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Vietnamese Fables for Children: Turtle, Scorpio, Donkey & Tiger

Fables help children discover more about the outside world. They are stories that are both entertaining and deeply educational. Below are the Top 6 best Vietnamese Fables for children , mothers are invited to refer to them!
5. Turtle and Scorpio
Once upon a time, Turtle and Scorpio became friends. One time they invited each other to go traveling. On the way, we encountered a river that we had to swim across. Scorpio sadly said that he didn't know how to swim, so he probably had to stop at this place for now. The turtle said sympathetically: Climb on my back, I will carry you over.
When Scorpio heard this, he happily climbed onto Turtle's back. But as soon as the Turtle swam away from the shore, the Scorpion stung him right on the back.
Turtle asked: Hey buddy, what are you doing to me?
Scorpio replied: What are you doing? I don't want to either, but you understand, it s like that for us Scorpios, we have to bite both enemies and friends.
Hearing that, the Turtle immediately dived down, threw Scorpio out into the water and told him: Dude, I really don't want to, but we Turtles are like that, if we get bitten, You must wash the bitten area immediately, otherwise it will swell and kill you.
Lesson learned: When we mistreat our friends, our friends will most likely seek revenge against us. So choose to live in harmony and love everyone around you.
5. Rua va Bo Cap
Ngay xua, ngay xua Rua va Bo Cap ket ban voi nhau. Mot lan chung ru nhau di chu du. Tren duong di gap mot con song can phai boi qua. Bo Cap buon rau noi la no khong biet boi, chac phen nay phai dung lai noi nay thoi. Rua thuong tinh bao: Treo len lung to di, to se cho cau sang.
Bo Cap nghe thay mung ro treo ngay len lung Rua. Nhung Rua vua moi boi ra khoi bo thi Bo Cap chich ngay vao lung rua.
Rua hoi: Nay anh ban, cau lam gi to the?
Bo Cap tra loi: Lam gi a? To cung chang muon dau, nhung cau hieu cho, cai giong nha Bo Cap chung to no the, chung to phai can ca ke thu lan ban.
Rua nghe the, lien lan xuong mot hoi, hat Bo Cap ra giua dong nuoc va bao han rang: “Anh ban oi, to that cung chang muon dau, nhung ma cai giong nha Rua chung to no the, he bi can mot cai la phai rua cho bi can ngay, neu khong thi no se sung to len va lam chet toi mat day.”
Bai hoc rut ra: Khi chung ta choi xau ban be thi rat co the ban be se tim cach tra thu lai voi chung ta. The nen hay chon cach song hoa dong, yeu thuong moi nguoi xung quanh.
Fables help children discover more about the outside world. They are stories that are both entertaining and deeply educational. Below are the Top 6 best Vietnamese Fables for children , mothers are invited to refer to them!
6. Donkey and Tiger
Fable of the Donkey and the Tiger
In ancient times, there were no donkeys in the Guizhou region. There was a good-doer who brought a Donkey here by boat. Only then did he discover that there was almost no need for Donkey here. So he released the Donkey into the forest.
One day, there was a Tiger walking in the forest. From afar, Tiger saw Donkey. The first time he saw such a tall animal, Tiger thought that Donkey must be a person with strong bravery. Even though he is the "King of the Jungle", Tiger still does not dare to underestimate him. So Tiger hid in a secret place to observe. When he realized that Donkey was not too big of a threat to him, he slowly approached, wanting to make friends with Donkey. The donkey saw that a brave and bold person appeared on his territory and immediately cried out. Judging from the cry, Donkey clearly must have been a mighty man. The tiger was frightened and thought Donkey was going to attack him, so he ran away in fear. But the Tiger ran away and then realized that the Donkey did not chase him, but was still idly grazing in the same place. After many observations, the Tiger discovered that the Donkey did not have any special skills, and he was no longer afraid of the Donkey's cries.
The Tiger was getting closer and closer to the Donkey. When the Donkey was eating grass, it ran to lightly touch the Donkey, or when the Donkey was walking, the Tiger intentionally walked past and bumped into the Donkey.
Tiger continuously tested Donkey s patience. The donkey was extremely angry, every time he raised his hooves to kick the Tiger.
Gradually, the Tiger knew that the Donkey's greatest skill was just his hooves to kick his opponent. He happily jumped up and rushed at Donkey, roared loudly and bit him to death.
Lesson learned: You must believe in your own abilities, dare to fight and be good at fighting, then there is nothing you cannot win.
6. Lua va Ho
Truyen ngu ngon Lua va Ho
Thoi xua, o vung Quy Chau khong co Lua. Co mot nguoi hay lam viec tot da cho mot con Lua den day bang thuyen. Sau do, ong ta moi phat hien ra rang o day hau nhu khong co viec gi can den Lua. The la ong ta tha Lua vao rung.
Mot hom, co mot con Ho di dao o trong rung. Tu xa, Ho da trong thay Lua. Lan dau tien nhin thay mot con vat cao lon nhu vay, Ho nghi Lua chac han phai la mot ke co ban linh cao cuong. Mac du ban than la “Vua rung xanh”, nhung Ho van khong dam coi thuong. The la Ho nap o mot cho bi mat quan sat. Khi no nhan thay Lua khong phai la moi de doa qua lon doi voi minh, no lien cham cham tien toi, muon ket ban voi Lua. Lua thay co mot ke to gan lon mat xuat hien tren lanh tho cua minh, lien keu len mot tieng. Tu tieng keu ma suy thi Lua ro phai la mot ke hung manh. Ho bi mot phen khiep dam, tuong Lua dinh tan cong minh, so hai chay tron. Nhung Ho chay di roi moi nhan ra Lua khong he duoi theo, ma van nhon nho gam co o cho cu. Sau nhieu lan quan sat, Ho phat hien ra Lua khong he co ban linh gi dac biet, va no cung khong con so tieng keu cua Lua nua.
Ho cang ngay cang tiep can Lua gan hon. Khi Lua dang an co, no chay toi cham nhe vao Lua, hoac khi Lua di dao thi Ho co y di qua va vao Lua.
Ho lien tuc thu thach su kien nhan cua Lua. Lua vo cung tuc gian, lan nao cung gio mong guoc da Ho.
Da dan, Ho biet rang ban linh lon nhat cua Lua chi la mong guoc de da doi phuong. No mung ro phi vot len xong vao Lua, gam len mot tieng va can chet Lua.
Bai hoc rut ra: Phai biet tin tuong va kha nang cua minh, dam dau tranh va gioi dau tranh thi khong gi la khong the chien thang.