system is verified by DNV GL. The periodic
inspections are the third step and shall assure the functionality and the proper conditions of all installations
with regard to the navigation and aviation aids. If project certification and the assessment of the navigation
and aviation aids are both performed by DNV, synergies during manufacturing, commissioning and operation
and maintenance may be used.
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8.3.4 Site-specific assessment (SSA)
Figure 8-1 Overview of the navigation and aviation aids
For more information, see DNV-SE-0176.
8.6 Power plant performance
8.6.1 General
Optionally the project characteristics measurements may be performed for the specific wind power plant. The
measurements comprise one or more of the following items:
— grid connection compatibility according to grid codes, see [8.6.3]
— evaluation of power performance
— evaluation of acoustic noise emission.
The electrical performance of the substation connected to the wind power plant and grid may be reviewed by
analysing the:
wind power plant electrical layout
active and reactive power flows
influence on the existing electrical power grid (harmonics, flickers, lines overload, compensation)
critical details.
The applicant may select the assessment of power quality measurements. In this case the measurements
shall be compliant to IEC 61400-21, IEC 61400-21-1 and corresponding grid codes.
DNV shall evaluate the test reports. [8.6.3] provides further guidance with respect to the application of grid
codes and fulfilment of compliance.
Furthermore the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the wind turbines may be evaluated according to
In general, see [1.7.8] regarding the reporting of measurements and the testing laboratories.
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The scope of work for the assessment of the navigation and aviation aids of offshore plants may be agreed
with DNV.
8.6.2 Power performance
The wind turbine power curve is typically determined for commercial turbines. The planning of the wind
power plant and the estimation of the total wind power production are based on such single turbine power
performance curves. The wind power plant consists of many wind turbines with a certain positioning. Thus a
power plant performance curve may be useful to predict the power plant output more adequately for a given
wind forecast.
The definitions in IEC 61400-26-1 may be considered to report availability and other performance indicators
of wind power plants. ISO/IEC 13273-1, ISO/IEC 13273-2 and IEEE 762 may be considered in addition.
Power performance of wind turbines shall be verified according to IEC 61400-12-1 and IEC 61400-12-2.
The power performance of the plant may be determined by load flow calculation considering for example the
electrical losses due to the power plant layout.
The evaluation of a wind power plant performance and availability may be offered on an individual basis.
8.6.3 Power plant grid code compliance
The grid code compliance (GCC) service should be a part of the project certification or as separate prove.
This sub-section deals with the certification of the grid code compliance of the power plant and possible
ancillary services to be offered to the transmission or distribution system operator (e.g. reactive power
capability or voltage control). It is a two-stage certification procedure, see Figure 8-2. The first stage covers
the assessment of the corresponding capability of a wind turbine type which shall be installed in the power
plant under certification. In the second stage the grid code compliance assessment of the power plant under
consideration of the site-specific information and requirements shall be performed.
DNV-ST-0125 and DNV-SE-0124 offer different assessment levels (GCC-class) for the above mentioned
stages resulting in different kinds of certificates. For the project level the minimum GCC-Class is II. DNV GL
recommends GCC-Class I. Applying DNV-SE-0124 only, alternative ways to certify parts are possible.
Figure 8-2 Project certification of GCC, DNV-SE-0124
8.7 Shop approval
DNV recommends performing shop approvals at wind turbine component or other asset component suppliers.
This includes for example various workshops for rotor blades, rotor blade repairs, steel support structures,
foundations, grouting material as well as mechanical components.
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Once the evaluation of the power plant performance has been successfully completed, DNV GL shall issue a
certification report and statement of compliance for wind power plant performance.
The DNV shop approval is independent of component, type- or project certification and always specific for
the respective workshop. It consists of the two elements 'general document review' and 'on-site inspection',
see Figure 8-3. The general document review includes evaluation of the general quality documentation, e.g.
specification for manufacturing purposes. Furthermore, a validity check of equipment being used, abilities as
well as skills of staff, is covered by this service. Within the on-site inspection the evaluation of workshop with
related manufacturing and quality processes is included.
During component and type certification the general document review as part of the manufacturing
certification may be omitted if a workshop holds a shop approval, see Figure 8-3. However, the scope of
specific document review shall be agreed with DNV. For type certification a design specific audit as part of the
manufacturing certification shall be carried out. If a workshop holds a shop approval the scope of the audit
may be reduced in agreement with DNV.
During project certification the general document review as part of manufacturing surveillance and the initial
audit may be omitted (see [3.2.1]) if a workshop holds a shop approval, see Figure 8-3. However, the scope
of the specific document review shall be agreed with DNV. The scope of regular inspection may be reduced in
agreement with DNV.
There is already a risk reduction through the on-site inspection before or at an early stage of project start.
The DNV service specification for shop approval services (see DNV-SE-0436) offers guidance for wind turbine
component suppliers.
Figure 8-3 Benefit and interaction concept of DNV shop approval for different certification
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DNV certifies by this service that a workshop operates with approved production facilities, working
procedures and qualified staff. DNV assesses the ability to manufacture wind turbine components in
compliance with international standards and guidelines or acknowledged methods.
Requirements of DNV-ST-0145 regarding helicopter decks shall be observed.
Once the evaluation of the helicopter deck has been successfully completed, DNV will issue a certification
report and a statement of compliance for helicopter deck.
Guidance note:
The review scope of DNV may be limited due to local regulations which may require involvement of aviation expert for review
and approval of specific aspects such as marking, lighting, flight operations or similar. Therefore, the DNV certification scope for
helideck should be agreed case-by-case.
8.9 Health, safety and environment
For personnel health and safety related to the wind power plant and its operation, compliance with local
health and safety legislation shall be considered.
In the design of the wind turbine, investigations concerning aspects of occupational health and safety may be
taken into account through compliance with the standard EN 50308 and/or IEC TS 61400-30 in addition to
offshore related standards and guidelines. Compliance checks with national requirements regarding health,
safety and environment (HSE) may be performed.
The assessment according to this section may optionally be extended by the conformity assessment of
occupational health and safety of personnel aspects according to European or local laws, standard EN 50308
and/or IEC TS 61400-30.
Compliance should also be checked with respect to standards such as the series of the global wind
organisation (GWO) standard basic safety training.
For the certification of offshore gangways for transfer of personnel DNV-ST-0358 should be applied.
Once the evaluation of the personnel health and safety has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a
certification report and a statement of compliance for personnel health and safety.
For personnel health and safety related to the wind power plant and its operation, compliance with local
health and safety legislation shall be given.
The importance of a functioning HSE system managing the risks is important. Not only is it expected to keep
harm away from employees and sub-contractors, but every HSE incident is connected to loss of reputation/
image, loss of knowledge, loss of equipment and loss of time. HSE is therefore an important part within the
renewable energy industry, not always addressed in detail by standards focusing on technical availability and
reliability of products.
In the design of the wind turbine, investigations concerning aspects of occupational health and safety may be
taken into account through compliance with the standard EN 50308 and/or IEC TS 61400-30 in addition to
offshore related standards and guidelines.
The assessment according to this section may optionally be extended by the conformity assessment of
occupational health and safety of personnel aspects according to European or local laws, standard EN 50308
and/or IEC TS 61400-30.
In most projects several company departments, and mostly different companies are involved. While each
company today most likely operates an HSE management system according to SCC/SCP, ISO 45001
supported by training described in standards of agencies for safety and health at work such as DGUV, HSE
(health and safety executive, UK), OSHA, OPITO, G+ and GWO. The coverage of interfaces between the
work packages of these companies remains an issue. DNV therefore offers to provide additional services by
evaluating the HSE Management within a specific project as well as certification of training systems according
to various standards. All the following evaluations are optional and shall provide a third party opinion on the
HSE management within the project, especially focusing on interfaces and the overall HSE approach in the
project. None of the services is intended to replace the management system certification, but to ensure a
working HSE approach within a single project, potentially combining multiple systems.
The assessment shall cover the following topics to the extend applicable in the project:
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8.8 Helicopter decks
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Review of qualification
— project members are qualified by education
— project members are qualified by suitable previous work experience
— project members are qualified by experience in the renewable industry.
Review of trainings
— suitable trainings to gain industry knowledge are provided
— suitable trainings to enable the employee to work safely are provided.
Medical examination
— a definition of medical examination as result of risk assessment is in place
— medical examinations are performed prior to work and on a regular basis.
— clear responsibility is given within the project
— responsible persons are assigned on each side and for each work package
— supervision of sub-contractors is ensured.
— ways to communicate (potential) issues are available for all parties
— consistent follow-up of raised issues within the project
— clarification that stopping a task if in doubt is possible for every person on site.
Legal requirements
— legal requirements are analyzed within the project
— legal requirements are communicated to all responsible persons, including sub-contractors.
Risk assessment
the boundary definition of the risk assessment matches the project definition
the risk assessment covers all locations
the risk assessment covers all tasks including interfaces between work steps and contractors
the risk assessment covers all persons, including but not limited to employees, sub-contractors,
visitors, etc.
— tasks are handled with appropriate, maintained and approved equipment
— PPE is available for each person as required for the intended task.
Emergency plans
regular training & communication is ensured
emergency plans are established for rare events
emergency plans of sub-contractors are in place
emergency situations are sampled on a regular basis and results are considered to improve the
Once the evaluation of the personnel health and safety has been successfully completed, DNV shall issue a
certification report.
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8.10.1 General
Within the project certification of onshore or offshore wind power plants according to this service
specification, there may be occasions when it is intended to integrate an existing wind turbine type certificate
or a component certificate of the rotor-nacelle assembly. Possibilities for this are described in this subsection.
It shall be considered that the integration of any type certificate shall be agreed with DNV in advance for
each individual project as neither all possible options may be foreseen nor are shown within this service
As a project certificate attests compliance to a certain standard, it shall be ensured that the type and other
certificates to be used support this. Ideally, the type or component certificate is in compliance with the same
standard series applied for project certification. If this is not the case, additional items shall be assessed
within the project certification procedure. In general it is possible to integrate a type certificate or component
certificate issued in accordance with DNV-SE-0441 or IECRE OD-501.
The integration of the type certificates or statements of compliance in the project certification shall be
reported in the final certification report of the respective certification phase and accordingly in the project
In general for the integration of an existing type certificate or rotor-nacelle assembly component certificate,
the following documents shall be provided to DNV:
— type certificate or component certificate and all corresponding statements of compliance
— certification reports related to the statements of compliance for the type or component certificate
— further documentation needed e.g. for manufacturing or transport and installation surveillance, manuals,
grid connection parameters relevant for project certification.
Depending on the standard applied, additional requirements as listed in the following sections may apply.
8.10.2 Type certificate according to same edition of standard
The site-specific adaptations of the wind turbine type are considered within project certification as follows:
— evaluation of the site-specific loads shall be performed
— a comparison of the site-specific loads with those analysed for the design assessment for the type
certificate shall be provided by the manufacturer
— the evaluation of the site-specific turbine adaptations in comparison with the formerly certified turbine
shall be performed, if necessary
— the evaluation of the site-specific foundation or support structure shall be performed by DNV separately
— further documentation needed is e.g. for manufacturing, transportation and installation surveillance,
manuals, grid connection parameters relevant for project certification.
8.10.3 Onshore type certificate in offshore project certification
An onshore type certificate in an offshore project certification or vice versa requires additional actions.
In the event that a DNV type certificate based on the DNV service specification DNV-SE-0074 for the onshore
version of the turbine is available this may be used for offshore project certification. The adaptation shall be
agreed in advance for every project individually.
For fixed offshore wind turbines the steps listed below shall be considered.
The wind turbine (rotor-nacelle assembly) in question may need to be modified to comply with the
offshore environment and the changed operation and maintenance requirements. All modifications made
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8.10 Integration of certificates
— atmospheric control and corrosion protection of the machinery
— if the type certified tower shall be included a corrosion protection according to offshore requirements
shall be applied
— for structures in the splash zone material shall be selected according to offshore guidelines
— safety system remote control options
— requirements regarding offshore grid connection and electrical equipment
— adaptation of machinery materials (e.g. elastomers) and auxiliary materials (e.g. lubricants) to the
offshore conditions
— adaptation of fastenings, pad eyes etc. to the requirements of marine operations
— adaptation of manuals for transport, installation, operation and maintenance to the offshore
environment and the requirements of the offshore guidelines
— document explaining why onshore type testing is acceptable for the offshore version of the turbine.
DNV verifies whether the type certificate fulfils the requirements of the offshore application. Outstanding
issues and questions arising during this evaluation shall be resolved. After evaluation DNV issues
certification reports for the above mentioned topics.
Site-specific adaptations of the wind turbine are considered within the site-specific design evaluation
and subsequent manufacturing, transportation and installation surveillance performed during project
— within the project certification an evaluation of the site-specific loads shall be performed
— a comparison of the site-specific loads with those used in the design assessment for the type
certification shall be provided by the manufacturer
— the evaluation of the site-specific support structure is performed by DNV separately. The support
structure includes the substructure, the foundation and, if not considered within the type certification,
the tower as shown in Figure 1-4.
8.10.4 Offshore type certificate in onshore project certification
In general the items listed in [8.10.3] shall be considered accordingly for the inclusion of an offshore type
certified wind turbine in an onshore wind power plant. The adaptation shall be agreed in advance for every
project individually.
8.10.5 Type certificates according to former editions of standards
In case the type certificate is based on standards earlier than the valid editions, an upgrade of the type
certificate is required. In general the type certificate shall be valid on the date of issue of the statement of
compliance for the design phase and the project certificate.
8.10.6 Type certificate or component certificate according to a standard
other than DNV
If the type certification or component certification is performed in accordance with standards other than DNV,
additional actions shall be taken to achieve acceptance.
If the wind turbine manufacturer holds a type certificate or component certificate according to a standard
other than DNV the documents listed in [8.10.1] and [8.10.2] of this service specification shall be supplied.
In addition the documents of the certification phase design basis shall be submitted. They shall give a
clear understanding of the design basis and show which standards and codes were used during the type or
component certification process and under which conditions they were applied. These documents shall list all
standards and codes applied and shall be given for all main components.
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shall be reported by the manufacturer in a separate, consistent report. Special attention shall be paid
e.g. to the following issues:
DNV shall analyse these documents and decide which parts of the type or component certificate shall be
acceptable and which parts shall be amended. This evaluation is done with a view on fulfilment in principle
of the governing standard in question and a special view on the project certification process according to this
service specification, and does not include any evaluation of strength calculation(s).
Further documentation, if found necessary for the project certification (e.g. manuals, grid connection
parameters) may be requested.
After assessment of the relevant documentation (including possible strength calculations) and under
consideration of the information provided by the type or component certificate issuing certification body, DNV
shall inform the project certification applicant regarding the acceptance of the type or component certificate
and of any conditions or additional evaluations which may be needed to integrate the type or component
certificate in the project certificate.
8.10.7 Acceptance of certificates not issued by DNV
The acceptance of wind turbine type certificates and rotor-nacelle assembly component certificates
originating from certification bodies other than DNV shall be agreed in advance for every project individually.
