MATHEMATICS TERM 3 2023 - Length Time: 30 mins Marks: 25 Name: ________________________________ Grade:6__ Date:__________________ Weekly Mathematics Test 1) Length is the distance between _______ points. (1) 2) Scientists use a ____________________ to measure length. (1) 3) We measure using standard units of length. Write the symbols for the following units: a. Millimetres: ________ b. Metres: ________ c. Kilometres: _______ d. Centimetres: _______ (4) 4) Use the conversion table below to convert these following units: Multiply a) 461mm to cm Divide b) 3,75m to cm c) 2,13km to m d) 20m to km (4) 5) Give the names of each of these measuring instruments: A B C D E A. ___________________________________ (1) B. ___________________________________ (1) C. ___________________________________ (1) D. ___________________________________ 1 MATHEMATICS TERM 3 2023 - Length Time: 30 mins Marks: 25 E. __________________________________ (1) 6) Use the column method to find the exact answer: a. 124,89 + 70,33 (3) b. 340,23 – 122,73 (3) c. 21,32 + 8,45 + 0,6 (4) 2 MATHEMATICS TERM 3 2023 - Length Time: 30 mins Marks: 25 MEMORANDUM 1) Two. 2) Ruler/measuring tape/any other measuring instrument. 3) a. mm b. m c. km d. cm 4) a) 46,1cm b) 375cm c) 2130m 5) A. ruler B. builder’s tape measure C. measuring tape D. metre stick E. trundle wheel 6) Use the column method to find the exact answer: a. 195,22. 1 mark for answer. 2 marks for using column method correctly. b. 217,5. 1 mark for answer. 2 marks for using column method correctly. c. 30,37. 1 mark for answer. 3 marks for using column method correctly. 3 d) 0,02km