Uploaded by Dennis Boltz

Supply Operations Manual - Ashore

6 Apr 2021
From: Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic
(a) NAVSUP P-485 Volume 6
(b) NAVSUP P-723
(e) CO.l\.1NAVAIRFORINST 3510.1 lC
(1) COMNAV AIRPAC/COMNA VAIRLANT 4415.1 A Supply Operations Manual -
I . Purpose. To publish a standardized procedure applicable to shore-based supply units
utilizing Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) under the
3. Background. This is a revised version of the supply operations manual (SOM) and
enclosure (I) should be reviewed in its entirety. This includes all supply processes at aviation
support detachments (ASD) that supp01t type wing readiness that employ Navy ERP and NonTactical Command Support Systems (NTCSS) Automated Information Systems (AIS) as
outlined in references (a) through (c). This instruction primarily governs supply suppo1t
processes and procedures, including material requirements identification, procurement,
receipt, expenditures and inventory management in support of type wing's aircraft readiness.
This instruction also incorporates monthly repo1ting requirements, supply management
inspection checklist and the Ashore Supply Excellence Award Program.
4. Action.
a. Type Commander
6 Apr 2021
(1) Monitor ASD performance metrics on a monthly basis, using monthly reporting
requirements outlined in appendix A of this instruction and A viation Material/Supply
Readiness Reporting Web Tool (AMSRR Web) per reference (d).
(2) Develop ashore supply policies in support of aircraft readiness and cost wise
readiness (CWR).
(3) Liaison with external agencies on issues/problems, training and support for
NTCSS as follows:
(a) Naval Infotmation Warfare Center (NIWC).
(b) Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP).
(4) Liaison with extemal agencies- NAVSUP Weapons System Support (WSS),
Naval Air Systems Command (NA VAIR), and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) on issues
relating to aviation material and logistics supp011.
(5) Conduct supply chain management targeted assist visits when applicable.
b. Shore-based Supply/ASD officer
(1) Comply with policies and guidance contained in this instruction.
(2) Ensure proper training is made available to ensure competency of shore-based
supply unit's personnel.
(3) Request for assistance through COMNAVAIRPAC N415 on training and
support, as required.
(4) Submit periodic repo11ing requirements to COMNAVAIRPAC N4 l 5 and
external agencies, as directed.
(5) Report problems with automated information systems (AIS) to
COMNAVAIRP AC N415 immediately.
(6) Provide support as necessary to COMNAVAIRPAC N415 when conducting
assist visits and inspections, as required.
5. Metrics. Inventory performance goals outlined in appendix B of this instruction and
Type/Model/Series readiness standards per reference (e) will be used to monitor the effectiveness
of ASD in supp011 of ready for tasking (RFT) goals.
6. Records Management
6 Apr 2021
a. Records created as a result of this instrnction, regardless of format or media, must be
maintained and dispositioned for the standard subject identification codes (SSIC) 1000, 2000,
and 4000 through 13000 series per the records disposition schedules located on the Department
of the Navy/Assistant for Administration (DON/AA), Directives and Records Management
Division (DRMD) portal page at https://po1tal.secnav.navy.mil/orgs/DUSNM/DONAA/DRM/
Allltems.aspx. For SSIC 3000 series dispositions, please refer to pa11 III, chapter 3, of Secretary
Eofthe Navy Manual 5210.1 of January 2012.
b. For questions concerning the management of records related to this notice or the
records disposition schedules, please contact your local records manager or the DON/AA DRMD
program office.
7. Review and Effective Date. Per OPNAVINST 5215.17A, COMNAVAIRPAC N6 will
review this instrnction annually around the anniversary of its effective date to ensure
applicability, currency, and consistency with Federal, DoD, SECNAV, and Navy Policy and
statutory autho1ity using OPNAV 5215/40 Review of Instruction. This instruction will
automatically expire IO years after effective date unless reissued or canceled prior to 10-year
anniversary date, or an extension has been granted.
Chief of Staff
BOX 357051
SAN DIEGO CA 92135-7051
This instruction provides policy, guidance and relevant information for the operation of
Navy Aviation Supply Activities Ashore operating Navy Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) Program under the claimancy of COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANT that
manage and store Navy aviation material. With the exception of the Naval Aviation
Maintenance Program (NAMP) CNAFINST 4790.2D and other selected
COMNAVAIRFOR and COMNAVAIRPAC instructions, this manual supersedes other
remaining COMNAVAIRFOR and COMNVAIRPAC instructions relating to ashore
aviation supply operations. The policies and procedures promulgated by this manual are
per policies and procedures established by the DoD, SECNAV, OPNAV, NAVSUP and
DLA, including all changes thereto.
This sheet is provided to ensure your issue of CNAP/CNALINST 4415.1A is current.
After inserting the change, enter the required information in the appropriate columns.
Initial Issue
Supply Operations Manual – Ashore provides policies, procedures, and performance
objectives for ashore aviation support activities under the claimancy of COMNAVAIRPAC
(CNAP) and COMNAVAIRLANT (CNAL). This manual reflects guidance and changes to
streamline and simplify supply processes ashore in line with Naval Aviation Enterprise
(NAE) readiness initiatives. The policies and procedures promulgated in this manual have
been and will be updated to reflect changes in supply operations will encompass the most
current business practices in operation within the NAE, such as Continuous Process
Improvement (CPI) initiatives and Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) concepts. This manual
takes into consideration the impacts of implementing DLA initiatives such as Business
Systems Modernization (BSM), changes to DoD supply policies and procedures; and changes
in Navy policies and procedures for supply chain management.
The scope of this manual encompasses all Naval Aviation Ashore activities under
the CNAP/CNAL claimancy. This manual provides policies and procedures for inventory
management (physical, fiscal and records), procurement, receipts, issues, expenditures, and
aviation supply support operations, including various database applications (Navy ERP,
NALCOMIS, etc.) in support of the NAE’s goals.
The COMNAVAIRPAC Assistant Chief of Staff for Supply (CNAP Force
Supply Officer - N41) may authorize, in writing, deviations from the instructions
contained in this manual, provided the matter concerned is entirely under N41
cognizance and in support of NAE’s vision, mission and objectives.
The organization of this manual makes it possible to locate desired information easily
by referring to the Table of Contents in the front of the manual.
All users of the Supply Operations Manual - Ashore (CNAP/CNALINST 4415.1A)
are encouraged to submit recommended changes to the manual to COMNAVAIRPAC Code
N41 (Force Supply) via the appropriate local chain of command. The following format shall
be used in submitting recommendations:
(Command originating recommendation)
COMNAVAIRPAC Force Supply (N41)
(Appropriate Type Wing or ISIC)
Changes to CNAP/CNALINST 4415.1A, recommendation for
1. The following recommended change to CNAP/CNALINST 4415.1A, pertaining
to Chapter ____, paragraph(s) _____, is submitted.
From: (Appropriate via addressee)
COMNAVAIRPAC Force Supply (N41)
1. Forwarded for consideration.
2. (Comment or recommendation, as desired)
Copy to:
(As appropriate)
The Supply Operations Manual - Ashore (CNAP/CNALINST 4415.1A) is written and
maintained by COMNAVAIRPAC Force Supply Ashore Policy, Training and Inspection
Directorate (Code N415), in concurrence with COMNAVAIRLANT N41. While not to be
misinterpreted as a bypass to the formal means of recommending changes, the writers
welcome inquiries/recommendations from activities toward improvement of this manual or
clarification of data therein.
This manual is available on CNAP/CNAL SharePoint. It may be accessed through the
6 Apr 2021
6 Apr 2021
6 Apr 2021
Supply Department and ASD Organizational Structures
Targeted Assist Visit (TAV)
Supply Management Assist (SMA)
Supply Management Inspection (SMI)
Metric Reporting Requirements
CNAP/CNAL Air Station Performance Effectiveness Report
CNAP and CNAL Ashore Supply Excellence Award (Blue “E”)
Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR)
General Safety Requirements and Warehouse Safety
Safeguarding of Material
Key Security and Lock Control
Security Checks
Loss Prevention Measures
Access Authorization and Control System Requirement
Enforcement of Movement Control
Parking of Privately Owned Vehicles
Physical Barriers
Clear Zones
Protective Lighting
Restricted Areas
Organizational Relationship
Hours of Operation
Additional Manning
Supply Response Section (SRS)
Requisition Control Unit (RCU)
Technical Research Unit (TRU)
Program Management Unit (PMU)
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Material Delivery Unit (MDU)
Pre-Expended Bin (PEB)
Component Control Section (CCS)
Local Repairable Cycle Asset (LRCA) Unit
Awaiting Parts (AWP) Unit
Document Control Unit (DCU)
Supply Screening Unit (SSU)
Types of Training
Training Requirements
Elements for Effective Training
Civilian Training
Training Program
Plan, Schedule, and Record Maintenance
Specific Training Requirements
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) Required Training
Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management
Qualified Proficient Technician (QPT) Program
Training Assessments
Navy Enlisted Classifications (NEC)
Inventory Management Responsibilities
Master Record Maintenance
Allowance Maintenance
Inventory Control Tools and Supervisory Audits
Warehouse Storage Area and Personnel Safety
Care of Supply in Storage
Test Bench Installations (TBI) and Maintenance Assist Modules
Physical Inventory Requirements
Scheduled Inventory
Unscheduled or Ad Hoc Inventories
Reporting Physical Inventory Results
Physical Count and Reconciliation Process
6 Apr 2021
Pre-Adjustment Research
Inventory Completion
Reporting and Retention Requirements
Causative Research
Performing Causative Research
Warehouse Refusals
Blocking Stock (Stock Category S or Q)
Bounce Backs (Warehouse Refusals)
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL)
Procedures (DD Form 200)
Location Audit Program (LAP)
Perpetual Inventory
Local Procurement
Initial Outfitting Allowance Procurements
Stock Replenishment for Budget Project 28 (BP-28) Funded NonNavy Managed Material
Stock Replenishment for Budget Project 34 (BP-34) Funded Material
(1RM/1RW Cog)
Stock Replenishment for Budget Projects 81and 85 (BP-81 and BP85) Funded Material (DLR and AVDLR – 7 Cog)
Requisitioning Material for Direct Turn-Over (DTO)
Hazardous Material (HAZMAT)
Pre-Expended Materials
Stock Due Requisition Management
Stock In Transit - NAVSUP WSS In-Transit Accountability (NITA)
Cyclic (Quarterly) Material Obligation Validations (MOVs)
Stock Due Requisition Status
Cancellation of Requisitions
Outstanding DTO Requisitions with On Hand Quantity Report
Management Tools and Supervisory Reviews
Failed Intermediate Document (IDOC) Listing
Supply Effectiveness
6 Apr 2021
DTO Dues Requisition Management
Receipt Processing Management
Receipts and Goods Put-Away Processing in Navy ERP
Stock Receipt Processing
Staging Areas
Inspection and Segregation of Incoming Material
Administrative (“Dummy”) Receipts
Filing and Retention of Receipt Documents
Receiving Material with Shipping and Packaging Discrepancies
Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR)
Management Tools
Receipt Documents
Intermediate Document (IDOC) Listing
Results of Material Obligation Validation (MOV)
Receipt Performance Analysis
Inventory Validity
Warehouse Activity Monitor (LL01)
Materiel Turn in to Stock (MTIS) from a Customer
Materiel Expenditure
Types of Expenditures
Expenditure Management
NALCOMIS and Navy ERP Functional Processing
Issue Processing
Off-Line Requests
Issue Document Flow Control
Materiel Transfer
Excess Material Expenditure through Redistribution
Materiel Expenditure through Disposal
Shelf-Life Material Expenditure
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Loss Expenditure of Stock Material
Expenditure Management Tools and Supervisory Review
Incoming Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR)
Control and Validation Files and Tables
Intermediate Document (IDOC) Listing
Document Flow
Document Control – Issues and Transfers
Expenditure Performance Analysis
Expenditure Processing Impact on Supply Effectiveness
Expenditure Processing Impact on Inventory Accuracy
PUK Management
SASS Allowances
Authorized Allowances Determination
SASS Outfitting Site Responsibilities
Materiel Storage and Packaging
Consumable Support Materiel
SASS and PUK Replenishment
SASS and PUK Pre-Issue and Pre-Deployment Screening
SASS or PUK Pre-Return and Post-Deployment Screening
Deploying Units
Breaching the SASS
Non-RFI Turn-In
SASS and PUK Reconciliation Process
Inventory Requirements
NALCOMIS and Navy ERP System Interface
Aviation Consumable Requirements Processing
NALCOMIS Receipt Processing
6 Apr 2021
NALCOMIS Downtime Processing Procedures
NALCOMIS Management Reports
AVDLR and FLR Management
Local Management of Aviation Repairable Components
Repairable Retrograde Induction
Components Returned from an IMA upon Completion of the Repair
Awaiting Parts (AWP) Management
1100 Objective
1101 Establish Pre-Expended Bin (PEB) Sites
1102 Stock Levels
1103 Replenishment
1104 Accounting for PEB Materiel Costs
1105 Location
1106 PEB Stock Records
1107 Phase Maintenance Kits
1108 PEB Site Manager Duties
1109 NALCOMIS Issue PEB (ISPEB) Mailbox
1110 Storage
1111 Shelf Life Program
Purchase Safeguards
Personnel Requirements
Account Set Up Procedures
Closing AO and CH Accounts
Contracting Authority
Training Requirements
Appointment Authority
Purchase Card Process
Special Attention Items
Audit and Reviews
6 Apr 2021
Financial Responsibilities for CNAP/CNAL Sites
Operating Target (OPTAR)
Financial Goals and Standards
Obligation or De-Obligation Approval and Approver’s Authority
Unmatched Disbursements (UMD)
Unliquidated Obligations (ULO)
Financial Management Assistance
ZM20 Financial Credits
Carrier Qualification Fleet Replacement Squadron Materiel
Dormant Account Review Quarterly (DAR-Q)
Job Order Number (JON)
1400 Supply Application Administrator (SAA) Duties and Responsibilities
1401 NALCOMIS System Security Backup and Validation
1402 NALCOMIS Interface
1403 NALCOMIS Database Management
1404 Authorization to Submit Requisitions via the One Touch Support
(OTS) Website
1500 Objective
1501 Carcass Tracking Program
1502 Carcass Tracking Manager (CTM) Responsibilities
1503 Carcass Tracking Process and Procedures
1504 Carcass Reports
1505 Carcass Tracking Not Required
1506 Classified Material
1507 Communications Security (COMSEC)
1508 Surface Depot Level Repairable Carcass Management
1509 Pending Carcass Charge
1510 Unmatched D6A Receipts
1511 Reorders
6 Apr 2021
CNAP/CNAL Naval Air Station Monthly Reporting
NAS/F Monthly Performance Goal Summary
Supply Management Inspection Checklist
Reports and Listings Retention Period
Acronym Listing
Basic Navy ERP Terminology
6 Apr 2021
100 Organizational Structure, and Operational Responsibilities.
1. Objective. The ASD provides supply support in coordination with Fleet Logistics Centers
(FLC) at Naval Air Stations (NAS), Naval Stations (NS), and Naval Air Facilities (NAF) to
guarantee efficient and effective flight line readiness. ASDs operate as per policies and
procedures set forth within the Supply Operations Manual (SOM) COMNAVAIRPAC/
COMNAVAIRLANTINST 4415.1A and in CNAFINST 4790.2D Naval Aviation Maintenance
Program (NAMP). Additional policy guidance, amplification and special procedures are
provided by the Policy, Training and Inspection Directorate, Commander, Naval Air Force
Pacific (CNAP) N415 as promulgated in this Supply Operations Manual (SOM)
Note. Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS) N413
Operational Supply Planning Division provides support for Navy and non-Navy COG
consumables including demand planning, forecasting, demand-based level setting, stock
replenishment, excess offload, and budget project (BP) 28 funds management. NAVSUP WSS
will employ operational supply planning analysts (OSPA) to support each NAS/NS/NAF and to
work directly with site designated site planning representatives (SPR) to execute these efforts.
2. Supply Officer. The FLC provides warehouse management, packaging, shipping and
receiving of requisition direct turn over (DTO) and stock materiel. FLC operations are
performed as per policy and procedures set forth by Naval Supply System Command
(NAVSUP). The supply officer is attached to the area Fleet Logistic Center (FLC) commanding
officer and to the type wing commander as additional duty. When more than one type wing is on
station, the supply officer reports to the lead type wing commander. The supply officer also is
responsible for providing oversight of ASD operations.
3. ASD Officer. The ASD officer is overall accountable for providing organizational level and
intermediate level aircraft maintenance units as well as transient units with aviation supply
support. Coordination between the ASD officer and the supply officer ensure the effective
distribution and restocking of inventory. Additionally, the ASD officer, in coordination with the
ASD director, will ensure the ASD staff is sufficiently manned to execute ASD functions. The
ASD will coordinate with the type wing commander to ensure supply requirements are properly
6 Apr 2021
4. ASD Organization Chart. Figure 1-1 below illustrates the standard ASD organizational chart
as per the CNAFINST 4790.2D. Due to variations in flight line customers and maintenance
activities, ASDs can differ in support capabilities. An ASD may not have a local repairable
component asset (LRCA) unit or awaiting parts unit (AWP).
Supply Officer
(NAVSUP Regional
Site Billet;
ADDU Wing Supply Officer)
Type Wing
ASD Director
Type Wing
Audit Branch
Stock Item
Fuel Branch
Storage Unit
Control Unit
Bin Unit
Parts Unit
Issue Count
Control Unit
Unit (JASU)
Delivery Unit
Figure 1-1
6 Apr 2021
3. Financial Recording System. Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the official
system of record used at air stations, excluding Commander, Strategic Communications Wing
One (COMSTRATCOMMWING ONE) Tinker, OK and Commander, Fleet Air Western Pacific
The requisite terminology, acronyms, reports, listings, and procedures is available in the
appendices to this instruction as listed in subparagraphs 3a through 3f.
Appendix A: Monthly Reporting Requirements
b. Appendix B: NAS or NAF Monthly Performance Summary
Appendix C: Supply Management Inspection Checklist
d. Appendix D: Reports and Listings Retention Period
Appendix E: Acronym Listing
Appendix F: Navy ERP Terminology
4. Periodic Audits and Inspections. The type commander will provide oversight and training to
units funded by aviation operations maintenance (AOM) funding to verify Financial
Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) compliance. This is completed through targeted
assist visits (TAV), supply management assists (SMA) and supply management inspections
(SMI) conducted by the training or inspection team composed of subject matter experts (SME)
from CNAP and Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL). The training or inspection
team is led by CNAP N415 or N415A during site visits. Assistance may be provided to
NAVAIR and Naval Reserve aviation sites upon request.
a. CNAP and CNAL ashore SMI results may indicate the need for additional training in
specific functional areas to improve the level of logistical support provided to the customer. SMI
results can also require re-inspection if scores do not meet standards listed in paragraph 103.
b. CNAP N415 will release a naval message promulgating the inspection schedules for
upcoming fiscal year (FY). The ASD officer will contact the CNAP N415 point of contact
referenced in the message at the earliest opportunity regarding any schedule conflicts.
Approximately 3 weeks prior to the scheduled event, CNAP N415 will release a naval message
listing any requirements during the visit.
101 Targeted Assist Visits (TAVs). TAVs provide intensive guided training in specific areas
of ASD operations, e.g. awaiting parts (AWP) management vice component control section
(CCS). TAVs will be conducted in person or remotely via video teleconferencing.
1. The duration of a TAV will depend on specific training requirements. The ASD officer may
submit TAV requests via email to CNAP N415 via their site advocate. TAV requests must
include information listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1d.
6 Apr 2021
a. Specific areas requiring training.
b. Number of prospective attendees in each area.
c. Work assignments of attendees in each area.
d. Primary and secondary dates for TAV.
2. ASD officers are strongly encouraged to request TAVs as deemed necessary to ensure
effective ASD operations. Extensive training provided during TAVs is beneficial to the ASD
mission. CNAP N415 strives to accommodate all TAV requests; however, if a physical site visit
is not possible during the inspection cycle, the ASD officer may request a virtual training
session, if practicable.
102 Supply Management Assist (SMA). The scope and depth of training to be provided in
specific areas will be determined by the individual SME from the training and inspection team.
This determination is based on comparison between the weighted expected performance with
compliance to the procedures outlined in the SOM and the actual performance with compliance
to the site being assisted. An SMA is conducted 9 to 12 months prior to the site’s scheduled
SMI. Discrepancies or areas of non-compliance noted during SMA will result in loss of points to
the overall score in the upcoming SMI if the noted discrepancies are not corrected prior to the
next inspection.
103 Supply Management Inspection (SMI).
1. The objectives of the SMI include, but are not limited to, evaluating the areas listed in
subparagraphs 1a through 1f.
a. The capability, effectiveness and operational efficiency of the site in providing aviation
supply support achieving overall flight line readiness.
b. Degree of control in maintaining accountability of inventory, assigned resources
(personnel, facilities, equipment, etc.), and other financial assets entrusted to the department and
those in sub-custody.
c. Level of compliance with the supply chain management policies and procedures
established by higher authorities, i.e. DoD, CNO, TYCOM, NAVSUP, etc. Conversely,
repetitive non-compliance with established policies and procedures.
d. Identification of any potential fraud, waste, abuse, and related improprieties.
e. Unacceptable or unsafe working environment.
f. Assess the sites FIAR audit compliance and readiness.
6 Apr 2021
a. SMIs are conducted at 24-month intervals. Measures will be taken by CNAP N415 to
ensure no site will have more than 30-month intervals between SMIs. An SMI will not be
conducted less than 18 months from the site’s last SMI.
b. Any procedural discrepancy or non-compliance with the applicable policies found during
a site’s SMI will result in negative points assessed against their score. Additionally, points will
be deducted from the score if the same procedural discrepancy or non-compliance is repeated
from the previous SMI or noted during the SMA.
3. The functional areas to be inspected with their respective weight during the SMI are listed in
the table below:
4. SMI Checklist.
a. The SMI checklist is located in appendix C of this instruction. Each question in the
checklist is assigned numerical points with weighted value based on the impact of noncompliance, failure to meet the standard for financial accountability, and the ability to maintain
high flight line readiness. SMI discrepancy points are totaled and then deducted from the
allowed SMI points to determine the site’s final score.
6 Apr 2021
b. The SMI checklist is a reference tool for the daily operation of an ASD and in preparation
for the SMI. The inspectors will also use the checklist during an SMA to determine the extent of
training to be provided to the staff. The checklist questions are not all inclusive, therefore will
not in any way inhibit the inspection team from using other publications, instructions or
professional knowledge in conducting a particular section of the inspection. Findings not
specifically noted in the checklist, but derived from a line item affecting materiel, financial and
flight line readiness, may be annotated during an inspection.
Note 1: During the SMA or SMI, a surprise sample NMCS/PMCS validation with the squadron
may be required by the inspection team and accompanied by SRS personnel of the site being
inspected. The extent of the NMCS/PMCS validation and the squadron(s) to be validated will be
at the discretion of the inspection team requiring the validation.
Note 2: At certain sites, Maintenance Assist Module (MAM) and Test Bench Installation (TBI)
management is performed by control division or inventory management section vice ASD.
5. SMI numerical scores and associated adjective grade are shown below.
Numerical Score
95 - 100
89 – 94.͞9͞9
83 – 88.͞9͞9
75 – 82.͞9͞9
74.͞9͞9 or Below
Adjective Grade
6. SMI Report.
a. A formal written report with the overall evaluation, findings, numerical score and
adjective grade for the inspected site will be forwarded by CNAP N415 to the respective site’s
immediate superior in command (ISIC) within 30 days of the out brief.
b. Site Response.
(1) The inspected site must provide a response to the formal written SMI report to CNAP
N415 via the ISIC within 45 days after receipt of the report. Report of corrective actions must
include milestones and targeted completion date for all discrepancies identified during the SMI.
(2) Quarterly reports of corrective action taken must also be submitted to the site
advocate until all discrepancies have been corrected. Initiation of action to correct a discrepancy
does not constitute correction of the deficiency. A discrepancy will not be considered corrected,
and must continue to be reported as “open”, until all required corrective action(s) are completed
and properly documented.
7. Functional areas of an inspected site which received a grade of “Marginal” or
“Unsatisfactory” must be re-inspected no earlier than 90 days and no later than 180 days after the
SMI out brief.
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8. All SMI reports are restricted to access by the public and by governmental organizations
external to the Department of the Navy (DON). All SMI reports and responses will be identified
as being “For Official Use Only” (FOUO).
104 Metric Reporting Requirements.
1. Purpose. All CNAP/CNAL ASDs are required to submit data files derived from Navy Data
Platform (NDP) (formerly known as InforM-21) and NALCOMIS to CNAP N415 via the
Continuous Monitoring Program (CMP). CMP is a CNAP/CNAL approved supplemental
Automated Information System (AIS) to Naval Tactical Command Support System (NTCSS),
allowing for faster, more frequent data extracts from specified data sources. This will display
key readiness pulse points for ASD supply managers to better provide efficient supply support to
their customers. Additionally, CNAP N415 uses the data to measure the health and capability of
each ASD in meeting standards while accomplishing its mission of supporting its customers.
2. Submission. Weekly and end of month external reporting are mandatory. A designated
individual must generate the NDP reports, manually or scheduled, and the CMP NALCOMIS
universal data extractor (UDE) file every Monday, or first business day of the week, and on the
final day of the month, or last business day.
a. ASDs will provide CNAP N415 with reports listed in subparagraphs 2a(1) through
(1) NDP Maximum Stock Level (MSL) Report.
(2) NDP Requisition Management Report (Direct Turn-over (DTO) and
Stock Dues).
(3) NDP Combined Effectiveness Report (Aviation Repairable
Effectiveness (ARE) and Aviation Consumable Effectiveness (ACE))
(4) NDP Aviation Consumable (AVCON) Range and Depth.
(5) NDP Aviation Consumable Deficit Report (AVCON DEF)
(6) NAVSUP WSS Generated No Money and No Stock Report.
(7) NALCOMIS Data Extraction.
(8) CNAL CARCASS Tracking Report.
b. Failure to submit CMP will negatively impact a site’s eligibility for the Supply
Excellence Award (Blue “E”). If unable to upload to CMP at required times, the site must
provide written notification to CNAP N415.
6 Apr 2021
3. Maintenance. It is imperative that the site’s maintenance of NALCOMIS data entry in
addition to database accuracy as well as Navy ERP, as NDP reports are based on information
from Navy ERP, reflect the latest information.
a. Supply leadership to include but not limited to the supply officer, ASD officer, site
director, leading chief petty officer, and two designated primary and secondary CMP points of
contacts (POC) will have a CMP account. Point of contacts must be updated or verified to
maintain accurate listing of the ASD staffing.
b. CMP website can be accessed via https://cmp.ncdc.navy.mil/ after requesting the access
initially. If account request response is not received by the third business day, send e-mail
follow up to cnsl_nrfk_cmp_surfor@navy.mil. Uploading unit’s .cr and .cn files require CAC
certificate. Select DoD CA-XX certificate, and click “OK,” Use “Direct File Submission” option
to upload files. Contact CNAP N415 for additional guidance required for CMP submissions.
105 CNAP/CNAL Air Station Performance Effectiveness Report (CASPER).
1. CASPER serves as the monthly performance report card for each ASD under Commander,
Naval Air Forces (COMNAVAIRFOR). CASPER is populated in CMP with statistical data
collected from the information derived from NALCOMIS and Navy ERP. Data for CASPER
will be uploaded weekly, and can be viewed via the pulse point grid to track weekly
performance. The final data uploaded at the end of the month will be analyzed and graded by
CNAP N415. The monthly CASPER metrics will be weighted in the competition for the CNAP
Ashore Supply Excellence Award (Blue “E”).
2. CASPER is comprised of major and minor goals as outline in appendix B. Sites may submit
a waiver for majors and minor goals not met for the reporting month. The waiver must provide
thorough research justifying the reason for which the goals were not met.
3. TYCOM focus areas are additional focus areas that are not graded but required for annotation
on a monthly basis. These areas will shift in focus depending on the operating environment and
current challenges facing sites enterprise wide.
4. Performance Improvement. When performance falls below acceptable standards, the ASD
and FLC will research the cause, then develop and pursue corrective action as necessary.
a. Range and Depth. NDP consumable range and depth reports indicate the level of stock
available to satisfy requirements. Adequate range and depth of consumable materiel onboard are
necessary for effective operational support and the grading of consumable net and gross
effectiveness is conducted via NDP ACE report. Similarly, sufficient levels of repairable range
and depth are required to support readiness and the grading of repairable net and gross
effectiveness conducted via NDP ARE report. Measure repairable range and depth in
NALCOMIS using the AVREP Range and Depth ad hoc.
b. Supply Effectiveness Reports. NDP aviation repairable (ARE) and aviation consumable
(ACE) effectiveness reports measure the supply department’s success in fulfillment of flight line
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and I-Level materiel requirements. These reports serve as analysis tools to measure
performance for the last monthly reporting period and is the primary management tool for
improving future materiel availability. The goal of supply effectiveness is to provide maximum
order fulfillment of flight line and I-Level materiel requirements.
c. The above goals are the benchmarks for measuring a supply activity’s ability to support
its customers. When range and depth and supply effectiveness fall below standards, inventory
managers must take corrective action. At a minimum, review the areas listed in subparagraphs
4c(1) through 4c(6).
(1) Verify the processing of all allowance increases in Navy ERP and NALCOMIS and
the submission of stock replenishment requisitions for the newly authorized materiel.
(2) Verify the completion of the timely processing by NAVSUP WSS OSPA.
(3) Ensure that timely and effective receipt and issue processing procedures are in place.
(4) Support inventory validity by an effective physical inventory program, see chapter 3
of this instruction.
(5) Aggressively expedite stock dues.
(6) Coordinate with FRC to reduce repair time for SO assets in DIFM.
d. Use of Reports. Supply effectiveness reports measure the degree to which flight line and
I-level materiel requirements are being satisfied with locally stocked materiel. Low net and
gross supply effectiveness can result from numerous factors as listed subparagraphs 4d(1)
through 4d(7).
(1) Ineffective replenishment procedures, lack of stock due expediting.
(2) Ineffective dues management.
(3) Poor receipt processing procedures.
(4) Inadequate depth of stock to satisfy recurring median demands by not processing
quarterly demand level sets or submitting ACRs.
(5) Failure to research NC or NIS items for ACR submission.
(6) Incoming stock replenishment stowing backlog.
(7) Failure to process demand based level setting procedures (for consumable stock) in a
timely manner.
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106 CNAP and CNAL Ashore Supply Excellence Award (Blue “E”).
1. Sites will be evaluated as per established CNAP and CNAL goals. Eligibility for the Blue
“E” will be determined by SMI performance and monthly PIB metric performance.
a. Sites must achieve an overall grade of “excellent”, with all functional areas assessed as
“good” or better to be eligible for the Blue “E”. The site will not be eligible if a functional area
is assessed as “marginal” or “unsatisfactory” following SMI cycle (24-month cycle is typical).
b. Commands must achieve an average monthly numerical score of 89% or above on the
CASPER PIB metrics during the calendar year being assessed.
2. Award eligibility is based upon a 12-month competitive cycle beginning on 1 January each
year. The two primary areas evaluated for a total possible score of 100 points are the most recent
SMI score (even if the SMI did not take place during the 12-month competitive cycle) and the
average score earned for the end of month (EOM) management reports over the 12-month
competitive cycle as described in subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. A numerical grade within the range of values listed in subparagraph 2b is assigned to
each functional area evaluated during the inspection as listed in paragraph 104. Any one
functional area graded at “marginal” or “unsatisfactory” will disqualify the site from
consideration for the Supply Excellence Award for that 12-month competitive cycle.
b. The site must meet 10 of 12 monthly CASPER metrics containing data from the monthly
management reports recorded in CMP during that calendar cycle. If the site does not meet a
minor goal for 3 consecutive months, they will be disqualified for the Blue “E’ during that
competitive cycle.
Primary Areas
1 Supply Management Inspection
2 End of Month Management Reports
Percentage Points
3. Following close-out of each competitive cycle, a formal announcement will be made by
CNAP N41 to each command receiving this award via naval message.
107 Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR).
1. FIAR is a Department of Defense (DoD) wide initiative relating to materiel and financial
accountability through review of auditable documentation and records. FLC and ASD leadership
are required to be familiar with FIAR audit requirements and document retention. Many of the
specific requirements are detailed throughout this instruction, and as requirements evolve,
notification will be made via FLC and TYCOM official channels. Major policy changes will be
announced via a COMNAVAIRFOR Ashore Policy FLASH ahead of SOM revisions.
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2. Any DoD element conducting transactions involving any form of financial disbursement,
such as issuing or receiving goods and supplies, including subsistence and fuel, is subject to
FIAR related random audits of financial documentation and records.
3. Financial documentation and records maintenance under FIAR must be retained for 10 years.
Any item with a differing retention period will be noted. These records are subject to random
inspection with notification.
a. Sites may be required to provide FIAR related financial reports, respond to FIAR related
data calls or be subjected to full FIAR audits.
b. Additional FIAR related information is available on the following website:
108 General Safety Requirements and Warehouse Safety.
1. Military and Civilian Personnel. All hands will comply with COMNAVAIRFOR Safety
Management System requirements promulgated by the chain of command. Monitor and report to
supervisors (or designee) any unsafe conditions or hazards for prompt correction. Correct any
hazard that is within their ability to correct and report that event to the applicable supervisor.
Any need for additional controls to ensure safety and health standards should be reported to the
chain of command. It is imperative that the primary or collateral duty safety person is the subject
matter expert on safety policy, and that person must have a direct reporting line to the unit
commander, CO, or OIC to facilitate proactive and reactive risk mitigation. Additional guidance
can be found in COMNAVFORINST 5100.5.
a. The ASD leadership will publish a local safety instruction providing guidance for
procedures and guidelines for safety within the workplace. This instruction can be incorporated
into the required security instruction.
b. ASD leadership will ensure that office and warehouse spaces are properly equipped with
needed safety equipment such as CO2 bottles, eye washing stations, and proper signage, etc. as
appropriate. Items are not already available or require replacement must be procured at earliest
opportunity. If funding constrictions exist or the unit is a tenant command, the ASD should
make effort to request additional funding or support from supervisory command. Contact CNAP
N415 for additional guidance.
2. Warehouse supervisors must conduct monthly checks of all safety conditions of the
warehouse storage areas to include all installed electrical fixtures, lighting, ventilation ducts,
steam and water pipes, valves, bins, racks, cabinets, fire-fighting equipment and eye wash
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stations. Ensure CO2 bottles reflect up-to-date preventive maintenance. Discrepancies must be
documented in a log book and promptly corrected.
a. Bins, Cabinets, and Racks. All bins, cabinets and racks must be inspected monthly to
ensure safe and secure storage of materiel.
b. Warehouse Cleanliness and Orderliness. Cleanliness and orderliness are essential to
warehouse maintenance, efficient use of warehouse space, issuing of materiel, and safety of
personnel. Warehouse personnel must be instructed in proper storage and good housekeeping
practices. Particular attention will be given to the cleanliness of bins. Cleaning materiel, tools,
loose gear, trash, and frustrated materiel will be properly stowed or removed.
c. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Warehouse personnel working with banding
materiel are required by OPNAVINST 5100.23G to wear the appropriate PPE to include, but not
limited to, leather gloves, face shield and safety boots. Cargo handlers and forklift operators
must wear the appropriate PPE during cargo handling and materiel movement evolutions. All
warehouse personnel must receive appropriate training on the use of PPE.
109 Safeguarding of Materiel.
1. All supply activities are charged with the accountability of materiel, whether inventory items
or property book materiel, and must establish strict, enforceable, security measures to safeguard
against theft, pilferage, damage, loss or misappropriation. The ASD will publish a local security
instruction providing guidance for safeguarding all inventory items, and all property book
a. Tenant Commands. ASDs operating within another supervisory command’s facilities
will create a local instruction in coordination with the supervisory command. This will ensure
that all commands are in alignment with regards to required rules and regulations while
addressing specific supply security measures applicable to the ASD.
b. The policy will be updated on an annual basis or upon the relief of the supply officer or
ASD officer. The supply officer or ASD officer will assign a security petty officer in writing.
This letter will be updated with the relief of the approving authority or the designated official.
2. The security measures must include analysis of loss rates through inventories, reports of
surveys, and criminal incident reports, to establish whether repetitive losses indicate criminal or
negligent activity. The assessment of physical barriers is to ensure unauthorized personnel
cannot gain access into secured areas.
3. The security petty officer, in coordination with the training petty officer (TPO), will establish
a security education program to ensure the local policies, security procedures, and loss
prevention are briefed to all personnel, both military and civilian. The TPO will include this
training in the long range training plan semi-annually or whenever there is an update or change
to the instruction. New personnel will also receive documented training on these procedures
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within 30 days of checking-in.
110 Key Security and Lock Control.
1. The ASD must establish a key and lock control program for all keys, locks, padlocks and
locking devices used to meet security and loss prevention objectives of this instruction. Locks
and padlocks used for convenience, privacy, administrative, or personal use are excluded.
2. A key custodian must be designated in writing by the supply or ASD officer.
3. The security petty officer will be responsible for a thorough accounting of all keys in ASD.
There will be an inventory conducted at every shift change and documented in the key log or in
the ASD passdown log.
4. Inventory of all custodial, sub-custodial keys, and all log accounts must be conducted by the
security petty officer at least quarterly, and upon the change of key custodian, supply officer,
ASD officer, or director.
111 Security Checks. A system for the checking of occupants or users of restricted areas,
facilities, containers, and barrier or building entry and departure points to detect any deficiencies
or violations of security standards must be established. The ASD will establish a system of using
visitor badges to ensure that personnel who are not attached to the command are easily
identifiable. This is especially useful for ASDs operating as a tenant command.
112 Loss Prevention Measures.
1. A loss prevention program is essential at every Navy activity and must be outlined in the
local security instruction. Losses of property may prevent timely accomplishment of mission
2. The loss prevention measures will consist, at a minimum, the requirements listed in
subparagraphs 2a through 2d.
a. The ASD leadership must have a continuing process of loss analysis to identify trends
and patterns of losses. It must consider the types of materiel lost; geographic location; times and
dates; proximity of specific personnel; proximity of doorways, loading docks and ramps, gates,
parking facilities and other activities adjacent to loss or gain locations; materiel movement paths,
b. Results of analysis of loss and gain trends and patterns must be used to appropriately
allocate resources available for loss prevention. This may include reallocating funds to installing
or upgrading surveillance systems, install ID readers on doors without watchstanders, procuring
serpentine barriers before loading docks, etc. Institute measures to prevent or reduce
opportunities for losses of government property.
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c. Warehouses, storage buildings, office buildings, and other structures which contain high
value, sensitive, or pilferable property, supplies, or office equipment are to be afforded security
protection commensurate with the value and sensitivity of the contents.
d. ASD leadership must submit a program objective memorandum (POM) request for
additional funding for the installation of security measures or building modifications. Assistance
may be acquired by contacting on-base construction battalions for providing labor and ASD
providing materiel.
113 Access Authorization and Control System Requirement. The methods used to control
personnel access at an activity will be included in the physical security plan within the local
instruction are listed in paragraphs 1 through 7.
1. Designation of restricted areas.
2. Description of access control methods in use.
3. Method for establishing authorization for entering and leaving each area, as they apply to
both personnel continually authorized access to the area and to visitors, including any special
provisions concerning non-duty hours.
4. Details of where, when, and how security badges will be displayed.
5. Procedures to be followed in case of loss or damage to security badges.
6. Procedures to recover issued security badges.
7. Measures to deny illicit use of lost, stolen, sold, or other illegally acquired security badges.
114 Enforcement of Movement Control.
1. Enforcement of movement control for restricted areas rests with the activity personnel who
normally work in the areas. Written procedures must be incorporated into the local physical
security plan to cover these requirements.
a. Security Badges. The security petty officer will develop a visitor badge system of issuing
and returning badges. Personnel must be instructed to consider each un-badged or an apparently
improperly security badged individual as a person whose authorization to be in the area is in
doubt, and to similarly report their presence.
b. ASDs may be given approval for the use of CNO approved access control systems. These
control systems will limit unauthorized movement within a facility. With these measures in
place, a visitor log and badge process will still be required. The badges will be utilized for
6 Apr 2021
115 Parking of Privately Owned Vehicles.
1. Privately owned vehicles (POVs) must not be parked in any restricted area, as such parking
exacerbates the risks and increases resources required to maintain appropriate access control.
2. POVs must not be parked within 30 feet of doorways leading into or from buildings used for
the storage, handling, packaging, shipping and receiving, as well as loading and unloading of
government materiel and supplies.
3. A building’s parking plan must consider means of minimizing danger in the event of
vehicular fire or explosion.
116 Physical Barriers. Physical barriers control, deny, impede, delay and discourage access by
unauthorized persons.
1. Purpose. Physical barriers will be established along the designated perimeter of all restricted
areas. The barrier or combination of barriers used must afford a minimal acceptable equal
degree of continuous protection along the entire perimeter of the restricted area. Openings will
be kept to a minimum, consistent with the efficient and safe operation of the facility, to minimize
the degree of resources required for security.
2. Establishment of Physical Barrier.
a. Defining the perimeter of restricted areas and deterring entry through barriers and
displaying legal notice that entry is not permitted.
b. Channeling the flow of personnel and vehicles through designated portals in a manner
which permits efficient operation of the personnel movement and control system.
c. Loading docks must have barriers to inhibit easy access but not inhibit regular use.
3. Types of Physical Barriers.
a. Natural: mountains, swamps, thick vegetation, rivers, bays, cliffs, etc.
b. Structural: fences, walls, doors, gates, roadblocks, vehicle barriers, etc.
4. Inspection of Barriers. Supervisory personnel must check restricted area perimeter barriers at
least weekly for defects facilitating unauthorized entry. Weekly checks must be documented in a
log and any defects noted must be reported immediately for corrective action. Personnel must be
alert to items listed in subparagraphs 3a through 3c.
a. Damaged areas due to deterioration.
b. Growth in the clear zones that would afford cover for possible intruders, and concurrently
hinder effectiveness of any protective lighting, assessment systems, etc.
c. Obstructions which would afford concealment, aid in the entry or exit of an intruder, or
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provide a plausible excuse to openly loiter without need for hiding (e.g., a bus stop next to the
fence line).
d. Signs of illegal or improper intrusion or attempted intrusion.
5. Restricted Area Perimeter Openings. Openings in the perimeter barrier will be kept to the
minimum necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the activity. Access through such
openings must either be controlled, secured against unlawful entry, or other compensatory
measures must be taken as a minimum. If the perimeter barrier is designed to protect against
forced entry, then any openings in the barrier must afford protection against forced entry or other
compensatory measures taken. These openings will be frequently inspected by security patrols.
6. Signs and Posting of Boundaries. Signs will be posted as prescribed below unless alternate
means are used to more effectively and efficiently provide the same information to the same
intended audience. Signs will read essentially as stated below (deviations will be approved by
local supporting legal officer).
117 Fences. Supply warehouses and storage buildings must have a physical perimeter barrier
outside its main walls if materiel is staged or stored outside. Installation of chain link fencing,
posts, gates and accessories must be in good condition and in compliance with federal
specifications and regulations. To economize the use of security force personnel and increase
detection by all parties in the area of any suspicious activity, mesh openings (no larger than 2
inches) will not be covered, blocked, or laced with materiel which would prevent a clear view of
personnel, vehicles, or materiel in the outer or inner vicinity of the fence line.
1. Measures will be taken to prevent the effective height of the fence from being lowered by
pulling down on the top of the fence fabric. The minimum fence height will be 8 feet (7 feet plus
outriggers) in all areas. The top guard strung will be composed of three strands of barbed wire
and angled outward and upward at a 45 degree angle. Salvage will be twisted and barbed at top
and bottom.
2. The bottom of the fence fabric must be close enough to firm soil or buried sufficiently to
prevent surreptitious entry under the fence.
3. Culverts under or through a fence must be secured to prevent their use for surreptitious entry.
4. Fences will be located so that the features of the land (its topography) or structures
(buildings, utility tunnels, light and telephone poles, fire escapes, trees, vines, ladders, etc.) will
not facilitate passage over, around, or under the fence, without taking of compensatory measures.
These measures will be documented in the physical security plan.
118 Walls. Warehouse walls may be used as barriers in lieu of fences when all exterior walls
and doors are maintained in excellent condition to prevent break-in and entry. The protection
afforded by walls must be equivalent to that provided by chain link fencing. Walls, floors and
roofs of buildings may also serve as perimeter barriers.
119 Clear Zones. Where fences are used as restricted area perimeter barriers, an unobstructed
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area or clear zone must be maintained on both sides of the restricted area fence. Clear zones are
also required where exterior walls of buildings form part of restricted area barriers. The purpose
of such areas is defeated if vegetation is high enough to provide concealment of a person lying
prone on the ground. Vegetation or topographical features which must be retained in clear zones
for erosion control or for legal reasons must be trimmed or pruned to eliminate concealment or
be checked by security patrols at irregular intervals.
1. An inside clear zone must be at least 30 feet. Where possible, a larger clear zone must be
provided to preclude or minimize damage from incendiaries or bombs.
2. The outside clear zone must be 20 feet or greater between the perimeter barrier and any
exterior structures, vegetation or any obstruction to visibility.
3. Obstacles which are within exterior and interior clear zones and represent no aid to
circumvention of the perimeter barrier or do not provide concealment (nor provide a plausible
reason to appear innocently loitering) to an intruder do not violate the clear zones considerations.
4. In those activities where space on government land is available but the fence does not meet
clear zone guidelines in its present location, relocating the fence to obtain a clear zone may not
be feasible or cost effective. Some alternatives to extending the clear zone would be increasing
the height of the perimeter fence, extending outriggers, installing double outriggers, etc., to
compensate for the close proximity of aids to concealment or access. All fencing must be kept
clear of visual obstructions such as vines, shrubs, tree limbs, etc., which could provide
concealment for an intruder.
5. Inspections of clear zones must be incorporated with inspections of perimeter barriers to
ensure an unrestricted view of the barrier and adjacent ground.
120 Protective Lighting. Protective lighting increases the effectiveness of security forces
performing their duties. Requirements for protective lighting at an activity will depend on
fencing, clear zones, accessibility of entrances, and other physical aspects of the areas to be
protected. The overall goal is to provide the proper environment to perform duties such as
identification of badges and personnel at gates, inspection of unusual or suspicious
circumstances, etc.
1. Protective lighting is used for reasons listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1e.
a. Provide adequate illumination to discourage or detect attempts to enter restricted areas.
Avoid glare which hinders security force personnel or is objectionable to air, rail, highway or
navigable water traffic or occupants of adjacent properties. Illuminate shadowed areas caused by
structures within or adjacent to restricted areas.
b. Position illumination is directed toward likely avenues of approach and provides relative
darkness for patrol roads, paths and posts. To minimize exposure of security force personnel,
lighting at entry points will be directed at the gate and the guard must be in the shadows. This
type of lighting technique is often called "glare projection."
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c. Design the system to provide overlapping light distribution. Equipment selection must be
designed to resist the effects of environmental conditions. All components of the system must be
located to provide maximum protection against intentional damage.
d. Choose lights that illuminate the ground or water but not the air above. These lights must
penetrate fog and rain. Meet requirements of blackout and coastal dim-out areas.
e. During planning stages, consideration must be given to future requirements of closed
circuit television (CCTV) and recognition factors involved in selection of the type of lighting to
be installed. Where color recognition will be a factor, full spectrum (high pressure sodium
vapor, etc.) lighting vice single color must be used.
2. Protective Lighting Parameters. The ASD officer, and supervisory command if applicable,
will determine which areas or assets to illuminate based upon criteria listed in subparagraphs 2a
through 2f.
a. Relative value of items being protected.
b. Significance of the items being protected in relation to the activity mission and its role in
the overall national defense structure.
c. Availability of security forces to patrol and observe illuminated areas.
d. Availability of clear zones so that any intruders, with no place to hide, must risk being
seen because of the light.
e. Availability of fiscal resources (procurement, installation, and maintenance costs).
f. Energy conservation.
121 Restricted Areas.
1. Restricted areas will have signs posted at regularly used points of entry. Signs should reflect
the language in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2
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2. The intent is that any reasonable person would conclude that everyone entering a restricted
area through a regularly used entry point would have been informed of the above information.
3. Perimeter boundaries of restricted areas that are composed of barriers, such as fences or walls
not closed off by a roof or ceiling, will be posted at intervals with signs reflecting the language in
Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3
a. The intent is that any reasonable person would conclude that everyone crossing the
boundary fence, etc., into the restricted area would have been informed of the above information.
b. These signs do not have to be posted along restricted areas boundaries where the walls
form an enclosed box with true floor and true ceiling.
c. Restricted signs will not indicate whether the area is a level one, two, or three restricted
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200 Objective.
1. All aviation elements of the Navy regardless of size, location and mission, have an assigned
activity to which they can submit a request for aviation materiel and other related aviation supply
support. In the case of aircraft maintenance activities, these requests originate from the
organizational level (O-level), intermediate level (I-level) and enter the Navy supply system via
the designated local support point. Aviation materiel management involves a direct relationship
between the two operations of aviation maintenance and supply.
2. The success of aviation flight line readiness at all aviation activities depend on the
effectiveness of the communication and related coordination efforts supply and maintenance
personnel. It is imperative for all personnel at those units to familiarize themselves with the
responsibilities and functions of both organizations. Material control branch provides aviation
supply support to the assigned O-level or I-level maintenance activity by coordinating their
supply support requirements with the supporting aviation support department or detachment
201 Organizational Relationship.
1. ASD organization will be structured as per the organization chart in figure 9-3 of Naval
Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) CNAFINST 4790.2D, chapter 9. However, smaller
activities may modify or consolidate the organization chart to accommodate aviation supply
support functions.
2. Along with the supporting aircraft intermediate maintenance departments (AIMD) or fleet
readiness centers intermediate level (FRC-I), the aviation weapons department, the supply
department and ASD comprises what is normally referred to as intermediate maintenance
activity (IMA). An ASD will generally consist of supply response section (SRS), and the
component control section (CCS). This chapter addresses the functions of ASD in general, SRS
and CCS sub-units in particular.
202 Hours of Operation. ASD will staff appropriate work centers and provide aviation supply
services to home based squadrons and detachment aircraft 24/7 or while squadron, AIMD or
FRC-I are performing aircraft and component maintenance. Operations and manning levels
during other than normal working hours must be consistent with the supply support required, to
include requisition processing and issue response time (IRT) goals.
203 Additional Manning. Additional logistic specialists (LS) and delivery drivers will augment
ASDs through temporary assigned duty (TAD) orders from the applicable supported aircraft
carrier and fleet deployable squadrons not in a deployed status. This augmentation will enable
ASD to provide efficient aviation supply support by supplementing the ASD additional
workload. When squadrons are operating away or detached from home base for short periods,
leadership of respective units will identify the number of TAD personnel commensurate with the
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expected operational requirements. To determine the number of TAD personnel from each fleet
squadron, refer to the applicable squadron manning documents (SQMD) under integrated
services. Request assistance in obtaining SQMD integrated services information from the
applicable type wing commander. Issues regarding tenants to host TAD requirements that
cannot be resolved between supporting ASD and supported squadrons will be elevated to the
applicable type wing commander for resolution.
204 Responsibilities. The ASD is the single point of contact for local aircraft maintenance
activities requiring aviation supply support and consists of two major sections: SRS and CCS.
Their specific responsibilities and functions are in subparagraphs 1 through 21.
1. Process Aircraft Maintenance Related Requisitions.
a. If materiel is available from local stock, issue and deliver materiel within the IRT goals
established by OPNAVINST 4441.12D (Retail Supply Support of Naval Activities and
Operating Forces) and CNAFINST 4790.2D (Naval Aviation Maintenance Program).
b. If the materiel is not available locally, refer requisitions to the supply system as per
TYCOM and local procedures.
2. Perform technical research and other related functions.
3. Expeditious delivery of selected aeronautical materiel or components, and pickup of
4. Expedite off-station high priority requisitions and conduct local stock re-screen.
5. Monitor and measure local IRT. Take appropriate action and submit related reports, as
6. Account for all repairable assets and materiel under ASD’s accountability.
7. Maintain local repair cycle asset (LRCA) storage area. Develop and implement applicable
LRCA standard operating procedures (SOP) to include the process to identify the addition and
removal of repairable components for LRCA management.
8. Maintain awaiting parts unit (AWP) storage area. Develop and implement applicable AWP
SOP within the scope and requirements of the NAMP and other pertinent directives. The SOP
must include stringent AWP component and requisition validation process, accurate inventory,
and records maintenance.
9. Establish and maintain all functions of pre-expended bin (PEB) sites.
10. Coordinate and conduct periodic and unannounced Not Mission Capable Supply (NMCS)/
Partial Mission Capable Supply (PMCS) requisition validations.
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11. Enforce the one-for-one exchange mandatory turn-in repairable (MTR) policy for repairable
component at the time of issue to the customer.
Note. Paragraph 214.5 discusses exceptions to the one-for-one exchange MTR policy.
12. Initiate and coordinate inter-IMA support, ASD support and depot customer service
requests, as required.
13. Manage the Repair and Return (R&R) Program.
14. Ensure the continuity and accuracy of materiel reporting as well as the timely generation of
required reports for local management use.
15. Ensure proper completion of material obligation validations (MOV) and dormant account
requirement quarterly (DAR-Q). Additional guidance provided in chapter 13.
Note. Under Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), processing of only cyclic or external
MOVs for DLA held backordered requisitions is required.
16. Maintain the required supply document files, such as proof of delivery (POD) as per the
latest applicable directives.
17. Ensure adequate resources are available to support ongoing O-level and I-level aircraft and
component maintenance efforts.
18. Actively participate in the shore-based consolidated allowance list (SHORCAL) process.
19. Convene weekly and monthly coordination meetings between supply and maintenance
20. Assist local supporting AIMD or FRC-I in Individual Component Repair List (ICRL)
management. The supply or ASD officer will designate, in writing, a supply and ASD ICRL
program representative.
21. Support the Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposition Program (SARDIP).
205 Supply Response Section (SRS).
1. SRS is composed of sections listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1e.
a. Requisition control unit (RCU).
b. Technical research unit (TRU).
c. Program management unit (PMU).
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d. Material delivery unit (MDU).
e. Pre–expended bins (PEB).
2. Squadrons must provide SRS with authorization letters reflecting names of personnel (e.g.
MCO, MMCO, MMCPO, AMO, or MO) designated to sign documents as listed in
subparagraphs 2a through 2d.
a. DD Form 1348-1A requisitions
b. Validation cover letters
c. NMCS/PMCS report
d. DTI requests.
Note. Authorization letters must also include the billet description and title next to each name,
e.g. MMCO, MMCPO, along with the corresponding signature of each person. The retention
period for squadron authorization letters in SRS files is from Supply Management Inspection
(SMI) to SMI.
3. Surveys. The ASD officer must review all completed surveys submitted by customer
activities for requisitions citing advice code “5A” prior to order submission. Customers are
responsible for ensuring all required blocks and signatures on the surveys are completed
according to chapter 5, para 514 (survey requirements). Upon completion of review, the ASD
officer must sign and date the accompanying routing sheet before issue of materiel or referral of
requisition. (See figure 2-1.) The ASD officer may delegate the SRS officer or PMU supervisor
in writing to perform this function. Retention period for routing sheets and letters of delegation
is 10 years.
6 Apr 2021
DATE: xxxxxx
From: xxxx ASD Carcass Tracking Manager
xxxx ASD Officer
(1) DD-1348 Hard Card Reorder Document
Reorder Document DDSN: xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx
NSN: ______________________
Previous DDSN: N/A
Reason for reorder (i.e. Cancellation/SDR):
Carcass Tracking Manager
ASD Officer
Figure 2-1
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4. Initial Issue. Materiel ordered with advice code “5D” requires written authorization from
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS), Naval Air
Systems Command (NAVAIR), Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP) N415 or
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL) N418. The ASD officer must review all
requisitions submitted by customer activities citing advice code “5D” and will ensure the
authorizing authority meets the requirement. Upon completion of review, the ASD officer must
sign the accompanying routing sheet before issue of materiel or referral of requisition. The ASD
officer may delegate the SRS officer or PMU supervisor in writing to perform this function.
Retention period for letters of delegation is 10 years.
5. Project Code DHA or BHJ Required Submission.
a. When the supply system cannot meet the customer’s required delivery date (RDD), the
ASD may obtain materiel requirement(s) via other authorized methods. Pursuit of materiel via
non-traditional venues will occur after the requisition for the materiel has received backorder
status at its respective source of supply (SOS) or the estimated delivery date does not meet
customer’s requirement. Non-traditional supply sources include:
(1) FRC or AIMD 3D printer manufacturing.
(2) FRC or AIMD cleans, repairs or reconditions a consumable item via a work order
(WO) or maintenance action form (MAF) due to the lack of a serviceable replacement part.
(3) FRC or AIMD manufacturing.
(4) Procurement using GCPC.
(5) SARDIP or Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG).
(6) Residual materiel from a completed WO or MAF.
(7) Attaining the item via a third party vendor (HAZMAT vendor on base, etc.).
(8) Technical representative from the aircraft manufacturer.
b. MILSTRIP document identifier code (DIC) to record demand will be submitted as listed
to the respective SOS via Navy ERP, e.g. GSA, DLA, or NAVSUP WSS in subparagraphs 3a(1)
through 3a(4).
(1) To record demand history for materiel with an assigned national stock number
(NSN), process DOC ID “DHA”.
(2) To record demand history for non-NSN materiel, process DOC ID
6 Apr 2021
c. The demand recording at the respective SOS provides item managers the demand
quantity and frequency information to determine procurement amount and delivery schedule
from the vendor to support Navy materiel requirements.
(1) DLA stocking formula focuses on the frequency of demands for the materiel over a
12-month period.
(2) NAVSUP WSS forecasting model will include “DHA” or “BHJ” DOC IDs as Navy
ERP sales orders in the forecast for that NSN or part number item.
d. The pursuit of materiel from non-traditional supply sources must be a coordinated effort
among personnel from squadrons, FRC or AIMD, and ASD. ASD will then submit a “DHA” or
“BHJ”, as applicable, following receipt and acceptance of materiel from non-traditional supply
(1) ASDs will develop local procedures to obtain necessary data from the maintenance
organization for the completion of the “DHA” or “BHJ” transaction. The “DHA” format is
similar to an “A0A” or “A0B” MILSTRIP format; however, the “BHJ” is a non-NSN transaction
and requires part number information, source FSCM, technical publication reference data, etc. in
order to complete the transaction. The format for the “DHA” and “BHJ” MILSTRIPs are
contained in NAVSUP P-485, Vol I.
(2) The routing identifier code in CC 4-6 will be “NRP”; Defense Automatic Addressing
System (DAAS) will identify the appropriate SOS based upon the NSN entered in CC 8-20 of
(3) The MILSDOC or requisition number used on the original requisition cannot be used
for the “DHA” or “BHJ” submission; therefore, each site will be required to establish a
document series for sole “DHA” or “BHJ” submission; or, will ensure the MILSDOC
(requisition number) used for the “DHA” or “BHJ” has not been utilized on prior MILSDOC
(requisitions). The ASD’s local procedures SOP will delineate the method to select the
MILSDOC (requisition number).
(4) Submit “DHA” or “BHJ” transactions via one of the methods in paragraph 5g.
e. ASD will take action on the “A0A” or “A0B” MILSTRIP upon notification of materiel
receipt from a non-traditional supply source as listed in subparagraphs 5e(1) through 5e(3):
(1) Modify the requisition to reflect the supply ORG code and BUNO associated with
the supply ORG code. Submit a cancellation request to the last holding activity. This will result
in assignment of local status code (LSC) “RCANC” to the requisition. To prevent delivery of
materiel with LSC “RCANC” to the requestor, ASD will establish procedures to properly route
received materiel for requisitions with LSC “RCANC” to PMU for disposition. PMU will
coordinate with maintenance or production control (PC) to retrieve materiel inadvertently
delivered to the requestor.
6 Apr 2021
Note. For requisitions with “BV” or “BA” status, a cancellation request (DOC ID “AC1”) will
be sent to change the LSC to “RCANC”. These requisitions may not receive confirmed
cancellation status (“BQ”); however, by changing the LSC to “RCANC”, this will allow the FRC
or AIMD to complete WO or MAFs and the respective work centers (PMU, PEB, PUK, or
AWP) will dispose of the received materiel per subparagraph 5e(3) note.
(2) Extract from Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System
(NALCOMIS) OIMA DDSNs with LSC of “RCANC” on a weekly basis. Consult sources such
as One Touch Support (OTS) or WEBVLIPS to check supply system status, and perform
appropriate cancellation follow-ups as necessary.
(3) ASD must verify that the confirmed cancellation status is reflected in NALCOMIS
and in Navy ERP to ensure the purchase order (PO) is cancelled and funds de-obligated.
Note. Place consumable materiel received in the PEB with no changes, increases, or adjustments
to the numeric stockage objective (NSO) or send the materiel to the RRAM site. Repairable
components will be processed as materiel turned into store (MTIS), following the respective
procedures for the inventory system of record. PEB work center personnel will sign the DoD
Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document, DD Form 1348-1A receipt for materiel placed in
f. ASDs must not consolidate multiple materiel receipts for the same NSN or part number
into one “DHA” or “BHJ” submission.
(1) Consolidation of demands (“DHA” or “BHJ”) will distort actual demand frequency
data for the materiel. Combining multiple materiel demands will mask the frequency, may lower
future procurement quantities and may influence the stocking decision at a distribution depot site
or at the commercial vendor location.
(2) Consolidation of part numbered (“BHJ”) transactions may prevent or delay
establishment of an NSN for the materiel.
g. The “DHA” or “BHJ” transactions will be uploaded via one of the methods as discussed
in subparagraphs 5g(1) through 5g(3):
(1) One Touch Support (OTS) (https://www.onetouch.navy.mil)
(2) FEDMALL (https://www.fedmall.mil)
(3) GDSC (GDSC@navy.mil)
h. ASD will monitor “DHA” or “BHJ” submissions using the following Logistics Data
Gateway (LDG) website:
6 Apr 2021
6. “RCANC” Validation for No Longer Required Items. Initiate cancellation action on
outstanding direct turn-over (DTO) requisitions for which materiel and services are no longer
required. On a weekly basis, perform a data extract from NALCOMIS for LSC “RCANC”.
Conduct status checks to obtain confirmed cancellation status from OTS or submit a follow-up
(DOCID “AK1”) on the initial cancellation request (DOCID “AC1”). Post confirmed
cancellation status in NALCOMIS and confirm that the cancellation interfaced with Navy ERP.
If the cancellation did not interface with Navy ERP, personnel with the necessary Navy ERP
roles may cancel the requisition as required. After validating the listing, SRS must provide the
annotated listing to the financial managers in order to confirm that funds were de-obligated in the
financial system. Further instructions are in CNAP/CNALINST 4414.1A, chapter 13, paragraph
206 Requisition Control Unit (RCU). RCU is responsible for processing all aviation
maintenance related materiel requests received from the supported O-level and I-level
maintenance activities for materiel available in local stock within the IRT goals.
1. OPNAV and NAMP Issue Response Time (IRT) Goals. IRT is measured from the time and
date the requisition is transmitted from the requisitioner to the local SRS and RCU to the time
and date materiel is delivered and received (signed for) by the requisitioner at the mutually
agreed upon delivery point. IRT measures on station shelf stock materiel issues only. IRT goals
specified in subparagraphs 1a through 1d only apply to consumer level of inventory supporting
local customers or requisitioners (flight line). TAD support from fleet squadrons for MDU is
critical in establishing and meeting the IRT goals. If squadrons, type wing MO, and ASD
leadership are in agreement to not support TAD to MDU, then the IRT measurement will end
when ASD stages the materiel in the squadron’s bins awaiting pick-up.
a. One-Hour Goal. A 1-hour goal is established for every activity holding retail inventories
to make IPG I materiel requirements available to the local customer or requisitioner. Process
requisitions and deliver requested materiel within 1 hour for signature by the customer or
requisitioner. This goal applies if the customer or requisitioner and the supporting activity are
located at the same site, such as aircraft squadrons at an air station.
b. Two-Hour Goal. A 2-hour goal is established for every activity holding retail inventories
to make IPG II materiel requirements available to the local customer or requisitioner. Process
requisitions and deliver requested materiel within 2 hours for signature by the customer or
requisitioner. This applies if the customer or requisitioner and the supporting activity are located
at the same site, such as aircraft squadrons at an air station.
c. Twenty-Four Hour Goal. A 24-hour goal is established for every activity holding retail
inventory to make IPG III materiel requirements available to the local customer or requisitioner.
Process requisitions and deliver requested materiel within 24 hours for signature by the customer
or requisitioner. This applies if the customer or requisitioner and the supporting activity are
located at the same site such as aircraft squadrons at an air station.
6 Apr 2021
d. Twenty-Four Hour Goal. A 24-hour goal is established to make IPG 1 and IPG II
materiel requirements available if the customer or requisitioner and the supporting supply
activity do not have the same unit identification code (UIC) used in the requisitions and are not
collocated, but the customer or requisitioner is either within a 35-mile radius of the supporting
supply activity or is in the normal daily local delivery zone.
Note. Due to the geographic locations and the unique aviation supply support set up between
NAS Lemoore and NAWS China Lake, UMMIPS standards vice the OPNAV and NAMP IRT
goals will apply.
2. Proof of Delivery (POD) File. RCU has the overall responsibility for maintaining the POD
file, ensuring PODs have proper annotations, and the POD file contain all issue documents
(issued from local stock or DTO) as per the latest Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation
(FIAR) directive. Screen each POD for completeness and accuracy prior to electronic scanning
into the Financial Audit Compliance Enhancement Tool (FACET) or filing of the hard copy.
Personnel (contractor, military or civilian) performing FACET scanning functions will conduct a
final quality check of PODs prior to scanning to ensure all annotations are correct and legible. If
PODs do not meet established requirements, return the POD to the originator for corrective
action. Accurate and legible POD data entries are critical in the measurement of IRT
compliance, as this is an important source of information for causative research, audits and the
computation of average customer wait time (ACWT). Therefore, personnel within ASD and
FLC involved in the delivery or turn-over of materiel must ensure the individual receiving the
materiel properly completes the POD, to include legible printed name, signature, time and date
of receipt, dollar amount, total price and circled quantity received.
a. Take all necessary steps to ensure that the FACET electronic scanning system reflects
complete original POD information. Subsequently, sites must upload PODs into the Document
Automation Content Services (DACS) records management system prior to disposal of the
original hard copy POD.
b. Activities not using the FACET filing system must utilize a hard copy DTO POD filing
system in Julian date and document series sequence. Retention of the hard copy PODs that
support the Department of the Navy (DON) financial statement must be 10 years from date of
completion. The receipt of materiel and its related expenditure posting may not occur until
several months or years after the initial order or obligation date. Retention period of PODs is
based upon the receipt date and not the requisition's Julian date or fiscal year. DACS meets the
10 year requirement by ensuring PODs are available to support the expenditure posting on the
financial statements during audit events.
c. Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) and U.S. Fleet Forces (USFF) have
established the mandatory use of FACET and DACS for filing PODs affecting Operations &
Maintenance, Navy (O&MN) funds to support DON financial statements. Subparagraphs 2c(1)
through 2c(7) provide supplemental information to POD filing and retention.
6 Apr 2021
(1) ASDs will develop and implement a single POD retention and record or file
disposition policy for their organization and implement it consistently within the activity for
personnel handling O&MN PODs. Subparagraphs 2c(1)(a) through 2c(1)(e) list minimum
requirements to be included in the policy.
(a) Formalize consistent and systematic destruction practices and disposition PODs
within the command.
(b) A recovery plan which enables recovery of data back to the last confirmed DACS
upload date, the last FACET scan date and procedures to identify the last confirmed DACS
upload date.
(c) Determine which ASD and FLC billets or positions are to be granted FACET or
DACS access. E-mail the completed SAAR (DD Form 2875) to J62.Dacs@DLA.MIL.
(d) Utilize the FACET administrative receipt tool and delineate use throughout the
command (ASD and FLC).
(e) Establish training for personnel (military, civilian or contractor) upon check-in
and provide annual refresher training regarding the command's “POD Retention and Disposition”
policy. Communicate policies and procedures clearly and consistently throughout each
organization. Document training using a training attendance sheet.
Note. For FLC, personnel who handle or file PODs are the only personnel required to attend this
(2) Retain PODs in Julian date sequence until completion of the quality assurance
(QA). It is recommended to retain POD hard copies until the completion of the QA review to
validate the PODs were successfully scanned into FACET and uploaded into DACS.
Leadership should verify records have been properly recorded to avoid POD re-scanning and
re-uploading into FACET and DACS and avoid data loss.
(3) Each ASD may choose to retain hard copy PODs for a longer period; however, this
policy must be established within the local “POD Retention and Disposition” policy. ASDs may
decide to retain hardcopy PODs for 10 years; however, the PODs must be scanned and uploaded
into DACS as the primary method of retention.
(4) Hard copy PODs will be scanned into FACET and uploaded into DACS within 5
business days following receipt date. Upon loading the POD into FACET, verify the information
is clear and readable, i.e. image is not too dark or too light. Prior to logging off from FACET, a
100 percent verification must be completed to ensure the hard copy PODs are in FACET and on
the back-up CD. Once verification is complete, perform steps as listed in subparagraphs 2c(4)(a)
through 2c(4)(d):
6 Apr 2021
(a) FACET zip file will be uploaded that same day to the DACS website.
(b) Retention period for FACET CDs is 1 year to facilitate back fits for lost data.
(c) FACET CDs must be marked to indicate the date of upload to FACET and the
batch number. A logbook will be maintained to record the batch number and date of upload.
Note 1. The local POD retention and disposition SOP will delineate the format of markings on
the FACET CD. Mark FACET CDs as "UNCLASSIFIED" using the SF 710 label (NSN: 754001-207-5539).
Note 2. If a POD in DACS is incorrect or needs replacing, the ASD will contact DACS at
J62.Dacs@DLA.MIL to have the POD deleted, thereby allowing a replacement POD to be
(5) ASD leadership will monitor to ensure data is routinely transferred from FACET to
DACS, as frequently as necessary, to avoid an excessive backlog of uploads based upon the
number of MILSTRIP transactions.
(6) ASDs must obtain PODs (via fax, e-mail, etc.) from receiving activities when signal
code "J" is used for MILSTRIP requisitions. POD annotations must meet FIAR requirements.
(7) If POD (admin "dummy" receipt, vendor invoices, PEB issue print screens, etc.)
cannot be scanned into FACET, a local filing policy for these documents must be developed and
included in the command's local POD Retention and Disposition policy. If vendor invoices are
received with the materiel, the vendor invoices will be attached to the dummy receipt for filing.
Retention period is 10 years.
d. The ASD will create a local NALCOMIS ad hoc to extract "COMPL" MILSTRIP
requisitions for monthly QA review. Base the ad hoc on the COMPL dates of DDSNs during the
prior month using the beginning and ending date of the month. Complete the QA process by the
10th calendar day of the month and at a minimum, review elements listed in subparagraphs 2d(1)
through 2d(7).
(1) Complete and legible POD annotations as per standards listed in paragraph 206.
(2) Use of proper form DD Form 1348-lA, administrative "dummy" receipt, etc.
(3) Validate that electronic scanning of PODs and uploading into DACS is as per
paragraph 2a.
(4) Perform the QA review monthly consisting of 1 percent of that month's combined
issues and receipts, not to exceed 40 randomly selected documents. Retention of the QA
validation ad hoc is 12 months and must include legible printed name, signature and date of
personnel conducting the view and ASD officer’s initials.
6 Apr 2021
(5) The monthly QA review should proportionately include PODs from PEB, LRCA,
FLC warehouse, and AWP.
(6) Develop briefing materiel for ASD and FLC leadership review. The brief should
contain sufficient detail to communicate the various work centers' FIAR audit posture.
(7) If deficiencies are identified in the monthly QA sample, perform training to correct
the discrepancies. Document training using the training attendance sheet. (See figure 2-2.)
Note. The CNAP FIAR SME will inspect the monthly QA reviews during SMI and Supply
Management Assessment (SMA) visits.
Figure 2-2
e. CNAP N01F or CNAP N41 will periodically direct supply departments to submit
replenishment requisition for chemical, biological, and radiological defense (CBR) gear for
shipment to Fort Worth, TX (N84254) storage facilities. This facility centrally manages the
entire Naval Aviation CBR-D respirator program and are unable to independently order materiel.
ASD will submit the requisitions via NALCOMIS Direct Input using aircraft operations
maintenance (AOM) fund code and follow the guidance from the CNAP/CNAL N01F
concerning the TEC.
(1) ASDs tasked with requisitioning CBR gear are solely responsible for all requisition
management requirements, including proper receipt and filing of PODs.
6 Apr 2021
(2) To obtain copies of PODs, contact personnel as noted below:
Sam Ventura
Office: (757) 836-8793
(Mobile) (757) 214-4467
Kevin Strong
ALSS/Egress Class Desk
Office: (757) 836-8791
3. Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) Standards. UMMIPS
standards apply to requisitions satisfied by the supply system other than the local supporting
activity. It is measured from the time the requisition was transmitted to the local supporting
activity then referred to the supply system (NIS or NC), to the time the requisitioned materiel is
received by the requisitioner from the supply system. It is commonly referred to as “offstation” issues or "DTO. UMMIPS standards also apply to stock replenishment requisitions. In
summary, compliance with IRT goals are measured by local response times in hours (IPG 1 = 1
Hr, IPG 2 = 2 Hrs and IPG 3 = 24 Hrs). Conversely, UMMIPS standards are measured by
system-wide response times in days (for CONUS IPG 1 = 3.5 Days, IPG 2 = 7 Days and IPG 3
= 14 Days). Supply system stock availability or non-availability of the requisitioned materiel
affects UMMIPS response time.
4. Material Obligation Validation (MOV). The purpose of an MOV is to reconcile records and
verify the validity of requisitions held in backorder status by the supply system.
a. Types of MOV. Internal MOVs are initiated locally on a monthly basis. External
MOVs are initiated by the applicable supply source on a quarterly basis.
b. Non-compliance with the requirements of External MOVs will result in significant
negative impact to aircraft readiness due to system cancellation of requisitions when replies are
not submitted, especially in regards to NMCS, PMCS and other high priority requisitions.
c. Proper and consistent execution of the Internal MOVs (monthly) is very beneficial and
makes the External MOV (quarterly) easier and faster to accomplish. The SRS or customer
service representative will distribute MOVs to end users for validation.
Note. SRS will obtain squadron point of contact information and will continue to send
electronic Internal and External MOVs for validation while squadron is on detachment or
d. Completed External MOV documentation must be kept on file for the current and 3 prior
quarters. Retention period for completed Internal MOV documentation is 12 months. The
monthly Internal MOV is not required when the quarterly External and the monthly Internal
MOVs coincide.
6 Apr 2021
e. Supply system cancellation of NMCS, PMCS and other high priority requisitions due to
failure of the supporting ASDs responding to MOV requests (cancellation status code “BS”) is
(1) Cancellation of valid materiel requirements has a significant, negative impact to an
activity’s operation and aircraft readiness. For NMCS, PMCS and other high priority
requisitions subjected to external MOVs, these requisitions are at least 30 days old and have
supply system backorder (BB) status. This also means that the requested materiel is not readily
available in the supply system and the customer has lost the backorder lead time due to the nonresponse to the MOV request.
(2) “BS” cancellations result in loss of at least 30 days lead-time, in addition to the time
expended to reorder the materiel due to “BS” cancellation. This is entirely avoidable and adds
unnecessary delay to the already critical requisition and customer wait time.
(3) Submission of DOCID “APR” to resolve “BS” situations does not always produce
positive results and may be counter-productive. Activities must pursue all avenues to prevent
any factor that will lead to “BS” or “APR” situations. A thorough review of MOV management
practices resulting in “BS” or “APR” situations will be conducted during CNAP SMA and SMI
f. Quarterly or Cyclic MOV Schedule. An activity should download the MOV from OTS
within 5 days following the cutoff date. An MOV response must be transmitted no later than the
response due date listed below, holidays notwithstanding, to prevent “BS” cancellation. The
NAVSUP WSS and CNAP goal for any requisition with “BS” status is ZERO. Ashore units
must respond to External MOVs (DOCID “AP1”) before the end of the quarter, using OTS.
Conduct MOVs per the schedule listed below:
Cutoff Date for
MOV Candidates
Date MOV Response
5. MOV Program Responsibilities.
a. RCU and PMU, with the assistance and coordination of other elements of SRS, are
jointly responsible for the timely and proper execution of MOV for DTO high priority
b. The system generated External and locally generated Internal MOV aids must be
delivered to or picked up by the respective material control branch’s representative with
sufficient time to conduct a thorough validation (including annotating each line item with either
“O” (outstanding), “R” (received) or “C” (cancel or no longer required) and meet the prescribed
6 Apr 2021
c. If the MCO is unavailable to sign the MOV cover letter, then the MO, AMO, MMCPO or
MMCO may sign on the behalf of the MCO. Squadron memos reflecting names of personnel
authorized to certify MOVs in the absence of the MCO must also include billet description and
title next to each name, e.g. MMCO, MMCPO, along with the corresponding signature of each
d. Corrective action to resolve MOVs by ASD personnel.
(1) For requisitions annotated with “C”, submit “AC1” DOC ID to last holding activity.
Ensure confirmed cancellation status (“BQ”) is received from the source of supply in
(2) For requisitions annotated with “R”, the customer must provide properly completed
PODs or administrative (“dummy”) receipts (with second level signature of customer receiving
materiel) for requisitions annotated with “R”. Retain POD copies with the filed MOV.
(3) Requisitions that cannot be cancelled due to status, e.g. “BV”, “AS”, “BA”, will be
modified to reflect Supply Org Code.
(4) Submit “AF_”, “AT_” as applicable.
(5) All systems must reflect correct status.
e. Use the format as shown in figure 2-3 and figure 2-4 as the External and Internal MOV
cover letter memorandum.
6 Apr 2021
From: SRS officer, Aviation Support Division, NAS xxxxxx
Material Control Officer: Activity or squadron:
FOR _______________________________ QUARTER CY XXXX
Encl: (1) External MOV listing
1. As required by ref (a), encl (1) forwarded for your action. Request review of all
requisitions listed in encl (1) for validity. Annotate each requisition as follows:
O - Outstanding (Materiel still required.)
C - Cancel (Materiel is no longer required. Request cancellation.)
R - Received (Materiel has been received. Provide proof of delivery, i.e. DD Form
1348-1A, DD Form 1149, etc.)
2. List the requisition numbers for aircraft maintenance related materiel that you have
outstanding that do not appear in encl (1).
3. Return validated encl (1) and this memorandum with your signature (Material Control
Officer) to “ASD, Attn: SRS Officer” no later than COB DDMMMYYYY to ensure required
supply action is promptly undertaken. If no response received by due date, the SRS Officer
will take action as deemed appropriate. Any questions or problems, please contact xxx, ext.
SRS Officer or Supervisor
6 Apr 2021
Encl 1 was validated and required action(s) is (are) annotated accordingly.
Material Control Officer rank/name: __________________
Material Control Officer signature and date:
Activity or squadron: ____________
Figure 2-3 External MOV Memorandum
6 Apr 2021
From: SRS Officer, Aviation Support Division, NAS xxxxxx
To: Material Control Officer: Activity or squadron:
FOR _______________________________ THE MONTH OF MMM YYYY
Encl: (1) Internal MOV listing
1. As required by ref (a), encl (1) forwarded for your action. Request review of all requisitions
listed in encl (1) for validity. Annotate each requisition as follows:
O - Outstanding (Materiel still required.)
C - Cancel (Materiel is no longer required. Request cancellation.)
R - Received (Materiel has been received. Provide proof of delivery, i.e. DD Form 13481A, DD Form 1149, etc.)
2. List the requisition numbers for aircraft maintenance related materiel that you have
outstanding that do not appear in encl (1).
3. Return validated encl (1) and this memorandum with your signature (Material Control
Officer) to “ASD, Attn: SRS Officer” no later than COB DDMMMYYYY to ensure required
supply action is promptly undertaken. If no response received by due date, the SRS Officer
will take action as deemed appropriate. Any questions or problems, please contact xxx, ext.
SRS Officer or Supervisor
6 Apr 2021
Encl 1 was validated and required action(s) is (are) annotated accordingly.
Material Control Officer rank/name: __________________
Material Control Officer signature and date:
Activity or squadron: ____________
Figure 2-4 Internal MOV Memorandum
6 Apr 2021
207 Technical Research Unit (TRU). Close monitoring of the NALCOMIS mailboxes for
system messages requiring TRU action and promptly taking the required action is a key to
effective and efficient TRU operation. In addition, TRU is responsible for actively maintaining
current, applicable technical manuals and aviation maintenance related reference materiel.
Note. TRU will monitor requisitions that go “OFVAL” for high money valued items and
establish communication with the financial manager to validate availability of OPTAR funds.
1. Preventing Receipt of “CG” Status. A requisition will enter the “OFFTR” mailbox for
technical research when a part number needs technical verification. In order to prevent receiving
“CG” status, steps listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1d must be taken prior to passing the
requisition off station:
a. Verify the NIIN is extended to the local Navy ERP plant. This can be done using
transaction code (T-Code) MM03. If the NIIN is loaded to the plant, the requisition can be
passed off station.
b. If the NIIN is not loaded to the local plant, check OTS to verify that the NIIN is loaded to
Navy ERP. This can be seen under “Technical Details” (Navy ERP column) on the OTS screen.
c. If the NIIN is loaded to Navy ERP, the site can extend the NIIN to their plant if a user at
the site has Navy ERP role 0145 using (T-Code: ZBMMD0002_ALT) “Extend Material
Master”. Otherwise, contact GDSC and request to have the NIIN extended to the local Navy
ERP plant.
d. If the NIIN is not loaded to Navy ERP, contact GDSC to have the NIIN loaded to Navy
ERP and extended to the local plant.
2. The above steps will prevent receiving “CG” status on the requisition. If the site receives
“CG” status on a requisition, it will require resubmission if the part is still required.
3. SRS or TRU personnel must be trained in the procedures and must have access to Navy ERP
and OTS. It is especially important for personnel working night shift, mid-shift or duty section
to be trained in this area.
4. Cancelled or Rejected Requisitions.
a. Requisitions may be cancelled or rejected for various reasons in addition to “CG” status
addressed in para 207.1. These codes include: BC, BG, CA, CE, CG, CH, CJ, CK, CL, CP, CQ,
CS, CV, CW, CX, CZ, N9, and RF.
b. TRU must assist RCU and PMU personnel to minimize or eliminate rejections of
requisitions by the supply system due to inaccurate or invalid supply data. TRU must
expeditiously review and process rejected requisitions for required data and forward to RCU or
PMU for further local supply action.
6 Apr 2021
c. DTO Requisitions Receiving Rejection Status. DTO dues that receive rejection
(cancellation) status may be an indication of requisitions released without proper technical
screening (e.g., NIIN validity, unit of issue, etc.). Ensure NIINs are properly researched utilizing
illustrated parts breakdown (IPB) or Interactive Electronic Technical Manual System (IETMS).
Build the NSN with correct management data from Navy ERP for repairables. For a requisition
that is cancelled because the NIIN is no longer available, inform the customer of the
cancellation. TRU will delete the NIIN from the master record file.
5. Update the database or records related to the NSN or material number cited in the rejected
requisitions and file the hard copy of the correct data for future reference.
208 Program Management Unit (PMU). PMU is ASD’s direct link to the supply system and
other alternate supply sources with regard to the supported activities’ high priority DTO
requirements. PMU serves as a critical link between ASD and the supported O-level and I-level
maintenance organizations. Effectiveness of ASD’s effort in keeping the CWT for high priority
DTO requirements to a minimum largely depends on the knowledge, expertise, resourcefulness
and aggressiveness of the expediters assigned to PMU. In addition, it is imperative that
NALCOMIS and Navy ERP records match and reflect accurate and up-to-date status of all
outstanding requisitions, especially NMCS, PMCS and other high priority DTO requisitions.
Supply system electronic tools such as OTS, WEBVLIPS, etc., are available for verifying the
latest status of outstanding requisitions.
1. Off Station Supply System Referral of Aviation Depot Level Repairable (AVDLR) DTO
Requisitions. AVDLR DTO requisitions must not be referred off station (supply system) prior to
the completion of beyond capability of maintenance (BCM) determination of the corresponding
retrograde by the supporting I-level maintenance activity. (See paragraph 214.) Exceptions to
this are AVDLR components listed in the consolidated remain in place list (CRIPL) and those
AVDLR components with scheduled removal designated as limited life components with
maximum operating time (MOT). AVDLR components listed in the CRIPL and AVDLR
components with scheduled removal are referred to as remain in place (RIP) components and
must be requisitioned with “5S” advice code. AVDLR components not included in the RIP
category must be requisitioned with “5G” advice code for DTO requirements. Strictly adhere to
one-for-one exchange of mandatory turn-in repairables (MTR) policy for AVDLR components
in order to comply with CNO policy, to avert unnecessary financial implications to the Flying
Hour Program (FHP) and prevent accumulation of unauthorized AVDLR spares. SRS and PMU
are responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy prior to referring AVDLR DTO
requisitions off-station (supply system).
Note. The RIP indicator is a single code that identifies an item for which an unserviceable unit
will be turned in on an exchange basis after receipt of a serviceable unit. A “Y” in this column
means the NSN is an authorized remain in place item. All NALCOMIS RIP indicators must be
reviewed monthly after the MRIL update and compared with the monthly NAVSUP WSS
CRIPL listing to ensure validity. See chapter 10, paragraph 1008 for further guidance.
6 Apr 2021
2. Aircraft Bureau Number (BUNO). Only applicable and valid aircraft BUNOs are to be used
by O-level maintenance activities when submitting initial requisition of materiel for direct
support of O-level aircraft maintenance requirements (NMCS/PMCS, work stoppages). Use of
fictitious aircraft BUNOs for these requirements is prohibited and not in compliance with NAMP
policy. SRS and PMU personnel must investigate any suspected improper BUNO assignments
and report findings to the supply or ASD officer or appropriate authority for corrective action.
3. NMCS/PMCS Project Code for Out-of-Reporting (OOR) Aircraft. The NAMP mandates the
use of project code “730” for NMCS/PMCS requirements while the aircraft generating the
requirements is in OOR status. Modify existing NMCS/PMCS requisitions citing “AK0” and
“AK7” project codes to the applicable OOR project code, e.g. “730”, “ZIR”, “Z6Z”, etc. when an
aircraft is placed in OOR status. These requisitions will continue to be included on the daily
NMCS/PMCS report and Aircraft Material Condition Report (AMCR) for expediting and
validation purposes. Continue to apply OOR project codes to these requisitions until the aircraft
is returned to in-reporting status. Once the aircraft is returned to in-reporting status, modify
project codes to either “AK0” or “AK7”, as applicable.
a. No modification is required for any existing anticipated not mission capable supply
(ANMCS) project code “ZA9” requirements during these aircraft reporting status transitions.
However, additional project code “ZA9” requisitions (ANMCS) cannot be generated for those
aircraft while in OOR status.
b. All MILSTRIP data, including the requisition priority, will remain the same unless there
is a change in the reporting custodian’s force activity designator (FAD) assignment. In this case,
the priority assigned to the original requisition must be modified accordingly. With the
exceptions of “3” and “9” series CNO category “D” project codes, it is the priority assigned to
the requisition and not the project code that determines the sequence in which the requisition will
be filled by the supply system.
4. Request for Project Code Modification. Requisitioners (squadrons) will initiate requests for
project code modification and submit to their respective PMU expediter for further submission to
the supply system. PMU personnel must also conduct a daily review of the AMCR submitted by
the respective type wing, to include validation and accuracy of OOR requisition status listed
under paragraph 3.D of the AMCR for any possible discrepancy. NMCS or PMCS requirements
for aircraft BUNOs listed under paragraph 3.D of the AMCR must not be assigned project codes
“AK0” or “AK7” and must be modified to the appropriate out of reporting project code, e.g.
“730”, “Z70”, etc. In some instances, aircraft listed in this paragraph may also be assigned
project code “ZA9” (ANMCS) along with out of reporting project codes, providing that the
requirement was initiated prior to the aircraft becoming OOR. Do not assign OOR project codes
in combination with project code “AK0” or “AK7” for the same BUNO.
Note. If positive shipping status (AS1) is received for NMCS or PMCS requisitions for aircraft
cited in the AMCR, the required materiel is already in the transportation pipeline (in-transit);
project code modification in this situation is no longer required.
6 Apr 2021
5. Validation of Outstanding Requisitions.
a. DoD and OPNAV mandate the validation of all outstanding requisitions placed in the
supply system in order to ascertain the validity of the requirements as well as the validity of
priorities assigned to those requirements.
b. Aircraft Maintenance/Supply Readiness Reporting (AMSRR) Website. The AMSRR
website is the tool that integrates data and provides up-line data transfer to facilitate creation of
the daily AMCR. The AMCR contains reporting of aircraft status and materiel readiness,
supply, maintenance, and support equipment Broad Arrows. All PMU personnel must have
access to the AMSRR website for downloading the daily AMCRs generated by type wing,
carrier or carrier air wing, as applicable. (See CNAP/CNALINST 5442.1 for AMCR reporting
requirements.) PMU personnel will be responsible for validating and expediting high priority
requisitions listed throughout the AMCR. Ensure requisition and aircraft status are correct and
(1) Assign priority 05 or 06 to requisitions for high time components citing project code
(a) PMU must obtain and review the monthly maintenance plan (MMP) from each
squadron in order to stay up-to-date of any known upcoming high time requirements. Validate
requisitions citing project code “ZA9” with the MMP. Retention period for the MMP is current
and prior months.
(b) ASD may request the squadron to provide the corresponding scheduled removal
card (SRC) or equipment history record (EHR) to confirm hours remaining on the component.
Validate section I block d with section III block c.
(2) Requisitions will remain on the AMCR until received, RFI, cancelled or downgraded.
c. Daily (Report Validation Only). SRS or PMU must provide the NMCS/PMCS report in
BUNO sequence, specific to each supported squadron for validation of all outstanding high
priority requisitions. During the normal workweek, provide the daily listing to allow sufficient
time for validation by the requisitioning squadron. Squadron personnel must return the validated
report to PMU by 0800H (local time) on the same day in order to provide the PMU expediters
sufficient time to accomplish the required expediting efforts and updates. The O-level
maintenance officer must ensure the NMCS/PMCS report is reconciled and validated with the
squadron’s maintenance, material control and work center’s records, and must sign, date, time
and return to PMU by the prescribed time as stated in this paragraph. In the case of mismatches,
PMU will take appropriate corrective action (cancellation, modification or re-instatement) per
results of the daily validation as noted on the validated and signed NMCS/PMCS requisition
Note 1. The maintenance officer may elect to designate in writing the assistant maintenance
officer (AMO), maintenance material control officer (MMCO), maintenance master chief petty
officer (MMCPO) and the material control officer (MCO) to sign and certify the daily
6 Apr 2021
NMCS/PMCS validation. Squadron memos reflecting names of designated personnel must also
include billet description and title next to each name, e.g. MMCO, MMCPO along with the
corresponding signature of each person.
Note 2. Squadron personnel will provide PMU with advance written notification if there is a
change in squadrons’ hours of operations. Retention period for notification is prior and current
month. Squadrons not working the standard day shift will return certified NMCS/PMCS reports
to PMU within 1 hour after squadron's start of their shift.
(1) PMU will validate the daily NMCS/PMCS report with the AMCR utilizing the
Access database provided by CNAP N415, ensuring all requisitions appearing on the
NMCS/PMCS report are also reported on the AMCR. PMU will annotate the NMCS/PMCS
report with updated status on outstanding requisitions as well as action taken for all requisitions
identified as mismatched or discrepant.
Note. With the exception of “G” series requisitions with project code “ZC8” being downgraded
to “BK1”, “G” series requisitions will not be downgraded without written authorization from
CNAP N415 or CNAL N418.
(2) Notify squadron (the reporting custodian of the aircraft reported) of identified
discrepancies and ensure valid requirements are reported on the subsequent AMCR. Retention
period for AMCRs is current and prior month.
(3) Promptly cancel outstanding requisitions not reported on the subsequent AMCR to
avoid the potential accumulation of unauthorized spares and unauthorized expenditures of funds.
(4) When requisitions are satisfied resulting from cannibalization actions when directed
by higher authority (e.g. type wing, class desk), PMU must track “payback” (cannibalized)
components. Retention period for cannibalization directives is 3 years as per FIAR directives.
Recommend use of a central file to facilitate access by all PMU personnel.
(a) Process a BUNO swap for the payback DDSN in NALCOMIS.
(b) Enter the supply org code in the “Org Code” field and the actual BUNO owed.
(The supply applications administrator must add the BUNO to the NALCOMIS BUNO table if
not currently listed.)
Note 1. Requisitions owed to other activities resulting from cannibalization actions must be
reported on the owed activity’s AMCR, which will be downloaded by PMU for daily validation.
For owed requisitions not appearing on the AMCR, PMU must notify the owed activity of this
requirement and advise that if unreported requisitions are not on the subsequent AMCR, then
PMU will cancel the requisitions to prevent the potential accumulation of unauthorized spare
Note 2. Type wing NMCS/PMCS report should only reflect pool components (e.g. ATFLIR,
ALQ-99, etc.) for which the type wing has an authorized allowance. Payback aircraft materiel to
the type wing is unauthorized unless TYCOM or NAVAIR has provided written authorization.
6 Apr 2021
Note 3. The information contained in the daily NMCS/PMCS report is for official use only
(FOUO) and transmission via non-government owned equipment (e.g. cell phone scanner) is not
permitted as per DoD instruction 8550.01 (DoD Internet Services and Internet-Based
(5) Periodic Validation. A joint validation of all outstanding NMCS/PMCS requisitions
must be conducted with the squadron’s maintenance and material control representatives and by
officers or senior enlisted and civilian personnel (when assigned) from ASD on a periodic but
not less than bi-weekly basis.
Note. Conduct periodic validations for home guard aircraft while the main element of the
squadron is on deployment or detachment.