Following minimum requirements apply:
— the type or component certificate shall be issued by a certification body holding an accreditation according
to ISO/IEC 17065 for the relevant standards. Copies of the accreditation document including amendments
listing the scope and standards shall be provided
— for IECRE OD-501 the type or component certificate shall be issued by a IECRE RECB. A copy of the
acceptance document including amendments listing the scope and standards shall be provided
— escrow agreement for the type or component certificate design documentation or written confirmation by
the certification body that all type or component certificate related documentation shall be kept for the
intended life duration of the project, or according to the applied certification scheme
— permission by the manufacturer to contact the type or component certificate issuing certification body and
exchange information regarding the type or component certificate of the turbine or component in question
— clarification meeting with the type or component certificate issuing certification body and type or
component certificate accepting certification body for the project certification, if necessary
— documentation as required for the integration of type or component certificate in project certification.
DNV shall review the documentation provided. The review shall cover as a minimum the following aspects:
is the scope of work within the accredited scope
the scope of work and certification work process
the quality of the technical reporting
if the defined scope of work is completed and concluded
if interfaces to other certification modules are clearly described and the relevant documentation needed is
— if the conditions for validity are understood such that they may be considered in the final project
— if the status of outstanding items and provisions - if any - is clearly described such that these may be
accounted for in the finalization of the project certification.
In general the documentation provided shall not lead to lack of knowledge of the overall integration of
systems, the increase of risk of the certification or fragment the certification process outside of natural
After assessment of the relevant documentation and under consideration of the information provided by the
type certificate issuing certification body DNV shall inform the project certification applicant regarding the
acceptance of the type or component certificate and of any conditions or additional assessments that may be
needed to integrate the type certificate in the project certificate.
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It should be noted that for integration of type or component certificates in offshore project certification the
same requirements as mentioned in [8.10.1] to [8.10.3] shall be considered.
The quantity of certificates and statements to be integrated shall be limited to a feasible number to ensure
the quality of the project certificate to be delivered. DNV shall evaluate the possibilities on an individual basis
for each project.
8.11 Escrow
Wind power plants may only be realised with a large volume of information and a lot of know-how. Escrow
agreements offer a secure and sustainable deposit of sensible data for all stakeholders. DNV acts as an
independent escrow agent. DNV supports developers, manufacturers and its customers regarding the secure
handling and keeping of documentation for renewable energy projects and assets. Regardless of whether
a supplier or end user of products, it is important to protect the know-how and to have reliable access to
business-critical documents in case one or more business partners fail. As an internationally recognized and
independent certification body, we are able to act as an escrow agent on behalf and in the interest of all
contractual parties in order to minimise risks and safeguard knowledge.
The benefits are as follows:
— reliable deposit of important and confidential information
— safeguarding of expertise against plagiarism
— access to business-relevant data in the case of failure of one or more business partner(s).
DNV offers following escrow services:
— escrow agent engagement agreements and product escrow agreements
— closing of product escrow agreements for fixed contract durations
— safekeeping of the complete documentation including regular updates.
The more critical the role of external expertise for companies is, the greater is the importance of security by
8.12 Electrical energy storage systems
The number of wind and solar installations of different scales is increasing globally. Also, their relative share
in the electricity generation mix is increasing. The intermittent nature of these renewable energy sources
poses challenges in terms of electrical grid congestions and voltage and frequency instabilities on different
scales in the power system.
To counter the intermittency or the impact of renewables on the power grid, grid-connected electrical energy
storage (EES) systems are being rapidly developed and deployed. The success of these systems requires
clarity and widespread agreement among stakeholders that joint guidelines and standards are being complied
DNV's certification of grid connected electrical energy storage systems gives the opportunity to certify the
EES systems as a type or within a project, and further details on the certification approach is available on
For certification of EES systems, the DNV Certification of grid connected electrical energy storage systems
gives the opportunity to certify the EES systems as a type or within a project, and is available on demand.
The type certification phase is relevant for mass-produced components used in an energy storage system,
and it includes the following mandatory and optional phases, depending on the component:
— design assessment of the component(s)
— type test result assessment of the component(s)
— assembly inspection of the energy storage system (optional phase).
The project certification phase covers the application of several certified components for a specific energy
storage system project and includes the following mandatory and optional phases:
— conceptual design assessment of the energy storage system (optional phase)
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DNV shall not take responsibility for other certification bodies’ work, which shall be stated in the project
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— system design assessment of the energy storage system and verification of the compatibility with
installation site requirements
— assembly surveillance of the energy storage system
— witnessing of commissioning of the energy storage system.
Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-5 show the type and the project certification scheme respectively.
Figure 8-4 Type Certification of the electrical energy storage system or components
Figure 8-5 Project Certification of the electrical energy storage system assembly
8.13 Wind farm control
Advanced control technology may be applied in wind farms. In this case, the wind farm is considered as a
power plant and during design it is optimized as a whole and run by a wind farm controller. Control features
might include, but are not limited to: downrating, wake redirection by yaw misalignment, wake mitigation
including combinations as well as grid code compliance features. Complex closed-loop processes between
several wind turbines might be presumed, dependent on the varying external conditions.
Statements for site-specific design assessment (SSDA) may be issued applying advanced wind farm control
technology. This may include artificial intelligence type of algorithms. During the SSDA, possibly new or
modified tools for determination of external conditions and simulation of loads are assessed on a desktop
basis. Not all the planned operational limits may be assessed before implementation of the wind farm control.
In this case an SSDA may be issued including a condition for the operation that the assumptions for the
simulation are met in practice onsite. The statement annex shall list the wind farm controller validation status
regarding measurements. The point in time shall be specified when the validation shall be fulfilled.
The onsite implementation and measurements during the first years of operation serves to approve
the validity of the load assumptions including the integrated optimized control approach. In case these
measurements (external conditions, loads, SCADA data, etc.) show that the simulation approach has
provided matching results, the condition for operation is fulfilled and a revised SSDA shall be issued. The
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For the testing and test reports, requirements listed in [1.7.8] shall be fulfilled. Witnessing of tests may be
required and shall be agreed with DNV in advance.
Certification process
— Within SSDA, load simulations of the wind farm control simulation tools are assessed by plausibility checks
only, external conditions are optionally assessed, see [8.3].
— Issue of a SSDA covering the advanced wind farm control and a condition for operation. The conditions for
the SSDA may include:
— the performance of the wind farm control shall be monitored during the first years of operation by
measurements of at least the external conditions, wind turbine loads, SCADA data, etc. followed by a
load validation based on measured data
— an annual evaluation report of the wind farm control performance and data acquisition for the
measurement verification is issued to DNV.
— Issue of revised SSDA with intended wind plant configuration and/or required load mitigation strategies.
Required documentation
Following documentation shall be provided for the wind farm control evaluation:
description of the power plant strategy applying wind farm control
description of possible new/modified simulation tools and software
measurement plan to monitor first years of wind power plant operation
annual report of the wind farm control performance and data acquisition
documentation for load validation and possibly load mitigation strategies.
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statement annex should include a status update of the wind farm controller validation. Otherwise load
mitigation procedures shall be applied to the plant.
A.1 List of documents offshore substation
The below list of required documents should serve as example and provide exemplarily guidance. The extent
of required documentation (reports, specifications, drawings, plans, calculations, certificates) shall depend on
the agreed scope and the individual design of the substation.
Table A-1 Structural design
Certification phase
general plant layout
standards to be applied for design and their interfaces
general soil conditions
depth of effective foundation level below (soil or water) surface
foundation type
structural design basis
geotechnical design basis
corrosion protection concept
general arrangement plans
structural design brief
geotechnical design brief
loading/weight plans
general note drawing (topside, substructure, foundation)
all structural drawing in order to trace the structural design
documentation including dimensions, tolerances and testing,
substructure & foundation
plan views
elevation views
joint details
J-tube drawings
piles, mudmats arrangement and details
cathodic protection arrangement drawings
intersection/connection at interfaces
boat landing
access platforms
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Certification phase
stairs and ladders
lifting, transport and installation arrangement drawings
plan views
elevation views
joint details
primary and secondary deck beams
deck plates
wall plates
helicopter deck support structure
intersection/connection at interfaces
stairs and ladders
lifting, transport and installation arrangement drawings
access platforms
handrails and gratings
geotechnical/foundation design report
site survey report and soil foundation expertise
scour assessment or protection design report
material specification
primary structure design report covering ULS, SLS, ALS, FLS (topside,
support structure, grouted connection)
secondary structure design report (topside, support structure)
drivability analysis study
design calculation for corrosion protection (cathodic protection)
corrosion protection specification
fabrication/manufacturing specification
weight control report
load out, transportation and installation analysis report
load out, transportation, installation and commissioning plan
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Table A-2 Electrical design
Certification phase
definition of applicable standards and regulations
boundary conditions (incl. environment outdoor/indoor, grid
conditions, arrangement)
general arrangement plans/layouts indicating distribution of
operational concept, auxiliary power supply concept
HV and LV single line diagrams including identification of components
electrical network studies
arrangement of electrical areas, earthing and bonding principles
lighting systems design and illumination
electrical protection and monitoring
lightning protection and earthing design
cable rating and selection
cable schedules/lists, routing and dimensioning
cable data sheets or type lists, including information on fire protection
properties and certificate references
certificates, data and test records of electrical equipment
inspection and test plans
auxiliary power supply system design
electrical load list and balance
description of interconnection and interlocking schemes
Table A-3 Fire and explosion protection
Certification phase
definition of applicable standards and regulations
general arrangement plans/layouts indicating distribution of
HAZID report
environmental conditions
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Certification phase
quantative risk analysis report
fire and explosion risk analysis
operational parameters
fire and explosion protection concept
certificates, type approvals for the components of the passive, active
fire protection, fire/gas alarm and detection systems, explosion
operational concept, auxiliary power supply concept
Passive fire protection:
fire division plan including areas categorization, selection of walls and
floors fire rating
insulation plan/deck covering plan including details on construction of
fire rated walls and decks and schedule of type approval for fire rated
structural elements and materials
door plan including details of fire rating and relevant type approval
window plan including details of fire rating and relevant type approval
details on fire protection penetrations in fire-rated divisions including
ventilation-, pipe- and cable penetrations
arrangement of ventilation ducts and dampers
HVAC ducting and instrumentation diagram
certificates, type approvals for fire rated divisions, openings,
penetrations, fire rated dampers and materials
inspection test plans
Active fire protection:
active fire protection design concept/safety concept
fire control plans/safety plans
design documentation for all firefighting systems including P&ID,
technical specification, calculations, data sheets and relevant type
approvals of applied components
piping schedule and material specification for active fire protection
systems, hydraulic calculations
portable fire extinguishers data sheets, specification, location (can be
integrated in the fire control plan)
certificates, type approvals for active fire protection
inspection test plans
Explosion protection:
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Certification phase
hazardous area layout drawings including categorization of areas into
hazardous zones
hazardous area classification data sheet including flammable
substance list and characteristics, list of sources of release
ATEX equipment register
over-pressure protection and structural analysis on over-pressure
caused by fire and explosion accidents, calculation for pressure relief
certificates, type approvals of applied components
inspection test plan
Fire/gas alarm and fire/gas detection system:
fire/gas alarm and fire/gas detection concept
fire/gas alarm and fire/gas detection system design documentation,
e.g. specification or technical description, data sheets
fire/gas alarm and fire/gas detection system layout drawings
cables data sheets
block diagrams
cause and effects diagram
fire control plans/safety plans
certificates, type approvals for the components of fire/gas alarm and
fire/gas detection system
inspection and test plans
Table A-4 Machinery and utility systems
Certification phase
definition of applicable standards and regulations
environmental conditions
operational parameters
piping design of the safety systems including selection of materials,
connections, testing
combustion engines arrangement including starting equipment,
control and protection, exhaust duct system
fuel system design including P&ID, specifications, calculations
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Certification phase
drain systems design including P&ID, specifications, calculations
bunding areas design
Sewage systems design including P&ID, specifications, calculations
water systems design including P&ID, specifications, calculations
HVAC system design including D&ID, P&ID, specifications, calculations
arrangement of ventilation ducts and dampers, including certificates,
type approvals for fire rated damper and materials
inspection test plans
certificates, type approvals for the components of the machinery and
utility systems
inspection and test plans
Table A-5 Access and transfer
Certification phase
access and transfer strategy
definition of applicable standards and regulations
access and transfer concept
boat landing design documentation
helicopter deck design documentation
helicopter winching area design documentation
details of area and deck-to-deck access
Table A-6 Emergency response
Certification phase
definition of applicable standards and regulations
environmental conditions
operational concept
auxiliary power supply concept
fire and explosion protection concept
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Certification phase
operational parameters
operation & maintenance concept
operation and maintenance plan/manual
alarms and communication design documentation
automatic actions and shutdown strategy
cause and effects diagrams
evacuation strategy
escape route layout drawings
escape, evacuation and rescue analysis
safety plans indicating means of escape, evacuation, rescue and
recovery, muster areas and all required life-saving appliances (can be
combined plan with fire control plans)
certificates, type approvals for the components of the safety systems,
life-saving appliances
inspection and test plans
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B.1 Project certificate
The project certificate with its annexes and sample information is displayed by the following figures.
Figure B-1 Project certificate, front page
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Figure B-2 Project certificate, Annex 1, wind power plant layout and coordinates
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Figure B-3 Project certificate, Annex 1, site conditions summary information
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Figure B-4 Project certificate, Annex 1, wind turbine summary information
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Figure B-5 Project certificate, Annex 1, substation summary information
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Figure B-6 Project certificate, Annex 1, power cables summary information
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Figure B-7 Project certificate, Annex 1, control station summary information
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Figure B-8 Project certificate, Annex 2, referenced documents and conditions
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The follwing figures display the front page of the different statement of compliance covering the respective
project certification phases. Each statement includes an annex with the relevant summary information,
similar as shown for the project certificate in [B.1].
Figure B-9 Statement of compliance, design basis, front page
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B.2 Statement of compliance
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Figure B-10 Statement of compliance, design, front page
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Figure B-11 Statement of compliance, manufacturing, front page
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Figure B-12 Statement of compliance, transport and installation, front page
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Figure B-13 Statement of compliance, commissioning; operations and maintenance manuals, front
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C.1 General
Projects developed for US federal waters are subject to the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title
30 – Mineral Resources, Chapter V – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Department of the
Interior, Subchapter B – Offshore, Part 585 – Renewable Energy and Alternative Uses of Existing Facilities
on the Outer Continental Shelf. The regulation is divided into 10 parts, Subparts A through J, and covers
the full lifecycle of an offshore wind farm. Subpart G of 30 CFR 585, herein simply referred to as 30 CFR
585, outlines the requirements for the design, fabrication, and installation of an offshore wind facility,
and requires developers to use a 3rd party to certify each of those phases, 30 CFR § 585.705. This effort
shall be performed by a certified verification agent (CVA) and therefore is generally referred to as a CVA's
scope of work (SOW) or CVA service. Overall, the role of the CVA aligns well with project certification of
an offshore wind facility, as outlined in the SOW of this service specification for the Design, Manufacturing
and Installation (including transportation) phases. This means that DNV’s project certification may serve as
the basis for certifying offshore wind farms for the US federal waters, i.e. all projects located in the outer
continental shelf (OCS), with some additional items required by 30 CFR 585.
