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What is Teaching? Roles, Needs, and Rights of Teachers

Defined variedly by several scholars:
Melby (1994) stated that teaching is not merely dispensing subject or lesson-having, but an art
which involves the student in the teaching- learning process where the student is given the
chance to participate fully in the process – that the teacher accepts each pupil and has a
favorable attitude towards individual differences.
It is a relationship in which the teacher eschews sarcastic statements, ridicule, and fault-finding.
Salandanan, Gloria G. (2007) ELEMENTS OF GOOD TEACHING
Concepts of Teaching:
1. As an Art
➢ It is mainly a creative expression of one’s intellectual and emotional qualities that are essential in
promoting learning.
➢ It serves as the teacher’s way of reaching out to the minds and hearts of the young, thus help
raised upright and passionate citizens.
➢ The innate ability of teachers in mirroring outstanding emotions of compassion and caring easily
generates the students’ resolve in continuing their search for more knowledge despite obstacles
on the way.
➢ Taken as an art, it involves human and emotions.
2. As a Science
➢ It is directed towards the development of an inquiring mind and an analytic mode of accepting
the truth in what one thinks and does.
➢ Therefore, it is consisting of systematic procedures and strategies similar to the steps followed in
a scientific investigation.
➢ It is conducted in a carefully sequenced methodology wherein learning activities are planned
and organized in a step-by-step manner without much regard to the least sign of difficulties,
negative attitudes, and indifference among students.
Pawilen, Greg T. (2019) 2nd Edition
The key to understanding the teaching profession is to know the personal and professional
lives of teachers.
1. Teachers are the product of the family where they belong.
o the family values and the home environment that shaped their beliefs, character, and
personal values are reflected in their personality, values and personal philosophy.
2. Teachers are shaped by the society where they live.
o The society’s culture, values, norms, religion, and environment are influential in shaping
their life as an individual and as a professional.
A. The Teacher as an individual Person
Pelletier(2004) - Understanding the Teaching Profession requires a deeper appreciation of the lives of
teacher as individuals in society.
Teachers are given high regard in society for the multiple roles they perform aside from teaching.
As society becomes more complex and its values become more pluralistic, the areas of
responsibility for teachers become more wider.
Chen, Manion, and Morrison (1996) – Teaching is more than just a simple job.
Those who choose it to be their profession, regard teaching as a higher calling and a
commitment to make positive changes in society and in the lives of people they teach.
Teachers are modern heroes and heroines.
they are servant leaders,
knowledge providers and
community organizers.
I. Teachers Have Different Talents and Skills
- It is desirable for teachers to possess various skills and talents that they can use and share as they
perform their teaching tasks.
Ex 1: Teachers with musical talents are great assets.
They can organize a school chorale group and integrate musical experiences in the classroom
Ex 2: Some teachers are good in various types of performing arts
They organize theater groups, teach different dance forms and other performing arts.
Those who possess talents in visual arts are valuable in making visual aids and integrating artdriven activities in the classroom.
Ex 3: Many teachers are very creative in designing classroom environments and in organizing school
They have already mastered the art of selecting instructional methods and strategies
appropriate for their students.
They are skillful in improvising different types of teaching devices and other instructional
“The Body Parts of a Teacher” is a creative way to describe the talents
and skills of a teacher
a. Brain – to always think critically
b. Eyes – to see the individual needs
c. Ears – to listen to students’ ideas and concerns
d. Hands – to guide students and show the right direction
e. Heart – to love all students regardless of who and what they are
f. Mouth – to speak the truth, discuss knowledge, and speak wisdom to students
g. Feet – to walk with students, explore the surroundings, and discover new knowledge and
h. Nose – to breathe deeply and relax when feeling tired or pressured.
II. Teachers have Different Needs
Teachers have needs to be fulfilled every day. These are:
physical and
economic needs, but many times, their call to duty make them set aside their individual needs.
a. economic needs – In television and newspaper, we use to hear about teachers joining rallies to
increase their salaries and to fight for their rights. This is because the salaries they receive is not
tantamount to the enormous tasks they have to do inside and outside the school.
b. need security and justice – some teachers suffer from the perils of injustice. Some are victims of
kidnapping by lawless groups while some are victims of school officials too.