(a) Request assistance from the local supporting AIMD or FRC to participate in the
validation process when required. A complete validation may not be necessary to assess the
validity of the squadron’s NMCS/PMCS report.
(b) When the total number of outstanding requisitions reflected on the NMCS/PMCS
report is less than 50, then the entire report will be validated. If the total number is greater than
50, then the ASD officer will determine the percentage of requisitions to be validated or sampled
but must not be less than 25 percent of the total number of outstanding requisitions reflected on
the NMCS/PMCS report.
(c) The ASD officer may modify the joint validation frequency from bi-weekly to
monthly, as deemed appropriate, provided two consecutive bi-weekly validations resulted in 100
percent validity rate for that squadron. All succeeding validations must maintain a 100 percent
validity rate to keep the frequency of validation to monthly. Failure to maintain a 100 percent
validity rate will revert the squadron back to a bi-weekly (or more often) validation frequency.
(d) This validation must include a check to ensure each NMCS/PMCS requisition
appearing on the ASD officer’s records (NMCS/PMCS report) is a valid requirement on the
squadron’s maintenance and material control records utilizing the Optimized-Organizational
Maintenance Activity (OOMA) NALCOMIS “Aircraft/Equipment Workload Report”. This will
also ensure the requirement is actually a replacement for an item or component which is missing
(hole in the aircraft, non-RIP component), defective, or non-functional (RIP component) still
installed in the aircraft. This validation process includes what is commonly referred to as aircraft
location or hole check. The number of NMCS/PMCS requisitions to be subjected to physical
aircraft location or hole check will be at the discretion and as agreed upon by the validation
team; however, this effort will be mandatory for all low priority requisitions citing “7R”
cognizant code. Annotate discrepancies for requisitions in conditions as listed in subparagraphs
5c(2)(d)1 through 5c(2)(d)3.
1. Requisition appears on the NMCS/PMCS report but not on the AMCR.
2. Requisition shows as “completed” in OOMA.
6 Apr 2021
3. Mismatched project codes or BUNOs.
Note 1. PMU personnel must promptly cancel DDSNs not reported on the subsequent AMCR or
that show as completed in OOMA. Annotate the results memorandum with action taken.
(e) The ASD officer will make the determination to increase validation frequency if
the NMCS/PMCS requisition validity rate is below 100 percent or there are indications of
NMCS/PMCS requisition procedural abuse. Until procedures leading to the discrepancies are
improved and the validity standard met on the next three consecutive validations, the increased
frequency of validations will continue. Report persistent non-compliance in meeting the
standard in the last three consecutive validations to CNAP N415 or CNAL N418.
(f) The ASD officer will review and sign the validation results memorandum as
shown in figure 2-5, and forward the signed memorandum via e-mail to the squadron’s
respective type wing maintenance officer no later than 3 working days after the completion of
the validation.
(g) Retention period is 6 months for the memorandum citing results of validation,
along with a copy of the sent e-mail. Copies will be retained in a shared file with copies of the
NMCS/PMCS report and NALCOMIS OMA “Aircraft/Equipment Workload Report” used to
conduct the validation.
6 Apr 2021
From: (ASD Officer Name), (Air Station Name)
To: (Type Wing MO)
1. As per reference (a), subject validation was conducted for (squadron name) on (date). The
validation results are as follows:
Number of NMCS/PMCS requisitions validated: _______
Percent of total requisitions validated (25%, 50%, 75% or 100%) _________
Number of invalid NMCS/PMCS requisitions: _____
NMCS/PMCS requisition validity rate: ____ % (Goal: 100%)
Required corrective action taken:
Is DDSN listed on:
Matl Control
BUNO/Project code mismatches:
Action Taken
3. NMCS/PMCS validation frequency: ( ) Bi-weekly ( ) Monthly
4. Validation team (printed name and signature):
ASD senior:
________________________ ______________________
________________________ ______________________
________________________ ______________________
ASD Officer Signature
Copy to:
Figure 2-5 NMCS/PMCS Periodic Validation Results Cover Letter
6 Apr 2021
(6) Surprise Sample Validation. A validation team led by a senior representative from
the cognizant type wing and composed of the supporting site’s ASD officer and I-level
maintenance officer (FRC officer or their designated representatives) must be established to
conduct an unannounced or surprise sample NMCS/PMCS requisition validation with randomly
selected squadron(s).
Note. Conduct surprise validations for home guard aircraft while the main element of the
squadron is on deployment or detachment.
(a) The selection of the squadron(s) to be validated is left to the discretion of the
validation team as long as the squadron(s) undergoing the validation is (are) under the same type
wing of the type wing representative leading the validation team.
(b) Conduct surprise validations on a quarterly basis, ensuring to validate each
squadron at least once in a 12-month period. The purpose is to determine the validity of the
sampled NMCS/PMCS requisitions and to review the adequacy of the validation process and
procedures. Annotate discrepancies for requisitions in conditions as listed in subparagraphs
5c(6)(b)1 through 5c(6)(b)3.
1. Requisition appears on the NMCS/PMCS report but not on the AMCR.
2. Requisition shows as “completed” in OOMA.
3. Mismatched project codes or BUNOs.
Note. PMU personnel must promptly cancel DDSNs not reported on the subsequent AMCR or
showing as outstanding in OOMA. Annotate the results memorandum with action taken.
(c) When the total number of outstanding requisitions reflected on the NMCS/PMCS
report is less than 50, then the entire report will be validated. If the total number is greater than
50, then the ASD officer will determine the percentage of requisitions to be validated or sampled
but must not be less than 25 percent of the total number of outstanding requisitions reflected on
the NMCS/PMCS report.
(d) An aircraft location or hole check will be conducted during the surprise
validation. This effort will be mandatory for all low priority requisitions citing “7R” cognizant
(e) The ASD officer will review and sign the validation results memorandum as
shown in figure 2-6 and forward the signed memorandum via e-mail to the squadron’s respective
type wing maintenance officer no later than 3 working days after the completion of the
6 Apr 2021
(f) Retention period is 12 months for the memorandum citing results of the
validation, along with a copy of the sent e-mail. Copies will be retained in a shared file with
copies of the NMCS/PMCS report and NALCOMIS OMA Aircraft/Equipment Workload Report
used to conduct the validation.
Note. When multiple type wings are on station, the type wing representative having cognizance
over the squadron(s) being validated will lead the unannounced, surprise validation process.
d. Duplicate Shipment Processing for Direct Turn Over (DTO) Requisitions. PMU
expeditors will follow standardized procedures listed in subparagraphs 5d(1) through
5d(2)(c)3 for processing duplicate shipments.
(1) Coordinate with receiving personnel to intercept duplicate shipments (i.e.
suffixed DDSNs for repairable components) PRIOR to delivery to the customer.
(2) Prior to posting a receipt on board (ROB) for ANY repairable DTO component,
ensure a DDSN inquiry is performed on all suffixed DDSNs.
(a) If the original DDSN has already been received, the DDSN inquiry will
indicate so and NALCOMIS will not allow a ROB to be processed as it has been
previously completed.
1. The component received under the duplicate DDSN and associated
paperwork (i.e. receipt documentation, RFI tag, SRC card, etc.) should be taken to SRS for
further research.
2. If it is determined to be a duplicate issue, contact NAVSUP item manager
immediately for disposition instructions.
(b) If the original DDSN has NOT been received, process a ROB for the
suffixed DDSN under the original DDSN.
1. When the original DDSN arrives, NALCOMIS will not allow a
ROB to be processed as it has been previously completed.
2. The component received under the duplicate DDSN and associated
paperwork (i.e. receipt documentation, RFI tag, SRC card, etc.) should be taken to SRS for
further research.
3. If it is determined to be a duplicate issue, contact NAVSUP item
manager immediately for disposition instructions.
(c) If the duplicate DDSN was inadvertently delivered to the squadron,
attempts to post proof of delivery (POD) receipts will fail. NALCOMIS will not allow
a ROB to be processed as it has been previously completed.
6 Apr 2021
1. SRS personnel must exhaust all efforts to immediately retrieve the
duplicate issue from the squadron to avoid duplicate charges.
2. The component received under the duplicate DDSN and associated
paperwork (i.e. receipt documentation, RFI tag, SRC card, etc.) should be taken to SRS
for further research.
3. Contact NAVSUP item manager immediately for disposition
instructions and to coordinate reversal of duplicate charge.
6 Apr 2021
From: (ASD Officer Name), (Air Station Name)
(Type Wing MO)
1. As per reference (a), subject validation was conducted for (squadron name) on (date). The
validation results are as follows:
Number of NMCS/PMCS requisitions validated: _______
Percent of total requisitions validated (25%, 50%, 75% or 100%) _________
Number of invalid NMCS/PMCS requisitions: _____
NMCS/PMCS requisition validity rate: ____ % (Goal: 100%)
2. Required corrective action taken:
Is DDSN listed on:
Matl Control
BUNO/Project code mismatches:
Action Taken
3. Validation team (printed name and signature):
Type wing rep:
ASD senior rep:
Squadron rep:
AIMD or FRC-I rep:
________________________ ______________________
________________________ ______________________
________________________ ______________________
________________________ ______________________
ASD Officer Signature
Copy to:
Figure 2-6 NMCS/PMCS Surprise Validation Results Cover Letter
6 Apr 2021
6. Re-submission of Requisitions Rejected by the Supply System. Requisitions rejected by the
supply system with rejection codes such as “CE” (rejected due to unit of issue discrepancy),
“CG” (rejected due to misidentification) and “CJ” (rejected, coded obsolete) and still required by
the requisitioner, must not be re-ordered unless the discrepancies leading to the rejection are
completely corrected. Such rejections, if not corrected and re-ordered, will only result in another
rejection causing additional loss of lead-time. Run an ad hoc query routinely to identify
requisitions with rejection status, ensuring timely corrective action is taken by TRU. Close
coordination and communication with TRU and customer(s) must be established and maintained
to minimize the delay and potential increase in customer wait time.
7. Re-Screen of Incoming Stock Materiel and Stock Materiel On Hand. Re-screen of
outstanding NMCS/PMCS, AWP and other high priority requisitions against stock on hand must
be conducted at least weekly utilizing the Open DTO Dues with Material On-Hand Report
(consumables) generated from NDP (Navy Data Platform) and equivalent ad hoc (DLRs).
Create an SOP covering the processing and management of these reports. The SOP will state
that the individual conducting the re-screen process will annotate the report with action taken,
date of re-screen and signature. Retention period for annotated listings is 3 months.
Note. AWP re-screen reports must display project codes “BK1” and “ZC8”.
a. Consumable Requirements.
(1) If consumable stock materiel is found to be available to fill outstanding NMCS,
PMCS, AWP, and other high priority requisitions with positive status (“BA”) or shipping status
(“AS1”), then requisitions must be carefully reviewed for potential fill from materiel in stock.
(2) If it is determined to have the squadron reorder the materiel to issue from stock, PMU
will transfer the requisition in NALCOMIS to the Supply ORG Code and the BUNO established
to identify and track requisitions for materiel owed to stock (e.g. “000000”). Upon receipt of the
original DTO requisition, PMU will process the materiel into the retail inventory as material turn
in to store (MTIS). The requisitioner may or may not receive financial credit with the MTIS
b. Repairable Requirements:
(1) Outstanding DTO NMCS, PMCS, or AWP requisitions for locally stocked repairable
components found on the shelf (or received on board) during the re-screen process must not be
cancelled and reordered without prior approval from the carcass tracking manager.
(2) If repairable stock materiel is available to fill outstanding NMCS, PMCS, AWP and
other high priority requisitions in backorder (“BB”) status in the supply system, PMU will
coordinate with the item manager to have the requisition referred back to the plant for issue.
(3) Grant priority to squadron(s) with higher FAD and preparing for deployment or
extended work-ups if re-screens produce positive results.
6 Apr 2021
Note. Do not use “N” or other RDDs as outlined in the P-485. Use of “N” or other RDDs may
result in downgrading of your requisition by Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for transport via
slower mode of transportation, regardless of your project code and priority.
8. Use of “G” Series Document Numbers: “G” series document numbers are normally reserved
for use only by the squadrons or O-level maintenance activities when requisitioning materiel for
NMCS, PMCS, and ANMCS (or equivalent project codes) requirements. However, I-level
maintenance work centers are authorized and must use “G” series document number in
conjunction with project code “ZC8” only when requisitioning materiel required for repair of
components undergoing expeditious repair (EXREP). With the exception of project code “ZF7”,
“GB” series document number, no other I-level maintenance generated requisitions are
authorized the use of “G” series document numbers.
a. With the exception of “G” series requisitions with project code “ZC8” being downgraded
to “BK1”, do not downgrade DTO G-series requisitions unless directed in writing by TYCOM.
Retention period for written directive is SMI to SMI.
b. Requisitions citing project code “AK1” must cite a non -“G” series document number
and a job control number (JCN).
c. All shop support low-priority requirements must be requisitioned with the correct project
code, priority (e.g. “AP5” and “12” or “13”) and a non-“G” series document number.
209 Material Delivery Unit (MDU). MDU functions are the final link in the chain of materiel
requisition completion process. These functions are vital to ASD’s ability to provide effective
flight line aviation supply support to their assigned base load. ASD, including MDU, must strive
to satisfy local customer’s materiel demand within the mandated time frame established by the
CNO and promulgated in the NAMP, and at the same time, strictly enforce the one-for-one
exchange rule for all repairable component issues, with the exception of those authorized remain
in place (RIP) components. Strictly adhere to and enforce CNO’s established MTR policy.
1. Refer to paragraph 206.2 for IRT goals.
2. Establish direct routes between the materiel storage locations and the materiel delivery points
to accomplish time constraint deliveries. Delivery vehicles must be in good working order at all
times, and special padding (at least .5 inch thickness) and racks must be used to provide
sufficient protection to materiel being transported against unnecessary movement, water and
liquid intrusion, dirt and dust, as well as exposure to heat and electrostatic discharge. Retention
period for vehicle maintenance checklists is 6 months.
3. Proof of Delivery (POD). MDU personnel and drivers must ensure the issued documents
accompanying the materiel being delivered, i.e. DD Form 1348-1A, DD-250, DD-1149, etc., are
properly annotated by the customer with circled quantity, time, date, legible printed name and
signature of the individual receiving the materiel. Upon return, promptly route signed PODs to
RCU for further processing and filing. Utilize the actual customer receipt time when completing
requisitions in NALCOMIS.
6 Apr 2021
4. Customer Refusal. When a customer refuses delivery of materiel, the POD will be legibly
annotated with the customer’s printed name, signature, date, time, and reason for “customer
refusal”. ASD leadership will investigate if the materiel is discrepant due to poor packaging, no
RFI tag, etc. and will determine if the component can be inducted as an EXREP or if the
requisition will be referred off station.
5. Administrative (“Dummy”) Receipt Second-Line Signature Requirements. Current FIAR
guidance states administrative (“dummy”) receipts must have a second-line signature (E-7 or
above or GS civilian supervisor) within 72 hours following creation of the administrative
(“dummy”) receipt. For units or activities that do not have an E-7 or above, the senior member
of the team will be responsible for performing the second-line signature. At a minimum, the
requirements listed in subparagraphs 5a through 5j will be required on the dummy receipt.
a. Document number (Suffix code if applicable).
b. National stock number or part number.
c. Unit of issue.
d. COG.
e. Nomenclature.
f. Unit price and total price.
g. Quantity received is circled.
h. Signature.
i. Legible printed name.
j. Date and time.
Note. All ashore sites will use the standardized dummy receipt. Locally created dummy receipts
are not authorized. ASDs must use the FACET ERP Dummy receipt tool when creating a
dummy receipt. The tool will include all necessary data elements for a dummy receipt.
6. Signature Stamp. Personnel designated to receive materiel must acknowledge the quantity
received (i.e. circle quantity showing that the quantity was verified), a wet or electronic
signature, time, date and the legible printed or stamped name (refer to para 209.4.a and b) on the
hard copy receipt. Retention period for hard copy or electronic receipts for 10 years.
a. In circumstances where an individual is physically unable to provide a wet signature, then
a stamped signature may be used.
b. Retention period for the memorandum for the record from Head of Activity authorizing
6 Apr 2021
specific personnel to use a stamped signature for medical reason is 10 years.
c. Signature stamps must be secured in a lockable device and only accessible to the holder.
7. One-for-One Exchange of Mandatory Turn-in Repairable (MTR). MDU personnel and
drivers must enforce the one-for-one exchange rule to all issued MTR components. The only
exceptions to this rule are those failed aircraft MTR components that are authorized and
designated to remain in place (RIP) until receipt of the replacement component.
8. Initial Screening of Retrograde Components. MDU personnel and drivers must screen the
retrograde and accompanying documentation for accuracy. The part number and serial number
of the component must be verified and must match the turn-in document before accepting the
retrograde. If a mismatch is identified, corrections must be made by the requisitioner before the
exchange of RFI and NRFI components is accomplished. The retrograde will also be checked
for missing protective plugs or covers when applicable, as well as for adequate protection.
210 Pre-Expended Bin (PEB). The PEB Unit carries high usage aircraft maintenance-related
consumable materiel expended from Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) stock accounts
procured with Aviation Fleet Maintenance (AFM) funds. The PEB program facilitates the
availability of consumable materiel for aviation maintenance repairs by minimizing the time
required to record demands, process issues and receipts, and consolidate expenditure
transactions. See chapter 11 for further guidance for this program.
211 Component Control Section (CCS). CCS is responsible for the local management of
uninstalled repairable components to include, but not limited to, components undergoing repair
at the local FRC (shelf stock or EXREP), components undergoing repair in support of the Repair
and Return (R&R) Program, BCM and other components in process for shipment to designated
rework points (DRP) and other off station destinations, and those selected aviation repairable
components stored and managed under the local repair cycle asset (LRCA) concept. CCS is
composed of four units; the local repairable cycle asset (LRCA) unit, awaiting parts unit (AWP),
document control unit (DCU) and supply screening unit (SSU). As per NAMP policy, DCU and
SSU of CCS (ASD) may be combined with the local AIMD or FRC’s aeronautical material
screening unit (AMSU) as long as specific ownership, operational and administrative controls
are identified or defined and mutually agreed upon.
Note. A designated area must be identified for staging and sorting of incoming LRCA stocked
materiel, LRCA DIFM returns, and BCM LRCA components awaiting shipment.
212 Local Repairable Cycle Asset (LRCA) Unit. LRCA unit is established to provide extensive
management of selected high usage weapons replaceable assembly (WRA) or aviation depot
level repairable (AVDLR) that requires special management, 100 percent accountability and
visibility at all times regardless of condition (RFI or NRFI). LRCA components are part of the
operating site’s aviation repairable fixed allowance quantity (FAQ) as provided in the operating
sites’ SHORCAL. Designated LRCA components must be stored in a location separate from all
non-LRCA components or repair parts and in a location that will provide expeditious repair and
return or stock stowage of these components to the LRCA shelves (in RFI condition) in the
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shortest time possible.
1. Components must have at least one demand per month for the last 3 months in order to be
carried as an LRCA component and stocked in the LRCA unit.
2. LRCA accommodation factor is a management tool used to measure the accuracy of the
composition of components managed under the LRCA concept. The accommodation factor
measures the degree to which the LRCA component composition has been developed and
tailored to capture the highest percentage of local supported squadron’s repairable demands.
Accommodation factor is the number of “O” level LRCA demands (number of requisitions
submitted by the supported squadrons to the LRCA for a WRA with “PAO” in the first three
positions of the component’s SM&R codes) divided by the total of carried 7R cog “O” level
demands (total number of requisitions submitted by the supported squadrons for all 7R cog
components carried with FAQ as authorized by the operating site’s SHORCAL, whether carried
in the LRCA unit or in the warehouse as non-LRCA). These demands are also for 7R cog
components with “PAO” in the first three positions of the component’s SM&R codes.
Accommodation factor of 60 percent or higher is a good indication of an LRCA with proper
composition of assets to effectively support the assigned base load (flight line).
3. Other AVDLR WRA and SRA Components Managed under LRCA Concept. Careful
consideration will be given to high demand, long lead time AVDLR WRA and SRA components
with no repair authorized at the local supporting AIMD or FRC, (X1 ICRL capability code)
based on the component’s assigned SM&R Code (letter “D” or “K” in the fourth position).
These components may be managed under the LRCA concept at the local discretion to alleviate
not in stock (NIS) or expeditious repair (EXREP) conditions (through R&R).
4. Pool Code Assignment. A one character alphabetic or numeric code assigned to repairable
components carried in the supply officer records. Assignment of pool code allows ASD to
manage repairable SHORCAL allowance by utilizing the repairable stock requisitions status
report (RSRSR) as well as other repairable management reports. Assign an alphabetic code to
components carried in the LRCA unit and a numeric code to AVDLR and FLR components
carried as non-LRCA (deep stock) in the warehouse.
5. Repair Induction of Non-RFI LRCA Components. LRCA unit supervisor must ensure
critical non-RFI LRCA components are inducted into the local repair process with workload
priority 2 (WP-2). LRCA unit supervisor will communicate and coordinate with the supporting
production control (PC) personnel regarding LRCA assets undergoing repair to prevent or
minimize zero RFI quantity condition on the shelf that may lead to an EXREP situation.
Similarly, all LRCA components stored on LRCA storage shelves must be in RFI condition with
proper condition tag securely attached to the component or to the container with other required
documentation, i.e. SRC.
Note 1. All RFI repairable components (SO asset), regardless of storage location (LRCA unit or
warehouse and deep stock), must have an RFI (condition) tag (DD Form 1574, orange, or
authorized equivalent) attached at all times. An RFI repairable component with missing RFI
(condition) tag will be considered as NRFI and must be inducted to the supporting AIMD or
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FRC-I level for test and check and RFI re-certification (replacement of RFI tag).
Note 2. When the RFI repairable component is received from the OEM depot repair facility the
component does not have a RFI tag. OEM repaired components will have an Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) sticker or a OEM Certificate of Conformance (CoC) sticker indicating that the
repairable is RFI.
Note 3. Assembly Service Record (ASR) cards, Scheduled Removal Component (SRC) cards or
Equipment History Record (EHR) cards must accompany repairable components requiring such
documentation. Assets from OEM or organic depot repair sites will not have an ASR, SRC or EHR
card and will be created by the first organizational level entity that installs the asset into the aircraft.
6. Quarterly review of LRCA demand data is essential to ensure only components meeting
criteria in the LRCA unit, and therefore, must be reviewed accordingly. It also provides an
opportunity to review current SHORCAL allowances for possible update by submission of
allowance change request (ACR) if justified.
7. LRCA Unit Storage Spaces. Routinely check LRCA unit storage spaces for overall materiel
condition of the spaces, shelves, installed electrical fixtures, ventilation ducts, steam or water
pipes, valves, bins, racks, and cabinets. Document and promptly correct discrepancies to protect
AVDLR components from any potential damage while in LRCA storage as well as to promote a
safe working environment.
8. Personal Gear. Prohibit storage of personal gear in LRCA storage spaces.
9. In addition to the RFI tag and other documentation that identifies the component’s ready for
issue condition, all stowed LRCA components must have a completely filled out materiel
identification label with the component’s storage location that matches the component’s storage
location in optimized NALCOMIS records.
213 Awaiting Parts (AWP) Unit. AWP Unit is established to store repairable components with
pending local repair action due to non-availability of required repair parts. Only components in
properly documented AWP status will be stored in AWP Unit. Commingling of other
components, in any condition, with components in AWP status stored in the AWP unit is strictly
prohibited. AWP unit must be located in close proximity to the production control or
maintenance work centers as much as possible. It must be sufficiently enclosed or physically
secured to prevent unauthorized access and to maintain 100 percent control and accountability of
AWP components. With the exception of those repairable components that are properly
authorized to be retained in the work center conducting the repair, referred to as gear-in-shop
(GIS), all components, which directly impact aircraft readiness, undergoing repair requiring
repair parts must be delivered immediately by the work center personnel to the AWP unit upon
notification the parts required are not available locally. Deliver the component with all
associated documentation, and uninstalled parts and hardware securely attached to the failed
AWP component. Prior to accepting the AWP component, the AWP unit personnel must
conduct a thorough screening of the component and the accompanying documentation as listed
in subparagraphs 1 through 4.
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1. Ensure the AWP component and accompanying documentation match. All WO MAFs must
be completely and properly filled out, i.e. “REMOVED/OLD ITEM” section (block E08, E13,
E23 and E38) and reflect the same CAGE, part number and serial number of the accompanying
AWP component. Absence of the preceding information will deem the AWP requirement as
2. Ensure there is at least one outstanding requisition recorded on the “Failed/Required
Material” (H-Z) block of the WO MAF for the AWP component.
Note. All components, which directly impact aircraft readiness, undergoing repair requiring
repair parts with job status of “WP” will not remain in the work center conducting the repair over
24 hours, but must be delivered immediately by the work center personnel to the AWP unit upon
notification the parts required are not available locally.
3. Ensure the accompanying WO MAF of the AWP component reflects the job status (JS) of
“WT” (in transit to AWP locker or unit).
4. Validate all completed requisitions on the WO MAF to verify if piece parts received were
installed or are accompanying the component. Upon completion of AWP component receipt
process and labeling of AWP components, update all pertinent records to include the physical
location of the AWP component on the AWP repair parts status report. Secure and protect all
AWP components in the AWP locker from environmental and physical damage. The job status
(JS) of the component at this time should reflect “WQ” (AWP in AWP unit). Upon receipt of
the last requisition for an AWP component, the AWP component with all corresponding
documentation, uninstalled repair parts, and hardware will be either expeditiously delivered to or
picked up by the applicable work center personnel for repair re-induction. Update all records
and the component job status (JS) at this time must reflect “WB” (in transit from AWP locker).
No AWP component with job status of “WB” will remain in AWP Unit over 24 hours.
Note. Work center personnel must acknowledge installation of piece parts by initialing the
related completed requisitions on the applicable WO MAF (and continuation page if applicable)
when delivering AWP components to the AWP locker.
a. AWP Component and AWP Requisition Validation. Each component that remains in an
AWP status has an adverse impact on aircraft readiness. Even more detrimental to readiness are
those components remaining in AWP status not having valid outstanding requisitions for the
required repair parts. Conduct an aggressive and thorough AWP component and requisition
validation to account for all components in AWP status, to ensure that there is at least one off
station outstanding requisition for repair parts related to each component, and these outstanding
requisitions are in fact valid with current supply status. Conduct a joint AWP validation at least
weekly by AWP and I-level work center personnel. Use the NALCOMIS AWP Repair Parts
Status report with completed requisitions for this validation. A complete AWP validation
includes an AWP locker and GIS component validation, all received bit piece parts, and all
outstanding AWP requisitions with current and valid status. AWP validation goals are listed in
subparagraphs 4a(1) through 4a(4).
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(1) AWP component inventory validity goal – 100 percent.
(2) AWP GIS inventory validity goal – 100 percent.
(3) AWP uninstalled bit and piece parts inventory validity goal – 100 percent.
(4) AWP requisition accuracy goal – 98 percent.
Note. The AIMD or FRC I-level work center supervisor and AWP supervisor will sign validated
reports. Retention period for validated reports is current and prior month.
b. Gear in Shop (GIS). GIS is the acronym used to identify components in AWP status but
due to a specific reason(s), are authorized to be retained in the respective AIMD or FRC I-level
work centers where the repair is being conducted. One of the conditions listed in subparagraphs
4b(1) through 4b(3) must apply to a component in order to be considered and classified as GIS,
and GIS designation must be agreed upon by production control and CCS supervisor:
(1) Oversized or Heavy Components. When AWP locker does not have sufficient space
and location to properly stow and provide adequate protection.
(2) Classified Components. When AWP locker does not have the required secured
location to stow classified components.
(3) Components Requiring Climate controlled Environment. When AWP locker does not
have climate controlling equipment installed in the AWP locker storage locations.
c. All established AWP management procedures apply to GIS. Retain accurate records of all
GIS components, including WO MAFs, in the AWP locker. AWP management reports must
reflect “GIS” (within work center) as the location of the AWP components. Retain in the AWP
locker all uninstalled bit and piece parts received for AWP components in GIS until receipt of
the final requisitioned item. At this time, transfer bit and piece parts to the AIMD or FRC-I work
center. Conduct an inventory of all GIS in conjunction with the regular weekly AWP inventory
schedule. All AWP management reports must contain all GIS locations. All GIS components
are subject to complete AWP management, validation and related goals. AIMD or FRC-I work
center personnel must provide adequate protection to all GIS components held in their respective
work center. Segregate and label accordingly all GIS components from other components within
the work center. Do not cannibalize from GIS components without prior joint authorization from
production control and ASD officer or CCS supervisor.
d. Re-screen of AWP Requisitions. Re-screen outstanding AWP requisitions utilizing the
open DTO due with material on-hand report (consumables) generated from Navy Data Platform
(formerly InforM-21) which must display project codes “BK1” and “ZC8” and NALCOMIS
equivalent ad hoc (DLRs) for local stock materiel availability at least weekly. NMCS/PMCS rescreen procedures cited in paragraph 208 apply to outstanding AWP requisition re-screens.
e. Maintenance Action Taken Code 4 (BCM-4). Non-deployed IMAs and supporting ASDs
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will forward BCM-4 requests to the station supply officer or Commander, Fleet Air Western
Pacific (COMFAIRWESTPAC) supply officer (OCONUS) for authorization. BCM-4 must be
considered only when critical operational requirements can be alleviated through a BCM-4
action. The supply officer must ensure the measures listed in subparagraphs 4e(1) through 4e(8)
were taken prior to approval of BCM-4 action:
(1) Researched alternate or substitute bit piece parts requirements with frustrated status.
(2) Performed worldwide re-screen of bit piece parts requirements.
(3) Obtained information directly from item managers on bit piece parts requirements
with frustrated status.
(4) Researched potential R&R options.
(5) Researched and obtained stock posture and availability of next higher assembly.
(6) Obtained stock posture and availability of WRA.
(7) Screened for potential cannibalization.
(8) ASD must utilize the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC)/Aircraft-On-Ground
(AOG) structure or CNAL N41 for assistance in fulfilling requisitions in a backorder status.
Note 1. The supply officer may only grant approval for units in FAD III where lack of parts is
preventing the unit from achieving their specified aircraft readiness requirement. The BCM-4
worksheet as shown in figure 2-7 contains the minimum data that must be reviewed and
submitted prior to request for approval from the supply officer.
Note 2. A DHA or BHJ MILSTRIP must be submitted to DLA. Proof of the DHA or BHJ must
be included with the BCM-4 worksheet for retention.
Note 3. BCM-4 of an AWP AVDLR component based solely on the age of the corresponding
AWP requisitions is not authorized.
Note 4. Retention period for all BCM-4 worksheets, documents and reports related to the BCM4 action of AWP AVDLR components on file in the AWP locker is 36 months. These
documents and reports will be subject for review by CNAP and CNAL during SMA and SMI
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6 Apr 2021
Figure 2-7 BCM-4 Worksheet
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f. Project Code Assignment in Requisitions for AWP Components. Project codes identify
requisitions, shipments, and related documents for specific special projects, operations,
exercises, and maneuvers. The project code “one-to-one” correlation to any given task or
situation enables Navy leadership to distinguish and track these special programs with regard to
performance and cost data. Therefore, assignment of proper project code is essential to ensure
data compiled by the supply system accurately reflects the intended specific task. Special project
codes for aircraft components and related support equipment undergoing repair at the FRC-I
level and its specific application is listed in subparagraphs 4f(1) through 4f(5):
(1) Project Code “BK0”. Assigned by AIMD or FRC-I production control for work
centers when requisitioning materiel required to repair support equipment (SE) that is inoperative
and workaround or local backup operating SE is available. If the non-functioning equipment is
projected to impact aircraft support in the near term and will jeopardize sustained support of Olevel maintenance, then broad arrow (BA) reporting is required. Issue priority 05 or 06 will be
assigned with project code “BK0” as per the respective requisitioner FAD assignment. Assign
“D” series document number to all project code “BK0” requirements.
(2) Project Code “BK1”. Assigned by AIMD or FRC-I level production control for work
centers when requisitioning materiel for aircraft related components (other than aircraft engine)
undergoing repair. Project code “BK1” will not be used for materiel required for components
undergoing EXREP for NMCS or PMCS requirements.
(3) Project Code “ZC8”. Assigned by AIMD or FRC-I level production control for work
centers when requisitioning materiel for aircraft related components in “EXREP” status in
support of NMCS/PMCS requirements and aircraft engines undergoing repair for bare firewalls.
Use “G” series document number for AWP requisitions with project code “ZC8” for EXREP
requirements only.
Note 1: For aircraft components inducted as EXREP, requisition associated bit piece parts using
the priority (not the project code) assigned to the NMCS/PMCS demand generating the EXREP.
Note 2: Bit piece parts for aircraft components originally inducted as EXREP that have been
satisfied through “Cross Issue” or “Issue Select” and are now SO assets must be downgraded to
“BK1” and issue priority 05 or 06 per the respective requisitioned FAD assignment. This will be
accomplished in optimized NALCOMIS by sending a modification utilizing the “Requisition
Maintenance” prompt, “Follow-Up” tab, and DOC ID “AM_”. Use of “G” series document
number is authorized in this instance and will remain outstanding.
(4) Project Code “ZF7”. Assigned by AIMD or FRC-I level production control for work
centers when requisitioning materiel for components in “broad arrow” condition. Use “GB”
series document number with project code “ZF7” when requisitioning materiel under the
circumstances listed in subparagraphs 4f(4)(a) and 4f(4)(b).
(a) For non-operational SE used in direct support of operational aircraft for which
there is no redundancy or backup SE locally available.
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(b) When loss of one or more SE significantly impacts required production capacity to
sustain the operational readiness of supported units.
(5) Project Code “ZQ9”. Assigned by AIMD or FRC-I level production control for work
centers when requisitioning materiel for aircraft engines, work stoppage for all aircraft engine
models except aircraft engines undergoing repair for bare firewalls. Assign project code “ZC8”
when requisitioning materiel for aircraft engine undergoing expeditious repair (EXREP) for bare
Note. The priority, not the project code assigned to a requisition, determines the sequence in
which the requisition must be filled by the supply system, except for category D-OSD/JCS
projects codes where project code in 9__or 3__series takes priority over all other project codes
within the same priority group designators.
214 Document Control Unit (DCU). DCU is responsible for the accountability and control of all
repairable components in all stages of the I-level maintenance (AIMD or FRC-I) repair cycle
regardless of ownership, i.e. supply officer (SO) asset, EXREPs (ER) and R&R (OW)
components. This includes the recovery of delinquent turn-in of owed NRFI repairable
components (IOU).
1. AIMD or FRC-I Workload Priorities Assignment. DCU will coordinate with the local
supporting production control to ensure assignment of the correct workload priority to each
repairable component inducted for repair. The workload priority assigned to a component
undergoing repair may be modified as necessary to meet emergent requirements. If this situation
arises, DCU must communicate the required workload priority modification to production
control. AIMD or FRC-I workload priorities used when inducting a component for local repair
are listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1d.
a. Priority 1. Used for expeditious repair (EXREP) of NMCS/PMCS requirements when
the required components are not available from the local stock. Priority 1 is also used for work
requests causing NMC or PMC conditions on aircraft and to support requirements from activities
within 30 days of deployment. R&R components causing NMC or PMC conditions from other
ASDs that have the repair MAF annotated as “EXREP” will be inducted as work load priority 1.
b. Priority 2. Used for repair of critical LRCA (pool critical) components and critical
support equipment (SE). Priority 2 is also assigned to O-level maintenance activity work
stoppage requirements.
c. Priority 3. Used for the repair of non-critical LRCA components, non-LRCA
components and SE; manufacture of materiel and repair of components for non-fixed allowance
stock, including routine R&R support.
d. Priority 4. Used for the repair or processing of salvaged materiel and non-aeronautical
6 Apr 2021
2. Supply Individual Component Repair List (ICRL) Program Representative. The supply ICRL
program representative serves as liaison between ASD and the local supporting I-level
maintenance activity regarding maintenance repair capability issues affecting ASD. The supply
or ASD officer in support of the local AIMD or FRC-I will designate a supply ICRL program
representative in writing. Responsibilities of the supply ICRL program representative are listed
in subparagraphs 2a through 2e.
a. Review for accuracy, then sign all ICRL change requests initiated by the local AIMD or
FRC-I production control.
b. Coordinate and update the navy item control number (NICN) assigned to an item upon
receipt of newly assigned permanent NSN.
c. Ensure the supply, maintenance and recoverability (SM&R) code assigned to a repairable
component listed in the ICRL is accurate and take appropriate action when required.
d. Supply or ASD ICRL program representative must maintain a printed copy of the AIMD
or FRC-I ICRL which must be updated quarterly.
e. Notify stock control of new capability and for researching bill of materiel (BOM) items
to stock to support the new repair capability.
3. One-for-One Exchange of Mandatory Turn in Repairable (MTR) Aviation Depot Level
Repairable (AVDLR) and Field Level Repairable (FLR) Components. The initial task of
enforcing the “one-for-one exchange” rule for MTR AVDLRs and FLRs is the responsibility of
MDU during materiel delivery. However, DCU is tasked with the overall responsibility of
managing and enforcing the expeditious turn-in of failed MTR AVDLR and FLR components as
well as the verification and identification of all authorized remain in place (RIP) MTR AVDLR
owed and being held by the requisitioner (IOU). IOUs with completed status for over 14
calendar days must be reported to the ASD officer and the supply officer.
4. Remain-In-Place (RIP) MTR AVDLR Components. AVDLR components listed in the
consolidated remain in place list (CRIPL) and components specifically identified with maximum
operating time (MOT), commonly referred to as a high time component, with scheduled removal
(project code “ZA9”) are the only two categories of aircraft repairable components designated as
RIP and are exempted from simultaneous one-for-one exchange or MTR rule. A replacement for
a designated RIP component can be requisitioned (on or off station) while the corresponding
retrograde remains installed in the aircraft until the requisitioned replacement is received. The
requisitioner must turn in the corresponding retrograde to the supporting supply or ASD within
24 hours of receiving the replacement component.
a. On a case-by-case basis, the TYCOM may extend the MOT limits for a component by
part number and specific serial number - extending the time the aircraft may continue to fly with
the high-time component installed within the aircraft.
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b. MOT items required for immediate end-use for a primary component without which the
aircraft concerned is within 10 percent of the MOT limit and will become NMCS when the
mission system reaches its MOT limit and has not been extended by TYCOM.
5. Temporary Delayed Turn-In (DTI) of AVDLR Components Not Listed in the CRIPL.
a. DTI requests may be submitted for non-CRIPL components to satisfy NMCS/PMCS
requirements for aircraft on detachment (excluding planned maintenance interval) and for which
SO assets are available for issue. Follow paragraph 5c for situations when SO assets are not
available. ASD’s retention period for all DTI requests is from SMI to SMI.
b. DTI requests for NMCS/PMCS non-CRIPL materiel are required to have a copy of the
CRIPL request submission attached to the DTI request. (A CRIPL request submission is not
required for aircraft away from home guard and the only reason for conducting an issue prior to
receiving the NRFI is due to the shipment of the NRFI back to home guard.) See NAVSUPINST
4440.182B for qualifying categories and submission methods for CRIPL requests.
Note. Field level repairable (FLR) NIINs are not loaded to the Navy ERP master repairable item
list (MRIL) file and therefore, cannot receive a “remain in place” indicator flag nor can they be
added to the consolidated remain in place list (CRIPL).
Note. NAVSUPINST 4440.182B incorrectly cites the CNAL e-mail address the fleet will use
for submitting CRIPL requests. The correct e-mail address is XRCNALN417RIP.fct@navy.mil.
(1) If a previous CRIPL request submission for the same component is pending approval,
activities may use a copy of previously submitted CRIPL request submission to accompany the
DTI request for ASD's approval.
Note. If NAVAIR previously reviewed a NIIN and did not approve the CRIPL request, OneTouch Supply (OTS) will display an “N” in the “RIP” field. Local approval determination of the
DTI request will then follow paragraph 5c.
(2) If Interactive electronic technical manual system (IETMS) indicates that a NRFI
component is to be retained (e.g. to match or drill holes on the RFI component), the squadron
will provide a copy of the IETMS page directing this practice in place of a CRIPL request
submission when submitting DTI requests.
(3) DTI requests must be signed by personnel of the requesting squadron as listed in
subparagraphs 5b(3)(a) through 5b(3)(e):
(a) Maintenance officer (MO)
(b) Assistant maintenance officer (AMO)
(c) Maintenance material control officer (MMCO)
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(d) Maintenance master chief petty officer (MMCPO)
(e) Material control officer (MCO)
Note. Squadron memos reflecting names of personnel authorized to sign DTI requests must also
include billet description and title next to each name, e.g. MMCO, MMCPO along with the
corresponding signature of each person. Retention period for authorization memos is from SMI
to SMI.
c. The ASD officer or director is the approving and disapproving authority for all DTI
requests. If removal of the asset would severely impact aircraft readiness or pilot training, the
ASD officer or director will confer with the TRIAD prior to making a decision.
(1) When SO assets are not available, check the individual component repair listing
(ICRL) Code.
(a) If C1 or C3, turn in retrograde for repair. The requisition will not be referred
off-station unless BCM action is taken.
(b) If XI, the requisition may be referred off-station prior to induction or BCM
action if ASD approved the DTI request. Squadron retention of the NRFI non-CRIPL asset is
limited by paragraph 5c(2)(a) and 5c(2)(b).
(2) The DTI approval must balance the benefit of NRFI asset retention for aircraft
readiness or pilot training with the impact on flying hour program costs. Retention of NRFI
components due to long-term backordered materiel may result in conditions as listed in
subparagraphs 5c(2)(a) and 5c(2)(b).
(a) Additional carcass bill charges.
(b) Lack of available NRFI components available for depot induction, particularly in
the case of carcass-constrained components.
Note. Avoid the scenarios in paragraphs 5c(2)(a) and 5c(2)(b) at all costs. The squadron must
turn in the NRFI non-CRIPL asset prior to the "pending' ·carcass charge becoming an "actual"
6. The ASD officer must provide supported squadrons with the non-RIP DTI request form
shown in figure 2-8 when requesting a one-time temporary DTI request.
7. The ASD officer must ensure written procedures are in place and properly enforced to
monitor, control and prevent abuse of the local temporary DTI (of non-RIP MTR AVDLR)
component process.
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8. SRS must maintain approved temporary non-RIP DTI requests and provide a copy to DCU
for reference when conducting the daily validation of the IOU report. Retention period for DTI
requests (approved and disapproved) is from SMI to SMI.
9. Temporary DTI components not turned in within the allotted time (24 hours) following
receipt of RFI component must be considered delinquent and require follow up action with the
owing squadron.
10. The ASD officer must request assistance from their respective wing maintenance officer to
resolve all delinquent AVDLR turn-in related issues, as well as non-compliance and abuses.
11. Except for the authorized RIP AVDLR, no requisition for any AVDLR component may be
referred to the supply system (off station) prior to local BCM action or determination of the
corresponding AVDLR retrograde (failed unit) by the supporting IMA. Therefore, approval of
temporary DTI of the owed failed component (retrograde) granted by the ASD officer or director
does not constitute authority to refer the corresponding requisition off station when the required
replacement component is not available from the local stock. The ASD officer or director will
make the final determination as to whether the requisition will be referred off station and will
indicate so on the DTI request form.
12. Under operational support inventory and fixed allowance (OSI and FA) concept, the initial or
primary source of shelf stock replenishment for AVDLR components is local repair of
exchanged failed AVDLR components turned in by the requisitioner. Therefore, the longer a
requisitioner holds an owed, failed AVDLR component, the longer it will take for the failed
component’s repair induction. This will delay repair and eventual return of an RFI asset to local
stock or initiation of stock replenishment requisitions for components that will be BCM.
Additionally, delay in repair or BCM determination for failed AVDLR components resulting
from delinquent IOU will cause higher EXREP numbers as well as increased ACWT.
6 Apr 2021
Date: ___________
From: (Squadron)________
ORG Code: _________
To: Aviation Support Division
Request a one-time DTI authorization for the following per reference (a):
DDSN: ___________________________BUNO:_______________
COG: ______ NSN: ___________________________JCN:_______________
CAGE/PART NUMBER: _________________________ICRL: _____________
NOMEN: _____________________________ SO O/H QTY: ______ SYS AVAIL: ______
ESTIMATED TURN IN DATE/TIME: ______________________________
Date of CRIPL submission: _____________________
Current RIP Code: ______
2. The requesting squadron must ensure the non-RFI asset is turned in within 24 hours after receipt of replacement.
Authorized Squadron Requester
(Printed name & Date)
(As listed in SOM, Ch 7)
Date: _______
Authorized Squadron Requester
ASD Approval or Disapproval
of DTI request
(Printed name & Date)
(As listed in SOM, Ch 7)
Date: ________
ASD Approval or Disapproval
of DTI request
ASD Approval or Disapproval
Refer requisition off-station
(Printed name & Date)
(As listed in SOM, Ch 7)
Date: ________
ASD Approval or Disapproval
Refer requisition off-station
Figure 2-8 Non-RIP DTI Request Form
6 Apr 2021
13. Temporary Sub-Custody of Fixed Allowance AVDLR Components and Flight Line
Preposition of Built Up Wheels Authorization. The ASD officer may authorize in writing the
temporary sub-custody of fixed allowance stock AVDLR components or flight line and hangar
pre-positioning of built up wheels. However, all AVDLR components in temporary sub-custody
are subject to restrictions cited in paragraph 13a. Use the sub-custody process to preposition
built up wheels. Daily management and full accountability of prepositioned built up wheels is
the responsibility of the benefiting squadron to include notifying the owning ASD upon use and
replenishment requirements.
Note. Temporary sub-custody implies short duration and on a temporary basis, whereas
prepositioned implies a longer duration or extended period of time and semi-permanent in nature.
a. AVDLR components with SHORCAL Fixed Allowance Quantity (FAQ) equal to “1”
must NOT be sub-custodied except for emergent situations, on a case-by-case basis, and only
when authorized in writing by the ASD officer. Sub-custody duration in this case must not
exceed 24 hours.
b. Fixed Allowance AVDLR components must be available for immediate issue in direct
support of aircraft maintenance when the need arises. Non-availability of components due to
utilization other than for direct aircraft maintenance (i.e. test or diagnostic aid) negatively impact
aircraft operational readiness, and therefore, must be curtailed. Deficiencies or shortages in
aviation MAM and TBI assets or allowances must be addressed to NAVSUP WSS Philadelphia
by the requiring AIMD or FRC-I level via the supporting ASD. Routine use of stocked AVDLR
components as temporary MAMs or TBI is prohibited. To obtain a MAM or TBI for the AIMD
or FRC shop, contact CNAP N414 to initiate the request with NAVSUP WSS allowancing and
the appropriate NAVAIR program office. However, issue of stocked AVDLR components to
replace failed MAMs or TBI that were BCM at the local AIMD or FRC-I level is allowed.
c. Sub-custody of AVDLR components with FAQ equal to “1“ to support an aircraft
detachment from the local supported squadron during a short term detached operation may be
granted for non-SASS allowance AVDLR components at the discretion of the ASD officer. The
24-hour limitation cited in subparagraph 13a does not apply in this situation.
d. Post all sub-custody and prepositioned transactions in optimized NALCOMIS with the
exception of MAM and TBI assets. Maintain corresponding NAVSUP Form 306 sub-custody
records on file for the life of the sub-custody arrangement. For a copy of the NAVSUP Form
306, refer to figure 2-9, or visit the following website:
https://navalforms.documentservices.dla.mil/formsDir/NAVSUP%20306.PDF. Upon release of
the materiel, ASD personnel will print name, sign and date the reverse side the sub-custody card
as evidence of review and release as well as its completeness and accuracy. Review sub-custody
records periodically to ensure the estimated return date has not elapsed. Review on a daily basis
all sub-custody records of AVDLR components that fall in the category cited in paragraph
6 Apr 2021
e. O/H balance on sub-custody cards will be written in ink or type written. The designated
custodian will legibly print, sign and date the acknowledgement record column on the front of
the sub-custody card as they confirm custody of the sub-custody asset. The ASD sub-custody
manager or coordinator will print, sign and date the inventory record column on the reverse of
the sub-custody card as the transactions occur and upon completion of all squadron or work
center inventories. The balance column on the front and the inventory record quantity on the
back must match at all times. Balance changes will always be supported by an appropriate
documenting entry (i.e., survey number, turn-in or receipt document number).
f. Built Up Wheel Assemblies. Due to the nature of wheel assemblies and the need to
immobilize an aircraft during a wheel change, the ASD will sub-custody built up wheel
assemblies for a long-term period. The serial number will change regularly due to the constant
ordering and issuing another built up wheel assembly, the main function of the sub-custody card
is that the squadron owes the owning ASD the number of built up wheel assemblies.
6 Apr 2021
Figure 2-9 NAVSUP Form 306
6 Apr 2021
Figure 2-9 NAVSUP Form 306 (Concluded)
14. Physically sight and inventory all sub-custodies lasting longer than 3 months. The squadron
custodian must re-sign and date the custody card with legible printed name and signature.
6 Apr 2021
15. Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposal Program (SARDIP). SARDIP is one of several
subprograms within NAVSUP WSS Reclamation Program. SARDIP is promulgated by
SECNAVINST 5442.3. Procedures that apply to the reclamation of aircraft, engines and
repairable components are listed in subparagraphs 14a through 14g.
a. Operable aircraft stricken from the operating inventory and designated for reclamation by
the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Code N78). Once stricken from the operating
inventory, the administrative control of the aircraft is passed to NAVSUP WSS (Code N9832).
Stricken aircraft are normally stored or reclaimed at the AMARG located at Davis-Monthan Air
Force Base, Tucson, AZ. However, NAVSUP WSS (Code N9832) may designate other
reclamation sites as appropriate. Detailed procedures for requesting reclaimed aircraft
components from the AMARG are covered in SECNAVINST 5442.3.
b. Crash or battle damaged aircraft that are not operable and not economical to repair and
therefore stricken by the aircraft controlling custodian (ACC) will normally be reclaimed on site.
Properly document and process through the local supporting ASD all reclaimed materiel and
parts from these stricken aircraft. Disposition will be as per established procedures unless
otherwise directed in writing by NAVSUP WSS SARDIP Program manager.
c. Master Save List (MSL). The MSL listing all components to be reclaimed on site under
the SARDIP and additional SARDIP related disposition instructions will be provided by or
requested from NAVSUP WSS (Code N9832) for reclamation purpose.
d. Reclaimed repairable components (7R Cog) must be returned to the local ATAC Node or
HUB. Local repair, issue and use of SARDIP components to fill existing DTO, stock, or
allowance deficiencies is permitted as long as the corresponding retrograde is documented and
within the same family group code (FGC).
e. Identification of SARDIP reclaimed repairable components: All corresponding
Maintenance Action Form (MAF) Work Order (WO) for SARDIP reclaimed repairable
components must be annotated in bold letters with ’SALVAGED/RECLAIMED COMPONENT,
BUNO XXXXXX” (provide the applicable stricken aircraft BUNO), and “SARDIP Number
XXX” (enter the SARDIP number from the applicable MSL).
f. Authorized designated SARDIP materiel storage facilities. Authorized designated
SARDIP storage facilities may be utilized as an alternate source of supply (SOS) to fill
NMCS/PMCS and other issue group I and II requirements when the required materiel is not
available in the supply system and the requisition is backordered with an unacceptable estimated
delivery date (EDD). All requests for materiel from SARDIP facilities will only be initiated by
the PMU or SRS personnel of the local supporting ASD and coordinated with the benefiting
squadron’s maintenance control and concurrence from the applicable type wing key maintenance
personnel. Availability of local I-level maintenance capability for the requested reclaimed
SARDIP components must also be considered before initiating such request.
6 Apr 2021
Note. No personnel other than PMU or SRS of the local supporting ASD are authorized to
submit materiel requests and obtain materiel directly from any designated SARDIP storage
facilities; however, the requiring squadron or the applicable type wing personnel may inquire and
then inform PMU or SRS about the availability of such materiel.
g. PMU or SRS personnel of the supporting ASD must communicate the request for
reclaimed SARDIP materiel and provide the corresponding backordered requisition and location
of the designated SARDIP storage facility holding the materiel to the applicable NAVSUP WSS
item manager. After verification, the item manager will then refer the requisition(s) to the
applicable SARDIP storage facility holding the materiel for issue and complete the requisition as
appropriate. Once ASD receives the requested SARDIP materiel and delivers to the
requisitioner, process the POD accordingly. PMU personnel will monitor all available SARDIP
listings on a weekly basis to determine if parts were issued directly to supported units.
Appropriate action must be taken to promptly cancel outstanding documents if requirement was
satisfied with SARDIP materiel. Submit “DHA” or “BHJ” as appropriate. (See paragraph 205.)
Note. Requisitions will not remain outstanding as payback to AMARG unless specifically
directed by NAVSUP WSS (Code N9832). Requisitions will not remain outstanding as payback
to any designated SARDIP storage facilities.
16. Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) and Engineering Investigation (EI) of Aviation
Materiel. PQDRs apply to all new or newly reworked aviation materiel or related products
which do not meet contractual or specification requirements. Materiel or product failures must
have occurred at zero operating time, during initial installation and operation, test, check or
aircraft turn up. This includes premature materiel or product failures within an identified
warranty period or specified level of performance. PQDRs will not be submitted for deficiency
or failure of components or materiel repaired by the I-level maintenance activity (AIMD or FRCI). Deficiencies or component materiel failures occurring after initial use or operation must be
reported as EI.
a. Initiation and submission of properly completed PQDR and EI reports are the
responsibilities of the using O or I-level maintenance activity at the time of the failure of the
component or materiel being reported. After PQDR or EI report submission, the corresponding
PQDR or EI exhibit (failed component or materiel) must be turned in to the designated exhibit
holding point, normally the local supporting ASD, while awaiting disposition instructions
(preliminary disposition report) from the action or screening point or in-service support center
b. Storing, holding, conducting follow-up action on PQDR and EI reports and shipment of
PQDR and EI exhibits as directed by the action or support point or applicable ISSC are the
responsibilities of the supporting ASD if designated as the exhibit holding point.
c. When the supply activity or ASD is cited in the applicable block (normally block 21a) of
the initial PQDR or EI report, it serves as designation to be and will function as the exhibit
holding point. An exhibit holding point must follow procedures listed in subparagraphs 15c(1)
and 15c(2).
6 Apr 2021
(1) Have at a minimum a primary and alternate registered naval aviation maintenance
discrepancy reporting program (NAMDRP and JDRS) user with the designated applicable roles.
(2) Accept, hold and when required, initiate follow up (technical dialogue) and at least
every 20 days thereafter continue follow ups until the report has been closed or upon receipt of
disposition instructions (preliminary disposition report) from the action point, support point or
ISSC, ship or transport the PQDR or EI exhibit.
d. Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) and Engineering Investigation (EI) Exhibits
Handling Procedures. The ASD or CCS officer must assign and designate in writing two
individuals from CCS to be the primary and alternate registered NAMDRP website users. They
must process and manage exhibits that are awaiting PQDR and EI disposition instructions.
Designated personnel must have the roles as listed in subparagraphs 15d(1) and 15(d)(2).
(1) Ship exhibit
(2) Ship exhibit with tracer
e. All PQDR or EI exhibits (components or materiel) must be stamped with “PQDR” or
“EI” in 3-inch red letters without obliterating any important data elements and must be held in a
secured storage location within CCS or ASD. Exhibits must be segregated from all other
components or materiel and held until shipping or disposition instructions (preliminary
disposition report) is received from the proper authority (action point, support point or ISSC). If
shipping or disposition instructions are not received within 20 days from the date of the initial
report submission, a follow up (technical dialogue) must be initiated either through the
NAMDRP website, or by naval message. In the cases of multiple follow ups without satisfactory
results, assistance from the Joint Deficiency Reporting System (JDRS) clearinghouse may be
f. PQDR and EI exhibits (AVDLR and FLR) being held by the exhibit holding point
awaiting disposition instructions (preliminary disposition report) must be inducted through
AMSU. AMSU will “JC Complete” the MAF, overriding ICRL with action taken code “8”,
BCM-8, and selecting the EI option to prevent the exhibit from being inducted into the
maintenance repair cycle. This process will create an “EI” suspense record for the corresponding
NIIN on the optimized NALCOMIS “Suspense List”. PQDR and EI exhibits may be inducted
for local repair when directed in writing through the “DR Closing Report” from the PQDR, EI
action or support point, or from applicable ISSC.
Note. Ensure the RCN assigned by the NAMDRP website for the PQDR or EI exhibit (AVDLR
or FLR) is entered in the remarks portion of the “Suspense List” in optimized NALCOMIS.
g. Shipment of PQDR and EI Exhibits. All applicable documentation for PQDR or EI
exhibits must be stamped with “PQDR” or “EI” in 3-inch red letters without obliterating any
important data elements. Movement priority designator (MPD) 03 and premium transportation
mode as designated by the action or support point, ISSC or pertinent authority must be used on
all shipments of PQDR and EI exhibits. To facilitate proper identification during shipment and
6 Apr 2021
transportation as well as proper application of credit transaction when applicable, the original
turn in document cited on the initial PQDR or EI reports (block 10C) and on the accompanying
turn in WO MAF must be used as the exhibit’s shipping document. Additionally, information as
listed in subparagraphs 15g(1) through 15g(5) must be utilized and entered on the exhibit’s
shipping document (DD Form 1348-1A):
(1) RP 1-3 Document identifier (DOCID): Use “BQD” for PQDR
(2) RP 57-59 Project code (PC): Use “Z66” for PQDR
(3) RP 1-3 Document identifier(DOCID): Use “BEI” for EI
(4) RP 57-59 Project code (PC): Use “754” for EI
(5) Remarks block: Enter the PQDR or EI report control number (RCN)
17. Intermediate Maintenance Level repair of AVDLR Components Still under Manufacturer’s
Warranty (Non-PBL). Unless otherwise specifically directed in writing by pertinent authority,
failed AVDLR components under manufacturer’s warranty must be repaired at the applicable
maintenance level as determined by the logistics support analysis process as if they were not
under warranty. When the fourth position of the assigned SM&R code is “G” or “H”, the failed
AVDLR component will be inducted for repair by the local AIMD or FRC-I regardless of the
component manufacturer’s warranty status (i.e. in effect, expired or no warranty). This policy
a. Allow the repair of failed AVDLR components under manufacturer’s warranty to be
accomplished in the same manner as repair to other AVDLR components no longer under the
manufacturer’s warranty. Such repair will require minor modification to the corresponding WO
MAF documentation procedures.
b. Allow AVDLR components under manufacturer’s warranty to be inducted as EXREP
when need arises in the same manner as failed AVDLR components no longer under the
manufacturer’s warranty.
c. Require the determination of any monetary or materiel re-imbursement to the Navy as the
result of contractual liaison between NAVAIR, NAVSUP WSS, other involved Navy field
activities and the equipment manufacturer. Determinations are based on the MDS and 3M data
compiled by NAVAIR and are made after repairs have been completed by fleet maintenance
d. AVDLR components under warranty are identified with the warranty information marked
on the component, as well as on associated records.
18. Aircraft Built Up Wheel Assembly. Certain aircraft tires (rubber) are assigned “7R”
6 Apr 2021
cognizance (COG) Symbol as an AVDLR with individual operating site’s authorized fixed
allowance quantities. The “7R” cog coded tires (rubber) may be ordered in multiple quantities
for stock replenishment. Although individual aircraft tires require turn in when replacement is
requested, NRFI tires are excluded from the supply system carcass tracking and are not normally
counted against the local I-level maintenance activity’s BCM rate calculations.
a. Tires and the corresponding rim(s) are required to be built up before they can be issued to
end users as a ready for issue (RFI) wheel assembly. Built-up wheel assemblies for supported
aircraft type model series (T/M/S) are kept and maintained in LRCA unit or other suitable
secured storage spaces as well as prepositioned at the user’s (squadron) location.
Note. For specific built up tire and wheel assembly documentation and related procedures, refer
to CNAFINST 4790.2D, chapter 16.
b. RFI wheel assemblies must be securely stowed in tire racks and in a vertical position.
The tire pressure of the stowed wheel assembly must not exceed 50 percent of the applicable
standard inflated test pressure or not to exceed 100 PSIG, whichever is less.
c. Training for the safe and proper aircraft wheel assembly handling procedures
(transportation and storage) will be requested by the TPO from the local supporting I-level
maintenance activity (AIMD or FRC-I ) or from Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering
Service Command (NATEC). Supply and ASD personnel will not be allowed to be involved in
handling (transportation and storage) of aircraft wheel assemblies (including SE and AWSE)
without the successful completion of required training. The ASD officer’s responsibilities are
listed in subparagraphs 17c(1) and 17c(2).
(1) Designating in writing those ASD personnel authorized to handle (transportation and
storage) aircraft wheel assemblies.
(2) Ensuring the designee’s successful completion of the required training provided by
the supporting I-level maintenance activity (AIMD) or the NATEC prior to designation.
19. Carrier Air Wing (CVW) and Squadron Detachment Aviation Supply Support while
Conducting Training at NAS Fallon, NAS Key West and Naval Air Facility (NAF) El Centro.
Unique aviation supply support procedures were developed and implemented to support CVW
squadrons during training at NAS Fallon, NAS Key West and NAF El Centro. Specific tasks,
responsibilities and procedures for afloat and ashore units involved in supporting the CVW
during these training events are promulgated by Carrier Air Wing and Squadron Detachments to
Naval Air Station Fallon, Naval Air Station Key West and Naval Air Facility El Centro
(CNAP/CNALINST 3120.29). When a procedural conflict or situation arises, the procedures
promulgated by CNAP/CNALINST 3120.29 (Carrier Air Wing and Squadron Detachments to
Naval Air Station Fallon) will take precedence.
215 Supply Screening Unit (SSU).
6 Apr 2021
1. SSU functions may be combined with DCU or with the aeronautical material screening unit
(AMSU) of AIMD or FRC-I for expeditious movement of repairable components in and out of
the local repair cycle. The accuracy of associated maintenance action documentation is a vital
function of the SSU.
Note. Per NAMP policy, DCU and SSU of CCS (ASD) may be combined with the local AIMD
or FRC-I’s AMSU to form a joint aeronautical screening unit (JASU).
2. Prior to accepting retrograde components from the customer, SSU must screen accuracy of
the VIDS MAF as well as applicable logs, records, and SRC or EHR cards. A list of items
requiring SRC, EHR, AESR card or other applicable logs and records must be printed in part
number sequence, retained, and updated annually. Conditions listed in subparagraphs 2a through
2d will not be allowed.
a. Delivering NRFI components to AMSU for repair induction with discrepant or
incomplete documentation.
b. Allowing accumulation of unprocessed retrograde repairable components with repair
capability awaiting AMSU or JASU induction. This process delays the clearing of the IOU and
prevents the DIFM induction process.
c. Allowing accumulation of repairable components in NRFI condition (BCM) awaiting offstation shipment. BCM components will be processed accordingly and shipped within 48 hours.
d. Allowing accumulation of unprocessed RFI components for local stowage or delivery
3. Hold Time for NRFI (BCM) Components. When check and test capability does not exist or
repair is not authorized at the local AIMD or FRC-I (X-1 ICRL capability code) failed AVDLR
will be shipped to the designated support point (DSP), designated rework point (DRP) or
designated maintenance activity. Repair determination must be made within 24 hours by the
AIMD or FRC-I and the components must be shipped within 48 hours by the supporting ASD.
Total component hold time must not exceed 72 hours.
4. electronic Retrograde Management System (eRMS). eRMS is a web based retrograde
technology that uses enterprise data to properly identify retrograde, report TIR’s, print bar coded
DI “BC2” DD Form 1348-1A shipping documents, identify proper shipping containers, create
shipping manifests, and DD Form 1387 military shipping labels. It is also utilized to post “D6A"
TIR (retrograde carcass proof of shipment (POS) and delivery), identify ATAC exclusion items,
carcass constrained items, create EI, PQDR, and engine shipping documentation. eRMS
provides the user with access to the source data within the NAVSUP WSS Automated Data
Processing (ADP) system in order to streamline the retrograde return process. The eRMS is
designed to close carcass tracking at the unit level and create SIT (stock in transit) whereby
increasing the supply system retrograde visibility and tracking capabilities. The “Enhanced
Repair and Return (EHRR) Module” of the eRMS is one of the six eRMS modules that was
6 Apr 2021
specifically developed to provide for the automation and other improved functions in support of
CNAP/CNAL’s Repair and Return Program.
1. The eRMS is composed of six modules and four sub-modules as listed in subparagraphs 1a
through 1f.
a. Module 1 “Standard Module”
b. Module 2 “Aircraft Engine Module”
c. Module 3 “Combat Logistics Forces (CLF) Module”
d. Module 4 “Non-Standard Processing (NSP) Module” (with sub-modules listed in
paragraphs 4a and 4b, “Non-Standard Processing Module” and “Ground Marine (GM) Module”
e. Module 5 “Enhanced Repair and Return (EHRR) Module” (with sub-modules listed in
paragraphs 5a and 5b, “Customer Module” and “IMA Module”, respectively.)
f. Module 6 “ATAC Module”.
2. Module 4 "Non Standard Processing (NSP)” and Module 5 “Enhanced Repair and Return
(EHRR) Module” are designed to support CNAP/CNAL’s Repair and Return Program.
a. “Non-Standard Processing (NSP) Module” (sub-module listed in paragraph 4a) provides
those organic activities and commercial entities which do not have the capability (either short or
long term) of the “Enhanced Repair and Return (EHRR) Module” or with limited similar eRMS
EHRR capabilities to process R&R components and provide instant visibility and accountability
for components undergoing R&R process. The “NSP Module” may serve as an override during
certain R&R situations where use of the “EHRR Module” is not feasible. Unlike the “EHRR
Module”, “NSP Module” is not ICRL driven. Transaction item reporting (TIR) does not apply to
R&R components processed through this module. Specific R&R site destination is
accomplished via a drop down menu selection.
b. Use of the “Non-Standard Processing (NSP) Module” for Repair and Return. Situations
may arise for CNAP and CNAL activities with “Enhanced Repair and Return (EHRR) Module”
capability where the use of “Non-Standard Processing (NSP) Module” may be required to ship a
component to another I-level repair site (AIMD or FRC-I) for R&R. Such R&R shipment
processing through the “NSP Module” must be authorized by the ASD officer on a case-by-case
basis (via e-mail or memorandum) if deemed necessary and must be properly documented.
Documentation for NSP shipment will be maintained and retained for 36 months in SSU for
review by CNAP and CNAL during inspections.
c. “Enhanced Repair and Return (EHRR) Module”. Unless otherwise directed by CNAP
6 Apr 2021
Code N415 in writing, the “EHRR Module” will be used for all transactions in support of R&R
program. Exceptions to this policy are the properly approved shipments of R&R components
processed through the “OP Module” as discussed in paragraph 2b. The “EHRR Module” is
ICRL driven; therefore, an updated and properly maintained ICRL is critical to the efficiency
and reliability of this module and related sub-modules. TIR does not apply to R&R components
processed through this module. R&R sites selection is determined by the ICRL data loaded in
the eRMS database. This module is provided for limited IMA exception override. The “EHRR
Module” is composed of the two sub-modules as listed in subparagraphs 2c(1) through 2c(3).
(1) The “Customer Module” provides instant visibility and record of accountability
to sites that send NRFI components to other R&R sites.
(2) The “IMA Module” is used to receive, process and monitor R&R components
from off-station customers. Similar to the “Customer Module”, it provides instant visibility and
(3) Individual Component Repair List (ICRL) Update: CNAP/CNAL Combined
ICRL database is updated at least quarterly and is based on the data and information provided by
each AIMD or FRC-I via ICRL update input. The CNAP/CNAL Combined ICRL database is
used by NAVSUP WSS to update the ICRL data within eRMS; therefore, it is imperative that the
Supply or ASD ICRL program representative maintain a current copy of the supporting AIMD or
FRC-I ICRL. The supply or ASD ICRL representative will work with the AIMD or FRC-I ICRL
manager to ensure that ICRL capability code changes occurring between scheduled ICRL
updates to reflect either an increase or decrease in repair capability, be referred to CNAP N42
and NAVSUP WSS for appropriate action. This will ensure updated ICRL data resides within
6 Apr 2021
300 Types of Training. The training objective for military and civilian personnel at the aviation
support department or detachment (ASD) is to provide a comprehensive approach in learning
aviation supply and improve the knowledge level of staff personnel in the performance of
assigned functions. A multifaceted approach to training is key in achieving and sustaining
operational readiness and efficiency.
1. Navy training consists of professional and general military training including but not limited
to COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVAIRLANTINST 4415.1A Ashore Supply Operations Manual
(SOM), CNAFINST 4790.2D Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP), qualified
proficient technician (QPT) training (military only), standard operating procedures (SOP), and
updates to policies (instructions, regulations, policy flashes, NAVADMIN, etc.). On-the-job
training (OJT) will enhance knowledge of procedures provided in the aforementioned references.
General military training (GMT) will be included as published by naval message.
2. Automated operating systems training will include but is not limited to Navy Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP), Naval Aviation Logistic Command Information System
(NALCOMIS), Automatic Information Technology (AIT), electronic Retrograde Management
System (eRMS), and any other system as directed by the type command (TYCOM) or ASD
301 Training Requirements. Training requirements for Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific
(CNAP) and Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL) ASDs are set forth in this chapter.
The ASD military personnel will hold weekly training sessions consisting of at least 1 hour of
professional and 1 hour of military training topics. Civilian personnel may regularly attend
professional training; however, if the Total Workforce Management System (TWMS), Individual
Development Plan (IDP) or Defense Performance Management and Appraisal Program
(DPMAP) specifically lists topics, attendance is highly encouraged to meet assigned training
requirements. Civilian personnel may attend training covering other areas of interest to improve
their overall aviation supply management knowledge.
1. The ASD officer must designate in writing a primary and an alternate division military
training petty officer (TPO). The designated TPO (primary and alternate) must be E-5 or above
with demonstrated familiarity with the overall ASD operation and the ability to develop training
2. The TPO may task other qualified military personnel and request civilian personnel within
the ASD to provide professional training within their area of expertise. Training documents
must be presented in a consistent format and approved by the chain of command.
302 Elements for Effective Training. The key elements instrumental to the effectiveness of a
training program are in paragraphs 1 through 7.
6 Apr 2021
1. Training Subject Familiarity and Applicability. The instructor conducting the training
session must be well prepared, professional, and demonstrate a high degree of familiarity of the
training topic. The instructor will tailor the training presentation or material to the experience
level of the intended audience with the objective of improving the knowledge level of attendees.
2. Chain of Command Involvement. Persons in the position of authority (ASD officer or
director, leading chief petty officer (LCPO), leading petty officer (LPO) and section or unit
supervisors) must support all facets of the ASD’s training program. This includes, but is not
limited to, regular attendance, active participation in development and presentation of training
sessions for military and civilian staff members.
3. Training Venues. Generally, the instructor will conduct the training in person in a group
format. The instructor may use Defense Collaboration Services (DCS) or Microsoft (MS) Teams
(CVR) during the training session for military and civilian personnel who are on a telework
schedule or for personnel who work away from the training location.
4. Training Goals. The ASD officer and director, with the assistance of the LCPO and the TPO,
must set specific training completion goals to improve the everyday work accomplishment and
required completion dates. Leadership will provide guidance on training topics based on recent
supply management inspection (SMI) or supply management assessment (SMA) results, recent
advancement exams, noted procedural deficiencies, published policies, instructions, or programs,
changes to established policies, references, guidance, etc. The TPO should not be limited to
these topics, but can use them as guidelines in developing their curriculum. The TPO must
document in the training records any issue impeding the completion of the training goals.
Training must be completed within 30 days of the missed training opportunity (MTO).
5. Measurement of Training Effectiveness. The ASD officer or director must develop selfassessments to measure effectiveness of the local training program. If the training objectives are
not improving the day-to-day job performance, the ASD leadership and TPO will develop
additional training to achieve the objective of the training topic. An effective training program
ultimately will manifest itself through on-the-job performance of military and civilian staff
members and the ability to surpass TYCOM monthly CASPER goals.
a. The sites may compare the most recent SMI results with previous SMI, results of the last
two Navy-wide advancement cycles, and the ability of the staff to execute daily tasking as an
indicator of the training effectiveness.
b. During SMI and SMA site visits, an SME will evaluate a representative from each
functional area in a performance tasking check. This will validate the training program’s
efficacy in increasing overall knowledge as well as procedural tasking performed on the job.
6. The TPO must ensure that manuals, technical publications, standard operating procedures,
safety information, precautions and other pertinent references are available and current. At a
minimum, publications, manuals and online training site listed in subparagraphs 6a through 6m
will be conducted physically or virtually, via the command’s shared drive, and accessible at all
times. All training must utilize the most current version available.
6 Apr 2021
a. NAVSUP Publication 485 (VOL 1 Rev 6 and VOL 2 Rev 6 w/ Change 1))
c. NAVSUP Publication 700
d. NAVSUP Publication 723 (Rev 5)
e. OPNAVINST 4614.1H
f. SECNAV Manual 5216.5 (CH-1)
g. SECNAV Manual 5210.2
h. SECNAVINST 5510.30C
j. CNAFINST 4790.2D
l. My Navy Portal (MNP) (formerly Navy Knowledge Online (NKO)) Web site
m. Naval Logistics Library (NLL) Web site
7. Training Schedule. Training sessions must be scheduled and conducted regularly to ensure
maximum attendance and participation. ASDs operating multiple shifts may schedule their
training session to overlap shift changes or conduct two separate training sessions to maximize
participation of personnel.
a. If a civilian is the instructor for personnel who work a shift outside of the civilian
employee’s normal working hours, the ASD director should first adjust the working hours for the
civilian employee to conduct the training for those who work other shifts and follow local time
keeping policies. Otherwise, the designated Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution
Application (SLDCADA) approving authority must submit the required paperwork for
compensation time or overtime request prior to the training date.
b. Temporary assigned duty (TAD) personnel within ASD will be required to attend training
sessions during their period of assignment to the ASD. Military TAD logistics specialists (LS)
will be required to attend all training sessions. Military non-LS rating TAD personnel may
attend training pertaining to their rate and are required to attend all general military training and
on-the-job training related to their current assignment.
6 Apr 2021
c. ASD personnel assigned TAD to another command will provide GMT certificates to the
TPO upon completion of the TAD assignment for recording purposes in TWMS or Fleet
Training Management and Planning System (FLTMPS). Additionally, members who are TAD
for 6 months or longer will be required to complete a level of knowledge (LOK) check for their
functional area assignment. Refer to paragraph 310.2.
303 Civilian Training. The involvement of civilian personnel in the training program is
essential for a successful operation. Based on the nature of their position, they accumulate
experience and knowledge that is invaluable for military personnel development and training to
support the ASD operational tasking. An ASD can establish a continuous learning environment,
improving individual aviation supply knowledge and providing an opportunity to learn new skills
by including civilian personnel. Supervisors may ask civilian personnel to present training in
their functional area of responsibility during the standard training sessions. Civilians may attend
training outside of their functional assignments for professional growth and the supervisor should
document this accomplishment within the TWM IDP and DPMAP reviews.
1. The TWMS IDP is a review of the position description, DPMAP performance standards, and
any local and TYCOM policies and procedures in regards to the onboarding process for new
civilian employees. This process ensures the supervisor communicates the new employee’s job
assignments, responsibilities, and training requirements, mitigating any question in performance
2. For civilian personnel, supervisors must ensure to list, assign or record the training
requirements within this chapter in the TWMS IDP or as a DPMAP training performance
standard for the employee. For new employees, include in the initial TWMS IDP the Navy ERP
and NALCOMIS training requirements prior to role assignment. For positions with continuous
learning and training requirements, such as financial management positions, consider updating
the position description (PD) with these training requirements.
3. Within 30 days of reporting, civilian personnel will develop a TWMS IDP with their
supervisor that aligns with their existing PD and DPMAP performance standards. The
supervisor and employee will update the IDP and DPMAP performance standards semi-annually
and as needed per mission requirement changes, to maintain currency throughout the DPMAP
reporting cycle. The supervisor can review the employees’ TWMS IDP status regularly as
TWMS provides course completions automatically.
304 Training Program. The TPO will develop a long-range training plan and a quarterly
training plan as per the guidance listed.
1. Long-Range Training Plan. This plan is the basic instrument for informing personnel of
training goals and operating schedules. It provides the framework for developing the short-range
training plan. ASD officer, director and LCPO must review and approve the long-range training
plan in writing prior to the end of the fiscal year. See figure 3-1.
a. The long-range training plan must include elements listed in subparagraphs 1a(1) through
6 Apr 2021
(1) A list of schools and Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) requirements, including
which personnel hold these qualifications. Refer to paragraph 312 for additional information.
(2) A list of all lectures or topics, with a minimum 1 hour of professional and 1 hour of
required military or GMT.
(3) Prior SMI or SMA reports.
(4) Rating exam results.
(5) Ashore Supply Operations Manual (SOM).
(6) Qualified proficient technician (QPT).
(7) CNAP N415 FLASH releases.
(8) For civilian and military personnel, CNO outlines GMT requirements every fiscal
year and are contained in their TWMS self-service account.
(9) The civilian professional training listed on their TWMS IDP or DPMAP performance
standard and position description are a source of training topics. The ASD officer or director
may consolidate these requirements and provide to the TPO for training development.
b. Quarterly Training Plan. The TPO will develop a training schedule using the upcoming
work schedule the month preceding an upcoming quarter. See figure 3-2. This will indicate the
division’s work schedule or plans possibly affecting the training program. The ASD officer or
director and DLCPO will approve the quarterly training plan by signing on the cover page. Once
approved, the TPO will publish the training schedule in a central location to make it easily
accessible to all personnel.
2. Training Records. The TPO will maintain training records to document training conducted
and remaining training requirements for military personnel. In addition, the TPO will update
TWMS or FLTMPS as appropriate. For audit purposes, the TPO should consolidate and
organize the training records for ease of review. Documentation supporting completed training
is listed in subparagraphs 5a and 5b.
a. Attendance sheets must have, at a minimum: training topic, instructor’s name, date,
duration, name of all personnel attached to the unit, signature of those present or reason for
absence for military personnel. If a military member is absent, the TPO will coordinate the
completion of the training later unless temporary assigned duty (TAD) is 30 days or more. The
member will then sign and date the attendance sheet, annotating the training was completed.
Attendance sheets will be verified and signed by the TPO, DLCPO and the ASD Officer. For
personnel attending training via DCS or MS Teams (CVR) a supervisor will certify their
attendance via virtual methods by having them sign the attendance sheet digitally. See figure 33.
6 Apr 2021
b. The instructor will prepare the lesson plan at least 1 month prior to the actual training
date. The ASD officer or director and DLCPO will approve the lesson plans in writing by
signing the front cover. Lesson plans must be available in virtual and physical form to facilitate
training of personnel on all work shifts.
c. The most senior person (E-5 and above only) attending the training must complete the
critique sheets. See figure 3-4. It must include constructive remarks, specifically annotating the
benefits of the training as well as the areas for improvement. The ASD officer or director and
DLCPO must sign the critique sheet following the review. Critique sheets will be reviewed in
the form of a one-on-one briefing at the end of training to provide the instructor with
constructive feedback. The instructor will sign the critique sheet confirming receipt of a formal
debrief from the member who performed the critique of the training.
d. The TPO or appropriate supervisor will track the completion of training conducted
online. The TPO may use the muster sheet for member’s self-certifying their completion date
and reporting to ASD leadership. This muster sheet will satisfy the attendance requirements for
any online or individual training.
305 Plan, Schedule, and Record Maintenance. All training plans, schedules, and records will be
professionally prepared in a consistent format, maintained in a central location and retained onsite for 24 months. Retention period for TWMS and FLTMPS records is indefinite. Missed
professional training opportunities due to emergencies or circumstances beyond the ASD’s
control will require ASD leadership to annotate and describe the circumstances. The TPO is not
required to reschedule the missed training. This does not exclude mandatory annual GMT
training requirements; however, most of these are online courses and personnel should be able to
complete these via the online options. All military personnel training records must remain with
the TPO until the time of the individual’s permanent change of station (PCS). Upon transfer, the
TPO will return the individual training record to the member.
306 Specific Training Requirements. Training must be scheduled and conducted per applicable
instructions as listed in paragraphs 1 through 9.
1. General Military Training (GMT). GMT is non-occupational general training required
periodically for all Navy personnel and taught at the command level. A NAVADMIN will be
published each fiscal year listing the required Navy-wide GMT topics and lesson plans.
Requirements for periodic all hands GMT are outlined in OPNAVINST 1500.22 series.
a. The Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) develops and distributes the Navywide GMT curriculum via CD-ROM and the CNET Web site (www.netc.navy.mil) or the Navy
Knowledge Online Web site (www.nko.navy.mil) or the training is also within the individuals
TWMS Self-Service account at https://twms.dc3n.navy.mil/selfservice/login.asp. This
standardization ensures all annual topics use identical training material and reduces the
preparation burden at individual commands. A minimum of 12 hours of training from the Navy
wide GMT curriculum will occur annually and members typically complete this training online.
6 Apr 2021
b. Completing the GMT courses via TWMS, NKO, NETC, will automatically record the
completion within FLTMPS or TWMS for military and civilian personnel. The ASD officer,
director, DLCPO, LPO or TPO will have FLTMPS and TWMS access. The alternate and
primary TPO must have TWMS Mass Training Management tool. The TPO will verify
FLTMPS and TWMS records are up to date semi-annually, no later than the first day of October
and April.
2. Supply Application Administrator (SAA) Training. The TPO will coordinate with the SAA
to schedule, prepare, and provide training to all optimized NALCOMIS users. The long-range
training plan will incorporate this training to have at least one SAA training per quarter for
NALCOMIS users. The SAA will cross-reference the list of current NALCOMIS users with the
muster sheet. It is optional for users with a view only access to attend the SAA training. The
SAA will conduct the training session and will complete the training required documentation,
and provide these documents to the TPO for recording and filing.
3. Navy ERP and Navy Data Platform (NDP) (formerly known as InforM-21) Training. On a
semi-annual basis, the TPO will schedule training on policies, procedures, and purpose of Navy
ERP as it pertains to ASD operations and inventory management, and the common NDP
management reports used to analyze Navy ERP data. ASD leadership will ensure all users are
educated on their respective roles and responsibilities while operating within ERP as well as the
process of extracting, or analyzing appropriate NDP management reports.
4. Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR). ASD must conduct FIAR training
for all military and civilian personnel during check-in and on an annual basis. Topics will
include, but are not limited to, those in subparagraphs 4a through 4k.
a. Receipt Management. General requirements and common discrepancies.
b. Terminal Status. How to process requisitions with canceled, rejected or free issue status.
c. Residual Status. How to resolve records with un-obligated balance.
d. Unmatched Expenditure. How to update NALCOMIS or Navy ERP when external
MILSTRIP requisitions were not generated using NALCOMIS.
e. Surveys. General requirements and common discrepancies.
f. Repairable Inventories. Verification requirements while conducting repairable
components inventories.
g. Due In from Maintenance (DIFM) Supply Officer (SO) Assets, IOUs, and Suspense
Inventories. How to perform inventories on DIFM SO assets, IOUs, and suspense.
h. Sub-Custody Records and Inventory. Procedures and requirements for tracking NWCF
6 Apr 2021
i. Delegation of Authority Letters (DOA). FIAR requirement to obligate and de-obligate
j. Process Control Points. To include approval levels, methods of approval, monetary
limits, the risk that is being address with the process control point.
k. Separation of duties (SOD) as applicable to financial systems of record.
5. Supplemental Aviation Spares Support (SASS) or Pack up Kit (PUK) Training. Ships or
squadrons taking custody of SASS or PUK components will be trained by the ASD or FLC team
on materiel accountability, packaging, and precautions to protect assets from damage or
deterioration. Training topics will include those listed in subparagraphs 5a through 5e.
a. Retention of assets in packaging or containers provided by ASD or FLC. Packaging will only
be opened to install the asset on an aircraft.
b. Proper padding or cushioning during transport of assets in truck beds.
c. Proper protection from weather, including use of tarps or weatherproof covers during
transportation and storage.
d. Lessons learned on damage resulting from leaking from pipes, ceiling, or roofing, as well as
how to identify hazardous storage conditions.
e. Use of eRMS for shipment of repairable assets enabling proper tracking.
6. Recurring Requirements. The accountable ASD or FLC will perform an inventory validation, RFI
condition verification, and custodian training at least annually for custodians of SASS or PUK
materiel. The ASD or FLC leadership will schedule the inventory validation and training prior to
issuing SASS or PUKs expected to deploy or register use within the next 12 months. SASS or PUK
materiel permanently staged aboard ship or permanently deployed overseas are not exempt from the
annual inventory validation and custodian training requirements. ASDs may request assistance from
overseas ASDs to meet inventory validation and training requirements if SASS or PUK materiel is
located in the overseas ASD area of responsibility (AOR).
7. When assigned, ASD financial managers must obtain financial certification and complete or
obtain continuous professional education (CPE) every 2 years for their level of certification.
8. Physical Security Training. Security is the responsibility of every military member and
civilian employee who operate in ASD spaces. The TPO will coordinate with the LPO and key
custodian to develop local physical security training and the physical security policies of the
command. The physical training session must include all military and civilian personnel,
individually and collectively, in the protection of installation assets. The training must discuss
local security procedures applicable to the performance of assigned duties, the purpose of an
effective security program, as well as possible potential security breaches resulting from security
lapses or breakdowns.
6 Apr 2021
a. Requirements. Training sessions will include all pertinent aspects of physical security,
law enforcement, and loss prevention programs, specifically related to force protection and
antiterrorism. Many aspects of these programs have a direct application to activity personnel.
All personnel, military and civilian, are required to receive initial security instruction upon
check-in and a refresher security training semi-annually.
b. Senior leadership can make a significant contribution to security, antiterrorism, and force
protection by developing an ongoing awareness and conscious concern for security within their
organizations. Effective training ensures all personnel understand the significance of
compliance, security measures and improve the overall security level of the workplace
9. Ashore Supply Policy Training. ASD military members and civilian employees must be
aware of current aviation supply standards, policies, and procedures. The selection of training
topics focused on TYCOM ashore SOM is critical in understanding aviation supply.
a. ASD will conduct training on released policy flashes within 30 days of the published
date. All military and appropriate civilian personnel will attend the training to ensure widest
notification of policy change. The TPO or supervisor will ensure policy flashes are filed with
instructions and other publications for ease of access.
b. ASD leadership, along with the TPO, will identify, develop, and present training on the
ashore supply operations manual as a part of the ASD’s long-range training plan. Training topics
may focus on, but are not limited to, operating standards, report retention periods, processes,
specific policies, etc.
10. Supervisor Training for Civilian Employees. Military and civilian supervisors who oversee
civilian personnel must follow the prescribed supervisor and manager training required via
various training media available. The required civilian supervisor training is in the TWMS selfservice module.
11. ASD leadership, along with the NALCOMIS SAA, must identify the appropriate Navy ERP
and NALCOMIS roles for each assigned person and request and schedule required training prior
to role assignment.
307 Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) Required Training.
1. Handling and Transportation of Aircraft Wheel Assemblies. The ASD officer must ensure
all military and civilian personnel receive appropriate aircraft wheel assembly handling training
for their level of handling of wheel assemblies. Personnel will not be allowed to handle or
transport aircraft wheel assemblies prior to completing this mandatory training initially provided
by the local supporting Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (AIMD), Fleet Readiness
Center – Intermediate (FRC-I) or Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Command
(NATEC). Aircraft wheel assemblies handling and transportation training must be completed
and documented annually. Personnel who handle and move wheel assemblies will receive indepth training on safety, movement and storage requirements. Personnel who work or visit areas
6 Apr 2021
where wheel assemblies are located will receive basic training on wheel assemblies and
appropriate safety precautions.
2. Electromagnetic Interference/Electrostatic Discharge (EMI/ESD) Program. Per CNAFINST
4790.2D chapter 10, the supply or ASD officer must designate in writing an EMI/ESD Supply
Program coordinator and will provide training to military and civilian personnel prior to handling
EMI/ESD items. The EMI/ESD Supply Program coordinator must ensure EMI/ESD training
materiel is readily available and in compliance with the aforementioned instruction and MILHDBK-263B, MIL-STD-1686C, NAVAIR 01-1A-23, NAVSUP Publication 484, NAVSUP
Publication 723, NAVAIR 17-600-193-6-2, MIL-HDBK-773, OPNAVINST 2450.2, NAVAIR
00-80T-117, and NAVSEA OP 3565.
a. The EMI/ESD Supply Program coordinator must provide indoctrination and annual
refresher training to personnel who work within a workspace that handle, inspect, package, or
transport ESD items. An overview training will be provided to personnel who may occasionally
handle ESD/EMI items. MIL-HDBK-263B contains information to aid the development of
applicable lessons. The ESD training must include a general overview of NAMP requirements,
as well as a separate training for those who handle ESD, tire and wheel materiel.
b. The EMI/ESD Supply Program coordinator will maintain a program file to include
applicable POCs and list of personnel who completed training.
c. Division officers must ensure division personnel comply with EMI/ESD Program
directives and procedures. The TPO will maintain the records of EMI/ESD training in the
training records. ESD training is a NAMP requirement.
3. The ASD officer or director, with the assistance of the TPO, must ensure civilian and
military personnel assigned to participate in AIRSpeed events complete the courses and training
listed in subparagraphs 3.a through 3.d within 180 days of assignment per CNAFINST 4790.2D
chapter 3 and chapter 6.
a. Yellow Belt Training. Just in time (JIT) training to provide pre-requisite skills required
to participate as team members on Green Belt projects.
b. Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE) Continued Process Improvement (CPI) Awareness
Course (Course NAVAIR-NAECPI-0001). This provides an introduction to CPI concepts and
tools. Completion is recommended for all personnel with 6 months of check in. Course is
available online at Navy eLearning (https://learning.nel.navy.mil/ELIAASv2p/).
c. Champion and Process Sponsor Training. Discusses CPI implementation including
project charter development, tollgate reviews and other topics for successfully managing CPI
projects and sustaining the resulting gains.
d. Green Belt Training. The course provides a practitioner’s level of understanding and
application of Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints (TOC) performance improvement
6 Apr 2021
methods. It is required for all AIRSpeed CPI work center personnel, two personnel from each
intermediate level maintenance activities, and one representative from ASD.
308 Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management (JASMMM).
1. Purpose. Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management (JASMMM) is a 2week course offered at the Navy Supply Corps School (NSCS) in Newport, Rhode Island or in a
fleet concentration area, as requested, for senior personnel to enhance their aviation supply
knowledge. The purpose is to train Navy, Marine Corps and DoD civilian personnel in the
aviation supply and maintenance policies and procedures and as it affects flight line readiness. .
Attendees will perform various exercises to demonstrate the value of the TRIAD concept in
contributing to overall readiness.
2. Availability. This course is available to active duty or reserve officer (W1 and above),
enlisted (E6 to E9), and any general schedule nine (GS-9) and above employee with at least 1
year in an aviation supply billet. Ensure civilian personnel require this training within the
TWMS IDP or a DPMAP training performance standard. Instructors may offer the JASMMM
course at fleet concentration areas, normally San Diego, CA, Norfolk, VA or Atsugi, JA as
requested and coordinated by CNAP N41 or CNAL N41.
309 Qualified Proficient Technician (QPT) Program.
1. The Qualified Proficient Technician (QPT) is a mandatory personnel qualification standard
(PQS) to establish and maintain proficiency of logistics specialists assigned to aviation support
divisions or detachments. The QPT program is required for all ASD enlisted personnel. E1-E4
personnel must qualify as an apprentice, E5-E6 as a journeyman, and E7 and above as
supervisors. The front page of the QPT designates the timeline for completion, and the due date
is reflected on the progress chart. Upon completion of the QPT, ASD leadership will conduct a
knowledge board to certify the individual is proficient at their assignment level and documented
on the QPT tracker.
2. The TPO must maintain copies of completed forms and forward a progress chart to the
leading chief petty officer and the ASD officer or director on the last working day of each month
for approval. The retention of the progress chart is 24 months.
310 Training Assessments.
1. The supply officer or ASD officer and director must conduct an annual self-assessment using
the SOM Checklist for all sections and report the internal findings to CNAP N415. The site will
submit the results to CNAP N415 60 days prior to SMA or SMI inspection.
2. The ASD officer and director must authorize personnel in writing to certify completed
requirements. A qualified individual indicates the person is able to demonstrate every function
in their level of expertise and train other personnel on the QPT functions as per references
identified in Section III of the QPT. Each site will develop a level of knowledge (LOK) to
address each area of the QPT. The TPO will administer LOK exams quarterly to measure
6 Apr 2021
training effectiveness. Exams will consist of at least ten questions covering topics trained on
during the previous quarter. A score of 70 percent is required to pass the exam. If the individual
does not pass, the individual will be retrained and required to retake the test. Civilians may
participate in the LOK on a volunteer basis. The TPO will maintain the results of the LOK for
24 months via physical or electronic scanned method.
311 Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC).
1. Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) is a system that supplements the enlisted rating structure
by identifying personnel on active or inactive duty via FLTMPS who possess training and skills
needed to perform their job and supplement on the job training (OJT). ASD leadership must
ensure their staff satisfy the required criteria based on current standards or pursue arrangements
to send a sailor to obtain these qualifications. Changes to the NEC requirements will be
forwarded by CNAP N41 or CNAL N41 and will be listed in the activities’ manning documents.
ASD leadership must ensure the TPO is tracking NEC criteria and communicates with CNAP
N415 for guidance on any shortfalls.
2. As TAD funding permits, military personnel will be able to attend schools that award NECs.
ASD leadership must submit TAD funding requests, as appropriate, via their applicable type
wing according to local procedures. ASD leadership should coordinate with the enlisted detailer
to obtain an NEC school quota for prospective gain military members.