The purpose of this appendix is to highlight US specific national requirements as well as to provide any
guidance regarding publicly known expectations of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), who
is authorized by the Secretary of the Department of Interior to regulate these activities, 30 CFR § 585.100.
As such, it is imperative that readers of this appendix also read all Subparts of 30 CFR 585 to gain a full
understanding of the obligations of an offshore wind developer, and its CVA, working in the OCS and to
recognize that the final interpretation of the 30 CFR 585 rests with BOEM. The Department of Interior (DOI)
released a joint rulemaking between two of its bureaus, BOEM and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental
Enforcement (BSEE) regarding the regulatory oversight of renewable energy projects on the OCS. The
rulemaking codifies BSEE’s oversight responsibilities which will now include the oversight of Subpart G
of 30 CFR 585. BOEM and BSEE will continue to work closely together during these reviews and as such,
references to BOEM review and approval below shall be understood as BSEE and BOEM. Additional changes
and details may occur following the formal adoption of this rulemaking, so care shall be taken when reading
this appendix to ensure that latest regulatory changes are understood and applied.
C.2 National requirements
The following sections provide a description of the key national requirements which govern or directly involve
the CVA. Where appropriate, formal reference to the 30 CFR 585 shall be included in the description of the
national requirements. If no such reference is included, this implies that the requirement is implied from
BOEM guidelines or other such public information. Some items described below are already covered by
project certification as outlined in this service specification, but are required in a process or formulation which
is unique to CVA and therefore warrant the additional clarification.
C.3 CVA nomination
The first effort required to begin the certification process of an offshore wind farm in the OCS is to nominate
a CVA to BOEM for their review and approval, 30 CFR § 585.706(a). This is a formal process which is typically
tied to the submission of the construction and operations plan (COP), 30 CFR § 585.620, but may also
be performed together with the site assessment plan (SAP) or the general activities plan (GAP). In any
case, the developer shall formally nominate a 3rd party who is qualified to perform the duties of a CVA as
outlined by the regulations. Due to the potentially lengthy process of accepting a COP, typical practice is that
BOEM may review the CVA nomination and provide acceptance independent of the COP. Such an approach
may require a departure request, see [C.5], but at the very least early engagement and alignment with
BOEM. The prospective/nominated CVA may start certification of the design of the facilities prior to BOEM
acceptance at the developer’s risk. This should typically begin with the review of the design basis including
the site assessment, and establishment of the project’s proposed codes and standards hierarchy. Although
not a formal delivery milestone, establishing and delivering the project’s overarching codes and standards
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It is important to understand that the CVA does not have a formal role in any project until the CVA is the
approved and as such, does not have a project-specific line of communication with BOEM. The project
developer should therefore communicate to BOEM their plans to utilize a CVA as early as possible to align
with any expectations or conditions that BOEM may have.
C.4 Scope of the CVA duties
C.4.1 General
30 CFR 585 both directly and indirectly describes the roles and obligations of the CVA. At times, this
includes specific lists of items for the CVA to review, while in others, the CVA task is defined by reporting
requirements specified to the project. Given this, it is best to understand the role of the CVA in terms of their
overall responsibility. This is best exemplified in the requirements pertaining to the acceptance of the facility
design report (FDR) and fabrication and installation report (FIR), 30 CFR 585.701 and 702, which require
that the CVA shall provide the following certification statements:
— 'The design of this structure has been certified by a BOEM approved CVA to be in accordance with
accepted engineering practices and the approved SAP, GAP, or COP as appropriate. The certified design
and as-built plans and specifications will be on file at (given location).'
— 'The fabrication and installation of this structure has been certified by a BOEM approved CVA to be in
accordance with accepted engineering practices and the approved SAP, GAP, or COP as appropriate. The
certified design and as-built plans and specifications will be on file at (given location).'
With this understanding, it is next important to define which structures fall within the CVA’s
responsibilities.30 CFR 585 defines facilities as all permanent and temporary installations attached to the
seabed of the OCS, 30 CFR § 585.112. This means that the design, fabrication, and installation are required
to be certified by the CVA, see Figure C-1. This applies for the following assets, see Figure C-2.
— wind turbines including rotor-nacelle assembly and support structure
— substation(s) including topside(s) and support structure(s)
— power cables.
Guidance note:
Power cables may be split into two separate assets, the export cable(s) and array cable(s).
Figure C-1 CVA's certification phases
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hierarchy as early as possible is encouraged by BOEM as a means to align understandings and de-risk the
project’s formal deliveries, as described in [C.4.1]. Earlier engagement with a prospective CVA may also be
appropriate to ensure that early efforts, particularly the site assessment, are performed in accordance with
30 CFR 585 and any relevant codes, standards or guidelines. These efforts are generally referred to as PreCVA.
A mapping of project certification of wind power plants with 30 CFR 585 is given in Figure C-3.
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Figure C-2 Offshore wind facility and their components, sections and systems to be certified by
the CVA
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Figure C-3 Mapping of project certification of wind power plants and 30 CFR 585 – document navigation overview
(numbers in brackets denote section numbers and/or referenced regulations)
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Based on the requirements for the CVA both specified and those implied in 30 CFR 585, it is clear that the
CVA has a significant responsibility. Establishing the CVA's SOW is, for this reason, critical to the development
process and once approved by BOEM, shall be seen as the document which gives the CVA the authority to act
on behalf of BOEM. Although the CVA will act on behalf of BOEM, the approval authority is with BOEM only.
The following subsections describe in more detail the role of the CVA in certifying the design and execution
phases of an offshore wind facility.
C.4.2 Design
The facility design report (FDR) is defined in § 585.701 and it is the obligation of the project developer to
produce it. As described previously, the CVA is in turn required to review and certify the FDR as outlined
in § 585.707, which states that the 'CVA must use good engineering judgment and practices in conducting
an independent assessment of the design of the facility'. Both sections of 30 CFR 585 should be read in
conjunction in order to gain a full understanding of the requirements pertaining to the FDR from both the
project’s and CVA’s perspectives. Although the above referenced sections (see Figure C-3 and [2.5]) provide
detail of the content requirements of the FDR, much is still left undefined, particularly regarding how the
CVA shall certify the FDR. For example, 30 CFR 585 does not define a requirement to establish a separate
design basis phase, but the content of such a phase, e.g., environmental data and design standards used,
is stipulated by the required content listed in 30 CFR 585.701(a) and .702(a). As such, 30 CFR 585 may
be seen as a framework outlining the main milestones and deliverables but does not dictate in detail how
to achieve these. As described in [C.1], the specific requirements stated in 30 CFR 585 align very well with
the design certification process as described in this service specification and may serve as the means to
achieve the required 30 CFRT 585 certification statements outlined above in [C.4.1]. Given the large number
of design documents required for design certification, it is not necessarily practical that a single report may
capture everything in sufficient detail. In that sense, the simplest form of an FDR would then be a document
referencing all of the individual documents detailing the design basis, including site conditions, and design for
the facilities outlined by 30 CFR 585.
Note that there are both regulations and well-known expectations which are specific to the development of
offshore wind projects in the US that shall be given special attention to ensure compliance. The following
is not an exhaustive list, but are the unique requirements which typically require additional discussion and
alignment between the project (and its designers/suppliers), BOEM and the CVA:
— the role and required use of licensed professional engineers, see [C.4.8] below
— establishment and delivery of an overarching project codes and standards hierarchy (either project or
asset level)
— the expectation to summarize differences (and propose mitigations) between selected design standards
and those potentially applicable US standards for safety critical systems, in particular focused on the
rotor-nacelle assembly (RNA)
— the expectation to perform a site-specific arc flash analysis in accordance with NFPA 70
— the expectation to perform an additional ‘robustness’ accidental limit state design analysis for the offshore
substation and wind turbine generators using 1000- and 500-year return-period loads
— the robustness check shall also cover the tower top and bottom RNA bolted connection.
For additional guidance on these expectations beyond which is provided in this appendix, see ANSI/ACP
OCRP-1-2022. In addition, the guidance provided in NREL/TP-5000-76849 may be used.
In addition to the FDR, the project developer is required to submit a fabrication and installation report (FIR).
The purpose of this report is captured in detail in 30 CFR 585.702 but is essentially meant to ensure that the
process of fabrication and installation (including transportation) is sufficiently known to ensure the design
is feasible and includes detailed design considerations for the execution phase. The FIR therefore needs to
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The requirements of 30 CFR 585 only apply to facilities within the OCS, but the export cable will cross from
the OCS into State jurisdiction. The practice is to cover the electrical verification of the entire export cable
until, but not including, the onshore transition joint bay within the CVA's scope of work. In addition, the CVA
is focused on the overall integrity of the asset which requires a review of the transition infrastructure and the
installation process. The CVA shall not be responsible for the certification of this infrastructure, but instead
focusing on its suitability to protect the export cable.
Together, the FDR-FIR delivery constitutes the design phase of the project, subject to any follow-up requests
of BOEM. The intention of 30 CFR 585 is to deliver one FDR-FIR for the entire facility, but this is not always
practical given the typical development timeline of an offshore wind facility. Based on public discussions and
presentations though, it is understood that BOEM may accept that the FDR-FIR is split into the delivery of
separate assets, e.g. delivery of the RNA-support structure FDR-FIR. Until such a rule is formally adopted in
the regulations, project developers should seek approval of such a process in advance.
Before manufacturing or installation may begin, the CVA is required to certify both of these reports, as
outlined in [C.4]. However, the current regulatory practice is to allow manufacturing to proceed prior to
FDR-FIR approval at the owner’s risk and will be subject to regulatory approval during Final FIR. Once this
is achieved, the project developer shall then deliver the FDR-FIR, including all the referenced documents,
to BOEM for their 60-day review period. The CVA shall at the same time, deliver its certification reports
and conformity statements for the entire facility (per on a per-asset basis), confirming the two required
certification statements previously described in [C.4.1] and allowing BOEM to begin their review based on
the CVA conclusions. Following a completeness review, BOEM then has 60 days to object to the FDR-FIR, and
if not, the project shall then be allowed to proceed to the execution phase (fabrication and installation), as
stated in 30 CFR 585.700. [C.4.3] and [C.4.4] describe in detail the project and CVA’s duties pertaining to
the execution of the fabrication and installation phases.
C.4.3 Fabrication
As described, the design FIR is delivered as part of the design phase and is, in part, meant to describe
the fabrication activities and detail their impact on the design. Beyond the project reporting requirements
provided in § 585.702, which are most easily read as 'design phase' obligations, 30 CFR 585 does not
include any specific section detailing the 'execution phase' reporting requirements by the project developer.
However, closer examination of § 585.702 together with the CVA's duties outlined in § 585.708 and
§ 585.709, it is clear that the project developer shall maintain and, if requested by BOEM, submit the
required documentation to demonstrate the fabrication and ensure compliance with the approved design, see
Figure C-3 and [3.2] as relevant for the project.
In addition to document review and independent assessments outlined by § 585.708, the CVA shall also
perform periodic witnessing of the fabrication for all facilities, § 585.709. The effort required by the CVA
shall be discussed with BOEM during the nomination process and included in the detailed CVA's SOW, but
is generally understood to focus on the primary structures of all assets, including secondary structures
connections which directly impact primary structures, and should occur at a frequency of approximately
10% of production, spread across the beginning, middle and end of process. However, given the complicated
nature involved in the fabrication phase, this approach is only an initial basis and should be re-visited once
the production schedules and facilities are known with certainty. Furthermore, the effort required by the CVA
may also need to be increased depending on the quality of the fabrication witnessed by the CVA, see [3.2].
As with FDR-FIR, it is likely that the completion of the fabrication phase may be split and delivered for
the individual facilities. In any case, the project developer should agree with BOEM in advance how this
information is delivered, so the CVA may also plan accordingly. DNV recommends to slightly modify the
FIR terminology in order to avoid confusion between the design and execution phases. In this case, we
recommend using the term final FIR to distinguish from the design FIR. However, one important distinction
to recognize between these two phases is that the design FDR-FIR is clearly a project reporting requirement
in which the CVA provides parallel deliveries confirming their certification. This is not the same for the final
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be delivered together with the FDR and is for this reason commonly referred to as the Design FIR. Although
30 CFR 585 does not make this distinction, DNV recommends using the term 'design FIR' to avoid confusion
or to always reference this delivery as FDR-FIR. The scope of work for the CVA’s review of the FIR is to
ensure that the planned fabrication and installation phases are sufficiently detailed to accommodate the
execution phases into the design process. As with the FDR, it is important to understand all sections of 30
CFR 585 pertaining to the FIR in order to gain a full understanding of its required content. This is especially
applicable given that the FIR is firstly delivered as part of the design, but of course may not be realized and
confirmed until the actual fabrications and installations are completed. Further, the design FIR as delivered
with the FDR, serves as a useful document in terms of managing interfaces as the project moves into the
execution phase, as detailed in [1.7.5] of this service specification.
C.4.4 Installation
Similar to the fabrication discussion above, if one reviews the intention in § 585.702 together with the
CVA's duties outlined in § 585.708 and § 585.710, it is clear that the project developer shall maintain and,
if requested by BOEM, submit the required documentation to demonstrate that the installation, including
transportation, or T&I, is in compliance with the approved design. The CVA is required to perform document
review and independent assessments as outlined by § 585.708, as well as periodic witnessing of the T&I,
§ 585.710. The effort required by the CVA shall be discussed with BOEM during the nomination process
and included in the detailed CVA SOW, but is generally understood to focus on the primary structures of
all assets, including secondary structures which directly impact primary structures, and should occur at a
frequency of approximately 10% of the T&I, spread across the beginning, middle and end of the process.
However, given the complicated nature involved in the T&I phase, this approach is only an initial basis and
should be re-visited once the T&I schedules and facilities are known with certainty. Furthermore, the effort
required by the CVA may also need to be increased depending on the observations of the CVA, see Figure C-3
and [3.3] as relevant for the project.
Similar to the discussion above regarding splitting of the fabrication phase, the same applies to the delivery
of the final installation documentation. This is especially true considering that commercial operation is tied to
the CVA certifying the final fabrication and installation report, § 585.637, which is further described in [C.6].
The project developer should therefore agree with BOEM in advance how the final installation documentation
is delivered so the CVA may also plan accordingly.
C.4.5 Commissioning
Although not explicitly covered in 30 CFR 585, it is understood based on public information provided by
BOEM, that the bureau expects a qualified third party to witness and confirm the functional testing of certain
safety critical systems within the facility and prior to start of commercial operations. The detailed systems
and functional tests required shall be developed by the project and aligned with BOEM prior to start of
commissioning. As this requirement is not currently listed in 30 CFR 585, BOEM has not required that the
project utilize the CVA to perform these witnessing duties, it is understood that the CVA should be qualified
and likely the best candidate given its knowledge of the design and execution of the facility. Given this
expectation, DNV recommends to include a detailed scope of work, including anticipated witnessing visits and
deliverables, as part of the CVA nomination process, i.e. via the CVA SOW. Although the level of detail of such
efforts shall be agreed, it is understood that the commissioning module outlined in [3.4] should serve as an
adequate basis to meet BOEM’s expectations, see also Figure C-3.
