Physics 130 Formula Sheet Created using LATEX by Benjamin Kong 1. Pre-Midterm Driven Oscillators Simple Harmonic Motion mẍ = Occurs when F / x r 2⇡ m = 2⇡ T = ! r k r k k1 + k2 + ... ! = 2⇡f = = m m F = kx = ma ẍ = !2 x number, d the separation of the sources, and bẋ + F0 cos (!t) ẍ + 2⇣!0 ẋ + !02 x = F0 cos !t m L the path length di↵erence. For constructive interference, !0 = fnatural ! = fdriven ✓ ◆ 2!0 !⇣ = tan 1 !02 ! 2 F0 1 q A= m (! 2 ! 2 )2 + 4! 2 ! 2 ⇣ 2 0 multiple of 2⇡: sin ✓ = ⇡ !A sin (!t + ), ahead of x 2 0 Max v at equilibrium position. a(t) = ! 2 A cos (!t + ), s ⇡ ahead of x p v2 v = ! A2 x2 , Amax = x20 + 02 ! ✓ ◆ v0 = tan 1 , check w/ CAST! !x0 ET = 0.5mv 2 + 0.5kx2 = 0.5kA2 p Beats: ! ¯= 1 fbeat = |f1 Small Angle Pendulums != ✓= r s l g l T = 2⇡ r 1 g f = 2⇡ l l g s = arclength, l = length Damped Oscillators t= c c=f ! = k p v/v0 Transverse velocity (movement perpendicular to wave propagation): vmax = !A = 2A⇡ ⇣ = 1 ! critically damped ⇣ < 1 ! underdamped ẍ + 2⇣!0 ẋ + !02 x = 0 z̈ + aż + b = 0 p a !0 = b, ⇣ = p 2 b A(t) = A0 e !0 ⇣t p !damped = !0 1 ⇣ 2 Elastic cord phase velocity: r kx(L0 + x) c= m m T = kx ⇢= L0 + x 1 Q-factor: Q = 2⇣ High Q-factor ! oscillate for long time sin (A ± B) = sin A cos B ± cos A sin B Pstring = Ty v = T !kA2 sin (kx !t + ) s s T B Phase velocity: c = = ⇢ ⇢ cos (A ± B) = cos A cos B ⌥ sin A sin B ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘ cos A + cos B = 2 cos A+B cos A 2 B 2 c @2 1 @2 = 2 2 @x c @t2 p Inst. power (string): P = T ⇢ 2. Post-Midterm Wave Equation: Wave Phenomena Mean Intensity: b b ⇣= p = 2m!0 2 mk ⇣ > 1 ! overdamped f and close A. ! ¯ Miscellaneous 2⇡ Apressure = BkA = c⇢!A ✓ f2 | = 2x envelope wave Waves lower B ! greater compression. Usually (+) l !2 (f ) remains constant, A oscillates at fbeat . Bulk Modulus: B = ⇣g⌘ ! = !1 Beats occur with small (decays over time) ± (x, t) = A cos (kx ⌥ !t + ) p ! = k T /µ, k = angular wave number ✓¨ = (!1 + !2 ) , 2 (t) = 2A cos (¯ ! t) cos (0.5 !t) General damped oscillator ! Transient k= s 2n⇡ n = kd d the separation between the sources. 1 2⇣ 2 , resonance if ⇣ < p 2 Resonance ! Steady-state solution !r = !0 must be a For destructive, odd: (n + 12 ) sin ✓ = , n = 0, 1, 2, ..., where d is d Resonance x(t) = A cos (!t + ) v(t) = kx L = d sin ✓, where k is the angular wave Boundary conditions: p Imean = 0.5B!kA2 = 0.5 B⇢! 2 A2 Clamped ! d = 0 ! P P I= (3D) = (2D) 4⇡r2 2⇡r 1 I / A2 / ! 2 / P / 2 (3D) r ✓ ◆ I Decibel Scale: = (10dB) log I0 W where I0 = 10 12 2 for sound. m @y Free ! =0! @x General form: y(x, t) = 2A sin (kx) sin (!t) Open end ! anti-node (max A) !t) 1 Closed end ! node (zero A) 2l nc ,f = n 2l 4l (2n 1)c = ,f = , where 2n 1 4l Both ends open/closed: Max cancellation when /2 apart. Phase change due to path length: = 0 ! no inversion Standing waves: Nodes separated by /2 Interference (+/- for constr. or destr.): (x0 , t) = (A1 ± A2 ) cos (kx0 = ⇡ ! inverted 1 open: =k