Sexuality and Religion
Daniel Bergner describes the workload and run-ins of Jewish sex counselor,
Bat Sheva Marcus; in an article from the New York Times called, The Orthodox
Sex Guru. Orthodox Judaism, like many other orthodox religions, can describe
sex to be calamitous and shameful. In this article sex is used mainly to describe:
copulation, fornication, coitus, or the act of hanky-panky. Marcus is raised and
remains to be a modern Orthodox Jew. This article outlines the various tactics
Marcus uses to guide, mainly Orthodox Jewish, women through sexual desire.
A bride’s manual is mentioned in this article, given to the modern
Orthodox woman. There is an immense emphasis on how it is the wife’s duty to
keep the marriage on “the right side of the law.” I have recently attended a
Jehovah’s Witness wedding, which is a strict practice or Christianity. I dressed in
a modest manner, and sat quietly in observance of the ceremony. Listening
carefully to the Sermon explaining the responsibilities for the husband and wife, I
noticed the ambitious responsibilities given to a wife in comparison to those
given to a husband. I find similarities between that and what was mentioned in
the bride’s manual for modern Orthodox women. Marcus could even recognize
that there was plenty of room for improvement in the bride’s manual.
In the article, the author notes the contradictions within Marcus’ religious
observance and her stance on female sexuality. Marcus mentioned her
awareness of these contradictions and does not dwell on them. Her inclination
to help her patients recognize and experience their sexuality is admirable and in
my opinion, it is of greater importance.
Bat Sheva Marcus’ practice in New York has expanded to Manhattan,
meaning it will reach an even greater population of women. She strives to reach
out to the ultra-Orthodox women of New York, which will take a tremendous
amount of patience and effort. Reading the article has only strengthened my
resolve on becoming a sex educator. Here is a link to the article, . It
has given me ideas on explaining human sexuality and its significance to two of
the most important women in my life, my mother and grandmother. If you have
ideas on how to open up this kind of dialogue with people of conservative
religions, I would love to read them!