C.4.6 Modifications and repairs
The reality of projects is that modifications and repairs are likely to occur as the project moves from
design/execution into the operational phases. It is imperative that such changes are documented by the
project developer and that the overall integrity of the structure is maintained. This may be performed by
documenting that the design requirements may still be fulfilled by the currently modified or repaired design.
The process by which this is communicated to the CVA and BOEM may be referred to as the modifications
and repairs report, 30 CFR § 585.703, which focuses on items which impact the structural integrity of
the facility. Given the lack of specific terms of the form or function of this reporting requirement, the
modifications and repairs report may be seen as a process to accommodate all changes following the facilities
start of commercial operations. Although it could be seen as a means to document changes from an approved
design, i.e. FDR-FIR, during the execution phase. Currently the regulations do not outline a specific process
for handling such changes and as such, any known changes should be addressed towards BOEM and the CVA.
For this reason, project developers should discuss potential changes with the CVA as early as possible to
ensure overall compliance with 30 CFR 585. The CVA approval documentation is included in the respective
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FIR, which currently only appears to be the CVA's reporting requirement. The project developers have an
obligation to document the execution of their work, as well as to maintain its records at a known location, but
they are not required to submit these reports unless requested.
Although not formally included in 30 CFR 585, a project may follow for Sec.5 to Sec.7, for modifications and
repair processes [4.7], but the processes shall be alignment with BOEM in advance.
C.4.7 BOEM communication and incident reporting
In addition to certifying the design, fabrication and installation of the entire facility, the CVA is also
responsible for keeping BOEM informed of the progress of the certification process. The form of this process
should be agreed between BOEM and the CVA once the CVA nomination is approved. As part of that process,
the CVA is required to notify BOEM of 'all incidents that affect the design, fabrication and installation of the
project or its components', according to 30 CFR § 585.705. Due to the wide range of possible incidents which
warrant reporting to BOEM, the CVA should first confirm the need to formally report an incident prior to
issuing such reports.
C.4.8 Professional engineer
Many of the engineering professions, including civil, electrical, and mechanical, are regulated by each
state through a licensure programme, also known as professional engineer (PE). Although there is no PE
license managed by the federal government, the use of PE’s is the standard of practice and is therefore also
expected for projects located in federal waters. Furthermore, 30 CFR § 585.706(d) states that all verifications
performed by the CVA, shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a registered professional
engineer. Given that these projects are in federal waters and not directly under the supervision of the states,
no specific state license is currently required. Although not stated as clearly as the requirement for the CVA,
it is also understood, based on the standard of practice in the USA, that the project shall also utilize licensed
PE’s to serve as the engineers of record for the design of the facility. The CVA, as detailed currently in 30 CFR
585, does not have an obligation to enforce the use of a PE, but such efforts shall assist the CVA in its overall
responsibility in certifying the design.
C.4.9 CVA’s report requirements
The CVA is required to submit an unspecified number of reports necessary to document its activities in
certifying the design, fabrication, and installation, as required in 30 CFR § 585.712. This may be achieved
by following the reporting structure outlined in this service specification for the design, fabrication, and
installation phases, in addition to the requirement for incident reporting. The approach to CVA's deliverables
shall be included in the CVA's SOW and agreed with BOEM.
C.5 Departure requests
Departure requests are any formal request of the project developer to depart from the regulations required
in 30 CFR 585. The process for such a request is detailed in 30 CFR § 585.103, however it is always
advisable to discuss this with BOEM prior to issuing any such requests. The CVA formally does not have any
involvement with the process for issuing or accepting of departure requests but given its potential impact on
the certification of the design, fabrication, and installation, such items should be discussed with the CVA as
C.6 Notification periods
30 CFR 585 outlines several instances in which the project developer is required to notify BOEM prior to,
or just after, beginning a new phase of work. This section is not a comprehensive summary of the required
notifications to be made by the project developer, but is rather a summary of required notifications in which
the CVA is involved, or in which such notifications impact the CVA’s ability to execute its functions. Further,
it is noted that these notifications are subject to interpretation and should therefore be agreed between the
project developer and BOEM to ensure alignment.
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fabrication and installation approval reports, as outlined in this service specification. Further, the project
developer should present the proposed changes to BOEM well in advance to ensure compliance.
The first notification to consider is the BOEM approval of the CVA. Without such notification, the CVA
technically does not have a relationship with BOEM for the specific project in question. Due to the time
required to achieve BOEM approval, a nominated CVA might act as CVA, but such efforts should be well
communicated by the project developer to BOEM.
Prior to the CVA acceptance, or the project developer delivering, FDR and FIR, the construction and
operations plan (COP) shall be accepted by BOEM. This is required for the CVA to fulfill its responsibility
for stating compliance of the FDR and FIR with the approved COP.
Once the FDR and FIR are accepted by the CVA and all documents have been issued by the project
developer and by the CVA, BOEM, following their completeness review, has 60 calendar days to review
the documentation and issue a no-objection status. Once such a status is received, or the 60 days have
passed without formal receipt of an objection, the project developer may officially commence fabrication
and installation. Further:
The project developer shall notify BOEM 30 days after commencing installation, and
30 days after completion of installation.
Commercial operation may commence 30 days after CVA acceptance of the final fabrication and
installation report has been received by BOEM and so long as no objections have been formally raised by
BOEM within those 30 days. Further:
the project developer shall notify BOEM 7 days before commencing commercial operation, and
10 days after commercial operation begins.
The Figure C-4 gives an overview for a possible timeline with milestones.
Figure C-4 Overview on CVA's timeline and milestones
C.7 State waters
The jurisdiction of 30 CFR 585 is limited to the OCS, whereas water bodies between the shoreline and OCS,
including the Great Lakes, are state waters for which no single regulation applies. In lieu of state specific
regulations, the current practice has been for the offshore wind projects in state waters to apply the 'CVA
approach'. This implies the adoption of a CVA's SOW as applicable for the OCS to be executed by a qualified
third party. This approach does not involve BOEM and hence does not involve the BOEM interactions as
described elsewhere in this Appendix.
The authorities that have oversight over state water bodies for an offshore wind project depend on the state
and are expected to be established through the lease agreement or otherwise, and made known to the CVA.
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D.1 General
Projects developed in Polish maritime areas in the Baltic Sea are subject to the Maritime Safety Act for
certification purposes and the Offshore Act in general. The Maritime Safety Act defines requirements
toward certification body, certification process and certificates. Polish requirements are addressed by this
appendix and become integrated within this certification scheme, allowing the applicant to obtain certificates
fulfilling mandatory requirements settled by Polish law. The entire process is adjusted to fulfil the Polish law
requirements utilising this international certification scheme.
The certification body is allowed to issue certificates in Poland only via the authorisation by the minister
responsible for maritime affairs. Authorisation is issued in the form of the official decision and published as
list in the relevant official journal. [D.2] to [D.9] provide a description of the key national requirements which
govern or directly involve authorised certification bodies.
An overview of the certification procedure fulfilling Polish national requirements is depicted in Figure D-1.
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Figure D-1 Project certification in Poland - appendix navigation overview (numbers in brackets denote section numbers)
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Reference to relevant Polish laws is made in [1.5]. Unless otherwise specified in the certification agreement
or in this service specification, the latest valid version of each reference applies.
D.3 Definitions and abbreviations
Definitions according to the Offshore Act and the Construction Law and abbreviations used in this appendix
are introduced in [1.6].
D.4 Scope
The Maritime Safety Act safety act's mandatory requirement is to cover with certification offshore assets
which compose the offshore wind farm (OWF) and the assembly of power output equipment (AOPOE). These
may include, depending on solutions applied to the project, see Figure D-2:
— OWF assets: offshore wind turbine including rotor-nacelle assembly and support structure, offshore
substation including topside and support structure, and inter-array power cables.
— AOPOE assets: offshore parts of export power cable excluding all assets located onshore.
Guidance note:
Mandatory certification scope is limited to all assets located offshore. This includes offshore part of export cable up to the landfall,
which is the first asset located onshore. Landfall itself is not part of the mandatory scope.
Figure D-2 Mandatory assets to be certified
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D.2 References
D.5.1 General
According to the Polish law, at least three certificate types are required to be issued for OWF and AOPOE
assets. It is allowed to issue certificates for a group of assets or for each asset separately, see Figure D-3 and
Table D-1:
— design conformity certificate (Polish: certyfikat zgodności projektowej)
— entry into service certificate (Polish: certyfikat dopuszczenia do eksploatacji)
— operational safety certificate (Polish: certyfikat bezpieczeństwa eksploatacji).
To support fulfilment of the Polish national requirements, see Figure D-1, following subsections in [D.5]
describe respective needs.
Table D-1 Certificates as per Polish law
Certificate title
Certification activities shall include
Assessed against
Design conformity certificate
Assessment of the construction design
package .
Technical standards specifying the
requirements to be met by OWF and
Entry into service certificate
Assessment covers the visual
inspection, construction supervision,
verification and control of
measurements, tests of structure,
power cable connections, and other
The construction design package and
design conformity certificate.
Operational safety certificate
Assessment of documentation
relating to the proper operation and
maintenance, including documentation
of technical inspections of structures
and equipment.
Technical standards and the
certification procedures.
Listed certification activities are those catalogued in Maritime Safety Act safety act. Act’s catalogue includes an
indicative list of items and acknowledges the potential for the applied certification scheme to encompass items beyond
those listed, see guidance note to [D.5.3].
For the Construction design package definition, see [1.6] and guidance note to [D.5.2].
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D.5 Certificates and validity
D.5.2 Design conformity certificate
The design conformity certificate shall confirm compliance of the construction design package with technical
standards specifying the requirements to be met by OWF or AOPOE. It shall be issued after the construction
design package is completed and prior to notification of the construction supervisory authority on the
intended date of construction works commencement.
Design conformity certificate shall be valid at the time of the issuing date, without specified expiry date.
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Figure D-3 Certificates mandatory by law
The construction design package (Polish: projekt budowlany) is a general civil engineering documentation regulated by the
Construction Law and comprising of three parts: the site development design (Polish: projekt zagospodarowania terenu), the
architecture-construction design (Polish: projekt architektoniczno-budowlany), and the technical design package (Polish: projekt
techniczny). The site development design package and the architecture-construction design package are submitted to Polish
authorities, within an administrative process external to certification, in order to obtain the building permit (Polish: pozwolenie na
budowę). For this reason, the unofficial term used to name those two packages together is the building permit design package.
It is important not to confuse the building permit design package with the construction design package which includes all three
The technical design package, as defined by the Construction Law, shall be finished before the commencement of the construction
works and confirmed by a written statement of the relevant designer. The technical design package is submitted to the
construction supervision authority, within the administrative process external to certification, upon completion of the construction
works to enable authorities to carry out the necessary inspections in order to issue the pperation permit (Polish: pozwolenie na
The construction works term, and its commencement are in detail defined by the Construction Law and refer to the erection of the
structure in a location designated by the building permit, here it should be understood as works executed at offshore site.
The certification process can commence simultaneously with the beginning of the development phase, while the construction
design package is still in progress. This approach guarantees no disruption to the project schedule. The final certificate will be
based on the completed and approved construction design package.
D.5.3 Entry into service certificate
The entry into service certificate shall confirm compliance of the construction process with the construction
design package and design conformity certificate. It shall be issued after the completion of the construction,
or part thereof, but no later than 30 days prior to the planned date of the first feed-in of electricity into the
The entry into service certificate shall be valid not longer than five (5) years.
Guidance note:
The construction process term addressed by the maritime safety act and the Construction Law refers to the erection of the
structure in a location designated by the building permit. The main principle of the Construction Law is the emphasis on
construction activities directly involving installation and commissioning phases, with the implicit assumption that the manufacturing
process and transport to the designated location have been carried out in a satisfactory manner. The manufacturing and
transport are not subjects of the Construction Law. Consequently, as a default measure, the certification phases of manufacturing
and transport are considered integral parts of the certification process. It is essential to ensure that the components were
manufactured in accordance with the approved design, and that they are delivered in a safe condition following transport to the
offshore site, in order to minimize the risk of unexpected incidents. Any deviation from this default measure is not recommended
and should be thoroughly evaluated to ensure the appropriate level of confidence is maintained.
D.5.4 Operational safety certificate
The operational safety certificate shall confirm compliance of the operation and maintenance documentation,
including technical inspection documentation, with technical standards and procedures agreed with the
certification body. The first operational safety certificate shall be issued before the expiry of the entry into
service certificate, but not earlier than three (3) months prior to the expiry.
The operational safety certificate shall be valid not longer than five (5) years, and shall be renewed before
the expiry, but not earlier than three (3) months prior to the expiry, of the previous operational safety
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Guidance note:
The Construction Law acknowledges the potential for changes, as defined by law, to be made to the site
development design and architecture-construction design packages, which have already been approved by
the authorities and have received the building permit. The Construction Law foresees a change procedure
also to the technical design package. The designer is responsible for classifying any changes in accordance
with the law's requirements. Regarding the site development design and architecture-construction design
packages if a change is deemed major, the law requires that the building permit shall be updated. In the case
a change is classified as minor, the original building permit remains valid, and the designer is required to
document the change and its consequence appropriately within the construction design package update.
The project may encounter modifications and therefore potential consequences regarding the fulfilment
of requirements referenced in the current certificate. In such cases, any major or minor changes and its
consequence shall be documented and submitted to the certification body to evaluate the effect on the
current certificate. Some changes may require an update to the certificate, while others may not, and the
existing certificate remains valid. In either case, a thorough evaluation should be conducted to ensure that
the requirements of the Maritime Safety Act safety act are continuously met, even after the changes are
D.6 Procedural requirements
D.6.1 General
Mandatory certification rules imposed by the Maritime Safety Act safety act are integrated into the following
DNV procedural workflow, see Figure D-4. The procedure is based on the internationally recognized project
certification scheme and is adjusted to address Polish national requirements.
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D.5.5 Change management to the construction design package
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Figure D-4 Procedural overview
All documents submitted for DNV’s assessment shall be in English language. Required translations Polish –
English, or otherwise, shall be accounted for in advance. DNV operation language is English, and all DNV
deliverables will be issued in English. By default, only final certificates required by the Maritime Safety Act
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In case of deviations from the procedure and requirements listed in this appendix, these shall be agreed with
DNV on an individual basis in advance.
D.6.2 Offshore assets
The certification procedure for offshore assets comprises of two steps:
— Step 1: assessment as per Polish national requirement.
— Step 2: assessment as per applied international project certification scheme.
Guidance note:
Step 1 and step 2 are differentiated only to display distinction between the industry-typical project certification scheme activities
and the Polish law specific requirements. As a result, DNV´s certification process in steps is straightforward and may be
comprehended efficiently by the international stakeholders. To avoid any doubt, it is underlined that the assessment as per
internationally-recognized project certification scheme is not an additional effort on top of the Polish national requirements. The
appropriate application of the project certification scheme allows to address, and thus fulfil, Polish national requirements. All the
relevant adjustments are overseen by this appendix.