6 Apr 2021
Lesson Title
Tire and Wheel Assembly
Chain of Command
60 Min
60 Min
Issuing and Requisitioning Release
HAZMAT Waste Training
60 Min
60 Min
Aircraft Inventory Record
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
Postal: Domestic Mail
60 Min
60 Min
Repairable Management
Cyber Awareness Challenge
60 Min
60 Min
Winter Safety Stand Down
120 min
DBA (Basic Procedures)
Policies and Programs
60 Min
60 Min
SM&R Codes
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
Receipt Procedures
Asbestos and Lead Awareness
60 Min
60 Min
Requisition Document Familiarization
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
60 Min
Personal Financial Management
Acquisition Procedures
60 Min
Holiday Stand Down
120 Min
60 Min
60 Min
60 Min
6 Apr 2021
Awaiting Parts (AWP) Procedures
60 Min
Eight O'clock Reports
Courtesies, Customs, and Ceremonies
60 Min
60 Min
ESD/EMI Training
Appropriation & Accounting Data
60 Min
60 Min
Postal: Mail Orderly System
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
External MOV
Naval Organization
60 Min
60 Min
Supply Discrepancy Report & Quality Deficiency
Suicide Prevention
60 Min
60 Min
Avoiding Predatory Lending Traps
Follow Ups
60 Min
60 Min
Safety and Emergencies
DBA (Basic Procedures)
60 Min
60 Min
Hazing Policy and Prevention
Career Education Information
60 Min
60 Min
Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW)
Chain of Command
60 Min
60 Min
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Awareness
Repairable Management
60 Min
60 Min
Personal Effects
Alcohol, Drugs, & Tobacco Awareness
60 Min
60 Min
Supply Discrepancy Report & Quality Deficiency
60 Min
60 Min
6 Apr 2021
Postal: Administrative Functions
Material Status
60 Min
60 Min
Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Resolution
Material Handling Procedures
60 Min
60 Min
DCU Procedures
Privacy Act Training
60 Min
60 Min
Naval Logistics
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
Health, Fitness & First Aid
DBA (Basic Procedures)
60 Min
60 Min
COSAL Identification of Material
Uniform Regulations CH3
60 Min
60 Min
Basic Retirement
Maintenance Assistance Modules (MAMs)
60 Min
60 Min
Antiterrorism Level 1 Awareness
60 Min
60 Min
Sexual Health and Responsibility
Naval Performance Education & Counselor System
60 Min
60 Min
Designated Safety Topic
Requisition Modifications and Cancellations
60 Min
60 Min
Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting
Safety Hazardous Material
60 Min
60 Min
Career/Education Information
Joint Aeronautical Screening Unit Procedures
60 Min
60 Min
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
6 Apr 2021
Material Handling & Shipments
Domestic Violence Prevention and Reporting
60 Min
60 Min
Operations Security (Uncle Sam's OPSEC)
Monthly Financial Reports
60 Min
60 Min
Leadership and Administrative Responsibilities
Maintenance Support Procedures
60 Min
60 Min
Operations Risk Management
60 Min
60 Min
Car Buying Strategies
Material Identification
60 Min
60 Min
Privacy and Personally Identifiable Information
Appropriation & Accounting Data
60 Min
60 Min
Eight Forms of Waste
Records Management
60 Min
60 Min
COSAL Identification of Material
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
Basic Retirement
Internal MOV
60 Min
60 Min
Packaging & Transportation for Repairable Components
Stress Management (Operational Stress Control)
60 Min
60 Min
LS Jeopardy
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
Inventory Management
Ship/Aircraft Characteristics
60 Min
60 Min
Postal: Registered Mail
Data Base Administration (DBA) Basic Procedures
60 Min
60 Min
6 Apr 2021
LRCA Procedures
US Naval Tradition
60 Min
60 Min
Material Status
Chain of Command
60 Min
60 Min
Training Petty Officer
DATE: ________
DATE: ________
ASD Training LCPO
DATE: ________
DATE: ________
ASD Officer
DATE: ________
Figure 3-1
6 Apr 2021
4th QTR FY20
Lesson Title
60 Min
Leadership and Administrative
Maintenance Support Procedures
Operations Risk Management
60 Min
60 Min
Car Buying Strategies
Material Identification
60 Min
60 Min
60 Min
Privacy and Personally Identifiable
Appropriation & Accounting Data
Records Management
60 Min
60 Min
COSAL Identification of Material
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
Basic Retirement
Internal MOV
60 Min
60 Min
Packaging & Transportation for
Repairable Components
Stress Management (Operational Stress
60 Min
60 Min
60 Min
60 Min
LS Jeopardy
Designated Safety Topic
60 Min
60 Min
Inventory Management
Ship/Aircraft Characteristics
60 Min
60 Min
Postal: Registered Mail
Data Base Administration (DBA) Basic
60 Min
60 Min
6 Apr 2021
LRCA Procedures
US Naval Tradition
60 Min
60 Min
Material Status
Chain of Command
US Naval Tradition
60 Min
60 Min
60 Min
Personal Effects
Chain of Command
60 Min
60 Min
Training Petty Officer
DATE: ________
DATE: ________
ASD Training LCPO
DATE: ________
DATE: ________
ASD Officer
DATE: ________
Figure 3-2
6 Apr 2021
6 Apr 2021
Figure 3-3
6 Apr 2021
Evaluation Areas
Instructor Preparation:
Instructor Knowledge:
Lecture Content:
Instructor Presentation:
Use of Visual Aids:
Q&A Session:
(Grade 1= poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good, 4 = excellent, 5 = outstanding)
Session Comments/Feedback:
Recommendation for improvement:
Reviewed by (DLCPO):
Reviewed by (ASD
Figure 3-4
6 Apr 2021
400 Objective. U.S. Navy activities operate under the single national inventory concept while
using various financial data systems. The financial system of record for all Commander, Naval
Air Force Pacific (CNAP) and Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL) naval air stations
and facilities is Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Inventory management in Navy ERP
encompasses stock record management, warehouse management of physical stock, tracking all
movement of goods, and physical inventory functions. Areas and functions in inventory
management addressed in this chapter are overall inventory management roles and
responsibilities, as well as document management and reporting requirements. Supplemental
aviation spares support (SASS) and pack-up-kit (PUK) management are addressed in chapter 9.
1. References. Inventory requirements delineated in publications listed in subparagraphs 4a
through 4c remain in effect when using Navy ERP.
a. DoD Manual 4140.01 VOL 3 DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures.
b. NAVSUP P-723 (Rev 5) NAVSUP Inventory Integrity Standards.
c. NAVSUP P-485 (Rev 6) Operational Forces Supply Procedures.
2. In addition to the publications listed above, this instruction provides specific policy guidance
for CNAP and CNAL activities. Reference material for Navy ERP (e.g. desk guides, reference
guides, high level business processes (HLBP), etc.) are on the NAVSUP ERP training Website
3. Inventory Control. Effective inventory control is the responsibility of all functional areas
accurately and effectively procuring, receiving, and tracking the movement of goods.
Supervisors must closely monitor and ensure correct procedural execution in all functional areas
by effectively and frequently communicating between aviation supply departments or
detachment (ASD) and Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) personnel. Stock control employees may be
assigned to FLC or ASD depending on the organizational structure of the site.
4. Inventory Management. Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) FLC provides
inventory management and materiel support services for flight line materiel requirements under
Navy ERP. Effective inventory management requires personnel performing stock control
functions, usually the site planning representative (SPR), to work closely with the assigned
operational supply planning analyst (OSPA) from NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (WSS)
(where applicable) to coordinate actions listed in subparagraphs 4a through 4h.
Note. Personnel assigned SPR duties may be ASD or FLC employees depending on the site’s
organizational structure.
6 Apr 2021
a. Validate that the SHORCAL correctly reflects installed aeronautical weapons systems
against the “Weapons System Planning Document” (WSPD). While this is an SPR
responsibility, the OSPA should be made aware of discrepancies noted and upcoming
SHORCAL timelines and events.
b. Validate the SHORCAL allowance products accurately reflect in Navy ERP and
NALCOMIS, as applicable.
c. Validate the processing of allowance changes into Navy ERP and NALCOMIS, as
d. Validate the identification and proper coding of items requiring special management
attention within Navy ERP materiel master data (e.g., classified, pilferable or controlled items,
e. Validate demand based level (DBL) processing is performed correctly and that resultant
reorders and excess offloads are coordinated with NAVSUP WSS, if required.
f. Ensure stock reorders are conducted as frequently as necessary to maintain consumable
range and depth at optimum levels to support customer requirements.
g. Ensure accuracy of materiel master data in Navy ERP. Although NAVSUP WSS will
maintain and update materiel master data via monthly change notices (MCN), annual price
changes (APC), etc., activities must continue to verify change notice actions and monitor
materiel master data to ensure it remains accurate. Report materiel master data discrepancies
immediately to NAVSUP WSS by HEAT ticket submission via Navy 311.
h. Ensure materiel quantities and locations agree in Navy ERP with accurate quantities and
locations of materiel in storage, using an effective physical inventory program as described in
chapter 5.
401 Inventory Management Responsibilities.
1. The supply officer maintains the primary responsibility for all warehouse functions.
a. Control and materiel divisions are directly responsible for materiel master data record
validity through action taken as listed in subparagraphs 1a(1) through 1a(6).
(1) Accurate receipt processing within prescribed timeframes. Refer to chapter 7,
paragraph 702.
(2) Accurate issue processing within prescribed timeframes. Refer to chapter 2,
paragraph 206.
(3) Verification of MCN actions.
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(4) Effective dues management.
(5) Prompt stock reorder processing after review.
(6) Control division must verify that items requiring special management attention are
properly identified and coded in Navy ERP.
b. The component control section (CCS) will be responsible for all stock control functions
for repairable stock at CNAL ASDs.
c. The supply response section (SRS) impacts inventory accuracy by validating all request
documents based on requirements and proper annotation. This is especially important following
NALCOMIS downtime and conducting back-fitting procedures. Requisition control unit (RCU)
will control source documents from generation of requirement through posting of the POD in
Navy ERP. Effective document control is the basis for inventory management and must be the
subject of continued emphasis by the supply officer, ASD officer and RCU officer or supervisor.
2. Quality Assurance (QA). Each site must assign a QA officer or supervisor to be responsible
for performing audits and reviews of the processes and procedures affecting inventory accuracy
as directed by the supply or ASD officer. Additional duties assigned to the QA officer or
supervisor may include the inventory accuracy officer (IAO) duties.
3. Site Planning Representative (SPR). The supply officer or ASD officer will assign in writing
the SPR who will work closely with the OSPA, ASD supervisors, and warehouse supervisors.
The SPR is usually assigned to the control division and is responsible for functions listed in
subparagraphs 3a through 3j.
a. Ensure Navy ERP user roles regarding inventory management functions are current and
accurate as authorized by the supply or warehouse supervisor. Authorization of these Navy ERP
user roles may be a responsibility of the assistant supply officer at some sites.
b. Work with the NALCOMIS supply application administrator (SAA) to publish a monthly
schedule for listings and reports from Navy ERP, NALCOMIS and Navy Data Platform (NDP
(formerly known as InforM-21). (See paragraph 404 for details.)
c. Ensure prompt distribution of Navy ERP listings and reports to responsible personnel in
control division and follow up to verify required actions are complete.
d. Review output listings generated from demand processing (level setting) executed by
NAVSUP WSS for each Navy ERP site (plant).
e. Review BP-28 reorder candidate listing provided by the OSPA from the Navy ERP
schedule board. Recommend any changes in replenishment order quantities to the OSPA who
will process the reorder. The retention period for annotated BP-28 reorder “Schedule Board”
listings is 3 months.
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f. Review BP-34 (ZRMIM0051) (1RM or 1RW) reorder listings. Recommended changes
in replenishment order quantities to the OSPA who will process the reorder. The retention
requirement for annotated BP-34 reorder “Schedule Board” listings is 3 months.
g. Maintain and update a local desk guide defining SPR duties and responsibilities.
h. Monitor the zero on hand quantity using the “Zero Stock Due” report from NDP and
provide replenishment recommendations to the OSPA as appropriate.
i. Work closely with the OSPA and coordinate communications with NAVSUP WSS N413
to monitor and track BP-28 allocations and expenditures to ensure judicious use of limited
funding resources. Request the OSPA adjust the MSL or ROP as required for items experiencing
numerous NIS demands.
j. Follow subparagraphs 3j(1) through 3j(3) to monitor the “Master Stock Listing" (MSL)
records for proper assignment of replenishment indicators.
(1) Conduct a quarterly review of replenishment indicators to ensure proper
replenishment of stock.
(2) Retain for the past 12 months, all signed and dated listings of the items reviewed and
any changes recommended to the OSPA.
(3) Ensure PEB manager provides a complete listing of PEB items, including items
deleted and new items added into the PEB or RMS, to control division personnel following each
PEB or RMS level setting event.
(a) Deleted items will also be reviewed by control division personnel to determine if
they qualify for addition to NWCF stock.
(b) Items added to PEB or RMS will be removed from regular stock.
(c) These actions must be closely coordinated with the OSPA to ensure
replenishment indicators are properly set.
402 Master Record Maintenance.
1. NAVSUP WSS maintains Navy ERP materiel master data for each site. NAVSUP WSS will
establish the master inventory records while ensuring the information within the records is up to
date by using periodic record maintenance using MCNs and APCs.
2. NAVSUP WSS Monthly Change Notice (MCN). NAVSUP WSS will process the MCN
centrally to update the site inventory records. After completion, the “MCN” report from Navy
ERP is available via transaction code ZRMMD0009.
6 Apr 2021
3. Annotated MCN output listings must be retained for 10 years per Financial Improvement and
Audit Remediation (FIAR) directives.
a. The SAA will download the output listings from Navy ERP as detailed in paragraph 1403
of this SOM. ASD and FLC must review, process, and annotate the MCN output listings with
the action taken. The appropriate stock control and materiel division personnel will print their
name legibly, sign and date the output listings.
(1) Superseded or condemned national stock numbers (NSN) require offload and stock
due cancellation action.
(2) Changes in stock numbers and units of issue must be marked on the actual materiel
in the storerooms.
b. Stock control and materiel divisions will return the signed copies of the processed MCN
output listings to the SAA for review of the changes and retention. The SAA will provide a copy
of the annotated and signed output listing to the control division where it must be retained for 10
4. Annual Price Change (APC). The APC is effective 1 October of each year and NAVSUP
WSS will process the MCN centrally prior to conducting any new business in the fiscal year.
a. Control personnel must verify inventory values by downloading the NDP “Business
Warehouse (BW) Plant Stock Details” report and compare prior to and following APC
processing for possible errors, excessive price changes and other differences. Each site will
forward the comparison to CNAP N415 site advocate no later than 10 October.
b. The NALCOMIS APC “Run Audit” report and APC “Run Log” report must have the
supply officer, ASD officer or designated representative signature, legible printed name, date and
the ASD DODAAC (UIC) noted on the first page of both reports. If the ASD is a dual UIC
(DTO and stock) site, annotate both UICs on the APC. Retention period is 10 years.
Note. If the SAA does not run the APC in late September after NALCOMIS is locked for fiscal
year closeout or on 1 October, the sites must document the justification in the delay above the
signature and date on the first page of the APC report.
c. If records listed on the reports have any discrepancies (e.g. error codes, invalid unit price,
invalid NIIN, etc.), provide documentation or annotate an explanation of corrections or
resolutions on the report.
d. Control division must review changes resulting from the annual price change processing
and will annotate the report identifying NIINs with anomalous price changes and submit price
challenges, as applicable. Control division with the SAA must verify the APC run within
6 Apr 2021
e. The retention period for the NALCOMIS APC “Run Audit” report and APC “Run Log”
report is 10 years. If the Financial Audit Compliance Enhancement Tool (FACET) is available,
scan into FACET and upload to the Document Automation Content Services (DACS) Website.
If FACET is not available, then file the hardcopy reports on site for the retention period.
Note. Download the APC from the following website:
403 Allowance Maintenance.
1. General. Throughout the operational period of an aviation supply activity, each site may
request adjustment to allowance lists required to support the activity’s mission.
2. SHORCAL Development and Maintenance. The establishment of the initial aeronautical
materiel support allowances occur during the SHORCAL outfitting process. CNAP N414 will
schedule a SHORCAL review with NAVSUP WSS at 3-year intervals or as required. When the
type of aircraft or equipment change, NAVSUP WSS and CNAP N414 will conduct a full
SHORCAL product review or provide a splinter product. NAVSUP WSS will tailor the
allowance products to the T/M/S of aircraft to be supported, as reflected on the WSPD, the
validated “Aircraft Equipment Configuration List” (AECL) and the “Interim Supply Support”
(ISS) catalog. The SHORCAL final products include the activity’s fixed allowance quantity
(FAQ) (repairable) and the consumable stock levels; and, if authorized, the final product will
include SASS or PUK allowance packages. Therefore, it is imperative that the SHORCAL
allowance review is accurate with timely submission of updated information. Otherwise, the
allowance package will not properly support flight line materiel requirements.
a. The SHORCAL will not include aircraft engines (4R cog), ordnance end items (4Z cog)
or organizational materiel listed in NAVAIR 00-35QH-2.
b. NAVSUP WSS through CNAP N414 will research and, if necessary, provide a splinter
SHORCAL allowance product when the operating site’s number of aircraft increases (baseload),
or aircraft weapons systems and support equipment configuration changes and the changes are
reflected in the WSPD.
c. Planners use the WSPD to calculate the aviation operations maintenance (AOM) budget
and allowance products for each site. Aircraft physically located at the site but not listed in the
WSPD will produce additional funding and materiel requirements causing funding shortfalls and
lower materiel support capability.
d. The ASD officer must meet at least once a year with the maintenance officer of each
supported wing to review and update the WSPD and aircraft program data file (ADPF). The
ASD officer must retain a listing of action items from each meeting for the past 2 years and take
appropriate action.
3. SHORCAL initial allowances will be procured with APN-6 funding. NWCF will be used for
replenishment and for initial outfitting of range additions resulting from Scheduled Demand
6 Apr 2021
Based Levels Setting (SDBL) events. NWCF budget projects are associated with specific
cognizance codes (COG).
BP Account
1H, 3H
3B, 3G, 3N, 3Z, 5L, 5M, 5N, 5P, 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9E, 9F, 9G, 9H, 9I, 9J,
9K, 9L, 9M, 9N, 9O, 9P, 9Q, 9S, 9T, 9V, 9W, 9Y, 9Z
1R, 5R
7E, 7G, 7H, 7N, 7Z
4. Allowance Change Request (ACR).
a. ACR Submission. The ACR submission process is a method for the site to communicate
a justification for allowance additions, deletions, or quantity increases of SHORCAL established
allowances. ASDs must have an aggressive ACR research, review, and submission program.
Demand patterns and failure data fluctuate between SHORCAL product dates. The intention of
the ACR process is to provide a venue for ASDs to request additions or deletions to the
SHORCAL product based upon customer requirements.
b. NAVSUP WSS policy is to respond to ACRs, either approved or disapproved within 15
days of receipt of the request. However, activities will not submit ACRs within 90 days prior to
or following a SHORCAL review. ACRs will contain required information and be in the format
as cited in NAVSUPWSSINST 4441.16P, and will be submitted online via the NAVSUP WSS
Website: https://my.navsup.navy.mil/apps/ops$mailer.acr_standard_form.
c. Operating sites are required to include CNAP N414 points of contact in all ACR
submissions as “info” to the addressee. The site will submit ACRs if deemed it met the
sufficient approval criteria. Approval criteria include demand history, repairs, repair actions and
repair turnaround time (RTAT).
d. ACR and ACR-Fixed (ACR-F) File. Retain ACRs in an outstanding or a completed file
depending upon the ACR’s status, and file related correspondence for both pending and
completed ACR. Record ACRs in a log and update the status for completed ACRs as
“approved” or “disapproved” to facilitate research and data collection. Once the ACR is
approved, NAVSUP WSS will update allowance quantities (maximum stock levels) in Navy
ERP “Materiel Master Data”. Sites will manually update NALCOMIS files.
e. Control division must verify that approved allowances have been placed on order by
NAVSUP WSS using APN-6 funding.
6 Apr 2021
404 Inventory Control Tools and Supervisory Reviews.
1. General. Successful management of the inventory control function requires the development
and consistent application of proper manual and automated processes. Successful inventory
control requires criteria listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1g.
a. Establishing a monthly processing schedule.
b. The timely receiving and processing of transactions.
c. Distribute, review, and complete required actions on reports and listings in a timely
d. Review and update the “Materiel Master Data” to ensure the proper identification of
stock materiel.
e. Perform supervisory reviews and audits.
f. Ensure personnel understand their roles and their impact on inventory control and
g. Promptly review and screen monthly NAVSUP WSS “Defective Material Summaries”
(DMS) in Navy ERP for materiel carried and take appropriate disposition action on affected
Note. NAVSUP WSS creates and uploads the DMS at the beginning of each month. This file
provides inspection information for materiel considered as defective that is received for stock.
All activities must check the defective material Website at https://my.navsup.navy.mil by the
second Monday of each month. Screen items identified within DMS against current inventory
and take appropriate action against any defective materiel in storage and follow the disposition
instructions provided with the DMS.
2. Document Control. Document control must be maintained as listed in subparagraphs 2a
through 2c.
a. Control of all source documents will ensure prompt and accurate input to Navy ERP and
b. Establish input and output flows for all transactions.
c. Retain source documents for future reference as per DON requirements.
6 Apr 2021
3. NALCOMIS, Navy ERP, NDP and Continuous Monitoring Program (CMP) Run Schedule.
a. General. The supply or ASD officer is responsible for development and execution of the
monthly NALCOMIS, Navy ERP, NDP and CMP run schedule. Each division must retain a
copy of the monthly schedule to ensure the completion of the scheduled processing requirements.
b. Monthly Run Schedule. The monthly run schedule serves as a reminder that specific
NALCOMIS, Navy ERP, NDP and CMP reports and listings must be run on a regular basis.
Sites may use a calendar format as shown below in figure 4-1 or a listing showing daily, weekly,
and monthly reports and listings to be run and distributed to responsible sections and personnel.
c. End of Month (EOM) Reports. Ashore aviation activities utilize internal and external key
performance indicators (pulse points) to compare actual performance with TYCOM established
supply goals. CMP provides real time performance information for leadership, which will be
used in conjunction with Navy ERP and NDP reports to measure performance, monitor trends
and produce EOM reports. Refer to chapter 1, paragraph 105 for additional guidance on EOM
reporting requirements and standards.
d. Weekly Pulse Point Reports. A “Weekly Pulse Point Feeder” report must be forwarded
to the supply or ASD officer for review and signature. The feeder report must include
performance statistical data from the above reports. This report must be retained on file for 2
6 Apr 2021
Navy ERP FAS: __________________________ SUPPO: ___________________________
1 Dues Mgmt
STA; Zero OH
w/out Due;
CASPER report
CMP upload
NIIN recon
and stock due
8 Dues Mgmt
STA; Zero OH
w/out Due;
CMP upload
DIFM recon
report due
15 Dues Mgmt
STA; Zero OH
w/out Due; CMP
22 Dues Mgmt
STA; Zero OH
w/out Due; CMP
NIIN recon
and stock due
M recon
29 Dues Mgmt
STA; Zero OH
w/out Due;
CMP upload
Figure 4-1
Cycle 2 Cutoff
from OTS for
the site UICs;
from OTS for
the site UICs;
from OTS for
the site UICs;
from OTS for
the site UICs;
6 Apr 2021
-Master STK STA infm-21
-Sup Effec
- INV Value RPT
-Failed IDOCS ZRMIM0025
-schedule board/buys
-Delivery /picking VL0GP
-Warehouse monitor LL0
-List Transfer Orders
Master STK STA infm-21
-Sup Effec
- INV Value RPT
Figure 4-1 (Continued)
e. Supervisory Review. The ASD officer or control division officer, IT manager, SPR and
SAA must meet no later than the third week of each month to review all NALCOMIS and Navy
ERP processing requirements. The SAA and the SPR must retain a copy of the current and the
previous month’s run schedule. In addition to listing known requirements, develop solutions for
events or discrepancies encountered during the previous month with the objective of developing
a trouble-free schedule for the following month. The supply or ASD officer must approve the
proposed monthly schedule prior to publishing.
4. WM Stock with Materiel Description Transaction Code (T-Code LX02). T-code LX02
provides a listing of all WM stock records in the plant with materiel description. Control
division will print a complete hardcopy of the LX02 listing at least quarterly and provide an
electronic copy monthly for warehouse and for ASD. The control division supervisor must
ensure an updated LX02 listing is available and updated.
Note. The LX02 listing replaces the Master Stock Status Locator Listing (MSSLL) (JSL322) in
5. Scheduled Demand Based Levels Setting (SDBL). NAVSUP WSS is responsible for the
performance of the Navy ERP level setting; however, active involvement by each OSPA and
ASD leadership is crucial to ensure actions required by the level setting process are completed.
a. NAVSUP WSS produces a calendar schedule for level setting to be conducted at each
retail site on a quarterly basis.
b. Level setting must be complete as per the NAVSUP WSS schedule to avoid adverse
effects on aviation consumable net and gross effectiveness and flight line readiness. Notify
CNAP N415 site advocate if level setting cannot be completed by the published date.
c. Not Carried (NC) NIINs. On a monthly basis, download the “not carried” NIINs using
the “Aviation Consumable Effectiveness (ACE)” and “Aviation Repairable Effectiveness
(ARE)” reports from NDP. Compare the downloaded listing with the prior month’s download to
6 Apr 2021
identify repetitive demands and annotate listing with action taken, as appropriate. SRS or the
site’s end of month (EOM) point of contact (POC) will provide the listing to control division for
research and possible Allowance Change Request (ACR) submission. Retention period for
annotated NC listings is 12 months.
d. Control division will be provided output listings from the SDBL run by NAVSUP WSS.
Listings contained in subparagraphs 404.5.d(1) through 404.5.d(4) showing recommended
allowances must be validated and returned to NAVSUP WSS for final approval.
(1) Range Adds
(2) Range Deletes
(3) Depth Increases
(4) Depth Decreases
6. Inventory Adjustments. Reference chapter 5 for guidance on overall inventory adjustment
policies and procedures, completing causative research and the financial liability investigation of
property loss (FLIPL) (DD Form 200).
405 Warehouse Storage Area and Personnel Safety.
1. General. Warehouse supervisors must check the safety condition of the warehouse storage
areas on a weekly basis. Training with warehouse personnel will be conducted in proper storage
and good housekeeping practices. Topics should include cleanliness of bins, orderly stowage
and proper identification of materiel, the use of cleaning materiel and chemicals, the necessity to
remove trips hazards and loose gear, and the removal of trash and material waste from the work
a. Bins, Cabinets, and Racks. Warehouse personnel will inspect all bins, cabinets and racks
to identify degradation, environmental factors requiring corrective action, and to ensure
inventory stowed in the bins, cabinets, and racks does not exceed weight or space limits during
b. Warehouse Cleanliness and Orderliness. Cleanliness and proper storage practices are
essential to warehouse operations, efficient use of warehouse space, issuing of materiel, and
safety of personnel. Preventive maintenance must be up-to-date on all equipment, to include
installed electrical fixtures, lighting, ventilation ducts, water pipes, valves, bins, racks, cabinets,
firefighting equipment and eyewash stations. Document and promptly correct building and
equipment discrepancies.
c. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Warehouse personnel will wear the appropriate
PPE, to include but not limited to leather gloves, face shield and safety boots per OPNAVINST
5100.23H (Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program), when working with banding
materiel. Cargo handlers and forklift operators must wear the appropriate PPE during cargo
6 Apr 2021
handling and materiel movement evolutions.
d. Forklifts, Man-lifts, and Materiel Handling Equipment (MHE). Warehouse supervisory
personnel must work with station Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC)
(formerly known as public works) or leasing company to ensure proper maintenance of forklifts,
man-lifts, and MHE.
e. Aircraft Built-up Wheel Assemblies. Aircraft built-up wheel assemblies must be covered
and stowed in tire racks and in a vertical position per NAVAIR 04-10-506.
f. Basic Stowage Criteria. The basic guidelines listed in subparagraphs 1f(1) through 1f(6)
will enable warehouse personnel to achieve optimum stowage efficiency.
(1) Utilize the maximum space available.
(2) Provide orderly stowage and ready accessibility to materiel.
(3) Prevent damage to facilities or injury to personnel.
(4) Reduce the possibility of materiel loss or damage by establishing appropriate security
(5) Issue the oldest stock first by practicing first in, first out (FIFO) procedures.
(6) Segregate working capital fund materiel and end-use funded materiel to facilitate
efficient inventories.
g. Materiel Identification. Once materiel is receipted, assets must be correctly labeled on
the box and the bin. Warehouse managers will ensure all items in stowage have required
labeling per subparagraphs 1g(1) through 1g(3).
(1) National item identification number (NIIN)
(2) Cognizance code (COG)
(3) Condition code (CC/Batch)
h. Ready for Issue (RFI) Tags. All ready for issue (RFI) repairable components must have
RFI tags or original equipment manager’s (OEM) certificate of conformity securely attached to
the external packaging. Request technical assistance from other departments to determine proper
identification numbers of unmarked or illegibly marked materiel. Upon identification of the
materiel to an NSN, NICN, or part number, the warehouse personnel will create a stowage label
or an administrative receipt document, as appropriate. When materiel identification is not
possible, follow local disposal procedures, forward to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Disposition Services (DDS), and when possible, return the materiel to the sending supply activity
for disposition.
6 Apr 2021
2. Types and Quantities of Materiel. Consideration will be given to the categories of materiel
(e.g. classified, pilferable, shelf life, consumables, depot level repairables (DLR), SASS, PUK,
etc.) which must be stowed separately in allocating available stowage space, and the volume of
stowage space needed for the required quantities in each category.
406 Care of Supply in Storage (COSIS).
1. General. The purpose of an active COSIS program is to ensure materiel in storage will be
preserved and maintained in a serviceable and RFI condition. It is important to practice COSIS
principles to ensure materiel readiness. This is accomplished by following guidelines listed in
subparagraphs 1a. through 1c.
a. During inventories and location audits, inspect materiel condition. When unsatisfactory
items are identified, it must be inspected further to determine if the asset is in RFI condition.
b. Continuously inspect and take action to correct any forms of packaging deterioration.
Warehouse personnel will visually inspect packaging for tears or holes in barrier materiel,
materiel crushing cardboard boxes stowed below it, or for exposed nails or screws in wood crates
or boxes. These inspections are to include materiel located in SASS or PUK containers.
c. For identified unsatisfactory packaging, but the asset is RFI, refer to P-700 and the
Common Naval Packaging (CNP) Website https://tarp.navsisa.navy.mil/p700 for repackaging
guidance for repairable components. If the repairable asset requires test and check, induct the
asset at the intermediate maintenance level (I-Level) as a shelf repair.
2. When requirements exceed local capability to repackage identified packaging discrepancies,
the site may request assistance from the NAVSUP COSIS team. Packaging requirements for
materiel may be found at: https://tarp.navsup.navy.mil. Activities are responsible for
coordinating with COSIS for assistance, if necessary, to comply with preservation and storage of
materiel as per P-700 and CNP. Follow subparagraphs 2a and 2b for action required when
requesting assistance from the COSIS team.
a. Contact the respective Technical Assistance for Repairable Processing (TARP) Program
representative to request COSIS assistance.
b. Sites must order packaging materiel and stage it prior to the arrival of the COSIS team.
407 Test Bench Installations (TBI) and Maintenance Assist Modules (MAM).
1. General. Maintenance technicians will use MAMs in equipment as an aid in detecting faults
within equipment under repair and TBIs in a similar process by validating if a weapon
replaceable assembly (WRA) component used on the test bench is operating as it would within
the aircraft.
6 Apr 2021
2. Description. A MAM is a replaceable assembly or module used to assist in isolation of faults
within an avionics system and test set ambiguity group by judicious substitution or to enable
continuous end-to-end testing within a test program set (TPS). A MAM is interchangeable with
an installed unit by ordinary modular replacement without structural disassembly, alteration,
modification, or related repairs to any portion of the equipment. A TBI is a selected aircraft
assembly or group of assemblies, usually a WRA, used by the maintenance technician to verify
test bench harnesses, test sets, or test consoles or test bench functionality.
a. A MAM will not remain installed in a WRA once the WRA is RFI, as the intended
purpose of a MAM is to trouble shoot and isolate defective modules or subassemblies.
b. A TBI simulates an aircraft system, assembly, or component of the end article to assist
and accomplish all necessary maintenance and test procedures pertaining to WRAs inducted to
the Fleet Readiness Center – Intermediate (FRC - I) or Aviation Intermediate Maintenance
Department (AIMD) for repair. A TBI is interchangeable with an installed aircraft unit by
ordinary replacement without structural disassembly, alteration, or modification.
3. Inventory Records. MAM and TBI assets are off record assets from the supply department
fixed allowance financial inventory records. Therefore, MAM and TBI assets require manual
accounting and control as per NAVSUPWSSINST 4790.4C.
a. The supply or ASD officer will maintain up-to-date off-line records for all authorized
TBI and MAM assets. Navy ERP or NALCOMIS will not track or account for MAM or TBI
assets. The MAM and TBI coordinator in ASD will maintain a master list of all MAM and TBI
assets held on sub-custody by I-Level work centers. Each asset will also have an SF 306 custody
card with signatures updated following each inventory or when the responsible individual in the
work center transfers or is replaced as the custodian.
b. MAM and TBI assets will be under the permanent custody of the supply or ASD officer,
with sub-custody to FRC-I or AIMD officer.
c. The MAM and TBI coordinator, and the designated FRC-I or AIMD custodians will
maintain an accurate record of the inventory.
d. OCONUS FRC-I or AIMD sites will investigate MAM or TBI shortages and coordinate
replacement of assets with ASD to determine if items are on hand, on order, or lost. The
requisitioning of replacement MAM or TBI assets will follow the procedures specified in
subparagraph 5b.
4. Inventory Management Responsibilities.
a. The supply department must maintain accurate offline records of MAM and TBI assets at
all times to ensure prudent management of the financial investment represented by these assets.
b. Sites are to coordinate with CNAP N414 for disposal of MAM or TBI assets as excess or
are no longer required due to the elimination of test equipment or bench.
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c. The supply or ASD officer must designate in writing the MAM and TBI coordinator.
d. The primary responsibility of the MAM and TBI coordinator is to maintain the
accountability of assets held on sub-custody by maintenance shops. This is accomplished by
conducting joint reconciliations and inventories with the designated custodians from FRC-I or
AIMD at least semi-annually or when changes occur as listed in subparagraphs 4d(1) through
(1) Change of FRC-I or AIMD maintenance officer or OIC.
(2) Change of ASD MAM and TBI coordinator.
(3) Change of supply or ASD officer.
Note. The ASD coordinator may adjust the semi-annual inventory plus or minus by up to 60
days in order to combine the semi-annual requirement with the personnel changes in
subparagraphs 4d(1) through 4d(3).
e. The ASD MAM or TBI coordinator will forward a report detailing the total asset count
and inventory results to the supply or ASD officer and FRC-I or AIMD maintenance officer for
f. Inventory discrepancies noted during the semi-annual joint inventory and reconciliation
must be documented and forwarded to the supply or ASD officer via the FRC-I or AIMD officer.
Actions to correct discrepancies are in subparagraphs 4f(1) through 4f(3).
(1) Complete research to resolve inventory discrepancies within 10 working days. The
FRC-I or AIMD maintenance officer must approve surveys, with supporting documentation,
within 30 days of the date of research completion.
(2) The ASD and I-level coordinators must annotate the reason for quantity difference
between the currently completed inventory and the first previous inventory on the report routed
for supply officer and FRC-I or AIMD maintenance officer’s signature. Supporting
documentation may include material turned into stores (MTIS) paperwork or approved surveys
for quantity decreases. MTIS procedures are detailed in chapter 7, paragraph 718.
(3) The retention of inventory results and documentation is 10 years as per FIAR
g. Supply or ASD will provide locally developed MAM and TBI inventory worksheets to
applicable work centers for required inventories.
h. An inventory team consisting of the designated FRC-I or AIMD custodian and ASD
representative will jointly inventory all MAM and TBI components.
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(1) Both inventory team members will print name, sign, print legible name, and date each
inventory sheets.
(2) Inventory work sheets must contain, at a minimum, nomenclature, part number, serial
number, work center, location, FRC-I or AIMD designated custodian, the date of inventory and
discrepancies found (excess & shortages).
i. The FRC-I or AIMD officer will investigate and reconcile all gains by inventory (GBI)
and losses by inventory (LBI). Custodians will generate surveys accordingly.
(1) All surveys must be initiated by the designated FRC-I or AIMD custodian and routed
to the supply or ASD officer via FRC-I or AIMD maintenance officer or OIC. The FRC-I or
AIMD maintenance officer must approve surveys, with supporting documentation within 30 days
following completion of research. Retention of surveys is 10 years.
(2) Forward surveys and inventory sheets to the supply or ASD officer for reconciliation
and retention. The ASD coordinator will retain all inventories.
j. Work centers will coordinate the turn-in of MAM or TBI components that are no longer
required with the ASD MAM and TBI coordinator.
k. The ASD MAM & TBI coordinator will:
(1) Notify CNAP N414 of the excess MAM or TBI asset and request disposition
instructions. CNAP N414 will contact the NAVSUP WSS item manager (IM) for disposition
(2) Process the offload of MAM and TBI assets according to guidance received from
CNAP N414. When directed to offload into the supply system, the assets are in a ready for use
condition and offload the items as MTIS “F” condition.
(3) Offload documents are manually prepared and will show the disposition of MAM and
TBI components using DD Form1348-1. The ASD coordinator will retain offload documents for
a period of 10 years per DON directives.
(4) ASD will generate a replenishment requisitions upon completion of research,
approval of the survey, and ASD’s receipt of approved survey documents.
5. Requisitioning Procedures.
a. NAVSUP WSS will submit requisitions for initial outfitting requirements for “7R” Cog
MAM and TBI assets after the SHORCAL or AVCAL process is finalized.
(1) NAVSUP WSS will provide a list of recommended MAMs and TBIs applicable to
the site.
6 Apr 2021
(2) The ASD leadership will coordinate with maintenance activities to ensure all
requirements have been met and will then provide concurrence or recommend changes to the list.
(3) For depot level repairable components (DLR), initial outfitting requisitions submitted
by NAVSUP WSS will cite “5D” advice code, “QZ” fund code, demand code “N”, project code
(“ZL9” for MAMs and “ZC5” for TBIs), and a supplementary address (SUPPAD) of
“MAMXXX” for MAMs, and “TBIXXX” for TBIs.
(4) The initial outfitting requisitions for field level repairables (FLR) will cite the same
MILSTRIP codes in subparagraph 5a(3) except the activity will use the site’s OFC-50 fund code.
b. The site will use OFC-50 fund code for DLR and FLR replacement requisitions and will
cite applicable exchange or non-exchange (“5G” or “5A”) advice code, project code “ZL9” for
MAM components, and “ZC5” for TBI components. Comply with carcass turn-in procedures for
requisitions using advice code “5G”.
6 Apr 2021
500 Objective. The overall goal of the physical inventory program is to validate and improve
the accuracy of inventory control and asset information. Primary objectives of physical
inventory are to confirm inventory book balances in Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
equal the floor shelf on hand quantities to verify the location data is accurate. Secondary
objectives are consolidation of locations, purging of consumable excess stock, proper materiel
identification and packaging preservation as set forth in the Care of Supply in Storage (COSIS)
501 Physical Inventory Requirements.
1. General. Navy ERP is designed to keep a record of inventory in the ownership of a
Budget Submitting Office (BSO) identifying physical locations capable of holding Navy
Working Capital Fund-Supply Management (NWCF-SM) inventory. A plant code recorded in
Navy ERP is a four-character code beginning with the company code (“C” for NAVSUP/1782)
and the routing identifier code (RIC) of the activity in physical custody of the inventory. The
current physical inventory standards require navy activities ashore to conduct 100 percent
inventory annually for all Navy Working Capital Fund-Supply Management (NWCF-SM)
materiel. Activities will be responsible for scheduling and reporting annual inventories as per
standards listed in this chapter. NAVSUP BSO may release additional guidance or requirements
to meet the independent public auditor’s audit schedule that may require the completion of
annual inventory.
2. Annual Inventory Requirement. All materiel must be inventoried annually; therefore, all
items will not have a “last inventory date” posted in Navy ERP greater than 12 months.
3. Date Last Inventoried. Activities must run the Navy ERP stock list, validating the last
inventory date for all line items does not exceed 12 months. Use the transaction code “LX02”
each quarter to identify the date last inventoried, noting dates approaching or exceeding 12
months, for each item in stock.
4. Reporting Requirements. Activities are required to provide monthly and cumulative
inventory results to Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP) N415 as part of their end of
the month (EOM) reporting within 10 calendar days following the end of each month.
5. Inventory Validity Pulse Points. Physical inventory random samples will be taken during a
supply management inspection (SMI) and graded based on the validity of each materiel category.
The final results of these inventory scores are referred to as inventory pulse points and will be
factored into the overall score of the inspection. Refer to the SMI checklist, Appendix C, for the
respective weight and calculation of each inventory materiel category.
6. Record Pack-Up Kits (PUK) or Supplemental Aviation Spare Support (SASS) Inventory
Results in Navy ERP. PUK or SASS materiel is inventoried prior to and after the return of each
deployment with the accepting unit. The inventory team will consist of at least two members.
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The senior member of the inventory team will provide inventory results to the PUK manager
who will enter the inventory into Navy ERP. PUK or SASS inventories will not have a “last
inventory date” posted in Navy ERP greater than 12 months. Subparagraphs 5a through 5d
provide further guidance for inventory procedures for forward deployed units.
a. PUKs permanently staged forward deployed or in the possession of the holding entity
(ship or squadron), the holder of the PUK will perform a physical inventory of the materiel. The
results of the inventory will be forwarded to the home base PUK manager.
b. Each member of the inventory team conducting the inventory will annotate the quantity
on hand, provide transaction information for quantity differences, and will sign, legibly print
name, and date each inventory sheet.
c. The inventory manager will manually enter the inventory results in Navy ERP by
personnel at the plant to which the materiel belongs. The inventory manager will address
discrepancies or inventory adjustments with the PUK manager for research and reconciliation.
d. The retention period for these inventory sheets is 10 years per DON directives.
502 Scheduled Inventory.
1. General Guidance. Inventory managers must develop a schedule to establish which items to
prioritize by month, materiel categories and line items when considering the inventory workload
for the upcoming fiscal year (FY). It is recommended the site schedule approximately 10 percent
random monthly sample inventory out of total line items to minimize time and labor constraints.
a. Submit a copy of the annual inventory schedule for the new fiscal year to the site
advocate, CNAP N415, no later than 01 October. Activities will be promptly notified by CNAP
N415 if any adjustments to the inventory timeline are required, such as NAVSUP BSO releasing
requirements to meet an independent public auditor’s audit schedule
b. Conduct location audits as per the Location Audit Program (LAP) within 30 days prior to
any wall-to-wall or major inventory event. Use the LAP process to identify discrepancies, such
as misplaced materiel, items found in a warehouse location not listed in Navy ERP, erroneous
barcode labels, etc. Refer to paragraph 515 for details and guidance on the LAP and associated
c. The format in subparagraphs 1c(1) through 1c(3) must be used when conducting an
inventory or LAP.
(1) Inventory Category. This column will identify the type of materiel (e.g., repairables,
consumables, controlled, etc.) scheduled to be inventoried.
(2) Scheduled Inventory Line Items. This column will reflect the estimated number of
line items in the segment scheduled for inventory.
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(3) Inventory Preparation Date. At start of business on this date, inventory controls are
established and begin tracking in-process transactions.
d. The inventory manager will provide a copy of this schedule to the warehouse and control
2. Annual Inventory Schedule. Figure 5-1 denotes the categories of materiel the inventory
manager must include in the annual inventory schedule and the corresponding LAP and accuracy
goals. A wall-to-wall inventory will be conducted within 90 days if the actual inventory count
does not meet the inventory accuracy goal.
Unit price > $1,000 and all DLRs
All other materiel
Controlled inventory items (see section 3.1)
Figure 5-1
503 Unscheduled or Ad Hoc Inventories.
1. General Guidance. Activities can initiate unscheduled or ad hoc inventories using physical
inventory methods in Navy ERP to capture a snapshot of NIIN quantities as of a given date.
Complete unscheduled inventories within 15 calendar days from occurrence of a warehouse
refusal (WR) or requested special inventories by the warehouse or by Naval Supply Systems
Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS).
2. Spot Inventories of Warehouse Refusals (WR). A WR occurs when stock records indicate an
on-hand balance, but the warehouse person found an on-hand quantity of zero on the shelf at the
time of issue. Processing a WR will result in the referral of the requisition for consumable,
expeditious repair (EXREP) status for repairables, or adjustment of stock record on-hand balance
to zero. Warehouse personnel will conduct a spot inventory for all WRs. Warehouse personnel
will keep the supply application administrator (SAA) apprised of WR research and inventory
results. Additional requirements are provided in paragraph 511.
3. Special Inventories Requested by the Warehouse. Warehouse personnel will request special
inventories when a known or suspected imbalance exists between the recorded inventory within
Navy ERP compared with the physical on-hand balance, or when necessary to resolve a Supply
Discrepancy Report (SDR). Conduct a special inventory to resolve an in-house receipt loss, or a
location reconciliation discrepancy.
4. Special Inventories Requested by Owner. NAVSUP WSS may request a special inventory to
resolve a bounce back, a type of warehouse refusal. Bounce backs occur when the original
referral is returned to NAVSUP WSS because the item is not carried or the location is at zero on
a carried item. Initiate a special inventory request as required by NAVSUP WSS to resolve
6 Apr 2021
record or quantity mismatches resulting from location reconciliation. NAVSUP WSS may
request a special inventory on selected items when a known or suspected imbalance exists
between the recorded and actual on-hand balance. Refer to paragraph 513 for further guidance
concerning bounce back requisitions.
5. Controlled Inventory Items. Controlled inventory items have characteristics requiring
identification, accounted for, secured, segregated, or handled in a special manner to ensure their
safety or integrity. These items are identified with a controlled inventory item code (CIIC). The
controlled inventory items listed in subparagraphs 5a through 5d require a complete physical
inventory and therefore do not qualify for the random statistical sampling approach. Any
irreconcilable discrepancies noted during an inventory must be reported to the security manager
within 24 hours.
a. All classified (CIIC 7, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, O, S, T, and W) items must be
inventoried annually. Dual stock records (both manual and automated) must be reconciled
simultaneously after completion of the physical inventory. Any variance in quantities between
the manually maintained stock record card and the automated record requires further research
and resolution. Inventory accuracy goal is 100 percent.
b. All sensitive (CIIC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Q, and R) items must be inventoried annually.
Inventory accuracy goal is 100 percent.
c. All pilferable (CIIC I, J, M, N, P, V, W, X, Y, and Z) items must be inventoried annually.
Inventory accuracy goal is 100 percent.
d. All electronic key management system (EKMS) materiel is stowed separately under the
control of the EKMS manager and must be included in the annual inventory requirement.
Inventory accuracy goal is 100 percent.
6. Communication Security (COMSEC) Equipment. Management of COMSEC materiel must
be coordinated between the inventory manager (Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) or Aviation Supply
Department or Detachment (ASD)) and EKMS manager. A CIIC of “9” identifies EKMS
materiel. The EKMS manager maintains physical custody of the materiel; however, supply
maintains inventory accountability of the materiel in Navy ERP. Inventory managers will ensure
a monthly LAP and inventory count are conducted by the EKMS manager as the ASD or FLC
personnel are not permitted to physically handle COMSEC assets. The results of the LAP and
the inventory will be annotated and signed by the EKMS manager. The Navy Working Capital
Funds (NWCF) asset serial numbers must match the serial numbers tracked by the ASD EKMS
representative. The EKMS manager will perform the inventory and provide the count and serial
numbers to the ASD EKMS representative. The inventory manager and ASD EKMS
representative will retain the LAP and inventory results for 10 years per DON directives. The
inventory manager will post the inventory results in Navy ERP upon completion.
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504 Reporting Physical Inventory Results. Transactions affecting inventory balances or
inventory valuation (i.e. condition code changes) must be updated in Navy ERP within 24 hours
of the physical execution of the action unless otherwise directed. Inventory quantities exist at a
given date and are supported by appropriate detailed records which are summarized accurately
and reconciled to the inventory balance in Navy ERP. Promptly process adjustment transactions
in Navy ERP to reflect the shelf count. If a financial liability investigation of property loss or
gain (FLIPL DD Form 200) survey is required, the activity has 45 days to conduct causative
research and complete the survey. Refer to paragraph 514 for further guidance on FLIPL
505 Physical Count and Reconciliation Process.
1. Preliminary Inventory Controls.
a. Inventory managers must ensure the completion of preliminary inventory controls listed
in subparagraphs 1a(1) through 1a(4) in order to reduce the potential for inaccurate inventory
(1) Achieve location integrity by avoiding common storage deficiencies such as:
(a) Correcting materiel not stowed in the proper bins.
(b) Repackaging loose materiel.
(c) Restocking misidentified materiel in the proper location.
(d) Relocating items with multiple supply condition codes or stock numbers stored in
a single location into separate locations.
(e) Inadequately labeled shelf-life items (date of manufacture, assembly, pack or date
of expiration, inspection, test, as appropriate).
(f) Materiel lots stored in a single location.
(2) Posting of outstanding documents for receipts, adjustments, reversals, or any other
transactions prior to commencing the inventory.
(3) Clearing all Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System
(NALCOMIS) mailboxes and working all reports affecting inventory, e.g., the sub-custody
report, suspense report, NALCOMIS to Navy ERP reconciliation reports, NALCOMIS interface,
(4) Terminate or complete warehouse reorganization or relocation projects prior to
physical inventory.
b. Conduct preliminary walk-through to ensure physical storage conditions are suitable for
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initiating a physical inventory. Actions must be taken on the items listed in subparagraphs 1b(1)
through 1b(5) as part of the walk-through inspection.
(1) Correction of any unsafe conditions or other housekeeping shortfalls hindering the
inventory process.
(2) Properly label materiel with the correct national stock number (NSN).
(3) Maintain materiel and preserve in a serviceable condition as per the activity’s COSIS
(4) Segregate warehouse locations, place shelf labels and bar codes, as necessary.
(5) Warehouse personnel should consider rescheduling the inventory if any of the
conditions listed in subparagraphs 1b(1) through 1b(5) are not complete.
2. Initiating an Inventory in Navy ERP. Perform annual wall-to-wall (W2W) physical
inventory using Navy ERP WM procedures. Conduct a monthly 10% random statistical sample
inventory of the total population of items in storage to determine an activity’s variable line item
accuracy rate unless otherwise directed.
3. Physical Inventory Count Procedures. Navy ERP records used to conduct the annual W2W
physical inventory count sheets must be annotated denoting each line item was inspected. The
individual conducting the inventory must print name, sign and date each completed count sheet
as evidence of inspection. The site must coordinate with the warehouse custodians to resolve
any discrepancies between the inventory report quantities and the physical count.
a. Summarize first count results by national item identification number (NIIN) and
condition code, and match against quantities in Navy ERP.
b. After the completion of the first count, review and verify the quantity discrepancies
between physical count and Navy ERP. Note any discrepancies on the inventory count sheets to
determine if a second count is required.
4. Second Count Requirement. Second counts will not begin until first counts are completed
and verified against the quantities listed in Navy ERP. The warehouse custodian must research,
and compare pending transactions with warehouse record balances. Review pending or
outstanding transactions for any quantity discrepancies. Review the warehouse activity monitor
using Navy ERP transaction code LL01 for pending transactions.
5. Third Count Requirement.
a. Conduct a third count if the first and second counts do not match the Navy ERP quantity
of any NIIN, the potential adjustment exceeds an activity’s causative research threshold, or if the
item under inventory is sensitive or controlled. A third count must be verified by the inventory
supervisor if the first and second counts do not match.
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b. Summarize Second Count Quantities. Review pending transactions and modify counts as
required. Reconcile the item and complete the inventory if the modified second count quantity
matches the stock record quantity. The inventory team will consider an item as reconciled and
will complete the inventory if the reconciled third count quantity matches the stock record
c. Retention period for all completed and signed count sheets is 10 years per DON
506 Pre-Adjustment Research. Conduct pre-adjustment research prior to posting physical
inventory results. Obtain and review at least 90 days of transaction history to determine the
possible cause of the discrepancy. Focus on transactions with quantities close to the amount of
the potential gain or loss first; if that fails, search for partial amounts. Once the inventory
variance is verified, the adjustment must be posted. Conduct research as listed in subparagraphs
1 and 2 to conclude the proper adjustment required to finalize the inventory results.
1. Potential Losses. Potential losses could result from, but is not limited to, the discrepancies
listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1g.
a. Location deletions or changes.
b. Duplicate receipts (multiple records containing the same document identifier, document
number, transaction quantity, and supplementary address may be a duplicate receipt).
c. Gains since the last inventory.
d. Customer cancellations or under-issues. If the potential loss quantity is equal to the
transaction quantity, consult with the division processing customer cancellations or under-issues
to determine actual quantity issued to the customer.
e. Issue transactions not yet recorded on the transaction history to include issues and
DTO requisitions requiring back-fit action following NALCOMIS down time.
f. Condition or purpose code transfers and logistics transfers.
g. Outstanding unmatched carcass bills for investigation.
2. Potential Gains. Potential gains could result from, but is not limited to, the discrepancies
listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2e.
a. An in-process receipt or issue for the same quantity as the potential gain.
b. Losses since the last inventory.
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c. Incomplete disposal actions.
d. Condition or purpose code transfers and logistics transfers.
e. Supply record discrepancy.
507 Inventory Completion. The inventory event is complete once all processing of physical
inventory adjustments are recorded as necessary in Navy ERP and physical documents are filed,
as necessary.
1. Inventory Adjustments.
a. Immediately upon completion of post count validation and preliminary research, the
activity must process a physical inventory adjustment if the discrepancy between the physical
counts and Navy ERP record balance cannot be reconciled.
b. Process a gain or loss adjustments by line item to update Navy ERP quantitative balance
c. Navy ERP uses 700 series movement type codes when recording an inventory
adjustment. The most common movement types are listed in subparagraphs 1c(1) through 1c(4).
(1) 711 - loss by inventory from unrestricted stock.
(2) 717 - loss by inventory from restricted stock (blocked).
(3) 712 - gain by inventory from unrestricted stock.
(4) 718 - gain by inventory from restricted stock (blocked).
2. Inventory Adjustment Reversals. Navy ERP does not allow for reversals of erroneous
transactions. When the erroneous inventory adjustment occurred within 1 year, the inventory
manager can correct the discrepancy by processing an offsetting transaction. The inventory
manager may perform a corrective inventory adjustment within 1 calendar year of the original
adjustment date and the conditions meet the criteria in subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. The identification of the original adjustment transaction.
b. Supporting documentation to determine the actual cause of the discrepancy (e.g., physical
inventory count history, transaction history, source documents of erroneous transaction, etc.) is
available to support the conclusion that the physical inventory adjustment was in error.
6 Apr 2021
508 Reporting and Retention Requirements.
1. Record Retention. Consolidate all inventory and LAP reports including those documents
used in the causative research and resolution of discrepancies. Retain all documents for 10 years
per DON directives.
2. Reporting for Controlled Items. The inventory manager will report gains and losses of
controlled items to the security officer. Further investigation and completion of a DD Form 200
is required. If a DD Form 200 is required, refer to paragraph 514.
3. Reporting Suspected Theft. When suspecting theft during pre-adjustment research, notify
security personnel immediately. Report suspected theft of classified materiel in a unit situational
report (SITREP).
509 Causative Research.
1. The purpose of causative research is to identify, analyze and evaluate the causes of inventory
adjustments with the goal of eliminating the factors contributing the need for adjustments.
2. Causative research must be completed within 45 days of posting a physical inventory
adjustments to Navy ERP.
3. Inventory adjustments (gains and losses) for items listed in subparagraphs 3a through 3d
must undergo causative research.
a. Controlled materiel regardless of dollar value.
b. All repairables (FLR, AVDLR) regardless of dollar value.
c. Consumable materiel with extended money value (EMV) of $5,000 or above.
d. Activities may assign lower thresholds, if required.
4. Priority Sequence. Perform research of inventory adjustments required for causative research
in the sequence provided in subparagraphs 4a through 4d.
a. Controlled (sensitive and classified) items.
b. Pilferable items.
c. All repairables.
d. Consumables based upon dollar value, with the highest dollar value adjustments
researched first.
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510 Performing Causative Research.
1. Procedures.
a. Inventory personnel must check the items listed in subparagraphs 1a(1) through 1a(6)
during research:
(1) All supporting documentation (count cards, research listings, etc.) used in conducting
the physical inventory and causative research.
(2) Catalog change actions (e.g., unit of issue, NSN changes).
(3) Receipt and issue discrepancies.
(4) Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR).
(5) Not posted, rejected, or duplicate documents.
(6) Mismatched reports from other data bases (e.g. NALCOMIS to Navy ERP
reconciliation reports).
b. Inventory personnel performing causative research must verify a separate inventory count
is not in progress (e.g. a spot inventory resulting from a WR). Complete any ongoing
unscheduled inventories simultaneously with the existing inventory. Failure to do so can result
in duplicate workload for the warehouse and create erroneous adjustments.
2. Results of Causative Research.
a. If the causative research found the adjustment resulted from a process error such as
transactions not posted, duplicate transactions, erroneous quantities posted, etc., the original
inventory adjustment must be corrected (reversed) by an offsetting transaction. This correction
adjustment can only occur within 1 calendar year of the original adjustment. See paragraph 507
in this chapter for further guidance.
b. If the results of causative research found the adjustment was due to theft or the possibility
of theft, prepare a DD Form 200 immediately and commence an investigation.
c. If loss of radioactive materiel occurs, notify COMNAVAIRPAC N415 and prepare a DD
Form 200.
3. Causative Research Checklist or Worksheet. Individual activities may generate a local form
to document all causative research. Figure 5-2 is a sample worksheet.
6 Apr 2021
Causative Research Checklist Form
Adj Qty
Adj Date
Sec Code/CIIC
Extended Monetary Value (EMV) of Adj.
Transaction history
Product Quality Deficiency Reports (PQDRs)
Count sheets, if available
Exception reports/failed IDOC listing
Receipt and issue documentation
Change notice actions
Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs)
Other research listings: _____________________________________________________
Research areas:
Erroneous/missing/duplicate receipt/issue
Location adds and deletes
Receipt shortages (SDR completed)
After-Hours Issues/Issues on Request (IORs)
not posted
Exceptions/Failed IDOCs deleted/closed
On-hand balance prior
Physical count qty / UoM:
Gain/Loss qty / UoM:
On-hand balance after
Erroneous/previous inventory adjustments
Change notice actions
Condition code/Batch transfers
Transfers (cog-to-cog, bin-to-bin, Plant-toPlant, etc.)
Adjustment /UoM: ___________________
Adjustment /UoM:
Document number of adj.: _________________________________
Inv Cat (Spot/Warehouse Refusal/Scheduled/Sampling): _______________________
Resolved discrepancy? (Y/N)
(If no, complete DD Form 200 where required in NAVSUP P-723)
Explanation/description of the nature of the discrepancy, including special circumstances:
Causative Research POC:
Causative Research Approval:
Figure 5-2
6 Apr 2021
4. Record Retention. The person conducting research will sign the causative research
documentation. File all documentation by fiscal year in NIIN sequence, and retain on file in the
FLC office for 10 years per DON directives. File documentation must consist of documents
listed in subparagraphs 4a through 4h.
a. A copy of the transaction history going back at least as far as the last valid inventory.
b. Copies of any documents not posted, rejected, or duplicate documents or transactions
discovered affecting the causative research decision.
c. Copies of count listings.
d. Copies of any completed DD Form 200.
e. Proof of taking corrective action, when necessary, including corrective action required of
other activity departments.
f. A summary sheet, summarizing research performed, causative research
recommendations, and personnel involved in the performance and review of the causative
g. Causative research checklist or worksheet.
h. Signatures of review or approval authority.
511 Warehouse Refusals (WR).
1. Background. Requisitions submitted or referred for nonexistent inventory will result in
warehouse refusals. A spot inventory is required for all WR regardless of dollar value of the
discrepancy. Warehouse personnel must conduct a preliminary physical search to confirm the
required materiel is not available prior to entering WR in the record. Complete the initial
reconciliation within 3 business days. Follow subparagraphs 1a through 1c for best business
a. All potential warehouse refusals require full causative research performed before
processing the refusal.
b. An active inventory program to include perpetual inventories must be in place to reduce
the number of partial or full WR that need to be processed.
c. When performing partial and total WR, use the appropriate reason for movement code
(0403 warehouse refusal).
6 Apr 2021
2. Processing.
a. The warehouse must conduct research on items listed in subparagraphs 2a(1) through
2a(7) when a WR occurs.
(1) Review transaction ledgers for new receipts, potentially erroneous adjustments,
duplicate transactions, etc.
(2) Check Navy ERP for new, deleted, or changed locations.
(3) Check for logistic reassignments or transfers, stock number changes (superseded or
substitute NIINs), or other catalog changes which might affect item identification or record
(4) Search receiving and warehouse areas for receipts not placed in recorded locations.
(5) Review for evidence of any changes to the identification or reclassification of the
materiel in question.
(6) WR posted on the NALCOMIS suspense listing is the responsibility of the ASD SAA
to coordinate with the warehouse and assist with resolution.
(7) Check the NALCOMIS detailed transledger for supply officer (SO) assets ready for
issue (RFI) recently cleared from the completed repair action (CRA) mailbox awaiting to be
stored in location by local repair cycle asset (LRCA) or FLC.
(a) In the case of a beyond capable maintenance (BCM) or RFI with incorrect
condition codes assigned, and prior to clearing the component from the CRA mailbox, document
control unit (DCU) must verify the condition code written on the RFI or BCM tag to ensure it
matches the condition code listed in the CRA mailbox.
(b) If a mismatch exists, DCU must coordinate with production control (PC) to
reverse the maintenance action form (MAF) control number (MCN) from the CRA mailbox and
correct the discrepancy on the MAF in NALCOMIS. After correcting the discrepancy, PC will
re-sign the MAF and place it in the CRA mailbox.
b. Upon completion of the research, the warehouse must determine if the materiel is
available for issue. If the materiel is not available for issue, process a WR transaction and
conduct a spot inventory.
512 Blocking Stock (Stock Category S or Q).
1. Purpose. The blocking of stock is performed by changing the stock category code of the
materiel in Navy ERP preventing the materiel from being locally issued or sourced to an external
customer. Materiel is transferred to or from the stock categories listed in figure 5-3 for various
reasons as defined in this paragraph.
6 Apr 2021
Stock Category
Available (unrestricted) stock
Stock in Quality Control
Blocked Stock
Figure 5-3
2. Stock category “S” blocks the materiel from Navy ERP sourcing for issue or delivery.
Warehouse personnel change the category to “S” to prevent sourcing or issuing erroneously.
Examples are provided in subparagraphs 2a through 2d.
a. Materiel damaged during put-away.
b. Materiel not found due to a warehouse refusal.
c. Materiel assigned to PUK or SASS.
d. ASD will block and unblock repairable stock in NALCOMIS as part of the carcass repair
and return process.
3. Stock category “Q” blocks the materiel from Navy ERP sourcing for quality assurance
purposes. Warehouse personnel categorize materiel as “Q” when involved with engineering
investigations (EI), SDR or PQDR. This may be done automatically due to materiel appearing
on the Defective Material Summary (DMS) file.
a. The activities are responsible for monitoring and downloading the DMS each month
using website https://my.navsup.navy.mil/.
b. The system will direct the materiel to storage type 010 “quality”, storage bin “quality”,
stock category “Q” when processing a receipt for materiel flagged as defective.
4. Activities have 15 days to perform inspections and take appropriate action.
513 Bounce Backs (Warehouse Refusals).
1. A bounce back occurs when Navy ERP shows materiel is available for issue and forwards a
requisition to the activity, but the activity shelf count indicate materiel is not available for issue
or the location has zero on hand quantity.
2. The warehouse will automatically generate a warehouse refusal and refer the requisition back
to Navy ERP. NAVSUP WSS may request assistance from the site to research the cause of
warehouse refusal. Subparagraphs 2a through 2e are general guidelines for processing a bounce
a. Upon determination the retail stock cannot fill the requisition, perform a site cancellation.
6 Apr 2021
b. The warehouse supervisor must ensure the materiel is not stored in another location.
c. Once the supervisor determines the materiel is not located within the warehouse or there
is not enough stock on hand, block the materiel by executing transaction goods movement (MvT
344). Block the materiel at the earliest opportunity to prevent additional referrals for that
d. Change the outbound delivery by executing transaction change outbound delivery
(VL02N) for either a partial refusal, total refusal, or site cancellation.
e. Generate a spot inventory to correct any inventory discrepancies.
514 Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL) Procedures (DD Form 200).
1. Use a FLIPL (DD Form 200) document financial liability to support adjusting the inventory
and accounting records to the stock on hand, to provide relief from property accountability or
responsibility, and to identify problem areas or trends for corrective actions. The site will
provide a completed DD Form 200 for inventory gains or losses as per CIIC codes and survey
criteria listed in figure 5-7 or for missing, lost or stolen inventory. The retention period is 10
years per DON directives.
2. A DD Form 200 must be used to report and account for the types of adjustments listed in
subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. An unresolved physical inventory adjustment meeting the causative research criteria.
b. An unresolved physical inventory adjustment when research has determined or suspected
theft, fraud or negligence.
3. Complete a DD Form 200 within 45 calendar days after the completion of causative research.
Warehouse or control division will file completed survey documents for stock materiel. ASD
will file completed end use survey documents for DTO materiel. Figure 5-4 outlines the
accountable billets and associated authority thresholds.
4. The accountable officer and approving authority for NAVSUP plants that hold NWCF-SM
inventory is the FLC commanding officer (CO). The FLC CO will delegate authority in writing
to the accountable property officers (APO) at each air station. The supply officers and deputies
are designated as APOs and are required to have an inventory accountable property officer letter
on file. A sample letter of designation is provided in NAVSUP P-723, Appendix I. All
documentation related to the authorizations and authorities must be retained for a period of 10
5. Accountable Officer. An individual appointed by proper authority with overall responsibility
to maintain accountability of materiel and financial records in connection with government
property, irrespective of whether the property is in their own possession for use or storage, or is
in the possession of others to whom it has been officially entrusted for use or care and
6 Apr 2021
safekeeping and may entail “financial liability” for failure to exercise their obligation. For
purposes of this policy, the accountable officer and approving authority may serve as the same
accountable billet.
6. Reviewing Authority.
a. Designated in writing by the approving authority to review blocks 1-11 of DD Form 200
and complete block 12.
b. After review, forward the DD Form 200 to the appointing authority.
Accountability Framework Thresholds
DD Form 200
Accountable Officer /
Approving Authority
Accountable Officer /
Approving Authority /
Appointing Authority
Echelon III / IV
Commander, OPFOR CO or
Civilian Equivalent
Command XO / ED / Ship
Supply Officer* or other
designated person of
appropriate authority
Appointing Authority
Dept Head / Detachment
Officer-In-Charge (OIC)
Regional Plant
Plant / Supply Officer* /
Afloat Stores Officer**
Inventory Accountable
Property Officer
(IAPO) / Supply
Officer / Reviewing
< $500,000
When the loss,
damage, destruction or
< $100,000 and there
is no evidence of
negligence or abuse
Pre-Adjustment /
Inventory Adjustments /
Causative Research
< $500,000
- Commanders have authority to
approve all inventory adjustment
gains regardless of dollar value
- OPFOR Commanders retain
unlimited inventory adjustment
authority for gains and losses
< $100,000
≤ $75,000
≤ $50,000
* Ashore and other Maritime platforms
Figure 5-4 Accountability Framework Thresholds
7. Appointing Authority. An individual designated in writing by the approving authority to
review DD Form 200 for accuracy and compliance with policy. The approving authority may act
6 Apr 2021
as the appointing authority. The appointing authority appoints financial liability officers, when
circumstances mandate, approves or disapproves the recommendations of the responsible officer,
reviewing authority, or financial liability officers; and recommends actions to the approving
authority. The appointing official is normally senior to the responsible officer, accountable
officer, and financial liability officer. The appointing authority completes Block 13 of DD Form
200 and provides final approval or disapproval when delegated to do so by the approving
authority only for adjustments less than $100,000 and where theft, fraud, or negligence is not
involved and the item is not sensitive, classified, or pilferable.
8. Approving Authority. Completes Block 14 of DD Form 200. This responsibility may be
delegated to the appointing authority.
a. Must have no direct accountability for the discrepant items.
b. May act as appointing authority or designate one in writing.
c. Makes the determination to either relieve involved individuals from responsibility or
accountability or approve assessment of financial liability.
d. Forwards all DD Forms 200 that demonstrate pecuniary liability caused by theft, fraud, or
negligence to the judge advocate or counsel for review before taking final action.
e. Once finalized, the approving authority forwards all DD Forms 200 to the causative
research POC for file.
9. Financial Liability Officer.
a. Designated in writing by the appointing authority to perform an investigation to assign
responsibility for gain, loss or damage when there are repetitive losses, evidence of fraud, theft
or negligence, large dollar value losses, etc. This person must be a commissioned or warrant
officer, enlisted E-7 through E- 9, a civilian GS-9 or above, or the appointing authority.
b. The financial liability officer does not review or approve the DD Form 200. The
financial liability officer’s findings must sustain or refute the statements made in block 9 and
block 10 and any affidavits or certificates that are part of the report.
c. The financial liability officer’s findings and recommendations are administrative and not
judicial; therefore, the reports are purely advisory. The financial liability officer’s opinions do not
constitute final determinations or legal judgments, and the recommendations are not binding on
the appointing authority and the approving authority.
d. The financial liability officer is responsible for the following:
(1) Reporting the results of the investigation (findings and recommendations) to the
appointing authority, using block 15 of DD Form 200 supporting recommendations only with
6 Apr 2021
(2) Reporting results of the investigation within 30 calendar days after completion of
causative research. If encountering delays that prevents the submission of the report within the 30
days, provide a written explanation for the delay to the approving authority.
(3) Exercising proper control over materiel recovered during the investigation, consulting
with the appointing authority, legal counsel, judge advocate or any other appropriate individual
or officer.
(4) Providing the individual(s) or activity involved with a copy of the DD Form 200 to
inform them of their rights when gross negligence or personal responsibility is established.
(5) The financial liability officer is relieved from duty upon completion of final actions.
10. Retention of Accountable Documentation.
a. Auditability of inventory adjustment decision is critical following the processing of
documents and data. Records in support of inventories and actions directly affecting inventories
must be readily available to provide an audit trail to facilitate future inventory reconciliations,
causative research, and DD Form 200.
b. All activities must retain the items listed in subparagraphs 11b(1) through 11b(5) for 10
years per DON directives.
(1) Source documents, which include only accountability change documents such as
receipts, issues, shipments, transfers and condition code changes.
(2) Physical inventory documentation, which includes inventory counts, adjustments and
reconciliation results.
(3) Causative research documentation and findings including back-up documentation
directly pertaining to an individual physical inventory adjustment that was resolved or remains
unresolved. Retain for 10 years per DON directives.
(4) DD Form 200 to substantiate all unresolved physical inventory adjustments equal to
or greater than causative research threshold.
(5) Any document or handwritten note that will clearly explain why a decision was made
to another researcher or to an auditor.
Note. Activities with FACET will scan all DD Form 200 into FACET and upload into the
document automation content services (DACS) under the survey (DD Form 200) folder.
Activities without the FACET system at their disposal must utilize a hard copy filing system.
11. DD Form 200 Preparation. Figure 5-5 outlines preparation for filling out a DD Form 200.
Figure 5-6 is an example of a completed end use survey document.
6 Apr 2021
Date Initiated
Enter investigation number, when applicable.
Date Discovered
Enter NSN, NIIN, manufacturer’s part number or other identification number.
Item Description
Enter item’s nomenclature, serial and model numbers and security code. Describe item if
Enter number of units and unit of issue (i.e. 2 dozen).
Unit Cost
Unit cost using standard price.
Total Cost
Enter dollar amount (multiply Block 6 by Block 7). This is extended value.
Check relevant Block (add “gain” when applicable). Enter complete statement of facts, including
date/place of incident, name, and grade of person(s) involved. The statement must answer who,
what, when, where, and how. Identify any helpful data (i.e., transaction or contract numbers and
identify as exhibit 1, exhibit 2, etc.).
Enter recommendations to correct situation and prevent future occurrences. Include financial
liability officer’s suggestions when one has been appointed.
Enter name, address, phone, signature/date signed of person who conducted causative research.
(This person completed Blocks 1 through 10.).
Enter name, address, phone, signature/date signed of person who reviewed Blocks 1-11. When
authorized, and there is no suspicion of theft, fraud, or negligence, or the item is not sensitive,
classified, or pilferable, may be final approval for adjustments that are less than $50,000.
Enter name, address, phone, Signature/date signed. When authorized, and there is no suspicion
of theft, fraud, or negligence, or the item is not sensitive, classified, or pilferable, may be final
approval for adjustments that are less than $100,000.
Enter name, address, phone, signature/date signed. Must sign all DD Forms 200 when there is
suspicion of theft, fraud, or negligence; or the item is sensitive, classified, or pilferable; or the
adjustment is $100,000 or greater. Otherwise, the Approval Authority may be Delegated to
the Appointing Authority.
Enter findings and recommendations only when evidence of fraud, theft, or negligence is
Dollar Value
Use standard price of item to determine amount of loss (complete only when evidence of Fraud,
theft, or negligence is Obtained).
To be completed by supervisor or individual charged when individual charged, when
Monthly Basic
Financial Liability To be completed by Financial Liability Officer, when appropriate.
To be completed by Financial Liability Officer, when appropriate.
Enter name, address, phone, signature/date signed. Enter document number of adjusted
Completed form must be provided to the Causative Research identified in Block 11. All documentation will be retained for a
minimum of ten (10) years, as required per DON directives.
Figure 5-5 DD Form 200 Instructions for Preparation
6 Apr 2021
Figure 5-6 (front)
6 Apr 2021
Figure 5-6 (back)
6 Apr 2021
CIIC Codes and Survey Criteria
Survey Criteria
Highest Sensitivity (Cat I)
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
High Sensitivity (Cat II) Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
Moderate Sensitivity (Cat III) Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Low Sensitivity - (Cat IV) Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
Highest Sensitivity (Cat I) SECRET Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Highest Sensitivity (Cat I) CONFIDENTIAL Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
Demilitarization Code other than A,B or Q
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
$2500 or more
Highest Sensitivity (Cat II) CONFIDENTIAL Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI) - Unclassified but Controlled
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Confidential - formerly restricted data
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Confidential - restricted data
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Confidential – Cryptologic
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Secret – Cryptologic
Top Secret – Cryptologic
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Secret - formerly restricted data
Secret - restricted data
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Aircraft Engine Equipment and Parts
$2500 or more
$750 or more
Top Secret - formerly restricted data
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Top Secret - restricted data
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Hand tools and Shop Equipment
$750 or more
Firearm piece parts and non-lethal firearm end items
Naval Nuclear Propulsion information
$2500 or more
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Ammunition and Explosives
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Drugs or Substances Schedule Symbol III, IV, or V of Controlled Substance Act of 1970
Precious Metals, Drugs or Substances Schedule Symbol I or II of Controlled Substance Act of
Top Secret
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Individual Clothing and Equipment
$5000 or more
$750 or more
Air Force Nuclear Weapons Security Program
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
Photographic Equipment and Supplies
$750 or more
Communication/Electronic Parts and Equipment
Vehicular Equipment and Parts
$2500 or more
$2500 or more
Figure 5-7
All discrepancies, regardless of dollar value
6 Apr 2021
515 Location Audit Program (LAP).
1. Background. An effective LAP is a vital part in maintaining a high level of inventory
integrity. Conduct LAPs for all locations at least once every quarter for AVDLRs and FLRs, and
once every fiscal year for consumable stock items. Activities must develop an annual LAP plan
and update the plan whenever a warehouse undergoes a 100% audit because of failing a sample
LAP. A 100% physical inventory of a warehouse satisfies the LAP requirement for that area.
Navy ERP does not contain LAP functionality and activities must establish offline procedures.
a. Conduct location audits within 30 days prior to any wall-to-wall or major inventory.
b. Locations permanently reserved for items with special configurations or other unique
item requirements found unoccupied during the LAP must be verified as required, but will be
excluded when determining errors.
c. Suspend reorganization of the warehouse and limit materiel movement in the area under
audit. Any essential movement of materiel must be coordinated with the location audit
personnel. A LAP conducted resulting from reorganizing projects may satisfy the annual audit
requirement for the area audited.
d. Correct LAP discrepancies within 10 business days after completion of the audit.
e. If a warehouse or storage type fails to meet the required accuracy rate, conduct a 100%
location audit of the warehouse or storage section involved within 90 days.
2. LAP Preparation.
a. The proper sequence of performing a LAP requires the validation of assets in storage
locations in order to detect assets stored in unrecorded locations.
b. In preparation for the LAP, inventory personnel at the activity must take action to the
items listed in subparagraphs 2b(1) and 2b(2).
(1) Develop an annual plan for LAPs ensuring the audit of all locations subject to sample
audit, during the fiscal year.
(2) Prepare a schedule, which identifies the start date and completion date of the LAP by
3. Offline procedures for conducting location reconciliations. Most activities use transaction
code “LX02” or “LX03” to print a range of locations to conduct reconciliations. The pace to
complete location audits are not as urgent as physical inventory counts because there is no
requirement to block stock.
6 Apr 2021
4. LAP Errors. There are two types of LAP errors. They are defined as listed in subparagraphs
4a(1) and 4a(2).
a. Location Deleted. The removal or change of a location but there are no physical assets on
hand, unless the reservation of the location is held for new receipts or for materiel requiring
consolidation and size consideration.
b. Location Established. The recording of locations when assets are physically found in
storage and no location exists in Navy ERP.
5. Reporting Requirements. Activities are required to provide monthly and cumulative LAP
data to CNAP N415 as part of their EOM reporting within 10 calendar days following the end of
each month.
516 Perpetual Inventory. Perpetual inventory is a method of inventory management where
warehouse personnel perform an inventory count of materiel while making real-time transactions
of receiving or issuing stock materiel. Warehouse personnel can improve overall inventory
accuracy by using perpetual inventory best practices. Actions listed in subparagraphs 1 through
7 must be accomplished.
1. Every time an inventory asset is touched (e.g. receipts, issuances, location changes), count
the affected NIIN by condition code in that location. The site may conduct a weekly spot
inventory for those specific inventory assets with transaction during the course of the week to
reduce the workload.
2. Annotate key supporting documents (KSD) with inventory quantity count recorded and date
of inventory performed at the time of physical movement. Sign, date and print or stamp the
name of the materiel handler on the receipt or issue document. If performing weekly spot
inventories, follow the unscheduled or ad hoc inventory procedures in paragraph 503.
3. Reconcile and verify inventory count to Navy ERP. Perform preliminary research if there
are any discrepancies.
4. Forward all supporting documentation to the appropriate personnel to enter and adjust the
inventory balance as required.
5. Perform causative research as per procedures listed in paragraph 509 after posting all
inventory adjustments to Navy ERP.
6. Count perpetual inventories toward annual physical inventory requirements.
7. Retain all completed and signed count sheets for 10 years per DON directives including
annotation of correct counts and gain or loss updates to Navy ERP.
6 Apr 2021
600 Objective. To summarize the various procurement policies, procedures, management tools,
recommended supervisory audits, and performance indicators essential in managing the working
capital fund and end-use procurement function.
601 Procurement. Procurement is the act of obtaining materiel and services required to support
daily operations. This is accomplished by requisitioning from various sources such as Navy or
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) sources, from other government activities, or purchasing from
commercial sources using assigned mediums i.e. the government commercial purchase card
(GCPC), military standard requisitioning and issue procedures (MILSTRIP), or contracting
services. Procurement procedures involves the preparation of documents, the input of
procurement information and line of accounting, and the review and processing for release of
requisitions into the Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
602 Policies. Effective procurement management requires taking action and management
outlined in subparagraphs 1 through 7.
1. Procure authorized stock allowances promptly to fill allowances at the retail site to
immediately satisfy customer requirements necessary to accomplish the activity’s mission.
2. Obtain authorized services, as necessary, to support the activity’s mission.
3. Only required materiel and services will remain on order. Pursue cancellation of materiel
the requisitioner does not require to satisfy stock deficiencies or customer requirements.
4. Use appropriate funding for procurement actions and remain within the limits of budget
5. Strict observance of assignment of force activity designator (FAD) and urgency of need
(UND) when initiating procurement action.
6. Process and report procurement actions via appropriate means.
7. Post procurement actions in Navy ERP and ensure they are reflected in the Standard
Accounting, Budgeting and Reporting System (SABRS) promptly and accurately, ensuring the
recording of obligations within 10 days per Financial Management Regulation DoD 7000.14-R
volume 3.
603 Responsibilities. The supply officer and aviation supply department or detachment (ASD)
director have overall responsibility for the procurement functions to include procedures,
practices, reports, Navy ERP database accuracy, and coordination of procurement efforts
between user activities, ASD and Fleet Logisitics Center (FLC) personnel. The supply officer
and ASD director may receive assistance from the control division officer or supervisor in
performance of the procurement tasks and responsibilities as listed in subparagraphs 1 through 7.
6 Apr 2021
1. Coordinating and ensuring consumable stock levels have stock replenishments as per
recommendations provided by the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon
Systems Support (WSS) operational supply planning analyst (OSPA).
2. Ensuring all beyond capable maintenance (BCM) actions for fixed allowance repairables
have a corresponding valid replenishment action for stock deficiencies.
3. Ensuring the expeditious referral of aircraft maintenance direct turn over (DTO) MILSTRIP
into the supply system.
4. Ensuring the posting of open purchase transactions into applicable records. Refer to chapter
12 for further guidance on government commercial purchase card (GCPC) procurement.
5. Execution of stock and DTO dues management within issue response time (IRT) goals. Refer
to chapter 2 for further guidance IRT standards.
6. Ensuring responses to External Material Obligation Validations (MOV) and dormant account
review – quarterly (DAR-Q) inquiries within the prescribed timeframes. See paragraph 614 and
chapter 13 for further guidance on MOV and DAR-Q timeframes, respectively.
7. The ASD director is also responsible for local procurement actions as as described in
paragraph 604.
604 Local Procurement.
1. Ashore naval activities may locally initiate commercial procurement of materiel to satisfy
urgent requirements such as not mission capable-supply (NMCS), partial mission capable-supply
(PMCS) or work-stoppage in support of naval weapon systems. Refer to chapter 12 of this
manual for local procurement procedures using GCPC. Examples of types of materiel that may
be authorized through local procurement action are in subparagraphs 1a through 1d.
a. Standard Stock Materiel. This materiel has an assigned materiel number (national stock
number (NSN) or navy item control number (NICN)), and is managed by an integrated materiel
manager (IMM) within NAVSUP WSS, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and in some cases,
by other government sources including the Army or Air Force materiel management commands.
(1) Initial materiel procurement must be through the wholesale supply system or the item
manager prior to pursuing local procurement options. See paragraph 3 for further guidance.
(2) Navy managed weapon system critical items must be referred to NAVSUP WSS for
procurement assistance.
b. Non-Standard Materiel. This is materiel is identified by commercial and government
entity (CAGE) code and part number or reference number without an assigned materiel number
(NSN). When in receipt of an urgent requirement (NMCS/PMCS) for non-navy managed
6 Apr 2021
materiel assigned NSN, local activities must first attempt to fill it the requirement through the
use of established supply requisitioning procedures.
(1) If the item is not available in the supply system and local procurement is considered,
the item must be screened to determine if the item is identified as weapon system critical.
(2) If the item is determined to have critical safety or critical application characteristics,
the requirement must be forwarded to the IMM for support, along with any vendors who have
materiel available for procurement.
(3) Non-navy managed materiel not identified as weapon system critical is authorized for
local procurement as per NAVSUPINST 4200.99C.
(4) There is currently no mechanized capability to determine item criticality on nonstandard materiel; therefore, all urgent aviation non-standard weapon system requirements must
be considered critical and forwarded to NAVSUP WSS for support. NAVSUP WSS may grant
local purchase authority in writing if criteria listed in subparagraphs 1b(4)(a) and 1b(4)(b) are
(a) The item is available from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), design
control agent or previously approved supplier.
(b) The item can be certified that all technical requirements are met by an appropriate
U.S. Navy representative.
(5) The Joint Deficiency Reporting System (JDRS) may also be a useful source for CIM
c. Critical Application Item (CAI). An item identified by the military services as essential
to weapon system performance or operation, or the preservation of life or safety of personnel and
equipment. See paragraph 2 for further guidance.
d. Critical Safety Item (CSI). A part, assembly, installation or production system with one
or more critical safety characteristics, that if missing or not conforming to the design data,
quality requirements, or maintenance documentation, would result in an unsafe condition.
Unsafe conditions are potentially causing loss or serious damage to the end item or major
components, loss of control, uncommanded engine shutdown or serious injury or death to
personnel. Unsafe conditions are further discussed in hazard severity categories I and II of MILSTD-882, System Safety Requirements. CSIs are subsets of CAIs and include items determined
to be “life-limited,” “fracture critical,” “fatigue-sensitive,” etc. The determining factor in CSI
classification is the consequence of failure not the probability the failure or consequence would
occur. See paragraph 2 for further guidance.
2. As a policy, CSI and CAI items are not procured locally due to the technical qualifications
required to be met prior to installation. When materiel is found with a vendor, contact the
appropriate item manager to arrange procurement via authorized processes. CSI and CAI items,
6 Apr 2021
standard and nonstandard, procured in support of operational weapon systems must qualify for
procurement as listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2d.
a. Must meet the technical requirements established by the basic design engineer.
b. Tested and inspected per the quality assurance requirements cited in the technical
c. Properly packaged and transported.
d. Procured from approved suppliers.
3. All standard items managed by the Navy are considered critical (CSI or CAI) in terms of
safety, weapon system performance, configuration integrity and interoperability. This
designation is updated by NAVSUP WSS unless otherwise authorized by the IMM. The
cognizance codes (Cog) managed by NAVSUP WSS-Philadelpia (P) include: 0Q, 0R, 1R, 4R,
4Z, 5R, 6K, 6R, 7R, 8N, 0I and1I.
4. Standard weapon system criticality for items managed by the DLA is determined by accessing
FedMall via the website at https://www.fedmall.mil/index.html. User registration is required for
access to this site. Use FedMall in executing the steps listed in subparagraphs 4a through 4c.
a. Under the general NSN inquiry, search for the critical item code (CIC).
b. If the CIC code is “Y,” the item is determined to have critical application and is essential
to the preservation of life in an emergency or essential to weapon system performance. DLA
managed materiel determined to have critical application may not be locally purchased without
specific written approval from the DLA IMM.
c. Standard DLA managed weapon system materiel includes the following Cogs: 3B, 3C,
3N, 9B, 9C, 9N, 3Z, 9D, 9L, 9M, 9Z, 3G and 9G. All other 9 COGs, except 9Q and 9X have
migrated to 9B.
5. Consumable support materiel managed by other DoD activities (e.g. Army, Air Force) is
considered critical and will be provided by the IMM unless specific grants authority to procure
locally in writing.
605 Initial Outfitting Allowance Procurements.
1. Navy Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Aircraft Procurment, Navy (APN) Funds.
NAVSUP WSS manages and oversees the execution of the APN-6 Aircraft Spares and Repair
Parts appropriation. Requisitions for approved fixed allowance stock range and depth increases
are centrally funded by APN-6. Control division must verify the processing of initial outfitting
requisitions with NAVSUP WSS for all range additions and depth increases. These initial
outfitting requirements will cite NAVSUP WSS APN-6 central fund code (QZ) for repairables
(i.e. Cog “7R”). Activities must submit allowance change requests (ACR) for all 7 Cog
6 Apr 2021
SHORCAL allowance range and depth increases to NAVSUP WSS online via
https://my.navsup.navy.mil/apps/ops$mailer.acr_standard_form with a carbon copy (CC) to
Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP) N414. Chapter 4, paragraph 403 provides details
on ACR submission.
2. Control division will contact NAVSUP WSS N411 when re-ordering stock due requisitions
using APN-6 funds (“QZ” or “QU” fund code) if the orginal requisition receives cancellation
3. Initial issue test bench installation (TBI) items and aviation maintenance assist modules
(MAM) are procured using APN–6 funding. When requisitioning aviation depot level
repairables (AVDLR), depot level repairables (DLR) TBI and MAM components, ASD will use
a non-stock replenishment serial number series and fund code “QZ” to avoid erroneously posting
to on-hand stock balances in Navy ERP.
606 Stock Replenishment for Budget Project 28 (BP-28) Funded Non-Navy Managed Materiel.
1. Navy ERP operates in a single national inventory management concept. NAVSUP WSS
establishes Shore Consolidated Allowance List (SHORCAL) based on Aircraft Type Model
Series quantities and historical demand for non-Navy managed consumable stock materiel. NonNavy managed materiel allowances are funded by BP-28 within the Navy Working Captial Fund
(NWCF). The NAVSUP WSS OSPA is responsible for replenishment at naval shore activities.
Depending on the size of the ASD operation, the physical location of OSPAs can vary between
the actual shore site or NAVSUP WSS-P.
2. The OSPA will initiate replenishments of consumable demand based levels in coordination
with the local site planning representative (SPR). The OSPA may conduct manual replenishment
actions upon request from the SPR after appropriate action to delete or correct erroneous stock
dues or to avoid not in stock situations for high demand warehouse consumables. The OSPA is
overall responsible for replenishment management within Navy ERP.
3. Replenishment recommendations are provided through a designated Navy ERP functionality
referred to as the schedule board. It is recommended that the schedule board be run at least twice
weekly by the OSPA (or as frequently as necessary to maintain consumable range and depth at
optimum levels to support flight line requirements). Annotated copies of schedule board, i.e. the
reorder review listings containing the BP-28 replenishment recommendations, must be retained
for 3 months by the SPR.
4. The composition of an MSL may only be fixed allowance quantity, demand based quantity,
or a combination of both. The materiel is elegible for replenishment when the on hand (OH)
quantity is equal to or less than the established reorder point (ROP), or when the OH quantity
plus outstanding stock dues fall below the ROP. If erroneous stock dues are blocking
replenishment, the SPR should verify stock dues and take appropriate corrective action.
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607 Stock Replenishment for Budget Project 34 (BP-34) Funded Materiel (1RM/1RW Cog).
1. The OSPA will conduct replenishment of NWCF BP-34 aviation consumable materiel using
automated action (ZRMIM0051) or manual procedures in Navy ERP. The OSPA provides the
BP-34 materiel replenishment recommendations to the SPR for review prior to entering the
replenishment actions in Navy ERP. Replenishment of BP-34 stock should be conducted as
frequently as necessary to meet range and depth goals to support customer requirements.
2. BP-28 and BP-34 stock replenishments will follow the general document flow as listed in
subparagraphs 2a through 2f.
a. The SPR receives an automated reorder candidate listing from the OSPA.
b. The SPR will review the replenishment candidate records and determine whether to concur
or reject the reorder quantity for each NSN listed.
c. The OSPA will accept or reject the SPR recommendations to adjust or delete an item
from the reorder listing or reduce the quantity replenished.
d. The OSPA will save the replenishment documents in Navy ERP and provide the
replenishment document numbers to the SPR.
e. The OSPA releases the documents into the system.
f. The SPR will retain annotated copies of reorder listings showing replenishment
recommendations. Retention period for the annotated listings is 3 months.
Note. The OSPA may conduct manual replenishment actions for both BP-28 and BP-34 stock
upon request from the SPR after appropriate action to delete or correct erroneous stock dues or to
avoid not in stock situations for high demand materiel.
608 Stock Replenishment for Budget Projects 81 and 85 (BP-81 and BP-85) Funded Materiel
(DLR and AVDLR – 7 Cog).
1. A replenishment document is generated in Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management
Information System (NALCOMIS) for the repairable component on a one-for-one basis, not to
exceed the authorized allowance. NALCOMIS will automatically generate a replenishment
requisition when a DLR or AVDLR is beyond capable maintenance (BCM). This occurs when
the component is a supply officer (SO) asset. Situations requiring manual stock replenishments
are listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1c.
a. Following the cancellation of a stock requisition.
b. Following the survey of a DLR or AVDLR.
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c. Following an issue due to a referral.
2. Repairable components as listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2c which may be ordered in
multiple quantities for stock replenishment.
a. Aircraft tires (FSC 2620).
b. Transducers and hydrophones (FSC 5845).
c. Radiac equipment (FSC 6665 and 6D Cog).
3. Materiel interchangeability or substitutability (I & S) relationships must be completely
verified and accurately reflected in the NALCOMIS and Navy ERP databases. Throroughly
research and correct all discrepancies between the NALCOMIS and Navy ERP databases prior to
any stock replenishment actions.
Note. Sites must ensure that existing stock deficiencies were not the result of erroneous supply
system cancellation of valid NAVSEA Other Procurement, Navy (OPN) or NAVAIR Aircraft
Procurement, Navy (APN-6) funded initial outfitting requisitions. If so, coordinate the resubmission of new initial outfitting requisitions citing OPN or APN-6 fund codes with CNAP
N414 and NAVSUP WSS allowancing.
609 Requisitioning Materiel for Direct Turn-Over (DTO). Procurement of DTO materiel is
initiated by an approved customer submitting a request via Optimized Organizational
Maintenance Activity (OOMA) or Optimized Intermediate Maintenance Activity (OIMA)
NALCOMIS or a signed requisition form (e.g. DD 1348, DD1348-1A, DD 1149, etc.) when
NALCOMIS is down. Aviation customers must use NALCOMIS when generating DTO
requisitions using aircraft operations maintenance (AOM) funds. ASD will ensure procedures
listed in subparagraphs 1 through 4 are used when processing DTO requisitions.
1. Each requisition document number (MILSDOC, UIC + Julian date + serial number) is unique
for each customer’s DTO requirement and must not be duplicated.
2. Upon receipt of DTO requisition at the FLC receiving section, the receiving clerk will post a
receipt in process (RIP) using Navy ERP scanners – T-codes “MIGO” or “ZM12”. This action
will change the NALCOMIS “LSC” (local status code) to “ROBS” (receipt on board) and release
a “DRA” DOCID. Perform receipt action in NALCOMIS to complete the requistion using the
actual customer receipt time annotated on the proof of delivery (POD) document. NALCOMIS
will update the LSC from "ROBS" to "COMPL” (complete).
