Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2012) 400–406 www.elsevier.com/locate/jet Introduction to general equilibrium Yves Balasko a,∗ , John Geanakoplos b,c a Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York, UK b Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States c Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, United States Received 18 September 2011; final version received 3 October 2011; accepted 20 January 2012 Available online 30 January 2012 Abstract This introduces the symposium on general equilibrium. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. JEL classification: C62; C63; D04; D51; D52; D53; D58; D61; E32; E44; E58 Keywords: Default; Efficiency; Equilibrium; Existence; Incomplete markets; Leverage; Overlapping-generations model; Public goods; Regular equilibria; Sunspot equilibria 1. A short and incomplete perspective A goal in this symposium is to offer a snapshot of some of the best research currently going on in the theory of general equilibrium. The most active research themes in this field can be traced back to a rather small number of influential sources. The following is neither a detailed listing nor an exhaustive account of the research in general equilibrium theory during the past one hundred years, a goal that would be far beyond the scope of this short essay. The role of our short and necessarily incomplete historical references is to offer some perspective on the research papers in the symposium. The book and papers we have highlighted are: (1) The 1951 articles of Arrow [2] and Debreu [18], in which equilibrium is shown to be Pareto efficient – the first theorem of welfare economics; (2) The 1954 articles by Arrow and Debreu [5] and McKenzie [32], where the existence of an equilibrium is proved by a fixed-point argument; (3) Debreu’s monograph [19], which applies to the general equilibrium model of Walras [37] the axiomatic * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: yves.balasko@york.ac.uk (Y. Balasko), john.geanakoplos@yale.edu (J. Geanakoplos). 0022-0531/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jet.2012.01.022 Y. Balasko, J. Geanakoplos / Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2012) 400–406 401 approach advocated in the treatise of Nicolas Bourbaki [13] – see in particular the part on “Mode d’emploi de ce traité;” (4) The formulation in Arrow [3,4] of a two-period model with uncertainty in the second period with the explicit introduction of assets to enable the transfer of wealth through time and states of nature. Arrow shows the equivalence between the two-period model with complete securities and spot commodity markets and the contingent-goods model in Chapter 7 of Debreu [19]. (5) The overlapping-generations paper of Samuelson [33] with the discovery that existence of equilibrium with a strictly positive value of money and even its efficiency are not incompatible with monetary policies that are not balanced; (6) The infinite horizon paper by Malinvaud [31] that contains the observation that the first theorem of welfare economics does not hold true in infinite horizon models and Shell [34] who establishes that the sole source of inefficiency in the overlapping-generations model of Samuelson [33] is the open time-horizon. Malinvaud [31] also contains the proof that prices tending to zero at infinity is a sufficient condition for the efficiency of equilibrium allocations, a result subsequently improved by Cass [14] and by Balasko and Shell [11] into a complete characterization of efficiency in growth models and overlapping-generations models respectively; (7) The smooth economies paper of Debreu [20] showing that generically there are only a finite number of locally unique equilibria around each of which differentiable comparative statics is well-defined; (8) The Cass and Shell [17] sunspot paper that contains the first formulation of a sunspot model and the proof of the existence of sunspot equilibria under restricted market participation. (9) The existence and indeterminacy of equilibrium motivated by the analysis of the various sources of sunspot equilibrium established for a two period model with nominal and incomplete asset payoffs by Cass [15,16], the working paper versions of these articles having been published almost simultaneously in 1984. The existence and indeterminacy properties were extended to the general case by Balasko and Cass [9] and Geanakoplos and Mas-Colell [27]; (10) The paper by Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis [28] showing that, for generic economies with at least two agents and incomplete asset markets, equilibrium is not only Pareto inefficient but also constrained Pareto inefficient; (11) The articles by Dubey, Geanakoplos and Shubik [22] (circulated in 1988) and by Geanakoplos [25] and Geanakoplos and Zame [29] that introduced default and punishment and default and collateral respectively into the general equilibrium model with incomplete asset markets. Cross-fertilization between these different lines of research has been particularly fruitful. There is rarely a theory paper nowadays that does not combine at least two of the above research lines. It is hardly surprising to see that the rich literature on default, incomplete markets and efficiency is represented in the current symposium by no less than three papers, namely the papers by Araujo, Kubler and Schommer [1], by Fostel and Geanakoplos [24] and by Bottazi, Luque and Pascoa [12]. Henriksen and Spear [30] work with incomplete markets and efficiency, Balasko [6] deals with sunspot equilibria and regular economies, and Villanacci and Zenginobuz [36] deal with existence and efficiency of equilibrium. 