Uploaded by Ana Carolina Ramos De Gomez

Podcast Activity: Milestones in Life

Specific Objective:
Podcast: Milestones
To enhance students’ oral participation
through the use of a Podcast for storytelling.
Students are required to create a podcast
inwhich they will have to narrate a special
event in their lives.They’ll follow these
A- Prepare a 5 minute script of your story in
a word document that will contain:
A title and a description of all the relevant
details that make that event a milestone in
your life. Include dates, places, people and all
the details you consider are necessary to
make your story interesting for the audience.
Use chronological order and correct tenses. Check
out grammar, structure, spelling and punctuation.
Submit your document with the name Activity 2
Podcast script to the UNI platform.
Due date: October 30th. Documents submitted
after the specified date will not be received.
B-Using the scripts you wrote and the guide
“How to record your voice”, you will generate
an audio file that will serve you as the product
to be used to create your podcast. (MP3
format is highly recommended and
background music is optional).
C-Create your podcast in the following site:
D- Use the link generated by the site to
upload it into the UNI platform.
Web tools/ Aplications:
E- Due date:
- Internet access
- www.poderato.com
Related material to be read:
- class platform
What is a podcast?