3. The required materiel must be determined to be not in stock (NIS) or not carried (NC) before
referring a DTO requisition to the supply system via NALCOMIS to Navy ERP.
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4. No DTO requisition for AVDLR may be referred offstation prior to the BCM action of the
corresponding retrograde component, unless designated as an authorized remain in place (RIP)
component or have an approved delayed turn-in (DTI) request on file.
5. If DTO request is for inactive or NC materiel number (NSN), a NC materiel record is
established to record demand history in NALCOMIS and the technical research unit (TRU) must
validate the NSN is in Navy ERP prior to releasing the requisition. If the NSN is not in Navy
ERP, TRU may contact NAVSUP Global Distance Support Center (GDSC) or NAVSUP WSS
N41 for assistance in establishing the NSN in Navy ERP.
610 Hazardous Materiel (HAZMAT). HAZMAT is identified by special materiel content code
(SMCC) B, C, D, F, G, J, P, R, S, T, U, V, and W. Sites will not use BP-28 funds to purchase
and stock HAZMAT at a retail site. Aviation customers will utilize the local HAZMIN Center
for their HAZMAT requirements.
611 Pre-expended Materiel (PEB). Refer to chapter 11 for guidance on procuring PEB materiel.
612 Stock Due Requisition Management.
1. The control division will be responsible for monitoring and expediting delivery of stock due
materiel once the OSPA releases the consumable stock replenishment requisitions into the supply
2. The repairables managers within the control division or ASD, as assigned, will monitor and
expedite replenishment requisitions for AVDLR materiel.
3. Effective dues management requires constant review of all outstanding requisitions to
prevent conditions which detrimental to an effective materiel procurement process and resulting
in a low net and gross issue effectiveness. Procedures must be in place for correction of the
conditions listed in subparagraphs 3a through 3g.
a. Requisitions without status greater than 7 calendar days.
b. Requisitions with “BF” status. Verify that the follow up MILSTRIP was sent to the last
holding activity using One Touch Support (OTS).
c. Requisitions with status requiring research (e.g. BC, BG, CA, CE, CG, CH, CJ, CK, CL,
CP, CQ, CS, CV, CW, CX, CZ, and RF).
d. Requisitions with “BM” greater than 7 calendar days.
e. Requisitions with expired ESD or EDD.
f. Requisitions with “BA” status greater than 10 calendar days.
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g. Requisitions with “AS_” or “AB_” status greater than 30 calendar days for CONUS sites
and 90 days for OCONUS sites.
4. Control division must work closely with warehouse personnel to ensure that meteriel
received on board has been properly processed and posted to records and the requisition is
properly completed in Navy ERP.
613 Stock In Transit - NAVSUP WSS In-Transit Accountability (NITA).
1. NITA is a module within eRMS that provides real time in-transit visibility of materiel going
to and from an activity within the supply chain and assist with research and management of SIT
for repairable and consumable materiel. Five SIT follow-up actions in NITA are defined in
subparagraphs 1a through 1e.
a. Proof of shipments (POS) are open SIT documents in which the issuing Navy Working
Capital Funds-Supply Management (NWCF-SM) inventory custodian needs to provide accurate
shipping information.
b. Proof of deliveries (POD) are open SIT documents in which the freight agent needs to
provide accurate delivery information. For local delivery and bearer walkthroughs (when the
receiving NWCF-SM inventory custodian picks up the materiel directly from the issuing NWCFSM inventory custodian), the POD update is the responsibility of the issuing NWCF-SM
inventory custodian.
c. Proof of receipts (POR) are open SIT documents with valid POD information showing
that the component was delivered and signed for at the intended final destination.
d. On-hand acknowledgement (OHA) are open SIT documents in which the materiel was
physically delivered to a different custodian or plant than the intended final destination based on
the original SIT issue.
e. Action unit identification code (UIC) is the NWCF-SM inventory custodian that owes
action on an open SIT issue.
2. All NWCF-SM inventory custodian plants are required to obtain and maintain access to
eRMS and NITA to ensure proper execution of SIT responsibilities. To obtain information as to
how to gain access visit https://mynavsup.navy.mil/apps/ops$mynavsup.systems display?pid=13.
The reports obtained from NITA are used to manage and monitor all open SIT for NWCF-SM
inventory. The NWCF-SM inventory custodians are responsible for ensuring proper follow-up
actions are executed in the eRMS “NITA” module and correct receipt transactions are input into
the business logistics application (BLA) when applicable.
3. All NWCF-SM inventory custodian plants are required to pull reports weekly from the “SIT
Report/Workload” query in NITA and resolve SIT following the guidance in subparagraphs
3a(2) through 3a(5). The NWCF-SM inventory custodian must respond to inquiries received via
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phone calls or e-mails from Navy representatives researching the status of open SIT. The
NWCF-SM inventory custodian must respond within 1 business day after receipt of the inquiry.
a. NITA reports relevant to updating of SIT status are listed in subparagraphs 3a(1) through
(1) “SIT Report/Workload” document listing.
(a) The document listing provides the full listing of all open SIT documents requiring
(b) Weekly, the document listing should be printed, follow-up action annotated, and
reviewed. The person working the report and the supervisor must annotate the report with a
legible printed name, signature and date, ensuring appropriate follow-up actions have been taken.
Retention period for the document listing is 2 years. The follow up actions from the SIT report
are defined in subparagraphs 3a(2) through 3a(5).
1. POS – Proof of shipment.
2. POD – Proof of delivery.
3. POR – Proof of receipt.
4. OHA – On hand acknowledgment.
(c) The NWCF-SM inventory custodian issuing the NWCF-SM inventory that
opened SIT is responsible for both POS and POD for local delivery and bearer walkthrough.
(2) POS. The NWCF-SM inventory custodian must provide a response by updating
NITA for all documents requiring POS within 5 business days of the issue transaction being
posted in the BLA.
(a) Follow NITA desk guide to post valid POS information. Mandatory POS data for
all shipments is listed in subparagraphs 3a(2)1 through 3a(2)8.
1. Ship date.
2. Transportation control number or government bill of lading (TCN or GBL).
3. Shipper RIC.
4. Ship to UIC.
5. Mode of shipment (Mode).
6. Standard carrier alpha code (SCAC).
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7. Shipped quantity.
8. Tracking Number. The carrier tracking number is required for all shipments
that are not local delivery or bearer walkthrough.
(b) There is currently no field in NITA to enter the serial number; therefore, note the
serial number on the key supporting documents (KSD) which will aid in causative research.
(3) POD. The NWCF-SM inventory custodian issuing materiel for local delivery or
bearer walkthroughs must input POD in NITA within 5 business days of the materiel being
delivered. Follow NITA desk guide to post valid POD information. Mandatory POD data for all
shipments is the delivery date and the signature of person who signed for materiel.
(4) POR. The NWCF-SM inventory custodian must provide a response to all documents
requiring POR within 5 business days of the physical delivery of the materiel. The action
required is to post a receipt for the NWCF-SM inventory in Navy ERP or the BLA using the
same MILS document number as the issue. Follow NITA desk guide research steps as listed in
subparagraphs 3a(4)(a) through 3a(4)(d).
(a) Contact shipper and post POS.
(b) Contact shipping or transportation entity to obtain transit status.
(c) Examine internal receipts ensuring POD does not exist.
(d) If steps do not remediate, submit a HEAT ticket requesting further research.
(5) OHA. The NWCF-SM inventory custodian must provide a response to all documents
requiring OHA for all materiel within 5 business days of the physical delivery of the materiel.
(a) Response to resolve OHA SIT depends on the specific scenario.
(b) If working with NAVSUP WSS, the NWCF-SM inventory custodian determines
their activity was intended to be the final destination for the shipment, follow the steps listed in
the POR section to properly receipt for the materiel.
4. If the custodian is going to act as a freight forwarder and send the materiel on to another
location, follow the steps listed in the POS or POD section to enter accurate transportation data
in NITA.
5. The NWCF-SM inventory custodian must accurately report transactions (receipt and
shipment POS’ and PODs) by the end of the fifth business day after the occurrence of a
reportable event. Business days exclude federal holidays and weekends.
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6. If POS is posted and materiel is determined to be lost, losses must be posted within 30 days
of discovery in Navy ERP or the BLA. An SDR should be submitted per the DLM 4000.25,
volume 2, chapter 17.
7. Upon review of the “SIT Report/Workload”, if SIT transactions greater than 5 days are
identified, execute actions listed in subparagraphs 3a(2) through 3a(5) accordingly. Actions
include contacting shipper to ensure POS is posted, contacting shipping or transportation entity
to obtain transit status, examining internal receipts ensuring POD does not exist, and submitting
a HEAT ticket if no resolution identified.
a. For both outbound and inbound shipments, maintain appropriate KSDs (including
DD1348 and other appropriate shipping documentation to provide in-transit visibility) for 10
b. NAVSUP’s metric for identifying aged SIT is when SIT is open for greater than 120
days. If the loss is not processed within 120 days, a standard price bill will be issued to the
action UIC. Between 30-120 days, NAVSUP WSS and NWCF-SM inventory custodians should
be researching the root cause for lack of receipt or lack of POS or POD and NAVSUP WSS IOC
should be contacting the TYCOMs and RIAOs to research receipt status.
c. The SIT manager will brief the supply officer on transactions that are on the NITA SIT
report for over 60 days and the action being taken to resolve the error condition.
614 Cyclic (Quarterly) Material Obligation Validations (MOVs).
1. MOVs for repairable stock replenishment requisitions will follow the procedures provided in
chapter 2 of this manual for DTO requisiitons.
2. During the quarterly MOV process, each site will review the MOVs for consumable stock
replenishment requisitions using UIC N69117 and the ASD MOV coordinator will upload their
responses into OTS. Since NAVSUP WSS uses UIC N69117 for all consumable stock
replenishments, each site can determine which stock due requisitions are assigned to them by
identifying their UIC in the supplementary address on the MILSTRIP requisition.
615 Stock Due Requisition Status.
1. Maintaining correct and current requisition status in Navy ERP is an integral part of effective
stock due management. Requisition status can be monitored using the Open DTO and Stock
Replenishment report from Navy Data Platform (NDP (formerly known as InforM-21).
2. Requisition status can be categorized in the three types listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2c.
a. Supply Status
b. Shipment Status
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c. Acknowledgment Status
Note. Acknowledgment status may come in the form of supply or shipment status in response to
inquiries or requests from the requisitioning activity.
3. Supply Status. The media and status (M&S) code indicates the recipient of status and the
means of transmission. The supply status to the appropriate addressee(s) must be in compliance
with the time standards and according to priority designator (PD) listed in subparagraphs 3a
through 3c.
PD 01-08 Requisitions: Within 48 hours after receipt of the requisition or follow-up.
b. PD 09-15 Requisitions: Within 5 work days after receipt of the requisition or follow-up.
c. Material Obligations Released for Supply Action: Within 24 hours after release.
4. Shipment Status. When requested by the M&S code in a requisition, the supply source that
releases the requisitioned materiel for shipment must provide shipment status to the appropriate
addressee(s) within the time standards listed in in subparagraphs 4a through 4c.
a. PD 01-03 requisitions: Within 24 hours after materiel is released to the carrier or after
receipt of a follow-up.
b. PD 04-08 requisitions: Within 48 hours after materiel is released to the carrier or after
receipt of a follow-up.
c. PD 09-15 requisitions: Within 3 work days after materiel is released to the carrier or
after receipt of a follow-up.
5. A continuous review of requisition status in Navy ERP and NDP will ensure requisitions
remain active in the supply system. NAVSUP P-485 provides follow-up procedures.
616 Cancellation of Requisitions. Changing requirements may dictate the item is no longer
needed and the requisition should be canceled to free up funds for other more urgent uses.
Cancellation of requisitions may be initiated by the requisitioner, the supplementary addressee,
CNAP, Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL) or by authorized command elements. If
cancellations are initiated by other than the requisitioner, the responsibility for advising other
interested activities of this action is vested in the activity initiating the cancellation.
617 Outstanding DTO Requisitions with On Hand Quantity Report.
1. The NDP Open DTO Dues with Materiel On Hand report is for use by management to
determine whether to make a complete or partial issue from stock on requisitions for which a
DTO requirement is outstanding. The report produces a listing of DTO Dues with Materiel On
6 Apr 2021
2. Print the report at least weekly to screen for high priority DTO requisitions that can be
referred back to the plant for order fulfillment from newly received stock. The report can be
exported to Excel, sorted by NIIN or requisition sequence.
3. If the requisition cannot be referred back to the plant, management must determine whether
to have the customer submit a new DTO requisition and to cancel the currently outstanding DTO
requisition. Additional information to include the rescreen process is discussed in chapter 2 of
this manual.
618 Management Tools and Supervisory Reviews.
1. Successful procurement management requires the development and consistent application of
proper manual and automated procedures. Therefore, it is mandatory for supervisory and
management personnel execute a routine review and reinforcement of procedures.
2. Subparagraphs 2a through 2c list actions necessary for effective procurement management.
a. Monitor document and data entry to prevent document loss and erroneous input of data.
b. Perform the required supervisory reviews and initiate corrective action based on noted
c. Analyze procurement reports and requisition listings against standards and initiating
corrective actions, as necessary.
619 Failed Intermediate Document (IDOC) Records.
1. Failed IDOCs must be worked daily in requisition priority sequence. Failed IDOC records
must be cleared within 4 days unless a reason for not clearing is supported by a HEAT ticket or
other documentation showing appropriate local action. Submit a HEAT ticket via Navy 311.
2. Supervisory Review. The control division officer or supervisor must review failed IDOCs to
ensure required corrective action is taken within the timeframe for all failed IDOCs. The most
commonly cited failed IDOC codes must be analyzed to determine the cause and corrective
action to reduce future occurrances.
620 Supply Effectiveness.
1. The most effective way to maintain a high level of net and gross issue effectiveness is the
continued and aggressive expediting action taken by consumable and repairable control division
item managers. Subparagraphs 1a through 1e addresses how procurement processes and stock
due requisition maintenance can affect supply effectiveness.
a. The inefficient or untimely replenishment procedures will reduce the net effectiveness.
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b. The ineffective clearing of stock due requisition with overaged status will prevent the reordering of stock materiel when appropriate to perform a lost in shipment action or to cancel a
dead stock due requisition.
c. Improper utilization of off-line referral of DTO requirements when materiel is physically
in local stock, Navy ERP will record the DTO requisition as a not in stock (NIS) transaction and
lower the net and gross effectiveness.
d. Audits should be initiated and corrective actions taken, as required, to confirm the effects
of procurement processing on supply effectiveness.
e. Control division item managers must understand the critical contirubition for improving
net and gross issue effectiveness for consumables and repairables with an individual component
repair list (ICRL) code of “X1”. The primary method of ensuring this materiel is on hand at the
time required by the customer is thorough and aggressive expediting of stock due requisitions.
2. Where allowances do not support the frequency of consumable orders or the repair cycle
times and frequency of demand of repairables, allowance change requests should be submitted as
per chapter 4, paragraph 403.
621 DTO Dues Requisition Management.
1. Effective dues management requires constant review of all outstanding requisitions to ensure
valid status is reflected.
a. Requisitions without status greater than 7 calendar days.
b. Requisitions with “BF” status. Verify that the follow up MILSTRIP was sent to the last
holding activity using One Touch Support (OTS).
c. Requisitions with “BM” greater than 7 calendar days.
d. Requisitions with expired ESD or EDD.
e. Requisitions with “BA” status greater than 10 calendar days.
f. Requisitions with “AS_” status greater than 30 calendar days.
Note. OCONUS sites allow for 60 days if repairable and 90 days if consumable..
2. SRS must work closely with warehouse personnel to ensure that materiel received on board
has been delivered to the customer in a timely manner.
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700 Objective. Receipt processing involves identifying, stowing, issuing, and recording of
materiel previously requisitioned and delivered to an activity. This chapter will outline the
management tools required for effective receipt processing, movement of materiel, and
performance measurement. This will include personnel responsibilities, overview of tools used
to manage receipt of materiel, direct turn over (DTO) or for stock, with the corresponding
documentation, an outline of actions required processing for receipt as per Financial
Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) standards and procedures to receive excess
materiel for further use or disposition. The efficiency of the receiving processes improves the
activity’s effectiveness in providing flight line support. A breakdown in receipt processing has a
greater negative impact on the aviation support department or detachment’s (ASD) ability to
execute its mission than any other component. Improperly processed or unprocessed receipts
lead directly to inventory discrepancies, issue processing difficulties, unmatched financial
conditions, and inaccurate deficiency calculations and financial statements.
701 Responsibilities.
1. Supply Officer, ASD Officer or ASD Director. The supply officer, ASD officer or director
are overall accountable for the entire receiving process. This includes the physical receipt,
identification, and inspection of materiel; the proper distribution of receipts; and the effective
input of receipt transactions in Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The supply officer,
ASD officer or director may delegate the responsibility for the receipt of incoming materiel to
the Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) warehouse materiel supervisor.
2. Materiel or Warehouse Supervisor. The materiel or warehouse supervisor reports to the
supply officer, ASD officer or director on all assigned receipt-processing responsibilities to
include, but not limited to, receipt reversals, receipt reporting, and receipt discrepancy
3. Quality Assurance (QA) Supervisor. The QA supervisor is responsible for reviewing and
conducting audits per current directives published by Department of Defense (DoD), Secretary
of the Navy (SECNAV), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), Naval Supply
Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS), Defense Logistics Agency
(DLA), and Type Commander (TYCOM).
4. Receiving Supervisor. The receiving supervisor will identify, inspect, and segregate
incoming stock from DTO materiel. Segregated materiel is then staged for put-away or delivery
to the customer if DTO. The receiving supervisor must properly annotate and distribute receipt
documentation to the appropriate Navy ERP processing point. After performing goods receipt in
Navy ERP, forward DTO receipts to the supply response section (SRS) personnel for requisition
completion in Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System
(NALCOMIS) following delivery to customer.
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5. After-Hours Warehouse Operations. Warehouse personnel or ASD military personnel
assigned after normal working hours, on weekends, or on holidays must identify and inspect
materiel delivered to the activity. Following inspection, warehouse personnel will provide the
DTO materiel to the customer or properly stow stock materiel. After-hours personnel must
properly annotate receipt documents and provide to the warehouse supervisor on the following
702 Receipt Processing Management. Effective management of the receiving function requires
strict compliance with policies and procedures outlined in subparagraph 1 through 4.
1. Stock materiel received is promptly stowed proper location within 5 days.
2. Receipt documentation reflects actual materiel number, quantities received, unit of issue and
proper storage locations.
3. The individual receiving the materiel properly completes the document with the entries listed
in subparagraphs 3a through 3e.
a. Legibly printed or stamped name.
b. Wet signature.
c. Date of receipt.
d. Annotate (i.e. circle, square, check mark) the quantity received.
Note. Circle is preferred but other options are permitted.
e. The use of a stamp containing printed name will only be in conjunction with a wet
signature. In circumstances where an individual is physically unable to provide a wet signature,
then a stamped signature may be used. The materiel or warehouse supervisor will institute
security measures to prevent unauthorized use of the stamped signature when member is not
present to receive the materiel. The retention of the memorandum for the record from head of
activity authorizing specific personnel to use a stamped signature for medical reason is 10 years
after the last use of the signature stamp.
4. DTO materiel will be distributed to the customer as per guidance outline in chapter 2,
paragraph 209. Separate and prioritize IPG 1 materiel for ASD pick-up and delivery. The
customer will properly annotate the receipt documentation of the actual quantity received.
Return the receipt to SRS personnel for further processing.
703 Receipts and Goods Put-Away Processing in Navy ERP.
1. Process all incoming stock or DTO materiel receipts in NALCOMIS or in Navy ERP through
the “Inbound Process/Goods Receipts” identified with interim storage type code 902. Verify in
Navy ERP all receipts processed in NALCOMIS. Conversely, for all receipts processed in Navy
6 Apr 2021
ERP, verify NALCOMIS to ensure receipts processed properly through the “ROB” mailbox.
When verifying a transaction properly processed in both systems, the user should be cognizant of
the Navy ERP-NALCOMIS interface functions at 15-minute intervals.
2. Physically receive all materiel in NALCOMIS, or via manual or electronic entry in Navy
ERP. Electronic entry is completed through the automatic identification technology (AIT)
handheld tablets. All receipts must be processed and completed in Navy ERP. Create an
administrative “dummy” receipt if there is no FIAR compliant document available. See
paragraph 707 and 708 for further guidance on administrative “dummy” receipts, including
retention requirements.
3. Goods put-away refers to the receiving of requisitioned materiel, the recording of the
transaction in the applicable records, and final disposition of the materiel.
4. Warehouse personnel must verify the materiel received matches the accompanying receipt
documentation during the receiving process, noting any special information, such as action taken
on overages or shortages, and then post the receipt transactions to Navy ERP.
5. Complete all requisitions for materiel in receipt processing when the quantity received is
equal to the quantity ordered.
6. Once the stock receipt is processed, turn over stock materiel to the warehouse for put-away
or to the local repair cycle asset (LRCA) unit for put-away, if applicable.
704 Stock Receipt Processing.
1. Scan document number barcode on the DD Form 1348-1A Issue Release/Receipt Document
using the AIT tablet or manually input the document number if a barcode is not available on the
materiel receipt.
a. On the “Goods Receipt” screen of the tablet, verify that information listed in
subparagraphs 1a(1) through 1a(6) matches the materiel receipt.
(1) Plant
(2) Materiel number
(3) Quantity
(4) Unit of Issue
(5) Batch
(6) Storage Location
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b. Press F5 on the tablet (post) to bring up the goods receipt screen, automatically
generating a put-away transfer order (TO).
c. Once the put-away TO has printed, verify source code column and storage location is
correct. If they are correct, place materiel in assigned location.
d. If the put-away TO does not identify a storage location, i.e. “CATCHALL” or
“ERROR”, place materiel in an area designated for frustrated materiel. Frustrated materiel is
defined as materiel unable to be receipted due to damage or lack of documentation. Frustrated
materiel must be resolved within 5 business days and monitored on a daily basis.
e. Deliver original receipt to the receipt processing office as a stock RIP receipt.
f. Prepare materiel for stowage and attach put-away TO and three copies of the receipt in a
packing slip.
g. For items temporarily assigned “CATCHALL”, the materiel will have an assignment of a
location, warehouse personnel will pick up and stow materiel, and perform the put away
2. Receipt Processing Business Rules.
a. Inspect, verify and account for materiel received against the bill of lading or delivery
b. Annotate receipt and delivery documents with noted discrepancies in the presence of the
delivery drivers if materiel is not in the proper condition.
c. Materiel discrepancies are characterized in subparagraphs 2c(1) through 2c(8).
(1) Quantity underage or overage.
(2) Wrong materiel received.
(3) Not ready for issue or use materiel.
(4) Incomplete materiel shipment.
(5) Misdirected materiel.
(6) Improperly packed or packaged materiel.
(7) Damage materiel.
(8) Missing documents or paperwork.
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d. Open, inspect and very quantity of materiel received in all packages, boxes, envelopes
and multi-packs. Shortages, overages, wrong materiel, expired materiel, etc., must be brought to
the attention of the warehouse supervisor for further research and corrective action.
Note. When opening multipacks use caution to avoid compromising the integrity of factorysealed components.
e. Pre-screen stock put-away with “ERROR” or “CATCHALL” bin locations to ensure a
bin location was not already created.
f. All receipts must match document number to an existing requisition document number.
Process any receipt not matching a requisition document number as a “receipt not from due”,
except those for aviation fleet maintenance (AFM) and flight operations requisitions. This will
create a matching requisition in the applicable tables. Forward DTO requisitions not matching
an existing record in Navy ERP to the SRS supervisor for research and resolution. SRS
personnel will conduct research to identify the intended recipient, to include NALCOMIS
transaction history, WEBVLIPS ad hoc using the national stock number (NSN) and DODAAC,
etc. If the DDSN is not in NALCOMIS, conduct a review in OTS to identify who submitted the
requisition (“A0A”). See chapter 10, paragraph 1015 for additional guidance.
g. Receipts with a suffix code may or may not be processed. If a suffix coded document
number is entered in the search window and there is not a matching suffix coded requisition, the
suffix-coded receipt will still process and create a matching suffix coded requisition. Perform
research to update the requisition status with a corresponding suffix for the remaining quantity.
h. A processed receipt will create a “materiel receipt acknowledgement” transaction,
DOC ID “DRA”, and is transmitted back to the supplier of the materiel as notification of receipt.
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) records the DRA submission to close materiel in transit and
reports via the DLA transaction services (DLATS) materiel receipt acknowledgment.
i. Receipts not processed for any reason will post to the intermediate document (IDOC)
listing. Transactions will remain as failed IDOCs (e.g., status code “51”) until appropriate action
is taken. See paragraph 713 for more guidance.
705 Staging Areas.
1. General. Establish a staging area to support receiving operations and control the flow of
incoming materiel. The staging area must provide receiving personnel with enough space to
segregate materiel (stock and DTO) while maintaining an acceptable level of security to prevent
theft and pilferage.
a. Personnel inspecting and segregating materiel must note any discrepancies at the staging
area as it serves as the initial point of receipt.
b. Personnel should segregate frustrated materiel received for further research and place it in
the designated area for frustrated materiel.
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2. Security Cage. The central receiving area must contain an approved security cage for the
storage of controlled, classified, pilferable and signature controlled materiel. Establish a
standard operating procedure (SOP) to control access to the security cage and proper handling of
signature-controlled materiel. Maintain a list of personnel authorized in writing to pick up
controlled materiel. Supported units will provide this list and update as required, at least on a
semiannual basis.
706 Inspection and Segregation of Incoming Materiel.
1. Receipt Inspection. Conduct receipt inspection on all incoming materiel. The level of
inspection required depends upon the source of supply. Inspection checks include validating the
information from the receipt documentation to the materiel as defined in subparagraphs 1a
through 1h.
a. Unit of issue.
b. Quantity received correctly annotated on receipt (physical count required if not
manufacturer sealed).
c. Materiel number (NSN) matches.
d. Condition code (Batch).
e. Unit price and total price.
f. Document or contract numbers match (including suffix code), sales order (SO), purchase
order (PO) or contract numbers match (including suffix code).
g. Physical condition.
h. Shelf-life date validity.
2. Commercial Receipt (DD Form 250). Receiving activities will inspect, accept and perform
receipt operations as concurrent actions when receiving shipments of materiel from commercial
sources requiring inspection and acceptance at destination.
a. Inspect shelf-life materiel for appropriate condition and type of shelf-life code per DoD
4140.27-M, Shelf-Life Item Management Manual. Mark materiel, as appropriate, for shelf-life
code and supply condition code upon receipt. Package markings will be per MIL-STD-129R,
Military Standard Marking for Shipment and Storage.
b. Based on inspection, receiving activities will prepare separate materiel receipt
transactions indicating the actual condition of the materiel received.
3. Shelf-Life Materiel. Establish a shelf-life program for managing type I and type II shelf-life
materiel. Each activity will develop a local shelf-life program consistent with established DoD
6 Apr 2021
policy concerning the identification, control, and utilization of shelf-life items. Prescribed
procedures in subparagraphs 3a through 3d discuss proper management of shelf-life materiel.
a. Reduce large financial losses experienced throughout the supply system incident to nonutilization of deteriorative items prior to their shelf-life expiration dates.
b. Prevent the installation of expired materiel that may be ineffective or unsafe in
equipment. Effective management of shelf-life materiel control depends primarily on the efforts
of warehouse personnel.
c. Inspect and verify that at least 3 months shelf-life remains on the materiel received.
Process materiel received with expired shelf-life per paragraphs 6c. and 6d.
d. Detailed DoD policy and procedures are provided on the following website:
4. Stock Records for Shelf-Life Materiel. Shelf-life codes currently assigned to applicable
NSNs in One Touch Supply (OTS) are listed in DoD manual 4170.27-M, Shelf-Life Item
Management Manual. Conduct a quarterly drawdown utilizing the locally established program
to identify expiring materiel.
5. Identification or Marking of Shelf-Life Materiel.
a. Shelf-life issued by ashore supply activities or delivered direct by contractors will be
marked on the unit package, exterior container, or materiel itself.
b. Type I (non-extendable shelf-life) items are those for which shelf-life action code
“UU” is indicated (see DoD manual 4140.27-M). All other shelf-life action codes, except “00”
(non-deteriorative), apply to type II (extendable shelf-life) items. Current stock of shelf-life
materiel will be screened and, as practical, each item will be marked to show the type I or type II
shelf-life data.
6. Control and Consumption. In addition to the proper identification of shelf-life stock in
applicable inventory locator records, prescribed procedures in subparagraphs 6a through 6e
provide effective control and maximum consumption of shelf-life items prior to their expiration
6 Apr 2021
a. Packaging, Preservation, and Stowage. Inspect shelf-life materiel upon receipt to ensure
it is packaged and preserved adequately then stow in a space that is least likely to cause
deterioration. Use the coolest and driest space(s) available for the more deteriorative materiel
such as dry cell batteries, aluminum electrolytic capacitors, chemicals, rubber products, etc.
Arrange stowage to facilitate issue of “oldest stock first” method based on shelf-life expiration
rather than date of receipt. Consolidate shelf-life items in a readily accessible area whenever
possible to facilitate periodic screening,
b. Periodic Inspection. Shelf-life materiel must be inspected at least monthly or as
necessary, according to shelf-life codes, for condition and expiration dates. When a multiple
quantity item is inspected, units with different expiration dates will be rearranged to place units
with the earliest expiration date in front to facilitate issue of the oldest stock first.
c. Expired Type II Shelf-Life Items. Extend expired type II shelf-life items per applicable
shelf-life action codes in Web Federal Logistics Information System (WebFLIS) and annotate on
the materiel. Obtain technical assistance from other departments, as required. Extend expiration
dates on stock labels of restored items, as appropriate. Turn in to DLA Disposition Services
(DLADS) all expired type II shelf-life items not within the activity’s capability to extend.
d. Expired Type I Shelf-Life Items. Expired type I shelf-life items generally will be
disposed of by removal from stock and offloaded to DLADS.
e. Inventory Review for Shelf-Life.
(1) The shelf-life inventory will review materiel to ensure timely turn-in of those items
which the activity is unable to restore or utilize, by or prior to the materiel expiration dates.
(2) Type I shelf-life materiel will not be turned in to supply activities in the United
States, including Hawaii, if the extended cost of the item is less than $50, or the remaining
storage life is less than 3 months.
(3) Type I shelf-life materiel will not be turned in to supply activities in Alaska or
overseas bases if the extended cost of the item is less than $100 or the remaining storage life is
less than 6 months.
(4) Retain such materiel on station and use, if possible, prior to its shelf-life expiration
707 Administrative (“Dummy”) Receipts.
1. An administrative receipt must be prepared using the Fleet Audit Compliance Enhancement
Tool (FACET), an administrative receipt tool, when delivered materiel does not have supporting
documentation. (See figures 7-1 and 7-2.) FACET requires the site to download the open stock
or DTO requisition listing from Navy Data Platform (NDP) (formerly known as InforM-21) in
order to import the listing. When the listing is imported, a list of requisitions will populate
which will allow the ASD or FLC to select the requisition requiring to be printed.
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Note. It is important that only certain personnel have access to this tool to prevent duplicate
receipt printouts.
2. The shipping manifest does not qualify as a proper receipt unless it contains key components
of a receipt. Refer to paragraph 706 for additional guidance.
3. If materiel is a stock item, it must be stowed with location annotated on the receipt.
4. Control will conduct research to determine the proper document number, stock number, and
quantity prior to interactive posting to Navy ERP.
5. Research must include a review of the stock in transit (SIT) for stock and DTO dues and a
query of the requisition to determine if the document in question has an over-aged shipping
status (“AE1” with “BA” status or “AS1”). SRS personnel will perform this function for DTO
6. An administrative receipt must also contain a second line signature signed by an E-7 or
above, a civilian supervisor or civilian supervisor level equivalent or contractor, for all
operational forces and ashore activities.
a. Enter the second line signature within 72 hours after creating the administrative receipt.
b. For activities that do not have an E-7 or above, the senior member of the team will be
responsible for entering the second line signature.
c. After posting, file the administrative receipt with other receipts, in proper alphanumeric
document number sequence.
6 Apr 2021
Figure 7-1 Administrative Stock Receipt
6 Apr 2021
Figure 7-2 Administrative DTO Receipt
6 Apr 2021
708 Filing and Retention of Receipt Documents.
1. The filing methodology for all original competed stock receipts (hard copy) is in document
number sequence unless the site utilizes an electronic proof of shipment (POS) or proof of
delivery (POD) filing system. Refer to chapter 2 paragraph 206.2 for additional information.
FLC must use FACET procedures, requirements, and capabilities mentioned in chapter 2 if the
system is used at the site.
2. Warehouse or control division will maintain all completed stock receipts.
3. SRS or warehouse personnel will maintain all completed DTO receipts or proof of delivery
(POD). In order to facilitate research, SRS personnel must have access to DTO POD files
maintained by warehouse personnel.
4. Retention period for hard copies or electronic form of POS and POD files is 10 years as per
the latest Department of the Navy (DON) directive.
5. Refer to chapter 2 for specific requirements applicable to electronic POS and POD filing and
its related impact on the retention of hard copies.
709 Receiving Materiel with Shipping and Packaging Discrepancies. Activities must submit
reports for all shipment and packaging having discrepancies or deficiencies relating to condition,
quantity, or transportation. Upon receipt of incoming materiel shipments, receiving must review
all accompanying documentation and materiel identification to determine if the discrepancy
exists that meets criteria for submission of a Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR).
710 Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR).
1. Background. The SDR program is a discrepancy reporting and resolution system used to
report and resolve shipping and packaging discrepancies. The program provides support for
adjustment of property and financial inventory accounting records, visibility of preservation,
packing, marking, unit discrepancies requiring corrective actions and disposition instructions.
An aggressive SDR program contributes significantly towards requisition file maintenance,
inventory accountability and supporting customer requirements. During resolution of the SDR,
the on hand quantity is blocked pending disposition instructions. Take action listed in
subparagraphs 1a and 1b for reporting SDR discrepancies.
a. Report all discrepancies involving classified, sensitive or pilferable materiel.
b. Discrepancies must be reported when the dollar value exceeds the listed dollar threshold
in figure 7-3.
6 Apr 2021
SDR Submission Thresholds
Cancelled Materiel.
Condition Misrepresented.
Missing Part - Materiel received for repair, cannibalized, or
nonexpendable part or components (including
cannibalization of nonexpendable basic issue item or a
nonexpendable supply system responsibility item without
the authorization of the inventory manager).
Overage or Shortage.
Total Non-Receipt (shipped via traceable means) - Only
when determined the non-receipt is not a transportation
U.S. Postal Service (non-traceable) - Not received or
received in a damaged condition.
Discrepant shipments from contractors, manufacturers or
Duplicate Shipment.
Expired Shelf-Life.
Incorrect Item.
Technical Data.
Repetitive Discrepancies (all codes).
Cost of correcting improper packaging (estimated or actual
Value of the item, shipment, or package regardless of the
cost to correct the packaging discrepancy.
Damaged materiel that may endanger life, impair combat or
deployment operations, or affect other materiel.
Discrepancies resulting in delay or additional packaging
costs at aerial/water terminals or at consolidation and
containerization points.
Excessive packaging by contractors resulting in additional
cost to the government.
Hazardous materiel (includes ammunition and explosives)
resulting in a potentially hazardous condition.
Improper identification of containers or items that requires
opening the container or results in improper storage of the
Improper preservation of any materiel identified as being
electrostatic (ES) or electromagnetic (EM) sensitive.
Materiel shipped without a required reusable container.
Unit Price:
Unit Price:
6 Apr 2021
Packaging discrepancy involving shipments of personal
property not conforming to specifications (ocean and aerial
terminals only).
Repetitive Discrepancies (all codes).
Figure 7-3 Supply Discrepancy Report Submission Thresholds
2. SDR Shipping Discrepancies. Shipping discrepancies are variations in the quantity of the
NIIN or condition of goods from that listed on the shipping document prescribed in
subparagraphs 2a through 2n.
a. Receipt of materiel for cancelled requisitions.
b. Condition misrepresented.
c. Documentation errors.
d. Duplicate shipment.
e. Expired shelf-life.
f. Incorrect item.
g. Misdirected shipment.
h. Missing part.
i. Overage or shortage.
j. Technical data missing or erroneous.
k. Total non-receipt of materiel.
l. U.S. Postal Service (non-traceable) - not received or received damaged.
m. Repetitive shipping discrepancies.
n. Other discrepancies not described unless specifically excluded by SDR policy.
3. SDR Packaging Discrepancies. Packaging discrepancies are those deficiencies in packaging
causing materiel to be susceptible to loss, damage or delay because of conditions prescribed in
subparagraphs 3a through 3m.
a. Improper packaging.
b. Improper packing.
6 Apr 2021
c. Improper preservation.
d. Improper marking.
e. Improper unit of issue representation.
f. Mission or life endangering.
g. Hazardous materiel.
h. Excessive packaging.
i. Personal property packaging discrepancies.
j. Discrepancies causing delay or additional cost.
k. Materiel shipped without a required reusable container.
l. Repetitive packaging discrepancies.
m. Improper preservation of ES or EM sensitive materiel.
4. SDR Submission.
a. Submit all SDRs to the action point activity in the Product Data Reporting and Evaluation
Program (PDREP).
b. The PDREP system interface is located at the following website:
https://www.pdrep.csd.disa.mil. The PDREP SDR user guide provides SDR procedures and is
located in the references drop down menu from the website. SDR reason codes, processing
timeframes and responsibilities are provided in reference Defense Logistics Manual (DLM)
4000.25, volume 2, chapter 17.
c. Retain closed SDR case files for 10 years after the closing date as per DON directives
after receipt of reply from the action point activity. Maintain separate case files for each fiscal
year. After granting of “credit authorized”, a file will remain open pending the credit posting to
the financial records system. Close the case file once the credit has posted to the financial
records system (Standard Accounting, Budgeting, and Reporting System (SABRS)). Open SDRs
will be retained in a suspense file pending resolution.
5. General Time Standards for SDR Submission for Non-Controlled Materiel.
a. CONUS: 60 calendar days from the date of shipment.
b. OCONUS: 120 calendar days from the date of shipment.
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Note. Paragraphs 5a and 5b are the cut off dates for submission of the SDR; however, as soon as
a shipping discrepancy is identified (e.g. LBS, packaging, etc.), an activity should submit an
c. Late Submission. When circumstances prevent compliance with the listed time
standards, provide the reasons for delay in a brief clear-text explanation.
6. General Time Standards for SDR Follow-Up Responses for Non-Controlled Materiel.
a. Routine SDR follow-ups must be submitted no sooner than 55 days from the original
submission date when no response has been provided.
b. Then at 31-day intervals, the submitting activity may prepare two additional follow-ups.
If the action point activity has not provided a reply after three follow-ups, the DoD Web Supply
Discrepancy Reporting (WebSDR) system will block transmission of a fourth follow-up and
request that the submitter contact the action activity directly. The POC for the SDR is listed in
block 3 of the SF-364. Before closing the pending case file, exhaust all efforts to resolve.
711 Management Tools
1. General. Supervisory personnel must review and reinforce proper procedures to ensure
effective receipt management. The publications listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1f must be
available and up-to-date to facilitate the successful application of DON procedures.
a. NAVSUP P-485 (Rev 6) Operational Forces Supply Procedures.
b. NAVSUP P-723 (Rev 5), NAVSUP Inventory Integrity Standards.
d. NAVSUP P-505 Preparation of Hazardous Materiel for Military Air Shipment.
e. NAVSUP P-700 Common Naval Packaging (CNP).
f. PDREP SDR User Guide.
2. NAVSUP WSS Publications. Materiel and warehouse supervisors must maintain access to
the Naval Logistics Library (NLL) website at https://nll.navsup.navy.mil for NAVSUP
publication downloads in electronic format.
3. Receipt Management. Successful receipt management must consist of action taken listed in
subparagraphs 3a through 3e.
a. Ensure receipt transactions input into Navy ERP pass validation requirements.
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b. Utilize available management reports in Navy ERP and NDP to monitor receipt
c. Initiate corrective actions when performance indicators fail to meet established standards.
d. Perform routine audits as per DON, TYCOM and local standards.
e. Ensure personnel understand their roles in receipt processing and the importance of
functional interface.
712 Receipt Documents.
1. General. When stock materiel is stowed in location or DTO materiel is delivered to the
customer, a receipt signature is obtained, marking the document complete. Enter the receipt in
Navy ERP for stock and NALCOMIS for DTO. Once posted in the system of record, upload
documents into FACET or file as per local procedures.
2. Supervisory Audit. Warehouse or materiel supervisors must verify entry of receipts into
Navy ERP. Accomplish the review weekly, basing the number of documents sampled from the
manual files upon the number of receipts processed. If sampling indicates all receipts are not
entered into Navy ERP correctly (i.e. RI, QTY, price, document number), training must be
conducted on proper processing procedures.
713 Intermediate Document (IDOC) Listing.
1. The IDOC listing contains all transactions processed both successfully and unsuccessfully.
Users can generate this listing from Navy ERP utilizing T-code ZRMIM0025. See figure 7-4.
Figure 7-4 IDOC Listing
6 Apr 2021
2. The failed IDOC Listing is a sub-set of the IDOC listing which contains all receipt
transactions that Navy ERP could not successfully process due to an error condition.
3. Users can produce the failed IDOC list from the overall IDOC listing by sorting and
segregating all successfully processed transactions (code 53) from those unsuccessfully
processed transactions, primarily codes 51 and 52.
Note. Users can also just select codes 51 and 52 to produce a listing consisting of only failed
4. Failed IDOCs must be continuously reviewed and corrective action taken to allow the
transaction to successfully process in Navy ERP. Failed IDOCs must be worked in priority
sequence, and must be cleared or appropriate action taken within 4 working days.
5. Annotate corrective actions taken on failed IDOC listings in Navy ERP or retain hard copy
for 3 months.
714 Results of Material Obligation Validation (MOV).
1. General. MOVs are used to verify the administrative completion of receipts or cancellation of
requisitions as annotated by the customer.
a. Control division will review MOVs (Internal and External) for stock documents.
b. SRS will review MOVs for DTO documents. See chapter 2 for details on DTO MOVs.
2. Supervisory Audit. Materiel supervisors must review copies of completed MOV verifying the
receipts noted as completed and recorded in Navy ERP. If applicable, perform spot inventories
for stock transactions.
715 Receipt Performance Analysis.
1. General. Navy ERP activities use internal and external performance indicators to compare
actual performance against NAVSUP and Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP)
standards. When performance falls below the established standard, it is extremely difficult to
determine the specific cause due to the interrelationship and interdependency of supply
2. Supervisory Audit. Paragraph 712 details the supervisory audits and management tools
designed to prevent receipt functions from negatively affecting performance indicators.
716 Inventory Validity.
1. General. Supervisors must ensure strong control of documents for system entry and ongoing
data verification to maintain inventory accuracy, especially when a large volume of transactions
occurs within Navy ERP. The close monitoring of the receiving process is a critical component
to maintain inventory validity standards. Confirmation of inventory validity is accomplished by
6 Apr 2021
the actual physical count of materiel and implementing corrective action plans for identified
procedural errors. The verification and reconciliation of SIT “A” records will identify materiel
that may have been stowed without proper posting of the stock receipt in Navy ERP. Physical
inventory scheduling requirements and procedures for conducting physical inventories are
contained in chapter 5.
2. Supervisory Audit. When an inventory sample indicates a storage area has fallen below
standards, conduct audits and take action on the areas listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2d.
a. Receipt Documents.
b. Location Changes.
c. Review Warehouse Activity Monitor (LL01).
d. Review failed IDOC.
717 Warehouse Activity Monitor (LL01).
1. The warehouse activity monitor is viewed and worked in Navy ERP using transaction code
“LL01”. It lists all transfer requirements that have not fully processed and is to assist supervisors
in the planning, overseeing, and optimization of work processes in the warehouse operations.
Critical processes show transactions that have been open for 4 hours or more and unprocessed
critical deliveries show transactions that have been open for 1 hour or more. A sample screen
shot is provided in figure 7-5.
Figure 7-5 Warehouse Activity Monitor Screen
6 Apr 2021
2. The warehouse activity monitor provides information on incomplete critical processes that
require action listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2g.
a. Unconfirmed transfer orders (TO).
b. Open transfer requirements.
c. Open posting change notices.
d. Critical deliveries.
e. Bins with negative stock.
f. Interim storage stock without movement.
g. Critical stocks for production supply.
3. An unprocessed TO can potentially affect inventory validity. Confirm transfer orders for
physical movements such as receipts and issues immediately following the physical movement
of materiel. Confirm TOs for posting changes as soon as the new label with the changed
characteristic information is applied to the materiel. If the warehouse activity monitor shows an
unconfirmed TO over the time standards noted in paragraph 717.1, the warehouse supervisor or
materiel manager must conduct additional research to determine why the TO was not confirmed.
Do not confirm TOs without first determining why it is still open.
4. Confirming a TO can remove materiel from a bin, reducing total stock. Conversely, a TO
can also add materiel to a bin, increasing total stock. Unless there is more than one unconfirmed
TO for the materiel against the same bin, confirming the transfer order will make the total
quantity and available quantity in the bin equal.
718 Materiel Turn in to Stock (MTIS) from a Customer.
1. Background. The materiel turn-in transaction programs facilitate the return of excess
consumable and repairable ready for issue (RFI) materiel from the customer (e.g., squadrons,
type wings, and fleet readiness centers (FRC)) to a wholesale or retail inventory system (e.g.
DLA, Navy ERP, R-Supply, pre-expended bin (PEB) module, or Real-time Reutilization Asset
Management (RRAM)). These programs also allow the wholesale or retail inventory system to
regain visibility of the materiel within the inventory system for accurate accounting of materiel
returned to the Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) stock. Situations may occur when
customers obtain materiel above the quantity required to complete the maintenance action. The
customer retains the excess materiel following completion of the maintenance action without an
immediate maintenance requirement.
6 Apr 2021
2. Excess Repairable Materiel.
a. Provides an opportunity to return excess RFI materiel to Navy ERP and to regain
visibility of the materiel within the inventory system. Materiel will become available to the
global supply network or aircraft on ground (AOG) expediting team and reduce the customer
wait time for on-station issues without human intervention.
b. Provides an opportunity to return excess not ready for issue (NRFI) or ready for use
(RFU) materiel to Navy ERP and regain visibility of the materiel in the inventory system as “F”
condition for I-Level or D-Level repair.
c. Provides a process for customers to obtain OPTAR credit for requisitions that meet the
requirements outlined in subparagraph 12.
d. Allows the budget submitting office (BSO) (Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (CPF) and
U.S. Fleet Forces (USFF)) to decide how to utilize the excess aviation materiel to maximize prior
year expenditures for future materiel requirements.
3. The turn-in document number must be the Department of Defense Activity Address Code
(DoDAAC) assigned by the on-site NALCOMIS for DTO requisitions with the appropriate fund
code. Customers may contact the ASD director to obtain an unassigned document number series
for excess materiel processing or use their current low-priority requisition series.
4. The ASD and FLC leadership will balance the financial, materiel availability and storage
space capacity when selecting from options listed in paragraph 5 that best contribute toward flight
line readiness.
5. Subparagraphs 5a through 5b list the various options and criteria for processing of each
repairable condition category.
a. Aviation Depot Level Repairables (AVDLR) or Fleet Level Repairables (FLR)
(1) AVDLR and FLR components with RFI tag or original equipment manufacturer
(OEM) packing intact.
(a) The customer will prepare the materiel turned-into stores (MTIS) D6A paperwork
(DD Form 1348-1A) to document the transfer of materiel to ASD. If known, the squadron must
list the serial number of the component on the DD Form 1348-1A.
(b) ASD will review prior current fiscal year carcass bills and survey transactions for
possible credit. Follow local procedures to match or clear carcass bills or to match with surveys.
(c) Verify with the FRC-intermediate level (I) or AIMD technical directive (TD)
coordinator for any outstanding TDs.
6 Apr 2021
(d) Obtain log set and appropriate maintenance cards from the customer during the
transfer process. For missing log set, the customer can visit the Optimized Organizational
Maintenance Activity (OOMA) wholesale server on the NAVWARSYSCOM (formally
SPAWAR) website.
(e) Disposition of RFI DLR materiel will be to local retail inventory or to RRAM
(f) If materiel meets all criteria for RFI condition, ASD can transfer the materiel to
the local retail inventory as RFI materiel at the retail level.
Note. Transferring RFI components to local inventory can create RFI on hand quantity. This, in
addition to the stock due quantity, may be greater than the required allowance. An excess stock
due situation will result causing a cancellation of the excess stock due requisition (status code
“RF”). If the MTIS transaction resulted in the on hand quantity to become greater than the
allowance, Navy ERP sourcing wheel will eventually refer requisitions to the plant that will
reduce the excess quantity.
1. Process a T-code “ZM20” using Navy ERP management code of “P”.
2. Cross-issues to EXREP documents will only occur after the asset has been
stowed on the warehouse shelf and the RFI quantity reflects in NALCOMIS and Navy ERP as on
hand. Upon completion of the cross issue, the EXREP component will convert the DIFM
management code from “ER” to “SO” or “OW”.
g) RRAM Stocking. See subparagraph 6 for procedures on RRAM DLR stocking
(2) Follow procedures listed in subparagraphs (2)(a) through (2)(g) for AVDLR and FLR
components without or having a damaged RFI tag or OEM packing.
(a) The customer will prepare the MTIS D6A paperwork (DD Form 1348-1A) to
document transfer of materiel to ASD. If known, the customer should list the serial number of
the component on the DD Form 1348-1A.
(b) ASD will review prior current fiscal year carcass bills and survey transactions for
possible credit. Follow local procedures to clear carcass bills or to match with surveys.
(c) Obtain log set and appropriate maintenance cards from the customer during the
transfer process. For missing log set, the customer can visit the OOMA wholesale server on the
NAVWARSYSCOM (formally SPAWAR) website.
(d) Test and Check. The document control unit (DCU) will coordinate with joint
aviation screening unit (JASU) (formally called AMSU) to review the component(s) Individual
Component Repair List (ICRL) code. Induct the NRFI asset into the local intermediate
maintenance activity (IMA) to return the asset to RFI condition if the ICRL code is “C1” or “C3”
6 Apr 2021
and the component’s repair turnaround time (RTAT) or time to reliably replenish (TRR) is less
than 45 days. Induct the asset as work priority “3”. Upon completion of the repair action, the
excess DLR asset will be RFI or NRFI. For RFI materiel, ASD may stock at the retail level or
send to RRAM for stocking.
(e) If the materiel meets all criteria for RFI condition, the ASD can return the
materiel to the local retail inventory as RFI materiel at the retail level.
1. Process T-code ZM20 using Navy ERP management code of “P”.
2. Cross-issues to EXREP documents will only occur after the asset has been
stowed on the warehouse shelf and posted to Navy ERP. Upon completion of the cross-issue, the
EXREP component will convert the DIFM management code from “ER” to “SO” or “OW”.
(f) Beyond Capability of Maintenance (BCM) Materiel. If excess materiel is BCM,
use BCM-D to close the repair MAF. This is to avoid creating a charge against the Flying Hour
Program (FHP).
(g) If the ICRL code is “X1 “or “R1” or if the RTAT or TRR is greater than 45 days,
the NRFI asset will be MTIS into the wholesale system as “F” condition (NRFI). The carcass
will be available on the unmatched carcass list to clear or avoid current fiscal year carcass bills
or to match with future surveys to avoid paying unit price for DLRs. Follow local MTIS
procedures using eRetrograde Management System (eRMS), using management code of “E”.
(h) RRAM Stocking. See subparagraph 6 for procedures on RRAM DLR stocking
b. Send I-Level BCM’d FLR components to DLADS. If the customer has NRFI FLR
components known to be beyond the I-Level repair capability or that the physical condition of
the materiel is beyond the I-level capability, the customer will coordinate with DLADS for the
disposal of the materiel.
(1) The customer POC must enter the items on the NAVSUP NMAC portal upload sheet
when turning materiel into DLADS. The minimum data for submission is the 9-digit NIIN,
condition code “F”, and the quantity being reviewed. Upload the file into
https://my.navsup.navy.mil/apps/ops$oms_inv.home. NAVSUP will provide recommended
disposition for the listed materiel. Print the DD Form 1348-1A via the NMAC website after
NMAC processing.
(2) The customer can visit DLADS electronic turn in document (ETID) website as an
alternative to using NAVSUP Navy Material Accountability Campaign (NMAC) Portal when
disposing non-usable materiel. Information can be found at
https://www.dla.mil/DispositionServices/DDSR/TurnIn/ETID/. This website provides guidance
on obtaining an account, procedures for creating the electronic turn in document, and for
scheduling turn in dates with a DLADS site.
6 Apr 2021
6. RFI Repairables Stocked at RRAM Sites.
a. In order to stock materiel in the RRAM sites, the materiel must be in RFI condition, the
unit price must be greater than $50, and it must have an assigned NSN.
b. Using an RRAM site can save space for materiel stowage and permits free issue of
repairable components.
c. This does not change carcass turn-in requirements. Additionally, Navy ERP will only
source U.S. Navy DTO requisitions to an RRAM site.
d. The site will contact CNAP N415 to coordinate the transfer of repairable materiel to the
RRAM site. CNAP N415 will validate that the materiel listed meets the RRAM stocking
criteria. Upon receiving TYCOM approval, ASD will coordinate the materiel review and
transfer of the excess materiel with the closest RRAM site’s leadership.
7. Excess Consumable Materiel.
a. When consumable inventory has been procured and is no longer needed, customer has the
responsibility to return excess RFI materiel to a wholesale or retail inventory system, DLA, Navy
ERP, R-Supply, PEB module, or RRAM, in order to regain visibility of the materiel within the
inventory system.
b. Returning the RFI materiel to an inventory system will provide the opportunity to fulfill
the next customer’s requirement upon submission of a requisition and record the demand history
according to the repair action without human interaction.
c. The FLC supply officer and ASD will provide guidance to the customer for the proper
disposal of unusable or unidentifiable aviation materiel, and, to reduce the possibility of using
discrepant materiel listed on the defective material summary (DMS) documents.
d. CNAP and CNAL have coordinated a process for customers to obtain OPTAR credit for
requisitions outlined in subparagraphs 11a (for Navy ERP issues) and 11b (for DLA issues).
Various conditions apply in order to receive credit as detailed in in subparagraphs 11a and 11b,
e. Turn in of excess materiel allows the BSO (CPF and USFF) to decide how to maximize
prior year expenditures and conserve current FY funding for future materiel requirements.
8. Subparagraphs 8a through 8c list the top three occurrences for consumable excess materiel.
a. Several units of issue (e.g. unit of issue of boxes (BX) or pounds (LB)) provide materiel
to the aviation customer that exceed the quantity requirement to complete the maintenance
b. The customer completes the maintenance action prior to materiel receipt but does not or
cannot cancel the DTO requisition.
6 Apr 2021
c. The customer orders materiel for the maintenance action when ashore and then reorders
the materiel requirement when afloat (or vice versa). The materiel is issued to or received by the
customer from both ashore and afloat supply support entities.
9. Subparagraphs 9a through 9g list the various options available for processing excess
consumable materiel.
a. Customer forwards the unusable, NRFU or NRFI consumable materiel to DLADS for
disposal. See subparagraph 11a.
b. Customer forwards the materiel to DLA for wholesale stocking. See subparagraph 11.b.
c. Materiel is sent to RRAM for wholesale free-issue stocking. See subparagraph 6.
d. ASD gains the materiel into the local PEB for stocking. The ASD may place the materiel
in the PEB stock when the NIIN has a PEB national stock objective (NSO) quantity. However,
the PEB NSO quantity is not changed or adjusted because of this action. Contact CNAP N415 or
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL) N41 for approval to temporarily stock non-PEB
items in the PEB. See subparagraph 11d.
e. FLC gains the materiel into the local FLC warehouse for stocking. ASD or FLC can
place the materiel in ERP inventory using the T-code “ZM20”. Navy ERP maximum stock level
(MSL) quantity is not changed or adjusted because of this action. If requesting a financial credit,
the individual transactions must meet the criteria in subparagraph 12e.
f. When using options in subparagraphs 9b through 9e, the turn-in document number must
be the DoDAAC assigned by the on-site Optimized Intermediate Maintenance Activity (OIMA)
NALCOMIS for DTO requisitions and the appropriate fund code. Customers are to contact the
ASD officer or director to obtain an unassigned document number series for excess materiel
processing or use their current low priority requisition series.
g. Financial credits resulting from materiel returns to DLA or into Navy ERP will result in
an incoming fund credit on the SABRS unmatched documents list.
(1) Resolving Unmatched Disbursements (UMD) at CNAP Units. Upon receipt of a
UMD transaction providing a financial credit, review the NIIN on the NALCOMIS requisition
list to identify prior customer orders. Match the UMD financial credit with the respective
customer order with a SF-1081. Contact CNAP N415 to learn how to identify the NIIN within
the SABRS unmatched document list.
(2) Resolving UMD at CNAL Units. Provide the transaction list of DLA materiel returns
resulting in a financial credit to CNAL comptroller representative (N01F).
6 Apr 2021
10. Consumable materiel must meet specific criteria for processing excess consumable materiel
depending on the selected option. For options listed in subparagraphs 9a through 9e, the criteria
for acceptance and processing of each consumable condition category are in subparagraphs 10a
through 10e.
a. Squadron, type wings, or FRC-I personnel must identify and determine condition of the
materiel prior to processing. Customer must provide MTIS D6A paperwork (DD Form 13481A) for review by ASD. The squadron, type wings, or FRC-I personnel will segregate the
materiel into groups as defined in subparagraphs 10b through 10e.
b. For consumable materiel with whole, unopened packaging and identifiable NSN
information, complete actions listed in subparagraphs 10b(1) through 10b(3).
(1) Review the DMS website to verify the materiel does not have defective screening
requirements. Use Navy ERP T-code “ZTMPU083” to access the listing of NIINs previously
cited as defective materiel and the listed month and year. If listed, follow the guidance within
the DMS message.
(2) Verify the shelf-life code (SLC) and take action as appropriate prior to processing the
(3) If the packaging is whole and unopened, and the NSN information is known, follow
the options listed in subparagraphs 10b(3)(a) through 10b(3)(d).
(a) ASD gains the materiel into the local PEB for stocking.
(b) Materiel is sent to RRAM for wholesale free issue stocking.
(c) Customer forwards the materiel to DLA for wholesale stocking.
(d) FLC gains the materiel into the local FLC warehouse for stocking.
c. Consumable materiel with open packaging and identifiable part number or NSN
information, take action as listed in subparagraphs 10c(1) through 10c(4).
(1) If the open packaging does not affect the materiel condition, close the packaging
with clear tape; or, place the materiel and the packaging in a clear bag for storage. Properly label
all packaged materiel with NSN information.
(2) Review the DMS website to verify the materiel does not have defective screening
requirements. Use Navy ERP T-code ZTMPU083 to access the listing of NIINs previously cited
as defective materiel and the listed month and year. If listed, follow the guidance within the
DMS message.
(3) Verify the shelf-life code (SLC) and take action as appropriate prior to stow action.
6 Apr 2021
(4) If the consumable materiel is RFI and the NSN information is known the options
listed in subparagraphs 10c(4)(a) through 10c(4)(c) are available.
(a) ASD gains the materiel into the local PEB for stocking.
(b) Materiel is sent to RRAM for wholesale free-issue stocking.
(c) Customer forward the materiel to DLADS for disposal.
Note. Materiel with open packaging can only be placed in PEB, RRAM, or DLADS. Materiel
placed in a working capital fund inventory must have the unopened original packaging with
identifiable NSN information.
d. Consumable materiel without packaging but has identifiable part number (PN) or
NSN information, take action as listed in subparagraphs 10d(1) through 10d(4).
(1) If the consumable materiel has no packaging, which does not affect the materiel
condition, identify the materiel using the PN or NSN. Create a label, and place the materiel in a
clear bag for storage.
(2) Review the DMS website to verify that the materiel does not have defective
screening requirements. Use Navy ERP T-code “ZTMPU083” to access the listing of NIINs
previously cited as defective materiel and the listed month and year. If listed, follow the
guidance within the DMS message. If the NSN is listed on the ZTMPU083 listing, without the
contract information listed on the packaging, consider the materiel as not usable due to safety.
(3) Verify the shelf-life code (SLC) and take action as appropriate prior to stow action.
(4) If the consumable materiel has no packaging, however, the NSN can be determined,
and the materiel is RFI, follow the options listed in subparagraphs 10d(4)(a) through 10d(4)(c):
(a) ASD gains the materiel into the local PEB for stocking.
(b) Materiel is sent to RRAM for wholesale free-issue stocking.
(c) Customer forward the materiel to DLADS for disposal.
Note. Materiel with no packaging can only be placed in PEB, RRAM, or DLADS. Materiel
placed in a working capital fund inventory sites must have the unopened original packaging with
identifiable NSN information.
e. Consumable materiel with no packaging and cannot be identified using a part number
(P/N) or NSN information is considered to have potential safety concerns. The customer must
forward the materiel to DLADS for disposal.
6 Apr 2021
11. Materiel Processing Procedures.
a. When disposing non-usable materiel the customer should visit DLADS electronic turn in
document (ETID) website at https://www.dla.mil/DispositionServices/DDSR/TurnIn/ETID/.
This website provides guidance on obtaining an account, procedures for creating the electronic
turn in document, and for scheduling turn in dates with a DLADS site.
b. DLA screens excess materiel via their Materiel Returns Program (MRP). The customer
must create a web requisitioning (WEB REQ) account via
(1) Customer creates an FTE MILSTRIP file for uploading into the WEB REQ account.
(2) Upon receipt of the FTE MILSTRIP file, DLA will determine:
(a) Ship materiel to the designated DLA site and credit given to the funds holder.
(b) Ship materiel to the designated DLA site but no credit given to the funds holder.
(c) If DLA will not accept the materiel, use one of the options listed in subparagraphs
11b(2)(c)1 through 11b(2)(c)4 to meet their respective stocking criteria.
1. ASD gains the materiel into the local PEB for stocking.
2. Materiel is sent to RRAM for wholesale free-issue stocking.
3. FLC gains the materiel into the local FLC warehouse for stocking.
4. Materiel is sent to DLADS for disposal.
c. In order to stock materiel at a RRAM site, the unit price must be greater than $50 and
have an assigned NSN.
(1) The POC will contact CNAP N415 or CNAL N41 PEB subject matter expert (SME)
to coordinate the transfer of consumable materiel to the RRAM site.
(2) TYCOM will validate the materiel listed meet the RRAM stocking criteria.
(3) Upon TYCOM approval, ASD will coordinate the materiel review and transfer of the
excess materiel with the closest RRAM site’s leadership.
6 Apr 2021
d. Consumable PEB Materiel.
(1) If the stowage of the materiel in the PEB creates an excess situation, the removal of
the excess materiel from the PEB will occur during the normal requisition process via
NALCOMIS or during a TYCOM off load to RRAM. This policy does not change the stocking
value limits.
(2) If ASD considers to temporarily stock non-PEB items in the PEB contact CNAP
N415 or CNAL N41 for review and approval.
e. Consumable Materiel Placed in the Warehouse (NWCF). ASD, working with FLC, can
place the materiel in Navy ERP inventory using T-code “ZM20”. The MSL quantity will not be
changed or adjusted because of this action.
Note. If the customer is requesting financial credit, the individual transactions must meet the
criteria in subparagraph 12.
12. Customer Requesting Financial Credit. When the customer is requesting a credit for the
materiel they are turning back into the Navy ERP supply system using T-code “ZM20”, the
criteria listed in subparagraphs 12a through 12e must be met.
a. Document number has a matching sales order number in Navy ERP.
b. Date of the return is within 90 days of the original issue date from a “C” plant (Navy
owned inventory).
c. Quantity is equal to or less than the billable quantity issued.
d. In its original packaging and the RFI status has not changed.
e. Notify financial manager to monitor the credit posting in STARS or SABRS. CNAL
subordinate commands will communicate potential credit to the CNAL comptroller’s office.
13. DLADS. Squadrons must coordinate their DLADS transactions for disposal of O-level
materiel. If the ASD leadership determines the amount of squadron excess materiel is
significant, the ASD leadership must coordinate with the type wing maintenance officer for
additional TAD support above the current TAD support levels to assist in the identification and
processing of the repairable and consumable excess materiel.
14. Operating Material & Supplies (OM&S). The customer must account for and track inventory
as Operating Material & Supplies (OM&S) aviation repair materiel (consumables and
repairables) not turned into an inventory system by submitting OM&S reports to CNAP N41 and
CNAL N41. OM&S is a manual method to account for expended materiel and is reported to the
respective ASD, CNAP N41 and CNAL N41 on a quarterly basis.
6 Apr 2021
a. Customers desiring to retain repairable materiel outside of a Navy ERP inventory system
(the Accountable Property System of Record (APSR)) must account for the materiel via OM&S
reporting to CNAF N41 on a quarterly basis.
b. Obtain approval from CNAP N41 and CNAL N41 prior to establishing an OM&S
c. CNAP N41 and CNAL N41 must approve list of NSNs and quantity.
d. ASD is able to source and fulfill materiel requirements for other on-station customers.
6 Apr 2021
800 Objective. Effective expenditure processing requires coordination and cooperation among
all divisions of the supply department, and aviaton supply department or detachment (ASD)
personnel. The types of expenditures, the processing procedures, and Naval Aviation Logistics
Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) and Navy Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) functions utilized to accomplish expenditure transactions are outlined in this
chapter. Management tools, supervisory reviews available to monitor expenditure processing,
and key performance indicators for functional manager will also be discussed.
Note. Detailed information on expenditure transactions in Navy ERP can be found in the
materiel movement desk guide at Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon
Systems Support (WSS) website menu under Navy ERP Enterprise Business Office (EBO).
801 Materiel Expenditure. The expenditure of materiel is the process of removing a specific
quantity of an item from an activity’s stock record by transferring it to an end-user or another
stock fund activity, or it has been disposed of as per directives from higher authority.
Expenditures also occur when stock materiel is lost or is no longer issuable due to damage or
expiration of shelf-life.
802 Types of Expenditures.
1. General. Expenditures of materiel are classified into the four types discussed in
subparagraphs 1a through 1d.
a. Issues. An issue is the turning over of materiel to an end-use work center or
supported unit as the result of a customer request.
b. Transfers. A transfer is the movement of ready for issue (RFI) materiel from the custody
and records of an activity to a non-supported activity. The various types of transfers include
transfers to operating forces, ashore, other supply officers (OSO) activities, referrals and offloads
of excess materiel.
c. Survey. A financial liability investigation of property loss (FLIPL) (DD Form
200) is the expenditure of materiel that is lost, damaged, unserviceable, or not ready for issue
(NRFI) and cannot be repaired economically. FLIPL is used for surveys. When a FLIPL is
approved, it becomes an expenditure document and must be assigned a serial number in the
expenditure document series. Refer to chapter 5, paragraph 514 for additional procedures on
FLIPL processing.
d. Cash Sales. Materiel expended to activities listed in subparagraphs 1d(1) through 1d(6)
will be processed as a cash sale.
(1) U.S. Air Force, Coast Guard and Army activities.
6 Apr 2021
(2) Military Sealift Command ships (appropriation purchase account (APA) and 1Q cog
materiel only).
(3) Merchant vessels and nonmilitary aircraft.
(4) Other U.S. government agencies.
(5) Foreign naval vessels and military aircraft.
(6) Foreign merchant ships and non-military aircraft.
2. Expenditure goods movement in Navy ERP is accomplished using movement type (Mvt
Type) codes. Mvt Type codes in figure 8-1 are specifically used for expenditure goods
movement transactions in Navy ERP.
Mvt Type
Used for transfer of materiel between plants.
Used for reversal of Mvt Type 301.
Used for transfer of materiel to DLA Disposition Service site
(formerly DRMS).
Used for reversal of Mvt Type 551.
Used for goods issue for a standard Sales Order (ZOR) or Exchange
Sales Order (ZEX).
Used for reversal of Mvt Type 601.
Used for goods issue for Stock Transfer Order (STO).
Used for reversal of Mvt Type 641.
Used for Inventory Loss.
Figure 8-1
803 Expenditure Management. Effective expenditure management requires actions listed in
subparaphs 1 through 7 to be executed.
1. Physical issues and transfers of stock materiel are performed as per Department of the Navy
(DON) and local procedures when authorized by approved expenditure documents.
2. Issue and transfer transactions are posted in or interfaced from NALCOMIS into Navy ERP
and source documents are filed and maintained per DON directives.
3. Any differences between the quantities issued or transferred and the quantities requested on
issue or transfer documents are validated and reconciled.
4. Turn-in of excess materiel is performed following guidance outlined in materiel turned into
store (MTIS) instruction NAVSUPINST 4440.157B (Rev B).
6 Apr 2021
5. Expenditure transactions are posted to Navy ERP and source documents are filed and
retained per DON directives.
6. Differences between the quantities transferred and quantities requested are reconciled.
7. Surveys (DD Form 200) are processed promptly and posted into Navy ERP. Source
documents, together with causative research documents, are filed and retained per DON
804 NALCOMIS and Navy ERP Functional Processing. NALCOMIS processes expenditure
transactions through the materiel requirements internal (MRI) function, materiel requirements
external (MRE) function, and the survey function. These transactions then interface with Navy
ERP for further processing. The various types of expenditures processed utilizing NALCOMIS
and Navy ERP are discussed in subparagraphs 1 and 2.
1. The NALCOMIS MRI function is used to process materiel requests from supported
2. The NALCOMIS MRE function is used to process materiel requests from non-supported
805 Responsibilities.
1. The supply or ASD officer is responsible for the entire expenditure process including all
physical expenditures, preparation of applicable expenditure documents, correct input of
expenditure transactions to NALCOMIS and Navy ERP, and the results of expenditure
management efforts.
2. The warehouse supervisor must ensure all expenditure materiel is properly located,
picked, staged, issued, transferred, or offloaded, as applicable. The warehouse supervisor must
ensure all expenditure documentation is properly annotated and distributed to the appropriate
Navy ERP input processing point after the issue, transfer, or offload has been accomplished and
that expenditures are properly posted to Navy ERP. Manual work-around procedures must be in
place for use during periods when Automated Identification Technology (AIT) tablets are not
3. The warehouse supervisor is responsible for all transactions and matters relating to
expenditure management. This includes, but is not limited to, the actions listed in subparagraphs
3a though 3f.
a. Supervise and train warehouse personnel in proper issue procedures.
b. Review and process expenditure transactions from the NALCOMIS to Navy ERP
reconciliation reports listed in subparagraphs 3b(1) through 3b(3) and take action as required
within 5 business days of the report’s production.
6 Apr 2021
(1) Quantities discrepancy report on-hand and fixed allowance quantity mismatch report
(2) Supply NIINs not on NALCOMIS report (N6R60670).
(3) NIIN analysis report supply products indictor listing (N6R60654).
Note. NALCOMIS to Navy ERP reconciliation reports are discussed in detail in chapter 10.
c. Conduct preliminary causative research to support materiel gains, losses, and surveys.
d. Prepare survey documents or SDRs as required. Refer to chapter 5 for policy guidance.
e. Prepare and analyze reports.
f. Submit charts as directed by the supply or ASD officer.
4. The control division supervisor reports to the supply or ASD officer on all matters relating
to expenditure processing. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, subparagraphs 4a
through 4e.
a. Supervise and train control division personnel in expendituere management procedures
and requirements.
b. Ensure applicable NALCOMIS and Navy ERP reports containing expenditure
transactions are forwarded to warehouse personnel for reconciliation.
c. Assist with preliminary inventory adjustments and causative research required to support
preparation of survey documents (DD Form 200), when required.
d. Ensure applicable expenditure validation tables are accurate.
e. Prepare reports and trend charts as directed by the supply or ASD officer.
5. Quality assurance (QA), or equivalent, will assist control division supervisor and warehouse
supervisor in identifying and analyzing deficiencies in expenditure processing procedures. QA,
or equivalent, is also responsible for coordinating preliminary and causative research for materiel
being surveyed and for preparing reports and trend charts as directed by the supply or ASD
6. Navy ERP user manager must ensure all personnel involved in expenditure processing are
assigned the proper Navy ERP roles as directed by the applicable supervisor.
Issue Processing.
6 Apr 2021
1. Materiel will be expended by issue in response to a customer request from an I-Level
maintenance workcenter or supported unit. The request may be received on-line via
NALCOMIS for maintenance related requirements, off-line on a DD Form 1348-1A, or via the
NALCOMIS interface with Navy ERP. Refer to chapter 10 for further guidance and detailed
discussion on NALCOMIS and Navy ERP interface.
2. All issue and proof of delivery (POD) documents must be clearly annotated with date and
time of the issue transaction, issue quantity circled, signed and a legibly printed name by the
individual making the issue as well as by the individual receiving the materiel. Documents must
be annotated and retained as per DON directives. Retention period for PODs is10 years. Refer
to chapter 2 for further guidance on managing POD documents.
807 Off-Line Requests. The supply response section (SRS) will act as the central entry point
for issues to be processed off-line or for issues-on-request (IOR) made during system down time.
Upon receipt of the customer’s request, SRS will obtain the location and other required data
using the materiel stock list to process the issue. Not carried (NC) and not in stock (NIS) items
must be researched for suitable substitutes.
808 Issue Document Flow Control.
1. The supply officer must establish internal procedures to monitor all pending issue requests
completion to ensure all customer requirements are processed within prescribed time frames, the
highest possible inventory accuracy is maintained, and the integrity of Navy ERP records are
2. Warehouse personnel must ensure materiel is not issued without an authorized issue
document. Additional guidance for NALCOMIS system down-time procedures is provided in
chapter 10.
Note. If issue documents are not returned to the NALCOMIS processing point and all issue
transactions are not accurately posted in NALCOMIS and Navy ERP, inventory validity will be
reduced and supply effectiveness will be negatively impacted.
3. Issue document flow procedures must be developed to ensure proper internal processing of
issue documents in order to meet established goals.
4. Figure 8-2 is an example of a goods movement flow plan showing expenditure document
flow within Navy ERP (right side of chart).
6 Apr 2021
Figure 8-2 Goods Movement Flow Plan
Figure 8-2
809 Materiel Transfer. A transfer is the movement of materiel from the custody and records of
one activity to the custody and records of another. This will be processed in Navy ERP as a
stock transfer order (STO). Except in the case of excess materiel, an STO will be made only
upon receipt of a redistribution order (RDO).
810 Excess Materiel Expenditure through Redistribution.
1. A site may experience excess materiel on hand (On Hand Qty>maximum stock level (MSL))
as a result of a scheduled demand based level (SDBL) setting, re-SHORCAL, splinter
SHORCAL, gain by inventory (GBI) or MTIS of materiel from a customer.
2. The excess materiel (quantity in excess of the MSL) is eligible for redistribution to satisfy
direct turn over (DTO) requisitions or stock requirements from other Navy Working Capital
Fund (NWCF) activities. The site is eligible to receive referral requisitions via Navy ERP, per
current sourcing logic, as long as the on hand quantity exceeds the MSL.
3. Excess consumable materiel may be removed from a site’s inventory through rebalancing by
NAVSUP WSS or through redistribution. All re-distribution of BP-28 consumable materiel per
Defence Logistics Agencies (DLA) Distribution Centers and NAVSUPINST 4440.157B.
6 Apr 2021
811 Materiel Expenditure through Disposal.
1. Inventory disposal includes materiel disposal caused by excess materiel, beyond capability of
maintenance of field level repairables, beyond physical repair (BPR), beyond economical repair
(BER), and expired shelf-life.
2. Subparagraphs 2a through 2h define the steps to be taken in order to conduct the appropriate
disposal of excess materiel.
a. Receive authorization from NAVSUP WSS to dispose of the materiel. (See paragraphs 5
and 6 for further guidance.)
b. Submit disposal document through electronic turn in document (ETID) and verify the
document’s approval.
c. Ensure a minimum of three copies of each disposal document are printed and attach two
copies to the materiel.
d. Coordinate with the disposal service representative (DSR), considering the need for a
pre-inspection and transportation services.
e. Ensure property is separated according to each disposal document, properly palletized,
placed in tri-walls, if possible, banded, and made safe for transportation.
f. Schedule an appointment prior to the 60 day deadline, with the servicing Defense
Logistics Agency (DLA) Disposition Services location using ETID and, if applicable, the
transportation scheduler application, or scrap in place.
g. Complete the turn-in.
h. Forward the shipment disposal information to data entry personnel to update Navy
3. Inventory manager must complete the entire disposition process and dispose of the materiel
in 60 days or less.
4. Disposal documentation, including authorization documents and documents showing
movement to the disposal site, must be retained physically or electronically for 10 years per
DON directives.
5. Local scrap of inventory with a unit price of $100 or less, including expired shelf-life , does
not require NAVSUP WSS authorization. Disposal documentation for this materiel must be
retained for 10 years.
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6. Disposal actions requiring NAVSUP WSS authorization include MILSTRIP transactions
(DOCID “A5J” and “D7J”), written instructions (i.e. e-mail, naval message), Product Quality
Deficiency Report (PQDR), Joint Deficiency Reporting System (JDRS) and maintenance action
defining beyond repair (BR) or BER.
7. Subparagraphs 7a through 7d provide important websites for disposition of materiel.
a. For comprehensive information on the DLA dispositions process, contact the DLA
disposition services customer support specialist or review guidance from the website
b. Utilize WebFLIS for essential information for completing turn-in documents.
c. For information about ETIDs, visit website
d. Schedule transportation of materiel to DLA disposition services location online using the
scheduler tool at website https://vsm.distribution.dla.mil/Scheduler.
812 Shelf-Life Materiel Expenditure.
1. Shelf-life materiel includes items known to be subject to deterioration in storage after a
specified period of time. Shelf-life materiel is assigned shelf-life codes with corresponding
shelf-life action codes.
2. There are two types of shelf-life materiel:
a. Type I shelf-life materiel, which is non-extendable.
b. Type II shelf-life materiel, which is extendable.
3. Shelf-life materiel must be consolidated and stored in an easily accessible warehouse
location. Expired shelf-life items that cannot be extended will be expended through the disposal
4. Shelf-life materiel must be inspected at least once a month for condition and expiration date.
Appropriate action must be taken based on the results of these inspections. Refer to chapter 7 for
further guidance on shelf-life management.
813 Loss Expenditure of Stock Materiel.
1. Following completion of causative research, a survey document (DD Form 200) must
be prepared when the extended money value (EMV) of the loss of supply system stock exceeds
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the established threshold of $5,000.
2. Detailed causative research and FLIPL procedures are provided in chapter 5.
814 Expenditure Management Tools and Supervisory Review. Effective expenditure
management requires the development and consistent application of proper manual and
automated procedures. To ensure effective expenditure management is achieved, routine audits
and reinforcement of proper procedures must be accomplished per subparagraphs 1 through 5 by
supervisory and management personnel.
1. Ensure expenditure transactions successfully process into NALCOMIS and Navy ERP.
2. Establish a sound expenditure document flow plan.
3. Utilize the applicable management tools to monitor expenditure document control.
4. Analyze expenditure performance reports and compare results with performance
standards. Implement timely corrective action as appropriate.
5. Perform required warehouse supervisory reviews and ensure personnel understand
their roles in expenditure management and the importance of proper functional manager
815 Incoming Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR).
1. The warehouse supervisor must designate a central control point for all incoming SDRs.
SDR management responsibilities are included in subparagraphs 1a through 1e.
a. Determine internal processing actions required to resolve individual SDRs.
b. Ensure integrity between the stock record, warehouse quantity and corrective action
c. Provide SDR responses within the required time frames.
d. Ensure incoming SDR data is used to identify problems in the shipping and
packaging processes and corrective action is initiated.
e. Respond to requests from sources of supply (SOS) for investigations on SDRs against
managed materiel.
2. Subparagraphs a through d lists required information on incoming SDR case files.
a. SDR report number.
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b. SDR date.
c. SDR submitter.
d. Requisition and contract number.
Note. Closed SDR case files must be retained after the reply is received from the action activity.
Maintain separate case files for each fiscal year. Records can be maintained either in an
electronic or paper form. Completed SDR files related to any inventory or financial adjustment
must be retained as per DON directives. Open SDRs will be retained in a suspense file pending
resolution. Refer to chapter 7 for further guidance on SDR processing.
816 Control and Validation Files and Tables.
1. Navy ERP uses technical data files and tables to verify expenditure input data. Expenditure
data entered at terminals is validated with data stored in these files and tables and other
validation points before transaction processing is allowed to continue. Applicable intermediate
documents (IDOC) will reflect the processing status of each Navy ERP transaction.
2. Validation failure will result in a failed IDOC which must be resolved for the transaction to
successfully process in Navy ERP. All Navy ERP transactions either completed or failed will
generate an applicable IDOC as discussed in paragraph 817.
817 Intermediate Document (IDOC) Listing.
1. The IDOC listing contains all transactions processed (successfully and unsuccessfully) and is
generated from the Navy ERP database utilizing T-code “ZRMIM0025”.
2. The failed IDOC listing is a sub-set of the IDOC listing which contains all expenditure
transactions that could not be successfully processed by Navy ERP due to an error condition.
Note. Identify failed IDOC listing from those unsuccessfully processed transactions using codes
51 and 52.
3. Each failed IDOC is assigned a status code which provides a brief description indicating the
reason the transaction could not process.
4. Failed IDOCs must be continuously reviewed and corrective action taken as soon as possible
in order to allow the transaction to successfully process in Navy ERP. Failed IDOCs for high
priority requirements must receive immediate attention. All failed IDOCs must be processed
within 4 days. Failed IDOCs that cannot be processed within 4 days due to system problems
must have a HEAT ticket submitted or correspondence requesting assistance to clear the
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818 Document Flow.
1. Within Navy ERP, it is critical that effective expenditure document control be maintained to
ensure a high level of supply effectiveness. Many hours are expended in the physical issue,
transfer, offload and survey of materiel. These transactions must be posted to Navy ERP to
validate inventory accuracy and actual supply effectiveness. Proper expenditure document flow
is essential to ensure proper internal processing. The plan must discuss in detail document flow
procedures for expenditures including document distribution, expenditure processing time
standards, appropriate processing points for posting to Navy ERP, and appropriate supervisory
audits that must be conducted. Personnel performing expenditure functions must be thoroughly
trained in the document flow procedures specified in the plan (figure 8-2). Detailed Navy ERP
procedures and document flow for each type of expenditure are provided in the below Navy ERP
website. It includes detailed reference guides (RG), functional business process maps (FBPM)
and knowledge transfer events (KTE).
2. Supervisory Review. Warehouse supervisors and QA personnel must monitor
the expenditure flow process for compliance with the document flow plan. All source
documents must be properly processed and input timely for Navy ERP to be effective.
Supervisors must also make recommendations, as required, to improve document flow
procedures and initiate required corrective action.
819 Document Control – Issues and Transfers.
1. Issue Document Flow Plan. It is critical all activities ensure materiel requirements are input
as soon as possible after being received. Ashore supply activities must develop a written flow
plan that will ensure proper processing as listed, as a minimum, in subparagraphs 1a through 1f.
a. Document control procedures for all requirements.
b. Input and processing time frames.
c. Clearly defined processing points and input responsibilities.
d. Clearly defined output distribution and monitoring responsibilities.
e. Supervisory audits required to verify processing.
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f. Location of source document files.
2. If issue documents are not being printed in each designated printing location for any reason,
it is important that procedures are in place to ensure that issue documents are received by
warehouse personnel in order to process the issue.
3. Warehouse personnel must advise the site planning representative (SPR) of applicable issue
document printing terminal locations included in the document flow plan. The SPR must ensure
the issue documents are printed only by printers at the designated location. The warehouse
supervisor must identify an alternate printing location, if necessary.
820 Expenditure Performance Analysis.
1. Navy ERP activities use a number of key performance indicators, or pulse points, to compare
actual performance to established Type Commander (TYCOM) performance standards listed in
chapter 1. When performance falls below the standard, it may be difficult to determine a specific
cause due to the interrelationships and interdependencies between NALCOMIS and Navy ERP
2. Effective supervisory reviews should prevent improper expenditure practices from
contributing to below-standard performance. Formal and on-the-job training must be provided to
ensure that proper expenditure practices are understood and consistently employed.
821 Expenditure Processing Impact on Supply Effectiveness.
1. Aviation repairable effectiveness (ARE) and aviation consumable effectiveness (ACE)
statistics are provided by the net and gross effectiveness report in Navy Data Platform (NDP)
(formerly known as InforM-21). Supply issue effectiveness indicates how effective supply
department procedures have been in satisfying the materiel requirements of supported activities
with onboard stock. Subparagraphs 1a and 1b list the most common causes for poor supply
a. A NIS condition being reported for materiel actually in stock.
b. Not posting expenditures to Navy ERP or physically expending materiel in quantities
greater than those posted to Navy ERP and generating future warehouse refusals.
2. To confirm the effects of expenditure processing on effectiveness percentages, results of
document control and suspense processing reviews should be analyzed to determine if adequate
management action has been taken to correct any deficiencies noted during reviews. If reviews
have not been conducted, they must be initiated and corrective action taken.
6 Apr 2021
822 Expenditure Processing Impact on Inventory Accuracy. Maintaining inventory accuracy is
an ongoing requirement that is essential to the success of any supply activity. It can be
especially challenging at activities with large inventories and high volumes of materiel
movement. Effective expenditure management is critical to maintaining inventory accuracy.
Inventory accuracy depends on the timely processing of all receipt and expenditure transactions.
Therefore, failure to process or untimely processing of any transaction that affects inventory
balance will negatively impact inventory accuracy and issue effectiveness. Physical inventory
policies and procedures are further discussed in chapter 5.
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900 Objective. The information contained in this chapter is not intended to replace, but only to
supplement other directives and local standard operating procedures (SOP) governing
supplemental aviation spares support (SASS) and packages and pack up kits (PUK) operations.
Local SOPs should be developed to cover site specific operations or unique situations. Intensive
management of both SASS and PUK assets is required to ensure ongoing control and
accountability of the assets while located away from the supporting aviation support department
or detachment (ASD).
901 Definitions.
1. SASS Package. A SASS package is designed to support short term (14 to 30 days) or
extended deployments (6 months or longer) for a particular type/model/series (T/M/S) aircraft
and may also include end-use consumable items. Repairable components in the SASS will come
from the parent station’s “L” purpose allowances to support detached operations.
2. PUK. A package of aviation materiel designed to provide squadron detachments adequate
support for up to 14 days at locations where adequate aviation materiel support is not available.
Repairable components in the PUK are provided from “W” purpose allowance assets at the home
base activity providing the PUK. A PUK may also include end-use consumable items obtained
from on-site pre-expended bin (PEB) allowances.
902 PUK Management.
1. Squadron or detachment (DET) must submit request for PUKs via naval message per
CNSF/CNAP/CNSLINST 4420.1A (Aviation Support for Helicopter Detachment Afloat) for
shipboard helicopter detachments or per local instructions and guidance for other aircrafts. Short
notice requests will be handled by appropriate type wing on a case-by-case basis in response to
short tasking notice or contingency deployments. Inform appropriate type wing immediately in
the event of cancellation or extension of the PUK requirement.
2. The outfitting site will provide services listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2e.
a. Establish procedures within a written desk guide or SOP for the end-to-end process of
SASS or PUK from initial request to final return of SASS or PUK materiel.
b. Prompt assembly of required PUKs based on appropriate wing pack-up requirements list.
c. When directed by type wing commander, assemble and issue PUKs based on the
requirements list.
d. Upon completion of operations, resolve inventory differences with squadron or
detachment personnel, return unused materiel to stock and take necessary replenishment action.
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e. Conduct annual reviews of PUK listings with appropriate type wing to ensure validity of
requirements and sufficient PUK range and depth.
3. The squadron or detachment material control officer (MCO), officer-in-charge (OIC) or
designated representative must conduct a joint inventory with the outfitting site upon acceptance
of the PUK. They must maintain integrity of the PUK throughout the duration of the operation.
When ready for issue (RFI) assets are used from the PUK, the squadron or detachment will be
required to hold the corresponding NRFI components on hand as part of the PUK inventory for
return upon completion of operations. Short-term PUK retrograde components will not be
shipped separately for individual repair. Non-mission capable supply (NMCS) and partial
mission capable supply (PMCS) requirements which are not in stock (NIS) or not carried (NC) in
the PUK will be requested from the parent command (squadron) for issue to the detachment.
The corresponding retrograde from any such “NIS” or “NC” requirement will be returned to the
parent squadron for turn in to the supporting ASD to clear the corresponding IOU.
4. If a required asset is not available in the PUK, the squadron will submit a NMCS or PMCS
requisition to the unit's current point of entry (POE) for issue or referral. These assets will be
tracked and the corresponding retrograde components will be returned to the nearest ATAC node
at the earliest opportunity for return to the POE
5. Upon completion of the operation, return the RFI and NRFI repairable components to the
outfitting site. A completed turn-in Visual Information Display System/Maintenance Action
Form (VIDS/MAF) and any peculiar paperwork associated with the retrograde component (i.e.,
scheduled removal component (SRC) card or equipment history record (EHR)) must accompany
the applicable NRFI component. A completed survey DD Form 200 will be required for any
missing repairable component at the time of the PUK return.
903 SASS Allowances.
1. Ashore aviation support activities may be authorized SASS allowances for repairable
components by Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapons Systems Support (WSS)
to support assigned aircraft while operating away from the home base.
a. In some cases, the SASS may be permanently deployed aboard ship or at an overseas
ashore site to support ongoing operations. Operational commitments often necessitate the
detachment of aircraft squadrons or detachments of individual aircraft from the parent activity to
perform missions at remote afloat or ashore operating sites according to mission commander’s
operational guidance.
b. Materiel required to support detachments are taken from the home station retail stock.
This depletes shore Based Consolidated Allowance List (SHORCAL) assets. The result is a lack
of available spares, degrading fleet support at the home station and diminishing a unit’s
capability to maintain operational proficiency. SHORCAL computations include an additive
level of support for detached operations above the basic outfitting levels authorized per
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2. Supplemental requirements are approved after careful review by the Chief of Naval
Operations (CNO), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) N980L. Upon approval,
they are annotated in the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Weapon System Planning
Document (WSPD) per NAVAIRINST 13100.11D.
904 Authorized Allowance Determination.
1. SASS requirements will be considered an integral part of a parent activity’s retail allowance
and will be budgeted, funded, and documented as such. The authorized allowances for SASS are
in or supplemental to the activity’s SHORCAL allowance and will be carried as “L purpose”
2. Requests for authorization to establish SASS allowances must be initiated by the respective
type wing in collaboration with the outfitting activity. The request must be endorsed by
Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP) N414 prior to submitting to NAVSUP WSS then
OPNAV for final approval.
3. Increase or decrease in range and depth of SASS allowance is accomplished by submitting an
Allowance Change Request (ACR) if a SHORCAL or SASS review conference is not scheduled
within the next 90 days. Periodic SASS allowance reviews may be conducted in conjunction
with the activity’s re-SHORCAL or any other time as agreed upon by CNAP, NAVSUP WSS
and the operating sites or activities. NAVSUP WSS Code N831 will advise NAVSUP WSS
Code N41 to initiate a Splinter SHORCAL for approved and funded SASS requirements for
designated sites during the fiscal year (FY) in which Aircraft Procurement, Navy (APN) 6
funding is budgeted.
4. All SASS allowances authorized must be on hand or on order. SASS assets will be carried on
the supply officer's records in a support package beginning with an "L" and will be managed and
held in warehouse locations segregated from “W” purpose stock.
5. Approval is granted within 45 days after the request was initiated; however, the funding
required to initially outfit the new SASS allowances may not be readily available. Similar to
SHORCAL “W” purpose allowances, initial outfitting requisitions for SASS allowances that are
not immediately filled, may be assigned a status code of “NM” (no money available) or “NA”
(no assets available).
6. The PUK supervisor must have approval from the ASD or supply officer for any additional
consumable materiel when the national item identification number (NIIN) is not listed in the
SASS or PUK allowance package. (See paragraph 907 for details on consumable items carried
in the SASS or PUK.) The PUK supervisor will ensure the additional consumable items are
aviation fleet maintenance (AFM) funding chargeable materiel. For example, pilot relief bags
and office supplies are OFC-01 chargeable materiel and provided by the squadron material
control. Type wings may request additional items be added to the SASS and a review of
consumables will be conducted every 2 years.
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905 SASS Outfitting Site Responsibilities.
1. Sites holding “L” purpose allowances will take actions as listed in subparagraphs 1a through
a. Identify authorized requirements and ensure SASS allowances match the configuration of
the assigned aircraft. Additional verification of configuration changes related to SASS
components will be conducted during the acceptance inspection prior to deployment.
b. Requisition the full range and depth of the allowances for all SASS materiel authorized to
c. Assemble each SASS in a ready-for-transfer state per subparagraphs 1c(1) and 1c(2).
(1) All authorized materiel must be either on hand or on order.
(2) Components and materiel with shelf-life codes must have expiration dates later than
expected completion date of the deployment.
d. Ensure all repairable assets are in RFI condition with appropriate documentation
accompanying each component (i.e., SRC card, RFI tag, etc.).
e. Conduct a visual inspection of assets for tears or holes in packaging, exposed nails or
screws in wood crates or boxes, and take appropriate action to restore materiel to a ready-for-use
(RFU) condition.
f. Phase maintenance kits (PMK) A, B, C, and D will be included in the consumable portion
of the SASS. Phase kits will be assembled per NAVAIR Maintenance Requirement Cards
(MRC). The MRC deck lists all consumable materiel required to perform each of the
maintenance checks (phases). All items required to complete each phase have been preexpended and packaged as kits. The kits are requisitioned from the POE as a single item of
g. Coordinate SASS on-load and off-load schedules with the designated ship, squadron or
detachment and advise specific dates and location.
h. At the time of SASS on-load, provide two copies of the detailed supply aids as listed in
subparagraphs 1h(1) through 1h(4) to the supply officer of the squadron or detachment accepting
the SASS.
(1) Locator list in location sequence.
(2) Locator list in NIIN sequence with cross-reference and interchangeability
(substitute) data.
