1 THE COST OF PRODUCTION CHAPTER 13 1 Total Revenue, Total Cost, Profit Asumsi: tujuan perusahaan adalah memaksimalkan laba. Profit = Total revenue – Total cost jumlah yang diterima perusahaan dari penjualan outputnya CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION Beban dari input yang digunakan perusahaan dalam produksi 4 BIAYA PRODUKSI SELURUH BEBAN KEUANGAN YANG DIKELUARKAN OLEH PRODUSEN UNTUK MEMPRODUKSI SUATU BARANG ATAU JASA EXPLICIT COST 2 BIAYA IMPLICIT COST EXPLICIT COST ADALAH BIAYA YANG MENGHARUSKAN PERUSAHAAN MENGELUARKAN UANGNYA CONTOH EXPLICIT COST : Pembelian peralatan Beban Gaji Pembelian Bahan Baku Beban Listrik dan Telepon IMPLICIT COST ADALAH BIAYA YANG TIDAK MENGHARUSKAN SUATU PERUSAHAAN MENGELUARKAN UANGNYA. CONTOH IMPLICIT COST: Beban Perlengkapan Beban Penyusutan Peralatan opportunity cost Dll Economic Profit vs. Accounting Profit 3 Accounting profit = total pendapatan dikurangi biaya eksplisit total Economic profit = total pendapatan dikurangi total biaya (termasuk biaya eksplisit dan implisit) Accounting profit > economic profit. Keuntungan Ekonomi Keuntungan Akutansi Biaya Implisit Biaya Eksplisit Biaya Eksplisit 11 4 FUNGSI PRODUKSI Fungsi produksi menunjukkan hubungan antara jumlah input yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan barang, dan kuantitas output barang tersebut. DAPAT DIGAMBARKAN DENGAN TABEL, GRAFIK ATAU PERSAMAAN Contoh 1: Seorang petani Jack, menanam gandum. Dia memiliki 5 hektar tanah. Dia dapat mempekerjakan banyak pekerja sesuai keinginannya. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 12 Example 1: Jack Kurva Produksi L 3,000 Q (Jml (Gandum) Pekerja) 0 1 1000 2 1800 3 2400 4 2800 5 CHAPTER 13 3000 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION Jumlah Gandum (output) 0 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 Jumlah Pekerja (INPUT) 5 13 Marginal Product The marginal product merupakan seberapa banyak peningkatan output terjadi apabila inputnya ditambah, Ceteris Paribus Misalnya, Jack memperkerjakan satu pekerja lagi, maka outputnya meningkat oleh produk marjinal tenaga kerja. Notation: ∆ (delta) = “Perubahan dari…” Examples: ∆Q = perubahan output, ∆L = perubahan tenaga kerja ∆Q Marginal product of labor (MPL) = ∆L 14 EXAMPLE 1: Total & Marginal Product L ∆Q Q (Jml (gandum) Pekerja) ∆L = 1 0 1 ∆L = 1 ∆L = 1 ∆L = 1 ∆L = 1 2 3 4 5 0 MPL ∆Q = 1000 1000 ∆Q = 800 800 ∆Q = 600 600 ∆Q = 400 400 ∆Q = 200 200 ∆L 1000 1800 2400 2800 3000 15 EXAMPLE 1: MPL = Slope dari Fungsi Produksi MPL (Jumlah (Gandum) Pekerja) 0 0 1000 1 1000 800 2 1800 600 3 4 5 MPL 3,000 Q 2400 2800 3000 400 200 Jumlah Gandum (output) L equals the slope of the 2,500 production function. 2,000 Notice that MPL diminishes 1,500 as L increases. 1,000 This explains why 500 production the function gets flatter 0 as L0 increases. 1 2 3 4 5 Jumlah Pekerja (Input) 16 Why MPL Is Important Recall one of the Ten Principles: Rational people think at the margin. Ketika Farmer Jack menyewa pekerja tambahan, biayanya naik karena upah yang ia bayarkan kepada pekerja outputnya meningkat oleh MPL Membandingkan MPL akan membantu Joko dalam memutuskan apakah ia akan mendapat manfaat dari menambah pekerja. 17 PERTANYAAN? 18 5 TOTAL COST: Kebalikan dari Fungsi Produksi EXAMPLE 1: Farmer Jack’s Costs Petani Jack harus membayar $ 1000 per bulan untuk lahan, (berapapun gandum yang dia tanam) Upah pasar untuk buruh tani adalah $ 2000 per bulan. Hal ini akan bergantung pada seberapa banyak Jack menanam Gandum 19 EXAMPLE 1: Total Biaya Jack L Q (Jumlah (Gandum) Pekerja) Biaya lahan Upah @pekerja /bln Total Cost 0 0 $1,000 $0 $1,000 1 1000 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 2 1800 $1,000 $4,000 $5,000 3 2400 $1,000 $6,000 $7,000 4 2800 $1,000 $8,000 $9,000 5 3000 $1,000 $10,000 $11,000 20 EXAMPLE 1: KURVA BIAYA TOTAL JACK (Gandum) Total Cost 0 $1,000 1000 $3,000 1800 $5,000 2400 $7,000 2800 $9,000 3000 $11,000 $10,000 Total cost Q $12,000 KEBALIKAN DARI FUNGSI PRODUKSI $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 0 1000 2000 3000 Quantity of wheat 21 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MACAM-MACAM BIAYA PRODUKSI: TOTAL FIXED COST (TFC) VARIABLE COST (TVC) TOTAL COST (TC) AVERAGE FIXED COST (AFC) AVERAGE VARIABLE COST (AVC) AVERAGE COST (AC) MARGINAL COST (MC) 22 TOTAL FIXED COST (TFC) ATAU BIAYA TETAP biaya yang besarnya tidak tergantung jumlah produksi. TOTAL VARIABLE COST (TVC) atau Biaya Tidak Tetap adalah biaya yang besarnya tergantung jumlah produksi. CONTOH TVC: BAHAN UPAH DLL BAKU TENAGA KERJA TOTAL COST (TC) ATAU BIAYA KESELURUHAN adalah seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk memproduksi sejumlah barang atau jasa. BESARNYA TOTAL COST DIDAPAT DARI: TC = FC + VC TOTAL FIXED COST + TOTAL VARIABLE COST CONTOH: Costs FC VC TC 0 $100 $0 $100 1 100 70 170 2 100 120 220 3 100 160 260 4 100 210 310 5 100 280 380 FC $700 VC TC $600 $500 Costs Q $800 $400 $300 $200 $100 6 7 100 380 100 520 480 620 $0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 27 AVERAGE FIXED COST (AFC) ATAU BIAYA TETAP RATA-RATA adalah biaya tetap untuk setiap unit barang yang di poduksi. BESARNYA AFC DI DAPAT DARI: AFC = FC Q AFC = FC Q CONTOH: Average Fixed Cost FC 0 $100 1 2 CHAPTER 13 100 100 AFC n.a. $100 50 3 100 33.33 4 100 25 5 100 20 6 100 16.67 7 100 14.29 $200 Average fixed cost (AFC) is$175 fixed cost divided by the quantity of output: $150 Costs Q AFC $125 = FC/Q $100 Notice $75 that AFC falls as Q rises: The firm is spreading its fixed $50 costs over a larger and larger $25 number of units. THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION $0 0 1 2 3 4 Q 5 6 7 29 AVERAGE VARIABLE COST (AVC) ATAU BIAYA TIDAK TETAP RATA-RATA besarnya adalah biaya tidak tetap untuk setiap unit barang yang di poduksi. AVC DAPAT DICARI DENGAN: AVC = VC Q CONTOH: Average Variable Cost CHAPTER 13 VC AVC 0 $0 n.a. 1 70 $70 2 120 60 3 160 53.33 4 210 52.50 5 280 56.00 6 380 63.33 7 520 74.29 is$175 variable cost divided by the quantity of output: $150 Costs Q AVC = VC $200 Average variable cost (AVC) Q AVC $125 = VC/Q $100 As$75 Q rises, AVC may fall initially. In most cases, AVC will $50 eventually rise as output rises. THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION $25 $0 0 1 2 3 4 Q 5 6 7 31 AVERAGE COST (AC) atau Biaya Rata-rata adalah Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk setiap unit barang yang di produksi. Besarnya AC dapat dicari dengan: AC = TC atau AC = AFC +AVC Q contoh: Average Total Cost Q TC 0 $100 CHAPTER 13 ATC AFC AVC n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 170 $170 $100 $70 2 220 110 50 60 3 260 86.67 33.33 53.33 4 310 77.50 25 52.50 5 380 76 20 56.00 6 480 80 16.67 63.33 7 620 88.57 14.29 74.29 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION AC = TC Q atau AC = AFC +AVC 33 CONTOH: Average Total Cost TC 0 $100 1 2 170 220 ATC $200 Usually, as in this example, $175 the ATC curve is U-shaped. n.a. $150 $170 110 Costs Q $125 $100 3 260 86.67 4 310 77.50 5 380 76 $25 6 480 80 $0 7 620 88.57 $75 $50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 34 MARGINAL COST (MC) atau Biaya Marginal adalah Pertambahan biaya yang dikeluarkan yang disebabkan pertambahan (perubahan) unit barang yang di produksi. Besarnya MC dapat dicari dengan: MC = ∆ TC ∆Q CONTOH 1 : CARA PERHITUNGAN MC Q (Gandum) 0 Total Cost $1,000 ∆Q = 1000 1000 $3,000 ∆Q = 800 ∆Q = 600 ∆Q = 400 ∆Q = 200 1800 Marginal Cost (MC) $5,000 2400 $7,000 2800 $9,000 3000 $11,000 ∆TC = $2000 $2.00 ∆TC = $2000 $2.50 ∆TC = $2000 $3.33 ∆TC = $2000 $5.00 ∆TC = $2000 $10.00 36 CONTOH 2: Marginal Cost TC MC 0 $100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHAPTER 13 170 220 260 310 380 480 620 $70 50 40 50 70 100 140 $200 Marginal Cost (MC) Recall, is $175 the change in total cost from producing one more unit: $150 ∆TC MC = ∆Q $100 Usually, MC rises as Q rises, due $75 to diminishing marginal product. Costs Q MC = ∆ TC ∆Q $125 $50 Sometimes (as here), MC falls $25 before rising. $0 (In other0 examples, 1 2 3 MC 4 may 5 6be 7 constant.) Q THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 37 Why MC Is Important Petani Jack ingin memaksimalkan keuntungannya. Apa yang harus dilakukannya?? haruskah dia menghasilkan lebih banyak gandum, atau mengurangi? Untuk menemukan jawabannya, Jack perlu "berpikir di margin.” Jika