1.2 Matrices 19 T hen AT = H~l - 2 C T = [~ -3 2 -n U n 3 BT = - I 2 Hl DT = and [2 £T = - I 3]' • Key Terms Matrix EqU3J mmrices Rows /l-vector (or vector) Columns Rn , c n Size of a matrix Square matrix Main diagonal Element or entry of a matrix 0, zero vector GoogJe Matrix addition Scalar multiple NU Difference of matrices Summation notation Index of summation Linear combination Coefficients Transpose Exercises l. LeI A = [~ (h j A ~ [~ 0 0 and 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. If c~ ["c -+b d (a) Whatisa I2.an.(I2l'! ~] <+d] (/ - b = n [4 [0 find a, b, (". and d. (b) Whatish ll .b31 '! 5. I f [a + 2b (e ) Whatis c 13.C31 .(:31 ? 2c + d 2. Determine the incidence matrix associated with each of the following graphs: -2] 2a - bH4 c - 2d -3 . 4 find a, b, c . and d. (. j (hj ~' III £xercise~' 6 rhrvugh 9, lei P, PI [~ 2 ~ [~ - I p~ P, A = 3. For each of the following incidence matrices. construct a graph. Label the vertices P I. 1'2 . . ... Ps. c E ~ [~ -4 I 2 :1 B~ [i lJ J D = F ~ n [~ -2]4 . [-4 :] 2 20 Chapter 1 Linear Equations and Matrices ",ul 0 ~ [~ ~ ~] 17. Show lhat the summation notation satisfies the following properties: (a) 6. If possible. compute the indicated linear combination: (e) D- F ;=1 (b) A+B (a) C + £and£+C (bl (d ) -3C - 50 (I) 2B + F (e) 2C - 3£ (b ) 312A) and 6A + 2A and 5A 2(D + F) and 2D + 2F 3( B + D) 8. Ifpossible. compute the following: (a) A T and (AT)T (b) + £)T and CT + £T + 3fY (d ) D _ D T 2AT + B (I) (3 D - 2F)T (b) (C (e) (2D (e) (e) (e) (3 B T (b) (A _ B )T 2A) T _ (d) (3 A T (e) (_ A )T and _ (A T) . [' 0]. 10. Is the matnx 0 2 (I) (C _ 5B T ,r + E + F T)T .. . . Inces [' ']. 0 - 3 . . of the maa hnear comblllatlOn [, O] [' 0] . 0 1 and 0 0 ? Justify your answer. 12. Let 2 2 2 If). is a real number. compute AlJ - A. o , ° 13. If A is an /I x /I matrix. what are the entries on the main diagonal of A - AT? Justify )·our answer. 14. Explain why every incidence matrix A associated with a graph is the same as A T. 15. Let the /I x /I matrix A be equal to A T. Briefly describe lhe pallern of the entries in A. 16. If x is an /I-vector. show that x + 0 = x. ~ (t",b } [t u'][~bil 21. A brokerage finn records the high and low values of the price of IBM slock each day. The infonnation for a given week is presented in two vectors. I and b. in RS. showing the high and low values. respecti vely. What expression gives the avemge dai ly values of the price of IBM stock for the entire 5-day week? a lmear combmatlOn of the matn - 1 and ['0 OJ 0 ? Ju,tl.fy your answer. OJ . II. Is the matnx t (~ ,) ~ ' ' 20. A large steel manufacturer. who has 2000 employees. lists each employee·s salary as a component of a \·ector u in R2000. If an 8% across-the-board salary increase has been approved. find an expression in vo lving u that gives all the new salaries. 9. If possible. compute the following: (a) (2A) T t e""")~c (t,,,,,) (u)t('H' I ~(tu.) +u (e) (2 +3) Dand2D+3D (I) ;=1 19. Identify the following expressions as true or false. If true. prove the result: if faIse. give a counterexample. (e) 3A (d ) ;=1 18. ShOWlh"t(~U'I)~~(tu'i ) 7. If possible. compute the indicated linear combination: (a) 3D+2F L" (r, + .~; )(/; = L" r;(/," + L Si(/i .I. 22. For the software you are using. determine the commands to enter a ma tri x. add matrices. multi ply a scalar times a matrix. and obtain the transpose of a matrix for matrices with numerical entries. Praclice the commands. using the linear combinations in Examp le 13 . .1. . 