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(3) Locator list in part number (P/N) sequence with a cross-reference and
interchangeability (substitute) data.
(4) SASS initial shortage list annotated with quantities due including current status.
i. Expedite all initial SASS deficiencies and replenishment of NRFI components inducted
for expeditious repair (EXREP).
j. On all responses to inquiries from the activity holding the SASS, include full MILSTRIP
status (initial deficiencies) and Navy Aviation Logistics Command/Management Information
System (NALCOMIS) status for “EXREP” items within 1 business day. If not in receipt of
positive shipping status, provide details of expediting efforts.
k. Ensure all outstanding requisitions cited on the deficiency messages are responded to
with appropriate status. If requisitions are not on file, request resubmission or retransmission of
the MILSTRIP message.
l. Incorporate all applicable technical directives (TD) in all SASS assets.
m. Receive and process MILSTRIP requisitions. Provide each deploying ship, squadron or
detachment a unique series of document numbers for use in requisitioning aviation support and
SASS replenishment requirements.
n. No aviation repairable requisition will be referred off-station unless the item is identified
as “NIS”, “N/C” or a remain-in-place (RIP) item in the Consolidated Remain-in-Place Listing
o. Coordinate materiel shipment with area logistic control activities to ensure timely
delivery of urgent requirements.
p. Validate all outstanding requisitions for current status and provide to the supply officer or
detachment OIC every month.
q. Ensure a SASS or PUK status report is received from the supply officer or detachment
OIC every month.
r. Conduct quarterly material obligation validations (MOV) with supported units, making
sure requisitions held as outstanding obligations are still required and have not been cancelled or
s. Monitor AVDLR carcass tracking functions for supported deployed ships, squadrons or
detachments. The IOU component listing must be reviewed monthly and validated against
retrograde reconciliation messages for all components issued or referred for which an NRFI
exchange has not been received.
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t. Aggressively follow up on overdue aviation repairable NRFI turn-in materiel, and make
sure a final reconciliation is completed before the ship, squadron or detachment outchops from
u. Receive, account for and reconcile discrepancies on all materiel within 30 days of the
return of the SASS assets.
v. Notify the ship, squadron, or detachment supply officer, air and surface type commanders
(TYCOMS) of the reconciliation results. For PUK or SASS supporting helicopter detachments
notify air or surface TYCOM via naval message per CNSF/CNAP/CNSLINST 4420.1A.
2. Inventory Requirements. PUK or SASS inventory results must be posted in Navy Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) within 5 days following completion of the inventory. At sites where
PUK or SASS personnel do not have access to Navy ERP, arrangements should be made with
warehouse inventory personnel to input inventory results to Navy ERP. PUK or SASS materiel
is inventoried prior to and after the return of each deployment with the accepting unit. The
inventory team will consist of at least two members. The senior member of the inventory team
will provide inventory results to the PUK manager who will enter the inventory into Navy ERP.
PUK or SASS inventories will not have a “last inventory date” posted in Navy ERP greater than
12 months. Subparagraphs 2a through 2d provide further guidance for inventory procedures for
forward deployed units.
a. For PUKs permanently staged forward deployed or in the possession of the holding entity
(ship or squadron), the holder of the PUK will perform a physical inventory of the materiel. The
results of the inventory will be forwarded to the home base PUK manager.
b. Each member of the inventory team conducting the inventory will annotate the quantity
on hand, provide transaction information for quantity differences, and will sign, legibly print
name, and date each inventory sheet.
c. The inventory manager must manually enter the inventory results in Navy ERP by
personnel at the plant to which the materiel belongs. The inventory manager will address
discrepancies or inventory adjustments with the PUK manager for research and reconciliation.
d. The retention period for these inventory sheets is 10 years.
3. Perpetual Inventory Requirements. Perpetual inventory procedures apply to all non-deployed
SASS or PUK materiel. Each time an issue, receipt or materiel storage location change occurs,
an inventory must be performed on the materiel. The receipt, issue or transfer document must be
annotated with the on-hand quantity on the shelf following completion of the transaction.
906 Materiel Storage and Packaging.
1. SASS and PUK assets represent a huge investment by the Navy Working Capital Fund
(NWCF). Assets becoming NRFI due to damaged or missing packaging may result in significant
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cost to the NWCF account. In the case of end-use consumable materiel damaged or missing,
packaging can result in unnecessary charges to the Flying Hour Program (FHP).
2. Units holding SASS or PUK assets must take appropriate measures to maintain materiel in
RFI condition. ASD and the fleet logistics center (FLC) actions are listed in subparagraphs 2a
through 2j.
a. Packaging must be intact and provide adequate protection for the component to be
shipped from the deployed or operating area to the home guard ASD. While local packaging
requirements are acceptable for on-base movement, the intent of the package is to support
deployed or DET operations away from home guard; therefore, packaging must meet NAVSUP
P-700 standards.
b. Packaging must be clearly marked and labeled to identify contents held within. Any
additional packaging or local labels may supplement but not destroy or cover the original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) sticker or the affixed RFI tag located on the outside of boxes
when received from OEM or organic depot sites.
(1) If the OEM or organic depot box needs replacement, cut out the OEM label and the
affixed RFI tag (if applicable) and place into a MAF bag holder with the OEM’s certificate of
compliance and place it in the new box with the component.
(2) Markings on the outside of the box must indicate that these are contained inside the
c. Materiel must be protected from the elements. DETs operate in a variety of
environmental conditions. The SASS and PUKs are not always stowed in a controlled
environment and may be exposed to pipe leaks, moisture, humidity, dust, and heat.
d. Assembly service record (ASR), SRC or EHR cards must accompany repairable
components requiring such documentation. Assets from OEM or organic depot repair sites will
not have an ASR, SRC or EHR card and will be created by the first organizational level entity
that installs the asset into the aircraft.
e. PUK managers must ensure that repairable components held within a package have the
respective TDs, avionics change (AVC), etc. installed prior to issuing the SASS or PUK to
squadron personnel.
f. When transporting packages, the repairable components will be stacked in a manner as to
not crush the items placed at the bottom of the tri-wall or container.
(1) While bubble wrap is adequate protection for shelf storage and local movement, it is
not an acceptable method of protection during transportation to and from ships or operating area.
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(2) Each component will be individually protected at a level to allow shipment of the
asset from the deployment or operating location, with the tri-wall or container providing a
secondary level of protection.
g. Repairable components requiring electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection must be
properly packaged and labeled as per NAVSUP P-700.
h. When packaging discrepancies are found in a SASS or PUK and the amount of
repackaging exceeds local capability, sites may request assistance from the NAVSUP Care of
Supplies in Storage (COSIS) team. Packaging requirements for materiel may be found at:
(1) Sites are to contact the respective TARP representative to request COSIS assistance.
(2) Sites are to order and have staged the packaging materiel prior to the arrival of the
COSIS team.
i. To prevent damage, all NRFI components must be properly packaged for storage or
shipment. If the component is assigned a specific storage and shipping containers per the
NAVSUP P-700, that container must be used to transfer or ship the NRFI component. This is
especially important for delicate equipment and instruments such as gyroscopes.
j. Ship or squadrons taking custody of SASS or PUK components and materiel will be
advised by the ASD or FLC team to take proper precautions to protect assets from damage or
deterioration as listed in subparagraphs 2j(1) through 2j(6).
(1) Provide proper padding or cushioning during transport of assets in truck beds.
(2) Provide proper protection from weather at all times. Tarps or weatherproof covers
must be used when transporting assets during (or if expected) inclement weather conditions.
(3) ASD or FLC will communicate storage requirements and care of the SASS or PUK
while in the squadron’s custody.
(4) Shipboard or squadron personnel will conduct periodic inspections of storeroom or
warehouse locations to inspect for leaks from pipes, ceiling, or roof to prevent water or moisture
damage to components while in storage.
(5) Maintain components in packaging or containers provided by ASD or FLC.
Packaging will only be opened to install the asset on an aircraft.
(6) Document all shipments of repairable assets in the eRetrograde Management System
(eRMS) for proper tracking.
6 Apr 2021
907 Consumable Support Materiel.
1. NAVSUP WSS may authorize consumable materiel via initial outfitting to be included with
the SASS allowance package. This may result from initial outfitting or cognizance (cog) symbol
2. The PUK supervisor must have approval from the supply or ASD officer for any additional
consumable materiel when the NIIN is not listed in the SASS or PUK allowance package. The
PUK supervisor will ensure the additional consumable items are AFM funding chargeable
3. SASS Consumable Replenishment for Not Carried or Retail Stocked National Stock
Numbers (NSN). The PUK manager will submit a direct input requisition into NALCOMIS
using the assigned document date and serial number (DDSN) series for the appropriate
detachment. NALCOMIS will interface with Navy ERP and provide status update of “ISSIP” or
4. SASS consumable replenishment for PEB stocked NSN. The PEB manager may assign the
SASS DDSN series or detachment organization (ORG) code to a PEB site to allow the direct
input SASS consumable requisitions to be supported by PEB materiel. The PUK manager will
submit a direct input requisition into NALCOMIS using the assigned DDSN series for the
appropriate detachment. If assigned to a PEB site, NALCOMIS will provide status update of
“ISPEB” or “REFER”. If not assigned to a PEB site, NALCOMIS will interface with Navy ERP
and provide the status update of “REFER”.
908 SASS and PUK Replenishment.
1. All SASS and PUK replenishment requisitions must be ordered as IPG-2, using the assigned
document series and the appropriate project code specifically assigned for SASS or PUK
replenishment to support that T/M/S aircraft as per NAVSUP P-485 Appendix 6. In no case will
SASS or PUK replenishment be accomplished using the original IPG-1 “G” series document
generated against the aircraft. Proof of delivery (POD) documents for deployed SASS and PUK
replenishments must be electronically forwarded to the outfitting site whose funding is used.
POD documents must be retained on file by the outfitting site for 10 years per FIAR directives.
a. Identify authorized requirements and ensure SASS allowances match the configuration of
the assigned aircraft.
b. Requisition full range and depth of the cumulative allowances for all SASS materiel as
authorized to support the WSPD. SASS replenishment requisitions must cite the project code
assigned for that purpose.
c. Consumable SASS or PUK replenishment requisitions must cite the appropriate PUK
project code and priority (PRI) 06 upon release for CONUS sites and PRI 05 for OCONUS sites.
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d. Appropriate measures and actions must be taken to ensure the monitoring and care of shelf
life materiel. Any actions taken will be following the expiration date and the shelf life code.
Refer to chapter 7, paragraph 706 for additional guidance.
2. For deployed SASS, the outfitting site, which serves as the point of entry (POE), will provide
a series of document numbers unique to each ship or DET. The ship or DET will assign the
document and forward the information to the outfitting site who will order the materiel to
replenish the SASS. The ship or DET will ensure NRFI retrograde components removed from
the aircraft is on hand and ready for turn-in. Timely turn-in and shipment of retrograde
components will contribute significantly to a reduction in repair turn-around time.
909 SASS and PUK Pre-Issue and Pre-Deployment Screening.
1. A joint screening and inventory will be conducted by the ASD or FLC and ship or squadron
personnel during the return of the SASS or PUK. The screening will include an assessment of
the materiel condition, materiel NSN, P/N, serial number (S/N) and the proper packaging of the
assets. ASD or FLC will repackage RFI assets having damaged or deteriorating boxes.
2. Asset materiel condition will be determined as listed in subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. RFI: Asset is accepted and included in the SASS or PUK.
b. NRFI: Asset is exchanged with another RFI asset from another SASS or PUK; or, if the
asset can be RFI’d in time for departure the NRFI may be inducted for repair.
3. The NRFI asset is inducted into the local fleet readiness center (FRC) – intermediate (I) or
aircraft intermediate maintenance department (AIMD) for repair action via shelf repair MAF per
subparagraphs 3a and 3b.
a. If the component is made RFI, it will backfill the SASS or PUK for the deficiency
created by the exchange for the RFI component.
b. If the component is BCM’d, a replenishment document will be generated to backfill the
component that was issued from the SASS or PUK.
910 SASS or PUK Pre-Return and Post-Deployment Screening. A joint screening and
inventory will be conducted by the ASD or FLC and ship or squadron personnel during the
return of the SASS or PUK. The screening will include an assessment of the materiel condition
and the proper packaging of the assets.
1. ASD or FLC will repackage RFI assets with damaged or deteriorated boxes or containers.
2. Asset materiel condition will be determined as listed in subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. RFI: Asset is accepted and will be returned from the custody squadron.
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b. NRFI: Induct asset into the local FRC-I or AIMD for repair action via squadron MAF
(when SASS or PUK is in the squadron’s possession) or via a shelf repair MAF (when SASS or
PUK is in the ship’s possession).
(1) A new Individual Component Repair List (ICRL) code of “R_” has been established
for sites that have an ICRL code of “X1”, whereas other I-level repair sites have an ICRL code
of “C_” for that component.
(2) The action taken for ICRL code “R_” is to induct into the local FRC-I or AIMD for
repair and return to an I-level repair site having an ICRL code “C_” repair capability for that
(3) Components with no existing I-level capability at any repair sites having an ICRL
code of “X1” will be processed as BCM and replenished using the squadron’s AFM fund.
911 Deploying Units.
1. Deploying activities must begin preparations far in advance of deployment. The deploying
activity will be responsible for sending a message to the appropriate TYCOM (info outfitting
site) requesting authority to on-load or off-load the SASS and provide recommended dates and
location for embarkation or debarkation. For PUK or SASS supporting helicopter detachments,
notify air or surface TYCOM via naval message per CNSF/CNAP/CNSLINST 4420.1A. The
deploying activity is responsible for actions listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1c.
a. A primary and an alternate SASS manager must be designated in writing. Deploying
units should make every effort to keep the same SASS manager for the duration of the
b. Provide a copy of the designation letter and contact information to the outfitting site.
c. Conduct a joint AVDLR SASS inventory validation with the outfitting site and squadron
or detachment personnel. Ensure 100% inventory accuracy is attained before accepting the
SASS. Take for action as listed in subparagraphs 1c(1) through 1c(5).
(1) Physically validate RFI status for all repairable and consumable SASS assets to
include proper markings, packaging, packing, unit of issue, incorporation of TDs, ESD, RFI tag,
SRC cards and other OEM certificate of compliance or maintenance documentation.
(2) Ensure all authorized allowance quantities of aircraft corrosion control material
(ACCM) and petroleum, oil and lubricant (POL) materiel identified by the appropriate TYCOM
are either on hand or on order.
(3) Squadrons or units taking custody of SASS or PUK components and materiel must
take proper precautions to protect assets from damage or deterioration. Proper protection from
weather must be provided at all times.
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(4) Screen all incoming SASS repairable replenishments to ensure materiel received is
RFI and properly labeled. Monitor shelf-life expiration dates for SASS components,
consumables, ACCM, and POL materiel.
(5) Conduct pre-deployment and post-deployment inventories of the SASS as directed.
Perform quarterly wall-to-wall repairable inventory and report all discrepancies found to the
appropriate TYCOM and applicable outfitting site. Forward deployed SASS packages require a
100% physical inventory of all repairable assets annually. The SASS manager or alternate must
enforce one-for-one turn-in policy for all repairable components with the aviation detachment
maintenance personnel. Aggressively respond to all NRFI turn-in reconciliation reports ensuring
that all NRFI information is placed in the eRMS operation module. Retain SASS on board
unless directed to offload by the appropriate TYCOM.
2. Thirty days prior to departing the deployed theater, the POE must initiate the actions listed in
subparagraphs 2a through 2d.
a. Cancel all DTO (except issue priority group 1 (IPG-1)) requirements.
b. Restrict requisitioning and issue procedures (MILSTRIP) requisition input during this
period to IPG-1 requisitions only.
c. Forward initial SASS and replenishment materiel received after the SASS off-load to the
applicable outfitting site. A message providing traceable shipping data on all AVDLR returns
must be provided to the outfitting site. All missing or lost aviation repairable components will
be formally investigated and surveyed (DD Form 200) within 30 days of the SASS off-load. The
final survey, signed by the supply officer or squadron or detachment OIC, will be forwarded to
the outfitting site. See paragraph 914 for survey requirements.
d. Whenever possible, SASS managers should remain assigned from the pre-deployment
until after the post-deployment inventory is complete and the reconciliation process has
Note. Use caution prior if cancelling repairable requisitions near the end of the fiscal year.
912 Breaching the SASS.
1. Procedures. Procedures established for breaching the integrity of a PUK are listed in
subparagraphs 1a through 1e.
a. ASD leadership may develop and establish additional written procedures for breaching
PUK inventory to fulfill local flight line materiel requirements for their local operating
b. Subparagraphs 1b(1) through 1b(9) outline the procedures.
(1) Basic routing of the materiel support request from the PUK.
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(2) Routing will begin with the squadron maintenance officer (MO) or assistant
maintenance officer (AMO). The squadron MO or AMO will provide the due date and
justification as to why breaching the PUK is required and why cannibalization is not an option.
(3) The type wing MO or readiness officer (RO) will validate the request to breach the
SASS or PUK and that no other option is available to include confirming that cannibalization
(4) The ASD officer or director will validate subparagraphs 1b(4)(a) through 1b(4)(d).
(a) The supply system status for the requisition to be filled.
(b) Lateral support from other ASD or CVNs is not possible.
(c) There are no near term upcoming SO or ER asset RFI repair completion.
(d) Stricken aircraft reclamation and disposal program (SARDIP) materiel is not
available, and if the requisition is in “EXREP” status, the estimated repair completion for the
EXREP asset will not meet the required date.
(5) The supply officer or the designated representative will approve or deny the request
and forward the request form or e-mail to the PUK supervisor.
(6) The PUK supervisor will process and file the approved request by following the
appropriate procedures defined in paragraphs 1b(1) through 1b(5). The retention period of the
approved form or e-mail is 3 years.
(7) The decision to breach a PUK must be the last resort, to include fulfillment via
cannibalization action. Single downing materiel requirements preventing an aircraft from
detachment movement or deployment are the situations that qualify for consideration to request
materiel support from a PUK. The negative effect of breaching a PUK is that the PUK RFI
availability will decrease and may reach a point that makes the PUK ineffective.
(8) The supply officer or director or the wing MO or RO will brief the commodore that a
PUK was breached to fulfill an urgent materiel requirement. Supply and ASD officer alignment
varies across FLCs as well as CNAP and Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL).
Inventory accuracy is preserved by following the series of transactions outlined when a SASS or
PUK is breached.
(9) Request to breach the PUK will be conducted using a locally developed form or via email.
2. Requisition Fulfillment Processing. The procedures listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2c
provide an overview of NALCOMIS and Navy ERP steps for processing materiel movement,
completing a DTO requisition, and tracking the backfill materiel or stock due requisition.
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a. The procedures listed in subparagraphs 2a and 2b demonstrate the movement of an asset
from Navy ERP storage type “PUK” to storage type “RFI” and vice versa. The corresponding
interface transactions sent to NALCOMIS will move the asset from “Deployed PUK” to “RFI”
and vice versa.
b. The requisition will have one of the statuses as listed in subparagraphs 2b(1) through
(1) “EXREP”.
(2) “Refer” in backorder status (BB, BZ, BV, etc.).
(3) “Refer” in backorder status (BB, BZ, BV, etc.) and U.S. Navy is not the primary
inventory control activity (PICA).
(4) “Refer” in “BA” or “AS1” status.
c. Requisitions with “EXREP” status.
(1) The RFI quantity is moved from the PUK stock and placed in “W” purpose stock as
RFI by using Navy ERP T-Codes listed in subparagraphs 2c(a) through 2c(c).
(a) LB01: Create transfer requirement 998.
(b) LT04: Create TO from TR.
(c) LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
Note. Failure to confirm TO will result in an inventory discrepancy. This will be validated
during the supply management inspection (SMI) by the financial management inspector.
(2) Upon movement to “W” location, an “Issue Select” is processed in NALCOMIS for
the DDSN. This will change the due-in from maintenance (DIFM) management code from “ER”
to “SO” on the DIFM management report.
(3) Completed Repair Action (DIFM). The payback SO asset result in either “RFI” or
(a) RFI Action. During the DIFM return, the RFI item is temporarily placed in a
“W” stock location. Once moved to “W” location, the PUK supervisor will move the RFI asset
back to the PUK stock by using Navy ERP T-Codes as listed in subparagraphs 2c(3)(a)1 through
1. LB01: Create transfer requirement 997.
2. LT04: Create TO from TR.
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3. LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
(b) BCM Action. Upon DIFM return, the BCM item is cleared from the completed
repair action (CRA) mailbox, creating the stock due requisition. Upon receipt of the incoming
stock due asset, the asset will be temporarily placed in “W” stock location. Upon completion of
the “W” stock stow, the PUK supervisor will move the RFI asset back to the PUK stock by using
T-Codes listed in subparagraphs 2c(3)(b)1 through 2c(3)(b)3.
1. LB01: Create transfer requirement 997.
2. LT04: Create TO from TR.
3. LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
(4) Requisitions with Referred (BM) or Backorder (BB) Status. Navy ERP must show
RFI quantity available at the originating site’s plant prior to referring the requisition back to the
originating site’s plant. The RFI quantity is moved from PUK stock and placed in a “W” stock
location by using Navy ERP T-Codes listed in subparagraphs 2c(4)(a) through 2c(4)(c).
(a) LB01: Create transfer requirement 998.
(b) LT04: Create TO from TR.
(c) LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
(5) Subparagraphs 2c(5)(a) and 2c(5)(b) list the two methods to source the MILSTRIP
requisition back to a site’s plant.
(a) PMU will contact the NAVSUP WSS item manager or supply planner to refer or
source requisition back to outfitting site plant.
(b) If stock control personnel have the Navy ERP roles to source requisitions, they
may source the MILSTRIP requisition back to their own plant within Navy ERP by using Navy
ERP T-Code “ME23N” (Navy MILS PO).
(6) Once the referral to your plant is completed, place the RFI asset into NALCOMIS
“suspense” to block stock from Navy ERP sourcing wheel and to avoid the inadvertent “ISSIP”
assignment by NALCOMIS for the next requisition for the same materiel.
(7) Release the picking ticket (PICTIC) using Navy ERP T-Code “VL06P” (list of
Outbound Deliveries for Picking) in Navy ERP.
(8) Remove from NALCOMIS “suspense” and perform RFI update to adjust
NALCOMIS quantity (RFILBA) to RFI and Navy ERP quantity by using the T-Code “LT12”
(confirm TO) and T-Code “VL06G” (List of Outbound Delivers for Goods Issue) upon issue.
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(9) Perform a stock replenishment action using local procedures. Upon receipt of the
incoming stock due asset will be temporarily placed in “W” stock location. Upon completion of
the “W” stock stow, the PUK supervisor will move the RFI asset back to the SASS or PUK stock
by using Navy ERP T-Codes listed in subparagraphs 2c(9)(a) through 2c(9)(c).
(a) LB01: Create transfer requirement 997.
(b) LT04: Create TO from TR.
(c) LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
(10) Refer in backorder status and U.S. Navy is PICA or secondary inventory control
activity (SICA).
(a) PMU will contact NAVSUP WSS supply planner to have the requisition
cancelled with the PICA supply activity and confirm with NAVSUP WSS that the requisition
can be referred back to your plant. Ensuring that the MILSTRIP requisition is referred back to
your plant is critical when the requisition has been sourced to out-scope activity, such as B17,
B16, FHZ, etc.
(b) Navy ERP must show RFI quantity available at your plant prior to referring the
requisition back to your plant. The RFI quantity is moved from the PUK stock and placed in a
“W” stock location by using Navy ERP T-Codes listed in subparagraphs 2c(10)(b)1 through
1. LB01: Create transfer requirement 998.
2. LT04: Create TO from TR.
3. LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
(11) Subparagraphs 2c(11)(a) through 2c(11)(f) lists the methods to source the
MILSTRIP requisition back to a site’s plant.
(a) PMU will contact NAVSUP WSS item manager or supply planner to refer or
source requisition back to the local Navy ERP plant.
(b) If stock control personnel have the Navy ERP roles to source requisitions, they
may source the MILSTRIP requisition back to their own plant within Navy ERP by using Navy
ERP T-Code “ME23N” (Navy MILS PO).
(c) Once the referral to your plant is completed, place the RFI asset into NALCOMIS
“suspense” to block stock from Navy ERP sourcing wheel and to avoid the inadvertent “ISSIP”
assignment by NALCOMIS for the next requisition for the same materiel.
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(d) Release the picking ticket (PICTIC) using Navy ERP T-Code “VL06P” (list of
Outbound Deliveries for Picking) in Navy ERP.
(e) Remove from NALCOMIS suspense and perform RFI update to adjust
NALCOMIS quantity (RFILBA) to RFI and Navy ERP quantity by using Navy ERP T-Code
LT12 (Confirm TO) and T-Code “VL06G” (List of Outbound Delivers for Goods Issue) upon
(f) Perform a stock replenishment action using local procedures. Upon receipt of
the incoming stock due asset will be temporarily placed in “W” stock location. Upon completion
of the “W” stock stow, the PUK supervisor will move the RFI asset back to the SASS or PUK
stock by using Navy ERP T-Codes listed in subparagraphs 2c(11)(f)1 through 2c(11)(f)3.
1. LB01: Create transfer requirement 997.
2. LT04: Create TO from TR.
3. LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
(11) For requisitions with “Refer” in “BA” or “AS1” status, follow procedures listed in
subparagraphs 2c(12)(a) through 2c(12)(f).
(a) The RFI quantity is moved from the SASS stock and placed in a “W” stock
location by using Navy ERP T-Codes listed in subparagraphs 2c(12)(a)1 through 2c(12)(a)3.
1. LB01: Create transfer requirement 998.
2. LT04: Create TO from TR.
3. LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
(b) The PUK manager will move the PUK RFI quantity from the PUK stock
location to NALCOMIS “Suspense” with remarks “Payback doc XXXX”.
(c) PMU will assign the supply ORG code and place the requisition on the supply
payback list and will inform the PUK supervisor of the DTO payback DDSN.
(d) PMU will inform the MDU supervisor to add the payback document to the
“Payback Tracking Board” and will coordinate delivery of the DTO requisition to the PUK
(e) ASD PMU supervisor will ensure delivery of the materiel to the PUK manager.
Upon arrival of the asset in PUKS, the PUK supervisor will move the quantity from NALCOMIS
to the support package.
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(f) Remove from NALCOMIS suspense and perform RFI update to adjust
NALCOMIS quantity (RFILBA) to RFI by using Navy ERP T-Codes listed in 2c(12)(f)1
through 2c(12)(f)3.
1. LB01: Create transfer requirement 997.
2. LT04: Create TO from TR.
3. LT11 or LT12: Confirm TO.
3. These procedures are a manual, coordinated process. Follow-up and confirmation is the key
to ensure the backfilling of PUK deficiencies and the prevention of lost materiel. The PUK
manager will track and manage the payback asset to ensure that the PUK deficiency receives the
RFI SO asset or tracks the DTO or stock due requisition.
913 Non-RFI Turn-In. When ordering PUK replenishments, advice code “5G” must be used
and a retrograde turn-in is required. In order to minimize retrograde loss and improve repair
turn-around-time, part verification for AVDLR and FLR requisitions is essential. Verify turn-in
materiel from air detachment maintenance personnel to confirm it is compatible with the part
requisitioned and ensure a completed maintenance action form (MAF) is provided with the turnin. Retrograde materiel must include EHR, SRC and ASR card when applicable. Verification
for card requirements can be found on the Optimized Organizational Maintenance Activity
(OOMA) turn-in MAF and in the Periodic Maintenance Information Card (PMIC). Retrograde
disposition information must be initially provided on the original MILSTRIP requisition in the
“remarks” block. Failure to provide firm shipping data may result in cancellation of the
914 Surveys.
1. If the possessing activity is missing SASS materiel, the possessing activity must conduct
causative research. If local efforts are not able to resolve the inventory discrepancy, then the
possessing activity must coordinate with the supporting ASD for assistance in reconciling and
resolving the inventory discrepancy.
2. If SASS materiel cannot be located, a DD Form 200 must be initiated, investigated,
completed and signed by the squadron commanding officer and forwarded to the outfitting site
POE within 30 days following completion of the joint acceptance inspection. The DD Form 200
will include causative research and recommendations to avoid future losses of materiel.
Outfitting site will forward copies of the surveys to CNAP N415 site advocate when the
aggregate value of the surveys from the same detachment or deployment are over $500,000.
915 SASS and PUK Reconciliation Process. SASS and PUK records are added to NALCOMIS
from the J60665 input file if there is materiel on hand to establish the record. It also adds
repairable pack-up kit records that currently exist on the Navy ERP system, but do not exist in
the NALCOMIS system. Subparagraphs 1 through 3 list three output reports.
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1. Supply/NALCOMIS Pack-up Quantity Discrepancy Report. This report lists all
NALCOMIS pack-up kit records with quantities that do not match the Navy ERP pack-up
quantities. The SASS or PUK custodians will validate the report and changes to the database
will made as needed.
2. NALCOMIS Pack-up Record Not on Supply Report. This report lists all NALCOMIS IMA
pack-up records that are not on the Navy ERP system. Verify and annotate as needed.
3. Supply Pack-up Addition Report. This report lists those Navy ERP pack-up records that are
not on the NALCOMIS system and whether they are added. Pack-up records with insufficient
RFI quantities are not added. Verify and annotate as needed.
916 Inventory Requirements. DLR or FLR inventory transactions in sub-custody must be
supported by appropriate source documents and detailed records which must be summarized and
accurately reconciled to the BLA inventory balance. Subparagraphs 1 through 4 list the
inventory requirements.
1. Permanently deployed PUKs must be physically inventoried annually. Inventory results will
be reported back to the home site by the deployed unit and updated in Navy ERP and
a. Per NAVSUP P-723 (Rev 5), deployed PUKs must only be released to an E-5 or above.
b. The PUK inventory listing must be signed, legibly initialed, and dated by both parties on
each page as evidence of review and release, as well as accuracy and completeness.
c. Documentation must be maintained for 10 years.
2. For staged PUKs, inventory listings must be either physically attached or otherwise traceable
to the corresponding PUK. After any PUK transaction, reconcile the affected NIIN in the PUK
containers to the PUK listing and NALCOMIS PUK data.
a. Staged PUKs must carry an inventory listing with signature, printed name, and date by
the PUK custodian.
b. Documentation must be maintained for 10 years.
3. For unclassified inventory, sub-custody cards (controlled-equipage custody record NAVSUP
Form 306) or equivalent must be prepared, signed, dated, and maintained to support the subcustody quantity in the Business Logistics Application (BLA) when inventory is moved to
supported customers. All inventory movements must be documented into BLA.
a. Physically count the inventory and match it to the sub-custody cards. Reconcile subcustody cards to the BLA for completeness and accuracy of sub-custody inventory.
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b. When inventory discrepancies are noted, conduct preliminary research and adjust the
BLA. All necessary condition code updates need to be reflected in the BLA within 5 business
days of the actual transaction. Causative research must be performed after all inventory
c. Upon release, print name, sign, and date the sub-custody card as evidence of review for
completeness and accuracy. Sub-custody cards are maintained at the custodian’s facility for the
life of the sub-custody arrangement.
4. DIFM inventory must log inventory identification data in respective logbooks or similar
documentation. Logbooks must be signed in compliance with physical hand-off requirements
between the supply custodian and work center. Logbooks must be maintained for 10 years.
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1000 Objective. The aviation support department or detachment (ASD) is responsible for
providing aviation supply support to stationed and transient units utilizing the Naval Tactical
Command Support System (NTCSS) Automated Information Systems (AIS) Naval Aviation
Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) Optimized Intermediate
Maintenance Activity (OIMA) and Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). This chapter
standardizes the ashore aviation supply support business rules, and provides subordinate aviation
supply support units under Commander, Naval Air Forces Pacific (CNAP) and Commander,
Naval Air Forces Atlantic (CNAL) with guidance on daily operating procedures, external
reporting requirements, and NTCSS AIS utilization within the Navy ERP environment.
Note. The OIMA terminology used in this chapter refers to Optimized NALCOMIS
(intermediate level) and to all of its subsequent system configuration upgrades.
1001 Optimized NALCOMIS AIS. Optimized NALCOMIS AIS, referred to as NALCOMIS,
provides online data and management reports offering management tools in improving aircraft
operational readiness, requisition management, and supporting stock or spares inventory
accuracy. The system automates processing of maintenance action forms (MAF) or work orders
(WO), and validates user entry by using a set of internal validation tables. The various
management reports, online messages via various mailboxes, and hard copy notices also provide
management with the tools to track repairable components from the turn-in (IOU) process
through the I-level maintenance activity (IMA), either AIMD or FRC-I, repair cycle.
1002 NALCOMIS and Navy ERP System Interface. All aviation materiel requirements are
initiated in NALCOMIS then interface via electronic means in the form of Navy ERP’s
intermediate document (IDOC) process at pre-determined time intervals. The transactions
accomplished in NALCOMIS include issues from stock for repairable and consumable
requirements, repairable and consumable requisition referrals, repairable component induction to
the local IMA, repair action (components made ready for issue (RFI)), beyond capability of
maintenance (BCM) action and the stock replenishment as a result of BCM action on repairable
1. Successful system interface ensures posting transactions reflect properly and accurately on
the applicable inventory records, as well as the recording of the related financial transaction.
NALCOMIS unprocessed outgoing and incoming transactions and files must be processed
within 24 hours to maintain the integrity of Optimized NALCOMIS records as they align with
Navy ERP.
2. Outgoing Navy ERP Interface Data. NALCOMIS real-time transaction performs processing
required in the production of interface records. NALCOMIS OIMA create interface records for
transactions as listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1q.
a. Direct Support Materiel Requirements = A0_, X22, X30, X31
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b. Indirect Support Materiel Requirements = A0_, X31
c. Materiel Requirement Contingency = A0_, X30, X31
d. Requisition Re-Order = A0_, X22
e. Local Status Update = A0_, X30, X31, X31R
f. Requisition Action Initiation = AC1, AFC, AK_, AM_, AT_
g. Receipt on Board = X71 DTO Requisitions
h. Proof of Delivery = X71 Stock Requisitions
i. DIFM Return = A0_, X22 Response Code “A”, X22 Response Code “F”, X31,
j. Transfer to Sub-Custody, Pack-Up or Suspense = X24, X40
k. Return from Sub-Custody, Pack-Up or Suspense = X22, X24
l. IOU Survey = A0_, X22, X30, X31
m. DIFM Survey = A0_, X22, X30, X31
n. Inter-IMA and Customer Service Return = A0_, X22, X31
o. AWP Component Release = AC1
p. OFFROB and OFFISS Discrepancy Updates = X71
q. JASU Induction Issued with a Different NIIN = X33
1003 Aviation Consumable Requirements Processing.
1. Generating Requirements. Customers using aviation operations maintenance (AOM) funds
for consumable requirements will submit their materiel requirements using NALCOMIS OOMA
or OIMA.
a. The squadron technician at the organization level (O-Level) will enter the materiel
requirement on the MAF within NALCOMIS OMA or OOMA, generating a requirement for
maintenance control to review. The maintenance control will assign an appropriate project code
and verify the requirement. ASD or material control will approve the requirement and issue the
item to the customer.
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b. NALCOMIS OIMA will populate the requirement in the “Direct/Indirect Material”
approval mailbox for production control review. Production control approves individual materiel
requirements by assigning the appropriate priority and project code using “Material Requirement
Approval”. The approval action will assign DDSN from the auto-assign table and transmit the
requirement to ASD. IMA work centers identify failed requirements by filling out the “H”
through “Z” blocks of the automated MAF or WO using “Material Requirement Add”.
2. Generating Mechanized DD Form 1348-1A. ASD uses designated printers for NALCOMIS
to print consumable requisitions documents or picking tickets from Navy ERP. Local
requirement will determine the routing to printers.
3. Requisition and Mailbox Management. NALCOMIS has mailbox inquiries to facilitate the
categorization of requisitions requiring a technical review prior to issue or referral off-station.
Supply response section (SRS) personnel will monitor these mailboxes at a frequency that
ensures the clearing of the DDSN from the mailbox within stated goals for the respective issue
priority groups (IPG). Requisitions must not remain in any mailbox pending action for over 24
hours. Exceptions may exist where requirements remain in mailboxes beyond stated goals.
Exceptions include, but are not limited to, financial constraints or delays resulting from research
conducted by squadron or ASD personnel. The type commander (TYCOM) goal is that no more
than 10 percent of all requisitions will sit in the mailbox for more than 24 hours.
a. Offline for Alternate NIIN Review (OFFAR) DDSN. Identifies all requisitions that are
assigned a Local Status Code (LSC) of “OFFAR”.
b. Offline for Manual Processing (OFFMP) DDSN. Identifies all requisitions that are
assigned an LSC of “OFFMP” e.g., initial issue (advice code “5D”), remain in place (RIP)
(advice code “5S”) or survey (advice code “5A”).
c. Offline for Technical Review (OFFTR) DDSN. Identifies all requisitions requiring
technical research based on parameters established by the supply application administrator
(SAA). The oncoming SRS shift supervisor must be updated on the current status of research
accomplished on each requisition with “OFFTR” local status.
d. Offline for Validation (OFVAL) DDSN. Identifies all requisitions that have excessive
quantities or high money value as specified in the “ASD Site Data Table”. The oncoming SRS
shift supervisor must be briefed on each requisition and given the status of challenge efforts.
e. Issue in Process (ISSIP) DDSN. Identifies all requisitions with the LSC assignment of
“ISSIP”. SRS is responsible for processing requisitions within the IRT goal and coordinating
with the various work centers who retrieve or deliver materiel to ensure timely fulfillment of the
requirement. Proof of delivery (POD) copies for materiel being delivered will be turned over to
the oncoming SRS shift supervisor. Coordination with local repair cycle asset (LRCA) and nonLRCA or warehouse supervisor is required as repairable requisitions are included in this report.
Additionally, awaiting parts (AWP) unit personnel must monitor this mailbox for AWP
requirements with LSC assignment of “ISSIP”.
6 Apr 2021
(1) The process of clearing requisitions from the “ISSIP” mailbox occurs after the
delivery of the materiel to the customer. The DDSN will remain in the “ISSIP” mailbox until the
process is completed, which includes warehouse materiel pick-up, provide the materiel to the
material delivery unit (MDU), the delivery of materiel to the customer, and the posting of the
delivery in NALCOMIS.
(2) The delivery of materiel must be within the IRT goals. The mailbox goal is to ensure
SRS personnel are monitoring the mailboxes and processing requisitions in an efficient manner.
f. In Process/Materiel Request Internal Requisition Quantity (INPRO/MRIRQ) DDSN.
Requisitions in this mailbox have not been updated with an issue or referral echo back from
Navy ERP. When a requisition has an LSC of “INPRO”, it means the materiel requirement is
processed post-post for afloat activities and “MRIRQ” means materiel request for a consumable
in pre-post condition for ashore activities with the SPI set to “Y” for ashore activities.
(1) The printing of “ISSIP” picking tickets is approximately 8 - 11 minutes after the
“INPRO/MRIRQ” date and time. However, the echo back from Navy ERP to NALCOMIS is
approximately 24-28 minutes after the “INPRO/MRIRQ” then clearing the requisition from the
“INPRO/MRIRQ” mailbox. Verify in Navy ERP if the part is available in inventory.
(2) Upon receipt of Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapons Systems
Support (WSS) notifications regarding raised Tivoli fences, the interface between Navy ERP and
other systems, anticipated latency problems, etc., the SAA will place a copy in a designated
folder on the shared drive and must routinely monitor the folder for updates. Retention period of
this documentation is from SMI to SMI.
(3) SRS personnel will annotate affected PODs with the Naval Supply Systems
Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS) notification date and time. This will
minimize future efforts required to conduct research for documents hung in “MRIRQ” mailbox.
(4) For requisitions hung in the “MRIRQ” greater than 45 minutes, a HEAT ticket must
be submitted via Navy 311. User will verify failed IDOCs with “51” status in Navy ERP prior to
submitting a HEAT ticket. Communicate with CNAL N418B and NAVSUP WSS to address
problems encountered. If the SAA is not available after hours, a resolution may be delayed,
leaving a requisition hung in the “MRIRQ” mailbox.
(5) During nightshift and duty weekends, local procedures may be established to process
any urgent, single downer requirements using offline procedures if a requisition is hung in
“MRIRQ” for greater than 45 minutes. Exercise caution to prevent duplicate issue of materiel.
g. Stock (STK) Receive on Board (ROB) Mailbox. Identifies all repairable stock
requisitions that have completed “ROB” processing and are awaiting proof of stowage
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h. Completed Repair Action. Contains all DIFM components that have completed repair
action. DCU must have a corresponding component for every record in this mailbox.
Conversely, every component that has completed repair processing through the local supporting
AIMD or FRC-I level and turned over to DCU must be reflected in this mailbox.
i. JASU or AMSU Induction Discrepancy. Contains all requisitions with JASU or AMSU
induction discrepancies. Any item in this mailbox must be researched and either backfitted or
corrected by the JASU or AMSU.
j. Direct Turn-Over (DTO) Receive on Board (ROB) Mailbox. All DTO requisitions
completed ROB processing and await POD processing will populate in this mailbox. SRS is
responsible for processing requisitions within the IRT goal and for coordinating with the
appropriate work centers to ensure timely delivery and receipt of their respective materiel.
(1) Management. When materiel is delivered at the warehouse receiving area, the receipt
is transaction item reported (TIR) using Navy ERP using T-Code “MIGO101” for goods put
away, as appropriate. The TIR action then updates the DDSN LSC status in NALCOMIS,
delivering the DDSN in the appropriate “ROB” mailbox. A review of “DTOROB” mailbox will
be at a regular frequency to ensure the processing of DDSNs from the mailbox occur within
stated goals for the respective IPG groups. The time a DDSN will remain in this mailbox is
taken into account of the total customer wait time.
(2) Requisition Action. Contains all outstanding requisitions pending follow-up or
cancellation requests by a user not attached to ASD. Expeditors must review and either approve
or reject the requested action.
(3) Not-In-Stock (NIS) or Not Carried (NC). Identifies all requisitions that have been
flagged as “NIS” or “NC” but have not been set to an LSC of “REFER” to release the
requisitions to the supply system.
k. Pre-Extended Bin ROB (PBROB) and Phase Kit ROB (PHROB). Identifies all preextended bin (PEB) stock phase kit requisitions in “ROB” status and awaiting stowage.
l. AWP Component Pending Release. AWP requisitions are included in this mailbox,
AWP personnel must monitor to ensure AWP bit-piece parts are delivered to the AWP locker. If
receipt of the last bit-piece part, AWP personnel must ensure prompt release of the
corresponding AWP component, along with all received bit-piece parts, to the supporting FRC-I
level work center within 24 hours. Contains all AWP requisitions pending release with the
receipt of the last outstanding DDSN for a bit-piece part. This mailbox must be monitored by
AWP personnel to ensure AWP components are re-inducted to the supporting FRC-I level for
repair within 24 hours.
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4. Processing Consumable Requisitions. When the consumable picking ticket is printed, the
warehouse clerk will check assigned stock location to determine if the requested quantity of
materiel is available. NALCOMIS status will reflect the part’s availability. User will verify
failed IDOCs with “51” status in Navy ERP prior to submitting a HEAT ticket.
a. Issue from Stock. The customer will transmit consumable materiel requirement to the
NALCOMIS OIMA then is immediately screened through Navy ERP’s automated process
“MIRIRQ”. If the quantity is available, the LSC in NALCOMIS will update automatically to
“ISSIP”. If quantity exceeds TYCOM authorized levels, the requisition will be screened in
“OFVAL” mailbox by technical research unit (TRU) for verification of correct units per
assembly. The transmitted requisitioned NSN for PEB items has a pre-designated PEB flag in
the “Material Requirement File Subsystem”. If OIMA identifies stock on hand in a PEB site, the
requisition will be set to NALCOMIS “ISPEB DDSN” mailbox. If the PEB is NIS, then it will
be screened through the Navy ERP “MIRIRQ” process.
b. Off-Station Requisition Referral. When Navy ERP automation process finds the
consumable requisition is “NIS” or “NC”, then the system will automatically send out an “AOA”
DTO requisition. The status will interface with NALCOMIS as “BM” to the assigned source of
supply (SOS) established in the “ASD Site Data Table” (df22_cog_mcc_rep).
5. Excessive Quantities and High Money Value. Requisitions for consumable materiel
exceeding the maximum allowable quantity set in the “Excess Ordered Quantity” block of the
“ASD Site Data Table” in NALCOMIS will trigger an LSC of “OFVAL”. NALCOMIS will
assign the LSC of “OFVAL” when the monetary value of the requisition exceeds the quantity
limitations. This validation requires manual review and provides SRS the opportunity to
challenge requisitions with excessive quantities or high money value. SRS will adjust the
quantity or release the requisition as is after performing research. Once the validation is
completed, the requisition will clear from the mailbox for further processing when “Material
Requirements Update” tab is accomplished.
6. Requirements for Materiel Not Loaded in the NALCOMIS. When a customer generates a
requisition for a part number (PN) and commercial and government entity (CAGE) code
combination that is not loaded in the database, the CAGE and PN in the “Direct Support Material
or Material” OIMA NALCOMIS will assign LSC of “OFFTR” to the requisition. “Requirement
Add” screens must be overridden and steps listed in subparagraphs 6(a) and 6(b) must be taken.
a. TRU must perform technical research and build the necessary database records using
Note. If the PN does not cross to an NSN, the requirement must be submitted via One Touch
Support (OTS) as a PN requisition.
b. TRU must then verify the NSN to be added to NALCOMIS exists in Navy ERP and is
extended to the local Navy ERP plant to prevent receipt of “CG” status. See chapter 2,
paragraph 207.1 for further guidance regarding “CG” status.
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(1) Submit a HEAT ticket to Navy 311 requesting NAVSUP Business Support Center
(BSC) to build the NSN into Navy ERP prior to referral or contact Global Distance Support
Center (GDSC) to have the NSN added and extended to the local Navy ERP plant.
(2) TRU will process a “Material Requirements Update” to clear from the “OFFTR”
mailbox for further processing by clicking on the item in the “OFFTR” mailbox.
Note. The above steps can be omitted if the customer identifies a PN assigned to an NSN.
1004 NALCOMIS Receipt Processing. The term “receipt” refers to aviation depot level
repairables (AVDLR), fleet level repairables (FLR), and consumable materiel received for stock
or DTO. All incoming stock or DTO materiel will be processed through the “Inbound
Process/Goods Receipts” (formerly referred to as “Receipt-in-Process” (RIP) in the legacy
system) utilizing the automatic information technology (AIT) device within Navy ERP MIGO
101. Once the AIT “Inbound Process/Goods Receipt” is completed, stock materiel will be turned
over to the LRCA unit, if LRCA asset, or to the warehouse, if non-LRCA materiel, for stowage.
The AIT “Put-Away” or stow notice is processed through the AIT device. The processed DTO
materiel will be turned over to the MDU for delivery or pick up by the requisitioning activity. A
review of “DTOROB” and “Stock ROB” mailboxes will be at a frequency to ensure the timely
processing of DDSNs within stated IPG group goals.
1005 NALCOMIS Downtime Processing Procedures. The ideal working environment is
operating with Optimized NALCOMIS and Navy ERP with both “online” and electronic
interface activated providing a “real time” interaction between the two systems. When Navy
ERP is offline, ASD personnel can process requisitions in NALCOMIS for AVDLR, FLR, and
PEB requirements and utilize the issue on request (IOR) process for aircraft maintenance related
(NON-PEB) consumable requirements. The NALCOMIS and Navy ERP interface transactions
will be stored in the DI03 Table (outgoing interface file) or DI04 Table (if the DAEMON
transfer is down) until Navy ERP operating system is back online and the activation of the
electronic interface.
1. Extended Downtime Period. In the event NALCOMIS system downtime is greater than 1
hour due to technical issue or for a scheduled outage, SRS personnel will process all requisitions
utilizing the IOR procedures. The SAA, along with the SRS supervisor, must create a local
standard operating procedure (SOP) to provide guidance to responsible personnel in processing
IOR requisitions. SRS personnel will record all requisitions in the IOR log book or the direct
input log book, as directed in the SOP. Segregate source documents (requisitions) processed as
IORs by initial local supply status (i.e. ISSIP, expeditious repair (EXREP), not in stock (NIS),
not carried (NC), etc.) and immediately backfit into Optimized NALCOMIS with the applicable
contingency codes when the system is back online. Manually prepared requisition document
(DD Form 1348 6 PT) for immediate requirements is used during system’s downtime.
2. Manual File Processing. SRS personnel will maintain tickler copies of all documents
processed to control and account for any offline processing of materiel requirements. Tickler
copies of IOR documents, such as a DD Form1348-6 PT, OIMA or OOMA material control
register screen-print out, etc., will be retained in a separate IOR file in document number
6 Apr 2021
sequence until the system backfit has been successfully completed. All offline repairable
inductions will be accomplished through AMSU using a manual Visual Information Display
System (VIDS)/MAF (OPNAV 4790/60 6 PT). Prior to inducting the part, AMSU will validate
the document number, job control number (JCN), the part number, and serial number recorded
on the VIDS/MAF are associated with the component. Once inducted, JASU will forward the
component to the appropriate work center with the VIDS/MAF for repair and will retain and file
the #2 copy of the VIDS/MAF in the temporary NALCOMIS backfit file.
3. Temporary NALCOMIS Backfit File for Repairable Transactions. The document control unit
(DCU) will retain and file repairable transactions in the NALCOMIS backfit file in document
number sequence. Input data in the sequence as listed in subparagraphs 3a through 3d.
a. WRA requisition.
b. WRA MAF induction.
c. SRA requisition.
d. Any sub-SRA requisitions, VID/MAFs, or consumable bit-piece requisitions.
4. Updating MAF or WO. Immediately backfit repairable transactions in NALCOMIS upon
restoration of the system. Production control, the affected AIMD or FRC-I work centers, and
DCU personnel must verify the MAF or WO reflect the current component maintenance status.
The use of “DIFM Return” is required to close out all maintenance actions and generate required
interface documentation to update applicable database information of all components affected by
the RFI or BCM transactions.
5. Direct Input Requisitions. Requisitions submitted on DD Form 1348-1A.
a. The material control officer or other designated maintenance officer will sign the
requisitions. The signature will include legible printed name and date of the signature.
Requisition signers may include the MO, AMO, MMCO, or MMCPO.
Note. Squadrons must provide SRS personnel with authorization letters reflecting names of
personnel (e.g. MCO, MMCO, MMCPO, AMO, or MO) designated to sign DD Form 1348-1A.
Authorization letters must also include the billet description and title next to each name, and the
signature all persons. An officer senior to all designated must sign the authorization. Customers
and squadrons supported remotely without a NALCOMIS server on a semi-permanent basis will
submit requisition by e-mail. Those e-mails requesting the materiel will be retained for 10 years.
b. SRS personnel will record all requisitions in the direct input log book, as directed in the
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6. WM Stock Report (comparable to the Master Stock Status Locator Listing (MSSLL) in RSupply). Use the Navy ERP generated Stock Report (LX02) or equivalent to identify location
and determine availability of components and materiel during system downtime.
7. Master Pre-Expended Bin (PEB) Locator Listing. The PEB manager will provide SRS
personnel with a PEB NIIN list and assigned PEB location information to identify location and
determine availability of materiel during system downtime.
1006 NALCOMIS Management Reports. NALCOMIS management reports provide both supply
and maintenance managers with valuable information to gauge performance, increase readiness
and maintain inventory accuracy throughout the operational cycle. These reports assist in the
identification current materiel on hand status, critical materiel shortages, disposition of
retrograde, test bench status and current requisition status. Paragraphs 1a through 1o list
management reports the supply or ASD officer, ASD director, section supervisors and other
designated ASD personnel will review weekly. Detailed review of the reports may indicate
problems with a specific squadron. Meetings must be held as necessary with squadron
representatives to resolve problem areas.
1. NALCOMIS Reports.
a. Due-In-From-Maintenance (DIFM) Status Report. This report lists all repairable
components inducted in the maintenance repair cycle without a processed “DIFM Return”. The
DIFM status report lists all components by family group code (FGC) order and identifies all
AWP requirements (completed and outstanding) necessary to repair the component. This
facilitates management’s decision to cannibalize parts or adjust workload.
(1) Management codes identified on the report will change as the maintenance status
changes and as outstanding requisition status changes. Common status codes are shown below.
The DIFM report will be requested through NALCOMIS by using menu path
“Reports>Supply>DIFM Status”. DCU must monitor this report on a daily basis.
Management Code
Supply officer’s asset (stock component).
Owe status. Owed to supply system for DTO referral or receipt, or owed
to activity identified in owed ORG column (repair and return (R&R) for
another command).
Expeditious repair (EXREP). Owed to the requisitioner. Requisitioner’s
(2) The NALCOMIS generated DIFM report must be printed, annotated, and validated
weekly with production control to ensure the correct workload priority (PRI) and job status (JS)
is assigned to components in the repair cycle. These reports must be retained on file for the
current and prior month.
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(3) The DIFM status report will not identify level 1 work requests (WR), precision
measuring equipment (PME) and assist work orders (WO). Components sent to another activity
for R&R can be tracked using the DIFM status report. Job status will show job complete “JC”,
and the unit identification code (UIC) of the R&R activity will be shown.
b. Buffer Management Tool (BMT) Report. The BMT report may be run to manage
materiel in time domain. ASD leadership must meet with I-level production control on a daily
basis to review the BMT reports in conjunction with the DIFM status report in order to ensure
timely repair of EXREP and supply officer (SO) components. Proper management of time to
reliably replenish (TRR) and turnaround time (TAT) plays a significant role in determining
repair priorities. The BMT report may be requested through BMT (BMT Department
Management Menu>Reports> Induction Backlog Summary Report).
c. FGC Critical Level Status Report. This report identifies the local repairable component
asset (LRCA) components whose RFI balance is equal to, or less than, the pool critical quantity.
Pool critical quantity equals to 25 percent of the fixed allowance quantity (FAQ) assets on hand
for each family group (“Dep Pk” is excluded from the FAQ equation). For components with
FAQ of four or less, pool critical level must be set to “1”. “Critical Level” quantities are updated
on the FGC tab of the material record file (MRF). The report will be requested by selecting FGC
Critical Level Quantity on the “Type” tab (Reports>Supply>Critical Item Status Report). LRCA
unit will publish this report at least daily, and retain for the current and prior week. This report
will summarize total LRCA critical items by categories as listed in subparagraphs 1c(1) through
(1) Number of line items in LRCA critical.
(2) Number of line items zero RFI or pack-up on hand.
(3) Number of line items with zero on hand.
d. LRCA unit management responsibilities for LRCA critical items.
(1) Ensure “one-for-one” exchange for “non-remain-in-place (non-RIP)” items.
(2) Ensure remain-in-place (RIP) items are turned in within 24 hours of RFI replacement
(3) Ensure the expeditious induction of failed components into AIMD or FRC-I level
repair cycle.
(4) Review daily LRCA critical reports (less than 25 percent RFI assets of authorized
(5) Coordinate the submission of allowance change requests (ACR) for LRCA
components frequently identified as LRCA critical.
6 Apr 2021
(6) Conduct physical inventories every quarter, or as often as required, to maintain 100
percent inventory validity.
(7) Take necessary steps to include recommending cannibalization of like-stock
components in AWP status of the repair cycle to alleviate LRCA critical conditions.
e. Out-of-Balance Indicator Report. LRCA and control division personnel must ensure
repairable component balances are accurate. This report compares actual balance (ACBAL) to
the summation of RFI components, pack-up on hand quantity (PACKUP OH), (SUB), (SUS),
supply officer IOU (SO IOU), and DIFM, less any EXREP and DIFM TO OWE.
(1) The formulation will provide the ACBAL: ACBAL = (RFI + PACKUP OH +
(2) If either of the comparisons is not equal, the report logic will place an asterisk in the
first column on the left side of the line item. Use the following path in NALCOMIS:
Reports>Supply>Critical Item Status>Out of Balance Indicator.
f. Outstanding Material Requirement Report (OMRR). The main purpose of the OMRR is
to review and validate low-priority requisitions to conduct local MOV process with supported
customers. This report lists all outstanding materiel requirements based on the options selected
by the users. SRS will print this report monthly and retain for a period of 12 months. Generate
this report by using the following path: Report>Supply>Outstanding Material Requirements.
Options that are available are listed in subparagraphs 1f(1) through 1f(3).
(1) Job control number (JCN), non-JCN or all requisitions.
(2) Up to five ORG codes, all “O” level requisitions or all ORG codes.
(3) Up to 10 project codes.
g. O-Level and I-Level IOU Report. NALCOMIS produces an overdue O-level and I-level
IOU report (Reports>Supply>IOU>O/I Level>Customized>All). This report includes I-level for
AIMD or FRC-I level IOUs and O-level for squadron IOUs. The NALCOMIS generated IOU
report must be reviewed daily and at the end of each shift by the CCS supervisor or a designated
IOU manager to ensure all delinquent IOUs have been processed. If the component is a remainin-place (advice code “5S”) item, then it may remain on the IOU report until 24 hours after the
RFI component was delivered to the customer. If the component is a one-for-one exchange
(advice code “5G”), it cannot remain on the IOU list for more than 24 hours. An RFI component
with advice code “5G” cannot be issued to the customer until the retrograde has been turned in to
supply. All retrograde components must be turned in expeditiously to the AMSU or JASU for
induction and repair determination. This process deletes the IOU record and creates a DIFM
record. The retention period for the annotated NALCOMIS generated O-level and I-level IOU is
5 calendar days.
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h. AWP Repair Parts Status Report and the AWP Repair Parts Status Summary Report. The
AWP Repair Parts Status Report (Reports>Supply>AWP>Repair Parts Status or Summary) lists
all outstanding AWP requisitions, all completed AWP requisitions, and AWP locker locations,
including gear in shop (GIS) locations alongside the weapons replaceable assembly (WRA) or
shop replaceable assembly (SRA) component requiring repair. It is used to perform AWP
component, received AWP piece part, location, and requisition validations, including a review
the status of outstanding requisitions. The AWP Repair Parts Status Report must be retained for
the current and prior month. The AWP Repair Parts Summary Report provides a summary of the
number of components in AWP broken down by WRAs, SRAs, and total components. This
report also provides a summary of the total number of days components were AWP, and the
number of AWP requisitions outstanding with corresponding aged summary. AWP reports must
be run weekly and used to accomplish management initiatives as listed in subparagraphs 1h(1)
through 1h(5).
(1) Weekly validation of AWP components, bit-piece parts, and outstanding requisitions.
(2) Execute thorough technical research and determine alternate materiel availability.
(3) Establish and monitor standards of performance and of acceptability for status dates.
(4) Execute aggressive follow-up program.
(5) Identify critical AWP items in the aircraft material condition report (AMCR).
i. AWP Proposed Candidate for Transpose and Cannibalization Report. This report
(Reports> Supply>Transpose/Cannibalization) lists transposed and cannibalization candidates of
like components in AWP status. The AWP supervisor will coordinate with the appropriate FRCI or AIMD shop to pursue transpose or cannibalization action. It must be run at least twice a
j. NMCS/PMCS and High Priority Requisition Report. This report (Reports>Supply>High
Priority NMCS/PMCS) lists all outstanding not mission capable supply/partial mission capable
supply (NMCS/PMCS) requisitions by squadron, to include high time project codes (“ZA9”) and
project codes for out of reporting aircraft, e.g. “730”, etc. It is produced and delivered by ASD
to the squadron on a daily basis during the work week for validation and certification. The
squadrons return the annotated report to ASD on the same day not later than 0800H local time
for new status update and further expediting effort. If the squadron working hours do not align
with the ASDs working hours, the squadron will complete the NMCS/PMCS validation 1 hour
after their next work day begins. SRS personnel will coordinate with the SAA to add or delete
project codes to the NMCS/PMCS and high priority requisition report.
k. O-Level EXREP Status Report. It contains a listing of all outstanding requisitions for
repairables undergoing EXREP, current maintenance status, and provides an RFI quantity
column which assists in filling an EXREP requirement if an RFI quantity exists. This report will
be generated twice daily between shift changes, if applicable, and retained for 7 calendar days.
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The report is generated by using menu path “Reports>Supply> EXREP Status”. The report is
available in three summary reports: work unit code (WUC), work center (WC), and organization
l. I-Level EXREP Status Report. This report lists EXREP Status Reports in the same
format as the squadron EXREP Report and includes requirements for SRAs and sub-shop
replaceable assemblies (SSRAs). This report contain two sub-reports: a sub-report for priority 1
inductions (a squadron EXREP exists for the SRA) and a sub-report priorities 2 and 3 (LRCA
critical and stock requirements). Both reports are also available by WUC summary. It must be
run daily. These reports can be requested using the same path as the squadron EXREP status
report. The retention period for this report is 7 calendar days.
m. Repairable Stock Requisition Status Report (RSRSR). This report provides the detailed
range and depth statistics and allows the item managers to identify line items that are in excess or
deficient conditions. A deficient condition is when the on hand quantity plus the stock due
quantity is less than the FAQ. It also provides a list of outstanding stock requisitions against
specific pool codes. The summary page at the end of the report provides a snapshot of range and
depth percentages by pool codes. Stock control and LRCA personnel will print the Optimized
NALCOMIS generated report and review and validate weekly. The retention period for the
annotated Optimized NALCOMIS generated report is the current and prior month. RSRSR must
be generated using NALCOMIS path “Reports>Supply>RSRSR”. Select pool code: “All”,
cognizance symbol: “All”, options: “W” purpose, then click “All Balances”. Use LRCA pool
codes for materiel stowed in LRCA locations. Recommended layout is “Pool Code”, “FGC”,
and “NIIN” sequence.
Note. Repairable components with an FAQ equal to or greater than one will have an applicable
pool code assigned.
n. Transaction Ledger Report (J63700). Use the following menu path to request this report:
Reports>Supply>More>Transaction Ledger Purge. This list provides a cumulative list of
transaction and is the only record of the NALCOMIS transactions. Once the on-line
NALCOMIS Transaction Ledger reaches its limit for storage data, the SAA will print the
Transaction Ledger and purge the NALCOMIS database. This report can assist in causative or
inventory research. Additionally, the FGC is the preferred sort sequence. The retention period
for the printed Transaction Ledger is 3 years.
o. Fixed Allowance Analysis Report (FAAR) (J63501). Managers must use this report to
analyze, identify error conditions, and take steps necessary to alleviate the error condition of
each line item. Take appropriate action for items that are deficient or in zero ACBAL condition.
This will prevent NIINs from becoming a critical asset or a requisition becoming an EXREP
status. LRCA personnel must thoroughly research items in deficient and excess conditions for
validity and to determine appropriate action to be taken. Stock control and LRCA personnel will
print, annotate, and validate the NALCOMIS generated report weekly. The retention period for
the annotated NALCOMIS generated report is the current and prior month. Generate the FAAR
6 Apr 2021
using NALCOMIS path “Reports>Supply>FAAR”. Select pool code: “All”; select purpose
code: “ALL”. Use LRCA pool codes for materiel stowed in LRCA locations. This report lists
repairable status as shown in subparagraphs 1o(1) through 1o(4).
(1) Deficient = ACBAL plus due <FAQ.
(2) Excess = ACBAL plus due>FAQ.
(3) Zero ACBAL = Zero on hand qty.
(4) Summary that provides range and depth of all repairable within the NALCOMIS.
2. Supply and ASD Officer Management Reports Review Frequency. Management reports as
listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2c must be aggressively reviewed, monitored and when
applicable, annotate corrective action(s) taken as per below guidelines:
a. Daily Reports.
(1) NMCS/PMCS High Priority Requirement Report.
(2) DIFM Status Report.
(3) O-Level and I-Level EXREP Status Report.
(4) O-Level and I-Level IOU Report.
(5) Critical Level Status Report.
b. Weekly Reports.
(1) Aircraft Material Condition Report (AMCR).
(2) AWP Repair Parts Status Report Summary Report.
(3) AWP Repair Parts Status Report.
(4) Repairable Stock Requisition Status Report.
(5) Fixed Allowance Analysis Report.
c. Monthly Reports.
(1) AWP Component Overage Report.
(2) Issue Response Time Analysis Report (IRT).
6 Apr 2021
(3) Outstanding Material Requirement Report (OMRR) for low-priority requisitions.
1007 AVDLR and FLR Management. The LRCA unit, PUK manager, and control supervisor
use the RSRSR, Navy ERP, and Navy Data Platform (NDP) (formerly known as InforM-21)
management reports to maintain aviation repairable inventory and financial accuracy and
contribute to the periodic shore-based consolidated allowance list (SHORCAL) reviews. This
requires the ongoing database interface synchronization and validation between the OIMA and
Navy ERP to be 100 percent.
1. Aviation LRCA Components. Assign alpha pool codes listed to the repairable component’s
MRF record.
2. Aviation Non-LRCA Components. Assign numeric pool codes to the repairable
component’s MRF record. Print a RSRSR report for the non-LRCA aviation repairable by
selecting pool codes with numeric characters assigned.
Note. AVDLR is a “7R cog with a material control code (MCC) of “E”, “G”, “H”, “Q”, and
“X”. FLR is a 1R or 3B Cog with MCC of “D”.
1008 Local Management of Aviation Repairable Components. LRCA unit manages the
inventory management of all aviation repairable designated as LRCA or pool assets. The control
division manages AVDLR and FLR components not designated as LRCA or pool assets, also
referred to as “deep or warehouse stock”. Deep or warehouse stock components may contain
activity’s authorized deployable supplemental aviation spare support (SASS) package
1. Aircraft Maintenance Materiel Requirements. The organizational level submits aircraft
operations and maintenance (AOM) requirements for aviation materiel to the OIMA system
through OOMA “Direct Material Support Requirements”. At intermediate level, the OIMA
system processes materiel requirements maintenance through the “Production Control Approval
of a Work Center Requirement” of the OIMA system.
2. Repairable Materiel Issue and Retrograde Pickup.
a. LRCA Unit and Warehouse Personnel Responsibilities. When OIMA processes a
repairable requirement and there is an RFI quantity, OIMA will generate and print a
corresponding hard copy issue document or picking ticket (DD Form 1348-1A) at the designated
printer for the assigned warehouse locations. When there is an RFI quantity available for issue,
NALCOMIS will automatically assign an LSC of “ISSIP” to the requisition, and simultaneously
decrement the RFI quantity by one and increment the SO asset IOU quantity by one. If the
requisition is for an initial issue (advice code “5D”) or surveyed component (advice code “5A”),
OIMA will assign LSC “OFFMP”. If the requisitioned NIIN is not 100 percent interchangeable
with the available NIIN, OIMA will assign LSC “OFFAR”.
6 Apr 2021
Note. SRS is required to obtain a written initial issue outfitting directive or message authorizing
use of advice code “5D” or initial issue on behalf of the customer. The ASD officer or
designated representative (with a letter of designation on file) must review customer initial issue
correspondence prior to taking any action on the requisition. Upon completion of review, the
ASD officer or designated representative must sign the correspondence before issue of materiel
or referral of requisition. Initial issue approvals from anyone other than NAVSUP WSS or
CNAP/CNAL N41 must have concurrence from the site’s respective TYCOM N41. The
retention period for the directive or message is 10 years.
b. Issue and Retrograde Exchange. When the repairable is on the Consolidated Remain in
Place List (CRIPL) or is an anticipated NMCS (ANMCS) requirement, the turn-in of the
corresponding NRFI component will occur during the exchange with the RFI component at the
time of the issue transaction. ASD will strictly enforce the one-for-one exchange of repairable
components (NRFI for RFI) simultaneously or temporarily delayed in some cases. All
temporary deferral or delay in turn in of the failed components other than CRIPL or for ANMCS
requirements must have a prior written approval from the proper authority (Refer to chapter 2,
paragraph 214).
c. Data Match. At the time of the NRFI and RFI exchange, the ASD representative will
validate the JCN, document number from the issue document, and part and serial number of the
retrograde with the accompanying MAF or WO and customer logbook. Squadron personnel
must resolve discrepancies noted during the validation prior to acceptance of the NRFI asset.
d. Document Control Unit (DCU) Responsibilities. DCU must review and validate the
overdue retrograde turn ins on the daily “O” level and “I” level IOU Report (N6R64200
[Reports>Supply>IOU>O/I Level>Customized>All]). The IOU manager will follow up on the
turn in of owed components by the requisitioner, annotating the report with updates on owed
components. The IOU manager will retain the printed and validated NALCOMIS generated
reports on file for the current and the last 5 working days.
(1) CRIPL and ANMCS retrograde components must be turned in 24 hours after receipt
of the RFI replacement component.
(2) Unless authorized in writing from proper authority, requisitions with advice code
“5G” will have an LSC of “REFER” on the daily IOU Report.
3. Posting Repairable Issues. Process the POD input via (Supply>Mailbox>ISSIP DDSN) or
(Supply>Reqn>Receipt) upon receipt of the signed hard copy of the requisition. This issue
posting will update the LSC of the requisition to “COMPL” (complete) and end the issue
response time period.
4. Processing of NIS and NC Demand for an AVDLR. Upon receipt of a requisition for a
repairable component with no RFI quantity available on the shelf for issue, NALCOMIS will
generate a DD Form 1348-1A indicating LSC “ERIOU”. The failed component or retrograde
will be picked up from the requisitioner and inducted as “EXREP”.
6 Apr 2021
a. Issue-in-Process then Warehouse Refusal. Upon receipt of a repairable requirement with
a reported RFI quantity on the shelf, OIMA will generate a DD Form 1348-1A indicating
“ISSIP” LSC. This action automatically decrements the RFI quantity and increments the
“SOIOU” quantity. If the materiel is reported as being on hand but cannot be located, the
storeroom custodian will process a warehouse refusal using NALCOMIS path
“Supply>Reqn>Warehouse Refusal”.
b. If there is only one NIIN in the family group, or if there is zero RFI quantity available on
other NIINs in the family group, this transaction will move the entire RFI quantity, as well as the
“SOIOU” quantity generated by the requisition, to “Suspense” with a Suspense Management
Code of “WR”. These transactions will also decrement “SOIOU” and increment “ERIOU”.
Induct the corresponding retrograde for this requirement as “EXREP”. Immediate action is
required to investigate and resolve the cause of a warehouse refusal situation by the respective
storeroom custodian.
5. NALCOMIS Suspense List. Component control section (CCS) personnel must review the
NALCOMIS Suspense List weekly and will coordinate the corrective action with the appropriate
supervisor to prevent possible inventory discrepancies and to return the SO asset back to RFI
status. Ongoing suspense review is imperative to inventory validity and NIIN integrity between
Optimized NALCOMIS and Navy ERP, while ensuring that SO assets are available to fulfill
customer requirements. Items under causative research will have a resolution or an approved
survey within 30 days from the discovery date. The supply officer may grant an extension, with
proper justification or documentation on path for resolution.
a. Access Suspense List via Menu Path. The first path is used to create a new suspense
records manually, the second lists all outstanding suspended components for update, transfer,
print purposes and accessing one record at a time. (NALCOMIS> Repairables> Suspense,
Optimized NALCOMIS offers two options; 1) New Suspense Record Prompt 2) Suspense List
b. The CCS supervisor will review items on the NALCOMIS Suspense List weekly. The
CCS supervisor will research and notify other sections within the ASD and warehouse as
appropriate for research and clearing of the SO asset from the suspense list. The efficient
correction of suspended repairable assets is critical to prevent inventory discrepancies, degraded
flight line support, and will ensure inventory validity and NIIN integrity between Optimized
NALCOMIS and Navy ERP. Common Suspense List Management Codes and their definitions
are listed in figure 8-1.
6 Apr 2021
Customer Refusal
Engineering Investigation & Product Quality Deficiency Report
Awaiting Maintenance Induction Action
Supply Officer Asset
Warehouse Refusal
Stock receipt asset pending stowage
Figure 8-1
c. Efforts must be to review and clear repairable items with on the NALCOMIS Suspense
List with Management Codes of “CR”, “MA”, “WR”, and “RB” within 4 working days and from
the date of entry onto the Suspense List. However, if items require extensive research or may
potentially require survey action, the supply officer may grant an additional 30 days to the
research team. The research team will document findings and causative research prior to
performing corrective actions and leadership will conduct training as necessary on procedural
errors that may have contributed to the inventory discrepancy. The ASD officer or director will
validate records on the NALCOMIS Suspense List greater than 30 days.
1009 Repairable Retrograde Induction. Prior to inducting the failed component into the AIMD
or FRC-I level repair cycle, DCU or supply screening unit (SSU) personnel must ensure it is
present with the required documentation. Pre-acceptance screening of accompanying
documentation for validity, most importantly, to ensure the part and serial number on the
component matches with the part and serial number on the attached MAF. DCU will use a
DIFM induction memorandum book (green logbook) to account the transfer of custody between
ASD and FRC personnel. The logbook must contain all pertinent information from the NRFI
component to include the following: DDSN, part number, serial number, JCN and material
control number (MCN). Legible printed name, signature and date from the person taking
custody of the materiel must be included in the logbook. The retention period for these logbooks
is 10 years.
Note. Any discrepancies noted in the documentation must be resolved prior to repair induction.
1. Retrograde Repair Induction Procedures.
a. Component Repair Workload Priorities.
(1) DCU or SSU personnel will stamp the MAF for all warehouse and non-LRCA asset
transactions as either “ISSUED” or “EXREP”. Stamp MAFs for LRCA asset transactions with
“LRCA ISSUE”, “LRCA CRITICAL” or “LRCA EXREP”. These markings will determine the
workload priority (WP) assignment of retrograde upon induction into the AIMD or FRC-I level
for repair. All failed repairable components must be inducted into the repair process through
DCU or SSU and AIMD, FRC-I level, or AMSU. AIMD or FRC-I level component repair
workload priorities (WP) are listed in subparagraphs 1a(1)(a) through 1a(1)(d).
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(a) Workload Priority (WP) 1. Assigned for repair of components undergoing
EXREP for NMCS or partial mission capable, supply (PMCS) aircraft. Additionally, use WP-1
to repair components to support the carrier air wings (CVW) during Optimized Fleet Response
Plan (OFRP) at naval air station (NAS) Fallon, Nevada as well as for R&R assets in support of
other ASDs that have the repair MAF annotated as “EXREP”.
(b) Workload Priority (WP) 2. Assign WP-2 for repair of LRCA components in pool
critical status.
(c) Workload Priority (WP) 3. Assign WP-3 for routine repair of LRCA and nonLRCA components, including the repair of components under the R&R program.
Note. WP-3 will not be used for R&R components for CVWs during OFRP at NAS Fallon.
This does not apply to aircraft detachment during Strike Fighter Advance Readiness Program
(SFARP) at NAS Fallon.
(d) Workload Priority (WP) 4. Assign WP-4 for repair of salvaged or reclaimed
components, materiel, and non-aeronautical related work.
b. EXREP Statistics. Use the path “Maintenance>MAF>EXREP Stats” in NALCOMIS to
view data on EXREPs. The button display provides the capability to view specific EXREPs by
maintenance job status (JS) of awaiting maintenance (AWM), in work (IW), job complete (JC)
or supply condition AWP, IOU, as well as non-EXREP DIFM assets. This is a valuable tool for
reviewing to identify potential transposed and cannibalization actions among similar items
within the repair cycle.
(1) Type: SQD, I-Level or All.
(2) Display: Graph or Button.
(3) Defaults: MAF, DDSN, or DIFM.
2. NAVSUP WSS “ZM20” Process for Repairable Component. When a DLR requisition is
passed off-station via Navy ERP citing an exchange advice code (e.g. "5G", "5S", or "52"), an
obligation for the net price occurs within the accounting systems. NAVSUP WSS submits the
expenditure to charge the operational target (OPTAR) funds holder at the time of issue from
wholesale stock. In order to close out carcass tracking after receipt of the RFI DLR component
from the supply system, process the NRFI asset as a “BCM” at the IMA then send to the depot
level for repair. Repairing NRFI DLR components at the IMAs reduces the TRR for the supply
officer shelf, thus increasing the availability of RFI assets. The Navy ERP T Code “ZM20”
process enables the local ASD to recoup the net price expenditure from NAVSUP WSS
following local repair of the NRFI asset and returning the repaired asset to the retail inventory
for future use. In order to receive credit, the repair action and “ZM20” posting must be
completed within 90 days of the "goods issue" date from the supply system as recorded in Navy
6 Apr 2021
a. The ASD or FLC must process the RFI asset to its shelf stock using Navy ERP T Code
“ZM20”. Returning the "A" condition asset via “ZM20” will result in a net price credit request
and posting of the goods receipt (Movement type “975”) in the air station or facility's plant, SLoc
b. The Navy ERP user must use the T Code “ZM20” function.
c. Complete the online training (OLT) course for “ZM20” on the "Training" tab on the
Navy ERP portal at https://ep.erp.navy.mil/irj/portal.
d. Request and obtain the Navy ERP Role “0142”. The Navy ERP role derivative is
specific to each site, and users must work with the activity's user managers to obtain the correct
3. Assets Owed to the Supply System. The "OW" Management Code indicates the requisition
was referred off-station and the NRFI asset is required to close carcass tracking. A DIFM
Management Code of “OW” is assigned to a retrograde component in NALCOMIS when
inducted to the IMA to fulfill a repairable requisition with an exchange advice code.
a. Upon induction, DCU will coordinate with JASU to review the individual component
repair listing (ICRL) code of the component.
(1) If the ICRL code is “Cl” or “C3”, the NRFI asset will be inducted for repair into the
local IMA to return the asset to RFI status. Induct the asset as “WP-3”.
(2) If the local IMA has the capability to repair the NRFI asset but does not have the
capacity, JASU will research the combined ICRL to locate other IMAs that may have “Cl” or
“C3” capability. If another IMA with “Cl” or “C3” has the capability and capacity, the NRFI
asset will be sent as R&R to that site to return the asset to RFI condition.
(3) If the ICRL code is “R1”, induct "owed" NRFI asset into the local IMA and send the
NRFI asset as R&R to another IMA with the repair capability. All options to RFI the NRFI asset
must be considered, to include R&R whenever possible.
(4) If the ICRL code is “X1”, the NRFI asset will be inducted and a “BCM-1” transaction
will be processed in NALCOMIS. Follow local BCM procedures.
Note. The sending ASD will coordinate with the prospective repair site prior to sending the
NRFI asset to another site for repair.
b. Prior to the induction of the NRFI asset for repair or is sent R&R, notify the carcass
tracking manager (CTM) to make a note in NITA that the NRFI asset is under repair for possible
ZM20 credit. The CTM and R&R coordinator must track the repair time to ensure the repair
action completion does not exceed 90 days.
6 Apr 2021
(1) If the repair completion will extend beyond 90 days after the goods issue date, a
credit will not be given to the ASD. The ASD must balance the pursuit of the repair with
avoiding a carcass bill and select the course of action when the 90-day limit is approaching.
(2) If the carcass bill is eminent, then pursue BCM action to avoid additional financial
(3) If the NRFI asset is in AWP status when it is decided to BCM the item, the repairing
site ASD must submit a “DHA” or “BHJ” for the AWP requisitions that will be cancelled. (See
chapter 2, paragraph 205.)
c. Upon completion of the repair action complete the actions in situations as listed in
subparagraphs 3c(1) and 3c(2).
(1) If the asset is RFI, refer to paragraph 1008.3.e.
(2) If the asset is BCM, follow local BCM procedures.
1010 Components Returned from an IMA upon Completion of the Repair Process.
1. Production Control (PC). Upon receipt of notification of a completed maintenance action on
a repairable component, either RFI or BCM, production control will provide the final approval
for that action. At Optimized NALCOMIS activities, production control approval generates a
“Completed Repair Action Mailbox Message” (Supply>Mailbox>Completed Repair Action) for
further document processing by DCU after completion of the required AMSU or JASU
NALCOMIS function or action.
2. Document Control Unit (DCU). For all repairable components received from AIMD or FRCI via AMSU, follow procedures as listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2c.
a. Receive Components, Logs, and Records. Receive the RFI or BCM component with the
applicable MAF or WO, logbooks and all other applicable records from AMSU.
b. Verify Part and Serial Number. Ensure the part and serial number of the RFI or BCM
component received from AIMD or FRC-I matched the part and serial number on the
accompanying MAF or WO.
c. Completed Repair Action (CRA) Mailbox Processing. The CRA mailbox displays all
MAFs that have production control supervisor’s signature and approval. These completed
messages are created in supervisor or collateral duty inspector (CDI) verification or AMSU turnin. DCU will process repairable components from this mailbox using “DIFM Return” by
specific MCN. Prior to accomplishment of “DIFM Return” in NALCOMIS, DCU personnel
must verify the serial number of the component matches the serial number of the corresponding
electronic record on the DIFM record. The RFI or BCM tag attached to the component must
match or correspond with “Action Taken Code” reflected on the accompanying MAF. Alpha
Action Taken Codes “A”, “B”, and “C” correspond with the RFI tag DD Form1574 (orange
6 Apr 2021
color). Numeric Action Taken codes “1” through “9” and letter “D” correspond to NRFI or
BCM tag DD Form 1577-2 (green color). In cases where the serviceability tag (RFI or BCM)
does not match the DIFM records and the mechanized MAF or WO, DCU personnel will abort
“DIFM Return” process until the resolution of this discrepancy. Discrepancies such as this will
cause an erroneous processing since a transfer order posting change will not be created to move
repaired components from unblocked stock in Navy ERP.
3. DCU Processing of RFI Asset for EXREP Requirements. Processing a “DIFM Return” for
RFI SO components with outstanding EXREP requirements will generate a “DIFM Return Issue
Select” screen and advise that EXREP requirements exist. This screen will provide a list of
requisitions with EXREP status that includes DDSN, advice code, NIIN, ORG code, project
code, priority, LSC and status of the EXREP requirements. NALCOMIS software provides the
option to select any document number to process an issue select. The DCU clerk will always
select the “override issue” option by answering “Y” to return the materiel to stock for any
desired cross-issue. The proper way to perform an issue select is to follow NALCOMIS path
“Supply Repairables>Issue Select”, then to enter the NIIN or FGC within their appropriate
option. First, obtain a listing of all outstanding requisitions via requisition list
(Supply>Requisition>Requisition List); for NMCS/PMCS type requisitions, contact the program
management unit (PMU) supervisor to determine which DDSN to select. Select desired DDSN
to be issued. This method creates a clean audit trail and provides researchers the ability to trace
repairables during the repair cycle back to supply shelf. This extra step prevents future problems
concerning current and original MCNs recorded on internal NALCOMIS MAFs preventing
future abort situations within NALCOMIS. Additionally, this will avoid Navy ERP interface
error or failed IDOC, such as mismatched requisitioner organization codes. By performing the
issue select too early within the repairable RFI return process, it will prevent the X22 “R” and
the X30 from processing correctly into Navy ERP. Only use the issue select option if the DDSN
outstanding equals the DDSN of the RFI component being returned on the current DIFM screen.
a. RFI Component for LRCA or Non-LRCA. Process a “DIFM Return” transaction to
return RFI SO repairable components to its applicable stock location. DCU will expeditiously
return SO components to stock and properly stow in its assigned location to have the component
available for issue. If components have locations in a different building (warehouse), DCU must
work with MDU to have these components delivered and properly stowed. The warehouse
custodian will affix an identifying label to each component returned to and placed in local stock
for issue.
b. Stow Notice. NALCOMIS generates a hard copy stow notice for RFI SO components
after the processing of the “DIFM Return” to be returned to stock. In addition to the identifying
label mentioned in paragraph 3a, the warehouse custodian will validate the stow notice, RFI tag,
and VIDS/MAF to the component to ensure the materiel received is correct before component is
stowed in the right location. When perpetual inventory is conducted after stowing the
component, the warehouse custodian will circle the quantity and initial the document. Total
quantity in location is validated in NALCOMIS and the stow notice is filed by Julian date in the
receipt filing cabinet.
6 Apr 2021
c. EXREP ISSIP LSC. The issue select transaction will generate a NALCOMIS DD Form
1348-1A with an “ISSIP” LSC for an EXREP demand. The RFI component and the DD Form
1348-1A must be expeditiously delivered or made available for customer pick-up, depending on
the local delivery arrangement. Post the POD transaction for the time the customer took custody
of the EXREP component in NALCOMIS.
d. Automatic Update. NALCOMIS automatically updates the “Repairable Stock
Summary”, “DIFM quantity”, and the “Transaction Ledger” based on above transactions.
e. Upon completion of an RFI repair action (via local IMA or R&R), perform normal
“DIFM Return” procedures.
f. Navy ERP ZM20 Process for RFI DTI Components from Repair Action. The customer
received these components from off-station, resulting in a net price expenditure. After receipt,
the FRC-I or AIMD was able to RFI the component and return the “owed” asset to the retail
shelf (SO asset) using the ZM20 process. Mark the RFI component with "Awaiting ZM20
processing” and the date of CRA processing. T Code “ZM20” processing must take place within
24 hours of the CRA date so as not to exceed the 90-day limit to post the “ZM20” in Navy ERP.
(1) The ASD must process the RFI asset to local shelf stock using Navy ERP T Code
“ZM20”. Returning the "A" condition asset via “ZM20” will result in a request for net price
credit and posting of the goods receipt (Movement type “975”) in the air station or facility's
plant, SLoc 0010.
(2) ASD and FLC leadership will assign a staff member who is to perform the ZM20
function in Navy ERP. Leadership must have a sufficient number of ZM20 roles to cover leave
periods, holiday schedules, etc.
(3) To ensure accountability of materiel, segregate RFI component awaiting ZM20
processing from other components undergoing normal “DIFM Return” processing.
g. DCU will forward the RFI component to LRCA or warehouse for stocking, as
appropriate, when notified by the ZM20 processer. Placing the RFI component as on hand may
cause RFI OH plus stock due to be greater than the allowance for the item. This may result in an
excess stock due situation and the excess stock due requisition to be cancelled. If the “ZM20”
transaction results in the OH quantity to be higher than the site's allowance, then the Navy ERP
sourcing wheel will refer MILSTRIP requisitions to the plant to remove the excess quantity.
Note. Cross issues to EXREP documents will only occur after the asset has been stowed on the
warehouse or LRCA shelf and the RFI quantity is recorded in NALCOMIS and Navy ERP.
Recording of the RFI component as "On Hand" in Navy ERP is essential to qualify for the net
price credit from NAVSUP WSS.
h. CNAP Activities. ASD will notify financial managers (FM) of the potential financial
credit (Accounts Receivable).
6 Apr 2021
(1) DCU will provide the DDSN (MILSDOC) to their supporting FM of the possible
credit from NAVSUP.
(2) FM will record and research the transaction to verify the RFI repair completion and
posting of the T-Code “ZM20” in Navy ERP within 90-days of the “Goods Issue” date.
(3) FM will annotate and record as "Credit Posted" or "Credit not Granted" in a locally
maintained ZM20 log. Valid ZM20 transactions are incoming revenue to TYCOM accounts.
(4) At least weekly, the FM is to determine whether the ZM20 credit has posted in Navy
ERP and in SABRS for all open ZM20 transactions.
(5) If credit is posted in Navy ERP and SABRS, annotate the ZM20 log with "Credit
(6) If credit has not posted in Navy ERP and SABRS within 14 days, FM will work with
the ASD CTM to contact the NAVSUP WSS item manager for assistance. If credit will not be
granted, annotate the log as "Credit not Granted".
(7) TYCOM comptroller will assist with ZM20 credits as advised by the ASD.
i. CNAL Activities. Contact CNAL comptroller's office for assistance in obtaining credit
for ZM20 transactions.
j. The ZM20 process does not change DCU processing of BCM assets as discussed in
paragraph 1008.4.
4. Processing of Beyond Capability Of Maintenance (BCM) Components. DCU personnel will
process all BCM components returned from AIMD or FRC-I by utilizing the “DIFM Return”
transaction. This transaction allows the return of a component that has completed the repair
cycle. It records the disposition of the item, along with any related data. If the item is in the
“JASU/AMSU Induction Discrepancy” mailbox, the discrepancy must be corrected (by JASU/
AMSU) before the “DIFM Return” may be processed.
a. DIFM Return. This process is designed to automatically perform system updates as listed
in subparagraphs 4a(1) through 4a(4).
(1) DIFM Record Deletes. Deletes DIFM record unless NALCOMIS indicates interIMA repair or customer service.
(2) Inventory Quantity Updates. Updates inventory quantities, Family Group Code
(FGC) or NIIN record; and, moves on hand quantity from “blocked” stock to “RFI”.
(3) DTO Requisition Referral. Refers requisition if Management Code is “ER” and
Action Taken Code is “1 through 9” (BCM-1 through BCM-9).
6 Apr 2021
(4) Stock Replenishment Action. Initiates stock replenishment action if Management
Code is “SO” and Action Taken Code is “1 through 9”. However, Optimized NALCOMIS will
not initiate a stock reorder if Optimized NALCOMIS is showing an excess stock posture even if
Navy ERP is in a “Deficiency to Requisitioning Objective (DEF-TO-RO)” stock position. If
there are imbalances between Optimized NALCOMIS and Navy ERP, coordinate a
reconciliation of the NIIN with the SAA to resolve the imbalance.
(5) Net Price. Assigns net price when the Action Taken Code is “1 through 9”, and the
Management Code is “SO/ER”.
b. Shipping Document. Optimized NALCOMIS automatically prints a DD Form 1348-1A
repairable retrograde shipping document for BCM items with Action Taken Codes “1 through
9”, provided inter-IMA repair or customer service was not selected during “DIFM Return”
process and if the “BC1" flag is checked in the “ASD Site Data Table”. NALCOMIS will
generate a DD Form 1348-1A will with a “ship to” unit identification code as designated by the
HUB UIC identified in the “ASD Site Data Table”. To generate the DD Form 1348-1A,
NALCOMIS will obtain the complete MRIL and shipping address from the “do_02 DOP Table”
in OIMA.
c. Master Repairable Item List (MRIL) Updates. SAA must update the MRIL data by using
“MRIL Address Add/Update or Delete” function. The MRIL WEB reference source for the
MRIL update is https://dataxfer.csd.disa.mil. Once at the website, select “Enter DataXfer”, next
select “mrt”, next select “UP06K1”. The UP06K1.txt contains the master MRIL output file. The
UP06K1.txt will include only the items on the MRIL with updates that month. Each site must
upload this file to NALCOMIS on a monthly basis. The retention period for the printed
Optimized NALCOMIS generated MRIL ERROR REPORT is 24 months.
Note. The RIP indicator is a single code that identifies an item that the squadron will turn in an
unserviceable unit in on an exchange basis after receipt and installation of a serviceable unit. A
“Y” in this column means the NSN is an authorized remain in place item. All NALCOMIS RIP
indicators must be reviewed monthly after the MRIL update and compared with the monthly
NAVSUP WSS CRIPL listing to ensure validity.
d. Hub Exceptions. Exception items that are shipped to activities other than the Hub must
have the UIC of the “ship to” activity loaded by MRIL update or manual update utilizing
(MRF>Search>FGC>Repairable NIIN Tab Folder) and updating the DOP UIC. The site may
have to manually update the MRIL shipping address for items not automatically updated via the
MRIL update process. An example of the exception item to normal Hub concept shipments is
classified materiel. All classified materiel will have the appropriate UIC loaded using the path
“MRF>Search>FGC>Repairable NIIN Tab Folder” for their specific NIINs.
e. Engineering Investigation (EI) Components. When a component is subject of an EI, the
DCU clerk will respond to the question “TYCOM BCM APPROVAL RECEIVED?”. The
response to this question indicates that the ASD is in receipt of or has not received disposition
from the action or support point or applicable In Service Support Center (ISSC) when processing
a “DIFM Return”.
6 Apr 2021
(1) BCM Approval Answered “Y”. The “DIFM Return” transaction creates document
identifiers or transactions in Navy ERP and NALCOMIS NIIN history file as listed in
subparagraphs 4e(1)(a) and 4e(1)(b).
(a) DTO Referral. The transaction creates a DTO requisition (A0_), carcass turn-in
data (X22) with an “A” response code, and a BC1 shipping document. DCU or the EI
coordinator will ship the materiel to the action or support point directed repair activity, identified
by the UIC entered in the “UIC/SHIP” field of the “DIFM Return” screen.
(b) Stock Replenishment. The transaction creates an issue (X31), carcass turn-in data
(X22) with an “A” response code, an AO stock replenishment document, and a “BC1” shipping
document. DCU or the EI coordinator will ship the EI component under the original issue
document number citing the UIC of the repair facility as cited by the action or support point or
applicable ISSC on the disposition instruction.
(2) BCM Approval Answered “N”. In this case, the “DIFM Return” creates the same
supply products as those described earlier for both stock replenishment and DTO referrals,
except that the carcass turn–in data (DI X22) will have an “F” response code and NALCOMIS
will not generate a shipping document. Instead, NALCOMIS moves the EI quantity to
“Suspense” with an “EI” suspense management code while awaiting for disposition action. The
EI coordinator will control and stow the EI exhibit away from other “DIFM Return” assets.
f. On-line EI Process. All naval aviation supporting supply activities are required to use the
latest Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) website to track and report EI exhibits, refer to
chapter 2, paragraph 214. Units will hold the defective materiel until receipt of disposition
instruction from the action or support point or applicable ISSC. If the action or support point or
ISSC has not sent disposition instruction within 20 days, the site will follow-up via the technical
dialogue of the website. The EI coordinator will not ship the EI exhibit to ATAC unless the
disposition instruction directs to ship the EI exhibit to the nearest ATAC.
5. Maintenance Action Taken Code “D”. AIMD or FRC-I will use maintenance action taken
code “D” to administratively closeout the local maintenance action to return the NRFI asset to
the original customer. AIMD or FRC-I will use this code to reprocess components inducted into
the local repair cycle out of the repair cycle to send the NRFI asset for repair at another
maintenance activity through the R&R Program or inter-AIMD or FRC-I level support.