terdapat biaya tambahannya (MC) lebih sedikit dibanding pendapatan yang dia dapatkan dari menjualnya, maka dia akan untung jika produksi gandum lebih banyak (begitu sebaliknya) 38 CONTOH: The Various Cost Curves Together $200 $175 ATC AVC AFC MC Costs $150 $125 $100 $75 $50 $25 $0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 39 7 Costs in the Short Run & Long Run Jangka pendek: Beberapa input fix (mis., Pabrik, tanah). Biaya input ini adalah FC. Jangka panjang: Semua input bervariasi (mis., perusahaan dapat membangun lebih banyak pabrik,atau menjual yang sudah ada) CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 40 EXAMPLE : LRATC with 3 factory Sizes Firm can choose from 3 factory sizes: S, M, L. Avg Total Cost Each size has its own SRATC curve. The firm can change to a different factory size in the long run, but not in the short run. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION ATCS ATCM ATCL Q 41 EXAMPLE : LRATC with 3 factory Sizes To produce less than QA, firm will choose size S in the long run. Avg Total Cost ATCS ATCM To produce between QA and QB, firm will choose size M in the long run. To produce more than QB, firm will choose size L in the long run. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION ATCL LRATC QA QB Q 42 A Typical LRATC Curve In the real world, factories come in many sizes, each with its own SRATC curve. ATC LRATC So a typical LRATC curve looks like this: Q CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 43 Economies of scale: ATC (total biaya ratarata) – jangka panjangmenurun, Q (output) meningkat SKALA EKONOMI 8 ATC LRATC Constant returns to scale: ATC – LRadalah tetap, Q meningkat Diseconomies of scale: ATC meningkat, Q meningkat Q 44 How ATC Changes As the Scale of Production Changes Skala ekonomi terjadi ketika pekerja melakukan spesialisasi dalam proses produksi: pekerja lebih efisien ketika berfokus satu tugas. umumnya ketika Q rendah. Diseconomies of scale adalah karena terjadi masalah dalam koordinasi di organisas;: Misalnya, manajemen tidak dapat mengendalikan biaya. umumnya ketika Q tinggi. 45 CONCLUSION Costs are critically important to many business decisions, including production, pricing, and hiring. This chapter has introduced the various cost concepts. The following chapters will show how firms use these concepts to maximize profits in various market structures. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 46 CHAPTER SUMMARY Implicit costs do not involve a cash outlay, yet are just as important as explicit costs to firms’ decisions. Accounting profit is revenue minus explicit costs. Economic profit is revenue minus total (explicit + implicit) costs. The production function shows the relationship between output and inputs. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 47 CHAPTER SUMMARY The marginal product of labor is the increase in output from a one-unit increase in labor, holding other inputs constant. The marginal products of other inputs are defined similarly. Marginal product usually diminishes as the input increases. Thus, as output rises, the production function becomes flatter, and the total cost curve becomes steeper. Variable costs vary with output; fixed costs do not. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 48 CHAPTER SUMMARY Marginal cost is the increase in total cost from an extra unit of production. The MC curve is usually upward-sloping. Average variable cost is variable cost divided by output. Average fixed cost is fixed cost divided by output. AFC always falls as output increases. Average total cost (sometimes called “cost per unit”) is total cost divided by the quantity of output. The ATC curve is usually U-shaped. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 49 CHAPTER SUMMARY The MC curve intersects the ATC curve at minimum average total cost. When MC < ATC, ATC falls as Q rises. When MC > ATC, ATC rises as Q rises. In the long run, all costs are variable. Economies of scale: ATC falls as Q rises. Diseconomies of scale: ATC rises as Q rises. Constant returns to scale: ATC remains constant as Q rises. CHAPTER 13 THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION 50