The two-step methodology is designed to streamline the certification process and ensure that all requirements are met in a timely
and efficient manner. Implementing this methodology does not impact the project schedule as it was specifically devised to prevent
any potential delays due to the clarity it affords.
Upon successful evaluation, step 1 and step 2 are compiled together into a single certificate issued by DNV as
described in [D.5]. Details of the procedure for offshore assets are given in [D.7].
D.6.3 Various certification schemes
Different assets may be certified within different certification schemes. The differences shall be documented
and DNV will evaluate these and integrate respective certification deliverables into the final certificates as
described in [D.5] under consideration of [8.10], thus providing flexibility and allowing the applicant to use
best suited solution. The final certificate issued by DNV shall take into account existing certifications and
reflect Polish national requirements.
Guidance note:
An example may be the rotor-nacelle assembly evaluated according to IECRE OD-502, while offshore cables, tower and offshore
substation, all including support structures may be evaluated according to this document.
D.7 Procedure for offshore assets
D.7.1 General
The certification procedure fulfilling Polish national requirements for offshore assets is described in this
The procedure is summarized in the figures that follows, see Figure D-5 and Figure D-6.
Combination of schemes, as introduced in [D.6.3], shall be taken with care regarding their content and safety
level. Resulting combinations shall be aligned and agreed with DNV on a case by case basis.
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safety act, will be issued also in Polish language to settle documents legibly and transparently within Polish
administration process.
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Figure D-5 Certification procedure for offshore assets
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Figure D-6 Integration of different certification schemes
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D.7.2.1 General
Development phase step 1 and step 2 are integrated into a single design conformity certificate, providing a
key record of the assessed compliance, to fulfil Polish national requirements. The certificate is accompanied
by the corresponding certification report. Requirements for DNV final deliverables given in [D.9] shall be
Guidance note:
The integration of step 1 and step 2 involves formal record of the applied certification scheme alignment with the Polish law
requirements and serves as a concise evaluation of any overlaps identified during the project-specific process. This provides a
valuable summary in subsequent administrative proceedings.
D.7.2.2 Polish national requirements - step 1
The purpose of the certificate is to confirm fulfilment of theOffshore Act requirements to ensure:
safety of the structure and construction in terms of strength, load capacity and stability
fire safety
safety for use
environmental protection
operational conditions appropriate for the use of various types of equipment and structures or
installations comprising the offshore wind farm.
The selection of appropriate technical standards shall address items 1) to 5) above. This requirement is
deemed satisfied when international technical standards within this document's scheme are applied. Polish
legislation dedicated to technical conditions, fire safety, environmental protection, electrical systems, etc.
which may overrule international technical standards shall be part of gap analysis executed by the project
and submitted for DNV’s assessment.
The construction design package content, submitted by the applicant, shall be verified by DNV for compliance
with technical standards defining the requirements for OWF or AOPOE. The applicant may or may not possess
a valid building permit prior to the certification process commencement allowing parallel design development,
however the finalized version of the construction design package shall be the basis of the design conformity
certificate to be issued. If needed in the course of the certification process, the construction design package
shall be updated to reflect the version accepted by DNV. Any update should be provided to the technical
design package in the first place, to reduce updates of the site development design and architectureconstruction design packages to the possible extent.
Guidance note 1:
Once the building permit is in place, any changes to the construction design package may impact administrative decisions already
taken, which is not desired from project perspective. For this reason, any changes should preferably pertain items not belonging to
the administrative decisions, and those decisions should be taken by DNV as governing. Early involvement of the Certification Body
is recommended as a risk-mitigation measure.
Hierarchy of codes and standards, including their order assignment, applied in the construction design
package shall be submitted to DNV for a review in the beginning of the assessment process. All subsequent
documents shall follow accepted hierarchy of codes and standards.
The site development design, architecture-construction design, and technical design packages shall be
consistent with each other. The construction design ordinance lists mandatory items that shall be included
in all three design packages. The construction design package submitted under DNV assessment shall
contain, if relevant, for each item of the construction design ordinance, the reference to the specific technical
standard(s) or other source(s) used by a designer to fulfil particular item’s requirement.
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D.7.2 Development phase
For example, the construction design ordinance requires the technical design package to include data on fire protection conditions
as part of its written part. The designer should satisfy this requirement by providing an explanation of the conditions and
referencing the source, such as a technical standard or regulation, that served as the basis for the solution adopted. This approach
facilitates the assessment process and maintain the transparency accelerating assessment.
DNV deliverables finalizing step 1 with satisfactory assessment comprise of certification report and statement
of compliance, see Figure D-5.
D.7.2.3 Certification scheme requirements - Step 2
It is recommended that the project certification scheme described in this document is applied for the
entire project. The inclusion of selected assets according to other certification schemes e.g. IECRE OD-502
(covering e.g. rotor-nacelle assembly) is possible, see [D.6.3] and [8.10]. Combinations shall be evaluated
with care and agreed with DNV in advance, pursuing practicality for the applicant and suitability to Polish
national requirements.
All mandatory phases pertaining development phase of the selected certification scheme shall be successfully
finalized. All respective deliverables within step 2, such as certification reports, statements, confirmations,
according to the applied scheme shall be in place.
Guidance note 1:
In case this document's scheme is applied to asset(s), this service specification should be followed, addressing all the requirements
given for the mandatory certification phases of the development phase. Within the DNV scheme, DNV-series standards are
dedicated to the following offshore assets: rotor-nacelle assembly, support structure (including tower and foundation), offshore
substation (including topside and support structure), and power cables (inter-array grid, and export cable).
In case the IECRE OD-502 scheme is applied to asset(s), all the requirements given for the relevant mandatory modules should
be followed. Additionally the IECRE system requirements should be taken into account. Within the IECRE scheme, IEC-series
standards are dedicated to design of the rotor-nacelle assembly asset.
DNV-SE-0190 deliverables such as the statement of compliance and the corresponding report are annotated as scheme A
deliverables in Figure D-6. IECRE OD-502 deliverables such as the conformity statement and the corresponding report are
annotated as Scheme B Deliverables in Figure D-6.
When applying this document's scheme the following items and assets shall be addressed as given in [2.3]
for design basis, wind turbines (rotor-nacelle assembly, tower, substructure, foundation) [2.5.2], offshore
substation (topside, substructure, foundation) [2.5.3], and power cables (array and export cable) [2.5.4].
Documentation submitted for DNV’s assessment shall be appended to the construction design package, see
the Construction Law.
Guidance note 2:
The Construction Law definitions of the site development design, the architecture-construction design, and the technical design
packages allow to append any additional documents only via the technical design package. It is therefore expected that the
applicant will append the step 2 documentation to the technical design package.
D.7.3 Construction phase
D.7.3.1 General
The construction phase step 1 and step 2 are integrated into a single entry into service certificate, providing
a key record of the assessed compliance, to fulfil Polish national requirements. The certificate is accompanied
by the corresponding report. Requirements for DNV´s final deliverables given in [D.9] shall be followed.
D.7.3.2 Polish national requirements - step 1
Certification process activities in this phase shall include in particular:
visual inspections
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Guidance note 2:
construction supervision
verification and control of measurements, structure tests, power cable connections and other devices of
DNV shall witness and assess if the construction process is conforming to the construction design package
and design conformity certificate.
Depending on activities required by the selected project scheme, if not already addressed therein, the
applicant and DNV shall address items 1) to 3) above in the certification agreement, on a project specific
case. Extent and scope of visual inspections, construction supervision and verification and control shall be
agreed between the applicant and DNV in advance, unless this document is applied.
When applying this document's scheme Sec.3 addressing the entire construction phase requirements
(manufacturing, transport, installation and commissioning), fulfilment of step 2 covers requirements for
step 1 accordingly.
D.7.3.3 Certification scheme requirements - step 2
The applicant should select the relevant certification scheme as given in [D.7.2.3]. All mandatory modules
including manufacturing, transport and installation, commissioning surveillance and inspections of the
selected certification scheme shall be successfully finalized. All respective deliverables within step 2, such as
certification reports, statements, confirmations, according to the applied scheme shall be in place.
When applying this document's scheme the following items and assets shall be addressed as given in
[3.2] for manufacturing, transport and installation [3.3], commissioning [3.4] for wind turbines, offshore
substation and power cables, see guidance note to [D.5.3].
D.7.4 In-service phase
D.7.4.1 General
The in-service phase step 1 and step 2 are integrated into a single operational safety certificate, providing a
key record of the assessed compliance, to fulfil Polish national requirements. The certificate is accompanied
by the corresponding certification report. Requirements for DNV´s final deliverables given in [D.9] shall be
D.7.4.2 Polish national requirements - step 1
The certification process activities in this phase shall include confirmation of the completeness and
appropriateness of the documentation regarding proper operation and maintenance of OWF or AOPOE.
Including documentation of technical inspections of the structures and equipment. Assessment shall be
provided against relevant technical standards and the procedures agreed with DNV, unless this document is
Depending on activities required by the selected project scheme, if not already addressed therein, the
applicant and DNV shall address above requirements in the certification agreement, on a project specific
case. Extent and scope of assessment activities shall be agreed between the applicant and DNV in advance.
When applying this document's scheme, fulfilment of step 2 covers requirements for Step 1 accordingly.
D.7.4.3 Certification scheme requirements - step 2
The applicant should select the relevant certification scheme as given in [D.7.2.3]. Modules addressing inservice or operation and maintenance phases shall be addressed to the extent agreed between the applicant
and DNV. All respective deliverables within step 2, such as certification reports, statements, confirmations,
according to the applied scheme shall be in place.
When applying this document's scheme, items and assets described in [D.4] shall be addressed as given
in Sec.4 for operation and maintenance of wind turbines [4.3], offshore substation [4.4], and power cables
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D.8.1 Grid code compliance
The grid code compliance is not part of the Maritime Safety Act safety act certification process. The grid code
compliance certification is regulated by the European Commission Regulation 2016/631 of 14 April 2016
establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators, which is addressed by Polish
Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE) procedure.
Grid code compliance certification dedicated to Poland, may be executed by DNV as outlined in [8.6.3] and
further detailed in service specification covering certification of grid code compliance DNV-SE-0124. The grid
code compliance certification services may be combined with this appendix services upon the request of the
Guidance note:
The project certification services, as outlined in this appendix, ensure the safe and suitable power generation from the properly
designed and constructed offshore assets, critical devices, and installations, as well as their appropriate feed-in into the target grid
from the offshore wind farm perspective.
By contrast, the grid code compliance certification services, as outlined in [8.6.3], ensure that the power being introduced to
the target grid complies to the necessary network requirements, thereby confirming its safe and appropriate handling from the
viewpoint of the target grid infrastructure.
D.8.2 Marine warranty survey
Marine warranty survey is not part of the Maritime Safety Act safety act certification process.
Marine warranty survey dedicated to Poland, may be executed by DNV as outlined in [1.7.11] and further
detailed in marine warranty survey service specification DNV-SE-0080. Marine warranty survey (MWS)
services may be combined with this appendix services upon the request of the applicant.
Guidance note:
Combining the MWS surveillance, which is focusing mainly on the insurer requirements for marine operations with the project
certification service related transport and installation surveillance provides advantages in streamlining the inspection process and
reducing to a single inspector on-site for both services, see [1.7.11].
D.9 Final deliverable
In case the certificates are issued for separate assets (e.g. multiple number of design conformity certificates
is available), DNV may aggregate corresponding certificates into a single certificate which will group all assets
into OWF or AOPOE, as eventually requested by Polish national requirements.
The design conformity certificate(s), entry into service certificate(s), and operational safety certificate(s) are
issued by DNV in Polish and English language by default. To demonstrate fulfilment of the Maritime Safety Act
safety act requirements, each certificate shall include:
identification of assets covered by the certificate
reference to the construction design package(s) covered by the certificate
reference to the compliance requirements
reference to the Maritime Safety Act safety act and ministry authorization list.
Copy of the certificates, described in [D.5], shall be submitted by DNV to the relevant director of the
Maritime Office on the date of their issuance. The entire certification procedure within Polish administrative
process is summarized below, see Figure D-7.
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D.8 Grid Code Compliance and Marine Warranty Survey
Figure D-7 portrays certification procedure as part of the Polish administrative process, in accordance with the provisions of Polish
law, as specified in this appendix. The initiation of key development activities for an offshore wind farm project is guided by the
Construction Law, Offshore Act, and Maritime Safety Act safety act, with simultaneous commencement of the project certification
processes to ensure harmonization between the designer and certification body.
The designer finalizes the site development design and architecture-construction design packages, commonly referred to as the
building permit design package, upon which the Polish authorities grant the building permit for the offshore wind farm assets.
The designer then progresses the development of the technical design package, comprising documentation derived from the
requirements of the certification scheme, thereby finalizing the complete construction design package. In parallel, the certification
body carries out the certification activities and upon successful completion, issues the design conformity certificate. The issuance
of this certificate shall take place prior to the notification of the Polish construction supervisory authority regarding the planned
initiation date of the construction works.
The approved design serves as the catalyst for the initiation of the manufacturing phase, followed by the transport and offshore
on-site installation phases. Meanwhile, the certification body conducts the activities necessary as per the applied certification
scheme. Project, authorities, and certification body schedule relevant testing and inspections involved in the commissioning
phase to coordinate their presence. Upon the completion of its statutory commissioning activities, the Polish authorities issue the
operation permit. Prior to or after the issuance of the operation permit, but not later than 30 days prior to the planned date of the
first feed-in of electricity into the grid, certification body issues the entry into service certificate, valid for the maximum of five (5)
Before the expiry of the entry into service certificate, certification body carries out the in-service activities as required by
the applied certification scheme to assess compliance of the operation and maintenance documentation, including technical
inspections. No earlier than three (3) months prior to the expiry of the entry into service certificate, certification body issues the
operational safety certificate with a validity of a maximum of five (5) years and requiring renewal before its expiration.
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Guidance note:
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Figure D-7 Certification procedure as part of the Polish administrative process
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E.1 General
E.1.1 Introduction
[1.1] applies.
The wind farm asset energy island is described in this appendix. It serves as a certification scheme for
energy islands.
The certification phases are shown in Figure E-1, excerpt from Figure 1-1.
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Figure E-1 Project certification of energy islands - document navigation overview (numbers in brackets denote section
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E.1.2 Objective
[1.2] applies.
E.1.3 Scope
[1.3] applies.
E.1.4 Application
E.1.4.1 General
[1.4.1] applies.
Assets and components of an energy island are shown in Figure E-2.
Figure E-2 Offshore Energy island and its assets and components
The certification phases for the asset energy island are shown in Figure 1-1. This document is providing
the option in certifying even parts of the asset in reference to Figure 1-3. In such cases the object, scope,
applicable standards and interface and/or limitation shall be defined.
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Figure E-3 Components of energy islands
E.1.5 References
[1.5] applies.