2. Existence and efficiency Villanacci and Zenginobuz [36] is a direct descendant of the Arrow–Debreu and McKenzie existence papers. It deals with a general equilibrium model with one public good and a collection of private goods. The public good is produced by a firm that uses the private goods as inputs. Villanacci and Zenginobuz use the concept of subscription equilibrium introduced for that setup by Malinvaud. Previous results developed in simple versions of the model have suggested that a certain neutrality property would be satisfied by subscription equilibria in these simple models. Roughly speaking, the level of public good provision at equilibrium does not depend on 402 Y. Balasko, J. Geanakoplos / Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2012) 400–406 individual endowments of agents who contribute to the production of the publish good. More specifically, as long as the set of contributors remains the same, a tax-financed increase of government spending on the public good reduces voluntary private contributions to the public good by an equal amount. That neutrality property has been established using very restrictive assumptions, including the lack of general equilibrium effects. Villanacci and Zenginobuz show that the neutrality property does not hold true once we have a genuine general equilibrium environment. The contrary would have been surprising, but the main strength of the result is that it invalidates any hasty conclusion that might be drawn from partial equilibrium or other unrealistic models. In fact, the authors establish that, for a generic set of economies, every subscription equilibrium can be Pareto improved by suitable government interventions. This paper is unquestionably in the lineage of the Arrow–Debreu and McKenzie papers, but also exploits techniques of differential topology that are the hallmark of much of recent research in the theory of general equilibrium. What is true of the model with one public good and many private goods is likely to be also true of other simple models and their properties, whether these models deal with macroeconomics or finance. This will have to be kept in mind when reading the conclusions of some of the other papers in the symposium. 3. Overlapping-generations and efficiency Henriksen and Spear explore efficiency properties of equilibrium allocations in a standard stochastic exchange overlapping-generations model with three-period lived agents and a productive asset but no informational frictions. That paper is not only an offspring of the two papers by Malinvaud and Samuelson [31,33], it combines earlier work of Spear on rational expectations equilibria in the overlapping-generations model [35] and the huge literature on incomplete asset markets. In addition, the paper crucially exploits the characterization of efficiency given by Cass for growth models in [14] and for the overlapping-generations model by Balasko and Shell [11]. Their main conclusion is that markets are sequentially incomplete in their model and, as a consequence, risk is not allocated efficiently at competitive equilibria. They then show that a financial reform which replaces the positive net supply asset with a set of insurance contracts in zero net supply generates a Pareto improvement on the competitive equilibrium allocation. They also show by way of numerical simulations that tax and transfer schemes can also generate Pareto improvements. The paper by Henriksen and Spear [30] is an important improvement on Demange [21], where it is shown that if markets are sequentially complete then the stationary competitive equilibrium in a model in which agents trade only a single good and live more than two periods are Pareto optimal. By showing that risk is not allocated efficiently at equilibrium when markets are not sequentially complete, Henriksen and Spear provide further evidences that systemic risk as identified in 2008 financial market meltdown can be the consequence of fundamental market incompleteness. 4. Collateral, regulation and leverage Three papers come under this heading. This number illustrates the dynamism of some of the research lines that have evolved from the study of Arrow’s asset model into the study of general equilibrium models with incomplete markets combined with the explicit introduction of default and promises backed by collateral. The stakes are high because these models aim at nothing less than understanding the most recent and current developments of the world economy and finance, Y. Balasko, J. Geanakoplos / Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2012) 400–406 403 from the subprime crisis of 2007 to the sovereign default crisis of some eurozone countries in 2011. 