L n = 1, 2, ... = L Mirrors: Image opposite object ! virtual L Virtual image ! negative v Doppler E↵ect: f0 = c0 = 0 ✓ c + v0 c vs ◆ fs the medium, v0 is the velocity of the observer relative to the medium, and vs is positive for motion towards the source. ✓ ◆ vwave Shockwave: ✓open = sin 1 vsource Reflection: ✓i = ✓r sin ✓1 n2 = , therefore: sin ✓2 n1 n2 < n1 ! ✓R > ✓ i , n2 > n1 ! ✓R < ✓ i Total Internal Reflection: sin ✓crit Spherical mirrors: r ⇡ 2f Convex (diverging) mirror ! negative f Reflection where n2 > n1 ! Lenses: Diverging rays ! virtual Thin films: Optical Instruments n2 = n1 1 1 1 Mirror/Lens equation: + = u v f I v Magnification: M = = O u n = 1, 2, 3, ..., convert Lensmaker’s Equation: ✓ ◆ 1 1 1 = (n 1) + , where n is the f R1 R2 Wavelength in a medium: =⇡ concave. n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... Magnifying Glass: Mmax = /n2 2 n 2 tan ✓ (2n + 1) Thin wedge constructive: x = 4 tan ✓ d =1+ , f Thin wedge fringe width: d = , d = distance to object. f x= 2 tan ✓ p n r Newton’s rings, Destructive: x = q Constructive: x = n + 12 r L Microscope: M = mo me , where mo = fo ✓ ◆ d and me = 1 + , L = lens separation. fe fo do Telescope: M✓ = = (= if the ✓ fe de Central fringe is dark. n = 0 ! first ring Interferometry: h = 4(n 1) , where n is the refractive index. Inversion of pattern when eyepiece is big enough to collect all light) arm shifted 1.22 x = dlens r Angular Resolution: sin ✓R 0 to Thin wedge destructive: x = refractive index, R is (+) if convex, (-) if Mmin Geometric Optics (higher n ! less bending) = (n + 0.5) ! destructive Diverging lens ! negative f where c is the velocity of the wave relative to Snell’s Law: = n ! constructive (2m + 1) , where m = 0, 1, 2, ... 4 Di↵raction Light Waves Refractive Index: n = c vsource = vp vwave Single slit: sin ( ⇡ a sin ✓) (✓) = A ⇡ cos (kr a sin ✓ !t) where a is the width of the slit. sin2 ( ⇡ a sin ✓) I = I0 (USE RADIANS!) ⇡2 2 2 2 a sin ✓ n Min. intensity: sin ✓ = , n 6= 0 a Red light (longest ) is least refracted. d! dk ! Phase Velocity: vp = k Double slit: Group Velocity: vg = (✓) = 2A cos ⇣ ⇡d ⌘ sin ✓ cos (kr !t) ! = vp k where d is the separation between the centers vg < vp ! normal dispersion of two slits. ✓ ◆ ⇡d I = I0 cos2 sin ✓ (USE RADIANS!) vg > vp ! anomalous dispersion vg = vp ! no dispersion Polarization: I = I0 cos2 Brewster’s Angle: tan ✓B = n2 , the reflected n1 ray will be completely polarized. Phase di↵erence: Nx = Lnx , N in units of = (N )(2⇡). Phase di↵erence of ⇡ means N2 N1 = L (n2 L. New phase di↵erence: n1 ) 2 zero Fringe spacing: y / / 1/d / 1/a Di↵raction grating, bright lines: , L = path length, n = refractive index. path di↵erence, n , n can be zero d (n + 0.5) Min. intensity: sin ✓ = , n can be d Max. intensity: sin ✓ = sin ✓ = 2 m = mN , m = 0, 1, 2, ... where N d is the slits per unit length. sin ✓ ⇧ 1. Resolving Power: R = = mN w, where m = 0, 1, 2, ... and w is the slit width