23. Determine whether the software you are llsing includes a computer algebm system (C AS ). and if it does. do the following: (a ) Find the command for entering a symbolic matrix. Ollis command may be different th an thaI for entering a numeric matrix.) (b) Enter seveml symbolic matrices like A ~ [, u ~] and B~ u [d b ;1 Compute expressions like A + B. 2A. 3A + B. A - 2 B. A T + BT. etc. (In some systems you must 30 Chapter 1 Linear Equations and Matrices Writing Ax = b as a linear combination of the columns of A as in (6), we have • The expression for the linear system Ax = b as shown in (6), provides an important way to think about solutions of linear systems. Ax = b is consistent if and only if b can be expressed as a linear combination of the columns of the matrix A. We encounter this approach in Chapter 2. Key Terms Dot product (inner product) Matrix~vector product .i' Exercises III £Hm:isel' I alld 2, (;Ompllle I. (a) Coefficient matrix Augmented matrix a· b. , ~[a b ~[ _~] [_;] (b ) ,~ [ =;J b ~ (cJ ,~ ul b ~m Idl 3. L" '~ b ~[ -;llr'. b ~17.fiOd'. 4. Determine the value of x so that v· w = O. where 5. Detennine values of x and y so that v • w = 0 and v· u = Owb<re ' ~ , ~m b ~m [;] " ~Hl,"d U ~ m 6. Determine values of.{ and y so that v • w = 0 and v · u = O.wb,re,~ [;] w ~ [-n,"d U~ 2. (a) ,~ [ ;J b ~m (b ) '~ [ _ :l b ~[:] 7. (c) , ~m b ~n] 8. F;od ,II ,,'," of, '" ,~ [H b ~m 9. F;od,1I (d ) [-H Let w= [;~:: lcomputew. w. ' '0< U·U~ 50. wh,,, "',,,of, ,",b" ,., ~ ,. wh", , U~ [!1 ~ [-1]. 1.3 [~ 10, lelA = Compu te th e following entries of A8 : CO/u;der t"e/ollowing matrices/or 2 3] ~ [; A I 4 £\'l' l t';se,Y II t"mugh 15: -I . E (b) the (2. 3) entry C<) Ihe (3, I ) entry Cd) the (3. 3) c ntry [I n ~]andD= [-; A -I] = [~ 4 . Show Ihat A8/= BA. (11111 ,,-=[-I~ ~2] . 20. If A is Ihe matrix in Example 4 :md 0 is Ihe 3 x 2 matrix e"cry onc of whose entries is zero, compute AD. 111 £urc:i,\'e,\' 2J (/1Il122 , 11'1 11. If possible, co mpute the following: (a) A B (b) BA (d) C 8 + 0 (e) A8 + D 1. whcre 0 - I 2 (e) F T[ 1 -2 = OO 12. If possible, compUle the following: +8 (b) £C Cd) £8 + F (e) FC (a) OA (e) CE all(/ o + f) 3 2 13, If possible, compute the following: (a) FD - 3B [e) F T8 ( b) AB - 2D +0 (d) 2F - 3( A£) (e) 80 + A£ 14. If po~ib l e. A (C+ E ) (e) (2A8 )T and 2( A8 )T ~] - I -3 5 2 1. Using the methexl in Example 11. co mpute the following columns of A8 : (a) thc first column compute the following: (a) A( BD) (e) -~l compute OIl u, D- [3 2 -2]5 . n I ~ [~ 2 -4 (a) Ihe (1. 2) entry 18. [I' f -, = 0 and ' l l> . 19. c ~ [; 31 17. "'A ~ H n,"dB ~ [: -; :j 2 -I [~]'findXand Y, IfA8 = Matrix Multiplication (b) the third column 22. Using the methexl in Example II . compute the following ( b ) ( AB ) I> co lumn.~o f (d ) AC + A£ (a) the second column ( 0 A(C - 3 £ ) AB : (b) the fourth column 23, Let IS. If possible, compute the followin g: (a) AT (b l ( AT)T (e) (A8) T (d) B1' A T [e) (C (I) + £)1' 8 and C T B + £ TB Express A c as a linear combination of the columns of A. A (28 ) and 2( A8 ) 16. Le I A = [1 C = [ -3 2 0 (a) AB T Cd ) A T 8 (g) 8 /' CAA T 24. Lot -3 ],8 = [ - 1 4 2].and I]. If possible. compute the following : (b) CA T (e) CC T (e) (HA T) C (0 CTC -2 4 o -;] -2 8 = [I -I] ~ ~ . Express th e columns of A 8 as linear combinations of the columns of A. 32 25. Chapter 1 Linear Equations and Matrices LetA=[~ :l,"dB~ -3 2 m (, ) Verify lhal A B = 331 + 5a 2 + 2 3 ) , where jlh column of A for j = 1.2.3. 33. Write the following linear system in matrix fonn: hi 3j 3x 2 is the hi - 26. (, ) Find a value of r so that A 8 T = 0, where A = [r 1 - 2] and B = [I 3 (, ) - IJ. (b) Gille an alternative way to write this product. 