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Kino is joyful. For example, Kino shows joy when he sees Coyotito being born.
“What a wonderful thing it is to become a father! I’ve never experienced so much joy”
(Steinbeck 12). The joy Kino feels when he becomes a father is an emotion he has
never felt before. He says, “I always want to feel this way” (Steinbeck 14) when he
holds Coyotito for the first time. Kino loves being a father and feels joy every time he
looks at his son. In addition to feeling joy when he holds Coyotito for the first time, Kino
also feels joy on the day he marries Juana. Kino and Juana are married on the beach
by the village priest. On the morning of their wedding, Kino visits Juana and expresses
his love for her, which brings him great joy (Steinbeck 34-35). Kino is glad he has the
opportunity to tell Juana how much he loves her. Joy is also felt by Kino when he finds
the Pearl of the World. Kino had hoped for a great pearl for many years, so when he
finally finds one, he jumps for joy and exclaims, “I have found the Pearl of the World! I
have found my future!” (Steinbeck 65). Kino’s joy feels no bounds once he finds the
Pearl of the World. Kino’s life events provide joy in his life.