6. Processing R&R, Inter-IMA or FRC-I Level Support Components with Maintenance Action
Taken Code “D”. R&R, inter-IMA or FRC-I level support and maintenance action taken code
“D” process apply to supply officer assets (stock) as well as to EXREP as listed in subparagraphs
6a through 6h.
a. When demand for a repairable component is received and the requested repairable
component or acceptable substitute is not locally available to satisfy the demand, the failed like
component (retrograde) owned by the requisitioner is picked up and inducted into the repair
cycle at the local supporting AIMD or FRC-I level as an EXREP. The EXREP component may
6 Apr 2021
be sent to another AIMD or FRC-I level that has repair capability as “repair and return” or
“inter-IMA or FRC-I level support” before an actual local BCM action is taken if repair of the
EXREP component is beyond the capability of the local supporting AIMD or FRC-I level:
(1) The EXREP component is a high value asset that will have a significant financial
implication to the Flying Hour Program if component is BCM.
(2) The replacement component has an extremely long lead-time or there is no
replacement component available in the supply system.
(3) The local AIMD or FRC-I have limited repair capability, NRFI repairable
components will be sent to ASD sites that have repair capability.
(4) The local AIMD or FRC-I has a backlog or no additional capacity for additional
components to repair.
(5) When R&R or inter-IMA or FRC-I level support is determined to be feasible, the
local supporting AIMD or FRC-I level will close out the related maintenance action with Action
Taken Code “D”. The component and all related documentation is returned to DCU for further
processing as R&R or inter-IMA or FRC-I level support. DCU must process the Action Taken
Code “D” transaction through the Optimized NALCOMIS “DIFM Return” function.
b. The ASD sending an NRFI asset to another ASD as R&R must annotate at the beginning
of the MAF discrepancy block whether the NRFI asset is an “EXREP” or “SO” asset. The
EXREP annotation format will be ‘***EXREP***’ at the beginning of the discrepancy section
within the MAF. If not annotated as “EXREP”, the receiving ASD will induct the R&R
component as an SO asset.
c. The repairing ASD will induct the NRFI asset into FRC as WP-1 as per paragraph 1007
and chapter 2, paragraph 214.
d. The ASD officer must designate in writing an R&R coordinator.
e. Inducted or DIFM components in hard AWP status “WQ” must not be considered as
R&R or inter-IMA or FRC-I level support candidates. Upon receipt of AWP requisitions, the
ASD may consider sending the NRFI asset for R&R.
f. MAF Close-Outs. AIMD or FRC-I may perform a close-out on a maintenance action for
various reasons, such as R&R, level III maintenance, etc. The close-out actions are not limited
to certain components undergoing repair process. Close-outs through maintenance Action Taken
Code “D”, or at times referred to as “D action”, simply indicate the closing out of a particular
maintenance action and no RFI or BCM determination has taken place locally and the
component is still subject to further supply and maintenance action.
g. NALCOMIS will not generate interface products to Navy ERP as the result of posting
the maintenance Action Taken Code “D” or “D action”. NALCOMIS only generates interface
6 Apr 2021
products to Navy ERP for RFI and BCM maintenance action. A “D action” transaction is an
administrative function that has no bearing on inventory records or MILSTRIP status or
processing. In addition, NALCOMIS functionality prevents related local issues or requisition
referrals when using the “D action”.
h. R&R components undergoing repair at other repair sites are listed on the DIFM report
with job status “JC” and Action Taken Code “D”. R&R components inducted in the repair cycle
for other activities are identified as Management Code “OW” with purpose code “R”. A daily
monitoring of all R&R components must be performed to ensure a three-way validation and
matching exists between the DIFM report, NALCOMIS inter-IMA customer service return list,
and a locally generated spreadsheet to track all R&R components out for repair and onsite repair
for other activities. R&R managers must ensure that all maintenance job status are updated and
posted in the eRMS. Additionally, R&R components at other sites must include the requisition
and status in eRMS for items in awaiting parts status. Ultimately, it is the sending site’s
responsibility to ensure R&R components are at 100 percent accountability. Actions as listed in
subparagraphs 6h(1) through 6h(5) will be taken on a weekly basis.
(1) The repairing site will provide an itemized list of R&R component receipts to each of
the sending sites.
(2) The repairing site will provide an itemized list of R&R components shipped to each
of the sending sites.
(3) The repairing site will provide DIFM job status for R&R components, to include any
AWP requisitions and respective supply status.
(4) The sending site will provide an itemized list of R&R components sent to a repair
(5) The sending site will provide an itemized list of R&R components received from a
repair site.
1011 Awaiting Parts (AWP) Management.
1. Each component that is in AWP status has an adverse impact on mission or aircraft
operational readiness. Even more detrimental to mission and aircraft readiness are those
components that remain in AWP status for an extended period of time. Expediting AWP
requisitions is critical in completing the repair action and returning the NRFI asset back to the
SO shelf as RFI. Effective management of AWP components has a direct correlation to the
expeditious replenishments of local shelf stock with RFI components through local repair
actions. The AWP clerk must research and correct components being reported as in AWP status
but do not have at least one valid outstanding requisition for bit-piece parts. An aggressive
management and validation of AWP components with corresponding AWP requisition status
will prevent these situations.
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2. Management Standards. Validation standards as listed in subparagraphs 2a through 2d are to
measure the effectiveness of the local AWP management program.
a. AWP Requisition Validity. The AWP clerk will validate AWP requirements listed on the
paper MAF with the actual AWP requisitions listed on the AWP repair parts status report.
Within this validation, the AWP clerk will verify status and will pursue corrective action with the
AWP expeditor. Validity of outstanding requisitions with current and valid status must meet or
exceed 98 percent.
b. AWP Component Inventory Validity. The AWP clerk will validate the number of AWP
components reflected on the AWP repair parts status report against the actual number of AWP
components in the AWP locker locations including those AWP components retained in the work
center as GIS. The goal for the number of AWP and its respective AWP location is 100 percent.
c. AWP Bit-Piece Part Validity. The AWP clerk will validate AWP completed
requirements listed on the paper MAF as reflected on the AWP repair parts status report.
Received AWP requirements will be installed in the component by the technician or in a holding
bin staged within the AWP locker. If the receipted AWP requirements are installed in the
component, the shop representative will initial the paper MAF indicating installation of the item
in the component. Validity of received or installed bit-piece parts to the corresponding AWP
component must be 100 percent.
d. AWP Component DIFM Ratio. The AWP clerk will calculate the percentage of DIFM
components for AIMD or FRC-I work centers 500 and 600 by dividing the number of
components with AWP Job Status Code starting with “W” by the total DIFM components for all
work centers. The goal for the number of AWP component DIFM ratio is 65 percent for the total
DIFM components for end of month reporting.
3. AWP Processing. One of the primary responsibilities of the aviation support division officer
is to keep the number of repairable components in AWP status by taking appropriate action to
expedite and receive AWP requirements. The objective is to expedite the receipt of piece part
requirements in order to have the AWP components re-inducted into the repair cycle and
returned to RFI status within the shortest TAT possible. Processing procedures as listed in
subparagraphs 3a through 3g apply to AWP management:
a. AWP Stowage Procedures. The AWP component storage, known as AWP locker, is the
designated and secured stowage for AWP components. AWP locker is under the control of the
ASD officer or designated representatives and controls the AWP cannibalization actions and the
WRA movement into and out of AWP status. The only exemptions are components that, due to
their size, weight, and special storage requirements, may be stowed within their respective work
center and are identified as GIS. This applies to components that are impractical to be moved
and stowed in AWP locker, such as aircraft engines, flight control surfaces, etc.; and,
components requiring special security handling or controlled climate storage. The AWP clerk
will retain a hard copy of the MAF in the AWP locker for each item identified as GIS, the hard
copy of the MAF, along with the AWP repair parts status report serve as the inventory of the
item listed as GIS. When performing the AWP component inventory validation, the AWP clerk
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will use the hard copy MAF along with the AWP repair parts status report. AWP GIS are
subject to complete AWP management, validations and all applicable standards.
Note. Work center personnel must acknowledge installation of piece parts by initialing related
completed requisitions recorded in the “H” through “Z” fields of the accompanying MAF (if
applicable) before the turn in of AWP component to the AWP locker. If the technician continues
to install piece parts into the components, they will have to re-print a new hard copy MAF and
initial the MAF indicating installation.
b. NALCOMIS AWP Component Receipt Procedures. The receipt of adverse status (NC,
NIS, REFER, or EXREP) on any of the requested piece parts for components in the repair
process requires the repairing work center personnel to place the affected component in “WT”
(In Transit to AWP) status. A work center representative will deliver the component (including
any received but not installed repair parts) to the AWP locker within 24 hours after receipt of
such requisition status. The AWP clerk will validate the attached MAF and other related
documents against the component. The AWP locker personnel must initiate a component status
inquiry (Supply>AWP>List>Components) to ensure the component is in “WT” status and that
there are outstanding requisitions with adverse status indicated on at least one of the requisitions.
To inventory uninstalled repair parts, print the individual component status inquiry screen, prior
to taking custody of the AWP component. The component status inquiry screen provides a
complete list of materiel requirements for a component. After validating the uninstalled repair
parts, the AWP locker personnel will process an AWP component receipt,
(Supply>AWP>Component> Receipt), assign material delivery point (MDP) (i.e. WP-5, WP-6),
AWP locker location and then stow the component. At this time, the AWP component in the
locker or GIS, if remaining in the work center, must be in “WQ” status.
c. AWP Requisition and Component Validation. AWP locker personnel and applicable
work center personnel must conduct a joint AWP component, bit-piece part, and requisition
validation on a weekly basis using the AWP repair parts status report. The AWP Repair Parts
Status Report must be validated against the latest MAF, physical component and bit-piece parts
to verify outstanding requisitions, installed or uninstalled completed requisitions, and AWP
locker locations. Additionally, the AWP clerk and work center personnel should review
requisition status to ensure the status is current and review similar AWP WRA items for possible
transposition and cannibalization action.
(1) Re-Screen of Incoming Stock Materiel and Stock Materiel On Hand. Re-screen of
outstanding AWP requisitions against stock on hand must be conducted at least weekly utilizing
the DTO with Materiel On Hand Report (consumables) generated from NDP and an equivalent
NALCOMIS ad hoc for RFI DLRs.
(2) Annotate the reports with the action taken, to include the reason why a re-screen
issue was not pursued; and then date and signed by the individual who conducted the re-screen.
The retention period for the annotated re-screen reports is 3 months.
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d. Review and Follow-up Program. The AWP locker personnel or AWP expeditors must
establish and maintain an aggressive outstanding AWP requisition status review and follow-up
program. Outstanding AWP requisition follow ups and related action must be based on the latest
supply status reflected on the AWP repair parts status report. The LRCA supervisor, AWP
locker personnel, and AWP expeditors will meet monthly to discuss AWP requisition priorities
and potential transposing (cannibalization) actions.
e. Transposition and Cannibalization Review. The AWP locker supervisor must ensure the
NALCOMIS “AWP Proposed Candidates for Transpose/Cannibalization Report” is ran twice a
week to identify any AWP component as potential candidates for cannibalization. The ASD
officer, as well as the CCS officer or supervisor, must be informed of all coordinated
cannibalization efforts between AWP locker, production control, and the applicable work center
before and after each cannibalization action.
f. AWP Requisition Receipt Processing. AWP locker personnel processes receipts for
incoming AWP requisitions in NALCOMIS by performing the ROB and POD function. When
AWP personnel process the POD for the last AWP requisition, a “pop-up” message “Last AWP
Bit/Piece Part Received” will appear on the screen, prompting the AWP locker personnel to
process an AWP component release transaction. Contact the appropriate work center and
promptly turn over the component to the work center for repair re-induction. A screen shot copy
of component status inquiry and all applicable uninstalled repair parts must accompany the
component when returning it to the work center. Ensure job status of the affected component
reflects “WB” and within 24 hours the component is assigned a maintenance job status code.
Note. All components, which directly impact aircraft readiness, undergoing repair requiring
repair parts with job status of “WP” must not remain in the work center over 24 hours, but must
be delivered immediately by the work center personnel to the AWP locker upon notification the
parts required are not available locally.
g. Refer to chapter 2 paragraph 212 for detailed specific procedures on Action Taken Code
“4” (BCM 4) for AVDLR components in AWP status.
6 Apr 2021
1100 Objective. The PEB unit carries high usage aircraft maintenance-related consumable
materiel expended from Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) or Defense Working Capital Fund
(DWCF) stock accounts procured with Aviation Fleet Maintenance (AFM) funds. The PEB
program facilitates the availability of consumable materiel for aviation maintenance repairs by
minimizing the time required to record demands, process issues and receipts, and consolidate
expenditure transactions. The Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information
System (NALCOMIS) is the only system authorized for management and replenishments of PEB
1101 Establish Pre-Expended Bin (PEB) Sites. The PEB manager will coordinate with the
supply application administrator (SAA) when creating a new PEB site within NALCOMIS.
The SAA is responsible for assigning an organizational code (ORG) to a work center, selecting
the appropriate PEB site, and adding any necessary organizations or work centers. If a work
center does not physically have a PEB site, one will be assigned in order to capture the
automated PEB demand data. The PEB manager should use this information to recommend to
the work center any possible additions to the PEB inventory.
1102 Stock Levels.
1. Range. The PEB manager will perform range maintenance quarterly by updating the range
line items utilizing the NALCOMIS “PEB Range Add” report and “PEB Combined Range Add”
report. The PEB inventory will include consumable aviation maintenance materiel that meet the
required frequency of demand and the stocking criteria. Range additions will depend on AFM
funding availability. Pre-expended, consumable (nuts, bolts, screws, etc.) maintenance materiel
must meet the requirements of NAVSUP P-485 paragraph 6105. These are items used in
maintenance of aircraft, aviation components, and support equipment (SE). Demand based PEB
stock with a unit price (UP) up to $1,000 is authorized a maximum stock level (MSL) set at 3
month’s usage. Restrictions as listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1f apply to PEB items with a
UP above $1,000.
a. A range addition requires the item to have an average monthly demand frequency of at
least two hits per month for the past 6 months and has a unit price equal to or less than $1,000. If
the part has a unit price between $1,000 and $2,000, the consumable materiel must have an
average monthly demand frequency of at least four hits per month for the past 6 months. Do not
stock consumable materiel with a unit price greater than $2,000. Review the PEB inventory
following each annual price change (APC), and quarterly thereafter based on the range add
criteria. PEB items having a UP between $1,000 and $2,000 are authorized to be carried in PEB
by exception only. All pre-expended consumable materiel with a UP greater than $1,000,
including PEB and pack-up kit (PUK) materiel, will be reported within the first 2 weeks of each
quarter after PEB levels are run.
b. Adjust high limits (HL) to zero in NALCOMIS for line items that fail to meet PEB
stocking criteria, then issue the stock item until exhausted. The PEB manager will remove the
6 Apr 2021
NIIN from the PEB inventory once the on hand quantity reaches zero. Once an item no longer
qualifies to be in PEB inventory, it will then be stocked in deep stock. Restrictions on stocking
PEB materiel with a UP between $1,000 and $2,000 remain at 1 month’s usage (CONUS), and 2
month’s usage (OCONUS). It is the intent of Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP) and
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL) to minimize PEB items worth more than $1,000
based on the heightened inventory standards applicable to consumables with UP greater than
$1,000. Consumables with a UP greater than $1,000 are to be allowanced through the CNAP
N414 and Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS) N4
allowancing process and to be carried in the site warehouse. The on-site allowance will augment
the 1 month’s usage carried in the PEB. When UP exceeds the established thresholds, allowance
change requests (ACR) will be submitted to maximize warehouse supportability.
c. PEB Export Utility SQL. The PEB manager will run the Export Utility SQL to provide
the operational support program analyst (OSPA) with an Excel file listing the NIINs included in
the PEB inventory, excluding the pack-up kit (PUK) items.
d. PEB manager will provide a separate list of PEB along with the deleted NIINs to the
OSPA to change the planning group code and the replenishment indicator from “NL” to “NS” in
Navy ERP to include the NIINs when running deep stock levels setting. This does not apply to
consumable pack-up kit (PUK) NIINs managed in the PEB module.
e. Consumable parts may also be added to PEB stock based on non-demand based
requirements as listed in subparagraphs 1b(1) through 1b(2), regardless of unit price. ASDs are
not authorized to carry consumables with UP greater than $2,000 in PEB. As the price of items
increase above $2,000, MSL will be set to “0”, an allowance change request will be submitted
for the warehouse to carry the asset, and any materiel in PEB will be consumed until exhausted.
f. PEB managers, with concurrence from the ASD Officer, are authorized to remove items
from stocking in the PEB when appropriate. Reasons to remove a stocking level from PEB can
vary. Coordination with the site OSPA is required if the ASD and FLC deem it appropriate to
transfer the allowance from PEB to the FLC warehouse.
g. The PEB manager will provide the OSPA with this list, if applicable, after running the
quarterly level setting.
2. Parts carried in PEB as back-up stock to build phase maintenance kits comprise of parts
required by maintenance requirement cards (MRC) and requested by the respective type wings.
The PEB manager may request that CNAP or CNAL to authorize materiel for PEB stocking that
does not meet demand frequency.
3. Sites are not authorized to establish PEB quantities for types of materiel listed in figure 11-1.
6 Apr 2021
Category Type
Aviation Repairable Material Control Codes
Special Material Content Codes (SMCC)
Security Class (SEC_CL)/ Controlled
Inventory Item Codes (CIIC)
D, E, G, H, Q or X
B, D, F, G, I, O, P, Q, R, S, V, Z, 6 or 8
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, O, P, Q, R,
S, T, V, X, W or 1-9
Figure 11-1
Note. Codes in the third row are referred to as “CIIC” in NALCOMIS while other systems, such
as FEDLOG, Navy ERP, etc. refer to these codes as “SEC_CL codes”.
4. Data Validation. The PEB manager will perform a batch extract from Web FLIS or
FEDLOG to review and validate acquisition advice codes, special material content codes,
material control codes, controlled inventory item codes and security codes upon completion of
the PEB quarterly range adds. Additional sources providing this information include Navy ERP,
Haystack, and One Touch Support (OTS).
a. Where non-compliant items have been added to PEB, discrepancies will be documented
in a quarterly report submitted to the aviation support department or detachment (ASD) director,
and will include corrective actions taken.
b. The retention for this quarterly report is located in figure 11-2. The digital batch extract
file supporting the quarterly report will also be retained for the same duration.
5. Acquisition Advice Code (AAC). The PEB manager will review the data output for AACs
that do not meet materiel support criteria for inclusion in the PEB inventory.
a. AAC “Z”. If AAC “Z” items have a demand profile that supports inclusion in PEB,
ASD will inform DLA representative either on-site or at DLA Aviation, Richmond, VA and
request a change to AAC “D”. Occasionally, when fleet demand is satisfied by PEBs, RRAM, or
other means, DLA may not receive a sufficient demand frequency to retain AAC “D”
designation. By requesting AAC “D” designation, DLA will continue to proactively stock the
b. AAC “H”. This is a not centrally stocked item and will be direct delivery from the
vendor. Materiel will have a longer customer wait time and may cause PEB not in stock (NIS)
conditions. Recurring stock-outs for AAC “H” items should be considered for a local increase in
PEB quantities, with requests submitted to CNAL or CNAP N415.
c. AAC “J”. This is a not centrally stocked item and is procured only when a requisition is
received by DLA. Materiel will have a longer customer wait time and may cause PEB shelf
stock to be NIS. Each AAC “J” PEB item will be researched to validate demand supports
6 Apr 2021
retention in the PEB, and where appropriate to keep a PEB quantity on hand, submit a request to
DLA to change the AAC from “J” to “D”.
d. Terminal and Obsolete AAC (“V”,“X”,“Y”). Perform research to determine if materiel
will have future demand. The PEB manager will work with the technical research unit (TRU)
supervisor to identify the replacement item or request DLA to stock the required NSN item.
6. Special Material Content Code (SMCC). The PEB manager will review the range add file
for NIINs with an unauthorized SMCC held within the PEB. If unauthorized materiel is found,
the PEB manager will adjust the HL to “zero” and issue stock until exhausted. The PEB
manager will delete the NIIN when the on hand quantity reaches “zero”. Contact CNAP/CNAL
N415 PEB manager for further guidance.
7. Material Control Code (MCC). The PEB manager will review the range add file for NIINs
with an unauthorized MCC held within the PEB. If unauthorized materiel is found, the PEB
manager will adjust the HL to “zero” and the stock issued until exhausted. The PEB manager
will delete the NIIN when the on hand quantity reaches “zero”. Contact CNAP/CNAL N415
PEB manager for further guidance.
8. Security Class (SEC_CL)/ Controlled Inventory Item Codes (CIIC). The PEB manager will
review the range add file for NIINs with an unauthorized SEC_CL/CIIC held within the PEB. If
unauthorized materiel is found, the PEB manager will remove the item(s) from PEB and transfer
to an approved secure location. All unauthorized materiel discovered in PEB locations will be
reported to the ASD director, ASD officer, and CNAP/CNAL PEB manager. Parts with
SEC_CL codes “I” (aircraft engine parts), “J” (pilferable), “V” (clothing and equipment) or “X”
(photographic equipment) may be carried only in a supervised and secured PEB location to
prevent them from being lost or stolen. Contact CNAP/CNAL N415 PEB manager for further
9. Depth. The PEB manager will perform the depth maintenance by using the NALCOMIS PEB
“High Limit” reports to perform quarterly inventory adjustments. High limits should be initially
set to the recommended quantity by the NALCOMIS “PEB Range Add” report or “PEB
Combined Range Add” report. This report enables selection of all or a specific PEB site to
scrutinize PEB candidates whose frequency of demand is high enough to qualify for inclusion in
the PEB inventory. When establishing a new PEB site for a new T/M/S or fleet readiness center
(FRC) work center, contact CNAP N415 PEB manager for assistance in obtaining demand data
from other ASDs or aviation units to facilitate in calculating HL quantities. Parameters of all
three reports will be set to compute high limits as listed in subparagraphs 9a through 9b.
a. Unit price (UP) equals $0-$25. HL must equal 3 months of stock (12 demands in 6
b. UP equals $26-$1,000. HL must equal 2 months of stock (12 demands in 6 months).
c. UP equals $1,000-$2,000 OCONUS (Sigonella, Atsugi, Misawa, and Bahrain). HL must
equal 2 months of stock (24 demands in 6 months).
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d. UP equals $1,000-$2,000 CONUS. HL must equal 1 month of stock (24 demands in 6
10. The PEB manager will set the NSOs to the quantity required to build a minimum of three
phase maintenance kits with back-up stock.
11. Demand Deviation. Perform a demand deviation review when the NALCOMIS “PEB Range
Add” or “High Limit” reports recommend a suspiciously large high limit stemming from onetime demand spikes. If the PEB manager determines a recommended HL is excessive, then
manually re-compute the HL to determine if the demand history contains erroneous or nonrecurring excessive demand transactions. The PEB manager should perform a similar review if a
suspiciously large PEB stock replenishment appears in the NALCOMIS “PEB Awaiting
Replenishment Release” (AWREL) queue.
12. Excess Range. Consumable parts carried in the PEB without demand in the past 12 months
are considered excess range materiel. Excess range must be identified at least quarterly utilizing
the NALCOMIS “PEB Excess Range Report” ad hoc. Forward the PEB “Excess Range
Report” file to CNAL N41 requesting offload disposition instructions. CNAL N41 may direct a
site to retain the excess range line items or provide offload disposition instructions.
1103 Replenishment.
1. A review of the NALCOMIS PEB AWREL mailbox will occur daily and release
recommended replenishment requisitions according to funds availability. The PEB manager
will continuously scrutinize the PEB requisition listing for all PEB and phase kit requisitions
without up-to- date status. Review each requisition and annotate with the appropriate action
taken. The methods to determine appropriate requisition follow-up submission will be
accomplished as per chapter 6, paragraph 612.
a. PEB and phase kit replenishment requisitions will cite project code “774” and priority
code 06 upon release for CONUS sites and priority code 05 for OCONUS sites. It is considered
overaged shipment status if the materiel has not been received within 30 days for CONUS
shipments or 60 days for OCONUS shipments from the shipment date. As per Defense Logistics
Management Standards DLM 4000.25 Vol 2, Chapter 17 Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR)
will be submitted 60 days for CONUS and 120 days for OCONUS items from the shipment date.
This allows the requisitioner time to prepare and submit SDRs to the issuing activity. PEB
replenishment requisitions are to be ordered as issue priority group (IPG) II. PEB materiel
supports recurring maintenance and qualifies for IPG II as it is bought out with 1A1A funding
and is directly linked to upcoming maintenance for the T/M/S supported by the local ASD. PEB
on-hand/on-order will be measured monthly to ensure replenishments occur when stocks fall
below the reorder point. ASDs are encouraged to reorder to the high limit twice a month to
ensure maximum PEB effectiveness. Financial shortfalls that limit reordering once below the
reorder point will be specifically identified in the monthly site report submitted to CNAP or
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b. The PEB manager will take actions listed in subparagraphs 1b(1) and 1b(2) when
requisitioned PEB item is NIS or the replenishment document results in a backorder status.
(1) Seek lateral support from available Budget Project (BP) 28 retail and repair parts
funded supplies and wholesale stock at other stock points.
(2) When no lateral support can be found, submit a supply assist request (SAR) or request
assistance from the site’s designated DLA representative, if necessary.
c. Material Obligation Validation (MOV). An MOV lists the unfilled quantity of an
overaged requisition held by an inventory control point (ICP) not available for issue to the sites
activity, but is recorded as a commitment against the ICPs existing stock dues. SRS personnel
are responsible for receipt, acknowledgment, overall coordination and response to the supply
system for the ASD. The PEB manager will review and validate responses to MOV requests for
PEB requisitions and return the annotated MOV to the SRS within 5 working days.
(1) Every month, the PEB manager will expedite the Outstanding Materiel Requirements
Report (OMRR) or FEDMALL for validation outstanding PEB replenishment requisitions that
do not have “BA” or “AS1” status. The objective is to identify requisitions with delayed or
backorder status, but with wholesale stock availability. The PEB manager will work with their
respective DLA representative to satisfy backordered PEB replenishment requisitions when
wholesale stock is available.
(2) Upload the requisition with delayed or backordered status via the FEDMALL
Supportability Analysis Stock Out Report (SASOR) batch process which will produce a report
for review. The PEB manager will annotate the FEDMALL SASOR output files with actions
taken to fulfill PEB replenishment requisitions. The retention period for output files is 12
months. Contact CNAP N415 for assistance as necessary.
1104 Accounting for PEB Materiel Costs.
1. CNAL and CNAP activities use AFM funds to purchase PEB materiel during the initial PEB
outfitting and during replenishment action. The financial obligation occurs when the PEB
manager releases the replenishment requisitions. PEB materiel is expended materiel; therefore,
PEB issues do not create a financial charge when requisitioned by the squadron and FRC.
Apportionment of these costs to the correct CNAL or CNAP flying hour cost accounting
categories is determined by the respective TYCOM designated fund code (CNAL: UB; CNAP:
JE) and job order numbers (JON) assigned to outfitting and replenishment requisitions. The
type equipment code (TEC) assigned to each PEB site in NALCOMIS PEB “Site Table” record
will determine which JON to assign to the replenishment requisition. The PEB manager will
coordinate with the SAA to ensure the correct TECs reflect the type equipment of the customer
supported by the PEB site or phase kit. When a PEB site supports multiple customers, the PEB
manager will adjust this apportionment by periodic rotation of the TEC assigned to that PEB
“Site Table” record.
2. NALCOMIS PEB customer tables should include all locally supported CNAP or CNAL
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AFM funded activities. They should not include deployed squadron detachments to avoid
second destination shipping charges. The table should exclude non-AFM funded activities
unless a funding reimbursement agreement exists with CNAP or CNAL in writing and the
funding entity agrees to replenish PEB materiel with the reimbursable funding document.
Designated non-AFM funded activities’ PEB sites will be a “non-sharing” site in the
NALCOMIS site-sharing tables as the materiel within these sites are procured solely for the
intended customer.
3. NALCOMIS PEB site-sharing tables should be set to facilitate sourcing between on-station
PEB sites for activities with AFM funding. Non-AFM funded squadrons will not be assigned to
AFM funded PEB sites.
1105 Location.
1. Storage of PEB materiel in areas other than the PEB sites and ASD is prohibited. Location
of PEB stock in close proximity to maintenance work centers is encouraged and where practical
to minimize work stoppage. PEB work centers, cabinets, tackle boxes, etc. within maintenance
work centers are permissible if the temporary custodian maintains high inventory integrity.
2. When non-ASD personnel staff a PEB site, the non-ASD personnel will post PEB issues and
receipts. ASD personnel must perform level settings and initial replenishment actions for these
sites. The ASD officer or director will disestablish the non-ASD managed PEB site and reassign
the customer to an ASD-managed site if inventory accuracy cannot be maintained.
a. PEB sites within ASD spaces should be accessible to supply duty officers (SDO) for
after-hours issues.
b. Save an electronic copy of the PEB inventory ad hoc on a weekly basis and a printed
copy on a quarterly basis to fulfill outstanding requirements when the system is down.
1106 PEB Stock Records. The PEB manager must ensure all AFM funded PEB stock on hand
and due in quantities are accurate in NALCOMIS PEB. Verify the configuration of unit of issue,
container unit of issue and container quantity to ensure accurate stock replenishment.
1107 Phase Maintenance Kits. The PEB manager will assemble and stock the number of phase
maintenance kits to support demand requirements. The required number of phase maintenance
kits should be assembled and stocked in PEB, and assigned a local item control number (LICN)
in advance of anticipated requirements. Incomplete phase maintenance kits should have
outstanding bit and piece requirements in the “ISPEB” mailbox or referred to the supply system.
If components are on order, list the DDSN on the inventory sheet for the respective kit. An
amount of PEB stock sufficient to build an additional three phase maintenance kits should also
be maintained on hand as back-up stock.
1. The NALCOMIS PEB module will also be used as listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1c.
a. Build kits.
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b. Generate and track outfitting requisitions.
c. Maintain RFI and partial kit inventories.
2. Establish a National Stock Number (NSN) in Phase Kits. Phase kits contain inventories of
consumable bit and piece parts needed to perform specific maintenance functions rather than
requisitioning each part separately. An assigned phase kit consists of a master phase kit
identified by a LICN. Establish phase kits in NALCOMIS prior to issuing to the customer. All
inventory NIINs added to the phase kit must have the “Phase Kit” flag set on the NIIN master
record file (MRF).
1108 PEB Site Manager Duties. The PEB manager is responsible for all PEB site managers.
The PEB manager will ensure all site managers and assistant site managers are assigned in
writing by the ASD officer or director as responsible officials for each individual PEB site. The
PEB manager must visit each PEB site quarterly and conduct an inventory and location audit of
no less than 10 percent of on hand stock. Additionally, the PEB manager will conduct a site
inspection, checking for organization and stowage of stock. PEB site managers will annotate and
correct any discrepancy of items in the PEB site. Retention period for results of quarterly checks
are listed in figure 11-2.
1. Consumable item inventory audit standards have been updated such that any consumable
with a UP greater than $1,000 requires 99 percent inventory accuracy. Consumables with UP
below $1,000 have an inventory accuracy standard of 95 percent. The goal for location audits
(LAP) is 98 percent.
2. The TYCOM goal for net issue effectiveness of PEB stock is 95 percent, as measured by the
NALCOMIS issue effectiveness report.
1109 NALCOMIS Issue PEB (ISPEB) Mailbox.
1. Documents in the ISPEB DDSN mailbox are materiel requirements that are pending issue
from the PEB. Customer requisitions with “ISPEB” status will not remain in the NALCOMIS
mailbox for over 24 hours. All requisitions will be delivered or picked up within the respective
issue response time goals as outlined in chapter 2 when this service is provided by ASD.
Requisitions for PEB items must have a job control number (JCN), maintenance control
number (MCN) and bureau number (BUNO) for aviation type materiel (bolts, washers,
brackets). Requisitions for shop support materiel (zip ties, wipes, etc.) do not require JCN,
MCN or BUNO information. Local policy will determine if items are delivered or staged for
pick-up by customer.
2. Partial Quantity. When a customer orders a part showing a partial quantity available in the
PEB, a two-step process must be followed in order to process the document. PEB personnel
will click the “Reprocess” button in the “ISPEB” mailbox module which will set the document
to “OSPEB”. The document will post to the “ISPEB” mailbox with a “Y” suffix code for the
quantity available in the PEB. Clear the partial quantity from the mailbox before the remaining
6 Apr 2021
quantity can be processed. Once the quantity available in the PEB is cleared out of the ISPEB
mailbox, the document for the remainder of the quantity will be assigned an LSC of “INPRO”
and will be processed as a normal requisition. Issue materiel if available or refer requisition off
station if “NIS”.
1110 Storage. Upon receipt of PEB or phase kit requisition and receipt on board (ROB) has been
processed, the document goes into the PBROB/PHROB mailbox. PEB will be responsible for
posting the proof of delivery (POD) in NALCOMIS to clear the requisitions from the mailbox.
Clear the PBROB/PHROB mailbox on a daily basis. PEB stock should be packaged and stored
in a manner to provide adequate protection from the environment such as dirt, dust, weather, and
electrostatic discharge (ESD). Bins should be organized and labeled to prevent commingling or
misidentification of parts. When using plastic bags to store loose items, activities must be
cautious, as data written with permanent markers will eventually wear off plastic bags over time.
1111 Shelf Life Program. Implement a shelf life program to reduce financial loss experienced
when materiel has to be disposed due to expired shelf life date. PEB parts subject to shelf life
expiration should be segregated and labeled as a "shelf life location" within a PEB work center.
Shelf life management must include "first in, first out" issuing, monitoring of expiration dates
and disposal of expired parts. Conduct a monthly inspection of shelf life materiel for condition
and expiration dates. Expired Type I shelf life items will be removed from stock and destroyed.
Overaged items will be screened for possible use to satisfy other requirements which do not
require materiel in non-expired condition. Restore expired Type II shelf life items as per
applicable shelf life action codes denoted in FEDLOG or as noted by the cognizant inventory
manager instructions. Refer to chapter 7, paragraph 706.3 for further direction on managing and
disposing of shelf life materiel.
6 Apr 2021
Reports and Files Required for Performance of Duties
Report Name
Current & Prior Report
Current & Prior Report
As Required
Current Report
6. PEB Flag Report
Current & Prior Report
7. High Dollar Value Report
12 Months
8. PEB Level Set
Current & Prior Report
9. NSO Review
12 Months
Current Report
Current and 3 Prior Quarters
3. PEB Site Screening File
4. PEB Replenishment Review
5. PEB Site Manager Letter
10. PEB Outstanding Materiel Review
Figure 11-2
6 Apr 2021
From: FLC Officer
To: PEB Manager
Via: Supply Officer, ASD Officer, and ASD Director
The listed personnel are appointed as the Pre-Expended Bin site managers:
Primary PEB Custodian
Alternate PEB custodian
The PEB site managers are responsible for the following requirements:
a. Site PEB will appear neat and orderly, and be secured during non-working hours.
b. Site PEB manager and alternate will ensure the receipt and proper storage of all
PEB items.
c. Site PEB manager and alternate will be the sole controllers of all issues from
PEB site.
d. PEB managers will ensure the proper submission of addition, deletion, and modification
e. 10 percent quarterly inventories.
f. 10 percent quarterly LAPs.
In the event that the above requirements are not met, site PEB will be subject to reinspection within 7 working days. If these standards are still not met, actions will be
taken to remove the PEB site and return all assets to the ASD.
FLC/ASD Officer
Figure 11-3
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1200 Objective. The GCPC program, also referred to as the purchase card program, is designed
to expedite small purchase methods with simplified payment processes, and reducing the
administrative effort for traditional and emergency purchase of supplies and services. The
purchase card program will be used to purchase supplies and services for official government
business in accordance with Naval Supply System Command (NAVSUP) instructions,
contracting instructions, and instructions from the type commander (TYCOM) and Fleet
Commander. The purchase card will be used only for authorized United States Government
purchases. The ASD officer or director, and support personnel, e.g. agency/organization
program coordinator (A/OPC), approving official (AO), and cardholders (CH), are responsible
for following regulations governing purchases at or below the micro purchase threshold at their
site. In addition, these personnel are responsible for payment of contracts awarded by a
contracting officer or ordering officer, specified in NAVSUPINST 4200.99C and all change
transmittals, desk guides, and the activity’s internal operating procedures (IOP).
1201 References. All Department of the Navy (DON) activities using the purchase card are
governed by the acquisition, financial management, and GCPC policies issued in reference
NAVSUPINST 4200.99C. The DON Consolidated Card Program Management Division
(CCPMD) has the overall responsibility for enforcing the GCPC program policies issued in the
NAVSUPINST 4200.99C, associated references and appendices, all change transmittals, desk
guides, purchase card administrative notices (PCAN) and the purchase card desk guide 5.11.
The desk guide contains procedural information on day-to-day operations and provides specific
requirements for the distinct role an individual performs within the program. The A/OPC and
AO must register for the DON CCPMD e-mail subscription in order to receive policy and
administrative notices. References are available at the NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support
(WSS) website: https://mynavsup.csd.disa.mil/webcenter/portal/ccpmd_pc.
1202 Purchase Safeguards.
1. The program consists of safeguards as listed in subparagraphs 1a and 1b to prevent incidents
of fraud, waste, and abuse. These processes are separate and distinct, and must be followed for
every purchase card transaction.
a. Proper documentation and authorization by the approving official (AO) are required to
initiate purchase card transactions.
(1) Proper documentation includes, at a minimum, a DD Form 1348-1A or locally
generated purchase card procurement request (PCPR) signed by the cognizant department head
and approval of the cardholder’s approving official (AO) prior to purchase.
(2) The purchase request must show proof of technical screening and all required
documentation for each purchase request. The vendor must complete the (National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 889 (a)(1)(B)) and return to the cardholder prior to purchase
of any item, and filed with the purchase request.
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(3) The purchase request must show proof that verification that funds are available for
the purchase by the authorized funds manager or budget representative within the ASD or at the
Type Wing financial section.
(4) Mandatory and priority supply sources as delineated in Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) 8.002, e.g., Ability One, FedMall, etc., must be screened as statutory sources
of supply per NAVSUPINST 4200.99C; however, supply system stock is still the preferred
source, especially for emergent repair part requirements.
(5) If the supply system cannot meet the required delivery date (RDD) for mission
essential items only, assets are not price competitive with the open market, or assets are not
available from mandatory sources of supplies or services, then use of the purchase card or other
open purchase methods are authorized within the scope of procurement authority.
b. The merchant must obtain authorization from the cardholder for every transaction, either
electronically or via telephone.
(1) This ensures the CH is within established single purchase and monthly billing cycle
(2) Merchant category codes (MCC) can be assigned to individual CHs, which will limit
them to making purchases only from vendors who can accommodate the authorizations and
comply with GCPC policies.
1203 Definitions. Frequently used terms and definitions applicable to the Purchase Card
Program are in subparagraphs 1 through 17. Personnel involved in the program must be familiar
with all terms and definitions.
1. Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC). The ASD officer or director will sign
a letter of delegation (LOD) to designate an individual responsible for the day-to-day oversight
and audit management of the program.
2. Approving Official (AO). The ASD officer or director will sign an LOD to designate an AO.
AOs are local charge card officials responsible for the review and approval of all purchase
requests prior to purchase and all card billing statements under their cognizance to ensure each
transaction made with the card was legal, proper, mission essential, and correct.
3. Cardholder (CH). The legal agent using the purchase card to buy goods and services in
support of official government business. The CH holds the primary responsibility for the card‘s
proper use. Purchase CHs are granted limited contracting authority by their head of activity
(HA) or designee, in the form of an LOD.
4. Certifying Officer (CO). The ASD officer or director will sign an LOD to designate a
certifying officer. A DoD military member or civilian employee within the command appointed
in writing to certify a voucher for payment.
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5. Contracting Officer. Contracting officers are responsible for ensuring performance of all
necessary actions for effective contracting, ensuring compliance with the terms of the contract,
and safeguarding the interests of the United States in its contractual relationships. Contracting
officers must receive from the appointing authority clear instructions in writing regarding the
limits of their authority. (FAR 1.602)
6. Departmental Accountable Official. Individuals who are responsible in the performance of
their duties for providing the contracting officer with information, data or services that the
contracting officer directly relies upon in the certification of a voucher for payment. They are
pecuniarily liable for erroneous payments resulting from their negligent actions, per section
2773a of Title 10, U.S. Code.
7. Head of Activity. For the purposes of this instruction, the HA is the military officer in
command or the civilian in charge of the mission of a DON command or activity which has been
granted contracting authority by the cognizant head of contracting activity (HCA). The HA has
overall responsibility for managing the delegation and use of this authority by personnel under
his or her command. The HA has disciplinary authority over the APC, AO/CO and CHs.
8. Micro Purchase Threshold. Per FAR 2.101, micro purchases must not exceed the current
micro purchase threshold.
a. For acquisitions of construction subject to the Davis-Bacon Act, $2,000.
b. For acquisitions of services subject to the Services Contract Act, $2,500.
c. For acquisitions of supplies or services, as determined by the head of the agency, to be
used to support a contingency operation or to facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear,
biological, chemical, or radiological attack, as described in FAR 13.201(g)(1), except for
construction subject to the Davis-Bacon Act (41 U.S.C. 428a).
(1) $20,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be
made inside the U.S.; and
(2) $30,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be
made outside the U.S.
9. Defense Pricing and Contracting (DPC). For all purchases, regardless of source, Cardholders
must receive written representation from the merchant before making a purchase. Use form
Section 889 (a) (1)(B) Prohibition on Contracting with Entities Using Certain
Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. For additional information
see Paragraph 1202 and PCAN FY20 #22. Figure 12-8 is an example of an acceptable
10. Open Market Purchase. As used in this instruction, a GCPC purchase made directly to a
vendor that is not a federal government source of supply. Requires waiver and justification.
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11. Prohibited Item. A supply or service prohibited by this instruction or by an activity internal
operating procedures (IOP).
12. Receipt. Documentation from the merchant showing the item(s) purchased, the unit price,
the total amount, date of the transaction, quantities ordered and received, shipping and handling.
Note. Taxes should never be billed for government credit card purchases of materiel or services.
If invoice includes taxes, CH must contact the vendor for a corrected invoice prior to processing
for payment.
13. Services. For purposes of this instruction, services are firm-fixed priced (including unpriced
orders with an established ceiling); non-personal, commercially available requirements in which
the government directly engages the time and effort of a contractor to perform a task, e.g. repairs,
maintenance, annual maintenance agreements, etc.
14. Single Purchase Limit. A dollar limit per purchase assigned to each CH for a single
transaction. Documentation of the dollar limit will be in the CH’s LOD.
15. Split Purchase. Separating a requirement that exceeds a CH’s single purchase limit or
threshold into two or more buys as a means of circumventing the CH’s purchase limit. No
government purchase CH may fragment or split purchases that exceed the CH’s limit or
threshold in order to stay within the purchase card limits. To do so is a violation of the federal
procurement law.
Note. CH must utilize a contract if purchase will exceed the micro purchase threshold.
16. Transaction Type. The method by which an order is placed when using the purchase card.
Purchase card buys may be made over-the-counter, over the phone or via the internet.
17. Unauthorized Use. Use of the GCPC for a requirement that was not approved by a person of
authority or was made using a CH’s card by someone other than the CH.
1204 Personnel Requirements.
1. Personnel listed in categories as listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1c may be issued a GCPC
or be appointed as an AO, CO or A/OPC to accomplish official duties.
a. Civilian government employees.
b. Members of the Armed Forces.
c. Foreign nationals (both direct and indirect hires) subject to operational control and dayto-day management and supervision by U.S. civilian and military personnel.
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2. Contractor support services are not authorized to perform CH, AO or CO duties. However,
requirements listed in subparagraphs 2a and 2b are met, contractors may assist an A/OPC in
performing A/OPC administrative responsibilities as listed in subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. The primary A/OPC must provide direct oversight over the contractor.
(1) The contractor must sign a non-disclosure statement,
(2) The contractor’s statement of work must be explicit regarding the functions to be
performed, and
(3) Contractor support access to the bank’s Electronic Access System (EAS) must not
allow change or maintenance functionality. Access is restricted to “read only” access for data
collection and analysis needed to assist in managing the program.
b. Each request for contractor support must be approved by the HA.
1205 Account Set Up Procedures.
1. A/OPCs must establish accounts based on account holder and activity delegated authority.
Prior to setting up an account, the A/OPC must verify that required training and delegations have
been completed. The three types of accounts are listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1c.
a. AO Account. The AO account (billing account) is a summary of all account activity for
CHs and check writers assigned under the AO’s hierarchy. An AO account must be established
and include a default line of accounting before the CH or convenience check account can be
b. CH Account. CHs are responsible for management of their accounts. CHs also
authorize, control and report all purchases charged to their card.
c. Convenience Check Accounts. It is DON policy to minimize use of convenience checks.
Convenience check accounts may only be established to meet requirements that cannot be met
using the GCPC. Convenience check accounts are managed like CH accounts and require
additional oversight and reporting.
2. Billing Cycle.
a. The billing cycle is approximately a 30-day billing period. Each monthly bill will be
comprised of transactions (debits and credits) that post to the bank’s system during this period.
b. For DON, the billing cycle begins on the 20th of the month and ends on the 19th of the
subsequent month. The end of the cycle will only occur on a business day; i.e., Monday through
Friday, and as a result, may be adjusted accordingly.
c. The cycle end date will occur on the last business day of the normal cycle.
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3. Merchant Category Code (MCC).
a. A code used by the issuing bank to categorize each merchant according to the type of
business the merchant is engaged in and the kinds of goods and services provided.
b. These codes are used as an authorized transaction type code on a card or account to
identify those types of businesses who provide goods or services that are authorized for use by
the CH.
4. Setup Forms.
a. To set up an account with the bank, the A/OPC must complete the account set-up forms
(available on the DON Consolidated Cards Program Management Division (CCPMD) website).
b. The A/OPC must include the account hierarchy, the default line of accounting and the
credit limits. Set-up forms must be signed by the current A/OPC or alternate A/OPC.
c. If a new hierarchy, level III A/OPC and DON CCPMD approval is required. Prior to
setting up an AO account or a CH account, the A/OPC must verify that required training and
delegations are in order.
d. Primarily, accounts are set up online using U.S. Bank. Convenience check accounts
cannot be set up online.
1206 Closing AO and CH Accounts.
1. A/OPC must ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that the CH account is suspended at
least 30 days (one billing cycle) prior to the projected date of any transfer, retirement or
termination. Purchases processed through FedMall may result in partial shipments and multiple
invoices. In such cases, it is imperative all Purchase Requests generated by CHs with pending
transfer be turned over to another CH to ensure proper certification of statements following their
a. Once the AO has verified that all transactions and payments have cleared the account, the
A/OPC will close the account.
b. The CH account must not remain open past the official detachment date of the CH unless
the situations occur as listed in subparagraphs 1a(1) through 1a(3).
(1) If there are transactions still outstanding, as soon as practical, have the A/OPC reduce
the CH credit limits to $1.00 (single and monthly limits) and destroy the credit card to avoid any
more charges. This needs to be done early enough to ensure that all transactions post to the
statement and can be certified prior to CH departure.
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(2) Once all transactions have posted, have the A/OPC close the CH account and rescind
the delegate authority and the CH signs the DD Form 577 to terminate the account. When a CH
leaves the activity, all files documenting GCPC transactions must be turned over to the AO or
CO for retention. This will allow auditors the ability to locate documents after the CH has
departed. The plastic card (and checks if CH has a convenience check) must be destroyed per
procedures in the activity internal operating procedures (IOP).
(3) AO accounts must not be closed until all CH accounts billed to the account have been
closed and the invoices have been paid. When closing an AO account due to program restructure
or elimination of the account (no longer needed), the AO account balance must be zero. If there
is an outstanding balance, a final certification will need to be accomplished in order to achieve
an account balance of zero.
2. Inactive Accounts.
a. The A/OPC must ensure that CH accounts that have not been used in the previous 6
months, or were used less than three times during the preceding 6-month period, are closed. The
only exception allowed would be in cases where the supervisor submits an acceptable
justification to the Level IV A/OPC for keeping the account active.
b. Under some circumstances it may be appropriate to hold inactive accounts open. These
include, but are not limited to, contingencies, deployed-status accounts, or cases where a CH is
on an approved extended absence.
c. The handling of inactive CH accounts should be addressed in the activity IOP.
3. Contingency Account.
a. Contingency accounts may be set up for contingency deployment or as a backup when
the primary CH is unavailable.
b. Contingency accounts must remain inactive until needed.
c. The A/OPC must ensure that any CH account designated as a contingency account is set
to a credit limit of $1.00 (single and monthly limits) until the account is activated for usage.
d. Contingency cards are included in span of control requirements for AO or CO (1:7 ratio
accounts to AO or CO).
1207 Contracting Authority.
1. Contracting authority is required prior to the establishment of a GCPC Program.
2. An activity is required to obtain contracting authority through the appropriate Head of
Contracting Activity (HCA) which would be their servicing Fleet Logistic Centers (NAVSUP
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3. HCAs provide contracting authority for commands and activities.
4. The activity establishing a new GCPC Program will need to provide verification that
contracting authority has been granted to the command (HL3 A/OPC) when setting up the
activity with the bank.
1208 Training Requirements.
1. Initial Training. All GCPC Program participants will complete initial training before
assuming program responsibilities. This includes all HAs, A/OPCs, AOs, certifying officials
(CO), and CHs. Refer to matrix in Figure 12-6. Required initial training includes:
a. Defense Acquisition University (DAU) CLG0010 (CLG 001). (A/OPC, AO/CO, and
b. Defense Acquisition University (DAU) CLG006 (certifying officials only). (A/OPC,
c. DON CCPMD GCPC training for their role. (HA, A/OPC, AO/CO, and CH)
d. DoD ethics training. (HA, A/OPC, AO/CO, and CH)
e. Activity IOP training. (A/OPC, AO/CO, CH)
Note. Training must be conducted following any changes made to the IOP.
f. DAU CON 237 for CH with certificate of appointment using SF-1402 (upon
g. DAU CON 237 for CH with certificate of appointment using SF-1402 (upon
appointment, see FAR 13.003 simplified acquisition thresholds).
2. Annual Refresher Training. After initial training, refresher annual training must be
completed as listed in subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. Defense Acquisition University (DAU) CLG006 (AO/CO, CH).
b. Ethics Training. All GCPC Program participants are required to complete DoD annual
ethics training.
3. Refresher Training (Biannual). All GCPC Program managers are required to complete the
following training every 2 years:
a. DON CCPMD GCPC role based. (HA, A/OPC, AO/CO, and CH).
b. DAU CLG0010. (CLG 001) (A/OPC, AO/CO, and CH).
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c. Activity IOP. (A/OPC, AO/CO, and CH).
1209 Appointment Authority.
1. After initial training, authority to perform primary program participant roles must be
documented in writing before assuming a GCPC Program role and responsibility.
a. A/OPC authority must be documented in an A/OPC letter of delegation (LOD) from the
HA and must ensure data and training is uploaded and visible in Procurement Integrated
Enterprise Environment/ Joint Appointment Module (PIEE/JAM). ) (A/OPC must register first at
https://piee.eb.mil/piee-landing/) (For PIEE/JAM training:
b. CO authority to certify GCPC invoices must be documented on the most current version
of Appointment/Termination Record-Authorized Signature Form (DD Form 577) which can be
downloaded from the following website:
http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/infomgt/forms/index.htm. Submit the DD Form 577 as an
attachment to Defense Finance and Accounting Service – Indianapolis Disbursing Office
(DFAS-IN DO) via secure e-mail to dfas.indianapolis-in.jfd.mbx.dfas-incddd577@mail.mil prior
to performing CO duties. (The DD Form 577 submitted cannot be a “copy of a copy”.) Use the
DD Form 577 to rescind CO authority once CO duties will no longer be performed and must be
submitted to DFAS. Use the same e-mail address when rescinding CO authority. Ensure data
and training is uploaded and visible in PIEE/JAM.
c. AO authority must be documented in an LOD and DD Form 577 and ensure data and
training is uploaded and visible in PIEE/JAM.
d. CH authority to use the GCPC up to the micro purchase threshold must be documented in
the LOD, which will specify any limitations to supplies or services authorized to purchase. The
command will upload the spending limits, the DD Form 577, and the training into PIEE/JAM
and ensure visibility in PIEE/JAM. CH authority must not exceed authority delegated to the
(1) The LOD must also document authorized use and dollar limits for using the GCPC
above the micro purchase threshold for:
(a) Payment for commercial training services authorized by an authorization,
agreement and certification of training form (SF-182) up to $25,000
(b) Payment to DLA Document Services up to $25,000
(c) For acquisitions of construction (Davis-Bacon Act), $2,000
(d) For acquisitions of services subject to the Service Contract Labor Standards
Statute, $2,500
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(e) Use of the GCPC as a method of payment to pay for orders placed on a contract
by a warranted contracting officer (CO) or ordering officer up to their delegated authority.
(2) Any other CH authority to use the GCPC above the micro purchase threshold
(including use by CHs outside the United States up to $25,000, for supplies and services
acquired and performed outside the United States), must be documented in a Certification of
Appointment (SF-1402) issued per HCA procedures and training requirements. See
NAVSUPINST 4200.99C and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 13.003.
2. Updating Appointments. Delegation and appointment letters are valid for the duration the
appointee serves in their capacity. Letters must be updated when the content or contracting
authority has changed, but not simply due to the departure of the individual with signature
1210 Purchase Card Process. The governing policy by DON GCPC program is governed by
acquisition, financial management and GCPC policies enumerated in NAVSUPINST 4200.99C.
1. Acquisition Policy. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 13.303, and Defense Federal
Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 213.270 and 213.301 outlines acquisition policy
for using the GCPC.
a. The GCPC must be used for purchases and contract payments at or below the micro
purchase threshold.
b. The GCPC can be used to make payments on contracts above the micro purchase
threshold with proper written authority. Refer to NAVSUPINST 4200.99C.
c. The GCPC can be used to make open market purchases by CHs outside the United States
for supplies and services acquired and performed outside the United States per DFARS 213.301
using Simplified Acquisition Procedures with proper written authority. Refer to NAVSUPINST
2. Financial Management Requirements. Financial Management Policy for the GCPC is
provided in DoD 7000.14-R, also referred to as the DoD Financial Management Regulation.
a. Per volume 5, chapter 5, only GCPC COs appointed by an Appointment/Termination
Record - Authorized Signature Form (DD Form 577) are authorized to certify payment of GCPC
invoices. GCPC COs are pecuniarily liable for payments resulting from improper certifications.
b. Per volume 5, chapter 5, a Departmental Accountable Official (DAO) is any individual
who provides information that a CO uses to certify a GCPC invoice. DAOs may incur pecuniary
liability for illegal, improper, or incorrect payments resulting from the negligent provision of
information, data or services to COs. DD Form 577 is used to designate DAOs.
c. Volume 10, chapter 23, provides general payment policy and procedures described in
other chapters of volume 10, and GCPC policy from the DoD Charge Card Guidebook.
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3. GCPC Policy. This instruction encompasses legal, regulatory, and policy from:
a. 10 United States Code (USC) § 2784 establishes legal requirements for management of
GCPCs, safeguards, internal controls and penalties for violations of GCPC misuse.
b. Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, Appendix B provides federal
policy for management’s responsibility for internal control.
c. DoD Government Charge Card Guidebook for establishing and managing purchase,
travel and fuel card programs.
4. Internal Operating Procedures (IOP).
a. Lower echelon commands and activities may issue additional and more restrictive
directives but may not contradict, change or issue directives that are less restrictive than this
DON instruction and higher level IOP.
b. The activity IOP must include procedures cited in NAVSUPINST 4200.99C, chapter 2,
paragraph 7f.
5. Separation of Duties. To avoid conflicts of interest, there must be a distinct separation of
duties for GCPC Program personnel. For example:
a. AOs and COs must not be assigned as CHs or as A/OPCs within the same hierarchy.
b. A/OPCs will not be CHs within the same hierarchy.
c. Accountable Property Officers, property custodians or equivalents cannot be CHs with
authority to purchase accountable items.
d. Resource and financial managers (R/FMs), budget managers or equivalents will not be
CHs or AOs and COs with responsibility for executing their own funds to the maximum extent
6. Separation of Function.
a. CHs are required to ensure separation of the purchasing function per Navy Marine Corps
Acquisition Regulation Supplement (NMCARS) 5203.101-1.
b. The same person must not initiate the requirement, award the purchase action and
receive, inspect and accept the supplies or services.
c. Activities must establish procedures and controls in their IOP to ensure that there is a
three-way separation of function to prevent personal conflicts of interest and fraud, waste and
6 Apr 2021
d. HA must establish management monitoring where separation of function is not possible.
e. If circumstances preclude an individual from performing a single function, at a minimum,
a two-way separation of function for all GCPC transactions must occur to protect the integrity of
the procurement process.
f. The individual responsible for the award of a contract or placement of an order must not
perform the receipt, inspection and acceptance function.
7. Pay and Confirm Procedures.
a. Pay and Confirm procedures are used in instances where CHs have been billed and have
not received the items ordered.
b. The CH must confirm with the vendor that the items ordered are in transit and reconcile
the monthly statement in full anticipation that the supplies will be received within the next
billing cycle.
c. The CH must track the transactions that have not been received and pay the invoice in
d. If the supplies are not received within the next billing cycle, the CH will then dispute the
transaction using established dispute procedures.
e. In addition, Pay and Confirm procedures include damaged items received, which are still
under warranty, where the contractor confirms they will replace, modify or repair within the next
billing cycle.
f. Pay and Confirm procedures do not include the payment of statements in full, which
contain billing errors or questionable transactions.
8. Invoice Certification.
a. DON activities must electronically certify GCPC invoices using the bank EAS or the
Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) functionality to the maximum extent practical.
b. The cost of transaction processing by DFAS is significantly less if processed
electronically rather than manually.
c. Invoice certification (processed manually or via U.S. Bank website) must comply with
established DFAS or local financial system procedures.
d. The AO or CO will follow up to ensure payment processes were correctly completed and
the payment posts in the correct amount to the bank EAS. All payments must occur during the
same month as the statement.
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9. Delinquent Payment.
a. Accounts become delinquent 30 days from the statement date if the bank has not received
b. Unpaid balances 60 days from the statement date are considered 30 days past due and
must not exceed one percent of the activity‘s current balance of the GCPC transactions.
c. DoD policy requires the issuing bank suspend any AO account that goes over 60 days
past due.
d. All CH accounts under an AO account will be suspended should the AO account exceed
60 days past due (or 90 days since the statement date), regardless of the amount. AO accounts
that exceed 150 days past due (180 days since the statement date) will result in all accounts for
the entire HL5 activity being suspended.
(1) Before initiating suspension procedures, the bank is required to contact and notify the
A/OPC and AO or CO on two separate occasions.
(2) When an account reaches 45 days past due, the bank will request payment for the
undisputed principal amount in writing or by documented telephone call to the A/OPC and AO
or CO. The bank will also provide a Pre-suspension/Pre-cancellation Report that identifies the
undisputed amount that is overdue.
(3) If payment for the undisputed principal has not been received 55 days past due, the
bank will notify the A/OPC and AO or CO electronically or in writing that suspension will take
place if the payment is not received by the 5th calendar day after notification. The bank will also
provide a POC to assist in resolving the past due account.
(4) If payment for the undisputed principal has not been received 60 days past due, the
bank will suspend the account. The suspension will automatically be lifted once the undisputed
principal amount has been paid and posted at the bank.
(5) Requests for suspension exemptions for AOs and COs with operational emergencies
may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Submit exemption requests in writing from the HL3
A/OPC to DON CCPMD. Exemption requests must include a statement describing what actions
will be taken to resolve account delinquencies.
10. Dispute Criteria.
a. Instances where transactions on the CH‘s statement do not agree with entries in the log or
retained receipts that are presented to the bank for resolution.
b. This may include circumstances where the CH did not make the transaction, the amount
of the transaction is incorrect or quality or service is an issue.
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11. Fraud Indicators.
a. COs, directors or activity heads must ensure that fraud awareness is part of local training
for A/OPCs, AOs and CHs.
b. HCA, fleet, or other DON inspection organizations must be aware of certain fraud
indicators, identified in subparagraphs 11c(1)(a) through 11c(1)(h) when reviewing Purchase
Card Programs.
c. HL5 A/OPCs must report via the A/OPC hierarchy chain of command to the DON
CCPMD any instances where the review of a questionable item is reported to the DoD IG, Naval
Audit Service (NAVAUDSVC), Government Accountability Office (GAO) or Naval Criminal
Investigative Service (NCIS) for further investigation. Activities under audit must advise the
chain of command and be prepared to provide information listed in subparagraphs 11c(1)(a)
through 11c(1)(h) to allow for direct follow up from DON CCPMD.
(1) Documentation.
(a) Photocopies instead of original documents
(b) Missing documentation (requisition to support purchases, required approvals, etc.)
(c) Obvious changes or whiting-out of information
(d) Information that is backdated
(e) Repetitive Purchase
(f) Splitting requirements to avoid certain requirements or restrictions, i.e., micropurchase threshold
(g) Not equitably distributing business among suppliers could indicate favoritism; set
up of ghost companies or use of ghost vendors
(h) Purchase from vendors that do not appear mission related due to suspicious
Merchant Category Codes (MCC), i.e. casinos, jewelry stores, pawn shops
(2) Services.
(a) Performance that appears out of the scope of work that was original agreed upon.
(Actual performance does not match contractual statement of work.)
(b) Overruns and variances. (Approvals are not documented, explanatory
justifications missing, etc.)
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(c) Contractor estimate equal to government estimate. (Personnel releasing advance
information to contractor.)
(d) Purchase of high value items at low prices or low value items at high prices.
(3) Returns and Credits.
(a) Did the government receive full credit for the item purchased?
(b) Is there a pattern of errors in billings, returns or credits?
(c) Disputes. Frequent or repetitive disputes by a single CH.
(d) Lost or Stolen Cards. Frequent or repetitive reports of lost or stolen cards by a
single CH.
12. Lost or Stolen Card.
a. If a purchase card is lost or stolen, the CH will notify the bank immediately.
b. In addition, the CH will notify the AO and A/OPC as soon as possible.
c. Destroy lost or stolen cards if recovered.
1211 Special Attention Items. (Noteworthy Exceptions and Issues of Concern.)
1. Split Requirements. CHs must not break down requirements aggregating more than the
simplified acquisition threshold or the micro-purchase threshold into several purchases that are
less than the applicable threshold merely to:
a. Permit use of simplified acquisition procedures; or
b. Avoid any requirement that applies to purchases exceeding the micro-purchase threshold.
Splitting requirements in this manner is a prohibited use of the purchase card and may be
violating statutory requirements for small business participation, competition, Service Contract
Act (SCA) or Davis Bacon Act requirements.
2. Split Purchase.
a. The "requirement" is the quantity known at the time of the buy. If a purchase is
processed when the CH becomes aware of a requirement, then each requirement is a separate
b. If several requirements are consolidated and one purchase made that day, the requirement
becomes what was received during the day.
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c. If an individual has historically made purchases as requirements became known to them,
even if they have the same materiel ordered twice in one day from the same vendor, it may not
necessarily be considered splitting.
d. Splitting is the "intentional" breaking down of a known requirement to stay within a
threshold (i.e. the $10,000 micro-purchase threshold) or to avoid having to send the requirement
to the Contracting Officer.
3. Budget Exchange Rate (BER) Versus Daily Exchange Rate.
a. Per the Financial Management Regulation (FMR), volume 6A, chapter 7, paragraph
070204.c, "DoD Components must record foreign currency obligations at the installation level in
dollars, at the budgeted rate or at the congressionally established budget exchange rate for direct
program of affected appropriations as reflected in applicable committee reports or the
appropriate acts".
b. Obligations for overseas purchases are to be established at the Budget Exchange Rate.
To have this done via the bank system, the authorized accounting activity must be activated at
DFAS Norfolk, VA. This request must be sent through DON CCPMD.
c. The purchase card must be used to buy and pay for all requirements valued at or below
the micro-purchase threshold. The NAVSUPINST 4200.99C DON CCPMD purchase card must
be used to make open market purchases for supplies and services not to exceed $10,000 and
$2,500 respectively.
d. Purchase CHs outside of the United States, with appropriate delegations of contracting
authority, may use the purchase card for purchases not to exceed $30,000. These limitations are
not dependent on the daily exchange or budget exchange rates. They are absolute.
e. Transaction amounts for overseas purchases will post at the bank using the Daily
Exchange Rate existing on the date the transaction is actually received by the bank. CH must
take the fluctuation of the Daily Exchange Rate into account when making purchases close to
their authorized limit to ensure this limit is not exceeded.
Note. A copy of the Daily Exchange Rate must be included with the Purchase Request for the
date of purchase.
4. Authorized Use of the Purchase Card. The Government-wide Commercial Purchase Card is
authorized for use as the method of purchase and method of payment for purchases valued at or
below the micro-purchase threshold. This may only be used by the person to whom the card was
issued, within the limits of their delegated authority.
5. Recurring requirements for supplies and services that exceed the micro purchase threshold
over a 1-year period must be forwarded to the local contracting office to establish a Blanket
Purchase Agreement (BPA) to meet future requirements.
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6. Cash Refunds. Under no circumstance will the CH accept a cash refund for non-receipt of,
returned or damaged items initially purchased using a government purchase card. The CH must
only accept credit to the account (if necessary, request a check payable to the “U.S. Treasury”).
The check will be submitted to the Comptroller or Budget Analyst, as appropriate. The
Comptroller will prepare and retain a DD Form 1131 on file.
7. Gift Checks, Rebates or Incentives. Under no circumstance will the CH retain gift checks,
vendor rebates or other purchase incentives that can be converted to personal use. If received,
these items must be turned over to the U.S. Treasury.
8. Ordering Ability One. Purchase CHs must screen all requirements for their availability from
Ability One sources. If the purchase or order is solely for Ability One products, purchase cards
may be used up to $100,000. However, if the purchase or order is not Ability One, or when the
order is mixed between commercial items and Ability One items, the threshold for purchases is
9. Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) items must be procured in compliance with
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All Information Technology Procurement
Requests (ITPR) are to be processed for approval using the Navy Information Dominance
Approval System (NAV-IDAS).
Note. The ITPR must be approved prior to purchase of the item.
10. Furniture. Furniture for office, quarters, child development, and industrial and institutional
use must be purchased through the FLC Norfolk suite of strategically sourced Blanket Purchase
Agreement (in CONUS).
11. Hazardous Materiel (HAZMAT). Purchase CHs are NOT authorized to purchase hazardous
materiel except for common use aside from the three specific instances provided in
subparagraphs 11a through 11c.
a. Personnel assigned to properly established HAZMAT Centers who have been trained in
receipt, inspection, acceptance and disposal of hazardous materiel is authorized to use their
purchase card to procure hazardous materiel.
b. Purchase CHs who are supported by base Hazardous Materials Minimization (HAZMIN)
Centers that are contractor owned or operated or otherwise managed and operated by a contractor
are authorized to purchase hazardous materiel at these specific facilities and per local guidance.
c. Personnel using properly established HAZMAT centers where actual requisitions (forms
and signatures required) are processed through the HAZMAT center (actual materiel is
physically routed through the HAZMAT center for bar coding and processing); however, the
funding is maintained at the local activity level.
d. All purchases of hazardous materiel including common use HAZMAT must comply with
the procedures as listed in subparagraphs 11d(1) through 11d(4).
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(1) The end user and CH must comply with established local base or activity procedures
for the procurement and use of HAZMAT. Such procedures must, at a minimum, require
screening the requested materiel against the activity’s authorized use list (AUL) and approval by
the designated HAZMAT official of a contractor-provided material safety data sheet (MSDS).
(The CH must not procure materiel not listed on the activity AUL);
(2) The CH must make available the appropriate MSDS to the product user.
(3) The CH must notify the HAZMAT coordinator of receipt of hazardous materiel.
(4) If the HAZMAT official approves the purchase, the CH must instruct the vendor that
change in the materiel approved under this purchase is not permitted and the shipping container
must be labeled per direction in the Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200-et.
12. Local Procurement of Critical and Non-Critical Weapons Systems Support Material Using
Purchase Card. As a general rule, procurement of critical items, whether standard or nonstandard, for installation in operational weapons systems, must not be locally procured using the
purchase card. The authority for using purchase card for local procurement of non-Navy
managed materiel not identified as weapon system critical must comply with NAVSUPINST
42000.99C, Chapter 4.
a. Requirements for weapon system items that are safety of flight and configuration control
items, e.g., critical application items, critical safety items, and items essential to end item or
weapon system performance, must be acquired from the supply system and are not authorized for
open market purchase using the GCPC. In FEDLOG, under the “Management” tab, the “CRITL
CODE” will be reflected as “E”, “F” or “S”. Activities knowing that vendors have critical
application items, critical safety items, or items essential to the end item should refer this
information to the appropriate item manager for potential procurement.
b. Requirements for weapons system items assigned under the Integrated Materiel
Management (IMM) Program must be acquired from the IMM manager.
(1) The IMM manager may authorize use of the GCPC for purchase of weapon system
items below the micro purchase threshold that are:
(2) Urgent requirements for non-standard materiel (identified by part number but not
assigned a national stock number).
13. Other Prohibited and Special Attention Items. For a complete listing and full explanation of
Prohibited and Special Attention Items, reference DON SAP Guide.
1212 Audits and Reviews. The DON CCPMD mandates that the Insights on Demand (IOD)
reviews be conducted by Level V Agency Program Coordinator on a monthly basis and semiannual review. Policies and procedures are listed in paragraphs 1 through 3.
6 Apr 2021
1. IOD Monthly Review.
a. The A/OPC must conduct or oversee and manage the monthly review process. The
review must include all of the purchase card transactions within the previous month for all card
accounts under the A/OPCs cognizance (100% transaction review) and a review of management
control. Results of IOD reviews must be made available to the commanding officer and level
III/IV A/OPC on a monthly basis.
b. At a minimum, the process must consist of viewing all transactions not identified by IOD,
by choosing the ‘Add Transaction” button. The A/OPC must review the transactions not
selected by IOD filters. Transactions requiring AO review must be added to the review. The
AO is required to respond to added transactions if the review has generated a new transaction for
c. File reviews must be performed on all transactions selected within IOD either
automatically by the filter set or manually added by an A/OPC. File reviews must include
reviews of areas listed in subparagraphs 1c(1) through 1c(5).
(1) Cardholder log.
(2) Compliance with CH delegation of authority.
(3) Integrity of purchase request (signatures for approval of purchase, quantity matches,
(4) Receipt, inspection and acceptance procedures. Receipts will contain legible printed
name and signature, circled quantity and date.
Note. If additional funds are required, approval must be obtained from the financial manager.
(5) In addition, transactions must be reviewed for:
(a) Proper separation of functions.
(b) Verification that the AO has reviewed the CH purchases.
(c) All HL5 A/OPC must complete their monthly review within 30 calendar days of
the end of the billing cycle.
2. In order to ensure adherence to internal controls and to ensure the HA is involved in each
activity’s GCPC Program, semi-annual reviews are required during periods beginning and
ending as delineated in NAVSUPINST 4200.99C.
a. 20 March – 19 September
b. 20 September – 19 March
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3. Semi-annual reviews must consist of four major elements:
a. An evaluation of management controls.
b. A transactional review.
c. A review of the activity Internal Operating Procedure.
d. An HA review of disciplinary actions.
4. GCPC Bulk Obligation or Funding. CVN units must have a bulk obligation/funding
memorandum on file every fiscal year to support GCPC funding obligation. GCPC bulk
obligation/funding memorandum must indicates methodology used to determine the obligation
amount, calculation of the obligation amount, support for the numbers used in the calculation,
and how the obligation will be monitored. In addition, A/OPC must sign the GCPC bulk
obligation/funding memorandum. A sample of GCPC bulk obligation/funding memorandum is
shown in figure 12-7.
6 Apr 2021
1. This letter is a SAMPLE and may be adapted to meet the needs of the activity.
2. The letter must contain the date indicating when the letter is issued.
Date letter issued
From: Commanding Officer or Head of Activity
Name of Individual
Ref: (a) Federal Acquisition Regulation 1.6
(b) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation 201.6
(c) NAVSUPINST 4200.99C
(d) Local Internal Operation Procedure (IOP)
1. Per references (a) through (d), you are hereby appointed as an A/OPC for the Government
Commercial Purchase Card. You are reminded that you are personally accountable for strict
adherence to the Department of Navy PC policies and procedures. The specific limits of your
authority are established as listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1d.
a. Delegation of PC authority to cardholders (CHs)
b. Dollar threshold assignment to CHs.
c. Transaction type and purchase method assignment to CHs.
d. Assignment of purchase restrictions: merchant category code blocks, etc.
2. Per reference (c), as an A/OPC you are responsible for:
a. Establishing the activity purchase card hierarchy and accounts with proper separation of
b. Training activity Purchase Card Program participants and maintaining required
appointment and training documentation.
c. Oversight and audit of the activity Purchase Card Program and program updates to the
head of activity (HA).
d. Publication and maintenance of the activity internal operating procedures as directed by
the HA.
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3. You are reminded that the purchase card must only be used for authorized U. S. Government
purchases. Intentional use of the purchase card for other than official government business will
be considered an attempt to commit fraud against the U.S. Government and may result in
immediate cancellation of an individual’s purchase card and further disciplinary action.
Improper, fraudulent, abusive or negligent use of the government purchase card is prohibited.
Supervisors who receive information indicating that an employee (military or civilian) has
engaged in any fraud, misuse or abuse of a purchase card must take appropriate corrective action
as defined with the activity internal operating procedures.
4. When you leave the command or are no longer part of the Purchase Card Program, this letter
of delegation is cancelled.
5. Questions concerning this letter of authority or Purchase Card Program should be directed to
the command HA, (name of HA) who can be reached at (insert HA telephone number and e-mail
Signature of head of activity
Signature of Appointed A/OPC
Figure 12-1
6 Apr 2021
1. This letter is a SAMPLE and should be modified to meet the needs of the activity.
2. Letter must contain the date indicating when the letter is issued.
Date letter issued
From: Commanding Officer or Head of Activity
To: Name of Individual
Ref: (a) 31 USC §3528
(b) DoD FMR volume 5 chapter 33
(c) NAVSUPINST 4200.99C
(d) Local Internal Operating Procedure (IOP)
1. Per references (a) through (d), you are hereby appointed as approving official (AO) for the
Government Commercial Purchase Card Program. The cycle threshold for your billing account
is $__________. Per reference (b) AOs are departmental accountable officials (DAO)s. The
specific responsibilities of your appointment are established as listed in subparagraphs 1a
through 1g.
a. Obtain approved cardholder (CH) statements and supporting documents from CHs.
b. Review CH purchases to determine whether all transactions were authorized government
purchases per the Federal Acquisition Regulation, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
System and Department of Navy Purchase Card policies and procedures as applicable.
c. Reconcile supporting documentation with details on the billing statement and purchase
d. Review past transactions that were certified for payment without proof of receipt and
acceptance to confirm acceptance and receipt with the CH. If receipt cannot be confirmed, then
direct the CH to dispute the transaction.
e. Annotate appropriately, suspected cases of improper, abusive, or questionable purchases.
If the questionable transaction is disputable, the bank dispute process should be followed along
with notification of the A/OPC). If the transaction is not disputable, notify the A/OPC for
investigation or corrective action.
f. In cases of suspected fraud by government personnel (i.e. the CH or receiver) document
the suspected fraud and notify the A/OPC for investigation.
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g. Retain a copy of the billing statement and originals of supporting documentation (e.g.
approval, receipts, logs, invoices, delivery orders).
2. Per reference (c), AOs are also certifying officer s. As a certifying officer you are
responsible for:
a. Information stated in the certified invoice and supporting records.
b. The computation of a certified invoice.
c. The legality of the payment under the appropriation or fund involved.
d. Repaying a payment that is illegal, improper, or incorrect because of an inaccurate or
misleading certificate; prohibited by law; or that does not represent a legal obligation under the
appropriation or fund involved.
e. Electronic or manual submission of the certified invoice to the Disbursing Office.
3. Improper, fraudulent, abusive or negligent use of the government purchase card is prohibited.
If you suspect that an employee (military or civilian) has engaged in any fraud, misuse, or abuse
involving purchase card use, you must take appropriate corrective action as defined in the
activity IOP.
4. You are reminded that you are personally accountable and financially liable for illegal,
improper, or incorrect government purchase card payments due to your fault or negligence.
5. When you leave the command or are no longer part of the Purchase Card Program, this letter
of appointment is cancelled.
6. Please sign the attached DD Form 577 appointing you as a DAO and certifying officer and
return it to your A/OPC.
7. Questions concerning this letter of appointment or the Purchase Card Program should be
directed to the command A/OPC, (Name of A/OPC), who can be reached at (insert A/OPC
telephone number and e-mail address).
Signature of head of activity
Signature of approving official
Attach letter to DD form 577 (see sample DD Form 577)
Figure 12-2
6 Apr 2021
Cardholder’s Name:
For Billing Period of:
Name of Merchant
Requestor Name
Dollar Name of Date
Description Amount Receiver Rcvd
Figure 12-3
Received Compliant Sources
6 Apr 2021
1. This letter is a SAMPLE and may be adapted to meet the needs of the Activity
Date letter issued
From: Commanding Officer or Head of Activity
Name of Individual
(a) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 1.6
(b) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFAR) 201.6
(c) NAVSUPINST 4200.99C
1. Per references (a) through (c), you are hereby appointed a contracting officer for the U. S. of
America, limited to the use of the Government Purchase Card. You are reminded that you are
personally accountable for strict adherence to Department of Navy Purchase Card policies and
procedures when using the card. The specific limits of your authority are established below.
a. Dollar thresholds:
(1) Purchase (only if authorized)
(a) Not to exceed $XX single purchase limit
(b) Not to exceed $XX billing cycle limit
(2) Method of payment to pay for orders placed on a contract by a warranted contracting
officer or ordering officer (only if authorized)
(a) Not to exceed $XX single purchase limit
(b) Not to exceed $XX billing cycle limit
(3) Convenience check (only if authorized)
(a) Not to exceed $2,500 single purchase limit
b. Authorized transaction types (select authorized categories)
(1) Over the counter
(2) Telephone orders
6 Apr 2021
(3) Internet orders
c. Authorized purchases are (select authorized categories)
(1) Stand-alone procurement method
(2) Method of payment against contract document issued by a contracting officer or
ordering officer
(3) Orders against government contracts, such as indefinite delivery or indefinite
quantities, Government Services Administration, Federal Supply System Schedules, Government
Services Administration, Advantage, Ability One, etc.
(4) Defense automated printing service
(5) Blanket purchase agreements and letter of agreement
(6) Purchase of training (SF 182)
d. Purchase restrictions:
(1) Merchant catalog code blocks
(2) Other, as applicable
2. The purchase card must only be used for authorized U.S. Government purchases. Intentional
use of the purchase card for other than official government business will be considered an
attempt to commit fraud against the U.S. Government and may result in immediate cancellation
of an individual’s purchase card and further disciplinary action. You will be held personally
liable to the government for the amount of any non-government transactions. Under 18 U.S.C.
287, misuse of the purchase card could result in a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment
for not more than 5 years or both. Military members that misuse the purchase card may be
subject to court martial under 10 U.S.C. 932, UCMJ Article 132. Improper, fraudulent, abusive
or negligent use of the government purchase card is prohibited.
3. Per the Financial Management Regulations, the role of purchase cardholder is considered a
departmental accountable official (DAO). As a Purchase Card Program DAO, you will be
accountable and pecuniarily liable for any erroneous payments that result from inaccurate
information and data, including designation of the proper appropriations or other funds, if the
erroneous payment is the result of negligence relative to the performance of assigned duties.
DAOs are appointed using a DD Form 577. Please sign and return the attached DD Form 577 to
the Activity Agency Program Coordinator (A/OPC).
4. When you leave the command or are no longer part of the Purchase Card Program, this letter
of delegation is cancelled.
6 Apr 2021
5. Questions concerning this letter of appointment or the Purchase Card Program should be
directed to the command A/OPC, (name of A/OPC), who can be reached at (insert A/OPC
telephone number, e-mail address).
Signature of head of activity
Signature of cardholder
Attach letter to DD form 577 (see sample DD form 577)
Figure 12-4
6 Apr 2021
DD Form 577 for A/OPC or CH
DD Form 577 for CH
BLOCK 13 Check: Departmental accountable official
BLOCK 14 Insert: As a Department of the Navy purchase cardholder you are appointed as a
department accountable official (DAO). DAOs provide information data, or services to
certifying officers upon which the latter rely to certify vouchers for payment.
BLOCK 15: NAVSUPINST 4200.99Cand DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5
DD Form 577 for AO or CO
BLOCK 13 Check: certifying officer
BLOCK 14 Insert: As a Department of the Navy purchase card approving official or certifying
officer, you are responsible for certifying GCPC Billing Statements for payment.
BLOCK 15: NAVSUPINST 4200.99Cand DoD FMR volume 5, chapter 5.
Note. The DoD ID number must be used. Social security numbers (SSN) are considered
personally identifiable information (PII); therefore, use of the SSN is prohibited. Even use of the
last four digits of the SSN is strongly discouraged.
Figure 12-5
6 Apr 2021
Figure 12-6
6 Apr 2021
Encl: (1) ASKIT/R-Supply/SABRS/ERP screenshots
1. Purpose. This memorandum substantiates GCPC Bulk Obligation/Funding amounts for FY21.
2. Methodology. Bulk obligation amounts for SDN XXXX- XXXX must be determined by
averaging the actual expenses incurred during the prior 3 fiscal years and dividing by 4.
3. Calculation. Here is sample calculation.
FY18: $35,000
Yearly Average:
FY19: $45,000
Quarterly Average:
FY20: $40,000
Total: $120,000
4. Support. To support the numbers you used in your calculation, you can screenshot the
obligation in ASKIT; R-SUPPLY; SABRS or ERP and enclose it with your memo.
5. Monitoring. Obligation must be monitored by the AO or Financial LS to ensure enough
funding available to cover expenditures and prior to certifying monthly billing statement. Do
this on a monthly basis. You can keep a screenshot of your ASKIT, SABRS, R-SUPPLY or
ERP showing your obligation and available balance to support your monitoring process.
Copy to:
Figure 12-7
6 Apr 2021
Figure 12-8
6 Apr 2021
1300 Objective. Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) and Commander, U.S. Fleet
Forces Command (USFF) provides subordinate commands with funding by budget submitting
offices (BSO) comptrollers each fiscal year (FY). COMPACFLT BSO-70 and USFF BSO-60
disseminate funding to Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP) and Commander, Naval
Air Force Atlantic (CNAL)/Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve (CNAFR) comptrollers,
respectively. The aviation support department or detachment (ASD) receive obligation authority
in the form of operating target (OPTAR) grants to procure materiel and services necessary for
day-to-day operations. The ASD director maintains overall responsibility for OPTAR
management and funds execution.
1. CNAL ASD Sites. The CNAL/CNAFR comptroller offices perform the financial
management duties and responsibilities outlined in this chapter for the ASDs under their
guidance. CNAL ASDs will designate a member on their staff as a financial manager to perform
basic financial management functions. These responsibilities include providing periodic reports
on the obligation rate and “burn rate” in comparison with the total grant provided by CNAL
comptroller’s office.
2. CNAP ASD Sites. Financial managers (FM) at CNAP ASD sites perform all financial
management duties and responsibilities outlined in this chapter. Financial managers are
responsible for financial reports leading to obligation and de-obligation of funds, managing
obligation rate and “burn rate” in comparison with the total grants provided by CNAP
comptroller office and record keeping in support of Dormant Account Review – Quarterly
(DAR-Q) requirements.
1301 Financial Responsibilities for CNAP/CNAL Sites. Subparagraphs 1 through 8 outline the
responsibilities of all ASD FMs.
1. Annual Financial Plan (AFP). Establish and execute an annual financial plan as directed by
2. Procedures. Adhere to specific financial management procedures or instructions as outlined
in the annual CNAP and CNAL comptroller financial guidance message. Refer to figure 13-1
for a sample of the comptroller’s end of year financial guidance message.
3. Funding. Manage obligation authority, or OPTAR, for intended and authorized expenditures
as per DoD Financial Management Regulation (7000.14-R).
4. Over-Obligation. Ensure the ASD obligations do not exceed ASD funding, thereby creating
an Anti-Deficiency Act Violation or over-obligation. Temporary over-obligations putting the
ASD “in the red” may be permitted in order to provide continuity of operations during
fluctuations in performing aviation depot level repairable (AVDLR) reimbursable work. ASD
must request and receive the type commander’s (TYCOM) approval prior to operating “in excess
of authority.”
6 Apr 2021
5. Records. Maintain OPTAR records and general ledger accounting records or obligation
documents per COMPACFLT or USFF guidance.
6. External Reporting. Report aviation operations maintenance (AOM) obligation levels to the
TYCOM monthly and upon request.
7. Financial Processing. Research and process unmatched disbursements (UMD), negative
unliquidated obligations (NULO), active documents without obligations, fully completed
requisitions with residual obligation values, e.g. Unliquidated Obligations (ULO), and other
financial listings as required. Refer to paragraphs 1307 and 1308 for further guidance. (CNAP
sites only.)
8. Coordinate Navy ERP and Standard Accounting, Budgeting and Reporting System (SABRS)
causative research and de-obligation of cancelled or rejected Military Standard Requisitioning
and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) requirements. (CNAP sites only.)
1302 Operating Target (OPTAR). Funding (obligation authority) from the operations and
maintenance, Navy (O&MN) appropriation is distributed to fund operations. Fleet commanders
distribute funding to the TYCOM, who in turn distribute to their units in the form of operating
grants. FM personnel are responsible for daily OPTAR management.
1. ASD FMs manage OPTAR funding levels by FY per DON and TYCOM directives. ASD
must maintain financial solvency for each FY. The FM will have separate files and records for
each FY for audit purposes.
2. The OPTAR fund category (OFC) identifies the type of funds ASDs may receive in
subparagraphs 2a through 2c.
a. OFC-01. Provided to squadrons for requisitioning of flight administrative funds and
aviation petroleum products, such as fuel. Squadron material control (MATCON) will manage
and account for these OPTAR Funds. Aviation maintenance inspections (AMI) frequency and
periodicity will be scheduled, coordinated, and conducted by the TYCOM N422 Aviation
Maintenance Management Team (AMMT) in a manner that considers operational schedules.
b. OFC-09. Provided for requisitioning of initial outfitting for Individual Material
Readiness List (IMRL). The TYCOM grants these funds to the type wing. The TYCOM N422
AMMT inspects the IMRL program during scheduled AMIs.
c. OFC-50. Provided for AOM requisitioning, such as parts and supplies to support aircraft
maintenance and support equipment.
3. Obligation Rates. Funds granted must be obligated in the FY unless directed otherwise by
CNAP or CNAL comptroller’s office. All units will effectively use funds allocated during the
FY, and are responsible for monitoring the obligation of their funds each quarter by the end of
December, March, and June. If unable to meet quarterly or FY-end obligation rates, contact
CNAP or CNAL comptroller’s office for recoupment and reallocation of funds. In this context,
6 Apr 2021
the term “obligation” refers to requisitions and issues entered into Navy ERP that have a
corresponding obligation in the financial system and reflects on financial reports.
1303 Financial Goals and Standards.
1. ASDs must comply with requirements listed in subparagraphs 1a(1) through 1a(6).
a. TYCOM is overall responsible for the formal distribution of the funding of its
subordinate units. The CNAP and CNAL commander delegate to the ASD officer or director
and comptroller stewardship for the responsibility for the efficient and proper use of funds as per
DON instructions and guidance, Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR) 7000.14-R, and
federal law.
(1) Exercise Control and Accountability of OPTAR Funds. ASDs will not authorize
commitment of funds or generate requisitions when OPTAR funds are not available to obligate.
This includes submission of off-line requisitions with the intent of posting an obligation in
SABRS at a later time.
(2) Obligations for Prior Fiscal Years. The obligation of funds in excess of allocated
OPTAR for prior years is not authorized without first receiving approval from CNAP or CNAL
N01F. Caution should be exercised to ensure that quarterly grants are not exceeded unless
justified as an operational necessity.
(3) Requests for operating “in the red” for prior FY must be sent via e-mail or naval
message to CNAP or CNAL N01F. The message must state the amount required for the
obligation and cite the reason for operating “in the red.” Temporary over-obligations putting the
ASD “in the red” may be permitted in order to provide continuity of operations during
fluctuations in performing aviation depot level repairable (AVDLR) reimbursable work. If
additional funds are available, TYCOM may approve a funding increase.
(4) CNAP or CNAL N01F may provide additional funding or authorization to operate “in
the red”. Maintain and file necessary authorization correspondence provided by N01F guidance.
(5) Obligations for Current Fiscal Year. CNAP or CNAL N01F must be contacted for
possible funding augmentation prior to over obligating funds for the current FY.
(6) Circumstances that may contribute to an over obligated situation are listed in
subparagraphs 1a(6)(a) through 1a(6)(g).
(a) Unresolved carcass charges becoming bills.
(b) Monthly Change Notice and Annual Price Change increases.
(c) Squadron having more aircraft assigned than what is listed in the Weapons
Systems Planning Document (WSPD).
6 Apr 2021
(d) Customers initiated a large number of surveys (advice code “5A”) or initial issue
(advice code “5D”) using AOM fund codes for supported squadrons.
(e) Depot level project work orders.
(f) Unscheduled maintenance – failure of high cost components.
(g) Other over obligations that may occur.
b. Posting OPTAR Grants, Allocations and Withdrawals.
(1) FMs will maintain the issue of grants, allocations and withdrawals of OPTAR to
financial management systems. Additionally, FMs will monitor OPTAR decreases and increases
to ensure the OPTAR spreadsheet or status of funds tracking data sheet utilized for local
management review is accurately reported to the TYCOM. Refer to figure 13-2 for grant
document samples.
(2) The CNAP or CNAL comptroller offices notify the ASDs of changes to their
financial posture via e-mail, summarizing all grants or augments on the funding spreadsheet, or
copy the consolidated CNAP or CNAL OPTAR grant message. The FM will utilize the
spreadsheet or copy of OPTAR grant message to ensure the ASD’s records match with the
TYCOM notification.
(3) Tracking OPTAR Transactions. FMs must maintain accurate and auditable OPTAR
records and files. E-mails, spreadsheets, and hand-written notes documenting financial decisions
are auditable records for financial transactions and authorizations. The retention period for any
document pertaining to the allocations or obligations of funds must be maintained for 10 years.
c. Unauthorized “Dummy” Obligations and Accounts. ASDs are prohibited from creating
“dummy” obligations, ghost accounts, or serial numbers with the purpose to meet the quarterly
obligation or create a reserve fund for the command. These types of obligations are in violation
of U. S. Code Title 18.
d. Financial Improvement Plan (FIP) Data Correction. When performing a record to report
(R2R) or disbursing notification records (DNR) to correct the Financial Improvement Plan (FIP)
data, it is necessary to temporarily move the liquidation amount to a different document number
(dummy document). It is critical for the liquidation amount to be returned to the original
document number upon completing the correction of the FIP data. The FM will use this method
when crossing certain fields in SABRS. After moving or fixing old data, SABRS creates a
standard document number (SDN) restrictive movement. The FM cannot correct this error
locally, and will require an iTracker ticket for most requisitions. The FM will leave the
liquidation on the dummy document until the restriction removal occurs. The correction could
take 1 week to reflect in the system. When notified of the correction, de-obligate the dummy
document. This is the only exception of using “dummy” obligations and accounts in order to
correct the FIP data in SABRS.
6 Apr 2021
e. Reviewing Transactions with Excessive Dollar Value.
(1) ASDs will monitor transactions for excessive quantities by the technical research unit
(TRU) or supply response section (SRS) to ensure OPTAR is not erroneously obligated.
(2) ASD must establish procedures through the Naval Aviation Logistics Command
Management Information System (NALCOMIS) suspense process and coordinate with the
supply application administrator (SAA) to ensure NALCOMIS assigns the LSC “OFVAL” when
the monetary value of the requisition exceeds the $100k “High Money Value” threshold and
excessive order quantity (“Excess Ord Qty”) on the ASD Site Data Table. This threshold may be
lowered by the ASD to ensure obligations do not exceed funding authority. TRU will review
and research requisitions with the LSC “OFVAL” for high money valued items and establish
communication with the FM to validate availability of OPTAR funds. For additional
information, refer to chapter 10, paragraph 1004.
2. End of Year Accounting and Reporting Procedures. Take actions listed in subparagraphs 2a
through 2f during the fourth quarter of the FY.
a. Confirm Obligations. Initiate follow-up action on outstanding DTO obligations to
confirm validity prior to 1 September.
b. Clear all OPTAR financial listings out of SABRS Management Analytical Retrievals
Tool Systems (SMARTS) constructive rejection reports, i.e. UMD, NULO, Command Financial
Management System – Consolidated (CFMS-C), SABRS B1 transaction, etc.
c. Check validity of continuing obligations, if applicable. Review all continuing funding
status for outstanding obligations, and adjust accordingly.
d. Items No Longer Required. SRS or customer service will conduct status checks in One
Touch Support (OTS) to confirm cancellation status (i.e. BQ, BR, CJ, CE, etc.) and validate
these statuses against the local status code (LSC) request for cancellation (“RCANC”) from a
NALCOMIS data extract on a weekly basis. Upon completion, SRS or customer service will
provide the annotated listing to the FM to confirm if a transaction was sent to SABRS to deobligate the requisition. In some cases, status failures cause mismatched records between
routing identifier “SMS” and “NRP” (Navy ERP), which will result in the FM manually deobligating funds. The annotated listing will have a legible printed name, signature and date upon
completion. Retention period of the annotated listing is 24 months. SRS or customer service
instructions are in chapter 2, paragraph 207.c.
e. Posting Obligations. The FM must ensure the posting of all obligations in Navy ERP and
SABRS is completed no later than 30 September.
f. Recapture Funds. Advise CNAP or CNAL N01F by 21 September of funds available for
recapture or as directed by the comptroller’s office.
6 Apr 2021
3. Reimbursable Work Order (RWO) Processing.
a. ASD FMs will ensure that general terms and conditions (GT&C) as per DON G-Invoicing
guidance using the Department of the Treasury FS Form 7600A are established (signed) prior to
accepting RWOs from grantors or buyers.
b. RWO funding documents (NAVCOMPT 2275) will be complete, signed receipt and
acceptance within 5 working days by ASD comptrollers. Receipt and acceptance will include
SABRS Funds Receipt and Acceptance (SABRS FRA) when applicable to ensure proper
obligation of funding SABRS grantors or buyers. Timely processing of RWOs and prompt
issuance of operating grants to ASD directors is critical to keeping ASDs from going “in the red”
or providing timely support to customers.