E.1.6 Definitions and abbreviations
E.1.6.1 Definition of verbal forms
[1.6.1] applies.
E.1.6.2 Definition of terms
[1.6.2] applies.
E.1.6.3 Abbreviations
[1.6.3] applies.
E.1.7 Procedure
E.1.7.1 Power plant lifecycle phases
[1.7.1] applies.
E.1.7.2 Certification phases
[1.7.2] applies.
E.1.7.3 Applicant
[1.7.3] applies.
E.1.7.4 Certification body
E. General
[] applies.
E. Deliverables
[] applies.
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E.1.7.6 Validity and maintenance
[1.7.6] applies.
E.1.7.7 Customer - DNV interaction
[1.7.7] applies.
E.1.7.8 Certification requirements, quality management
[1.7.8] applies.
E.1.7.9 Standards, codes and additional requirements
[1.7.9] applies.
E.1.7.10 Combination of standards
[1.7.10] applies.
E.1.7.11 Surveillance requirements
[1.7.11] applies.
E.2 Development
E.2.1 General
[2.1] applies.
E.2.2 Concept
[2.2] applies with the following addition to the listing.
— 17) concept of the energy island with respect to structural design of its components
— 18) establish performance demands and barrier management for energy islands with regard to
pressurized process systems, emergency shut down and relief systems, control of ignition and spills,
emergency power systems, fire and gas detection, active and passive fire protection and emergency and
Furthermore, see the following additional DNV service documents to qualify alternative or novel design and
for general guidance on the implementation of a risk based approach:
E.2.3 Design basis
E.2.3.1 General
[2.3.1] applies.
E.2.3.2 Site condition assessment
E. General
[] applies with the following addition:
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E.1.7.5 Interfaces of certification phases
[1.7.5] applies.
E. Geotechnical site conditions
[] applies with the following addition:
soil investigations for an energy island should comprise additionally:
— in-situ testing for the island body shall be sufficient to cover potential horizontal and vertical variability of
the soil and is depending on the dimension of the energy island
— every foundation on an energy island needs an independant soil investigation with in-situ testing
depending on its structural type.
The extent and contents of a soil investigation program is not a straight-forward issue and will depend on the
artificial island type and the foundation of the assets.
E.2.3.3 Wind turbines
[2.3.3] applies.
E.2.3.4 Substation
[2.3.4] applies.
E.2.3.5 Power cables
[2.3.5] applies.
E.2.3.6 Control station
[2.3.6] applies.
E.2.3.7 Energy island
A design basis document shall be created to document the basic criteria to be applied in the general design
(structural, machinery, electrical, safety etc.) of the energy island.
Following items shall be considered in the design basis document:
geographical location and main functionalities
general description of energy island layout
project co-ordinate system and well-defined vertical reference including project datum
general description, main dimensions and water depth ranges
type of artificial island body
type of foundations of supporting structures for topsides
topside interface requirements with details of leg spacing, topside weight and centre of gravity
service life of installations on the energy island
applicable standards, codes and additional requirements
site conditions, see [2.3.2]
material properties/selections and connections (e.g. bolted, welded)
functional description of the topsides
specification of vessels which should have access to the energy island and its port
coating and corrosion protection system
requirements for roads on the energy island
safety concept for electrolyzer units and hydrogen storage
manufacturing and storage methods and requirements
transportation and installation methods and requirements
operation and maintenance methods and requirements
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For the energy island, the marine conditions like e.g. waves and current
might be influenced by the island itself during and after its construction.
Therefore, the potential influence of the island on those conditions needs to be
addressed in the design basis for all construction phases
and a methodology specified to validate assumptions in the design phase.
Guidance note:
The following systems (not limited to) are expected to be included as applicable; Electrolyzers, fuel synthesizers, rotating
equipment, power interconnection / transformation and power distribution, water treatment and desalination, energy storage
(hydrogen or ammonia), fluid storage, battery storage, process safety functions, HIPS system, utility systems, piping, pressure
vessels, passive fire protection, Active fire protection, HVAC systems, fire and gas detection systems, Emergency shutdown
systems, relief, purge and flare system, process equipment and hazardous area classification and emergency and evacuation.
DNV-ST-0145 should be applied, especially for hazard and risk identification methods to obtain input for the
design basis, see DNV-ST-0145 App.B.
For areas where the DNV standards do not apply, reference to a recognized standard or design method may
be accepted by DNV.
DNV will evaluate the design basis for compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and other standards and codes
identified in the design basis.
The standards listed in the Table E-1 may be applied in the design basis.
Table E-1 Codes standards
Shipboard lifting appliances
Offshore and platform lifting appliances
IEC 31010
Risk management — Risk assessment techniques
IEC 60079 (all parts)
Explosive atmospheres
IEC 61882
A Guide to Hazard and Operability Studies, 1979, Chemical Industries Association Limited,
IEC 60204-1
Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines — Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61511 (all parts)
Functional safety: Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector
IEC 60529
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Codes)
IEC 60534 (all parts)
Industrial-process control valves
ISO 10418
Offshore production installations - Analysis, design, installation and testing of basic surface
safety systems, International Organisation for Standardization
ISO 10440 (all parts)
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Rotary-type positive-displacement
ISO 11119 (all parts)
Gas cylinders
ISO 12100
Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
ISO 13702
Petroleum and natural gas industries – Control mitigation of fire and explosion on offshore
production installation – Requirements and guidelines
ISO 13709
Centrifugal pumps for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries
ISO 15649
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Piping
ISO 15916
Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems
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— decommissioning methods and requirements.
— risk and hazards related to hydrogen and ammonia processing and handling.
— performance requirements and barrier management for power-to-X facilities
ISO 11114-4
Transportable gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents Part 4: Test methods for selecting steels resistant to hydrogen embrittlement
ISO 22734
Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis — Industrial, commercial, and residential
applications Electrolysers
ISO 2451
Guidelines for the management of assets of water supply and wastewater systems
ISO 26142
Hydrogen detection apparatus — Stationary applications
EN 764 ( all parts)
Pressure equipment
EN 13852-1
Cranes - Offshore cranes - Part 1: General-purpose offshore cranes
Due to risk and hazards involved with 'power-to-X technologies' (i.e. power-to-fuel, power to Ammonia,
power to power, etc.), such facilities shall be considered as high risk facilities which could lead to fatalities
in case of failures. High risk facilities are not covered by this specification. See DNV-SE-0656 for verification
and certification of 'power-to-X technologies’. It shall be documented that; for each credible risk scenario,
sufficient means are provided to achieve desired safety level. Based on this, a project specific risk based
approach can be agreed for the defined scope and credible hazard events considered credible for the subject
The documentation listed in App.A is not representative for the power-to-X technologies and therefore above
risk management approach shall prevail (i.e. Essential Safety Requirements (ESRs) evaluation report for the
process equipment/assembly, relevant certificates and declaration as per EU directives etc. for the process
equipment and electrical assembly).
For energy islands within European Union (EU) compliance towards relevant EU directives shall be taken into
consideration, i.e. EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU), Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/
EU), Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC), Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU) etc. In addition, specific
law requirements could come into force and shall be considered. The project developer shall clarify applicable
directives and national requirements, and consider them in the design basis preparation (hierarchy of laws,
directives, codes and standards).
E.2.4 Basic design
[2.4] applies.
E.2.5 Design
E.2.5.1 General
[2.5.1] applies.
E.2.5.2 Wind turbines
[2.5.2] applies.
E.2.5.3 Substation
[2.5.3] applies.
E.2.5.4 Power cables
[2.5.4] applies.
E.2.5.5 Control station
[2.5.5] applies.
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E. General
DNV will evaluate that the design of the energy island is in compliance with the design basis, selected
standards and codes defined in the design basis as well as national regulations.
E. Installation categories
The installations to which this service specification applies may be categorized in the following way:
Type of asset on the energy island:
a) transformer substation
b) reactor substation
c) converter substation
d) interconnector
e) accommodation unit
f) power-to-X facilities
g) port infrastructure
h) combined purpose
i) loading and bunkering system
j) export pipeline system.
A combination of above mentioned item a) to d) on a single unit or installation (combined purpose) may
be feasible from case to case.
Method of construction of the energy island:
The following types of construction may be distinguished:
concrete caissons
iii) Method of foundations on the energy island:
— installations permanently fixed by piling
— installations or units resting on the island by action of gravity (gravity foundation).
iv) Manning:
Type A: unmanned island containing main power system as defined in DNV-ST-0145, and DNV-ST-0145
[]. Persons are only expected to be present for inspection and maintenance activities without
overnight stays between working shifts. Habitability services provided (toilets, kitchen, shower) are
limited and intended solely for the use during the working shift not facilitating for overnight stay.
Type B: temporarily (i.e. overnight stays between working shifts are assumed to take place, even if
irregularly) or permanently manned island containing a main power system as defined in DNV-ST-0145,
DNV-ST-0145 [] and accommodation spaces. On departure of personnel from the island all
systems shall be returned to a safe and unmanned state, without adding additional hazards such as
legionella developing in water systems.
Type C: island with accommodation unit.
E. Structural design and geotechnical design of the island body
The evaluation of the design of the island body shall be based on loads, capacities, design methods and
principles specified in the approved design basis and shall be assessed for compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and
further standards, codes and requirements specified in the design basis.
Depending on the agreed scope the structural design evaluation shall include:
— loads and load combinations
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E.2.5.6 Energy island
influence of the island body on the site conditions (current/ waves)
design of the island boundary
design of the island infill
scour protection
port/harbour design
transportation, installation, operation and maintenance.
For the geotechnical design of the island body refer to applicable standards as approved in the design
basis. The purpose of a soil investigation is to provide a range of strength and deformation parameters with
sufficient accuracy. Additionally, the investigations shall supply information to evaluate deterioration from
dynamic loads in sufficient detail. The investigations should be focused on the actual phase of the project
with respect to extent, details and accuracy.
The design documentation shall include reports, calculations, plans, specifications, procedures and other
documentation, where applicable. An exemplary list may be found in App.A.
The evaluation of the structural design of the island body shall in general focus on design methodology and
safety levels.
E. Structural design and geotechnical design of foundations and topsides on island body
The evaluation of the design of the assets and their support structure on energy islands shall be based on
loads, capacities, design methods and principles specified in the approved design basis and shall be assessed
for compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and further standards, codes and requirements specified in the design
Depending on the agreed scope the structural design evaluation shall include:
loads and load combinations
geotechnical design
design of primary structure
design of secondary structures
topside arrangement
foundation design
transportation, installation, operation and maintenance
grout design, if applicable
corrosion protection design
Depending on the selected foundation types the soil investigations for the assets shall cover both, the soil
conditions at site and the conditions provided by the infill of the island body. Additionally, the investigations
shall supply information to evaluate deterioration from dynamic loads in sufficient detail if relevant. The
investigations should be focussed on the actual phase of the project with respect to extent, details and
The design documentation shall include reports, calculations, plans, specifications, procedures and other
documentation, where applicable. An exemplary list may be found in App.A.
The evaluation of the structural design of the assets and support structure shall in general focus on design
methodology and safety levels as well as the aspects approved in the design basis and defined in Table E-2.
Table E-2 Focus of verification for assets on the island body
Subject of verification
Corrosion protection
Topside structure
Support structure
Design calculation:
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Topside structure
Support structure
Ultimate limit states
Servicability limit
Fatigue limit
Accidential limit
Design drawings
Installation methods
and occurring loads
Eigen frequency
and vortex shedding
Fatigue loaded elements of the topside shall be checked for FLS. Transportation fatigue shall be evaluated, if relevant.
Fatigue design documents shall be based on DNV-ST-0145. The applied methods for fatigue analysis shall be
consistent and follow one application standard.
The following evaluation activities are conducted:
— review of detailed design calculation reports, design drawings and specifications for structural design
— relevant independent analyses of loads and structural strength.
The verification may include independent analyses of the structure using appropriate methods, such as FEM
analyses, and covers:
— structural strength (stress levels, buckling and joint check)
— soil stiffness and soil capacity
— fatigue life if applicable.
E. Electrical design
The electrical design of the energy island shall be assessed for compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and further
standards, codes and requirements specified in the design basis. The focus of the evaluation shall be on the
safety of the installation as defined in the approved design basis. The evaluation shall be carried out by spot
checks of the diagrams, specifications and calculations of the transmission and distribution systems.
The electrical design review shall include the following aspects:
For the auxiliary power system:
— main and emergency power supply of the auxiliary power system
— cabling and termination, control and protection of the auxiliary power system
— power supply of systems and components with regard to safety including ventilation, communication,
lighting system, navigation marking, identification
— lightning protection
— earthing and equipotential bonding.
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Subject of verification
— main components such as transformers, converters, switch gears
— electrical interconnection between the different topsides (e.g., transformer station(s), converter station,
etc.), see [E.]
— cabling and termination, control and protection of the main power system
— lightning protection
— earthing and equipotential bonding.
The documentation according to App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of the electrical design.
Specific studies for which documentation shall be made available may include:
short-circuit studies
discrimination study
load schedule on emergency power system
protection coordination and setting.
Further subjects may be reviewed optionally:
— electrical interconnection to the power-to-X system (if applicable), see [E.]
— electrical performance of the energy island connected to the wind power plant and the grid, see [E.8.6].
In case the optional scope is covered it shall be addressed in the certification deliverable.
E. Design of safety systems and arrangements
Evaluation of the design of the safety systems and arrangements will performed through the documentation
prepared as result for design and risk management practices considered for the project, e.g. approach
presented in [E.2.3.7].
The fire and explosion protection design review shall include consideration of the following aspects:
— nature and risks of potential fires and explosions (credible events)
— quantities of fluids, flammable and combustible materials handled, processed and stored in the different
— manning concept and human factors — presence of power-to-X facilities including storage systems
— preventive measures to avoid credible events
— mitigation measures against credible events.
The documentation according to App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of the fire and explosion
protection design.
In the context of fires and explosions, the results of the evaluation process and the decisions taken with
respect to the need for, and role of, any risk reduction measures ('fire and explosion strategy') shall be
reviewed during the evaluation.
Guidance note:
Complex topsides are likely to require detailed studies to address hazardous fire and explosion events. Simple topsides may rely
on the application of recognized codes and standards. The fire and explosion strategy should describe the role and functional
requirements for each of the systems used to manage possible hazardous events on the energy island.
As for functional requirements of systems (Barrier management), the following shall be reviewed during the
— objective, purpose and duty of a particular system
— functionality, integrity, reliability and availability of the system
— survivability of the system, dependency and interaction with other systems.
Energy island layout, topside(s) layout and mitigation measures shall be checked for compliance with
applicable standards and regulations. For accommodation facilities on energy islands, specific evaluations to
assure compliance with applicable standards and regulations shall be carried out.
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For the main power system:
The documentation according to App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of the access and transfer
design. The design of the boat fender system shall be verified as part of the structural design review.
The evaluation of the design of the helicopter deck/port is optional. A specific scope shall be agreed, see
[E.8.8]. The layout of stairs and ladders shall be verified as part of the emergency response design.
E. Emergency response design
Evaluation of the emergency response design shall be based on applicable standards as specified in the
approved design basis, e.g. DNV-ST-0145 and national regulations.