At times they are forced to buy products sold by their superiors or buy gifts for them during
Christmas and birthdays.
Their promotions are sometimes tainted by giving lavish gifts and other favors to their superiors
rather than by the merits of their performance.
They NEED to be FREE from all the stress of school politics.
c. need to be recognized and appreciated to boost their morale and self- esteem
This does not mean they want appreciation for the services they render.
It only means that people must be more understanding of the life and duty of a teacher.
The school should provide them with a nurturing environment that allows individual and
professional growth.
The school should recognize the outstanding works and commitment of teachers.
but the best reward for a teacher is to see his/her former students succeed in their profession.
d. Need spiritual support.
the tasks of a teacher are heavy to bear considering all the demands of their job and all the
unnecessary stress they experience.
Every day, they are molding demands of the next generation's leaders and citizens.
does teachers need some form of spiritual guidance and inspiration regardless of the
e. Need role clarity
A recurring need of teachers has been to identify the various roles he/she has perform, to
explore how clear the expectations for each role are (role clarity), and to understand
possible tensions between the different roles (role conflict)
Often, many teachers are surprised about the roles, duties, and expectations they have to
perform inside and outside the classroom.
These tasks range from teaching serving as a role model and dealing with various individuals
and social institutions.
f. Have social need.
they need to socialize in society to know people and understand these social realities
experienced by students every day.
as an agent of society, they need to have a good relationship with other social agencies and
they you need to build a good relationship with families, community, leaders, and other
g. Need to cope with various challenges and changes
The teaching profession requires teachers to respond to different challenges and changes
brought by information technology, changing social values systems, economic challenges and
cultural diversity.
Changes can provide opportunities to innovate and can act as important catalyst for a critical
reflection of established practices.
Changes may also cause unprecedented stress to teacher.
They need to have a better understanding of the diversity of learners in terms of learning
styles, thinking preferences, needs, interests, socio-economic status and other diversity
factors related to learners.
This will require teacher to develop new leadership, pedagogical and social skills.
III. Teacher have Individual Rights
As a human and as an individual person, teachers are entitled to enjoy specific rights as
enshrined in the united nation declaration of human rights in Article 3 of 1987 Philippine
The universal declaration of human rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of
human rights.
Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of
the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris
on 10th December 1948 (General Assembly resolutions 217 A) as a common standard of
achievements for all peoples and all nations.
It sets out, for the first time, fundamental rights to be universally protected and it has been
translated into over 500 languages.
Chapter 3 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is also known as "Bill of Rights"
A declaration and enumeration of a person's rights and privileges which the Constitution is
designed to protect against violation by the government and other individuals.
It establishes the relationship of the individual to the state and defines the right of individual
by limiting the lawful forces of the state.
It is one of the most important political achievements of the Filipinos.
In their work, labor laws ensure that their employers give their privileges and fair treatment
to their employees in doing their duties.
Their status as employees is protected by a system granting them permanency status or
For teachers, the Manual of Regulations for Private School Teachers and the Magna Carta for
Public School Teachers are also guarantee that all teachers enjoy their rights and ensure justice
in the conduct of their duties as professionals.
Some examples of Professional teacher organization associations in the Philippines
Philippine Public School Teacher (PPSTA)
Philippine Association of Private Schools, Colleges, and Universities
Philippine Society of Special Education Teachers
National Association of Special Education Teachers
Biology Teachers Association of the Philippines Inc.
Philippine Association of Chemistry Teacher's
Philippine Physics Society
NASET - National Association of Special Education Teachers is the only national membership
organization dedicated solely to meeting the needs of special education teachers and those
preparing for the field of special education teaching, an international organization.
- They enjoy freedom of expression that guarantees their voices and opinions to be heard and
- Tertiary faculty members enjoy academic freedom that enables them to do research and publish
their scholarly works and opinions.