1304 Obligation or De-Obligation Approval and Approver’s Authority. The Financial
Management Office (FMO) requires all MILSTRIP transactions have documentation of proper
approval. Additionally, the approver of the transactions must have proper authorization from the
command to obligate funds.
1. The ASD officer, director or financial manager must be designated in writing by the supply
officer or wing commander letter of authority (LOA) or delegation of authority (DOA) to
approve obligation and de-obligation of funds. The letter must specify a dollar limit of authority.
The letter of authority may indicate $9,999,999.99 per transaction as the dollar limit. If the
designee has a lower amount and the transaction or requisition’s value is above their authority
value, the designee must refer the approval to another designee who has the monetary value
limits. Refer to figure 13-3 for a sample of a designation letter.
2. Financial Audit Compliance Enhancement Tool (FACET) is a document scanning, document
retention and process automation system to facilitate Financial Improvement and Audit
Remediation (FIAR) compliance. Activities with FACET will scan the LOA and DOA into
FACET and upload into the document automation content services (DACS) website.
3. Activities without the FACET system at their disposal must utilize a hard copy filing system.
The retention period for LOA or DOA hard copy letters is 10 years from removal of authority
1305 Unmatched Disbursements (UMD).
1. UMD is a disbursement transaction the financial office received and accepted, but has not
been matched to the correct detail obligation or the obligated value is less than the expenditure
amount. This includes rejected transactions back to the paying office or central disbursement
clearing organization by a financial office.
2. A disbursement must match the corresponding detail-level obligation and be recorded within
30 days as current systems and business practices permit. The obligations and disbursements
match automatically within the financial systems when discrepancies do not exist. However,
some obligations and disbursements require manual matching in circumstances where the
6 Apr 2021
obligation amount is less than the expenditure amount, an off-line requisition was not properly
backfitted, or the rejection of transactions by automated systems onto the UMD list. When a
disbursement is submitted to the financial system, and is unable to match to an obligation, the
disbursement will be recorded as a UMD.
a. Research and corrective actions must begin within 24 hours of receiving a UMD. The
financial office involved must immediately determine whether the disbursement is a valid charge
to the fund holder. Additionally, they will verify if a matching obligation transaction exists but
under a different or incorrect document number or that the obligation amount is insufficient to
cover the disbursement transaction. If the disbursement is not a valid charge to the fund holder,
the financial office must contact the vendor or issuing activity for a credit. If a matching
obligation or disbursement is under an incorrect document number, the fund holder must
immediately correct the document number. This allows for proper matching of the disbursement
to its corresponding detail-level obligation.
b. Examples of erroneous transactions that cause a UMD generated for MILSTRIP
requisitions are listed in subparagraphs 2b(1) through 2b(6).
(1) Requisitions ordered through an external system (e.g. One Touch Support (OTS),
FEDMALL, General Services Administration (GSA), etc.) without a corresponding requisition
in NALCOMIS or SABRS. Financial managers will coordinate with the ASD officer or director
to backfit a requisition in NALCOMIS that matches the UMD transaction and ensure that a
corresponding record is in Navy ERP and SABRS to obligate funds in the financial system.
(2) Instances where customers and ASD personnel do not use NALCOMIS to submit
requisitions and maintain financial systems could create UMDs. Financial managers should
check the off-line or backfit logbook held within RCU or SRS to locate missing MILSTRIP
requisitions. If users update NALCOMIS (i.e. NALCOMIS->ERP->CFMS->SABRS), the user
could liquidate the expenditure.
(3) Commands where the automated system is offline due to an upgrade or corrective
maintenance, the transaction must be approved via hard copy DD Form1348. The customer will
submit a DD Form 1348 completed as outlined in chapter 2. The retention period of hard card
DD Form 1348 is 10 years. When the automated system is available, the RCU or SRS will
backfit the offline transactions into the system to create the logistics record and the financial
(4) Financial System Tables. The site’s financial manager will tailor Navy ERP, CFMS
“C” and “F” tables to match, reducing the amount of UMD transaction produced due to
inconsistency among the financial systems. Refer to figure 13-4 (Navy ERP, CFMS-C and
CFMS-F tables). Contact CNAP N01F for assistance in matching the financial systems. Direct
coordination with supported organization FMs, particularly for those supported organizations not
using Navy ERP, is authorized and encouraged.
6 Apr 2021
(5) Incorrect bureau control number (BCN) or subhead (SBHD) will generate a UMD.
Request assistance from the comptroller (CNAP or CNAL N01F) for assistance in matching the
UMD transaction with the obligation.
(6) Obligation and expenditure differences could arise due to a price change adjustment.
A UMED could occur when obligation from a prior fiscal year and the issue of materiel occurs in
the current fiscal year, but the price increased or decreased between the requisition and issue to
customer. If the UMD transaction amount matches the current FY price in WebFLIS or Navy
ERP, the FM will validate that funds are available, and appropriately adjust the obligation to
match the UMD transaction amount. FMs should research and appropriately challenge
significant price increases.
c. The FM will review and appropriately clear UMD transactions on the monthly report.
The FM and ASD officer or director will research and implement corrective actions to reduce
trends or patterns stemming from UMD transactions. The FM will annotate the UMD report
with the corrective or pending actions. The hard or electronic copies must be retained for 10
years with a wet or digital signature and date.
1306 Unliquidated Obligations (ULO).
1. The intent of the ULO terminal status report and residual report is to show the user records
with obligations requiring research and de-obligation, if required. These reports compare the
general ledger (SABRS) financial data (MILSTRIP transactions only) while validating each
financial transaction against the parallel MILSTRIP transaction with NAVSUP’s Navy Data
Platform (NDP) (formerly known as InforM-21) supply MILSTRIP, military standard
transaction reporting and accountability procedures (MILSTRAP), or Military Standard Billing
System (MILSBILLS) status.
2. Each financial transaction goes through a life cycle of commitment (CMT/915) to liquidation
(LIQ/610). However, not all MILSTRIP requisitions complete the normal financial life cycle.
Some MILSTRIP requisitions receive free issue status (status code “BN”); however, the deobligating transaction did not occur within the financial system. Other MILSTRIP transactions
may receive cancelled status codes (“BQ”, “BR”, and “BS”) or rejected status codes (codes
starting with a “C”, “D”, or “R”) and the de-obligating transaction did not occur within the
financial system. Lastly, some requisitions may have a residual balance, i.e. a remaining
obligation was not expended due to a price change, requisition quantity change, unit of issue
change, or the cancellation of a suffix code requisitions leaving other suffix codes requisition
outstanding. While the Navy ERP Business Logistics Applications (BLA) can transact the
cancellation status, not all status codes are processed properly as evident in the financial system
general ledger where aged financial transactions reside with ULOs. The MILSTRIP terminal
status report and the residual report highlight financial transactions in order to make better
executive decisions for executing the TYCOM funds.
a. Validate both NALCOMIS and Navy ERP to confirm the cancellation or rejection of
requisitions in both systems before performing any de-obligation in the financial system.
6 Apr 2021
b. The FM will review and appropriately clear transactions on the terminal status report and
residual report on a monthly basis. The ULO report must be annotated with the corrective or
pending actions. The hard or electronic copies must be retained for 10 years with a wet or digital
signature and date.
1307 Financial Management Assistance. Request CNAP N01F assistance if the command is not
able to internally resolve an imbalance or an error condition during a financial update after indepth research to isolate the problem.
1. The FM must submit an e-mail request to CNAP or CNAL N01F if the command requires
external financial trouble-shooting assistance.
2. If the problem cannot be resolved by the CNAP staff, the ASD must submit a formal fleet
trouble call via NAVY 311 utilizing the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC), (formerly
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) website.
1308 ZM20 Financial Credits. When materiel requirements have been referred into the
wholesale supply system but the local fleet readiness center (FRC) has repair capability, the ASD
may induct the NRFI asset for repair which may result in a financial credit at the net price. The
Navy ERP functionality to process these financial credits is T-Code “ZM20” Material Turn-In.
The document control unit (DCU) must notify FMs of the potential ZM20 credits. FMs will then
work with Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS) for
the issuance of the financial credit with a corresponding posting in Navy ERP and SABRS. The
FM will monitor ZM20 credits for supply officer assets repaired at the FRC. Refer to chapter 10,
paragraph 1009 for further guidance.
1309 Carrier Qualification Fleet Replacement Squadron Materiel Requirements.
1. During carrier qualification (CQ) events for fleet replacement squadron (FRS), materiel
requirements (not mission capable supply or partial mission capable supply) may arise to return
the aircraft to flying status for which materiel is not included within the pack-up kit (PUK) from
their homeguard ASD. The FRS detachment has two options to obtain materiel to repair aircraft.
The squadron could order via their homeguard ASD or order via CVN stock control (S-1
division) as an “A4A” referral using the homeguard document series and fund code.
2. When ordering materiel via CVN S-1 as an “A4A” referral document, squadron personnel
must have an LOA from the ASD to submit and expend funds when using homeguard requisition
series and fund code. The letter will outline a daily spending cap. The LOA will only be
effective during the CQ event and must be renewed for future events. Figure 13-3 is a sample of
an LOA.
3. CVN S-1 will process the FRS materiel request as an “A4A” referral requisition. Squadron
personnel will provide a list of requisitions filled by the CVN and return all retrograde materiel
for repairable orders to ASD upon return to homeguard.
6 Apr 2021
1310 Dormant Account Review Quarterly (DAR-Q).
1. Purpose. The objective in performing the DAR-Q financial review is to increase the DON’s
ability to use available appropriations before the funding expires and to validate the open
dormant obligations then liquidate, if needed, prior to the cancellation of the appropriation. This
review is used to identify any potential monetary benefit or financial risk as described in the
DAR-Q implementation guidance provided by the TYCOM comptroller. At the onset of the
DAR-Q event, the CNAFR, CNAP, and CNAL comptroller’s office will release guidance, key
supporting document (KSD) requirements, and submission deadlines to the on-site financial and
budget managers.
2. Balances are defined as dormant if the appropriation holds a balance and zero obligations,
adjustments, contract modifications, disbursements, or withdrawals occur within a 90-day period
against it. The four populations are defined in subparagraphs 2a through 2d.
a. Undelivered Orders (UDO) Unpaid. Obligations made by the ASD that have not yet
been invoiced or delivered.
b. Delivered Orders Unpaid (DOU). Delivered obligations for completed work that has
been invoiced by the supplier, but not yet paid and closed by the ASD or TYCOM.
c. Undelivered Orders – Prepaid (UDOP). Obligations for which the ASD or TYCOM has
already paid, but goods or services have not yet been delivered. The most common example is a
travel advance.
d. Unfilled Customer Orders (UFCO). Outstanding work owed by the ASD, not yet
3. The DON will conduct the DAR-Q review on financial data at the end of each fiscal quarter
starting on December 31, March 31, June 30, and September 30. The intention is to conduct an
efficient and thoroughly documented DAR-Q review providing evidence of reasonableness and
accuracy of dormant balances with or without KSD. The DAR-Q process will review but is not
limited to items such as contracts, reimbursable, and MILSTRIP funding documents.
1311 Job Order Number (JON).
1. The SAA will direct NALCOMIS to rollover job order numbers (JON) as part of the end of
year closeout procedures. JONs will also be generated only if a new type equipment code (TEC)
has been established on a supported squadron or FRC. The JON is an eleven character numeric
field composed of the information listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1e. Refer to figure 13-5
for further guidance.
a. The first five positions is the UIC. (This is not shown in figure 13-5 JON diagram.)
b. The sixth position identifies the fiscal year.
6 Apr 2021
c. Positions seven through nine identify the ORG code.
d. Position 10 identifies the squadron or AIMD.
e. The last digit identifies the type charge (AVDLR, AFM).
(1) FM- Aviation Fleet Maintenance (AFM - Consumables).
(2) FA- Aviation Depot Level Repairable (AVDLR)
2. The JON is used to obligate funds once the requisitions have interfaced from Navy ERP to
SABRS when JON assignment is enabled in NALCOMIS. The FM will monitor and update the
JON in CFMS to ensure data tables match record transactions entered into SABRS via the
Financial Information Pointer (FIP) data. As a MILSTRIP requisition is placed on order in
NALCOMIS, the requisition will interface with Navy ERP creating a sales order (SO) with the
JON which will interface into CFMS and SABRS generating the obligation. When the “Post
Goods Issue” is recorded in Navy ERP, the system will generate a purchase order and transmit
the expenditure and liquidation. Refer to figure 13-5 for further guidance.
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-1 (Sample End of Fiscal Year Guidance Message) Continue
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-1 (Sample End of Fiscal Year Guidance Message) End
Figure 13-2 (Sample Grant Amendment) Continue
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-2 (Sample Grant Amendment) Continue
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-2 (Sample Grant Amendment) End
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-3 (Sample Delegation of Authority) Continue
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-3 (Sample Letter of Authority) End
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-4 (Sample Navy ERP, CFMS-C and CFMS-F Tables)
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-5 (JON Structure) Continue
6 Apr 2021
JON Example; 44317 0 GB91B
VMFA-232, TEC: AMAG, Consumable
Navy ERP FIP Table
Figure 13-5 (JON Structure) Continue
CFMS-F JON (must build first before CFMS-C JON to FIP Mapping)
6 Apr 2021
Figure 13-5 (NALCOMIS and CFMS-C JON Creation) End
6 Apr 2021
1400 Supply Application Administrator (SAA) Duties and Responsibilities.
1. SAA Assignment. The aviation support department or detachment (ASD) officer must
designate in writing a primary and an alternate optimized Naval Aviation Logistics Command
Management Information System (NALCOMIS) SAA (formerly known as data base administrator
(DBA) in legacy NALCOMIS). The letter of designation for primary and alternate SAA must be
in effect until the relief or transfer of the designator or any of the designees. The SAA functions
may be assigned to a civilian (GS-9 and above) or military personnel (E-5 and above). Prospective
SAA (primary or alternate) must have sufficient demonstrated knowledge and experience with the
optimized NALCOMIS system functionalities in its latest configuration and fully capable in
providing in-depth NALCOMIS training, as required. Military personnel fulfilling the SAA
position, must have completed the required course and obtain navy enlisted classification (NEC)
2. The SAA must be thoroughly familiar with all technical matters pertaining to aviation supply
and related database functions. Additionally, the SAA must possess complete access to all
subsystems within optimized NALCOMIS the Optimized Intermediate Maintenance Activity
(OIMA), referred to as NALCOMIS unless otherwise specified, as well as assignment of all
required pertinent roles related to Navy ERP functionality. Subparagraphs 2a through 2n include,
but does not limit, SAA responsibilities.
a. Control User Access. Assign, modify and delete user access privileges within the supply
functional area. Provide adequate controls to ensure the range and depth access granted to each
functional user is consistent with the user’s duties. Validate user authority access within One
Touch Support (OTS) for MILSTRIP release for unit identification code (UIC) or Department of
Defense activity address code (DODAAC).
b. Separation of Duties. Review all user’s access for separation of duties violations.
c. System Authorization Access Request Navy (SAAR-N) Form Retention. Retain user’s
SAAR form for current users.
d. System Tables. Maintain system tables to ensure the validity and accuracy of the supply
database files.
e. Equipment. Control use of remote printers and other peripheral equipment assigned to
respective functional areas. Quickly update the system to redirect hard copy notice (HCN) or
batch reports if hardware problems occur.
f. Training. The SAA will coordinate with the training petty officer to schedule quarterly
training for all users. The long-range training plan must reflect the SAA training and must be
documented on the standard training forms. Training plans and records retention is 24 months
from the date of training.
6 Apr 2021
g. Software. Possess a working knowledge of NALCOMIS supply software capabilities.
h. Reconciliation. Ensure the monthly run of reconciliation batch programs and the
reconciliation of all reports to ensure 100 percent database agreement between NALCOMIS and
Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
i. Purging the Interface File. The SAA is responsible for monitoring, correcting, and purging
both outgoing and incoming interface files.
j. Trouble Reports and Change Proposals. Troubleshoot user problems and submit trouble
reports as necessary; and submit change proposals via Information Technology Service
Management (ITSM) via the website https://seitsm.dc3n.navy.mil.
k. Utility Programs. Have knowledge of and run utility programs as required.
l. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The ASD officer must ensure the development of an
SOP with detailed SAA duties and responsibilities as well as all current related SAA procedures.
1401 NALCOMIS System Security Backup and Validation. SAA validates data entry and
performs functions in NALCOMIS to protect the data within the system. System security
requirements relate to levels of system accessibility, data integrity and confidentiality according to
1. The SAA may assign special qualifications (SQ), either to the specific individual requiring the
SQ in the daily performance of duties, or for a specific task for a defined period. The SAA uses
the NALCOMIS menu path “System>Security>Personnel>Register>”.
2. The SAA may control the degree of task access in NALCOMIS by system, task, and data field
levels by matching the user’s security authorizations three-level security specifications of each
screen in the system. Use the menu path “All Users>individual’s name>task” to assign the SQs to
a specific individual. Use the menu path “System>Security>Screen Access Control>List>Task
Type>Task Group” to control access to a specific task screen. The system’s security files, which
contain the user’s qualifications, organizational assignment, authorized equipment and expiration
date information, control in-depth security checks automatically. The supply or ASD officer must
review SQ access assignment, at a minimum, every quarter, or more frequent when required, to
ensure the access control is current, i.e. names of personnel no longer with the organization are
3. Prior to creating a user account in NALCOMIS, the user must have an account in Naval Tactical
Command Support System (NTCSS) level. The SAA assigns the SQ, which allows the user access
to specific functions within NALCOMIS after they successfully sign on to the NTCSS system.
The SQ assigned to each user determines the user’s ability to access specified NALCOMIS tasks.
4. Data Sensitivity. NALCOMIS database is accessible by both maintenance and supply
personnel. The data processed in the NALCOMIS is unclassified.
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5. System Data Backup. Performed daily by the NALCOMIS regional administrators as per
Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) guidance.
6. Activity Specific Data Validation Tables. The SAA will properly establish activity-specific
tables NALCOMIS uses to validate transactions at the points of entry. NALCOMIS transactions
will not process without this initial validation and NALCOMIS place transactions that did not pass
validation in the appropriate NALCOMIS mailbox. Synchronization of NALCOMIS and Navy
ERP validation tables is required to process transactions through both systems effectively. The
tables described in subparagraphs 6a through 6k must be properly set to process NALCOMIS
transactions and to interface with Navy ERP.
a. ASD Site Table. Use the menu path “System>ORG>ASD Site Data” for the “Site Data
Tables”. This table allows the SAA to establish the site-specific data the NALCOMIS application
uses when validating transactions. This table controls the level that intermediate maintenance
activity (IMA) requisitions are approved, displays the mode of interface being used, designates
UIC of Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (DLADS), and Advanced Traceability and
Control (ATAC) hub activities, defines the high money value threshold, identifies the excess
requisition quantity, and sets the requisition purge criteria and transaction ledger retention days.
The IMA “Site Data Table” also controls the history retention parameter for maintenance action
form (MAF) or WO.
b. Organization Table (System>Admin>ORG). This table allows both NALCOMIS
maintenance and supply application administrators (MAA and SAA) to add, update, or delete the
organization information. MAA and SAA must add and update respective organizational data to
ensure proper system performance. The table identifies respective organization codes to the
correct name, activity type, service designator, UIC, fund code (FC), signal code (SC), and media
and status (M&S) codes. To change the requisition document identifier (DI) from CONUS to
OCONUS will be using this screen by utilizing the second digit of the type activity code (TAC)
numeric (1) for OCONUS and alpha (A) for CONUS.
c. Cognizance (COG) Symbol and Material Control Code (MCC) Repairable Validation
Table (System>ADMIN>System Tables>Site Validation Table>COG MCC Repairable). The
optimized NALCOMIS reconciliation program uses the “DF22 Table” to determine items as
repairable or consumable based on COG and MCC combination; to identify the processing method
for requisitions as “pre-post” or “post-post” transactions; and, to identify the Naval Supply
Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support (WSS)for each COG and MCC
combination. COG and MCC combination, as well as other system information listed in figure 141, can be added or modified to the “DF22 Table” using the menu path “System>Admin>System
Tables”. Fill in data fields shown in figure 14-1 after the validation against corresponding Navy
ERP tables has been accomplished:
6 Apr 2021
Pre-Post Indicator
Routing Identifier
Field Level
Data Entry
Two digit COG
One digit MCC
[Y] for repairable COG and MCC
[N] for consumable COG and MCC
[N] for afloat units
[Y] for ashore units
RIC for the point of entry (POE)
where requisitions are submitted
[Y] for field level repairables
[N] for non-field level repairables
Figure 14-1
d. Participating Optimized Organizational Maintenance Activity (OOMA) (System>
Administration>System Tables>Site Validation Table). This “DF23_oma_org Table” controls
interface for OOMA or OMA sites to NALCOMIS sites.
e. Hard Copy Notice Parameters (System>Administration> System>Tables>Site Validation
Table>Hard Copy Notice Parameters). This “DB07_hcn_parameter Table” controls the routing
and printing of hard copy notices (HCN) to specific NALCOMIS printers. Field modification
includes the HCN name, first or second destination – print (Y or N), number of copies, and the sixposition override destination.
f. Application Printer Configuration (NTCSS>Admin>App Print Config, under Application
List, select “NALCOMIS”). This table adds, edits, or deletes printer destinations. The procedure
to setup printer configuration is to setup the output type first, and then assign the output type to a
g. NALCOMIS Automatic Assignment Tables. Use the “OIMA Auto Assign Tables” to
select a required sequential number before storing a record to the database. Each table contains the
first number of the series for assignment, the current number assigned, and the last automatically
assigned number from the “Auto Assign Tables”. The required “Auto Assign Tables” are listed in
figure 14-2.
6 Apr 2021
Job Control Numbers (JCN)
Maintenance Control Numbers (MCN)
Report (TR) Numbers
Engine Transaction Reports (ETR)
Requisition Requirement (RQR)
Local Item Control Numbers (LICN)
Document Data Serial Numbers (DDSN)
Table Number
Figure 14-2
(1) The “Pri Ind” code designated to the project code determines which document series is
automatically assigned as listed in subparagraphs 6g(1)(a) through 6g(1)(c).
(a) NM. Not mission capable supply (NMCS), partial mission capable supply (PMCS)
and anticipated not mission capable supply (ANMCS) requirements.
(b) HP. Issue priority group (IPG) I. This does not include NMCS or PMCS
(c) LP. Issue priority group II and III requirements.
(2) Unit Controlled Auto Assign Tables.
(a) SQD and WC Serial Number Assignment. This “DF01_ddsn_asgn Table” assigns
the document Julian date and serial number (DDSN) for low priority (LP), high priority (HP), and
NMCS/PMCS (NM) requisitions.
(b) Broad Arrow Numbers. This “DF09_broadarr_asgn Table” on the IMA site screen
assigns broad arrow DDSN and is hardcoded to “BRDAROW.”
(c) Document Number Validation. This “DF10_offline_asgn Table” on the
“Flags/Auto Assign” tab of the ASD site screen validates user assigned offline document numbers.
(d) Stock Replenishment Numbers. This “DF01_ddsn_asgn Table” on the “Flags/Auto
Assign” tab of the ASD site screen as purpose code ““W” Stock Rpln DSN”, assigns the repairable
stock replenishment DDSN when a repairable is beyond capability of maintenance (BCM). Stock
replenishment requisitions use the Org Cd is “STK”, WC Cd is “REP”, and the Rqmt Cd is “SR”.
(e) ASD Internal DSN. OIMA uses the “DF08_docgen_asgn Table” to assign DDSN
of internal records sent to Navy ERP. The local status code (LSC) on the DDSN will be
“IGNORE” under conditions listed in subparagraphs 3g(2)(e)1 through 3g(2)(e)11.
1. DIFM return.
6 Apr 2021
2. DIFM return issue select.
3. DIFM return (from mailbox) when “Next” button is clicked.
4. Survey.
5. Pack-up transfer.
6. Inter-IMA customer service return.
7. Issue select.
8. Transfer from sub-custody or suspense.
9. Suspense.
10. Sub-custody
11. Incoming BC2 document.
(3) Job Control Number (JCN) Table. The “DF12_jcn_asgn Table” (AJ) on the IMA Site
screen controls the JCN assignment and automatically assigns the next sequential number.
(4) MAF Table. This “DF13_mcn_asgn (AM) Table” on the IMA site screen controls the
MAF control numbers assignment and automatically assigns the next sequential number.
(5) Local Item Control Number (LICN) Table. This “DF02_icnassign Table” on the
“Flags/Auto Assign” tab of the ASD site screen control the LICN assignment and automatically
assigns the next sequential LICN.
h. Project Code Table (System> Administration> Organization> List). The “DA02_project
data Table” is to add, edit, and delete project codes. This table restricts the use of specific project
codes to particular ORG codes and controls the priority and urgency of need designator (UND) use
with a specified project code. To update project code assignment, select the “Org” of the activity
requiring the update, select “view”, select the “proj code” tab to add or delete project codes. In
addition, this table assigns required distribution codes, media and status codes, NMCS, PMCS and
ANMCS project codes, and work stoppage indicators.
i. Bureau Numbers (BUNO) Table. (Sys>Admin>Org>List, select the Org code that requires
the update, select view, select “BUNO/SERNO” tab). The “DF07_buno Table” is to establish and
maintain a record of supported aircraft BUNOs with the reporting custodian’s ORG code and
appropriate “TYCOM ACC” code. This table will validate materiel requirements to a supported
aircraft BUNO at the time of submission of the requisition from the OOMA to OIMA. A force
activity designator (FAD) different from the activity’s FAD may also be assigned. Run “expert
ADHOC query” (DF07_bunotable) to view all BUNOs in the OIMA database.
6 Apr 2021
j. Assignment of Pool Code Identification (POL ID) to Repairable Records. The
“DS02_invdata Table” assigns POL ID for repairable head of family (HOF) national item
identification numbers (NIIN) with the fixed allowance quantity (FAQ) on the OIMA “Master
Record File” (MRF) database.
k. Database Management. The supply or ASD officer and the control division officer (or
equivalent) must have control and oversight of all transaction inputs into NALCOMIS and related
interface with Navy ERP. The SAA must closely monitor all the outgoing and incoming interfacerelated reports as well as NALCOMIS and Navy ERP suspended interface transactions or failed
IDOCs. The SAA must keep the local repair cycle asset (LRCA) unit, pack-up kit (PUK)
manager, and the control division supervisors (or equivalent) informed of suspended and failed
transactions for immediate corrective action.
1402 NALCOMIS Interface.
1. Generation of Interface Records. The last host transaction processing routine (TPR) of the
transaction will format the records involved and generate the interface records process. Electronic
and batch mode methods are the two destinations for outgoing interface records through the
outgoing interface records report file. Interface reports are produced when the summary report
process is executed. NAVSUP WSS transmit external records (MILSTRIP data) using the batch
mode method. An execution command (EC) writes records from the external interface records file
to an internal server folder in text format to be file transferred out to the local PC with the server’s
file transfer utility.
2. Technical Architecture of Outgoing Navy ERP Interface Data. NALCOMIS on-line
conversations perform functions that require the production of Navy ERP interface records.
Interface records are established when processes such as local status updates, requisition action,
proof of delivery (POD), due in from maintenance (DIFM) return or inter-IMA service return are
accomplished. The majority of interface transactions are transmitted to via electronic mode Navy
ERP. Under NALCOMIS, this feature is available via the batch subsystem. This method writes
the outgoing interface records to the “DI03 Outgoing Interface Table” (Outgoing Interface Records
Report File). The SAA may produce outgoing interface reports via menu path
“System>Interface>External Record Extract”.
3. Technical Architecture of Incoming Interface Data. Incoming interface functional information
is passed from Navy ERP to NALCOMIS through solicited or unsolicited interface records.
Solicited (echo back) records confirm receipt by Navy ERP of outgoing NALCOMIS interface
records. Unsolicited records are generated by Navy ERP or represent MILSTRIP status passing
through Navy ERP to update NALCOMIS with new supply information.
a. Receipt of Incoming Interface Records. Incoming interface records are received in either
batch or manual mode from the local supply system. In both cases, the records are written to the
“DI01 Incoming Interface Table” (“Incoming Interface Records File.”)
b. Processed Incoming Interface Records File. The “Incoming Interface Records File” is
processed by the “Incoming Interface Record Process” based on record document identifiers. The
6 Apr 2021
NALCOMIS database is updated as appropriate. All incoming records are written to the “DI01
Incoming Interface Table” (Processed Incoming Interface Records File) whether these records
have validation errors or have processed successfully. These records are written with a report ID
so the summary reports process will write the proper records to the appropriate report.
4. Monitoring the Interface Process.
a. Menu Path. Optimized NALCOMIS, NYIC4700 (system>interface> control) window
allows users to control the interface mode and the outgoing and incoming interface status. The
screen allows selection of interface mode, and indicates if the outgoing or incoming interface
status is active or inactive.
b. SAA Responsibilities. The SAA is responsible for monitoring the interface files to ensure
updates occur and are properly corrected and purged. Subparagraphs 4b(1) and 4b(2) list some
available NALCOMIS processes that assist in monitoring interface transactions and regeneration
of interface transactions when required. There are two kinds of “Outgoing
Interface”(System>Interface>Outgoing Reports): external and internal.
(1) External. Contains outgoing stock requisitions and NALCOMIS generated follow-ups.
These records are released to the system via the “External Records Extract”. This process is
controlled by the user and may be ran as many times a day as deemed necessary by the site. When
activated, all external interface records are extracted and placed in a file on the Optimized
NALCOMIS UNIX server. The program within NALCOMIS that conducts this process is
identified as “E60450”.
(2) Internal. Contains all outgoing records awaiting a match from Navy ERP. It is
extremely important for this file be aggressively and accurately worked in a timely manner. Every
unmatched record sitting in this file reduces a site’s inventory accuracy and financial
accountability. Repairable records must be processed with the entire status history in mind (e.g.
X30 must be processed first, next will be X33 [if applicable], X31 [if BCM SO asset] and then
X22 if BCM, X22 “R” if RFI). There must not be any records over 24 hours in this file.
5. NALCOMIS Interface Records. NALCOMIS outgoing interface records are transmitted
electronically to Navy ERP. When the electronic interface is offline for a period of time,
transactions build up in NALCOMIS. When the electronic interface is activated, backlogged
transactions are transmitted then accepted, and subsequently processed by Navy ERP.
6. Troubleshooting Electronic Interface Problems. If transactions were accomplished in
NALCOMIS and research indicates that a Navy ERP update has not occurred, the NALCOMIS
SAA must research areas listed in subparagraphs 6a through 6d.
a. Interface Activation. Determine if the electronic interface is activated and operating
b. Outgoing Internal Backlog. Review to determine if a backlog exists.
6 Apr 2021
c. Incoming Unprocessed and Processed. Research to determine if records are received and
processed. This include review of ERP MILS IDOC reprocess utility (transaction code (T-Code)
ZRMIM0025) for any associated failed IDOCs requiring correction and reprocessing.
d. All interface reports must be reviewed daily and corrective actions processed within 24
1403 NALCOMIS Database Management.
1. Consistency. Consistency between the NALCOMIS and Navy ERP databases is critical if
accurate inventory and financial data is to be maintained. Particular attention must be focused on
maintaining NIIN integrity of repairable components. Effective management control and
procedural mechanisms must be in place to ensure that NALCOMIS and Navy ERP update
processing are routinely executed. All ASD personnel share the responsibility to conduct accurate
technical review of repairables, maintain NIIN integrity within family group and properly post all
transactions to NALCOMIS and Navy ERP databases.
2. Accuracy. NALCOMIS provides numerous processing tools to ensure both NALCOMIS and
Navy ERP records are maintained accurately and consistently between systems. NALCOMIS can
perform “Stock Item Table” (SIT) reconciliation, stock due reconciliation and direct turn-over
(DTO) due reconciliation. Additionally, NALCOMIS has “Data Alignment Programs” (DAPs)
and other programs to validate information included in the database that point out error conditions
or potential problem areas.
3. Monthly Change Notice (MCN) Processing. The SAA must coordinate with the site
operational supply planning analyst (OSPA) or with the supply planning analyst (SPR) (Navy
ERP) as applicable on all MCN processing. MCN must be downloaded by the 5th of each month
and applied to both the Navy ERP and NALCOMIS databases to ensure alignment between
databases. If reports are not downloaded in time, the report must be documented with the reason
on the first page of the MCN. NALCOMIS change notice reports must be annotated with
corrective action and retained on file for 10 years. Upon completion of the MCN, the ASD officer
must review for completeness and legibly print, sign and date the report. The SAA must perform
the “Monthly RECON” after the MCN has been processed, or submit an NALCOMIS “Utility Run
Request”, requesting the required utility runs to compare data elements in both databases. Based
on the utility run, exception listings will be produced and must be processed to bring the databases
into alignment.
Note. For sites with Fleet Audit Compliance Enhancement Tool (FACET), the MCN reports must
be scanned into FACET and uploaded to the DACS website. Refer to FACET User Guide
published by Premier Solutions for further guidance. For sites without FACET, the MCN report
must be retained on file for 10 years.
4. Monthly Reconciliation between NALCOMIS and Navy ERP Records. Communication
between NALCOMIS and Navy ERP through the established interface ensures synchronization in
data. Since information can be manipulated which may result in errors and suspended records, it is
recommended to limit the number of personnel with access to “RFI/POH” update screen. At a
6 Apr 2021
minimum, monthly reconciliation of Navy ERP and NALCOMIS records must be accomplished to
ensure the databases are in agreement. Printed NALCOMIS generated reports must be annotated
with corrective actions and retained on file for the prior and current year. If adjustments are made,
enclose a transaction report and retain the entire package as evidence of reconciliation procedures
conducted for 10 years. The reconciliation process can be accomplished more frequently, if
desired. Working suspense records and unprocessed interface records on a daily basis will result
in fewer records to process on the reconciliation reports. Navy ERP generates six different
reconciliation files (NSN, Stock Due, DTO, DIFM, SSC, and PUK). These reconciliation files are
produced and sent to the appropriate NALCOMIS database via the NALCOMIS and Navy ERP
interface. Once processed into the NALCOMIS database associated NALCOMIS error and
exception reports are produced.
5. Reconciliation Frequency. Reconciliation of NALCOMIS and Navy ERP records must be
scheduled and accomplished at least monthly. The process is most efficiently performed
immediately after the monthly change notice (MCN) is processed in both systems. The NIIN
indicative process ensures that each database is a mirror image of the other. It is not necessary to
run the “On-hand Quantity” or “FAQ Update” process in normal operations. The option is
available if the activity requires the process.
6. Direct Turn Over (DTO) Requisitions Reconciliation Process. This process will compare the
DTO requisitions in Navy ERP to the DTO requisitions in NALCOMIS as listed in subparagraphs
6a and 6b. This enables the sites to mechanically load DTO requisitions that do not exist in
a. “SUPPLY (Navy ERP) DTO requisitions not in NALCOMIS”.
b. “NALCOMIS DTO requisitions not in SUPPLY (Navy ERP)”.
7. Stock Due Reconciliation Process. This process will compare the repairable stock dues in
Navy ERP to the repairable stock dues in NALCOMIS as listed in subparagraphs 7a and 7b, and
enables the site to mechanically load stock dues that do not exist in NALCOMIS.
a. “SUPPLY (Navy ERP) Stock Due Requisitions Not In NALCOMIS”.
b. “NALCOMIS Stock Due Requisitions Not In Supply (Navy ERP)”. Repairable stock due
requisition and DTO requisition reconciliation must be accomplished at least monthly. However,
reconciliation process may be performed at any time and must be accomplished if it appears that
NALCOMIS and Navy ERP data are not synchronized.
8. NSN Reconciliation Process. This process as listed in subparagraphs 8a and 8b ensures that
each database is a mirror image of the other. Normally, it is not necessary to run the on hand
quantity or FAQ update process. The option is available if the activity requires the process.
a. NIIN Analysis Reports. This process J60650 menu path “Batch>Monthly>RECON>NIIN”
will produce a series of reports containing the analysis of the NIINs on the Optimized NALCOMIS
database. Select all reports.
6 Apr 2021
b. The reports produced are described in subparagraphs 8b(1) through 8b(8).
(1) NSN Record Exception Report, NSN Records without COG Symbol (N6R60650).
This report contains all NIINs without value in the COG field. Use Navy ERP or OTS to research
and update the appropriate COG. Navy ERP is the official source of data for NSN records and is
typically updated the month prior to OTS.
(2) NSN Record Exception Report, NSN Records Assigned Repairable COG with blank
MCC (N6R60651). This report contains all NIINs with a repairable COG symbol, and without a
value in the “MCC” field. Use WebFLIS or OTS to research and update the appropriate COG.
WebFLIS is the official source of data for NSN records and is updated the month prior to OTS.
(3) NSN Record Exception Report, NSN Records With Repairable COG and MCC but No
FGC Assigned (N6R60652). This report contains all NIINs with a repairable COG and MCC,
without FGC record attached. Research NIIN and FGC, add to database. Use OTS or Navy ERP
to verify and update database.
(4) NSN Record Exception Report, Repairable NSN Records With No Head of Family
NSN (N6R60653). This report contains all NIINs with a repairable COG and MCC, an FGC
record attached, but without a head of family. Research NIIN, find correct relationship, and add to
database. Use OTS or Navy ERP to verify then update database.
(5) NIIN Analysis Report Supply Products Indicator (SPI) Listing (N6R60654). This
report contains all NIINs with a ds05_SUPPLY-PRODUCTS-IND of [N], (e.g. engines, locally
assigned NSNs, etc.). If SPI is set to “no”, an interface transactions will not occur. The
importance of setting the SPI to “no” is to prevent locally managed transactions from
electronically transferring over to Navy ERP when there is not inventory or financial implications.
The SAA must research and verify this information.
(6) NIIN Analysis Report, COG and MCC Not On NALCOMIS (N6R60655). This report
contains all NIINs with a COG and MCC not found on the NALCOMIS “COG Validation Table”.
The SAA will coordinate correction of this error condition with the ASD and control division
personnel. Use WebFLIS or OTS to research and update the appropriate COG. WebFLIS is the
official source of data for NSN records and is updated the month prior to OTS.
(7) Quantities Discrepancies Report On-Hand/Fixed Allowance Quantity Mismatch
(N6R60673). This report contains all NIINs with a mismatch on hand and FAQ between Navy
ERP and NALCOMIS. The SAA will provide the output report to the repairable management
section to make annotations, take corrective action, sign and date the report.
(8) Supply NIINs Not On NALCOMIS Report (N6R60670). Contains repairable and
consumable NIINs in Supply (Navy ERP) and not in NALCOMIS. The report should be validated
and annotated. Verify allowance type code and acquisition advice code and on hand quantity prior
to adding NIIN to NALCOMIS. As a minimum, perform research on allowance type (AT) code 2.
6 Apr 2021
9. DIFM Reconciliation Process. Produces three output reports.
10. Part 1 DIFM Item Record in Supply (Navy ERP) Not In NALCOMIS. Contains a list of items
owed (IOU), item records, transdata or outgoing interface records in Navy ERP without a
matching record in NALCOMIS. Validating each unmatched record by following steps listed in
subparagraphs 10a through 10f.
a. Look up each DDSN and NIIN to verify this item is not in NALCOMIS DIFM.
b. Look for failed IDOCs –x31/x33/x22.
c. Use T-Code LS24 to verify NIIN for a quantity in DIFM.
d. If necessary, remove hung DIFM transaction in Navy ERP using T-Code “ZTMIM049”.
e. Once the transaction is removed from the table, verify balances in both systems.
f. Review “Sub-custody” and “Suspense SSC” quantity in Navy ERP, and “SUB” or “SUSP” in
11. Part 2 DIFM Item Records in NALCOMIS Not In Supply (Navy ERP). Conduct researched in
Navy ERP and NALCOMIS. This contains a list of supply officer and DIFM item records in
NALCOMIS that do not have a matching record in Navy ERP. Check each unmatched record by
following steps listed in subparagraphs 11a through 11f.
Verify the record is in DIFM within NALCOMIS using the repairable stock summary.
Verify if the item is in Navy ERP using T-Code “LS24”.
Due to timing issues, the record may already be in Navy ERP.
Look to see if there are any failed IDOC-x30/x33.
e. If the item is not in Navy ERP, use T-Code “ZTMIM049” to add DIFM record in Navy
Once the transaction is added to the table, verify quantities in both systems.
12. Part 3 DDSN Matched Different NIIN. Contains all DDSNs that match between the two
systems, but identifies different NIINs. Verify the NIIN inducted against the NIIN loaded in ERP.
Correct the MRF as required. Some sites have negative reports.
13. Sub-Custody and Suspense Reconciliation Process. Produces four output reports as listed in
subparagraphs 13a through 13d.
6 Apr 2021
a. Sub-Custody and Suspense in Supply (Navy ERP) Not In NALCOMIS. Contains a list of
item records in Navy ERP without a matching record in NALCOMIS. After verification of
negative quantity in NALCOMIS “Suspense” and “Sub-custody”, and in Navy ERP, use T-Code
“ZTMIM049” to remove the transaction from the table.
b. Sub-Custody and Suspense in NALCOMIS Not in Supply (Navy ERP). Contains a list of
item records in NALCOMIS without a matching record in Navy ERP. A common error derives
from a timing delay. If there is a quantity in “Suspense” or “Sub-custody” in NALCOMIS, add the
record in Navy ERP using T-Code “ZTMIM049”. Check referrals sitting in NALCOMIS
c. Sub-Custody and Suspense Unmatched Quantities. Contains matching records whose
quantities do not match. This usually produces a negative report.
d. Sub-Custody and Suspense DDSN Matched-Different NIIN. Contains a list of all matching
DDSNs whose NIINS do not match. A common error is a NIIN integrity issue. Verify the
“Suspense” or “Sub-custody” record is in both systems under the same or different NIIN.
14. Pack-Up (PUK) Reconciliation Process. Use a separate reconciliation file for this process.
Use “LQUA Table” (Bin-Quant Record) to retrieve the number of assets in storage type “PUK” for
each NIIN. Pack-up records are added to NALCOMIS from the J60665 input file if there are
sufficient on hand quantities to establish the record. It also adds repairable pack-up records that
currently exist in Navy ERP but do not exist in NALCOMIS. Produces three output reports as
listed in subparagraphs 14a through 14c.
1. Supply/NALCOMIS Pack-Up Quantity Discrepancy Report. This report lists all NALCOMIS
pack-up records with quantities that do not match the Navy ERP pack-up quantities. The PUK
custodians will validate the report and changes to the database will made as needed.
2. NALCOMIS Pack-up Record Not on Supply Report. This report lists all NALCOMIS IMA
pack-up records that are not on Navy ERP system. Verify and annotate as needed.
3. Supply Pack-Up Addition Report. This report lists those Navy ERP pack-up records that are
not on the NALCOMIS system and those added to the database. Pack-up records with insufficient
RFI quantities are not added. Verify and annotate as needed.
Note. DO NOT process as part of the NSN reconciliation file process.
15. Data Alignment Programs (DAPs). The purpose of DAPs is to resolve database
discrepancies. These discrepancies stem from application software inaccuracies or data entry
errors made by users. DAPs will correctly align the discrepant data in the NALCOMIS database.
The SAA and MAA must be familiar with the various DAPs and understand the effect (if any) it
may have in relation to the NALCOMIS and Navy ERP databases and the consequences of
indiscriminate use of DAPs, meaning negligent use of DBAGs could cause records and inventory
changes that could delete or degrade the synchronous relations between NALCOMIS and Navy
ERP. Some DAPs are designed to search the database and make key comparisons to identify
6 Apr 2021
specific problems that exist in the NALCOMIS database. Take corrective actions on all
NALCOMIS generated reports, printed with detailed annotations. The SAA will retain the
corrective actions annotated NALCOMIS generated report for the prior and current year. Required
DAPs are listed in subparagraphs 12a through 12q.
a. DBAG14 COG/TR Table Mismatch. The purpose of this validation DAP is to check the
NIIN records against the “COG/MCC Repairable Valid” table for correct COG and MCC
combinations and display the mismatches or blank COG and MCC fields on the NIIN records.
The SAA will execute DBAG14 following initial turn-on, then monthly after processing change
b. DBAG17 Calculates ACBAL. Execute this validation DAP when an accountable balance
(ACBAL) discrepancy is present in the database. The DBAG17 process produces a list of NIINs
with an out-of-balance ACBAL and calculates the corrected ACBAL. Update the ACBAL for
selected NIINs, as necessary. If there are NIINs in the list that do not require a change, remove
them before updating. For example, a true out-of-balance condition could exist when NIIN “A” is
issued and NIIN “B” is turned in to the repair cycle. The ACBAL for these NIINs should not be
updated here. It will be corrected during supply issuing process. Some NIINs may show a
negative ACBAL. Those NIINs cannot be updated using this procedure and must be updated
using other discussed DBAG procedures. Each NIIN should be researched before updating. This
procedure will not correct any inventory data except the ACBAL. Therefore, each NIIN should be
corrected using the specified DBAG procedure if other columns are to be corrected, such as
“Suspense”, “Sub-custody”, Pack-up”, “Pack-up Deployed”, “DIFM”, “Due”, “IOU”, “RFI”, and
“External Records”. These processes also adjust the ACBAL when adjusting the inventory
quantities appropriate to the process.
c. DBAG21 Displays Inventory Discrepancies. The purpose of this validation program is to
aid in resolving inventory database problem areas. The SAA will execute this program twice a
d. DBAG21 Inventory Discrepancy Fix. Recommendations to DBAG21 inventory
discrepancies are listed in figure 14-3.
6 Apr 2021
0 = The D300 Repairable NIIN (Shows “Y” for Repairable Indicator). Has no
INVDATA (Repairable Summary Screen would not list the NIIN.)
1 = RFI INVDATA (QTY) Does not match the Ready for Issue (RFI) Records.
Review this discrepancy when viewing DBAG32 display for the NIIN.
2 = SUSPENSE INVDATA (QTY) Does not match the Item Records. Review
this discrepancy using suspense repairable stock status inquiry and by viewing
the DBAG32 display.
3 = DIFM INVDATA (QTY) Does not match the Item Records. Review
discrepancy using DIFM repairable stock status inquiry and by viewing the
DBAG32 display.
4 = SUBCUSTODY (QTY) Does not match the Item Records. Review this
discrepancy using sub-custody repairable stock status inquiry.
5 = PACK-UP INVDATA (QTY) Does not match the Item Records. Review
this discrepancy using “Pack-Up Repairable Stock Status Inquiry” and by
viewing the DBAG32 display.
6 = DUE INVDATA (QTY) Does not match the Item Records. Review this
discrepancy using due repairable stock status inquiry.
7 = NIIN Item Records With no Management Codes. This occurs when the
MAF has been backfitted and an aeronautical material screening unit (AMSU)
induction discrepancy exists. Backfit the requisition using direct support
material requirement to clear the discrepancy. Review this discrepancy using
DIFM repairable stock status inquiry; the due in from maintenance (DIFM)
record will have no management code.
8 = Not developed to date.
9 = L Purpose Reserve INVDATA (Pack-Up On-Hand QTY) does Not Match
the Item Records. Review this discrepancy using and by viewing the
DBAG32 display.
A = ERIOU INVDATA (QTY) Does Not Match the ERIOU Records. Review
this discrepancy using IOU status inquiry and summary repairable stock status
inquiry and by viewing the DBAG32 display.
B = SOIOU INVDATA (QTY) Does Not Match the SOIOU Records. Review
this discrepancy using IOU status inquiry and summary repairable stock status
inquiry and by viewing the DBAG32 display.
Figure 14-3
6 Apr 2021
e. DBAG32 Displays “Inventory/Item” Records For NIINs. This display DAP show records
related to a specific NIIN in the data base. DBAG32 is a valuable trouble shooting DAP used in
researching problem areas. Process will prompt user for a NIIN and will display information as
listed in subparagraphs 12e(1) through 12e(3).
(1) FGC Inventory Line.
(2) NIIN Inventory Line.
(3) All related D235 Item Records.
f. DBAG75 Computes DIFM, Owe and ER Quantity. This DAP is used to process user
supplied NIINs and re-compute DIFM, Owe and EXREP quantities. DBAG75 counts cancelled
items as owed asset items. Additionally, DBAG75 may be used to fix NIIN ACBAL
discrepancies. This process enables the user to update the DIFM, OWE, and ER inventory
quantities and re-compute the ACBAL inventory quantity by deleting item records for a specific
NIIN. Item records can only be deleted if conditions as listed in subparagraphs 12f(1) through
12f(4) exist for the item record.
(1) No mailbox message exists.
(2) No MAF exists.
(3) MAF is not complete.
(4) MAF is complete (JC) and has a production control signature. Use the Inventory
Discrepancy Report when researching DIFM discrepancies.
g. DBAG76 Updates Due Quantity. DBAG21 will list the NIINs requiring corrective action.
The SAA will use this DAP to enter the NIIIN and the correct due quantity. This action will
modify the due quantity on the D220 INVDATA. The SAA must run DBAG21 prior to DBAG76
to determine which NIINs need corrective action and determine the correct due quantity.
h. DBAG79 Adds, Modifies IOU Records. This DAP processes user supplied NIINs and
either add IOU or display the IOU records contained in the NIIN-IOU set. ASDs must strictly
control assignment of the DBAG79 special maintenance qualification (SMQ) and must maintain a
memorandum book (green logbook) to record every DBAG79 (IOU update) transaction. Prior to
performing IOU “kill”, ensure the purpose is noted and supporting documentations are retained
(NALC DDSN screen, ERMS screen and any e-mail correspondence). Ensure coordination with
Carcass Tracking Manager when applicable (e.g. carcass tie-in).
i. DBAG80 Pack-Up Update. Allows the SAA to display the “Pack-up On-hand” item and
INVDATA records for review and update.
j. DBAG81 RFI Update. Allows the SAA to display the “RFI” item and INVDATA records
for review and update, generate or delete the item records.
6 Apr 2021
k. DBAG83 Suspense Update. This DAP allows the user to interactively delete suspense
items records for a given NIIN.
l. DBAG84 Pack-Up Deployed. Allows the SAA to display pack-up deployed records for
review and update, generate, modify, or delete the records.
m. DBAG85 Mini Transledger. Used to generate a mini transledger report.
n. DBAGOP Requisition Kill. This DAP is used to delete a selected DDSN and its associated
records from the system. NALCOMIS may display various message boxes depending on the
DDSN entered. The SAA will obtain printed copies of the requisition prior to executing the
process, as this process deletes the data from the database and is not recoverable. It then requires
the user to reenter or backfit the data into NALCOMIS. If deleting a MAF all requisitions attached
to the MAF must be deleted through the requisition kill process first.
o. DBAG88 MAF Kill. This DAP is used to display the records that are associated with each
MAF contained in the database that are identified as being unable to process by the on-line
environment by the MAA.
p. DBDM37 1144 Report. The SAA will use this program to sweep the database to create
extract records for use in producing reports as listed in subparagraphs 12p(1) through 12p(4).
(1) Fixed Allowance Status Reports.
(2) Inventory Management.
(3) Supply Dept Operations Data Reports (1144).
(4) Repairable Issues from Stock Summary Reports.
q. DBAG2L BE4 ICRL Output. Use this DAP to export optimized NALCOMIS ICRL data
to an ASCII text file. The execution of this DAP produces a tape file as output. This process will
run in the background. It must be transferred using "File Transfer" to a designated drive and
Note. If there is a suspected software problem that is not familiar to the site, contact NIWC
Norfolk and TYCOM N415 with the submission of the supporting documentation as an e-mail
attachment. Supporting documentation must consist of a mini transledger (use DBAG85) for cited
NIINs and the applicable screen dumps for DIFM problem with an Out-of-Balance Report. The
site must ensure each problem area is researched by a supply functional specialist prior to
executing any DAPs that affects NIIN balance data utilizing on-line conversations. Additionally,
an Out-of-Balance Report must be processed and researched prior to executing DBAG85 and
6 Apr 2021
1404 Authorization to Submit Requisitions via the One Touch Support (OTS) Website.
1. The authority to submit MILSTRIP requisitions via OTS (https://www.onetouch.navy.mil)
creates a logistics record for materiel and creates a financial obligation for the unit. Site SAAs will
review and validate personnel who have the authority within OTS to submit MILSTRIP
requisitions and have authorization to obligate funds under the site's DODAAC through OTS.
2. In order to ensure authorized personnel have requisitioning access via OTS, the SAA will
complete a monthly validation by taking actions as listed in subparagraphs 1a through 1c.
a. The SAA at all sites must request a list of OTS users for the site's DODAAC with approved
MILSTRIP business function. In OTS, go to “REQUISITION FUNCTIONS”, select “MILSTRIP
User Report”. Select the UIC you want to look at if you have permission for more than one UIC.
b. The SAA will compare the list of OTS users to the Unit Alpha Roster or Morning Report
and provide justification for users outside the command. The SAA must retain these listings for 24
months with corrective action annotations, if necessary, legible printed name, signature and date.
c. Requests for deletions (revocation or deactivation) to the list must be made via e-mail from
the ASD officer or the MILSTRIP authorizing official (at least E-7 or GS-9 and above) to the
6 Apr 2021
1500 Objective. The Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support
(WSS) DLR Exchange Program offers a two-tiered pricing system for depot level repairables
(DLR). The standard price, or full price, consists of the cost to procure a new DLR plus a cost
recovery rate (CRR) to fund supply system operating expenses. The customer is charged a
reduced Net Price, consisting of the cost to repair a used DLR plus the cost recovery rate, using
an exchange advice code when requisitioning repairable items. The agreement to charge the
reduced Net Price is based on the assumption that the customer must turn in the unserviceable
DLR or carcass within a specified time. Failure to return the unserviceable DLR must result in a
Carcass Value Bill for the amount of the discount provided (standard price less net price).
NAVSUP WSS will bill standard price for any requisitions with invalid or blank advice code.
NAVSUP P-485 (Rev 6) Operational Forces Supply Procedures outlines detailed policies on
DLR carcass management and beyond capable maintenance (BCM) processing.
1501 Carcass Tracking Program. The aviation support department or detachment (ASD) will
establish a Carcass Tracking Program to ensure retrograde components are diligently managed
and accurately tracked through the repair cycle. For the purpose of this document, the word
“retrograde” or “carcass” applies to not ready for issue (NRFI) aviation depot level repair
(AVDLR) and depot level repair (DLR) components. The carcass tracking managers (CTM) are
responsible for initiating and reconciling retrograde tracking and NRFI stock in transit (SIT)
records within prescribed time frames. The carcass turn-in data identifies the action related to
carcass shipment such as disposition, whether the carcass was turned-in, turned-in under another
document number, surveyed, or the original requisition was cancelled. When an NRFI
component fails to be processed properly through carcass tracking programs, i.e. Electronic
Retrograde Management System (eRMS) or off line processing, it results in the reduction of the
wholesale system asset availability and adversely impacts financial management through the
addition of carcass value bills applied directly to the site through Standard Accounting,
Budgeting and Reporting System (SABRS). ASD avoids unnecessary charges to their operating
target (OPTAR) and Flying Hour Program (FHP) funds through proper induction, tracking and
reconciling of SIT records as well as the management the physical retrograde through the carcass
tracking cycle .
1502 Carcass Tracking Manager (CTM) Responsibilities. A minimum of one primary and one
alternate CTM must be assigned by the ASD officer in writing. It is the CTM’s responsibility to
understand the turn-in process in order to reconcile, avert or reverse erroneous carcass value bills
to avoid financial impact to their OPTAR and FHP budget. Erroneous actual bills impact AOM
funds availability.
1. Type Commander (TYCOM) Goals. Carcass actual bills must not exceed 0.5% of the
aviation DLR budget for the current and 2 prior fiscal years. The CTM will communicate and
coordinate efforts with the IOU manager, Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) manager,
Engineering Investigation (EI) and Quality Deficiency Report (QDR) manager, pack-up kit
(PUK) manager, supply response section (SRS), and component control section (CCS), in
resolving carcass bills.
6 Apr 2021
2. Systems. The CTM will maintain current System Authorization Access Request (SAAR)
forms and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates in order to perform research into
numerous web-based databases to include, but are not limited eRMS, NAVSUP WSS In-Transit
Accountability (NITA), Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), One Touch Support (OTS)
(including retrograde carcass tracking), and transportation websites (e.g. Tracker Lite, FEDEX,
UPS, USPS, DHL, Advanced Traceability and Control (ATAC) transportation courier such as
1st Coast Cargo). The CTM must have access and working knowledge of these systems to
effectively conduct causative research.
3. References. The CTM must maintain current publications and instructions addressing
aviation and surface DLR carcass tracking management. Additionally, the CTM must develop a
desk guide of standard operating procedures (SOP) that provides detailed local guidance on the
functionalities of the carcass tracking tools listed in paragraph 2 for causative research and
management of DLR and AVDLR components.
4. Causative Research. The CTM must retain completed causative research packages or files
until the documents are closed or purged, reversed or a survey is completed. While retaining
research packages precludes unnecessary repetitive research, the research packages provides
supporting documentation when carcass bills convert to actual bills. The retention period for
research packages for actual bills is 10 years. Billing reports are no longer created at NAVSUP
WSS and sent to the fleet. NITA allows all users “real time” access to their outstanding
5. NITA is a supplemental module to eRMS that facilitates processing stock in transit
transactions into Navy ERP. The CTM must review and perform weekly research on the NITA
carcass tracking reports to resolve any pending carcass charges, investigations with an expected
outcome of a carcass bill, actual carcass bills, etc. The CTM must annotate the working carcass
tracking report with actions taken to resolve any outstanding charges and will retain all
documentation for 2 months.
6. The CTM must review and perform research weekly on the open proof of shipment (OPOS)
and open proof of delivery (OPOD) eRMS reports. The working copies must be annotated with
actions taken on shipments to close records. Retention period for working copies is 2 months.
7. The CTM must compile weekly eRMS and NITA reports for submission to the ASD officer.
The ASD officer will review the annotations of corrective actions taken by the CTM, then print,
sign and date the reports. Retention period for working copies is 2 months.
1503 Carcass Tracking Process and Procedures. The NAVSUP WSS carcass tracking cycle
begins when NAVSUP WSS receives the exchange document or issue transaction item reporting
(TIR) “D7A”. Direct turn over (DTO) requisitions citing exchange advice code (“5G”), the
“D7A” TIR date equals the transaction date of the issue. DTO requisitions citing non-exchange
advice codes (“5S”), the “D7A” TIR date equates to the issue posting date by the wholesale site.
The CTM must monitor all outstanding DTOs to ensure that carcasses for completed remain-inplace (RIP) documents are turned in within 24 hours of receipt of the component for customers
operating at home guard. For squadrons operating with PUKs, it is critical for the CTM to
6 Apr 2021
monitor the IOU report and to allow an appropriate amount of time for the detachment (DET)
management to ship the NRFI assets to the home guard. The CTM must coordinate with the
IOU manager to prevent producing negative effects to a command’s OPTAR resulting from
inattention to detail in the repairable management monitoring system. Meticulous attention must
be given to the IOU report as it is an essential tool to avoid carcass charges. Documents reported
as turned in and shipped should be visible in eRMS and must be compared to the IOU report to
ensure accuracy of each report.
1. Carcass Turn-In. Turn in retrograde to ASD concurrently with the issue of the RFI
component, with the exception of RIP items. Authorized RIP items are listed in the
Consolidated Remain-in-Place List (CRIPL).
a. Validate requisitions citing “5S” advice code against the CRIPL. NITA will change the
advice code from “5S” to “5G” for repairable components not listed in the Master Repairable
Item List (MRIL) or CRIPL. Tracking for the turn-in will start immediately, a bill will be
generated in 45 days. Submission of a CRIPL request does not authorize use of “5S” advice
code, approval is required. However, a bill date extension may be granted if NITA “comments”
indicate there is a pending request to add the component to the CRIPL. NITA does allow a 30day extension to exceed the 45-day bill mark.
b. The CTM must review the IOU report and ensure retrograde is received and processed as
per applicable procedures and instructions. This includes notifying the ASD officer of problems
encountered with return of retrograde from detachments and RFI or NRFI materiel from any
SASS or PUK from units on detachment or deployments.
c. If it is determined that a DLR component meets criteria for inclusion in the CRIPL, then
maintenance personnel from the squadron, fleet readiness center – intermediate (FRC-I) or
aircraft intermediate maintenance department (AIMD) will submit a CRIPL request with
justification as per OPNAVINST 4440.25B and NAVSUPINST 4440.182B.
2. The CTM will monitor all pending bills in NITA. NITA will note expected bill date, and it is
essential for the manager to review these documents and take appropriate action to avert these
documents from becoming actual bills.
3. The CTM must retain completed causative research packages or files until the documents are
closed or purged, reversed or a survey is completed. While retaining research packages
precludes unnecessary repetitive research, the research packages provides supporting
documentation when carcass bills convert to actual bills. Billing reports are no longer created at
NAVSUP WSS and sent to the fleet. NITA allows all users “real time” access to their
outstanding documents.
a. POS in eRMS will effectively pull the document out of “pending” in NITA and send to
“investigations”. The billing clock will continue to count down and it remains the CTM’s
responsibility to work these documents as aggressively as pending or actual bills. The signal
code and the supplementary address entry on the original requisition will determine the activity’s
responsibility for further action.
6 Apr 2021
b. The CTM must draw down “Investigations/Pending/Actual” bills from NITA. Post
comments and extension requests in NITA. Posted comments will remain in NITA records.
Conduct thorough research in NITA, Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management
Information System (NALCOMIS) and eRMS. A monthly sampling of closed documents in
NITA is required to validate POS and POD.
4. CTM must coordinate with PUK managers, NAVSUP WSS, and CNAL to resolve overaged
PUK retrograde components that may become carcass bills.
Note. Points of contact are listed in figure 15-1.
CNAL Carcass Tracking Analysts
Incoming Shore SIT Analyst
Program Manager
NAVSUP WSS-Philadelphia Tracking Unit
(Code P01511)
NAVSUP WSS-Mechanicsburg Tracking
Unit (Code P01511)
DSN 564-8002/8012/8027/8001/ 8028,
COMM: (757) 444-xxxx (Same as DSN)
DSN 564-8005, COMM: (757)444-8005
DSN 262-9674, COM (757) 322-9674
DSN 442-4711
DSN 442-4711
Figure 15-1
a. If the activity fails to review and take appropriate action to prevent bills, this could
prevent the site from meeting the Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific (CNAP)/Commander,
Naval Air Force Atlantic (CNAL) goal.
b. The CTM will perform spot validations on “actual” and “pending” bills against overaged
DTO requisitions. Document all findings on the carcass tracking report generated from NITA
and retain for 2 months.
c. If no appropriate comments or actions are annotated in NITA, bill will be generated with
no notification other than the document moving from “pending” to “actual” bills or
“investigation” to “actual” bills.
d. It is important that the CTM understands that if NITA is not corrected, carcass bills will
be generated in 45 days from the date of original requisition submission (AO_) or date of issue
for valid “5S” documents. The carcass bill will appear on the next Summary Filled
Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFOEDL) in Standard Accounting, Budgeting and
Reporting System (SABRS). These timeframes are the same for surface and aviation tracking.
Note. As a reminder, the carcass bill on the SFOEDL and SABRS must be posted, resulting in
immediate OPTAR funds reduction before it can be challenged.
5. The CTM will see all potential loss documents under NITA Investigations. As a part of the
investigation, NAVSUP WSS researches several automated database files to locate the lost
carcass. The ATAC database is not only queried during the system investigation process, but
6 Apr 2021
also several times during the carcass tracking phase. CNAL has the ability to review every
activity’s outstanding turn-ins and potential or actual bills, real time in NITA. CNAL N413 will
monitor potential or actual bills and will forward to activities any questions or suggestions
regarding specific documents or spikes in charges. CNAL will request or provide guidance to
activities and require the activity to provide valid POS, POD, or proof of custody transfer
(POCT). All activities must retain a receipt signature on NRFI turn-in (BC1 or BC2)
documentation. Acceptable documentation may include: signed DD Form 1348-1A or DD
Form 1149 documents, signed manifests, or other acceptable POS or POCT documents.
NAVSUP WSS will only generate a transportation loss if a valid POCT is provided to close
carcass tracking.
6. Material Turned in to Store (MTIS). Excess RFI or NRFI components will not be processed
unless authorized by CNAP N415. All excess MTIS candidates must be screened against any
current fiscal year carcass bills prior to initiating a turn-in. Processing excess MTIS must be
reviewed against possible carcass bills to verify materiel can close current fiscal year carcass
tracking loop. Prior year carcass bills are considered a “sunk” cost, and using excess MTIS
materiel to clear prior year carcass bills will not make the funds available for use. MTIS records
must be filed in document number sequence by fiscal year.
Note. MTIS (D6K) Management Code “C” cannot be used to close carcass bills.
7. Maintain hard copy proof of shipment files for BC1, BC2, BGJ, AVDLR, and DLR
documents. File in document number sequence by fiscal year or by eRMS manifest date.
Retention period for proof of shipment files is 10 years.
8. Surveys. The CTM must maintain copies and retain all survey documentation for further
research. Carcass bills that are subsequently surveyed will remain on NAVSUP WSS actual bills
9. RFI Carcass Return (D6A). RFI carcass return components (not including stock offload
materiel) must be processed in eRMS under the “RDO and RFI, Other RFI Turn-in” processing
module and ensure Management Code “E” is utilized in order to use that materiel to close
potential carcass bills.
1504 Carcass Reports.
1. CTM must use these reports to initiate corrective or follow-up action. Retention period for
annotated working copies of carcass reports is 2 months.
2. When generating the carcass report, an activity may only select one report per session.
Report options available are listed in subparagraphs 2a and 2b.
a. Carcass Due in List (CDIL). This report must be worked daily. This report contains all
overdue DLR transactions indicating that the issues or requisitions have already TIR to
NAVSUP WSS. RIP NRFI components must be turned in to ASD within the prescribed 24-hour
time frame.
6 Apr 2021
b. Open POS reports should be produced and reviewed on a weekly basis. These reports are
critical because the actual TIRs that turn off carcass tracking and turn on SIT do not occur until
the POS is posted. If older items are on the report, these too could result in the customer
receiving a carcass bill.
1505 Carcass Tracking Not Required. Carcass tracking will not be initiated when situations
occur as listed in subparagraphs 1 through 7.
1. Requisitions issued to the customer and retrograde made RFI by AIMD or FRC-I. Customer
NRFI turn-in was inducted into AIMD or FRC-I for repair and was returned in RFI condition and
placed back in stock.
2. Expeditious repair (EXREP) requisitions for “NIS” or “NC” DLR components with an
exchange advice code. The NRFI component was inducted into the local I-level and the local Ilevel repaired and returned the DLR component to RFI condition. OPTAR funds are not
obligated or expended for the I-Level induction of the DLR component while under repair at the
3. “D” Action. Requisition is an “NIS” or “NC” DLR component, the retrograde is determined
BCM, and returned to the customer through “D” action processing and no requirement is passed
into the supply system at that time.
4. Initial Issue. Requisitions for initial issue citing “5D” advice code will not require carcass
tracking since this is an initial authorized requirement by the customer. Upon receipt of initial
issue requisitions, NAVSUP WSS will validate against the allowance requirement register
(ARR) prior to processing the requisition. If an issuing activity processes an initial issue
requisition (“5D” advice code) with a “5G” advice code, Navy ERP will search for a carcass
turn-in and eventually create a carcass bill. It is the responsibility of the carcass tracking
manager to research and advise NAVSUP WSS of the error and monitor corrective action taken
5. Other Supply Officer (OSO) Transfer. If crossdeck or referral fills a stock reorder
requirement for another Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) activity, an OSO transfer (TIR
D7K) is generated indicating system carcass tracking is not required.
6. Stock replenishment documents are not tracked; however, the BCM document that generated
the stock deficiency will be tracked.
7. The customer is submitting an order for DLR components with an approved survey on file.
Requisitions with advice code “5A” (no turn-in will be made) will not initiate carcass tracking.
1506 Classified Materiel. A DD Form 1348-1A, REPSHIP message, and a signed DD Form
1907 (signature and tally record), or Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) approved
traceable electronic signature (e.g., FEDEX) from final destination must be maintained on file
6 Apr 2021
for 10 years. All records must have the document number, national item identification number
(NIIN) and serial number annotated on the form. Accurate proof of shipment (POS) and proof of
delivery (POD) must be completed plus posted in to eRMS within 24 hours to ensure the process
is conducted in a timely manner. SOPs must also be developed for handling all classified
materiel to meet DoD and SECNAV requirements in SECNAVINST 5510.36A and DoD
4500.9-R Defense Transportation Regulations (DTR).
1507 Communications Security (COMSEC). COMSEC materiel must be handled per
NAVSUPINST 2233.1A. Each ASD will establish desktop procedures to address the electronic
key management system (EKMS) manager and supply officer’s responsibilities along with the
end-to-end procedures. Retention period for the SF153, disposition message and DD Form
1348-1A documents for COMSEC materiel is 10 years. All records must have the document
number, NIIN, and serial number annotated on the form. All RFI and NRFI COMSEC materiel
must remain in the custody of the Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) manager at all
times. Supply must prepare and maintain a valid hard copy for audit purposes. Accurate POS
and POD must be completed and posted in to eRMS within 24 hours to ensure the process is
conducted in a timely manner.
1508 Surface Depot Level Repairable Carcass Management. All surface DLR components must
be afforded the same management oversight as provided for AVDLR components. As
necessary, the CTM will inquire and assist the air field representative in surface carcass bills
when listed on eRMS reports. Each air station must establish a local procedure to address
surface DLR carcass management, control and shipment. The ASD and appropriate air field
representative must establish local procedures to reflect RIP policy on surface DLRs
(NAVSUPINST 4440.182B). The local procedures must include whether ASD or the air field
representative will process surface NRFI assets into ATAC.
1509 Pending Carcass Charge. All tracking records are displayed from the day they are created
in NITA. Once the tracking clock has begun, NITA triggers a carcass value bill unless a POS is
loaded or unless the carcass is received. The CTM must compile weekly reports for submission
to the ASD officer. It is essential that every CTM have the ability to review and understand
eRMS with regard to carcass tracking.
1510 Unmatched D6A Receipts. The CTM should contact CNAL N413 analyst with any
questions in the validity of unmatched receipts.
a. Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR). CTM must coordinate with SDR managers to ensure
reorder documents do not incur carcass charges. The CTM must work with NAVSUP WSS in
clearing charges or possible charges on SDR documents and re-orders of SDRs. SDRs are not
complete until SDR exhibits are shipped and the issue is reversed.
b. Engineering Investigation (EI)/Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR). CTM must
coordinate with EI/PQDR managers in the disposition of EI/PQDR components to preclude
potential carcass charges. The CTM must coordinate with the EI/PQDR clerk to ensure followups are submitted for EIs with overdue disposition instructions. EI/PQDRs must be monitored
while awaiting disposition from the Joint Discrepancy Reporting System (JDRS). It is essential
6 Apr 2021
that the “EI/PQDR” module is utilized in shipping these components to ensure valid
transportation visibility.
1511 Reorders. CTM must screen and approve all DTO reorders for turn-in documentation,
confirmation of cancellation status, and the availability of the unmatched carcass asset prior to
submission of the reorder document.
6 Apr 2021
From: Activity Name
Commander Naval Air Force Pacific Fleet (N415) San Diego CA
Encl: (1) InforM-21 Maximum Stock Level (MSL) Report
(2) InforM-21 Requisition Management Report (Direct Turn-over (DTO) and
Stock Dues)
(3) InforM-21 Combined Effectiveness Report (Aviation Repairable
Effectiveness (ARE) and Aviation Consumable Effectiveness (ACE))
(4) InforM-21 Aviation Consumable (AVCON) Range and Depth
(5) InforM-21 Aviation Consumable Deficit Report (AVCON DEF)
(6) NAVSUP WSS Financial Restricted Work Queue (FRWQ)
(7) NALCOMIS Data Extraction
(8) CNAL CARCASS Tracking Report
1. In accordance with reference (a), enclosures (1) through (8) are submitted via the
continuous monitoring program (CMP).
2. The following data is also submitted via CMP unless otherwise directed by CNAP
(a) Monthly Inventory Results.
Type of
Classified &
# of NSNs
Inventoried #Validity %
Items Inventoried
This Month
To Date
6 Apr 2021
(b) Monthly Location Audit Program Results.
Type of
# of
Validity %
Locations Reconciled
To Date
3. Supply Officer/ASD Officer’s comment and milestones:
(Comments on goals not achieved and corrective action POA&M including
estimated time for correction; any waiver for CNAP/CNAL set goals)
6 Apr 2021
1. Major and Minor Goal Metrics. Total points will be awarded when the ASD meets or
surpasses the TYCOM goal. A waiver will be submitted by the ASD leadership to justify
missed major or minor goals.
Major Goals
ARE – NM Net Effectiveness
ARE – NM Gross Effectiveness
AVCON Net Effectiveness
AVCON Gross Effectiveness
PEB Effectiveness
Minor Goals
Percent of DIFM as AWP
% AWP Components > 60 Days
Requisition Maintenance (DTO)
Requisition Maintenance (STOCK)
IPG-1 IRT (Median)
IOU Management
AVDLR Range (NM/NA Excluded)
AVDLR Depth (NM/NA Excluded)
CARCASS (1st Prior & Current Year)
Completed Repair Action (CRA)
2. Blue “E” Calculation. ASDs will be evaluated on 18 criteria of excellence divided
into major goals (55 points) and minor goals (45 points), and achievement of a SMI score
above 89% in all evaluated areas on last recorded inspection. The monthly CASPER has
a weight of 75% and the SMI has a weight of 25%. The average CASPER score for the
calendar year under consideration will be factored into the final grade. The following 18
Ashore CNAP/CNAL goals that factor into the standard computations and calculation.
6 Apr 2021
ARE Net Issue
AVCON Net Issue
ARE Gross Issue
AVCON Gross Issue
PEB Effectiveness
Percent of DIFM as
AWP > 60 Days
Maintenance (DTO)
Dues Management
IPG-1 IRT (Median)
IOU Management
(NM/NA Excluded)
(NM/NA Excluded)
Carried Filled/(Net Demands – NIS
NM Req).
Carried Filled/Net Demands.
(Carried Filled + Not Carried Filled)/
(Total demands – NIS NM Req)
(Carried Filled + Not Carried Filled)/
(Total Demands)
Total PEB Issues/Total PEB Demands
for Carried NSNs.
AWP Count (500/600 Division)/DIFM
Total Count
AWP >60 Days(500/600 Division)/
Total AWP
Report (FRWQ)
Report (FRWQ)
Valid Requisitions/ Total Requisitions
Valid Requisitions/ Total Requisitions
- Completion Time-Order Time=IRT 1
- Info: Median Time of all IPG-1
Requisitions is within 1 Hour broken
down into 4 Shifts.
- Onsite IOU greater than 1 day (Goal
= Submit in 1 day or less).
- Deployed IOU greater than 7 days
(Goal = Info Only).
(Total number of allowance items
with on-hand quantity greater than zero
+ NM Count) divided by total
allowance items.
(Total number of allowance items with
on-hand quantity greater than zero –
excess + NM Count) divided by total
allowance items.
(Total number of allowance items
with on-hand quantity greater than
zero) divided by total allowance items.
Report (FRWQ)
Report (FRWQ)
6 Apr 2021
AVDLR Carcass Bill
Goal is less than or
equal to 0.5%.
- Current FY
- 1st Prior FY
Completed Repair
Action (CRA)
(Total number of allowance items with
on-hand quantity greater than zero –
excess) divided by total allowance
Total value of actual AVDLR Carcass
Bills for FY divided by total AVDLR
(OFC-50) grant for that FY.
NWSS actual Carcass
Bill from CNAL
Requisitions Cleared w/in 24 hrs/ Total
Requirements <24 hours / Total
Inductions= CRA %
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Is there an organizational chart that includes current duty assignments, and Temporarily Assigned Duty OPNAVINST 3120.32D &
(TAD) Personnel?
SOM Para 100
Are quarterly reports of corrective actions from the SMI submitted to the site advocate's?
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
Did the site upload CMP weekly and at the end of the month? (Monday for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd week
and the last working day of the month)
Do all the required personnel have access to CMP?
Is the data for CASPER uploaded weekly?
Is there a local safety instruction providing guidance for procedures and safety within the workplace?
Are all offices and warehouses properly equipped with proper safety eqipment?
Do warehouse supervisors conduct monthly checks of the warehouse and document all discrepancies in
the log book?
Is PPE available, and in useable condition in accordance with OPNAVINST 5100.23G?
Have all warehouse personnel receive proper training on the use of PPE?
Is there a local security policy and procedure in place that provides for safeguarding all inventory items
and all property book materiel? Does the policy address a loss prevention program?
Do tennenant commands have a local policy that supports or enhances the security for their spaces
within the supervisory command facilities?
Is the security policy updated annually or upon relief of the supply officer/ ASD Officer?
Has the Supply/ASD Officer designated a security petty officer in writing?
Is there a security education program established in coordination with the TPO and was security
training conducted at least semi-annually to ensure all assigned personnel, military or civilian,
recognize and understand their responsibilities and roles?
Did new personnel receive documented training within 30 days of checking in?
Is there an established key and lock control program for all keys, locks, padlocks and locking devices?
Has the Supply/ASD Officer designated a Key Custodian in writing?
Are keys accounted and logged for upon each shift change?
Is the Key Custodian conducting an inventory of all custodial and sub-custodial keys and all log
accounts at least quarterly, and upon change of the security petty officer,Supply Officer, ASD Officer
there written procedures incorporated into the local physical security plan?
Is there a system established for the checking of occupants/users of restricted areas, facilities,
containers, and building entry and departure points? Are visitor badges issued to personnel not
assigned to the command?
Are POVs prohibited from entry or parking within restricted areas or in the vicinity of doorways of all
buildings involved in the storage, handling, packaging, or shipping of government materiel? Are signs
posted to denote parking is prohibited? Are they within 30 feet of doorways?
Is there a physical barrier, such as fences, walls, doors, gates, roadblocks, vehicle barriers, proximity
card readers, cipher locks, etc., in and around the facilities controlling, denying, impeding, delaying
and discouraging access by unauthorized persons?
Does the supervisor check the restricted are perimeter barriers at least weekly for defects? Are the
weekly checks documented in the log book and defects noted?
Are the physical barriers in place in compliance with the following minimum federal specifications?
a. Is the fence height 8 feet (7 feet plus outrigger) in all areas?
b. Is the top guard strung with three strands of barbed wire and angled outward and upward at a 45
degree angle?
c. Is the mesh opening no larger than two inches?
d. Is salvage twisted and barbed at top and bottom?
e. Are fence posts and gates properly installed and in good condition?
f. Are fences installed so that features of the land or structures prevent passage over,
under, or around the fence?
Are all exterior walls and doors maintained in excellent condition to deter unauthorized break-in and
Is a clear zone maintained on both sides when fences are used as restricted area perimeter barriers?
Are all exterior building doors or facilities entry points adequately illuminated?
Are there signs posted at points of entry denoting restricted areas?
SOM Para 104
SOM Para 104
SOM Para 105
SOM Para 108
SOM Para 108
SOM Para 108
SOM Para 108
SOM Para 108
SOM Para 109/ SOM Para
SOM Paras 109
SOM Para 109
SOM Para 109
SOM Para 109
SOM Para 109
SOM Para 110
SOM Para 110
SOM Para 110
SOM Para 110
SOM Para 113
SOM Para 114
SOM Para 115
SOM Para 116
SOM Para 116
SOM Para 117
SOM Para 117
SOM Para 117
SOM Para 117
SOM Para 117
SOM Para 117
SOM Para 117
SOM Para 118
SOM Para 119
SOM Paras 120
SOM Para 121
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Are there SRS standard operating procedures (SOP) in place for
management of NALCOMIS mailboxes?
Are there any records in the following NALCOMIS mailboxes that
are over 24 hrs?
Are all on-station aviation maintenance-related requisitions from
supported activities processed by SRS within the NAMP issue
response time (IRT) goals?
Does the posted completion time in NALCOMIS reflect actual
customer receipt time for all on-station issues to local customers?
Are ASD's operating hours consistent with that of the supported
maintenance organizations?
Is ASD augmented by carrier or fleet deployable squadrons not in a
deployed status by providing the required number of TAD personnel
to compensate for the added workload in accordance with the
Squadron Manning Document (SQMD)?
Does SRS maintain squadron authorization letters with names and
signatures of personnel (e.g. MCO, MMCO, MMCPO, AMO, or
MO) designated to sign the following: DD 1348 requisitions,
validation cover letters, NMCS/PMCS report, and DTI requests?
Weekly stock materiel re-screen utilizing Outstanding DTO with
Materiel on Hand report:
a. Is there an SOP established for processing and management of
these reports?
b. Is the report being annotated with action taken, dated and signed
by the individual who conducted the re-screen?
c. Is the annotated report retained on file for three months?
Are the following copies of Navy ERP/InforM-21 generated Stock
List (LX02) available for use during system downtime?
a. Electronic copy (monthly)
b. Hard copy (quarterly)
Issue on request (IOR) and NALCOMIS back fit process used
during system downtime:
a. Is there an updated SOP on file to include NALCOMIS screen
b. Are there any back fitted requisitions recorded in the logbook
with no contingency code in NALCOMIS?
c. Are there any back fitted requisitions in NALCOMIS not logged
in the back fit (IOR) logbook?
Direct input requisitions:
a. Is there an updated SOP on file to include NALCOMIS screen
b. Is a separate logbook used to record requisitions that are direct
input by SRS personnel?
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 209
SOM Para 202
SOM Para 203
SOM Para 205
SOM Para 208 & 617
SOM Para 208 & 617
SOM Para 208 & 617
SOM Paras 404, 1005 & APP
SOM Para 404
SOM Para 404
SOM Para 1005
SOM Para 1005
SOM Para 1005
SOM Para 1005
SOM Para 1005
SOM Para 1005
Delayed turn in (DTI) procedures:
a. Are there any DTI requests for non-CRIPL or non-MOT AVDLR
components (for A/C in reporting status) submitted by the squadron
and approved by ASD for reasons other than what is defined and
allowed by the SOM?
b. Are DTI requests for non-CRIPL or non-MOT AVDLR
components submitted by the squadron signed by one of the
following requesting squadron’s key personnel: MO, AMO,
c. Are DTI requests for non-CRIPL or non-MOT AVDLR
components being approved by either the supply or ASD officer,
ASD LCPO or by senior ASD personnel who are authorized in
writing by the supply or ASD officer?
d. Is the DTI request form provided in the SOM being utilized?
Is the corresponding retrograde (turn-in) being processed and
declared BCM by the supporting FRC or AIMD prior to NMCS/
PMCS AVDLR DTO requisitions with advice code “5G” being
referred off-station (supply system)?
Internal material obligation validation (MOV) procedures:
a. Is the internal MOV cover letter provided in the SOM being
b. Are local internal MOVs accomplished per the SOM?
c. Are properly validated internal MOVs retained on file for the last
12 months?
d. Is action taken on requisitions annotated with “O”, “R” or “C”?
External material obligation validation (MOV) procedures:
a. Is the external MOV cover letter provided in the SOM being
b. Are local external MOVs accomplished per the SOM?
c. Are properly validated external MOVs retained on file for the
current and three prior cycles?
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
d. Is action taken on requisitions annotated with “O”, “R” or “C”? SOM Para 206
e. Are there any NMCS, PMCS or high priority requisitions with
"BS” cancellation status within the last four external MOV cycles?
Are PMU personnel reviewing all available SARDIP inventory and
issue listings on a weekly basis?
a. Are cancellations submitted for requirements satisfied with
materiel issued from SARDIP?
b. Are “DHA” or “BHJ” DOC IDs being submitted for materiel
procured via non-traditional sources?
Are “AC1” cancellation requests submitted for requisitions satisfied
via non-traditional sources?
Are suspected fictitious aircraft bureau numbers (BUNO) used in
the initial submission of NMCS/PMCS requisitions for AVDLR
components submitted by the supported O-level maintenance and
being allowed or investigated by SRS?
Daily NMCS/PMCS requisition reports:
a. Are reports provided to the supported squadrons being properly
validated and certified (signed accordingly), returned by the
squadron, and signed as received by PMU by 0800H on the same
b. For squadrons not working the standard day shift, are certified
NMCS/PMCS listings returned to PMU within one hour of
squadron's arrival time?
c. Is written notification of change in squadron's hours of operation
retained on file?
d. Are corrective actions (cancellation, modification or reinstatement) being taken by SRS to correct discrepancies or
mismatches identified or noted by the squadron during the daily
NMCS/PMCS requisition validation?
Aircraft Material Condition Report (AMCR) validation:
a. Is the AMCR being reviewed by the PMU expediters on a daily
basis for data accuracy and requisition validity, utilizing the Access
database provided by CNAP N415?
b. Are validated AMCRs retained on file for current and prior
c. Is corrective action taken for requisitions appearing on the
NMCS/PMCS listing but not reported on the AMCR?
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 205
SOM Para 205
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
Periodic (bi-weekly) validations:
a. Are periodic NMCS/PMCS requisition validations being jointly
conducted with all supported squadrons at least bi-weekly per the
b. After review by and signature of the ASD officer, are results of
the periodic NMCS/PMCS requisition validation (memorandum)
being forwarded via email to the wing maintenance officer not later
than three days after completion of the validation?
c. Are emails containing validation results retained on file for six
d. Is the format of the memorandum used to document the results of
periodic NMCS/PMCS requisition validations per the SOM?
e. Is appropriate corrective action taken and annotated on validation
results for discrepancies found?
Surprise (quarterly) validations:
a. Are surprise NMCS/PMCS requisition validations led by the type
wing representative (where applicable) being conducted quarterly
per the SOM?
b. After review by and signature of the ASD officer, are results of
the surprise NMCS/PMCS requisition validation (memorandum)
being forwarded via email to the wing maintenance officer) not later
than three days after completion of the validation?
c. Are emails containing validation results retained on file for six
d. Is the format of the memorandum used to document the results of
surprise NMCS/PMCS requisition validations per the SOM?
e. Is appropriate corrective action taken and annotated on validation
results for discrepancies found?
Project code, priority and document series assignment:
a. Are project codes “AK0” or “AK7” on all outstanding
NMCS/PMCS requisitions for aircraft in out-of-reporting (OOR)
status being modified to the applicable project code?
b. Are new or additional ANMCS requisitions with project code
“ZA9” being allowed to be processed while aircraft is in out-ofreporting (OOR) status?
c. Do requisitions citing project code “ZA9” reflect the correct
d. Are all NMCS, PMCS, ANMCS (project code “ZA9”), broad
arrow, EXREP AWP (project code “ZC8”) requirements ordered
with a "G" series document number?
e. Do requisitions ordered with project code “AK1” cite a non “G”
series document number and appropriate priority with an assigned
Is requisition maintenance being properly performed for all
outstanding DTO requisitions using Navy ERP/InforM-21 generated
reports to correct the following conditions?
a. Requisitions without status > 7 days
b. Requisitions with BF status
c. Requisitions with BM 7 days
d. Requisitions with past ESD
e. Requisitions with BA status > 10 days
f. Requisitions with AS status > 30 days
Material Delivery Unit (MDU):
a. Are all delivery vehicles properly maintained by MDU?
b. Are the delivery vehicles adequately equipped to protect RFI and
NRFI components while being transported?
c. Is one-for-one exchange of mandatory turn in repairable (MTR)
components being strictly enforced by MDU during delivery?
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 208
SOM Para 621
SOM Para 621
SOM Para 621
SOM Para 621
SOM Para 621
SOM Para 621
SOM Para 209
SOM Para 209
SOM Para 209
d. Are retrograde components being completely and properly
screened (component part number, serial number, documentation
SOM Para 209
and applicable records) prior to completing the MTR turn in process
and the MDU drivers taking custody of the retrograde turn in?
e. Are POD documents for completed materiel deliveries being
routed expeditiously for processing rather than being allowed to
accumulate in MDU?
SOM Para 209
Are there any repeat discrepancies from the previous SMI?
Are there any records in the following NALCOMIS mailboxes that are over 24
a. ISSIP DDSN (Issue in Process)
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
SOM Para 1003
b. STKROB (Stock Receipt on Board)
SOM Para 1003
c. Completed Repair Action
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 1003
SOM Para 212
SOM Para 1006
d. AMSU Induction Discrepancy
Are the local stocking criteria for repairable components carried in the LRCA Unit
in accordance with the SOM?
Is the NALCOMIS FGC Critical Level Status Report being utilized to better
manage LRCA components Critical/Zero Balance status?
Is the FGC Critical Level Status Report retained for current and prior week?
SOM Para 1006 & APP D
Are LRCA Critical levels set accordingly?
SOM Para 1006
Are Pool Codes assigned in accordance with the SOM?
SOM Para 212
Is the demand data for all LRCA components being reviewed at least quarterly?
SOM Para 212
Is the RSRSR being reviewed and validated weekly to manage LRCA repairables? SOM Para 1006
Is the validated RSRSR retained for the current and prior month?
Is the Fixed Allowance Analysis Report (FAAR) being reviewed and validated
weekly to manage LRCA repairables?
Is the FAAR retained for current and prior month?
Does the LRCA storage area comply with the following requirements:
a. Are there adequate provisions in place to protect components from
pilferage/losses and physical damages?
a. Are components properly stowed?
c. Do storage shelves and cabinets provide adequate protection (cushioning
materiel) for stowed components?
d. Are all component locations clearly and properly identified?
SOM Para 1006 & APP D
SOM Para 1006
SOM Para 1006 & APP D
SOM Para 212
SOM Para 212
SOM Para 212
SOM Para 212
e. Does each stowed RFI component have an RFI tag securely attached?
f. Are there any un-stowed components?
SOM Para 212
SOM Para 212
g. Is there any gear adrift in the storage area?
SOM Para 212
SOM Para 212
h. Are LRCA assets stored separately from non-LRCA or deep stock?
Does DCU review and validate the NALCOMIS O/I IOU reports on a daily basis? SOM Para 1006
Are validated O/I IOU reports retained on file for current and five prior working
Are NRFI components that are listed in the Consolidated Remain In Place List
(CRIPL) being turned in within 24 hours of receipt of the replacement
Is the DIFM report being validated by CCS personnel on a weekly basis?
Is the validated DIFM report retained on file for the current and prior month?
Does DCU coordinate assignment of Workload Priorities for inducted components
with the supporting AIMD/FRC-I Production Control?
Does DCU aggressively validate the Daily EXREP report and annotate with
corrective action(s) taken?
Is there a procedure in place to support the Individual Component Repair List
(ICRL) Program?
a. Is the Supply/ASD ICRL Program Representative designated in writing by the
Supply/ASD Officer?
b. Is a current printed copy of the supporting AIMD/FRC-I ICRL maintained by
the Supply/ASD ICRL program representative and updated quarterly?
Does SSU maintain a current printed listing of items that require an SRC/EHR
card in part number sequence that is updated annualy?
Does SSU screen defective components being turned in for accuracy of MAF/WO
accompanying the retrograde and applicable logs, records, and SRC/EHR cards
prior to acceptance from the customers?
Are the local Repair and Return (R&R) procedures in accordance with the SOM?
SOM Para 1006
SOM Para 1006
SOM Para 1006 & APP D
SOM Paras 214 & 1006
SOM Paras 1006
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 215
SOM Para 215
SOM Para 1010
a. Is the repair and return coordinator designated in writing by the ASD officer?
SOM Para 1006 & APP D
b. Is there documentation for every component on the Inter IMA Customer Service
Return List?
c. Is the correct IMA Loc (UIC) listed for every component on the Inter IMA
Customer Service Return List?
d. Has every incoming and outgoing R&R component been processed in eRMS
with current/updated status?
e. Is there a three way validation performed which includes NALCOMIS, eRMS,
and a locally developed spread sheet with current/updated status on a weekly
Are all shipments of Repair and Return components utilizing Non Standard
SOM Para 215
Processing (NSP) module of the eRMS authorized in writing by the ASD officer
and retained on file for 36 months?
Are the following NALCOMIS Suspense records reviewed daily and corrective
actions taken?
a. Records in "MA" over 4 days
SOM Para 1008
b. Records in "CR" over 4 days
SOM Para 1008
c. Records in "WR" over 4 days
SOM Para 1008
d. Records in "RB" over 4 days
SOM Para 1008
e. Records in “SO” over 30 days
SOM Para 1008
Are BCMd components being processed and shipped within 48 hours?
Are components under Engineering Investigation (EI) and Product Quality
Deficiency Report (PQDR) being processed in accordance with the following
a. Are all exhibits stamped with “EI” or “PQDR” in three inch red letters and in
the custody of the EI/PQDR custodian?
b. Are all DLR EI and PQDR exhibits inducted and suspended with the RCN
annotated in the remarks section of the Suspense List in NALCOMIS under the EI
option and action taken code 8?
c. Do all shipping documents for EI include Document Identifier “BEI” and
project code “754”?
d. Do all shipping documents for PQDR include Document Identifier “BQD” and
project code “Z66”?
Is there documented follow-up action at least every 20 days for any Engineering
Investigation (EI) and Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) exhibits
awaiting disposition instructions?
Are primary and alternate NAMDRP/JDRS users designated in writing by the ASD
or CCS Officer?
Are the following NALCOMIS mailboxes reviewed daily by AWP personnel with
no records over 24 hours?
a. ISSIP DDSN (Issue in Process)
SOM Para 215
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 1003
b. DTOROB (Direct Turnover Receipt on Board)
SOM Para 1003
c. AWP Comp Pending Release
SOM Para 1003
Is the priority, project code, and requisition serial number assigned to AWP
requirements in compliance with the following:
a. Is Project Code “ZC8” being utilized only for NMCS/PMCS EXREP
SOM Para 213
requirements with “G” series documents?
b. Is Project Code “BK1” being utilized only on non NMCS/PMCS requirements?
SOM Para 213
With the exception of authorized Gear in Shop (GIS) are all components in AWP
status under the physical control of AWP Unit personnel?
Is the documentation of all Gear in Shop (GIS) in AWP status being maintained by
AWP personnel in the AWP locker?
