Template Workpaper Audit Fieldwork About this template This is a generic template aimed at capturing the essential information to ensure all our audit testing and results have been documented appropriately. This template will capture the following key components that should be included in any testing workpaper: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scope Purpose / Objective Sample Methodology Testing Results / Conclusion Why use this template This template is heavily aligned to the requirements of the Auditing Standards ISA 230 – Audit Documentation. Whilst this template is heavily skewed towards a financial statement audit, it also meets the requirements of the auditing standard, which I believe, should be included in any audit workpaper, regardless if its an internal or external audit. This template also helps show the ‘Golden Thread’. That magical thread which links your planning work and assignment plan, directly to where you have performed your testing, and onwards to the report. When to use this template This template can be used for all audit fieldwork. The template can be adjusted to better suit the scope / test you will be performing, whilst still maintaining the key components of the auditing standards. Things to be careful about This template is only a guide, however care should be taken to ensure that your audit work is appropriate, is addressing the underlying risk, and is documented well enough that any other auditor can reperform the same test and reach the exact sample conclusions. Want an editable version? Email us, and we will send it across: hello@myauditspot.com TESTING WORKPAPER Workpaper Title Review Review name Prepared by Auditor name Date prepared Date Reviewed by Reviewer name Date reviewed Date WP Ref ### Workpaper Title Scope As per the Assignment Plan, this workpaper relates to the following scope section: Scope Activity Copy from the Assignment Plan / Audit Program. A Purpose / Objective The purpose / objective of this workpaper is to: • State what you are going to test in this workpaper. This workpaper will assess both the Design and Implementation of the control, as well as the Operating Effectiveness of the Control. OR (where performing an audit of a financial balance) The purpose / objective of this workpaper is to: • State what you are going to test in this workpaper. This workpaper is addressing the following audit assertions: C E A Completeness Existence Accuracy Financial Statement Line Item Financial Statement Caption Balance as at Date DATE R Rights and Obligations V Valuation and Allocation P Presentation and Disclosure Period for testing DATE TO DATE Sample Our sample has been selected in accordance with our Internal Audit Sampling Methodology. For test of controls Nature of control Manual Semi-Automated Automated Page 2 Occurrence Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Ad-hoc Suggested sample size Refer to Methodology. TESTING WORKPAPER Workpaper Title For balance testing Risk of Material Misstatement Results of Test of Controls procedures Materiality High Medium Low Satisfactory Unsatisfactory $X Materiality Performance Materiality $Y Posting Threshold $Z Balance Population Sample Size $A B Refer to Methodology. Methodology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Obtain any policy or procedure documentation for the process; Meet with the business areas to discuss, understand and perform a walkthrough of the current process; Document the process and confirm with the business area; Obtain key documents to support various parts of the process; and Map key controls to the process. Here to help: The methodology should reflect the steps you have taken to complete the purpose / objective and the work documented further below. A good workpaper means any other auditor can pick up this document and reperform the work and achieve the exact same result as yourself; hence the importance of the methodology. Testing Document / present here any of the testing you have performed. Embed documents or use Hyperlinks to link to other items used in performing your testing (i.e. data sets, policy documents, meeting minutes, process flows, etc. Where you have performed sample testing, include enough details of the item selected for sample testing so that a new auditor can easily reselect the same sample should they need to verify your work. Results / Conclusion Based on the procedures performed, we have determined that: Design and Implementation of Process and Controls Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory N/A The current process has been designed and implemented satisfactorily, with good application of controls and consideration to risks. The current process has been designed and implemented satisfactorily, however controls can be better deigned to mitigate identified risks. The process has not been designed appropriately, with key areas of risk not being mitigated, or failure of key controls. Not applicable for this procedure. Test of Operating Effectiveness Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory N/A There were no issues identified during the testing procedures performed, demonstrating the controls are operating as designed. Minor issues were identified through the testing performed, however there are not considered to be material or high to the business. Large variances were identified through the testing performed. The process is not operating as designed and represents a significant risk to the business. Not applicable for this procedure. Potential Issue Listing Issue Ref 1 Page 3 What we found Implication Outcome Note here what we found from our testing. Not here the implication (risk) as a result of what we found. Document the outcome of this observation. Did it make the report? If so, state the report finding ref. If not, state why it did not make the report. Workpaper Title TESTING WORKPAPER Here to help: By documenting findings here, you can quickly copy and paste to and from the Potential Issues Listing document. This will help ensure that all recommendations have been accounted for in the final report and future auditors can also see why an issue may have been removed during the report writing process. Comments Note here any comments which you think are necessary, but have not been captured elsewhere in the review. Page 4