27. Find a value of r and a \lalue of ~' so that A S T = D. where A=[l r l]andB=[ -2 2 .r]' 28. (a ) LeI A be an III x II matrix with a row consisting entirely of zeros. Show Ihal if B is an II x p matrix. (hen A B has a row of zeros. (b ) LeI A be an II! x f! m:Jlrix with a column consisting entirely of zeros and let B be p x m. Show Ihat BA has a column of zeros. ~ ~]With aj =lhejthcolumnOfA. ,r" [ a~ a l af3 2 ai 3 2 33 3 1 aj 3 2 , (b ) U 1 - I [-~ = 0 - I -, 0 , 3 -, 0 1 0 0 0 3 n n 35. How are the linear systems obtained in Exercise 34 related? 36. Write each of the following linear systems as a linear combination of the columns of the coefficient matrix: (a) 3xI + 21"1 + Xl 4 XI - _11+4x; = -2 + Xz = 3 2xI - _I! = - 2 3xI + _I! = I (b) - XI j = L 2, 3. Verify IlwI A TA= X2 34. Write the linear system whose augmented matri x is . (b) Venfyth:llA B = [(roW1(A))B] ( () . row: A) B 29. LeIA=[ - ! + 112 = 0 + x] =O 37. Write each of the following linear combinations of columns as a linear system of the form in (4): 30. Consider the followinJ.! linear system: + 3X2 211 - 3X1 + X~ + 2X1 3_l 1 211+3x2 l) + X5 = + 3xs = 4X4 + X4 + _IS 7 - 2 3 38. Write each of the fo llowing as a linear system in ma trix fonn: 5. = (a) Find the coefficient matrix. (b) Write the linear system in matrix form. (c) Find the augmented matrix. 31. Write the linear system whose augmented matrix is [ -2 -3 - I 2 o 7 4 8 1 o o o 2 ,:] 3 6 3 39. Determine a solution to each of the following linear systems. using the fact that Ax = h is consistent if and only if h is a linear combination of the columns of A: . (, ) 32. Write the following linear system in matrix fonn: - 2xl + 3X2 XI - 5X2 = 5 = 4 (b) 40 Chapter 1 Linear Equations and Matrices Key Terms Properties of matrix :lddition Zero matrix Properties of matrix multiplication -e- Properties of scalar multiplication Properties of transpose Exercises I I. Find two unequal 2 x 2 m:ltrices A and B such that I. Prove Theorem 1.I(b). 2. Prove Theorem 1.I (d). All - 3. Verify Theorem 1.2(a) for the following matrices: 12. Find two different 2 x 2 matrices A such that A" = O. [~ A= [~ ~l B~ -I [ 3 1 - 3 13. Prove Theorem 1.3(a). 14. Prove Theorem 1.3(b"1. -a 15. Verify Theorem 1.3(b) for r and [~ 4. Prove Theorem 1.2(b) and (c) 16. Prove Theorem 1.3(c). 5. Verify Theorem I.I(c) lor the following matrices: 17. Ver ify Theorem l.3(c) lor r = - 3. A= [~ -3 - I C = 6. Let A = [aij ] be the I! and(lij =Oifi i=then AB = kB. "~[~ -;] [ _~ 1 3 -2 matrix defined by (Iii = k j. Show that if B is any n x /I matrix. /I [CJ C2 B~ and . L:>iAj. [ - I 1 3 - 3 r = - 3. 20. The m:ltrix A contairt~ the weight (in pounds) of objects packed on boMd a spacecraft on earth. The objects are to be used on the moon where things weigh :lbout as much. Write an expression kA that calculates the weight of the objec ts on the moon. ! whereA j is the jth row of A. cosO - si n O 1 18. Prove Theorem 1.3(d·.. j= l LetA=[ [ ~ ;]. 19. Verify Theorem 1.3(d) for the following m:ltrices: x CA = . B~ and -!]. 7. Let A be:lnm x II matrix :lnd C = a I x II! matrix. Prove that 8 - 2. and A 4. s sinO] cosO . 21. (a ) A is a 360 x 2 matrix. The first column of A is cos OQ. cos 10..... cos 359 :lnd the second column is si n 0 °. sin 10 ..... si n 359 The graph of the ordered pairs in A is :I circle of radius I centered :It the origin. Write an expression kA for ordered pairs whose gr:lph is a circle of radius 3 centered at the origin. Q : Q • (a ) Determine a simple expression for A 2. (b) Determine:l simple expression for A ]. (c) Conjecture the form of a si mple expression for k a positive integer. A". (d ) Prove or dispro\le your conjecture in part (c). 