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Portfolio Benchmarking Case Study: S&P 500 vs Dow Jones

Stefan Naydenov(200010)
Kiril Kamenov(200014)
Ventsi Minkov(200015)
Kristian Todorov(200013)
Descriptive analysis
• Descriptive statistics enables us to present the data in a more
meaningful way, which allows simpler interpretation of the
• The coefficients we derived from the analysis showed that the
S&P 500 is the better benchmark than the currently used one
Dow Jones.
Correlation Analysis
• We ran correlation tests and based on this
analysis we concluded that the S&P 500 is again
the best fit benchmark.
Regression Analysis
• This analysis compares not only each index to our
portfolio but all combinations of indexes. The
analysis showed that the S&P500 and NASDAQ
combined is the best fit.
• In conclusion, looking at the results from the
three analysis we can see that the S&P 500
benchmark is probably the best one, although
the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ combined could
also be good option.
Investor`s benefits
• By finding a better benchmark we can help the
investor to get a better idea of how the portfolio
will perform in the future.
• The investor can also understand better the risk
profile of the portfolio and to know if that’s the
right portfolio for them.