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Young Democrats Shelby County Election Rules 2015-2017

Young Democrats Shelby County
Executive Board 2015-2017 Election
Official Rules
Elected Officers: The officers of this organization will be:
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Qualifications: Member in good standing, resident of Shelby County, and between the
ages of 13-35.
Term of office: An officer shall serve a two year term starting at his/her/their biennial
election (June 13, 2015) until his/her/their successor is appointed or elected. Anyone
finishing a term of another officer who was not able to finish their term will be elected to
finish the latter’s term however long that term may be and then will have to run again, if
desired, for the position in the next general election.
Duties: The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
The President:
1. Shall be the chief executive officer of the organization and shall preside over meetings.
2. Shall submit additional information, as it is required to the state party, national
organizations, or state authorities as may be required by State law.
3. Shall assist the Treasurer in preparation of any necessary documents as needed to stay in
compliance with National and State law.
4. Shall set the agenda for each meeting with the assistance of the Vice President if
5. Shall be the voice for the Young Democrats Shelby County.
6. Shall be responsible for setting and making fundraising goals for the organization’s
sustainability and growth.
7. Organize, develop and execute creative media and public outreach campaigns for the
Young Democrats; sometimes in collaboration with the Young Democrats of America,
partnering Young Democratic state organizations, Tennessee Democratic party, in-state
chapters, Democratic candidates/committees and any other partner affiliates.
8. Shall be responsible for writing “thank you” cards to past speakers as well as any other
necessary correspondences thanking contributors and attendees to events; coordinate
relevant lists and databases with the Treasurer.
9. Shall be jointly responsible of the organization’s bank account along with the Treasurer
and the appointed Generational Ally Financial Adviser.
10. Coordinate maintenance of website and social media accounts with the
Communications Director.
11. Shall give adequate notice for events, meetings and upcoming voting duties of the total
Executive membership and/or total voting membership.
12. The President shall appoint a Legal Counsel and may appoint a Political Director, a
Development Director, and a Communications Director or any other office representative
deemed necessary. These representatives shall be the ex-officio members of the Executive
Committee with non-voting status. These members shall be appointed by the President
with approval of the Executive Committee.
The Vice Presidents:
1. Shall assume the duties of the President during his/her/their absence and shall succeed
to that position in the event that it becomes vacant, until a special election can be held.
2. Shall be responsible for writing the Bylaws with the Bylaw committee of this
organization and for presenting them for approval to the total voting membership at the
next meeting and in an instance where those Bylaws were voted on to be changed they
shall be presented for a vote at the next stated meeting.
3. Shall be responsible for enforcing such Bylaws as is deemed to be necessary by the same
Bylaws or this constitution in conjunction with duties of the Parliamentarian.
4. Shall be responsible for assisting the President with the agenda and to assist the
President in the running of meetings where applicable.
5. Shall be responsible for making sure all meeting are well publicized by the
Communications Director. 6. Shall keep accurate records of all meetings.
7. Shall report the minutes of the meetings.
8. Shall keep a just and accurate record of all members present and of all votes taken.
9. Shall assist the Vice President in drafting any amendments to this Constitution or the
Bylaws of this organization.
10. Support overall organizational development and implementation of the strategic plan
(including playing a supportive role in fundraising efforts).
The Treasurer:
1. Shall be the financial officer of the organization.
2. Shall report a just and accurate accounting of revenues and expenses upon request of
any member at any organizational meeting and must report on such at all stated meetings.
3. Shall prepare, all financial records for audit.
4. Shall be responsible for fundraising along with the President.
5. Shall take receipt for any monies received and pay out any that are due in an accurate
and timely manner as to make sure that the Young Democrats are always in good financial
8. Shall issue the task of writing “thank you” cards to past speakers as well as any other
necessary correspondences thanking contributors and attendees to events to the President;
coordinate relevant lists and databases with the President.
6. Shall be jointly responsible of the organization’s bank account along with the President
and the appointed Generational Ally Financial Adviser.
1. Monitor media regarding any issues relating to and/or directly relevant to the Young
Democrats and/or the young voting demographic in-state and nationally.
2. Record and document all minutes from meetings and events including but not limited to:
sheets, roster, meeting points, attendance, and speaking notes
3. Draft press statements and other external communications; sometimes in collaboration
with the Young Democrats of America, partnering Young Democratic state organizations,
Democratic party, in-state chapters, Democratic candidates/committees and any other
partner affiliates.
4. Maintain website and social media accounts; learn and be proficient in the approved web
content management system and be able to manage and expand various vital social media
5. Coordinate ad buys with President and Treasurer.
6. Shall preserve the organization’s brand and messaging in all external communications.
7. Shall be responsible for publicizing all meeting such that any interested parties may have
notice thereof. This may at times include the community as well as this organization.
8. Network with local, state, and national groups that are organizing around issues
important to our community and foster collaboration with these groups.
9. Support overall organizational development and implementation of the strategic plan
(including playing a supportive role in fundraising efforts).
1. Shall be responsible for enforcing such Bylaws as is deemed to be necessary by the same
Bylaws or this constitution in conjunction with duties of the Vice President.
2. Shall assist the Treasurer with the collection of monies owed where applicable and
under the request of the Treasurer.
3. Shall be responsible for keeping order at all meetings to assist the other officers in the
performance of their duties.
4. Shall be responsible for ensuring that the Bylaws and the Constitution are in compliance
with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Young Democrats of America. If a change is needed,
the Parliamentarian is responsible to bring forth an alternative to the executive committee
and general membership for adoption.
Nomination of candidates: A candidate for office must be nominated by a voting member
during the specified meeting in the case of general elections or during the meeting
immediately prior to special elections or before said elections if such an immediate election
is deemed necessary by a simple majority of the total Executive membership and/or total
voting membership present holding to the quorum rule in Article VII section 1.
A. If a candidates is not nominated by a current member, they may also submit a Letter of
Intent no less than 2 weeks prior to the election. The letter must be addressed to the
current President stating you name, address, phone number, birthdate, position you’re
interested in running for, and why you’re interested in running.
B. Letters of intent may be emailed or mailed to the President.
Form of vote: Voting under this Article shall be by a physical vote. You must be a member
of Young Democrats Shelby County to vote.
Membership: Any young adult who has not attained his or her thirty-sixth (36th) birthday
shall be eligible for full rights and privileges as a voting member upon receipt of the application
and dues. You will be able to obtain your membership at the convention. Membership fee is $5
plus the cost of the convention to vote.
Endorsements: If you are a current executive committee member, you may not endorse a
candidate for the elected office you currently hold.