Do all GIS components meet established criteria as outlined in the SOM?
Is a weekly AWP component validation being conducted jointly with the
respective I-level work center personnel utilizing the AWP Repair Parts Status
a. Are the results of the AWP Repair Parts Status Report joint validation being
signed by the I-level Work Center Supervisor and the AWP Supervisor?
SOM Para 213
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Para 213
SOM Para 213
SOM Para 213 & APP D
a. AWP Inventory Validity Goal (100%)
b. AWP Gear in Shop (GIS) Inventory Validity Goal (100%)
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
c. AWP uninstalled bit and piece parts Inventory Validity Goal (100%)
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
d. AWP Requisition Accuracy Goal (98%)
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
b. Are the results of the weekly AWP Repair Pars Status Report validation being
maintained on file for the current and prior month?
Are the following IAW CNAP/CNAL goals?
Is outstanding AWP requisition status validated weekly in accordance with the
Are AWP locations, including GIS, reflected on the AWP Repair Parts Status
Are there any AWP components in "WT, WB, and WP" status over 24 hours?
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Paras 213 & 1011
SOM Para 208 and 213
SOM Para 213
SOM Para 213
c. Has research for alternate, substitute, or possible rescreen of bit and piece parts
been conducted and screenshots retained as part of the BCM-4 package?
SOM Para 213
d. Are DHA/BHJ transactions being submitted on all cancelled documents for bit
and piece parts due to BCM-4 actions and included in the BCM-4 package?
SOM Para 213
SOM Para 213
Do all components in AWP locker including "GIS" reflect job status of 'WQ"?
Are AWP components in AWP Locker completely secured and protected
(protective matting, container, crate, or bubblewrap) from environmental and
physical damage?
Do AWP personnel utilize the InforM-21 Open DTO Dues With Material On
Hand Report (Consumables) which displays project codes BK1 and ZC8 and
NALCOMIS equivalent ad hoc (DLRs) for Re-Screen process on a weekly basis
and retained for three months?
Is the maintenance Action Taken Code 4 or BCM 4 being utilized in full
compliance with the SOM?
a. Is the completed approved/disapproved BCM-4 worksheet signed by the
b. Has research for stock posture/availability of the WRA and next higher
assembly been conducted and screenshots retained as part of the BCM-4 package?
e. Are the BCM-4 packages (documents/reports) retained on file for 36 months?
Note: CCS-045 through CCS-049 apply to CNAL activities where ASD/CCS
performs repairables management functions.
Does Aviation Repairable Range meet the goal cited in the SOM?
SOM Para 105
Does Aviation Repairable Depth meet the goal cited in the SOM?
SOM Para 105
SOM Para 105
SOM Para 105
Does the Net Aviation Repairable Effectiveness (ARE) meet the goal cited in the
Does the Gross Aviation Repairable Effectiveness (ARE) meet the goal cited in
the SOM?
Is the Supply Effectiveness Report being used to determine reason for low
Aviation Repairable Supply Effectiveness?
SOM Para 105
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
SOM Para 1502
SOM Para 1502
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Are primary and alternate carcass tracking managers (CTM)
designated in writing by the Supply/ASD Officer?
Is there a desktop procedure including latest publications and
instructions addressing Aviation and Surface DLR carcass tracking
Does the desktop manual provide detailed instructions/guidance
on the functionalities of the following carcass tracking tools for
causative research and management of DLR/AVDLRs?
a. eRMS
c. N-ERP
d. One Touch Support (OTS) including Retrograde / Carcass
e. Shipping and Transportation (ex:Tracker Lite, FEDEX, UPS,
USPS, DHL, ATAC transportation courier (ex. 1st Coast Cargo)
Does the CTM have access and working knowledge to the
following supply systems to conduct causative research?
b. N-ERP with carcass tracking applicable roles
d. Other supply websites to include OTS Retrograde/Carcass
Tracking, PDREP, JDRS, etc.
e. Other shipping and transportation websites to include
Tracker Lite, FEDEX, UPS, USPS, DHL, ATAC transportation
courier (i.e, 1st Coast Cargo) etc.
Does the CTM review and perform research on the following
NITA carcass tracking reports? Are the working copies annotated
with actions taken to close carcass tracking? Are working copies
retained for two months?
a. Pending Carcass Charges (0-30 days)
b. Investigations with an expected outcome of "carcass bill".
c. Actual Carcass Bills.
Are all DTO NRFI components turned-in to Supply within
prescribed timeframes?
Are retrograde components turned-in within 24 hours of receipt of
RFI component on all completed requirements on CRIPL items
(Advice Code 5S)?
Does the CTM review and perform research weekly on the
following eRMS reports? Are the working copies annotated with
actions taken on shipments to close records? Are working copies
retained for prescribed timeframes?
a. Open Proof of Shipment (OPOS)
b. Open Proof of Delivery (OPOD)
Does the CTM communicate and coordinate efforts with the
following personnel in resolving carcass bills?
a. IOU manager
b. SDR manager
c. EI/QDR manager
d. PUK manager
e. Supply Response Section (SRS)
f. Component Control Section (CCS)
SOM Para 1502
SOM Para 1502
SOM Para 1503
SOM Para 1503
SOM Para 1503
SOM Para 1502
SOM Para 1502
Are all repairable DTO reorders routed to the CTM for screening
prior to re-order submission?
Does the CTM compile weekly eRMS and NITA reports for
submission to the Supply/ASD officer?
a. eRMS reports
b. NITA reports
Does the Supply/ASD Officer review/audit annotations of
corrective actions taken of eRMS reports and NITA reports?
a. Are the eRMS reports and NITA reports signed by the
Supply/ASD Officer?
b. Are working copies retained for two months?
Do Actual Bills appearing in NITA fall within the CNAP/CNAL
goal of ≤0.5% of the site's AVDLR allocation as reflected in the
monthly PIB?
a. Current FY
b. First prior FY
c. Second prior FY
Are completed causative research packages and approved surveys
on file for documents that have billed due to no retrograde turnins?
Are hard copy Proof of Shipment (POS), Proof of Custody
Transfer (POCT), and Proof of Receipt (POR) files (i.e.,
BC1/BC2/D6A/eRMS manifests, etc.) maintained in document
number sequence by fiscal year and/or by eRMS manifest date?
Are files retained for 10 years?
Is there a desktop procedure including latest publications and
instructions for handling all classified materiel to meet DOD and
SECNAV requirements?
SOM Para 1511
SOM Para 1502
SOM Para 1502
SOM Para 1502
SOM Para 1503
SOM Para 1503 & Per FIAR
SOM Para 1506, DOD4500.9-R
a. Are valid/accurate POS posted in eRMS in a timely manner?
b. Are valid/accurate POD posted in eRMS in a timely manner?
c. Are REPSHIP messages, DD 1348-1A, and DD 1907 or
approved electronic signature (with valid/accurate tracking
information and receipt signatures) filed and maintained in
document number sequence by fiscal year and/or by eRMS
manifest date? Are files retained for 10 years?
Is there a desktop procedure including latest publications and
instructions for handling all COMSEC materiel in compliance with
NAVSUPWSSINST 2233.1 series?
a. Is there a written specific procedures for retrograde shipments
in place and agreed upon by both Supply and COMSEC
b. Are valid/accurate POS posted in eRMS in a timely manner?
SOM Para 1506 & Per FIAR
SOM Para 1507
NAVSUPWSSINST 2233.1 series
c. Are valid/accurate POD posted in eRMS in a timely manner?
d. Are SF153s, NCMS disposition message, and DD 1348-1A
documents (with valid tracking information and receipt signatures)
SOM Para 1507 & Per FIAR
filed and maintained in document number sequence by fiscal year
and/or by eRMS manifest date? Are files retained for 10 years?
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Are the minimum training requirements conducted which includes one hour of
professional and one hour of military training per week?
Is the Training Petty Officer and alternate Training Petty Officer designated in
writing by ASD Officer? Is the Training Petty Officer an E-5 or above?
Did the TPO document in the training record any issue impeding the completion of
the training goals? Was the training complete within 30 days of the missed training
opportunity (MTO)?
Did the ASD Officer or director develop self assessment to measure training
SME conduct performance tasking check for each functional area during SMI and
SMA site visits:
a. Administration, General Safety, and Security
b. Supply Response Section
c. Component Control Section
d. Carcass Tracking Branch
e. Training
f. Control Division
g. Supplemental Aviation Spare Support & Pack-up Kit Management
h. Supply Application Administrator
i. Pre-Expended Bin
j. Government Commercial Purchase Card Program
k. Financial Management
Are TAD LSs attending all training sessions? Are Military non-LS rated TAD
personnel attending all general military training and on-the-job training related to
their current assignment.
Are manuals, publications, operating procedures and other references (including
online access) for training available?
Did all personnel who were TAD to another command provide GMT certificates to
the TPO upon completion of TAD?
Personnel TAD 6 months or longer complete LOKs for their functional area
Is there a Long Range Training Plan prepared/approved by the ASD Officer,
director and LCPO prior to the end of the fiscal year?
Is there a Quarterly Training Plan deveplop using the upcoming work schedule the
month preceding an upcoming quarter? Did the ASD officer or director and
DLCPO approve the quarterly training plan by printing and signing the cover sheet?
Atttendance sheets must have, at a minimum: training topic, instructor's name, date,
duratioon, name of all personnel attached to the unit, signature of those present or
Were attendance sheets verified and signed by the TPO, DLCPO and the ASD
Are lesson plans prepared one month prior to the actual training date and approved
in writing by the ASD officer, director or DLCPO?
Are critique sheets completed by E-5 or above, annotated with constructive remarks
and signed as reviewed by the ASD Officer, director DLCPO?
Are military personnel training records maintain by the TPO until the individual
permanent change of station (PCS)?
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
SOM Para 301
SOM Para 301.1
SOM Para 302.4
SOM Para 302.5
SOM Para 302.5
SOM Para 302.7
SOM Para 302.6
SOM Para 302.7
SOM Para 302.7
SOM Para 304.1
SOM Para 304.1
SOM Para 304.5
SOM Para 304.5
SOM Para 304.5
SOM Para 304.5
SOM Para 305
SOM Para 305
SOM Para 306.1
SOM Para 306.2
SOM Para 306.3
SOM Para 306.4
SOM Para 306.5
Are training plans, schedules, and records retained from the 24 months?
Do the ASD officer, director, DLCPO, LPO, or TPO have FLTMPS access?
Did the Supply Application Administrator (SAA) conduct one training per quarter
to NALCOMIS users? Did the SAA cross-reference the list of current NALCOMIS
users with the muster sheet?
Is semi-annual Navy ERP and InforM-21 training being scheduled?
Is the annual FIAR training being conducted during check-in and annually there
Are ships and squadrons taking custody of SASS or PUK componets being trained
by the ASD or FLC team annually?
When assigned, ASD financial managers must obtain financial certification and
complete or obtain continuos professional education (CPE) every 2 years for their
level of certification.
Did all personnel (military/civilian) receive initial security instructions upon checkin and a refresher security training semi-annually thereafter?
Is training completed within 30 days after a policy flash is released?
Did ASD leadership along with the TPO identify, develop and present training on
the SOM as part of the ASD's long-range training plan?
Did the ASD officer ensure all military and civilian personnel that work or visit
wheel assembly areas receive appropriate aircraft wheel assembly training initially
and anually thereafter?
Is there an EMI/ESD Program Coordinator designated in writing by ASD Officer?
Did the EMI/ESD program coordinator provide indoctrination and annual refresher
training to personnel (military & civilian) who work within a workspace that
handle, inspect, package or transport ESD items?
Is there a Qualified Proficient Technician (QPT) Program established?
Upon completion of the QPT did the ASD leadership conduct a knowledge board to
certify the individual is profocient at their assignment level and documented on the
QPT tracker?
Are the QPT Qualifiers designated by the ASD Officer in writing?
Is the QPT Progress Chart reviewed by the LCPO and the ASD Officer or director
on the last working day of the month for approval? Are QPT files retained for 24
Does the Supply Officer conduct self-assessments using the Ashore SOM 4415.1A
annually and report to CNAP N415? Did the Supply Officer submit the annual selfassessment to CNAP N415 60 days prior to their SMA or SMI?
Are level of knowledge (LOK) exams administered quarterly based on previous
quarter training schedule?
Are the reults of the level of knowledge (LOK) exams retained on file for 24
months via physical or scanned?
Did ASD leadership ensure the TPO track NEC criteria and commnicate with
CNAP N415 for guidance on any shortfalls?
SOM Para 306.7
SOM Para 306.8
SOM Para 306.9
SOM Para 306.9
SOM Para 307.1
SOM Para 307.2
SOM Para 307.2
SOM Para 309.1
SOM Para 309.1
SOM Para 310.2
SOM Para 309.2
SOM Para 310.1
SOM Para 310.2
SOM Para 310.2
SOM Para 311.1
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
Does Control Division prepare and submit a local Pulse Point Feeder report to the
Supply/ASD Officer at least weekly?
SOM Para 404
a. Are the Pulse Point Feeder reports retained on file for two months?
Are Inform-21 ACE and ARE reports run at least weekly to gauge supply support
performance for effective management?
SOM Para 404
Is Dues Management for stock replenishment requisitions being performed utilizing Navy
SOM Para 612
ERP and InforM-21?
Are there requisitions with the following status?
a. Requisitions without status > 7 days.
SOM Para 612
b. Requisitions with BF status.
SOM Para 612
c. Requisitions with status requiring research (e.g., BC, BG, CA, CE, CG, CH, CJ, CK,
CL, CP, CQ, CS, CV, CW, CX, CZ, N9, and RF)
SOM Para 612
d. Requisitions with BM > 7 days
SOM Para 612
e. Requisitions with past ESD.
SOM Para 612
f. Requisitions with BA status > 7 days.
SOM Para 612
g. Requisitions with AS_/AB_ status > 30 days.
SOM Para 612
h. Requisitions with BR status.
SOM Para 612
i. Does Control Division work closely with warehouse personnel to ensure if materiel
received on board has been properly received and the requisition completed in Navy ERP SOM Para 612
and is leadership being advised of overaged dues?
Does Control Division personnel have access to the eRetrograde Management System
(eRMS) and NAVSUP WSS In-Transit Accountability (NITA) website?
SOM Para 613
Are weekly SIT reports from eRMS/NITA worked in a timely manner?
SOM Para 613
Are actions taken to research non-receipt of materiel annotated on the SIT report?
SOM Para 613
Are there any open SIT records greater than 30 days old?
SOM Para 613
Are there any “aged” SIT records greater than 120 and 365 days old?
SOM Para 613
c. Are follow up actions taken and properly documented on the SIT
SOM Para 613
d. Are the SIT reports reviewed and signed by the supervisor and retained
SOM Para 613
on file for 10 years?
Are External MOVs being processed within prescribed timeframes?
SOM Para 614
Are the completed external MOV working copies annotated and maintained on file for
the current and three prior cycles?
SOM Para 614
Are Failed Intermediate Documents (IDOC) records worked daily and corrective action
SOM Para 619
annotated on the report?
Are failed IDOC records worked in requisition priority sequence and retained on file for
three (3) months?
SOM Para 619
Are there any failed IDOC records greater than four (4) days old?
SOM Para 619
Has the Site Planning Representative (SPR) been assigned in writing by the Supply/ASD
SOM Para 401
Is there a desk guide delineating the duties and responsibilities of the Site Planning
Representative (SPR)?
SOM Para 401
Does control division work with NAVSUP WSS to verify SDBL recommendations?
SOM Para 401
Does control division verify that items requiring special management attention are
properly identified and coded in Navy ERP?
SOM Para 401
Does the SPR and Control Division personnel work closely with the OSPA to:
SOM Para 401
a. Ensure proper assignment of replenishment indicators?
b. Review and annotate BP-28 Schedule Board and manual reorders prior to
SOM Para 401 & APP D
release? Retain annotated listings for three (3) months.
c. Track BP-28 funding allocations and expenditures?
SOM Para 401
d. Review BP-34 (ZRMIM0051) (1RM/1RW) reorder listings and provide
recommended changes to the OSPA?
SOM Para 401
e. Monitor Zero O/H with Zero Stock due (Inform-21)?
SOM Para 401
SOM Para 401 & APP D
f. Are annotated copies of the BP-34 reorder
three (3) months?
listings maintained on file for
Monthly Change Notice. Are change notice output listings worked and annotated with
corrective actions taken?
SOM Para 1403
Are the change notice output listings signed with the date and legibly printed name of the
SOM Para 1403
control division officer or supervisor?
Are annotated monthly change notice listings retained on file for ten (10) years per FIAR
SOM Para 402
Annual Price Change. Is the inventory value being run and recorded before and after the
annual price change (APC) processing?
SOM Para 402
Is the total inventory value being provided to CNAP N415 NLT 10 October each year?
SOM Para 402
Does control division review changes resulting from the annual price change (APC)?
SOM Para 402
Are annotated listings retained on file IAW the latest FIAR directive?
SOM Para 402
Does control division verify with the SAA that the APC has been applied to NALCOMIS
SOM Para 402
and output reports/listings have been reviewed and appropriate action taken?
Are changes or discrepancies resulting from the APC annotated on the report?
SOM Para 402
Are price challenges submitted when excessive price increases are noted?
SOM Para 402
Are Allowance Change Requests (ACRs) being submitted to change, add or delete
SHORCAL established allowances?
SOM Para 403
Is a pending or completed file maintained with related correspondence to document the
status of each change request?
SOM Para 403
If approved, does control division verify that initial outfitting requisitions (APN-6), have
SOM Para 403
all been ordered for the new allowances?
Are monthly meetings being conducted and documented to review all NALCOMIS/Navy
SOM Para 404
ERP processing requirements and issues?
Is the monthly NALCOMIS/Navy ERP/InforM-21 Run Schedule approved and signed by
SOM Para 404
the Supply/ASD Officer?
Does Consumable Range meet the goal of 80%?
SOM Para 105
Does Consumable Depth meet the goal of 77%?
SOM Para 105
Does the Net Aviation Consumable Effectiveness (ACE) meet the goal of 85%?
SOM Para 105
Does the Gross Aviation Consumable Effectiveness (ACE) meet the goal of 65% ?
SOM Para 105
Is there documentation available to show that these reports are being used to determine
reasons for low Aviation Consumable Supply Effectiveness?
SOM Para 105
Does control division work with WSS to verify SDBL recommendations for the below
a. Consumable Range Adds
SOM Para 404
b. Consumable Range Deletes
SOM Para 404
c. Consumable Depth Increases
SOM Para 404
d. Consumable Depth Decreases
SOM Para 404
Note: CON-050 through CON-054 apply to CNAP activities where Control
Division performs repairables management functions.
Does Aviation Repairable Range meet the goal of 80%?
SOM Para 105
Does Aviation Repairable Depth meet the goal of 77%?
SOM Para 105
Does the Net Aviation Repairable Effectiveness (ARE) meet the goal of 85%?
SOM Para 105
Does the Gross Aviation Repairable Effectiveness (ARE) meet the goal of 65%?
SOM Para 105
Is there documentation available to show that these reports are being used to determine
reasons for low Aviation Repairable Supply Effectiveness?
SOM Para 105
Is the MAM/TBI coordinator designated in writing by the Supply/ASD Officer?
SOM Para 407
Are MAM/TBI assets sub-custodied to the FRC-I Maintenance Officer?
SOM Para 407
Is a sub-custody record maintained for each MAM/TBI sub-custodied?
SOM Para 407
Is the required joint periodic reconciliation/inventory of MAM/TBI assets being
accomplished and the results forwarded to the Supply/ASD Officer?
SOM Para 407
Are results of MAM/TBI asset inventory retained on file for the current and two prior
fiscal years?
SOM Para 407
Do replacement MAM/TBI requisitions reflect applicable exchange/non-exchange
(5G/5A) Advice Code, Project Code “ZL9” for MAMs, and “ZC5” for TBIs?
SOM Para 407
Do the on-hand and on-order quantities of authorized MAM/TBI assets equal authorized
SOM Para 407
Is documentation on file to support changes in the inventory balance for MAMs and TBI
assets? (Documentation may include receipts, 1348-1/DD-1149 for MTIS turn-in or
SOM Para 407
Form DD-200 for survey?
Is receipt and expenditure documentation retained on file for ten (10) years?
SOM Para 407
Does a sample inventory of MAM/TBI assets indicate 100% accountability?
SOM Para 407
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Are all findings from the last SMA/SMI been resolved and
recommendations in place?
Are all NAVSUP, DOD and CNAF references current and up-to-date?
Do the following materiel categories meet Location Audit Program (LAP)
accuracy standards per CNAP/CNAL latest policies?
a. Repairables
b. Consumables
c. Controlled
SOM Para 103
Last SMA and
SOM Para 400
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 502
Available Points
Do the following materiel categories meet inventory accuracy standards per
NAVSUP WSS and CNAP/CNAL latest policies?
a. Repairables
b. Consumables
c. Controlled
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 502
Is an annual inventory schedule developed and submitted to CNAP N415
NLT Oct 1 or per NAVSUP BSO requirements?
Are required (frequency and 10% sample size) physical inventories and
location audits being conducted in accordance with the annual schedule to
ensure 100% inventory completion by the annual inventory requirement?
SOM Para 505
Are inventory and LAP results forwarded to CNAP on a monthly basis?
SOM Para 501
and Para 515
SOM Para 505
SOM Para 516
SOM Para 504
SOM Para 509
SOM Para 503
SOM Para 511
Are all inventories recorded on count sheet and each count sheet complete
with printed name, signed, dated and retained for 10 years?
Are perpetual inventories being recorded?
Is causative research conducted for inventory adjustments and completed
within 45 days?
Are causative research and FLIPL DD Form 200 prepared and maintained
for inventory adjustments in accordance with policy threshold?
Are spot inventories completed within 15 calendar day for warehouse
Is the ASD SAA submitting warehouse refusals from the NALCOMIS
suspense listing to the warehouse for spot inventories?
SOM Para 502
Is there a designated staging area for processing and segregating stock and
DTO materiel?
Is IPG 1 materiel separated for ASD pick-up and delivery?
Are receipt documents annotated properly, to include notated quantity (i.e.,
circle, square, check mark, etc.) legible printed or stamped name, signature
and date?
Does the receipt transaction post to Navy ERP within 5 business days of
Are receipt documents digitally uploaded into a data repository system such
as FACET? If not available, are they filed and retained for 10 years?
Is there any frustrated or un-stowed material? If yes, is there current
documentation on the research being conducted to identify the material and
resolve it within 5 days?
Are disposal assets separated, properly palletized and turned-in within 60
Is shelf life materiel received and inspected in accordance with DOD
Are administrative (dummy) receipts prepared for materiel without
supporting documentation in accordance with policy?
Is materiel temporarily assigned "CATHCALL" or "ERROR" locations
researched for the proper location?
Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs):
a. Are SDRs submitted as required?
b. Are timely follow-up actions taken on submitted SDRs?
c. Are there any overdue follow-ups listed on open SDRs? If yes, what
action is taken to resolve those?
d. Are SDRs submitted for loss by shipment (LBS) in accordance with
submission thresholds?
Is the warehouse clean, orderly and maintains safety standards?
Are eye wash stations in the appropriate warehouse areas?
Are personnel working with banding materiel using the appropriate PPE
(leather gloves, face shields, and safety shoes)?
Is the materiel condition of stowage spaces maintained and routinely
Are stowage locations segregated, clearly labeled, and barcoded?
Is stock materiel properly labeled and identified with the correct NSN,
condition code or RFI tag?
Is a COSIS program established? Are routine inspections performed to
identify packaging deterioration?
Are aircraft built-up wheel assemblies properly stowed per NAVAIR 04-10506?
Shelf-life program:
a. Has a local shelf-life materiel program been established for managing
Type I and Type II shelf life materiel?
b. Are periodic inventories and inspections conducted to identify materiel
with expiring shelf life?
c. Are corrective actions taken to extend or survey expired materiel?
SOM Para 701
SOM Para 702
SOM Para 702
SOM Para 702
SOM Para 708
and Para 712
SOM Para 704
SOM Para 811
SOM Para 706
SOM Para 707
SOM Para 704
SOM Para 710
SOM Para 710
SOM Para 710
SOM Para 710
SOM Para 405
SOM Para 405
SOM Para 405
SOM Para 405
SOM Para 405
SOM Para 405
SOM Para 406
SOM Para 405
SOM Para 706
SOM Para 706
SOM Para 706
Is the warehouse supervisor reviewing the warehouse activity monitor daily
(T-Code LL01)?
Defective Materiel Summary (DMS):
a. Are DMS reports reviewed monthly and screened in Navy ERP for
materiel that is carried?
b. Is defective materiel promptly removed from the inventory and
processed according to disposition instructions?
c. Is blocked stock category "Q" (quality) materiel reviewed and
inspected within 15 days?
Security cage requirements:
SOM Para 717
SOM Para 404
SOM Para 404
SOM Para 512
a. Is there an approved security cage for storage of all controlled materiel? SOM Para 705
b. Is there a list of personnel authorized in writing to pick up controlled,
SOM Para 705
classified and signature required materiel?
c. Is a desk guide or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) established for
SOM Para 705
handling of signature-controlled materiel?
Is the MAM/TBI coordinator designated in writing by the Supply or ASD Officer?
SOM Para 407
Are MAM/TBI assets sub-custodied to the AIMD or FRC-I Maintenance
SOM Para 407
Is a sub-custody record maintained for each MAM/TBI sub-custodied?
SOM Para 407
Is the required joint periodic reconciliation and inventory of MAM/TBI
SOM Para 407
assets being accomplished at least semi-annually?
Are joint reconciliation and inventory of MAM/TBI assets being
SOM Para 407
accomplished when the following occurs:
a. Change of AIMD or FRC-I Maintance Officer
SOM Para 407
b. Change of MAM/TBI cooridnator
SOM Para 407
c. Change of Supply or ASD Officer
SOM Para 407
Are inventory discrepancies researched and resolved within 10 days and
forwarded to the Supply or ASD Officer via the AIMD or FRC-I Officer?
Is CNAP N414 notified if there are inventory discrepancies?
Are supporting documents (i.e., surveys, dispostion documents, causative
research, etc.) retained on file with the inventory results?
SOM Para 407
SOM Para 407
SOM Para 407
SOM Para 407
Does inventory records for MAM/TBI assest indicate 100% accountability?
Are results of MAM/TBI asset inventory retained on file for 10 years?
SOM Para 407
Available Points
Points Assessed
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Are SASS/PUK inventory records maintained in ERP?
Are SASS/PUK components held in sub-custody in NALCOMIS?
Are Allowance Change Requests (ACRs) being submitted to change,
add or delete SASS established allowances?
SOM Para 103 and
last SMI
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 916
SOM Para 904
Is there a desk guide or SOP for SASS and PUK management ashore?
Are proper precautions taken to protect SASS assets from damage or
Are all packages clearly marked and labeled to identify the contents
During inspection, are there any materiel found with one or more of
the following conditions:
SOM Para 902
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 906
a. Damaged or deteriorating boxes or containers
SOM Para 906
b. NRFI, missing RFI tag, SRC or EHR card
c. Water or moisture damage
d. Expired shelf life
e. Mis-identified (wrong materiel), missing or improper labels or
markings outside the box
Are SASS assets adequately protected at a level to allow shipment
during transportation to and from the operating location?
Is there a local shelf life program to ensure that materiel are inspected
periodically, as frequently as necessary for condition, shelf life code
and expiration date?
Is there a desk guide or SOP for supporting the SASS or PUK while
Are all SASS assets managed and stored in warehouse locations
(“W” purpose)
Is there a desk
or written
for breaching
Are all authorized SASS allowances either on hand or on order?
Is dues management performed utilizing Navy ERP and Inform 21?
Are there requisitions with the following status?
a. Requisitions without status > 7 days.
b. Requisitions with BF status.
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 706
SOM Para 902
SOM Para 904
SOM Para 912
SOM Para 904
SOM Para 612
SOM Para 612
SOM Para 612
c. Requisitions with status requiring research (e.g., BC, BG, CA, CE,
CG, CH, CJ, CK, CL, CP, CQ, CS, CV, CW, CX, CZ, N9, and RF)
d. Requisitions with BM > 7 days
e. Requisitions with past ESD.
f. Requisitions with BA status > 7 days.
g. Requisitions with AS_/AB_ status > 30 days.
Are joint inventories conducted between representatives of the
outfitting site and squadron or detachment personnel accepting the
Are all assets screened for materiel condition and proper packaging?
SOM Para 612
SOM Para 612
SOM Para 612
SOM Para 612
SOM Para 612
SOM Para 909
SOM Para 909
Are all packages intact and adequately protected for shipment to
ships, squadron
area? signed
joint inventory
initial shortages,
with legibly printed name, initialed and dated by all parties on each
Are the joint inventory results retained on file as evidence of review
and acceptance?
Are all deployed SASS packages accepted and signed for by at least
an E-5 or above?
Are SASS inventories conducted in a timely manner and
discrepancies reported to the outfitting site appropriately?
Are all permanently deployed SASS packages inventoried annually?
Are the inventory results retained on file in accordance with the latest
DONa Directives?
primary and an alternate SASS manager been designated in
Are all outstanding requisitions validated with current status and
provided to the supply officer or detachment OIC every month?
Is a SASS/PUK status report received from the supply officer or
detachment OIC every month?
Are all SASS initial and replenishment receipts received while on
deployment forwarded to the applicable outfitting site?
Is a quarterly MOV conducted with deployed squadrons or
detachments as appropriate to ensure validity of all “off-station”
Are all repairable assets validated for the following:
a. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) packaging?
b. RFI tag, Scheduled Removal Component (SRC) cards and other
OEM/maintenance documentation?
c. Up to date configuration and TD incorporation?
Are IOUs reviewed monthly and validated against retrograde
reconciliation messages for all components issued or referred for
which a NRFI exchange has not been received?
Are PUK requests submitted via naval message at least 30 days prior
to the required date?
Are perpetual inventory procedures being conducted for non-deployed
Are perpetual inventory documents retained on file for 10 years?
Are all SASS and PUK replenishment requisitions ordered with the
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 916
SOM Para 916
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 911
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 911
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 911
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 911
SOM Para 911
SOM Para 906
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 902
SOM Para 902
SOM Para 902
SOM Para 908 &
a. Document number series?
SOM Para 908
b. Project code?
SOM Para 908
c. IPG-2 priority designator 05 or 06?
Are unique series of document numbers for use in requisitioning
aviation support and SASS replenishment requirements provided to
each deploying ship, squadron or detachment?
Are SASS and PUK replenishment Proof of Delivery (POD)
documents forwarded from deployed sites and maintained on file by
the responsible outfitting site?
Are all PUK inventory discrepancies reconciled (accounted for or
surveyed) within 30 days of the return of the PUK?
SOM Para 908
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 908
SOM Para 905
SAA-001 Are there any repeat discrepancies from the previous SMI?
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
SAA-002 Has the Supply/ASD Officer designated a primary and an alternate SAA in writing? SOM Para 1400
Is there a local SAA Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in place?
Is SAA specific training scheduled and conducted by the SAA quarterly?
Are the following NALCOMIS Interface Reports reviewed daily, corrective action
taken and annotated within 24 hours?
a. Incoming Interface (Unprocessed)
b. Outgoing (Internal)
Is DBAG14 (COG/MCC Mismatch) run at least monthly with corrective action
taken and annotated on the report?
Are DBAG14 reports retained for current and prior month?
Is DBAG17 (ACBAL Update) run promptly when there is indication of ACBAL
discrepancy and corrective action taken and annotated?
Are DBAG17 Reports retained for current month and prior month?
Is DBAG21 (Inventory Discrepancy) run twice a month with corrective action taken
and annotated on the report?
Are DBAG21 reports retained for current and prior month?
Is there a DBAG79 Transaction Logbook maintained and controlled by ASD?
Is the NALCOMIS/NERP Reconciliation Program scheduled and accomplished
SOM Para 1400
SOM Para 1400
SOM Para 1402
SOM Para 1402
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403 & APP D
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
Are the following reconciliation reports being generated, worked and annotated
with corrective actions taken?
a. NERP DTO requisitions not in NALCOMIS
b. NALCOMIS DTO Requisitions not in NERP
c. NERP STOCK Due Requisitions not in NALCOMIS
d. NALCOMIS STOCK Due Requisitions not in NERP
e. Cog Exception: Repairable to Consumable
f. Cog Exception: Consumable to Repairable
g. NIIN Analysis Supply Products Indicator Listing
h. NIIN Analysis COG and MCC not on NALCOMIS
i. NIIN Head of Family Discrepancy
j. NIIN Quantity Discrepancy
k. NALCOMIS/NERP Comparison Report
l. DIFM item records in NERP not in NALCOMIS
m. DIFM item records in NALCOMIS not in NERP
n. DIFM DDSN matched-Different NIIN
o. Sub-custody/Suspense in Navy ERP not in NALCOMIS
p. Sub-custody/Suspense in NALCOMIS not in NERP
q. Sub-custody/Suspense Unmatched Quantities
r. Sub-custody/Suspense DDSN Matched-Different NIIN
Are required corrective actions resulting from NALCOMIS/NERP reconciliation
being taken to ensure that NALCOMIS and NERP databases are in agreement?
Is current and prior month NALCOMIS/ NERP reconciliation documentation
retained on file? (App G of the P-723 requires retention of 10 years)
Are all NALCOMIS users' Special Qualifications (SQs) consistent with assigned
Is the SQ listing printed, validated, and reviewed by the ASD officer at least
Are NALCOMIS Validation Tables properly established, maintained and updated
a. Organization Table
b.Project Code/Urgency of Needs Designator (UND)
c. Bureau Numbers (BUNO)
Are the monthly MRIL updates being uploaded into NALCOMIS?
Are all NALCOMIS Remain-In-Place (RIP) indicators valid?
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1401
SOM Para 1401
SOM Para 1401
SOM Para 1401
SOM Para 1401
SOM Para 1010
SOM Para 1010
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Does PEB stock reflect CNAP/CNAL-authorized PEB stock levels? SOM Para 1102
Are the following NALCOMIS reports worked to completion at least
a. PEB Range Add (Qualifying Candidates)
b. PEB Range Add (Combined Demand)
c. PEB High Limit (Increases and Decreases)
d. PEB Excess Range
The following types of materiel are not authorize to be establish in
Material Content Codes (MCC) D,E,G,H,Q or X
Special Material Content Codes (SMCC) A,B,E,H,L,M,Y,1,2,3,4 or
Security Class (SEC-CL)/Controlled Inventory item Codes (CIIC)
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,O,P,Q,R,S,T,V,X,W or 1-9
Is all PEB stock on hand or on order?
Do replenishment requisitions cite Project Code "774" and Issue
Priority Designator 06 CONUS and 05 OCONUS upon release?
Are Material Obligation Validation (MOV) review and validate
within five working days.
Do outstanding PEB replenishments reflect frustrated supply status
(lack of status, over aged BA/AS, etc.)?
BA status over aged (10 days)
AS status overaged (30 days)
Are replenishment requisitions expedited; lateral support;
FEDMALL Supply Assist Request when stock is "NIS" or
requisition status is "BB"?
Are NALCOMIS PEB customer tables and PEB site sharing tables
configured correctly?
Are PEB parts for AK0/AK7/Broad Arrow requirements accessible
during maintenance hours (i.e.: does duty section issue from PEB)?
Are Master Stock Locator Listing (MSLL) save weekly and printed
copy quarterly?
Are unit of issue, container unit of issue and container quantity
verified and configured to ensure accurate stock replenishment?
SOM Para 103 & Last SMI
SOM Para 1102
SOM Para 1102
SOM Para 1103
SOM Para 1103
SOM Para 1103
SOM Para 1103
SOM Para 1103
SOM Para 1104
SOM Para 1105
SOM Para 1105
SOM Para 1106
Are required phase maintenance kits outfitted, maintained and issued
using the NALCOMIS phase kit module and are corresponding
NSOs accurate?
Are required quantities of phase maintenance kits on hand or on
order (being built)?
Does PEB Manager and assistant site managers are assigned in
writing by the ASD officer or director?
Does PEB manager conducted quarterly 10% inventory and location
audit of each PEB site?
Is PEB net issue effectiveness at least 95%?
Is PEB inventory accuracy at least 95%?
SOM Para 1108
SOM Para 1108
Is PEB inventory accuracy for UP greater than $1,000 at least 99%? SOM Para 1108
Is PEB location audit accuracy at least 98%?
Are NALCOMIS ISPEB mailboxes reviewed daily by PEB
personnel and completed within 24 hours?
Are NALCOMIS PBROB/PHROB daily by PEB personnel and
completed within 24 hours?
Are PEB parts adequately protected from the environment (dirt, dust,
weather) and when required, electrostatic discharge (ESD)
Are PEB parts in the shelf-life program:
a. Co-located in a shelf-life area?
b. Issues using a first-in, first-out practice?
c. Monthly inspection of shelf life materiel for condition?
SOM Para 1108
SOM Para 1109
SOM Para 1109
SOM Para 1110
SOM Para 1107
SOM Para 1107
SOM Para 1108
SOM Para 1108
SOM Para 1111
Are there any repeat discrepancies?
Has the HA or the delegated official completed the DON HA training prior to signing
the Semi-Annual review?
Are Letters of Delegation (LOD) for Agency Program Coordinator (A/OPC), Approving
Official (AO) and Cardholders (CH) current in PIEE/JAM and on file with all pertinent
information (i.e., threshold limits, ratios for AO's, etc)? LOD required for HA if it is
someone other than the CO.
Does the CO (Certifying Officer) have authority to certify GCPC invoices documented
on the most current version of the DD Form 577 and kept on file? Is DD Form 577
completed by the CO, mailed and submitted to DFAS prior to performing CO duties? Is
a photo copy of the DD 577 on file?
Are all of the below listed requirements documented in the CH's LOD?
a. Authority to use the GCPC up to micro purchase threshold
b. Limitations to purchase supplies or services
c. Other spending limits (monthly cycle limits, training, construction, etc...)
Do the Internal Operating Procedures (IOP) in place include all required elements
delineated in the instruction 4200.99 series?
Have all GCPC Program participants completed Initial training prior to assuming role
based responsibilities?
Have all GCPC Program participants completed and kept up with annual mandated
training: Ethics & CLG 006?
Have all GCPC Program participants completed the bi-annual activity IOP training,
CCPMD GCPC Role based training & DAU CLG 0010 training?
Does the A/OPC maintain documentation for each AO/CO (including past GCPC
participants) to include all of the following:
a. Initial and subsequent copies of completion of training?
b. Letters Of Delegation (LOD)
c. DD Form 577
d. Any records of administrative action taken?
Is SF-1402 (Certification of Appointment) on file for Cardholders with ordering
authority to place orders through FSSI/BPA/GSA or IDIQ contracts up to $250,000
(including use by CHs outside the United States for supplies and services acquired and
performed up to $25,000)? Has CH also completed DAU CON 237?
Is there Separation of Duties within the GCPC program personnel?
Are GCPC Internal Management Controls established and Span of Control ratios being
Do CH bank account spending limits exceed the authorized limits in LOD?
Is the AO account profile reflecting cycle/monthly limit equal to two times the sum of
the cycle spending limits of all cardholders account? (LOD should refelct this info.)
Are CH accounts being used actively and monitored by the A/OPC?
Are CH accounts placed in inactive status at least 30 days (one billing cycle) prior to the
projected date of transfer, retirement or removal? Are closed/past accounts kept on file at
least three years?
Is there a valid Statutory Requirement (justification) on the Purchase Request for the use
of the GCPC? Are funds being committed prior to purchase being made? (Note:
Accounting Official initial & date should be present on request to verify funds)
Are transactions recorded in the Purchase Card Log, and is the Purchase Card Log being
maintained and updated by the CH? Does the log contain the minimum mandated
Are Purchase Card Procurement Requests (PCPR) properly signed and approved by
approving authority of the Activity prior to purchase by a CH?
SOM Para 104 & Last SMI
2 Para 3
3 Para 10 & 11
3 Para 8c,e & Para 9
3 Para 8c,e & Para 9 &
Appendix D Para 23
2 Para 7f
Ch 3 Para 5
3 Para 7
3 Para 6
Ch 2 Para 7h
3 Para 8e (2) & Ch 4 Para 3
3 Para 3
3 Para 1 and 4
3 Para 11a
3 Para 11b
3 Para 13 &14
3 Para 13
2 Para 10, Ch 4 Para 3 & Ch
4 Para 4(a)(1)
4, Para 3e
4 Para 4a(1)
GCPC Purchasing Procedures
Is the Purchase Card used to purchase or pay for supplies or services within the micropurchase threshold of $10,000 (Or less,TBD by command) for supplies, $2,500 for
Services, $2,000 for construction (CONUS), $25,000 printing services?
4 Para 3b(1)
Are purchases in compliance with DON GPC 889 guidelines, and are forms (or
company memorandums) attached to the purchase request for verification?
899 (a)(1)(B) and DPC Policy
Memo dated 11 August 2020.
Are purchase card buys being rotated among qualified suppliers to the maximum extent
Are office supplies being purchased from AbilityOne, FEDMALL Navy Contracts (FFSI
/ BPA) or a local SERVMART? (CONUS)
Is SF-182 (Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training Form) being routed,
utilized and kept on file for all registration, training, education and professional
development services, and certification fee's (if required) up to $25,000?
Are all purchases for printing and duplication requirements and rental of duplication
equipment made through DLA-Document Services below $25,000?
Are incidental janitorial and sanitation supplies being purchased through DOD
FEDMALL Navy Contracts? (CONUS)
Are wireless services and devices being purchased from the Nationwide DON Wireless
Contract awarded by NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC), San Diego? (CONUS)
https://my.navsup.navy.mil/apps/ops$cks.home: Resources-Strategic Sourcing Mandatory Solutions
(Note: For CNAFR, all cell phones are obtained on contract via RESFOR N6)
Are furniture requirements being purchased from authorized vendors within the
NAVSUP FLC, Norfolk suite of strategically sourced Blanket Purchase Agreements?
Is there any hard evidence and justification why the CH did not use the DON directed
sources for Office supplies, and incidental janitorial and sanitation supplies? (CONUS)
Materiels/Services Receiving and Issuing Procedures
4 Para 3b(3)
4 Para 3c(1)
3 Para 8e(1)(2)
3 Para 8d(1)(b) & Ch 4 Para
4 Para 3c(2)
4 Para 3c(3)
CNRF MEMO 4000, Ser
N4/1292 Dtd 30JUL19
4 Para 3c(4)
4 Para 3c(6)
2 Para 10k
Are signatures on invoices and receipts properly executed with a three-way separation of NAVSUPINST 4200.99C Ch
4 Para 4a
Do records of receipt/delivery contain authentic acceptance signatures, printed name,
date received, and quantity circled to verify number of items ordered & received?
4 Para 4a(3)
Has the Personal Property Manager been notified of all pilferable, sensitive or high
valued property? (DPAS tracking required for single items valued at $5,000 and above:
2 Para 10(i)
CCPMD Desk Guide 5.11 Ch
Does the cardholder comply with required procedures for purchase of Hazardous
4 Pg 4-26 & 4415.1 Para 912
Materiels including common use HAZMAT?
Are there any purchases over $10,000 made by CH from sources other than
SERVMART or FLC Contract? Are these purchases reported using the Federal
NAVSUP Memorandum dtd
Procurement Data System-Next Generation (FPDS-NG) within 3 days?
Are purchases received with proper documentation and are receipts on file?
Monthly Billing/Statement Reconciliation and Certification
Do bills certified for payment contain proper supporting documentation, i.e., Purchase
Card Procurement Request (PCPR), invoice, receipt and acceptance? Are AO's
reviewing, verifying & initilaing all information on purchase requests & reciepts to
include verifying qty's ordered and circled, price match, three-way seperation before
doing final certification?
Are the CH and AO/CO signing and dating bank statements after verification and
certification and keeping them on file for inspections?
Are monthly billing invoices/e-statements received and certified within the prescribed
time frame (10 days total)? (CH:5 days, AO:5 days)
2 Para 9b & Ch 5 Para 1b
2 Para 9c & Ch 5 Para 1
5 Paras 1a & 1b
Is there any delinquent account? Does the delinquent amount exceed 1% of the account
receivables over 30 days old? What action/s has/have been taken to resolve the
delinquent status?
Is the GCPC being used to buy weapon system items (aircraft parts or aircraft repair
parts) that are safety of flight and configuration control items (i.e. critical application
items, critical safety items and items essential to end item or weapons system
5 Para 1d
4 Para 4a(1a)
4 Para 6 (a-h)
Is there any improper use of purchase card made by the Cardholder?
4 Para 8
Are “pay and confirm procedures” being followed for items shipped and not received at NAVSUPINST 4200.99C Ch
the time of reconciliation?
5 Para 1a(3) & 26 APP D
Are Cardholders reconciling all bank statement transactions with their Purchase Log?
2 Para 10l
Are questionable transactions documented and monitored until resolved? Are CHs
contacting the merchant to resolve questionable transactions prior to contacting the bank
2 Para 10m
or disputing the transaction?
Management Audits and Reviews
Are monthly reviews in IOD being performed by the AO, and finalized by the A/OPC
within 30 days of the billing cycle and kept on file for inspections?
5 Para 2a
(Insights On Demand: https://iodgov.oversightsystems.us/IDP/#/)
Are Semi-Annual Reviews being conducted, and results briefed and reported to the HA NAVSUPINST 4200.99C
for concurrence and signature?
Ch 5 Para 2b
If the command does bulk funding, is there a memorandum on file averaging the actual
expenses incurred during the last three prior fiscal years?
Is there any improper, fraudulent, abusive or negligent use of the GCPC? Is corrective NAVSUPINST 4200.99C
disciplinary or adverse action taken?
Ch 6 Para 2
Are prior years GCPC records and financial documents being retained by the AO/CO? NAVSUPINST 4200.99C Ch
(10 yrs)
4 Para 3e(3)
Is GCPC information safeguarded at all times (i.e. encrypting full account information
when transmitting electronically)? Is the short account number used for non-encrypted
Ch 2 Para 10o
Are there any purchases made that are prohibited by DON purchase card policy?
Available Points
Points Assessed
Are there any repeat discrepancies from the last SMI?
Are all inventoried items accounted for (Floor to Book or Book to Floor
a. Repairable Inventory (LRCA only)
b. Due In From Maintenance (DIFM)
Do PUK/SASS listings have signature, legible printed name, date and initials
from the custodian on each page of the listing?
SOM Para 104 & Last SMI
Are DIFM Induction logbooks used to track NRFI/RFI repairable components?
a. Does the DIFM logbook at a minimum contain the following pertinent
• Part Number
• Serial Number
• JCN and, or MCN
• Customer legible printed name, signature and date.
b. Are DIFM logbooks retained for 10 years?
Is accurate accountability and up-to-date sub-custody records being maintained
and posted in NALCOMIS for all pre-positioned/sub-custody stock asset
repairable (Flight line spares, Det support, etc.)?
a. Do sub-custody cards or pack-up listings at a minimum have the follwing
• Unit of Issue
• Unit Price
• Additional Description (Ex: Flight Line Spare & EST RTN Date)
• Serial Number
• Customer signature, legible printed name and date
NOTE: Ensure proper data and quantities are filled in on the Transaction
Record portion of the NAVSUP 306 Form.
b. With the exception of detachment support, are there any sub-custody
repairable components with Fixed Allowance Quantity (FAQ) equal to one in
sub-custody status longer than 24 hours?
c. Are sub-custody records or pack-up listing reviewed periodically to ensure
that the estimated return date has not elapsed?
Is the Annual Price Change (APC) run audit report and run log report reviewed
and processed at the beginning of the FY?
a. Are the APC run audit and run log reports have the supply officer or
designated representative signature, legible printed name, date and the ASD UIC
annotated on the report?
b. Are the APC run audit and run log reports scanned into FACET and
uploaded to the DACS website? If FACET is not available, is APC retained on
file for 10 years?
Is the NALCOMIS monthly change notice (MCN) reports reviewed and
annotated with corrective actions on a monthly basis?
a. Are the MCN reports downloaded by the 5th of each month? If not, were
the reports documented with the reason on the first page of the MCN?
b. Does the MCN have the person working the report and ASD officer or
director's legible printed name, signature and date annotated?
c. Are MCN reports scanned into FACET and uploaded to the DACS
website? If not scanned into FACET, are MCN reports retained for 10 years?
Are grants, allocations, and withdrawals being managed by the FMs or assigned
Financial Liability Investigation Of Property Loss (FLIPL) Procedures
Are DD forms 200 submitted for DLRs/FLRs requisitions ordered with a
“5A”advice code?
a. Did the ASD officer or designated representative signed and date to
indicate they have reviewed the survey before issue of material or referral of
b. If the ASD officer delegated the responsibility of reviewing and signing the
survey, is a letter of designation maintained on file?
c. Are approved surveys (DD form 200) properly completed, e.g. data blocks
filled and authorized signatures provided?
d. Are the approved-signed surveys and letter of designation scanned into
FACET and uploaded to the DACS website? If FACET is not available, are
surveys and letter of designation maintained on file for 10 years?
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 1009
SOM Para 1009
SOM Para 1009
SOM Para 214 & 505
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 402
SOM Para 402
SOM Para 402
SOM Para 1403 & APP D
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1302 & 1303
SOM Para 205
SOM Para 205
SOM Para 205
SOM Para 205 & 514
SOM Para 514 & 107
Financial Liability Investigation Of Property Loss (FLIPL) Procedures
Are AVDLR inventory adjustments supported with proper documentation
(causative research, FLIPL DD form 200)?
Are adjustments for inventory losses of DLR, classified material,
consumable losses with EMV > $5,000, pilferable items with EMV > $750 or
for missing, lost or stolen inventory supported with a supply officer's signature
on a DD form 200?
Are surveys (FLIPL DD form 200) properly completed ensuring all
signatures and boxes are correctly filled in and retained on file IAW the latest
FIAR directives?
c. Are the approved-signed inventory adjustment surveys scanned into
FACET and uploaded to the DACS website? If FACET is not available, are
causative research and survey documentation retained on file and kept for 10
d. Did the site process a DD form 200 for an inventory adjustment of
$100,000 or greater without the commanding officer or supply officer signature?
e. Is there an Inventory Accountable Property Officer Letter on file from the
FLC CO delegating authority for inventory adjustments below the authorized
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514 & 107
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 205 & 1008
SOM Para 205 & 1008
SOM Para 205 & 1008
SOM Para 107
SOM Para 206
a. Are there any PODs not on file?
b. Are dummy receipts utilized as needed and do they meet all required
information per the SOM?
c. Are all POD scanned into FACET within 5 business days and are they in
full compliance with the SOM? If FACET is not available, are receipts
maintained on file for 10 years?
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 707
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
Is Inventory Accountable Property Officer Letter retained for 10 years?
Initial Issue
Are there official directives/messages from NAVSUP WSS, NAVAIR, or
CNAP/CNAL on file for DTO requisitions citing advice code “5D”?
Did the ASD officer or designated representative signed to indicate they
b. If the ASD officer delegated the responsibility of reviewing and signing the
official directives/messages, is a letter of designation maintained on file?
Are all official directives/messages scanned into FACET and are they in
Internal Review Program (IRP)
Do all proof of delivery (POD) document contain required annotations and are
they legible with no markings interfering with required data?
• Unit Price & EMV
• Quantity (Circled)
• Customer legible printed name, date and time
• Customer Signature
If scanned, are they legible (Image not too dark or too light)?
e. If electronic filing system is not used, are hard copy PODs filed in Julian
SOM Para 206
date and document series sequence?
f. Are monthly QA reviews being performed consisting of 1% of that month’s
combined issues and receipts, not to exceed 40 randomly selected documents? SOM Para 206
Are 12 months’ results retained on file for audit purposes?
Are ZM20 OW inductions monitored ensuring components are tracked from the
SOM Para 1009
Goods Issue Date?
a. Are FM’s validating whether the ZM20 credit has posted in Navy ERP and
in SABRS for all open transactions?
b. If credit has not posted in Navy ERP and SABRS within 14 days, is the FM
working with the ASD carcass tracking representative to contact the NAVSUP
item manager for assistance? If credit will not be granted, is “credit not granted”
annotated on the ZM20 log?
One Touch Support (OTS)
Are OTS users list being screened and annotated monthly to ensure only
designated personnel are authorized to obligate funds under the site’s
a. Do OTS listings contain a legible date, printed name and signature of the
person conducting the validation?
Are the OTS listings retained for 24 months?
SOM Para 1010
SOM Para 1010
SOM Para 1404
SOM Para 1404
SOM Para 1404
Available Points
Points Assessed
Are there any repeat discrepancies from the last SMI?
Are all inventoried items accounted for (Floor to Book or Book to Floor
a. Repairable Inventory (LRCA only)
b. Due In From Maintenance (DIFM)
Do PUK/SASS listings have signature, legible printed name, date and initials
from the custodian on each page of the listing?
SOM Para 104 & Last SMI
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 502
SOM Para 905
SOM Para 905
Are DIFM Induction logbooks used to track NRFI/RFI repairable components?
SOM Para 1009
a. Does the DIFM logbook at a minimum contain the following pertinent
• Part Number
• Serial Number
• JCN and, or MCN
• Customer legible printed name, signature and date.
SOM Para 1009
SOM Para 1009
SOM Para 214 & 505
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 214
SOM Para 402
SOM Para 402
SOM Para 402
SOM Para 1304
a. Is the LOA/DOA scanned into FACET and uploaded to the DACS website?
SOM Para 1304
If FACET is not available, is LOA/DOA retained on file for 10 years?
b. Are DIFM logbooks retained for 10 years?
Is accurate accountability and up-to-date sub-custody records being maintained
and posted in NALCOMIS for all pre-positioned/sub-custody stock asset
repairable (Flight line spares, Det support, etc.)?
a. Do sub-custody cards or pack-up listings at a minimum have the follwing
• Unit of Issue
• Unit Price
• Additional Description (Ex: Flight Line Spare & EST RTN Date)
• Serial Number
• Customer signature, legible printed name and date
NOTE: Ensure proper data and quantities are filled in on the Transaction
Record portion of the NAVSUP 306 Form.
b. With the exception of detachment support, are there any sub-custody
repairable components with Fixed Allowance Quantity (FAQ) equal to one in subcustody status longer than 24 hours?
c. Are sub-custody records or pack-up listing reviewed periodically to ensure
that the estimated return date has not elapsed?
Is the Annual Price Change (APC) run audit report and run log report reviewed
and processed at the beginning of the FY?
a. Are the APC run audit and run log reports have the supply officer or
designated representative signature, legible printed name, date and the ASD UIC
annotated on the report?
b. Are the APC run audit and run log reports scanned into FACET and
uploaded to the DACS website? If FACET is not available, is APC retained on
file for 10 years?
Documentation of obligation and de-obligation authority: Is the ASD
officer/director/financial manager letter of authority/Delegation of Authority
(LOA/DOA) to approve obligations/de-obligations of funds signed by the supply
officer/wing commander on file?
Is the NALCOMIS monthly change notice (MCN) reports reviewed and
annotated with corrective actions on a monthly basis?
a. Are the MCN reports downloaded by the 5th of each month? If not, were the
reports documented with the reason on the first page of the MCN?
b. Does the MCN have the person working the report and ASD officer or
director's legible printed name, signature and date annotated?
c. Are MCN reports scanned into FACET and uploaded to the DACS website?
If not scanned into FACET, are MCN reports retained for 10 years?
Are grants, allocations, and withdrawals being managed by the FMs or assigned
Unliquidated Obligations (ULOs) / Unmatched Disbursements (UMDs)
Is the monthly Unmatched Disbursements (UMDs) listing reviewed, researched
and annotated with corrective action on all documents over 30 days and retained
for 10 years?
Is the monthly ULO listing internally reviewed, researched and annotated with
corrective actions for documents over 30 days and retained for 10 years?
SOM Para 1403 & APP D
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1403
SOM Para 1302 & 1303
SOM Para 1305
SOM Para 1306
Financial Liability Investigation Of Property Loss (FLIPL) Procedures (DD
Are DD forms 200 submitted for DLRs/FLRs requisitions ordered with a
SOM Para 205
“5A”advice code?
a. Did the ASD officer or designated representative signed and date to indicate
SOM Para 205
they have reviewed the survey before issue of material or referral of requisition?
b. If the ASD officer delegated the responsibility of reviewing and signing the
survey, is a letter of designation maintained on file?
c. Are approved surveys (DD form 200) properly completed, e.g. data blocks
filled and authorized signatures provided?
d. Are the approved-signed surveys and letter of designation scanned into
FACET and uploaded to the DACS website? If FACET is not available, are
surveys and letter of designation maintained on file for 10 years?
Financial Liability Investigation Of Property Loss (FLIPL) Procedures (DD
Are AVDLR inventory adjustments supported with proper documentation
(causative research, FLIPL DD form 200)?
a. Are adjustments for inventory losses of DLR, classified material,
consumable losses with EMV > $5,000, pilferable items with EMV > $750 or for
missing, lost or stolen inventory supported with a supply officer's signature on a
DD form 200?
Are surveys (FLIPL DD form 200) properly completed ensuring all
signatures and boxes are correctly filled in and retained on file IAW the latest
FIAR directives?
c. Are the approved-signed inventory adjustment surveys scanned into FACET
Did the site process a DD form 200 for an inventory adjustment of $100,000
or greater without the commanding officer or supply officer signature?
e. Is there an Inventory Accountable Property Officer Letter on file from the
FLC CO delegating authority for inventory adjustments below the authorized
SOM Para 205
SOM Para 205 & 514
SOM Para 514 & 107
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514 & 107
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 514
SOM Para 205 & 1008
SOM Para 205 & 1008
SOM Para 205 & 1008
SOM Para 107
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 707
c. Are all POD scanned into FACET within 5 business days and are they in full
compliance with the SOM? If FACET is not available, are receipts maintained on SOM Para 206
file for 10 years?
Is Inventory Accountable Property Officer Letter retained for 10 years?
Initial Issue
Are there official directives/messages from NAVSUP WSS, NAVAIR, or
CNAP/CNAL on file for DTO requisitions citing advice code “5D”?
a. Did the ASD officer or designated representative signed to indicate they
have reviewed the official directives/message before issue of material or referral
of requisition?
b. If the ASD officer delegated the responsibility of reviewing and signing the
official directives/messages, is a letter of designation maintained on file?
c. Are all official directives/messages scanned into FACET and are they in full
compliance with the SOM? If FACET is not available, are official
directive/message maintained on file for 10 years?
Internal Review Program (IRP)
Do all proof of delivery (POD) document contain required annotations and are
they legible with no markings interfering with required data?
• Unit Price & EMV
• Quantity (Circled)
• Customer legible printed name, date and time
• Customer Signature
a. Are there any PODs not on file?
b. Are dummy receipts utilized as needed and do they meet all required
information per the SOM?
d. If scanned, are they legible (Image not too dark or too light)?
e. If electronic filing system is not used, are hard copy PODs filed in Julian date
and document series sequence?
f. Are monthly QA reviews being performed consisting of 1% of that month’s
combined issues and receipts, not to exceed 40 randomly selected documents?
Are 12 months’ results retained on file for audit purposes?
Are ZM20 OW inductions monitored ensuring components are tracked from the
Goods Issue Date?
a. Are FM’s validating whether the ZM20 credit has posted in Navy ERP and
in SABRS for all open transactions?
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 206
SOM Para 1009
SOM Para 1010
b. If credit has not posted in Navy ERP and SABRS within 14 days, is the FM
working with the ASD carcass tracking representative to contact the NAVSUP
SOM Para 1010
item manager for assistance? If credit will not be granted, is “credit not granted”
annotated on the ZM20 log?
One Touch Support (OTS)
Are OTS users list being screened and annotated monthly to ensure only
SOM Para 1404
designated personnel are authorized to obligate funds under the site’s DODAAC?
a. Do OTS listings contain a legible date, printed name and signature of the
person conducting the validation?
b. Are the OTS listings retained for 24 months?
SOM Para 1404
SOM Para 1404
Grand Total
Supply Department Assessment Summary and Blue "E" points
INV Pulse Points
Functional Functional Area
Awarded Area Points Grade (Note 1)
196 / 215
Assessment Total:
Note 1: 95~100 = Outstanding, 89~94 = Excellent, 83~88= Good, 75~82 = Marginal, 0~74= Unsatisfactory
6 Apr 2021
AWP Repair Parts Status Report
Current and Prior Month
Monthly Change Notice Reports
10 Years
Annual Price Change (APC)
Current and Prior Fiscal Year
APC Run Audit Report
10 Years
APC Run Log Report
10 Years
Critical Level Status Report
Current and Prior Week
DBAG-14, 17 & 21
Current and Prior Month
DIFM Report
Current and Prior Month
Fixed Allowance Analysis Report
Current and Prior Month
IOU Report
Current and 5 Previous Work Days
Monthly Report & Listing Run Schedule
Current and Prior Month
MOV External Process
Current and 3 Prior Cycles
MOV Internal Listing
12 Months
Current and Prior Month
NMCS/PMCS Daily Validation
NMCS/PMCS Bi-Wkly (Joint Validation) 6 Months
NMCS/PMCS Qtrly (Surprise Validation) 12 Months
Current and Prior Month
Life of the Sub-Custody
Sub-custody Listing
Initial Issues (5D)
10 Years
Current and Prior Report
PEB Site Screening File
Current and Prior Report
PEB Flag Report
Current and Prior Report
PEB High Dollar Value Report
12 Months
PEB Level Set
Current and Prior Report
NSO Review
12 Months
Current and 3 Prior Quarters
ACR Request File
Current and 2 Prior Months
3 Months
Reorder Review Listings
2 Weeks
Outbound Delivery Goods Issue Listing
Monthly report/listing Schedule
RECON Reports/Listings
Current Month (electronic copy)
Quarterly (hard copy)
Current and Prior Month
Current and Prior Month
6 Apr 2021
Failed IDOCs Report
3 Months
ACE/ARE Reports
Current and Prior Month
AVCONS Range & Depth
Current and Prior Month
DTO Due With Stock On Hand
3 Months
Zero OH Without Replenishment
3 Months
Current and Prior Month
Open DTO & Stock Replenishment Rpt
Aircraft Material Condition Rpt (AMCR) Current and Prior Month
Carcass Reports (NITA)
See Note
Pulse Point Feeder Reports
2 Months
LAP and Inventory Results
See Note
12 Months
Master Stock Record Review
MAMs/TBI Inventory Results
10 Years
One Touch Support User Listing
24 Months
SDR (Pending)
Until Resolved
SDR (Closed)
See Note
10 Years
Stock In Transit (SIT)
Survey Reports (DD Form 200)
10 Years
10 Years
Transfer of Materiel
See Note
DIFM Logbook
10 Years
Delegation of Authority (DOA)
10 Years
Proof of Deliveries (Receipts)
10 Years
Unmatched Disbursements (UMD)
10 Years
Unliquidated Obligations (ULO)
10 Years
Note. Per the latest Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) directive.
6 Apr 2021
Maintenance and Material Management
Aircraft Armament Equipment
Arms, Ammunitions, and Explosives
Authorized Accounting Activity
Advice Code, Aircraft
Aircraft Controlling Custodian
Aircraft Corrosion Control Material
Allowance Change Request
Allowance Change Request-Fixed
Automated COSAL Tracking System
Authorized Dental Allowance List
Administrative Message
Automated Data Processing
Aircraft Equipment Configuration List
Allowance Equipage Lists
Aeronautical Equipment Service Record
Aviation Fleet Maintenance
Address Indicator Group
Annual Financial Plan
Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department
Aircraft Inventory Record
Aircraft Inventory Reporting System
Automated Information System
Automated Identification Technology
All Concerned
Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment
Authorized Medical Allowance List
Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center
Airborne Mine Countermeasures
Aircraft Material Condition Report
Average Monthly Demand
Aircraft Maintenance Equipment
Average Monthly Frequency
Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List
Assistant Maintenance Officer
Aviation Maintenance and Supply Readiness Reporting
Aeronautical Material Screening Unit
Anticipated Not Mission Capable Supply
Accountable Officer, Approving Official
Aircraft Operations Maintenance
Appropriation Purchase Account
Agency Program Coordinator, Annual Price Change
Allowance Parts List
6 Apr 2021
Assistant Program Manager for Logistics
Aircraft Procurement Navy
Advance Planning Optimizer (NERP)
Authorized Retention
Aircraft Reporting Custodian
Auxiliary Resale Outlets
Allowance Requirement Register
Automatic Reorder Restriction Code
Aviation Support Division, Aircraft Statistical Data
Automated Shore Interface
Aviation Storekeeper Information Technology
Aviation Support Management Report
Assistant Supply Officer
Allowance Type (Supply), Action Taken (Maintenance)
Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection
Advance Traceability and Control
Afloat Total Asset Visibility
Allowance Type Code
Automatic Test Equipment
Afloat Training Group Pacific
Available To Promise (NERP)
Authorized User List
Age Unfilled Order Listings
Automatic Digital Network
Avionics Change
Aviation Consolidated Allowance List
Aviation Depot Level Repairable
Awaiting Maintenance
Awaiting Parts
Automated Work Requests
Armament Weapons Support Equipment
Broad Arrow
Beyond Capability of Maintenance
Beyond Economical Repair
Budget OPTAR Report
Budget Project
Blanket Purchase Agreement
Business Process Procedures (NERP)
Benefiting UIC
Business Warehouse (NERP)
Centralized Accounting and Billing
Carrier Air Group
Commercial and Government Entity
Carrier Air Group Maintenance Officer
Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide Overseas
Consumable Asset Redistribution Program
Casualty Report
6 Apr 2021
Consolidated Automated Support System
Category I Product Quality Deficiency Report
Category II Product Quality Deficiency Report
Category I Technical Publications Deficiency Report
Category II Technical Publications Deficiency Report
Cash Collection Agency, Circuit Card Assembly
Configuration Change Forms
Corrected Count Per Minute
Component Control Section
Centralized Database
Collateral Duty Inspector
Command Duty Officer
Compact Disc- Read Only Memory
Controlled Equipage Item List
Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and
Inventory Management Program
Controlled Inventory Item Code
Contractor Monitoring Office
Centrally Managed Operating Budget
Controlled Material Petty Officers
Change Notice
Change Notice Action
Commander, Naval Air Forces
Commander, Naval Air Forces Reserved
Commander, Naval Air Forces, U. S. Atlantic Fleet
Commander, Naval Air Forces, U. S. Pacific Fleet
Chief of Naval Air Training
Chief of Naval Operations
Commanding Officer
Close of Business
Carrier Onboard Delivery
Cognizance Symbol
Complex Overhaul
Communication Routing Identifier
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
Commander, Naval Supply System Command
Continental United States
Contracting Officer Representative
Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
Commercial Off the Shelf
Change Proposal
Count Per Minute
Cargo Routing Information File (NERP)
Consolidated Remain In Place List
Cost Recovery Rate
Commander, Strategic Command Wing One
6 Apr 2021
Critical Safety Items
Consolidated Ship’s Maintenance Plan
Combat Systems Officer
Cumulative Transaction Ledger
Central Technical Publications Library
Component Unit Price
Collection Voucher
Cash Verification Board
Aircraft Carrier Nuclear
Carrier Air Wing
Depot Level
Data Alignment Program
Defense Automated Printing Service
Data Base
Data Base Administrator (Legacy NALCOMIS) See SAA
Demand Based Item
Demand Based Item Indicator
Document Control Unit
Defense Depot, Distribution Depot
Defense Distribution Depot
Defense Depot Distribution Center
Document Data Serial Number
Defense Commercial Communication Office
Decision Knowledge Program for Logistic and Technical
Deficiency To Requisitioning Objective
Demilitarization Codes
Detachment Pacific
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Defense Finance and Accounting Service,
Cleveland Center
Document Identifier
Date Item Established
Due-In From Maintenance
Division Officer
Defense Joint Military Pay System
Defense Logistics Agency
DLA Transaction Services (Formerly DAAS) (NERP)
Date Last Flown
Depot Level Repairable
Defense Logistics Service Center
Defense Logistics Management System (NERP)
Data Mining Facility, Defective Material File
Depot Maintenance Inter Service Support Agreement
Defective Material Summary
Disbursing Officer, Division Officer, Delivery Order (NERP)
6 Apr 2021
Document Identifier
Document Number
Department of Defense
Department of Defense Identification Code
Department of the Navy
Docking Planned Incremental Availability
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
Designated Repair Point
Data Service Facility
Defense Switch Network
Defense Shipping Point, Designated Support Point
Depot Service Restricted Availability
Direct Turnover
Defense Table of Official Distance
Defense Transportation Regulation
Defense Transportation System
Disbursement Voucher
Evaluation and Analysis Reports System
Enhanced CHRIMP Afloat Program
Estimated Delivery Date
Electronic Data Interchange
Extended Docking Selected Availability
Excess Hazardous Material
Equipment History Records
Electronic Interface, Engineering Investigation
Electrical Maintenance Officer
Equipment Maintenance Related Material
Extended Money Value
End Of Sessions
Enhanced Quality Of Life
Economic Retention, Expeditious Repair
Equipage, Repair Consumable Code
Economic Reorder Quantity
Electronic Retrograde Management System
Electrostatic Discharge, Estimated Shipping Date
Extended Selected Restricted Availability
Engine Transaction Report
Exception Code
Expeditious Repair
Fixed Allowance
Federal Aviation Administration
Fleet Automated Control Tracking System
Force Activity Designator
Fixed Allowance Quantity
6 Apr 2021
Federal Acquisition Regulation
Fleet Assistance And Shipboard Training
Functional Business Process Maps (NERP)
Fund Code
Fleet COSAL Feedback Report
Functional Design Specifications (NERP)
Federal Express
Federal Logistics Data
Fleet Forces Command
Family Group Code
Family Group Management
Filled Identification Data, Fixed Induction Date
First In First Out
Fleet Issue Load List
Force Inventory Management Analysis
Reporting System
Force Inventory Transmission Data/Down-Load
Fleet Logistic Center
Financial Liability Investigation Of Property Loss
Field Level Repairable
Flight Operations
Full Mission Capable
Full Mission Capable Maintenance
Full Mission Capable Supply
Financial Management Plan
Foreign Military Sales
Foreign Object Damage
Fitting Out and Supply Support Assistance Center
Fleet Readiness Center, Family Relation Code
Fleet Readiness Center Depot
Fleet Readiness Center Intermediate
Fleet Review Board
Fleet Readiness Plan, Fleet Response Plan
Fleet Readiness Training Plan
Federal Supply Classification
Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
Fleet Support Team
Fleet Trouble Call
File Transfer Protocol
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year to Date
Gross Adjusted Obligation
Global Available To Promise (NERP)
Gain by Inventory
Government Bill of Lading
Government Commercial Purchase Card
Global Distance Support Center (Norfolk and San Diego)
6 Apr 2021
Goods Issue (NERP)
Gross Inventory Adjustment
Gain in Shipment, Gear-In-Shop
General Military Training
Accountable Spaces
Service Spaces
Goods Receipt (NERP)
General Services Administration
Ground Support Equipment
Head of Activity
Hazardous Communication
Hazardous Materiel
Hazardous Waste Minimization Center
Hazardous Waste
Head of Contracting Agency
Hard Copy Notices
Header Delivery Block (NERP)
High Priority
Hazardous Inventory Control System Windows
High Priority Not In Stock
High Level Business Process (NERP)
Hazardous Material Center
Hull, Mechanical and Electrical
Hazardous Material Information Resource System
Hazardous Material Information System
Hazardous Material Reports
Hazardous Material Users Guide
Head of Family
Integrated Barcode System
Individual Component Repair List
Interim Contractor Supply Support
Intermediate Document (NERP)
Inter Deployment Readiness Cycle
Inter Deployment Training Cycle
In-Flight Refueling
Issue Group, Inspector General
Inventory Held for Repair (NERP)
Industrial Hygiene Officer
Integrated Logistics Support
Inventory Manager
Intermediate Maintenance Activity
Improved Materiel Returns
Individual Material Readiness List
Information Management- Twenty First Century (NERP)
International Maritime Satellite
Internal Operating Procedures
6 Apr 2021
I Owe You
Illustrated Parts Breakdown
Industrial Plant Equipment
Issue Pending File
Issue Priority Group
Interim Rapid Action Change
Issue Restriction Code
Intensive Repairable Item Management
Integrated Retail Terminal, Issue Response Time
Interchangeable and Substitute (NERP)
Interim Support Allowance List
Interim Support Item List
Information Systems Officer
Interim Supply Support
Intra-Fleet Supply Support Operations Team
Information Technology
Integrated Technical Item Management and Procurement
Judge Advocate General
Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management
Job Complete
Job Control Number
Job Control Number Organization
Julian Date
Joint Deficiency Reporting System
Joint Federal Travel Regulations
Job Qualification Requirements
Kit Identification Number
Lights Airborne Multipurpose System
Local Area Network
Location Audit Program (See RRP)
Loss by Inventory
Loss by Survey
Leading Chief Petty Officer
Littoral Combat Ship
Logistic Data System (NERP)
Local Item Control Number
Lost In Shipment
Local Management Code
Logistic Requirement
Leading Petty Officer
Local Repair Cycle Asset
Logistic Support Center
Local Stock Number
Media and Status
Maintenance Action Form
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron
6 Apr 2021
Maintenance Assist Module
Material Control Officer
Mission Capable, Meter Card
Material Control Code
Monthly COSAL Maintenance Action Report
Maintenance Control Number
Material Control Officer, Marine Corps Order
Maintenance Data System
Material Financial Control System
Material Financial Control System –
Consolidated Research Team
Material Financial Control System –
Transaction Item Reporting
Materiel Handling Equipment
Military Standard Billing System (NERP)
Military Standard Document (NERP)
Military Specification
Military Standard Reporting and Accounting Procedures
Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
Maintenance Instruction Manual
Material In Transit
Maritime Logistic Data Network
Missing, Lost, Stolen, Or Recovered
Material Management Indicator
Military Origin Destination Information
Memorandums of Understanding
Material Obligation Validation
Material Processing Center, Military Payment Certificate
Military Postal Service Agency
Materiel Request Acknowledgement
Maintenance Requirement Card
Materiel Requirement External
Mail Routing Instructions, Materiel
Requirement Internal
Master Repairable Item List
Materiel Release Order
Maintenance Support Center
Material Support Date
Material Safety Data Sheet
Master Save List
Maintenance Support Package
Master Stock Status Report
Materiel Turn In
Materiel Turned Into Store, Materiel Turned
Into Stock
Materiel Transaction Ledger
6 Apr 2021
Money Value Only
Movement Type (NERP)
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
Optimized NALCOMIS/Revised Alternative Data
Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management
Information System
Naval Aviation Logistics Data Analysis
Naval Aviation Maintenance Discrepancy Reporting Program
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
Naval Aviation Logistics Information Support System
Naval Air Reserve Unit
Naval Air Station
Naval Air
Naval Air Systems Command
Naval Flight Record Subsystem
Naval Inventory Control Point-International Programs Directorate
Naval Medicine
Naval Sea
Naval Sea System Command
Naval Supply
Naval Supply Systems Command
Not Carried
National Codification Bureau
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
National Cash Register
Non-Demand Based Items
Non Destructive Inspection
Navy Enlisted Classification
Navy Enterprise Resource Planning
Navy Energy Usage Reporting System
Navy Exchange Service Command
Next Higher Assembly
Navy Industrial Fund
National Item Identification Number
Not In Stock, Not Issued
Not Mission Capable-Supply
Not Mission Capable Maintenance
Not Mission Capable Maintenance Unscheduled
Navy Management Data File
Navy Oil Analysis Program
Not To All
Not Ready For Issue
Non-Recurring Quantity Indicator
Navy Stock Account
Navy Supply Corps School
Navy Stock Fund
6 Apr 2021
National Stock Number
Navy Stock Points
Naval Tactical Command Support System II
Navy Tactical Command Support System
Net Unit Price
Navy Working Capital Fund
Naval Weapons Publication
NAVSUP Weapon System Support Philadelphia
NAVSUP Weapon System Support Mechanicsburg
Operations & Maintenance Navy
On Hand
Optimized/Intermediate Maintenance Activity
Organizational Level
Obligation to Sales
Outside Continental United States
Off line for Manual Processing
Off-line for Validation
Off-line for Technical Review
On-The-Job Training
Organizational Maintenance Management System-Next
Organizational Maintenance Activity
Officer of the Deck/Day
Optimized (NALCOMIS) Organizational Maintenance Activity
Order of Use (NERP)
Optimized Organizational Maintenance Activity
Out Of Reporting Status
Operating Location
Other Procurement Navy
Operational Report
Operating Target
Outfitting Requisition Control And Accounting System
Ordnance Alteration
Official Representation Funds
Operating Space Items, Operational Support Inventory
Other Supply Officer
Order and Shipping Time
Primary Aircraft Allowance
Primary Aircraft Inventory
Principal Assistant for Logistics
Purchase and Reconciliation Information System
Principal Assistant for Services
Personal Computer, Production Control
Prospective Commanding Officer
Purchase Card Transactions
Priority Designator
6 Apr 2021
Automated Procurement Database
Primary Domain Controller
Priority Delivery Date
Pre-Expended Bin
Personal Effects and Baggage Center
Personal Finance Record
Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation
Post Goods Issue (NERP)
Post Goods Receipt (NERP)
Physical Inventory (NERP)
Performance Indicator Briefing
Picking Ticket
Plain Language Address
Partial Mission Capable, Supply
Precision Measuring Equipment
Precious Metals Indicators (Supply), Phase Maintenance
Inspection (Maint)
Program Management Unit
Priority Material Office (NERP)
Purchase Order (NERP)
Plan of Action and Milestones
Point of Contact
Proof of Delivery
Point Of Entry, Port Of Embarkation
Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant
Peacetime Operating Stock, Point Of Sale, Proof of Shipment
Pre-Overhaul Tests and Inspection
Personal Protective Equipment
Personnel Qualification Standard
Product Quality Deficiency Report
Purchase Request (NERP)
Portal Restricted Work Queue (NERP)
Primary, Substitute, Interchangeable,
Prospective Supply Officer
Pick Up Directive
Prime Vendor
Prospective Executive Officer
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Representative
Nuclear Reactor Plant COSAL
Rapid Action Change, Request for Allowance Change
Repair and Return
Redistributable Assets Onboard
Repairable Asset Management
6 Apr 2021
Redistributable Assets on Order
Restricted Availabilities
Ready Based Aircraft
Requisition Control Unit
Required Delivery Date
Reoutfitting- Aviation Consolidated Allowance List (AVCAL)
Record Type
Radio Frequency Data Control
Ready for Issue
Reason for Rejection (NERP)
Ready for Tasking, Ready For Training
Ready for Use
Radio Frequency Identification/Radio Frequency Data Control
Routing Identifier
Repairable Item Code, Routing Identifier Code
Receipt in Process, Remain-In-Place
Repairable Management Branch
Repairable Management Division
Repairable Material Section
Readiness Officer, Requisitioning Objective
Retail Operations Management
Reorder Point
Rotatable Pool
Repair Parts Petty Officer
Requisition Requirement
Record Reconciliation Program (formerly LAP)
Ready Reporting Status
Ready Shop Store
Repairable Stock Requisition Status Report
Record Type Code
Supplemental Aviation Spare Support
Supply and Equipage
Security Assistance, System Administrator
System Application Administrator (Optimized NALCOMIS)
Ships Authorized Level
Streamlined Automated Logistics Transmission System
Stores Account Material Management Afloat /Ship Authorized
Simplified Acquisition Procedures, System and Products (NERP)
Stricken Aircraft Reclamation and Disposal
Signal Code, Supply Corp, Sortie Completed
Sortie Completion Rate
Subsystem Capability and Impact Reporting
6 Apr 2021
Ship’s Configuration and Logistics Support Information System
Standard Depot Level Maintenance
Supply Department Duty Officer, Staff Duty Officer
Supply Discrepancy Report
Source Data System
Support Equipment
Support Equipment Resources Management I Information System
Serial Number
Service Market/Mini Market
Sortie Flown, Standard Form
Strike Force Intermediate Maintenance Activity
Summary Filled Order/Expenditure Difference Listing
Ship’s Force Overhaul Management System
Standard General Ledger
Ship Alteration
Shipboard Hazardous Material List
Shore Consolidated Allowance List
Stock in Transit, Stock Item Table
Situation Report
Shelf-Life Action Codes
Shelf-Life Code
Storage Location (NERP)
Source Maintenance And Recoverability
Ships and MALS Automated Reconciliation Tracking System
Special Material Content Code
Subject Matter Experts
Supply Management Inspection
Special Material Identification Code
Software Maintenance Tracking System
Standard Navy Distribution List
Stock Number Sequence Lists
Serial Number Tracking
Supply Officer, Sales Order (NERP)
Summary of Effective Apls
Standard Operating Procedures
Source of Repair (NERP)
Standard Organization Regulations Manual
Source of Supply
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
Standard Procurement System (NERP)
Special Qualification
Supply Quality Assurance
Selected Restricted Availability, Shop Replaceable Assemblies
Stock Record Card, Scheduled Removal Component
Storeroom Item
Second Repair Site, Supply Response Section
6 Apr 2021
Sortie Scheduled
Supply Support Center
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center,
Norfolk VA, DET San Diego
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center,
Norfolk VA
Social Security Number
Standardization of Shipboard Reprographic Equipment
Single Supply Solution (NERP)
Supply Screening Unit
Standard Planned Maintenance Identification Guide
Standard Accounting And Reporting System
Standardized Accounting And Reporting System-Fleet Level
Standard Price
Stock Transfer Order (NERP)
Stock Transfer Request (NERP)
Supplementary Address
Supply Officer
Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion And Repair
Transaction Code (NERP)
Type Activity Code, Transportation Account Code
Temporary Assigned Duty
Combat Stores Ship
Technical Assistance For Repairable Program
Turn Around Time
Total Asset Visibility, Targeted Assist Visit
Test Bench Installation
Trouble Calls
Transportation Control Number
Technical Directives
Transportation Discrepancy Report
Temporary Duty
Type Equipment Codes
Temporary Additional Duty
Treasury Financial Manual (NERP)
Transaction Item Reporting
Transaction Ledger
Transportation Officer
Technical Operating Budget
Transportation of Things, Navy
Trouble Report
Transaction Code
TYCOM Readiness Management System
TYCOM Training Program
Type Commander
Uniform Code of Military Justice
Unfiled Customer Order (NERP)
6 Apr 2021
Unit of Issue
Unit Identification Code
Uniform Microcomputer Disbursing System
Uniform Material Movement Issue Priority System
Unsatisfactory Material Report
Urgent Materiel Screen
Urgency of Need Designator
Unmatched Expenditure
Underway Replenishment
Unfilled Order Listing
Unit Price
Universal Product Codes
Unreconciled Balance
United States Army
United States Air Force
United States Coast Guard
United States Marine Corps
United States Postal Service
United States Standard General Ledger (NERP)
Value of Annual Demand (NERP)
Validation Table
Weighted Average Repair Cost (NERP)
Wide Area Work Flow (NERP)
Windows Standard Automated Logistics Tool Set
Warehouse Management (NERP)
Warehouse Refusal (NERP)
Weapons Replaceable Assembly
Weapons System File
Weapon System Planning Document
Work Unit Code
Executive Officer
6 Apr 2021
1. Sales Order Definition. Sales Orders are goods or services sold to a party in the Customer
Master (DODAAC). Examples are a ZOR (Navy Standard Order which equates to Standard
Price) or a ZEX (Navy Exchange Sales Order which equates to Net Price). There are also Return
Sales Orders/Complaint Sales Orders, when goods are being returned from a customer to Navy
ERP, such as a ZRE (Navy Exchange Return Sales Order used for Repairable Carcass Tracking
record) or ZMTS (MTIS Returns). Credits and Debits are also Sales Orders or modifications to
an existing Sales Order. Prior to a Sales Order being executable, it can be a Sales Quote.
2. Navy ERP Sales Orders Document Types.
a. Sales Orders.
(1) ZOR: Standard Sales Order (Billed as Standard Price).
(2) ZEX: Exchange Sales Order (Billed as Net Price).
(3) ZDR: Debit against a Sales Order (Billed as Carcass Value).
(4) ZCR: Credit against a Sales Order (Carcass Credit, Bill Reversals).
(5) ZIOR: Issue On Request (IOR)/Rush Order.
b. Return Sales Orders.
(1) ZRE: Exchange Return Sales Order. Created when Exchange Sales Order (ZEX) is
(2) ZMTS: MTIS Return.
c. Complaint Sales Orders.
(1) Carcass Returns.
(2) Wrong Material.
(3) Defective Material.
(4) Damaged Packaging.
(5) Materiel Turn Into Stores (MTIS).
(6) Unacceptable Substitute.
d. Purchase Orders Definition. Purchase Orders are goods or service bought from a party in
the Vendor Master, which could be either a CAGE or a DODAAC. Purchase documents start as
Purchase Request or Requisition (PR) to represent requirements and then become Purchase
Orders (PO) once approved by an appropriate comptroller authority. In Navy ERP,
Redistribution Orders (RDO) are purchases of stock transportation or redistributions which in
this case, ZSTRs (Stock Transport Requests) are the requirements and ZSTO (Stock Transport
Orders) are the orders.
6 Apr 2021
(1) ZTMP: ITIMP –based Procurement or Repair (NAVSUP Weapon System Support
[(NWSS)] level).
(2) ZSPS: SPS –based Procurement (NAVSUP Fleet Logistic Center [(NFLC}) level).
(3) ZMAN: Manual action, normally used for component repair process.
(4) ZMILS: MILSTRIP – Based Procurement.
(5) ZSTR: Stock Transport Request.
(6) ZSTO: Stock Transport Order/Redistribution Order.
3. Transaction Code (T CODES). A sequence of characters that identifies a transaction in the
Navy ERP. To initiate a transaction in Navy ERP, enter the applicable Transaction Code (TCode) in the command field and click Enter or navigate to the transaction using the system menu
path. T-Codes equate to DOCID in legacy term. T-Codes are used in conjunction with the
assigned User Role.
4. User Role. Roles are collections of activities which allow a user to use one or more business
scenarios or transaction of an organization. Under each User Role, T-Codes are assigned for
typical functions in the daily performance of assigned tasks of a particular user.
5. Commonly Used Transaction Codes (T CODES).
a. VA01: Used to create Sales Order
b. VA02: Used to make change to a Sales Order
c. VA03: Used to view/review a Sales Order or change made to a Sales Order
d. ZVA05: Used to view list of Sales Orders
e. VL01N: Used to create Outbound Delivery
f. VL02N: Used to make change to an Outbound Delivery
g. VL03N: Used to view/review an Outbound Delivery or change made to an Outbound
h. VL09: Used to cancel Goods Issue
i. VL10G: Used to display documents due for Delivery
j. MB51: Used to display all receipt and issue transaction by Movement Type (MvT)
k. MIGO: Use to display Goods Movement
l. MMBE: Used for stock (material) information overview
m. MM03: Used to display Materiel information
n. ZRMIM0001: Used to obtain detailed MILS/Sales Order History Report
o. ZMON: Used for Interface monitor
6. Movement Type (Mvt Type). A Movement Type in Navy ERP is a classification key
indicating the type of materiel movement such as materiel or goods receipt, materiel or goods
issue or physical stock transfer. The Movement Type enables the Navy ERP system to find
predefined posting rules determining how the accounts of the financial accounting system (stock
6 Apr 2021
and consumption accounts) are to be posted and how the stock fields in the Materiel Master
records are to be updated.
7. Commonly Used Standard Movement Type (Mvt Type) in Navy ERP.
a. Mvt Type 101: Used for Goods Receipt for a Purchase Order (PO) or Stock Transfer
Order (STO).
b. Mvt Type 102: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 101.
c. Mvt Type 301: Used for transfer of materiel from one Plant to another Plant (STO). Use
in conjunction with Mvt Type 101.
d. Mvt Type 302: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 301.
e. Mvt Type 309: Used for change to certain quantity of materiel from one NIIN to another
NIIN. It may also be use to change the supply condition code of certain quantity of materiel from
one condition code to another condition code. Use in conjunction with Mvt Type 101.
f. Mvt Type 310: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 309.
g. Mvt Type 343: Used for transfer of materiel from “Blocked” stock to “Unrestricted”
stock. Use in conjunction with Mvt Type 902.
h. Mvt Type 344: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 343.
i. Mvt Type 501: Used for Receipt without a matching Purchase Order (PO).
j. Mvt Type 502: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 501.
k. Mvt Type 541: Used for Warehouse Goods Issue to Sub-Contractor stock.
l. Mvt Type 542: Used for Sub-Contractor stock Goods Receipt to Warehouse.
m. Mvt Type 551: Used for transfer of materiel to DRMO (scrap).
n. Mvt Type 552: Used for Reversal of MvT Type 551.
o. Mvt Type 561: Used for the initial transfer of materiel from Legacy system to Navy
p. Mvt Type 601: Used for Goods Issue for Standard Sales Order (ZOR) and Exchange.
q. Sales Order (ZEX).
r. Mvt Type 602: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 601. Use in conjunction with
Transaction Code.
s. (T-Code) VL09.
t. Mvt Type 641: Used for Goods Issue for a Stock Transport Order (STO).
u. MvT Type 642: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 641. Use in conjunction with
Transaction Code.
v. (T-Code) VL09.
w. Mvt Type 653: Used for Goods Receipt of repairable NRFI Turn In (Retrograde) as a
result of a related Sales Order/Return Sales Order (ZEX/ZRE) transaction.
x. Mvt Type 654: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 653.
y. Mvt Type 701: Used for Goods Receipt (GR) Physical Inventory, Whse.
z. Mvt Type 702: Used for Goods Issue (GI) Physical Inventory, Whse.
aa. Mvt Type 703: Used for Goods Receipt (GR) Physical Inventory, QI.
6 Apr 2021
bb. Mvt Type 704: Used for Goods Issue (GI) Physical Inventory, QI.
cc. Mvt Type 707: Used for Goods Receipt (GR) Physical Inventory, Blocked.
dd. Mvt Type 708: Used for Goods Issue (GI) Physical Inventory, Blocked.
ee. Mvt Type 711: Used for Goods Issue (GI) Inventory Difference, Whse, Loss.
ff. Mvt Type 712: Used for Goods Receipt (GR) Inventory Difference, Whse, Gain.
gg. Mvt Type 713: Used for Goods Issue (GI) Inventory Difference, QI.
hh. Mvt Type 714: Used for Goods Receipt (GR) Inventory Difference, QI.
ii. Mvt Type 715: Used for Goods Issue (GI) Inventory Difference, Returns.
jj. Mvt Type 716: Used for Goods Receipt (GR) Inventory Difference, Returns.
kk. Mvt Type 717: Used for Goods Issue (GI) Inventory Difference, Blocked.
ll. Mvt Type 718: Used for Goods Receipt (GR) Inventory Difference, Blocked.
8. Custom Navy ERP Movement Types (Mvt Type).
a. Mvt Type 902: Used for Inventory Loss (D9).
b. Mvt Type 903: Used for Inventory Gain (D8).
c. Mvt Type 904: Used for Shipment Loss (D9).
d. Mvt Type 905: Used for Shipment Gain (D8).
e. Mvt Type 906: Used for Inventory Loss – Other (D9).
f. Mvt Type 907: Used for Inventory Gain – Other (D8).
g. Mvt Type 908: Used for Negative Unreconciled Balance (URB).
h. Mvt Type 909: Used for Positive Unreconciled Balance (URB).
i. Mvt Type 913: Used for Unmatched Carcass Receipt.
j. Mvt Type 953: Used for MTIS Goods Receipt.
k. Mvt Type 954: Used for Reversal of Mvt Type 953.
9. Plants. Navy ERP is designed around the concept of Plants and not materials. Plants are
equivalent to legacy Routing Identification Codes (RICs), in that they are places that report
inventory. In Navy ERP, Plants are unique to a Company Code which is a major Navy
command such as Echelon II System Commands (NAVSUP, NAVAIR, NAVSEA, SPAWAR,
SSP, NAVFAC, FFC and DLA). Company Codes beginning with a “9” are designated as “nonvaluated” where there is need to process inventory transaction to support business process but the
system of records for funds and inventory does not resides within Navy ERP. The Plant naming
convention is composed of the activity’s RIC prefixed with a letter that represents the activity’s
applicable Company Code.
NAVAIR General Fund (GF)
Company Code
Plant Prefix
6 Apr 2021
10. NAVY ERP Relevant Storage Locations (SLoc)).
Storage Location (SLoc)
AWP/Project Stock
Navy ERP Managed
Navy ERP managed
Inventory with WM
Navy ERP 1.0 Relevant
IM activity with “Out of
Scope” WM system.
IM activity with “In Scope”
Non-Valuated DTO
Processing Storage Location
Hazardous Materiel Center
HAZMAT Work Center
Used only for on base
customers not using Navy
IM activity with “In Scope”
IM only activity without WM
6 Apr 2021
11. Military Standard (MILS) To Defense Logistic Management System (DLMS) Document
Identifier (DOCID) Conversion.
A0, A3, A4
A2, A5
12. Issue DRIPR Ccodes (3RD Position Of Disposal, Redistribution, Issue, Procurement & Repair
A = Small Arms (Mech).
B = Requires NWSS IM release authority.
C = Configuration Control Problems.
D = Deep Sea Submergence Program Item (Mech).
E = Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Item.
F = Fleet Controlled Item requires TYCOM approval for issue.
G = General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment (GPETE) Item.
H = hardware System Command Controlled Item (Even Cog).
I = 2V Gog End Item Support Equipment (Phil).
J = 6R Cog end Item Support Equipment (Phil).
K = NAVAIR 6V Mod Kits (Phil).
L = level 1 Subsafe Item (Mech).
M = Insurance Items (Phil).
N = 4K Cog Major Targets (Phil).
O = Not used.
P = PBL Unforcasted Item.
Q = AERP Advanced Equipment Repair Program End Item.
R = Radiac Item (Mech).
S = Classified Item.
6 Apr 2021
T = Pack Up Kits.
U = Unique Processing Required (See IM notes for instructions).
V = Aviation Guns.
W = Special Warfare Item (Mech).
X = Nuclear Item (Mech)
Y = Classified 8A Cog.
Z = Classified Crypto.
1 = Cryogenics.
3 = Control Backorder Release.
5 = ERP System Problem (Temporary).