4.1. Durable goods as collateral and their regulation The model considered by Araujo, Kubler and Schommer [1] follows Geanakoplos [25,26] and Geanakoplos and Zame [29]. The model has two time periods, with uncertainty over the states of the world in the second period. There are two commodities, one perishable and the second durable. The durable good serves as collateral. A financial asset in this model is characterized by its state-contingent promises in the second period and by its collateral requirement. As in Geanakoplos [25], financial contracts consist of the durable collateral and a promise. The actual payoff of the asset will be the minimum of its promise and the value of the collateral. In equilibrium every such contract is priced, but not every such contract will be positively traded. Evaluated at equilibrium prices, each contract determines a loan to value ratio (the ratio of the value of the promise divided by the value of the collateral) or equivalently a margin (1 minus the loan to value). Clearly contracts with low margins will have a greater likelihood of defaulting. One question is whether contracts with margins low enough to entail default in some future states will be positively traded. Araujo, Kubler and Schommer [1] show that default can occur at equilibrium. Another question is whether the government can make everyone better off by prohibiting contracts with margins below some threshold. More precisely, the paper investigates how the regulation of margin requirements can affect the equilibrium allocation and how regulation can make all or some of the consumers better off. This question is very topical since the asset with the lowest collateral-requirement can be interpreted as a subprime loan. Similar exercises have been done for all kinds of models in economic theory. They are still the bread and butter of cost-benefit analysis. The huge literature on the theory of the second-best also warns us of the difficulty if not the impossibility of reaching clear cut answers in general models. The model considered here is no exception. After the negative result that the conditions for making every consumer better off through margin regulation are so restrictive that there is little chance that they can be satisfied in the real world, the authors consider a series of numerical examples. They then show that the rich and the poor gain at the expense of the middle-class when only subprime loans can be traded and markets for prime loans are closed. These examples also show that only subprime loans are traded when the borrower owns almost no collateralizable goods. In the opposite direction, one example shows that subprime loans are not traded when borrowers own substantial amounts of the durable good. 4.2. Securities as collateral and repo markets Following the pioneering work of Duffie [23], Bottazzi, Luque and Páscoa [12] develop a model where loans are backed by securities instead of durable collateral of the kind considered in the previous paper. In models where assets are backed by durable collateral like housing, the available quantity of collateral caps the amount of securities (mortgage) that can be issued. (See, for example, the Geanakoplos and Zame’s paper [29].) Collateral used in repo markets are securities and they are not an argument of preferences or utility functions. The collateral is then fully recyclable. It can be lent and sold by the counterparty it has been lent to. Shorting and issuing of securities, which are formally identical in the traditional asset models, are now treated differently. Shorting occurs once the securities have been 404 Y. Balasko, J. Geanakoplos / Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2012) 400–406 issued. The possibility of re-hypothecation in this model is far more important than the actual nature of the collateral as re-hypothecation drives the potential leverage of positions. The definition of equilibrium excludes the possibility of default (failure to return money) and fails (failure to return a security). The authors show that equilibrium exists under exogenously determined limited re-hypothecation. Two cases are modeled: (1) regulatory limits on dealers’ leverage and (2) segregation of haircuts. 4.3. The pro-cyclical pattern of leverage Numerous data show that the pattern followed by leverage is pro-cyclical: in good times leverage is rising, and after bad news leverage falls. Why? A recent literature starting with Geanakoplos [26] explains how an increase in volatility reduces leverage. Without a theory that explains why bad news increases volatility, the explanation of the pro-cyclical pattern of leverage is incomplete. The paper by Fostel and Geanakoplos [24] fills in this gap by suggesting a reason why bad news is more often than not associated with higher future volatility. This paper considers a multi-period model in which projects can be built in period 0 that pay dividends in the last period. In intermediate periods information is revealed about how productive the projects will be. Fostel and Geanakoplos find that, all else equal, the market gives a higher price to assets or projects for which bad news (if it occurs) dribbles out, because those assets can be leveraged more. Thus those are the assets that will get built. But for those assets, any piece of bad news creates the possibility of more bad news, which means more uncertainty. So according to the paper we should see uncertainty rise after bad news for the majority of projects actually in production, and furthermore, the majority of projects we see should go wrong slowly when things go bad. Remember that the crisis of 2007–2009 developed very slowly, with every bank dribbling out information about losses a few billion dollars at a time, each time creating more uncertainty. The paper by Araujo, Kubler and Schommer in this symposium gives a two-period example of an asset which is used as collateral in two different actively traded contracts. The paper by Fostel and Geanakoplos presents for the first time a three period model in which an asset is endogenously traded simultaneously at different margin requirements in equilibrium. 