B. Hazard Analysis CP Form 1: Hazard Analysis HAZARD PROBABILITY IMPACT RATE* REMARKS RATE** REMARKS AVERAGE PROBABILITY + IMPACT 2 FLOOD 5 Almost Certain 3 Moderate 4 2 TYPHOON 5 Almost Certain 4 Major 4.5 1 HABAGAT 4 Likely 3 Moderate 3.5 4 VEHICULAR ACCIDENT 4 Likely 3 Moderate 3.5 6 EARTHQUAKE 4 Likely 4 Moderate 4 3 DENGUE OUTBREAK 4 Likely 3 Moderate 3.5 5 FIRE 2 Unlikely 2 Minor 2 7 *for the sample rating scale on probability and impact, refer to Contingency Planning Guidebook pp. 29 **for the rating on impact, determine the rate in three (3) areas such as impact on life, property and public service continuity; add all the ratings and divide it by 3 (areas) to get the final rate. <Describe the results of the accomplished for RANK