The documentation according to App.A shall be submitted to DNV for evaluation of the emergency response
design. The documentation submitted to DNV for evaluation shall address the following topics:
environmental conditions
distance to the nearest installation, to shore and to coastal facilities
number and distribution of personnel
effect of time of day on emergency response
immediate effects of an incident on the installation and people
development of heat and smoke in the event of fire and availability of muster areas, means of escape and
The evaluation of the emergency response design shall include an assessment of the proposed emergency
response measures, comprising an analysis of the performance of the measures and a judgement of their
adequacy. The energy island layout giving the different facilities and topsides (e.g. transformer station(s),
converter station, power-to-X) and safety systems shall be evaluated with regard to hazard identification and
safety for humans, the environment and the asset considering:
alarms and communications
escape routes and muster areas
evacuation, rescue and recovery.
For the assessment of the selection of emergency response equipment, the following issues shall be
accessibility and survivability under emergency conditions
reliability and/or availability
maintenance, usability and training requirements.
Changes of the installation or changes of the external situation that may affect the emergency response
procedures shall also be part of the assessment. Such changes in particular include:
potential emergency scenarios
emergency response equipment
emergency response organization
emergency response procedures
staff experience
research results and new knowledge
changes in statutory legislation.
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E. Access and transfer design
Evaluation of the access and transfer design shall be based on applicable standards as specified in the
approved design basis, e.g. DNV-ST-0145 and national regulations.
Following interconnections shall be included in the review, as far as applicable:
— between transformer station(s) and converter station(s) as part of the main power system
— between main power system and power-to-X facility
— between export system(s).
The review shall focus on:
— connection elements (power cables, busbar systems, etc.)
— protection and interlocking design (via switch gears, connectors, etc.)
— control design/philosophy.
If the design of the energy island includes separate export systems to different countries, the requirements
of the different grid operators shall be observed for each export system. The design of interconnections
between different export systems (e.g. for energy trading or grid interconnection between countries) shall
be specified considering the different grid requirements for the involved countries (e.g. voltage level, grid
protection design).
E. Power-to-X design
Due to risk and hazards involved with 'power-to-X technologies' (i.e. power-to-fuel, power to Ammonia,
power to power, etc.), such facilities shall be considered as high risk facilities which could lead to fatalities
in case of failures. High risk facilities are not covered by this specification. See DNV-SE-0656 for verification
and certification of 'power-to-X technologies’. It shall be documented that; for each credible risk scenario,
sufficient means are provided to achieve desired safety level. Based on this, a project specific risk based
approach can be agreed for the defined scope and credible hazard events considered credible for the subject
The documentation listed in App.A is not representative for the power-to-X technologies and therefore above
risk management approach shall prevail (i.e. essential safety requirements (ESRs) evaluation report for the
process equipment/assembly, relevant certificates and declaration as per EU directives etc. for the process
equipment and electrical assembly).
For energy islands within European Union (EU) compliance towards relevant EU directives shall be taken into
consideration, i.e. EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU), Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/
EU), Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC), Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU) etc. In addition, specific
law requirements could come into force and shall be considered. The project developer shall clarify applicable
directives and national requirements, and consider them in the design basis preparation (hierarchy of laws,
directives, codes and standards), see [E.2.3.7], and applied for the design.
The evaluation shall be based on the agreed standards and approved design basis.
The requirements for the design phase shall be defined and agreed in the design basis phase with special
care, see [E.2.3.7].
E. Manufacturing, transport, installation and commissioning plan
The evaluation of the manufacturing, transportation, installation (including loading and unloading, such as
lifting loads) and commissioning processes shall be based on the approved design basis and standards, e.g.
DNV-ST-0145, DNV-ST-0054, DNV-RP-0423.
E. In-service plan
Relevant input to the inspection and maintenance plans shall be prepared. The input to the inspection plan
and the maintenance manual shall be seen as a help to the operations and maintenance organization that
normally will be established later. Examples of issues to be covered are inspections and checks of the scour
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E. Interconnection design of the energy island
The design of interconnections of components and/or systems of the energy island (system integration) shall
be assessed for compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and further standards, codes and requirements specified
in the design basis. The focus of the evaluation shall be on the safety of the installation as defined in the
approved design basis. The evaluation shall be carried out by spot checks of the diagrams, specifications and
calculations of the interconnection system(s).
Evaluation of the operation and maintenance programme shall be based on the approved design basis and
standards such as DNV-ST-0145 and industry best practice.
The following documentation shall be submitted for evaluation:
— description of risk-based inspection and maintenance programmes, covering inspection, scheduled
maintenance and unscheduled maintenance
— service and maintenance manual for key components.
The documentation shall be evaluated and verified for compliance with the approved design basis regarding
scope and intervals of the following:
operational monitoring and condition monitoring
safety related inspection and maintenance
scheduled maintenance
unscheduled maintenance provisions
record keeping and quality control.
E.3 Construction
E.3.1 General
[3.1] applies.
E.3.2 Manufacturing
E.3.2.1 General
[3.2.1] applies.
E.3.2.2 Wind turbines
[3.2.2] applies.
E.3.2.3 Substation
[3.2.3] applies.
E.3.2.4 Power cables
[3.2.4] applies.
E.3.2.5 Control station
[3.2.5] applies.
E.3.2.6 Energy islands
E. General
The scope of manufacturing surveillance shall be agreed at the start of the project-specific manufacturing
and it is depending on:
— the inspection results in the course of the production start, i.e., initial audit as stated in section [E.3.2.1]
— the demands of the owner, fabrication yard or local authority.
The surveillance scope and extend shall be defined based on verification levels, described in the following.
— Verification level low: the level of manufacturing surveillance largely depends on the fabricator's own
quality management. Hence, the DNV inspector shall focuses on spot-check reviews of fabrication records.
A close follow-up of inspection items according to an agreed inspection and test plan (ITP) and punch-
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protection system/coast protection system and the corrosion protection system, assumed service vessel(s),
and inspections for fatigue cracks if relevant.
Audit and inspection reports shall be issued by DNV for each audit or inspection.
— Verification level medium: this level of manufacturing surveillance envisages regular site inspections
and the attendance of agreed inspections and tests according to project and component specific ITPs. A
follow-up of findings and punch-list items is feasible. Likewise, fabrication records may be reviewed and
approved, if agreed.
Audit and inspection reports shall be issued by DNV for each audit or inspection.
— Verification level high: this type of manufacturing surveillance envisages permanent site attendance by
DNV inspectors, enabling the attendance of tests and inspections according to project and component
specific ITPs and the close monitoring of the fabrication and outfitting. In contrary to the aforementioned
levels of surveillance, on-site review and approval of fabrication and test procedures may be carried out
by the DNV inspector.
Audit and weekly inspection reports shall be issued by DNV. Based on DNV's monitoring of the fabrication,
observation reports may be issued, if agreed beforehand.
Guidance note:
It is recommended to choose at least the medium verification level as this provides an appropriate contribution and
supplementation to the manufacturers and owners own quality management. The medium verification level allows for ITP-driven
surveillance activities and an efficient tracking of findings. Furthermore, the fabrication and testing may be monitored at an
adequate level.
For the fabrication, the following documentation shall be submitted to DNV for the evaluation of the
manufacturing activities:
— general arrangement drawings and specifications intended for the manufacturing
— manufacturing drawings, specifications and instructions
— inspection test plans and procedures.
The extent of items to be included in the manufacturing surveillance shall be agreed before the start of
fabrication and may depend on the demands of the owner and the local authority. As a minimum, the
prefabricated support structure for the island body and the assets is considered relevant to be included in
the manufacturing surveillance. The manufacturing and surveillance shall be based on DNV-ST-0145 and
additionally DNV-OS-C401 for steel structures and DNV-ST-C502 for concrete structures, if not agreed
otherwise in the design basis.
Guidance note:
A hierarchy of standards for the manufacturing requirements should be agreed at the beginning of the project during the design
basis certification. In case the parts of the energy island are manufactured in accordance with DNV-OS-C401, but in the context
of this service specification, the requirements listed in DNV-OS-C401 Ch.3, with respect to qualification of companies may be
Guidance for the planning and execution of manufacturing surveillance activities may be found in DNVRP-0423.
E. Surveillance of the topside´s structure
The manufacturing surveillance of the topside structure shall be carried out according to one of the following
verification levels.
— Verification level low: depending on the number of manufacturing sites five to ten surveillance visits
to the manufacturer’s workshop or yard are considered as the minimum number of surveillances to be
completed by DNV. The surveillance shall include initial audits at the involved fabrication yards, three to
four inspections during the fabrication period and a final inspection at the end of fabrication.
— Verification level medium: for each manufacturing site involved in the topside fabrication an initial audit
shall be carried out. During the period of steel fabrication one (1) inspection day per week at every
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list items is not feasible. Likewise, detailed on-ste review and approval of fabrication specifications (e.g.
welding process specifications) and records (e.g. test reports) are not foreseen.
The surveillance activities shall prioritise components and processes with highest risk and failure with most
severe consequences as described in [E.3.2.1] but may also include secondary structures, if agreed. The
surveillance shall focus on:
compliance with the quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
adherence to established quality assurance processes
welding procedures specification and welding procedures qualification
welders’ and NDT operators’ qualifications
construction drawings versus reviewed drawings
visual inspection of on-going jobs
witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
visual inspection of finished sections before shipping
document review
review of as-built documentation, including non-conformities and technical queries which are relevant for
the design.
Guidance for the planning and execution of manufacturing surveillance activities may be found in DNVRP-0423.
E. Surveillance of the topside's equipment
Systems and arrangements essential for safe operation of the different topsides are part of the project
certification of the energy island and therefore manufacturing surveillance of such topside's equipment is
necessary for the certification of the energy island.
The manufacturing surveillance of the topside's equipment shall be carried out according to one of the
following verification levels.
— Verification level low: three surveillance visits to the topsides assembly workshop(s) or yard(s) are
considered as the minimum number of surveillances to be completed by DNV. Two additional surveillance
visits may be necessary for testing purposes.
— Verification level medium: during the period of outfitting and testing of the installed systems 1.5
inspection days per week at every involved manufacturing site are considered as the adequate number of
surveillances to be completed by DNV.
— Verification level high: during the period of outfitting and testing of the installed systems at the main
manufacturing site one permanent inspector should be foreseen. Depending on the agreed scope,
additional tests such as factory acceptance tests or inspections at sub-contractors´ may be covered by an
increase of manning, if required.
Surveillance shall be, as a minimum, focus on the following systems and arrangements:
passive fire protection
active fire protection
fire and gas alarm and detection system(s)
drain system
fuel system
ventilation system
communication systems/public address and general alarm system(s)
power operated fire doors/access system
automatic actions and shutdown
main, emergency and escape lighting systems
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involved manufacturing site is considered as the adequate number of surveillances to be completed by
— Verification level high: for each manufacturing site involved in the topside fabrication an initial audit
shall be carried out. During the period of steel fabrication at the main manufacturing site one permanent
inspector should be foreseen. Depending on the number of sub-suppliers or during peak periods of
fabrication an increase of personnel may be required.
auxiliary power supply of safety systems/emergency services
means of escape
means of evacuation
means of rescue and recovery
life-saving appliances and personal protection equipment.
electrolyzers, fuel synthesizers
power interconnection / transformation and power distribution
water treatment and desalination
rotating equipment
energy storage (e.g. hydrogen, methanol or ammonia)
fluid storage
battery storage
process safety functions
HIPPS system
utility systems
piping, pressure vessels, passive fire protection
fire and gas detection systems
emergency shutdown systems, relief, purge and flare system
process equipment
hazardous area classification.
Guidance note:
Please note that Specific requirement from applicable EU directives and Notified Body (NoBo) activities are not included and
covered in this service specification.
E. Surveillance of the prefabricated support structures
The manufacturing surveillance of support structures shall be carried out according to one selected
verification level, see [E.].
For novel types of support structures and for manufacturers DNV starts to work with, the number of
surveillance visits shall be agreed for each project on a case-by-case basis and should at least follow the
medium verification level.
Surveillance of support structures and agreed secondary structures shall be completed at the manufacturers'
shops or in the fabrication yard and shall be focused, on a random basis, on:
compliance with the quality assurance process and quality plan requirements
incoming goods inspection
welding procedures specification and welding procedures qualification
welder qualifications
scaffolding, formwork and falsework
reinforcement layout
grouting and casting of concrete
prestressing procedures
construction drawings versus reviewed drawings
visual inspection of on-going jobs
repair work
corrosion protection systems
witnessing of non-destructive testing and review of its documentation
as-built geometry and visual inspection of the finished support structure before shipping
document review.
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E.3.3 Transport and installation
E.3.3.1 General
[3.3.1] applies with the following addition:
— energy island site plan.
E.3.3.2 Wind turbines
[3.3.2] applies.
E.3.3.3 Substation
[3.3.3] applies.
E.3.3.4 Power cables
[3.3.4] applies.
E.3.3.5 Control station
[3.3.5] applies.
E.3.3.6 Energy Island
The transport and installation surveillance of the energy island shall cover all main components and facilities,
typically the energy island body including scour protection, if applicable, support structures of assets,
topsides, power-to-X facilities and port infrastructure, if applicable.
E.3.4 Commissioning; operation and maintenance manuals
E.3.4.1 General
[3.4.1] applies.
E.3.4.2 Commissioning
E. General
[3.4.2] applies.
E. Wind turbines
[] applies.
E. Substation
[] applies.
E. Power cables
[] applies.
E. Control station
[] applies.
E. Energy Islands
Assessment of the commissioning manual:
The commissioning manual shall be submitted for assessment.
Commissioning surveillance:
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For special types of support structures, a more detailed manufacturing surveillance programme may be
The surveillance shall be based on relevant standards, such as DNV-RP-0423, DNV-ST-0145 and on design
documentation previously submitted to and reviewed by DNV following the approved design basis.
The surveillance covers (inside the scope agreed) witnessing by the inspector during the actual
commissioning, whereas DNV is obligated to follow up quality-relevant non-conformities found during the
surveillance. Quality-relevant non-conformities and their consequences shall be communicated immediately.
The commissioning procedure may be divided into different parts e.g. offshore commissioning without grid
connection, offshore commissioning with grid connection, commissioning of power-to-X system, if applicable.
Within the course of commissioning surveillance the commissioning manual shall be followed and functions of
the different topsides shall be tested. This includes the following tests and activities:
— visual inspection of the entire installation including passive fire protection, means of escape, means of
evacuation, means of rescue and recovery, check of correspondence of the fire and safety plans to the
final equipment and marking of the energy island
— tests of fire and gas alarm and detection system
— tests of firefighting systems
— tests of drain system
— tests of fuel system
— tests of ventilation system
— tests of communication systems/public address and general alarm system
— tests of power operated fire doors/access system
— tests of automatic actions and shutdown (cause and effects)
— tests of main, emergency and escape lighting systems
— tests of auxiliary power supply of safety systems/emergency services.
