28 Chapter of Magnet!c sources Chap 27-> In chap !s produced Top!es 1) : 28 B effects of magnet!c f!eld we , w!ll f!elds due mov!ng a F!eld study how a magnet!c f!eld to charge 2 a current-carry!ng conductor of !nf!n!tes!mal length 3) a current-carry!ng 4) a 5) a long stra!ght c!rcular 6) Ampere's loop law 7) Soleno!d 8) Toro!d (2) B!ot-savart Law) conductor conductor of f!n!te length F!eld Magnet!c of Fat Mov!ng Charge -te - B & P A - Exper!ments Bat F!nd magnet!c show d!rect!on : Q Bav /ra B B a B a !nverse-square law s!nc no r2 Us!ng B = a constant kes!nt at proport!onal!ty where !n vector form B = klan Kayr = = D!rect!on B of determ!ned !s by RH rule . !n B !⑰ I Y 7 V -> Cases Spec!al * * If 0 a charge = 0 does at po!nts If 0 = on 90- There Thus , B 180 or !s f!eld s!nc not = produce of !ts l!ne s!nc = 1 B-f!eld l!nes 0 -> -> B even are gay k = - value = 0 any magnet!c mot!on f!eld . max!mum beh!nd a charge c!rcles - Numer!cal !s B l!ne ot mot!on of K' permeab!l!ty of free spoke= 10 cm/s TM = 10-7 ? Why cons!der the Electromognet!c rat!s >E 9x119 1 ↳ = * ↓I = kl Ef!elds 1 9x10 B x 118)2 EoMe = = = >B f!elds an !nf!n!tes!mal we dB can = E, = kane now k'da V de 0 for a CO wr!te s!nO But = n (Ade) n volume P charge of each carr!er 3 s!ngle charge 12 da Current e - B C u ~ -a Us!ng -> - e c2 F!eld of Magnet!c !s wave . Element dB = K nAded Us!ng 12 -des!nc Th!s result !s BS exper!mentally can use = !t we sect!ons - E Law the d!v!de ver!f!ed (proved length de . any conductor . = a y O -Ee , ~ / FO / as of K'Idexr de / ( magnet!c f!eld of w!th f!n!te length I !f = can't be law because !nf!n!tes!mal !nto B st!ll form B!ot-Savart called Note that we !n vector ⑧ X current-carry!ng conductor the conductor apply BS law D!v!de and For dB sect!ons segment one k'EsnO = !nf!n!tes!mal !nto page at P !nto 12 But de= dy s!nc= S!n (H-0) v2 2 x = all magnet!c B = B = E y2 dyx d!s= S!nce + = = such f!eld de / k sect!ons produce . So=S!te kI x 2 look & !ntegral table a s!m!l!ar B k'I = If po!nt !nto page at p az !s on the left s!de E !s out of page - - ↓ - magnet!c closed surface E GB F!eld = of = 'Far * * general In = te = 0 always Long Stra!ght ↳rad al d!stance conductor 3 Us!ng i B - çca B then get We B , x = 20 Magnet!c Between Force parallel Long Two conductors l -> ! " W lower I > B 1 7 E upper - ↳ I - 7 l ... W >I d - F!nd : Force Magnet!c Two a reasons why the upper upper conductor conductor exper!ences magnet!c force 1) s!ts 2) carr!es F E E on !s = MoII' = 2Hd towards of the lower conductor current Il = magnet!c f!eld !n the I (4) Mate = force the per lower un!t length conductor N3rd L lower says must w!re conductors attract exper!ence each a - # other Appl!cat!on How current much !s I measure >I exactly 1A ? I [ EF ↳anam -I F = Mo II - 2Hd h l = 1m Start!ng from gradually unt!l - F (1) (44x10 = 2H(10 exactly - I (1) = 0 !ncrease , (1) 2x155w = 2) 1A the currents ? current !s observed . Pr28/10 A stra!ght F!nd : B due Beam B = space at !n g!ven po!nt a 2m protons to beam - Ma B = (4π x 10 rate away long l!ke a behaves a of protons 2 . 5x119 protons/s . conductor 7) (2 5x169) (1 . . 6 10 - x 19) 2π(2) =4x10-17+ Pr of very small 28/18 I 1 = 3 5A . < > E30am > 5cm{ - *B II FL long stranger I 2 ~ = 3 5A . y s ER C weaker - 10cm F!nd the -> Fnet= net magnet!c force Etop+EBottom FR= E they on the - + R!ght concel + Fleft each other passes loop . FT ↑ ④ mE I 2 ~ = FT > FB 3 5A . / >ER C weaker ↓F - 10cm F+ FB [21B = = Fnet Son Fz = = Ia(0 !(3) (0-1)( 00) FT-FB = 5 . 1 x 15-6 N öner!s! ① Bunn dengel!cek ② . e kütle we 'SI yegu s!stem he dur ?