MATH 224 Fourier Analysis Fall 2023 Dr. Tristan ROY Oce: Bliss 308 Ext Phone: 4238 Email: Class: M-W-F 1:00PM-1:50PM Oce Hours: M-W-F: 11:00AM-11:50AM Textbook: from Stein and Shakarchi. Exams dates: The exams are tentatively scheduled as follows: Fourier Analysis, An Introduction, • Midterm: October 20 at 3:00PM. • Final exam: to be announced later. Homework: There will be bi-weekly (or weekly) homework assignments, unless announced otherwise. Homework have to be uploaded on Moodle by the deadline. Important: Late Homework are not accepted. Grading: Grades will be determined using the following formula: AP (5 %), Homework (15 %), Midterm (35 %), Final Exam (45 %). AP: Attendance & Participation Attendance: Attendance is strongly recommended. It is important that you attend all class sessions since exam problems will strongly reect material presented during lectures. 1 Course outline: the course will cover the following topics from the textbook • Partial Dierential Equations and origins of Fourier analysis. • Fourier series: denition, properties, and applications (geometric applications, Partial Dierential Equations). • Fourier transform on R and on Rn : denition, properties, and applications (approximation theorem, Partial Dierential Equations). • Radon transform (if time allowed): denition, properties, and applications. 2