In addition to the tests, the following items shall be examined during commissioning surveillance by visual
inspection of the different topsides and facilities installed on the energy island:
general appearance
corrosion protection
conformity of the main components with the certified types/versions
design and traceability of the same.
The scope of commissioning surveillance shall be agreed between the customer and DNV. It shall be stated in
the contract.
In case the surveillance reveals serious non-conformities, the scope of the surveillance shall be increased.
The extent shall be discussed and agreed between the customer and DNV.
Inspection of installations and review of commissioning records:
The topsides and facilities installed on the energy island shall undergo an inspection of the parts which
were not in the scope of the commissioning surveillance. This inspection shall be performed after the
commissioning has been carried out. DNV does not require witnessing of the actual commissioning process at
the components and systems chosen for inspection.
The following items shall be inspected:
general appearance
corrosion protection
conformity of the main components with the certified types/versions
design and traceability of the same.
Additionally, the commissioning records shall be submitted to DNV for assessment.
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Before commissioning surveillance starts, the customer shall provide a written statement that the topsides
and other relevant facilities of the energy island (e.g., harbour facilities, power-to-X systems) have been
erected properly and completely. The commissioning will be performed under surveillance of DNV.
E.3.4.3 Operation manual
E. General
[] applies.
E. Wind turbines
[] applies.
E. Substation
[] applies.
E. Power cables
[] applies.
E. Control station
[] applies.
E. Energy Islands
The operation manual for the topsides shall be in compliance with DNV-ST-0145 and the approved design
E.3.4.4 Maintenance manual
E. General
[] applies.
E. Wind turbines
[] applies.
E. Substation
[] applies.
E. Power cables
[] applies.
E. Control station
[] applies.
E. Energy Islands
The maintenance manual shall be submitted for assessment.
The inspection plan for the periodic monitoring inspections, see [E.4.7], shall be submitted for assessment.
E.4 Operation and maintenance
E.4.1 In-service/periodic monitoring
The topside of the substation (if applicable), rotor-nacelle assembly of the wind turbine, components of
energy islands, support structures, seabed level or scour protection and power cables are within the scope of
in-service or periodic monitoring. Structural integrity including electrical systems, machinery, functioning of
safety and braking systems shall be examined as well.
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The extent of the inspections shall be discussed and agreed between the customer and DNV.
[4.2] applies.
E.4.3 Wind turbines
[4.3] applies.
E.4.4 Substation
[4.4] applies.
E.4.5 Power cables
[4.5] applies.
E.4.6 Control station
[4.6] applies.
E.4.7 Energy Islands
E.4.7.1 General
[E.4.1] and [E.4.2] apply. In addition, see DNV-ST-0145 for requirements for topsides of the energy island.
In general, the in-service plan required during the design phase [] shall be taken into consideration.
Components recommended for consideration during in-service surveillance of the energy island (e.g.
topsides and their support structures, equipment, cables, power-to-X facilities, harbour facilities) are given in
[E.4.7.2] to [E.4.7.6].
E.4.7.2 Topsides
Periodic surveillance of the topsides of an energy island is required in order to verify compliance with the
approved design. The surveillance shall cover as a minimum:
the support structures of topsides
fire-fighting equipment and systems by visual inspection and test
life-saving appliances by visual inspection and test
electrical systems such as generators, converters, transformers, switch gears, auxiliary power systems
and emergency power generation systems
control and protection systems
lifting applications
personnel safety installations
selected systems and components by general inspection and test.
electrolyzers, fuel synthesizers
power interconnection / transformation and power distribution
water treatment and desalination
rotating equipment
energy storage (e.g. hydrogen, methanol or ammonia)
fluid storage
battery storage
process safety functions
HIPPS system
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E.4.2 In-service surveillance
utility systems
piping, pressure vessels, passive fire protection
fire and gas detection systems
emergency shutdown systems, relief, purge and flare system
process equipment
hazardous area classification
The surveillance of the systems listed above shall focus on relevant items as further detailed in DNV-ST-0145
E.4.7.3 Submerged structures
The structures below water shall be subject to periodic surveillance in order to verify compliance with the
approved design.
The surveillance of the submerged structures shall focus on relevant items as further detailed in DNVST-0145 Sec.11.
E.4.7.4 Harbour facilities
The harbour structures shall be subject to periodic surveillance in order to verify compliance with the
approved design.
E.4.7.5 Power-to-X facilities
Periodic surveillance of the power-to-X facilities of an energy island is required in order to verify compliance
with the approved design. For minimum requirements, see [E.4.7.2]. For high risk units additional minimum
requirements may apply.
E.4.7.6 Artificial island body
The artificial island body shall be subject to periodic surveillance in order to verify compliance with the
approved design.
E.4.8 Certification of modifications
[4.7] applies.
E.4.9 Condition based evaluation
[4.8] applies.
E.5 Lifetime extension
E.5.1 General
[5.1] applies.
E.5.2 Wind turbines
[5.2] applies.
E.5.3 Substation
[5.3] applies.
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[5.4] applies.
E.5.5 Energy Islands
For energy islands the principles stipulated in the documents listed under [5.2] may be taken as a basis for
the evaluation of the extension of the original design lifetime.
E.6 Decommissioning
E.6.1 General
[6.1] applies.
E.7 Repowering
E.7.1 General
[7.1] applies.
E.7.2 Wind turbines
[7.2] applies.
E.7.3 Substation
[7.3] applies.
E.7.4 Power cables
[7.4] applies.
E.7.5 Energy Islands
If the power output of the wind power plants increases, the required transforming power on the energy island
increases. Three main options are seen:
The body of the energy island remains unchanged, while the transformers, converters and other systems
are partially or completely exchanged. Minor changes to the support structure are possible, as long as no
main load carrying members are affected.
The energy island is designed and erected completely new. The old components shall be removed, see
The energy island may be built modular. If new topsides or facilities need to be added, the artificial island
body may be extended and space provided for additional equipment.
Option 1 requires a re-calculation of the island, based on updated loads. As the fatigue action on
substructures is relatively low and as the new extreme and fatigue design loads may be lower than the old
ones, this may be successful. The whole procedure may be based on that for the wind turbines (see [E.5]),
but under less stringent boundary conditions.
Option 2 requires a full new certification process.
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E.5.4 Power cables
E.8 Power plant related services/systems
E.8.1 General
[8.1] applies.
E.8.2 Site-specific type certification
[8.2] applies.
E.8.3 Site suitability of wind turbines
[8.3] applies.
E.8.4 Meteorological masts
[8.4] applies.
E.8.5 Navigation and aviation aids of offshore plants
[8.5] applies.
E.8.6 Power plant performance
E.8.6.1 General
[8.6.1] applies with the following addition:
the electrical performance of the substation or energy island connected to the wind power plants and grid
may be reviewed by analysing the:
wind power plant's and energy island's electrical layout
active and reactive power flows
influence on the existing electrical power grid (harmonics, flickers, lines overload, compensation)
critical details.
E.8.6.2 Power performance
[8.6.2] applies.
E.8.6.3 Power plant grid code compliance
[8.6.3] applies.
E.8.7 Shop approval
[8.7] applies.
E.8.8 Helicopter decks
[8.8] applies.
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Option 3 requires new certification of the added topsides, modules and island body.
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E.8.9 Health, safety and environment
[8.9] applies.
E.8.10 Integration of certificates
[8.10] applies.
E.8.11 Escrow
[8.11] applies.
E.8.12 Electrical energy storage systems
[8.12] applies.
E.8.13 Wind farm control
[8.13] applies.
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Project certification of wind power plants
Amendments September 2021
Rebranding to DNV
This document has been revised due to the rebranding of DNV
GL to DNV. The following have been updated: the company
name, material and certificate designations, and references to
other documents in the DNV portfolio. Some of the documents
referred to may not yet have been rebranded. If so, please see
the relevant DNV GL document. No technical content has been
Changes September 2020
Document structure
Section structure updated based on DNV GL's latest service
document style manual.
[1.1], Figure 1-1
Section updated to reflect changes in the documents. Holistic
overview and navigation table aligned with updates made and
List of benefits updated.
Floating wind
[1.4.1], Figure 1-3
Providing guidance for floating wind turbine certifications,
adding references to DNV-SE-0422, DNV-ST-0119 and DNVRP-0286. Definition of the assets and figure updated.
Latest edition of BSH-No. 7005 with edition 2015-12 listed,
reference DNV-RP-0423 Manufacturing and commissioning of
offshore substations added, title for DNV-RP-0419 has been
updated to Analysis of grouted connections using the finite
element method.
Transport and installation
[1.5], [],
[], [3.3.1]
Adding DNV-ST-0054 Transport and installation of wind power
plants as reference where applicable.
Power plant lifecycle
Design lifetime example extended.
Certification phases
New basic design phase added to provide customers the
possibility on an optional basis to certify the preliminary
designs. Figure 1-8 updated and legend added.
Certification body
Additionally DNV GL is entitled to operate under IECRE System
as a RE Certification Body (RECB). This entitles DNV GL
to certify against IECRE OD-502 and issue further IECRE
Added a description that, if whole PC done according to this
document for the WTs, we can issue a DNV GL certificate and
also a IECRE certificate considering the IECRE procedure.
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Changes – historic
September 2020 edition
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Overview figure updated incl. legend with optional elements.
Validity and maintenance
Provide clarity on the validity and align with IECRE OD-502. The
maintenance is optional and the in-service statement does not
necessarily validate the original project certificate.
Remote inspection
Possibility on remote inspection added.
Concept certification
In order to qualify alternative or novel design and for
general guidance on the implementation of a risk based
approach, see the following DNV GL service documents: DNVSE-0160Technology qualification management and verification,
DNV-RP-A203 Technology qualification and DNV-SE-0474
Risk based verification. Items, corrosion protection strategy /
corrosion control concept, concept of substation with respect to
structural, safety and electrical design added.
Design basis general
Clarity on topics and possible sharing of responsibilities by
multi-contracting (Design basis part A, B, C) added as in
practice applied and known from DNV-SE-0073.
Design basis, site assessment
Options for site condition assessment measurements added
as know from DNV-SE-0073, 2018-01 edition. Bullet point
adapted by adding the example 'corrosion protection strategy /
corrosion control concept, e.g. alignment with fatigue design
requirements'. Paragraph added to clarify that the TC is not
mandatory to have it available at the design basis phase.
Design basis wind turbines
reg. Manufacturing, transport,
installation and commissioning
Bullet point adapted by adding the example 'e.g. application of
coatings, allocation of anodes'.
Design basis substation
Bullet point list adapted for clarity and alignment with DNVST-0145. 2020 edition. Sentence added providing guidance on
hazard and risk identification methods.
Design basis power cables
Bullet point for quality management system added. Editorial
change to 'manufacturing requirements and storage methods'.
Basic design, new optional
New basic design phase added to provide customers the
possibility on an optional basis to certify the preliminary
designs. The basic design phase is applicable to generic
design briefs, employers specification and maybe designs to
approve their generic adequacy for a later project specific
implementation. By this the later application will be eased and
project-specific application assessed during implementation e.g.
design and manufacturing phase.
Design Integrated Load
Enable also ILA statement issuing on request, as given for the
site condition statement in the design basis phase.
Design rotor-nacelle assembly
Text improved to provide clarity on TC need for the design
phase, but not necessarily valid at the PC issuing date. Bullet
point list amended to provide better transparency on relevant
items. Handling of provisional TC addressed.
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Design, manufacturing,
transport, installation and
commissioning plan
Section on 'manufacturing, transport, installation and
commissioning plan' relevant at the design phase added as
known from DNV-SE-0073.
Design, in-service plan
Section on 'in-service plan' relevant at the design phase added
as known from DNV-SE-0073.
Installation categories for manning amended in alignment with
DNV-ST-0145, 2020 edition. Subsection updated to improve
clarity and alignment with DNV-ST-0145, 2020 edition.
Bullet point list updated to align with DNV-ST-0145, 2020
edition and table focus of verification for substation updated.
Sentences added for clarity.
Manufacturing general
Clarity on initial audit and inspection purpose improved/
amended. Updated reference to verification levels and
surveillance frequency.
Manufacturing wind turbines
Title adjusted to 'Surveillance of rotor-nacelle assembly' instead
of 'Surveillance of wind turbine components' as a separate
section on surveillance of support structure is available. This
title now better distinguishes the wind turbine parts.
Manufacturing substation
Section improved by amending the definition of the verification
levels and align with DNV-ST-0145, 2020 edition.
Commissioning, operation and
maintenance manuals
The subsection on commissioning, operation and maintenance
manuals is moved to Sec. 3 to assign it to the construction
project phase instead of O&M project phase.
Commissioning, maintenance
and operation substation
Section aligned with DNV-ST-0145, 2020 edition and sentence
added to guide to relevant standards DNV-RP-0423 and DNVST-0145.
Operation control station
Created a more flexible list by adding a "may" at the end of the
sentence "The necessary personnel to operate the power plant
may consist of:" Corrected the sentence by listing "the assets"
instead of wind turbines. "Coordination of maintenance and
periodic monitoring of the assets".
[4.1], Figure 4-1,
[4.2], [4.3], [4.4]
Section is dedicated to operation and maintenance and related
certifications services. Sec.[4.1] to Sec.[4.4] improved by a
better structure to consider the different assets/components
and more guidance . Figure updated to reflect common practice
and adapted text.
Certification of modifications
Section on modifications such as repair and replacement
added. This is intended for assets or their components being in
Condition-based evaluation
Section on condition based evaluation added. This is
intended for assets or their components being in operation
and not subject to periodic monitoring beginning with the
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Changes – historic
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Site suitability of wind turbines
Site suitability services for wind turbines changed and amended
by defining different options based on practical experiences,
customer exchange and service requests. Overview table with
description for site-specific design assessment, site-specific
load assessment and individual site-specific assessment added.
Site suitability and wind
turbine lifetime beyond type
certified lifetime
Certification of site-specific design assessments going beyond
type certified design lifetime added.
Power performance
New standard for determination of availability: IEC 61400-26-1
added. Sentence to guide for specific power performance
standards added.
Health, safety and
HSE section updated to cover personnel health and safety,
training systems and giving a task list.
Electrical energy storage
Section on electrical energy storage systems added.
Wind farm control
Wind farm control certification service newly added.
List of documents offshore
List of documents restructured and aligned with DNV-ST-0145,
2020 edition.
Deliverables example
Deliverables examples updated and amended by sample
information of the annexes.
National requirements USA CVA scope
Guidance for certification of offshore wind power plants in US
federal waters newly added.
December 2015 edition
This is a new document.
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About DNV
DNV is the independent expert in risk management and assurance, operating in more than 100
countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise DNV advances safety and sustainable
performance, sets industry benchmarks, and inspires and invents solutions.
Whether assessing a new ship design, optimizing the performance of a wind farm, analyzing sensor
data from a gas pipeline or certifying a food company’s supply chain, DNV enables its customers and
their stakeholders to make critical decisions with confidence.
Driven by its purpose, to safeguard life, property, and the environment, DNV helps tackle the
challenges and global transformations facing its customers and the world today and is a trusted
voice for many of the world’s most successful and forward-thinking companies.