A. Set up the mark recapture online simulation as seen in the image below. http://virtualbiologylab.org/NetWebHTML_FilesJan2016/MarkRecaptureModel.html Do 5 trials each with the distribution set at random, clumped and uniform, filling in the tables below. Random distribution Trial Marked Total recaptured Marked recaptured L-P est 1 2 3 4 5 Avg L-P est= Clumped distribution Trial 1 2 3 Marked Total recaptured Marked recaptured L-P est 4 5 Avg L-P est= Uniform distribution Trial Marked Total recaptured Marked recaptured L-P est 1 2 3 4 5 Avg L-P est= A. In all trials the number of Voles was 50. Were all the distributions able to correctly estimate the number of voles? Give a reason why this may be the case. B. How could the experiment be altered to make it more accurate? Justify your answer