11/08/2023, 07:59 1080p Audio/2110 Router Problem Contingency Plan - Live Engineering - Confluence Live Engineering / … / 1080p for Serie A Share 1080p Audio/2110 Router Problem Contingency Plan Owned by Jake Halliday Feb 04, 2022 • 2 min read • 11 people viewed • Page numbering is off Although it hasn’t been noticed with this workflow and under testing scenarios, if the audio crackling issue (introduced by the 2110 router in the past) occurs, noticed on the output of a 1080p channel then we can cable the ice servers directly to the respective decoders or encoders. The old temporary direct cabling is still in place behind the Bangor racks BR 208-209. The cables are labelled on the ice side as - ICE SVR, Matrox Port and on the Decoder/Encoder side it labelled as Dec - port or Enc port. This is pretty self explanatory but in any doubt you can test each output via the handheld Phabrix to verify, check the crib sheet if you are unsure on the card configuration. We are not expecting to see this issue as both A and B input decoders and Encoders have been referenced, but due to the high profile events from this workflow, this cabling is going to remain until we are 100% sure the problem has been resolved. ICE SVR Side - Bangor Rack 209 https://livesport.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LES/pages/5654551084/1080p+Audio+2110+Router+Problem+Contingency+Plan 1/2 11/08/2023, 07:59 1080p Audio/2110 Router Problem Contingency Plan - Live Engineering - Confluence Decoder/Encoder Side - TX Nevions 6/7 or ATVx02/03 Add label Be the first to add a reaction https://livesport.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LES/pages/5654551084/1080p+Audio+2110+Router+Problem+Contingency+Plan 2/2