5. Bifurcations to sunspot equilibria Nonsunspot equilibria in the Cass–Shell sunspot model [17] do not depend on the level of restrictions to market participation faced by the consumers because the nonsunspot equilibria coincide with the equilibria of the associated certainty economy. In addition, if consumers face no restrictions in the sunspot model, the only equilibria of that model are the nonsunspot equilibria; see the sunspot immunity theorem in Cass and Shell [17]. If the certainty economy features more than one equilibrium and states of nature are equiprobable, a simple continuity argument shows that there is some threshold level for restrictions in market participation beyond which sunspot equilibria exist since the fully constrained sunspot economy features a number of equilibria that is equal to the number of equilibria of the certainty economy raised to the power of the number of states of nature. See Balasko [7]. The total number of equilibria is then much larger than the number of nonsunspot equilibria, a number that is equal to the number of equilibria of the certainty economy, which proves the existence of sunspot equilibria in such cases; see Balasko, Cass, and Shell [10]. Y. Balasko, J. Geanakoplos / Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2012) 400–406 405 The only way for a nonsunspot equilibrium to bifurcate into a sunspot equilibrium when market participation is varied—for example because more agents are prevented from participating in the asset market—is therefore for a stable nonsunspot equilibrium of the sunspot economy without restrictions in market participation to become unstable once restrictions in market participation are imposed on the economy. The main contribution of Balasko [6] is the proof that this phenomenon exists or, in other words, that stable nonsunspot equilibria may become unstable. The overall picture, however, is far from simple. First, it is necessary to define an adjustment dynamics that treats symmetrically the various states of nature, an essential characteristic of the sunspot model especially when states of nature are equiprobable. This is done with the help of the variation on Walras tatonnement considered in Balasko [8], a dynamic process where goods are treated symmetrically and adjustment speeds endogenously determined. The nonsunspot equilibria associated with stable certainty equilibria are then stable for that dynamics in the two extreme and polar cases, namely the fully constrained and the fully unconstrained sunspot economies. Is it then possible to observe loss of stability between the two extremes, i.e., for intermediary levels of restrictions in market participation? Stable equilibria with small net trade vectors are shown to be immune to the level of restrictions in market participation in the sense that they remain stable even if the speed of convergence to the equilibrium may vary up to some level. But the speed does not vary sufficiently to become equal to zero and for the equilibria to bifurcate into instability. This immunity property fails to be true for the certainty equilibria that feature large net trade vectors. The corresponding nonsunspot equilibria may then be unstable for intermediary levels of restriction in market participation. A consequence of the stability of the stable certainty equilibria in the two extreme cases of fully constrained and unconstrained participation is the lack of a general rule about the appearance of instability as a function of the level of restrictions in market participation. 6. Conclusion A widely held view among the general public is that the Great Depression and the current financial and economic crisis triggered by the subprime debacle are evidence that economics is not a science in the same sense that mathematics or mechanics are sciences. The research reported in this symposium is proof of the contrary. It illustrates how mathematical models of the economic and financial worlds developed from first principles before the crisis can help us understand a world in crisis and how we got there. Regulators call for the monitoring of systemic risk. This can only mean the study of general equilibrium. Economics is a difficult science with many still unchartered territories. It is through more research of the kind reported in the articles published in this symposium that our understanding of the operations of modern economies will be able to improve. References [1] A. Araujo, F. Kubler, S. Schommer, Regulating collateral-requirements when markets are incomplete, J. Econ. Theory (2012), doi:10.1016/j.jet.2010.09.0004, in press. [2] K. Arrow, An extension of the basic theorems of classical welfare economics, in: J. Neyman (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, University of Berkeley Press, Berkeley, 1951, pp. 507–532. [3] K. 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