10/17/2023 UNIT 0 1 Goal: I can describe the basic practices a scientist must follow 2 GW: create a top 10 practices a Scientist should be able to perform. Use any graphic organizer to describe them. 3 1 10/17/2023 4 5 Goal: I can explain the nature of Science Write one statement for describing what is Science 6 2 10/17/2023 GW: Read the following paragraph as a group. Then discuss some ideas for answering the following question: How Science is a tool for understanding the universe? 7 8 9 3 10/17/2023 10 Science is a way of exploring the world OBSERVING CARRYING OUT INVESTIGATIONS INTERPRETING RESULT AND EXPLORING FUTHER 11 Goal: I can explain the relationship between systems and models 12 4 10/17/2023 BOARD WORK - What is this model about? - How did you know that? - What other thinking skills you used to build the model? 13 GROUP WORK S YS T E M MODEL Answer: - What is the relationship between systems and models. - How are these terms connected. - Write one example of system that can be modeled. 14 GROUP WORK SYSTEM MODEL 15 5 10/17/2023 16 Title: Math and Computation 17 Goal: I can use correct mathematical notation 18 6 10/17/2023 Title: Math and Computation 19 20 Explains how to deal with large numbers in Earth and space sciences using Exponential functions and logarithms. 21 7 10/17/2023 22 What is the pattern: W H AT I S T H E R E L AT I O N S H I P B E T W E E N T H I S NUMBERS? H OW MANY WE H AV E AT T H E E N D O F T H E 2 W E E K S ? 23 Exponentional functions • https://youtu.be/gEwzDydciWc 24 8 10/17/2023 Log Transformation 25 Log Transformation 26 Log Transformation 27 9 10/17/2023 Useful concepts in Earth and Space Science Esta foto de Autor desconocido se concede bajo licencia de CC BY-NC-ND. 28 BW: 29 GROUP WORK: 30 10 10/17/2023 31 LIGHT 32 TEMPERATURE https://viewspace.org/video_library/videos/202-322871404?tags=1551 33 11 10/17/2023 PRESSURE 34 Measuring Distance in Space 35 36 12 10/17/2023 WHY IS THE SPEED LIGHT IS IMPOR TA N T TO U N D E R S TA N D T H E U N I V E RSE? W H AT M E AN S T H E M E A SU R E OF A L I G H T Y E AR ? U N I T O F M EA SU RE I N SPAC E Is the distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 × 10 km 37 GW: Light travels at 299´792,458 meters per second. How far in kilometers is one year? 38 GW: Listen to the following scrip and answer the questions. https://solarsystem.nasa.gov /news/1230/cosmicdistances/#:~:text=So%20f or%20cosmic%20distances %2C%20we,miles%20(150 %20million%20kilometers). 39 13 10/17/2023 40 PARALLAX 41 Goal: I can make observations and assumptions 42 14 10/17/2023 43 44 45 15 10/17/2023 46 47 Sediments appear in layers, the oldest layers at the bottom the youngest layers on top. 48 16 10/17/2023 Different organisms are found in different rock layers. The oldest organisms are found in the deepest layers. 49 DEFINITION OBSERVATION AN OBSE RVAT I ON I S WAT C H I N G OR R E C OR D I N G W H AT I S H A PP E N I N G . AN OBSE RVAT I ON I S T H E B A SI S F O R F OR M I N G H Y P OT H E SE S AN D M AK I N G PR E D I C T I ON S. AN OBSE RVAT I ON M AY G E N E R AT E A N U M BE R OF H Y P OT H E S E S A H Y POT H E SI S I S A T E N TAT I V E E X PL AN AT I ON F OR W H AT W E SE E . E AC H H Y P OT H E S I S W I L L L E AD TO ON E OR M O R E P R E D I C T I O N S, W H I C H C AN BE T E ST E D BY I N V E ST I G AT I ON . 50 51 17 10/17/2023 Goal: I can use graphs and tables to represent data 52 GW: 1. Read the following table and graph; establish two conclusions from each one. 53 Tables and graphs provide a way to organize and visualize data in a way that helps to identify trends. 54 18 10/17/2023 Important note Data must be must be clear and accurate so the reader knows exactly what is the table about. Graph must have correct orientation and labeling on the axes, accurate tittle, accurate plotting points. 55 Goal: I can use correlation and causation 56 Using your line of best fit as a guide, comment on the correlation between eruption length and the time between eruptions: 57 19 10/17/2023 DRAWING THE LINE OF BEST FIT 58 Goal: I can analyze and interpret data 59 60 20 10/17/2023 61 62 63 21 10/17/2023 64 65 Goal: I can use statistics to describe the characteristics of a sample (I) 66 22 10/17/2023 67 68 69 23 10/17/2023 Goal: I can plan an investigation and carry out an investigation 70 71 72 24 10/17/2023 73 74 75 25 10/17/2023 76 Goal: I can explain how to fill a lab report I 77 Goal: I can explain how to fill a lab report I 78 26 10/17/2023 Goal: I can explain how to fill a lab report II 79 Goal: I can explain how to fill a lab report I 80 Goal: I can elaborate my lab report part II 81 27 10/17/2023 Goal: I can elaborate my lab report part II 82 LAB REPORT FINAL DAY!!!!! 83 I can elaborate my lab report part IIi 84 28 10/17/2023 5 min 85 GW: CONTINUE WITH PROCEDURE AND DATA 86 29