9. Find a pair of unequal 2 x 2 matrices A and B . other than those given in Example 9. suc h that AB = O. 10. Find two different 2 x 2 matrices A such that A2 = [~ ~l (b ) Explain how to prove the claims about the circles in p:lrt (:I). 22. Determine a scalar r such th:lt Ax = rx . where 1.5 25. (a) Show that ir A is an upper triangular matrix. then AT is lower triangular. (b) Show that if A is a lower triangular matrix. then AT is upper lriangul:lr. 26. If A is a skew symmetric m.atrix. whal Iype of malrix is AT? Justify your answer. 27. Show that if A is skew sym m~t ric, then the elements on lhe main dia gonal of A are all 1.ero. Special Types of Matrices and Pa rtitioned Matrices Find the solutio n x. 38. The linear system A ~ .~ = b is such that A is nonsingular wi lh Find the solution x. 39. The linear system AT x = h is such that A is nonsingular wit h Al= [~ 28. Show that if A is skew symllletric, the n A' is skew sy m· metri c for any positive odd inlCger k. 29. Show 1hat if A is an It x II ma\Jix. then A = S + K . where S is sy mmetric and K is skew sy mmetric. A lso show that this decomposition is unique. (Hilll : Use Exercise 22.) 30. Let : -n· 31. Show that the m:l1rix A = 32. IfD = [~ [! !] Find the solution = is singular. o (a) . o (b) A 34. If A is a nonsingul ar matrix whose inverse is x. x. . .'b [5] ( b ) Fmd a solutIOn 11 n = [~ b =[ _~] . Finda sOlutiOnif b =[~]. -2 [! ;] and 41. Consider th e linear syMem A x = h. where A is the mao trix defined in Exercise 33(a). 33. Find the inverse of each of the following matrices: (a) A ~] 40. The linear system C T Ax = b is such that A and C are nonsingular. wi th Find the solution Find the matrices Sand K desc ribed in Exercise 29. 53 = 6 . 42. Find t...."O 2 x 2 singula r matrices whose sum is nonsin· gular. [~ :l 43. Find twO 2 x 2 nonsUlgular matrices whose sum ii sin· gular. 44. Pro\'e Corollary I. L fi nd A. 45. Pro\'e Theorem 1.7. 35. If and B- 1 -- [ 3' fi nd (AB )- I. 46. Prove Ihal if one row (column) o f the n X II matrix A con· sists e nti rely of zeros. lhen A is singular. ( Hinl : Assume lhal A is nonsingular; that is, th ere exists an /I x /I matrix B such lhm AB = BA = I". E~labli s h aconlradiclion.) 47. Prove: 36. Suppose that A- I =[: ~l Solve the linear system Ax = h for each of the following matrices b: 37. The linear sys te m AC x nonsi ngul ar with II is such that A and Care If A is a diagona l illlitrix with nonzero di· agonal el11ries {/11.{/ll ••••• II" • • then A is nonsingu· lar and A- I is a dillgonal malrix Wilh diagonal en tries 1 / 11 1 1. l / lIll ..... 1/,,"". 48. Lo< A = [~ o -3 o 49. For an /I x /I diagonal matrix A whose diagonal entries arc lIll' li n . .... a,,", compute AI' for a nonnegative inte· ge r fJ. 50. Show Ihat if A B 1J =c. AC and A is nonsin~ular. then 94 Chapter 2 Solving linear Systems Remark The procedure given here fo r fi nding a matri x K in reduced row echcion limn that is row equi valent to a given matrix A is not the only one possible. For example, instead of first obtaining a matrix H in row echelon form that is row equivalent to A and then transfonning H 10 reduced row echelon form , we could proceed as follows. First, zero out the entries below a leadi ng I and then immediately zero out the entries above the lead ing I. This procedure is not as efficient as the procedure given in Example 6. Key Terms Elimination method Reduced row echelon form Leading one w,. Row echelon fonl1 Elementary row (column) operation Row (column) equivalent Exercises l. Find a row echelon fonn of each of the given matrices. Record the row operations you perform. using the notalion for elementary row operations. (a) A = (b) A = n=; -n [ ; ~ =:] 5 - 2 6 - 2 (a) A = ~3 Ih) 2 A~ I - I 4 I I -6 -4 -2 [ - I - 3 4 H - I 0 3] 10 - 14 [~ A~[~ 2 I 0 A~ 3 -n 4 3 0 I Ih) 0 0 0 0 4. Each of the given matrices is in row echelon fonn. De- -1] [~ A~[~ 0 I 0 0 3 0 ~] -3 I 0 0 0 2 - I ~] 5. Find the reduced row echelon fonn of each of the given matrices. Record the row operations you perfonn . using Ihe notation for elementary row operations. I' J A -4] 10 - 12 3. Each of the given matrices is in row echelon fonn. Delermine its reduced row echelon fonn. Record the row operati ons you perform. using the notation for elemenmry row operations. (a) A = tennine its reduced row echelon fonn. Record the row operations you perform. using the notation for elementary row operations. (. ) 2. Find a row echelon fonn of each of the gi ven matrices. Record the row operations you perfonn. using the notalion fOt demelHary row operal;olls. Ih) Pivot column Pivot (h) A ~ H !-n ~ U~ ~~] 6. Find the reduced row echelon fonn of each of the given matrices. Record the row operations you perfonn . uSing the notation for elementary row operations. (a) A = [-i =; -n (b ) A = [ ; ~ =:] 5 6 - 3 - 2 - 2 2 7. Let x. y . z. and w be nonzero real numbers. Label each of 2.2 Solving Li near Systems Ihe following matrices REF if it is in row echelon form. RREF if it is in reduced row echelon form. or N if it is [lot REF and not RREF' x )' I x )' (a) [~ I (e) ~ [ 1 o o w 1 o 1 o o o o x 1 )' w o o o o o o 1 o o o o o~] (a) Every matrix is row equivalent to itself. (b ) If B is row equivalent to A . then A is row equi"alent to B . (c) If C is row equil'alent to Band B is row equil'alent to A. then C is row equivalent 10 A . II. Let ~] [~ 10. Prove: 1 8. Le t x . y . ; . and w be nonzero rt!al numbers. Labe l each of the fo llowing ma trices REF if it is in row echelon form. RREF if it is in reduced row echelon form. or N if it is [lot REF and not RREF: x 0 0 0 1 (b) (a) 1 0 0 0 0 0 [~ ;] [~ ~] r] 2 - 3 o 1 3 2 3 0 -~]. -3 (a) Find a matrix in column echelon form that is column equivalent to A. (b) Find a ma trix in reduced column echelon form that is col umn eq uivalent to A. 12. Repeat Exercise II for the matrix 1 lJ 0 13. Determine the reduced row echelon form of 2 ) (e.) 9. Let A be an /I x II matrix in reduced row echelon form. Prove that if A of- In. then A has a row consisting entire ly of zeros. m 95 A~ 3 4 3 - I 2 4 cosO SinO] [ -sin O cos O . Solving Lint!ar Systt!ms In this secti o n we use the echelon form s developed in Section 2. 1 to more efficiently dete rmine the solution o f a linear system compared w ith the elimination method o f Section 1.1 . Usi n g the augmented matrix of a linea r system together with an ec helon form. we develop two me thods fo r solvin g a system o f III line ar e quations in /I unk now ns. These me thods take the augmented mat rix of the line ar system, perform e leme ntary row operations o n it, and obtain a new matrix th at represents an eq ui valent linear system (i .e., a system that has the same solutions as the origi nal linear system). T he important poi nt is that the latter linear system can be solved more easily. To sec how a linear system whose augme nted mat rix has a particular fo rm can be read ily solve d . su ppose that 2 o oi 3] I: 2 I :- 1 re prese nts the augmented matrix o f a linear system. The n the solutio n is quic kly