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Textile & Light Industry Conference Proceedings

AlP Conference Proceedings
Volume 2789
Problems in the Textile and
Light Industry in the Context of
Integration of Science and Industry
and Ways to Solve Them
Namangan, Uzbekistan • 5 -6 May 2022
Editors • Sherzod Korabayev, Plekhanov Aleksey, Huseyin Kadoglu,
Salikh Tashpulatov and Nosir Yuldashev
AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume 2789
ISBN: 978-0-7354-4499-7
ISSN: 0094-243X
A lP
AIP Conference Proceedings
Problems in the Textile and Light Industry in the
Context of Integration of Science and Industry and
Ways to Solve Them
Volume 2789
Problems in the Textile and
Light Industry in the Context of
Integration of Science and Industry
and Ways to Solve Them
Namangan, Uzbekistan
5-6 May 2022
Sherzod Korabayev
Nam angan Institute o f Engineering and Technology, N am angan, Uzbekistan
Plekhanov Aleksey
R u ssian Sta te University A .N .K osigin, Moscow, Russia
Huseyin Kadoglu
Ege University, Bornova, Turkey
Salikh Tashpulatov
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Nosir Yuldashev
Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Sponsoring Organizations
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Russian State University A.N.Kosigin
Ege University
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
Fergana Polytechnic Institute
All papers have been peer reviewed.
Melville, New York, 2023
AIP Conference Proceedings
To learn more about AIP Conference Proceedings visit http://proceedings.aip.org
Volume 2789
Sherzod Korabayev
Nosir Yuldashev
N am angan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Technology o f Textile Products
Power Engineering
7, K a sa n sa y Street
8 6 Fergana
N am angan, 1 6 0 1 1 5
Fergana, 1 5 0 1 0 7
Em ail: sherzod.korabayev@ gm ail.com
Em ail: sanjar.tojim irzaev@ gm ail.com
Plekhanov Aleksey
Ru ssian State University A.N .Kosigin
Textile Engineering
3 3 Sa d o vn ich eskaya, Building 1
Moscow, 1 1 7 9 9 7
R u ssia
Em ail: vonahelp@ m ail.ru
Huseyin Kadoglu
Ege University
Textile Engineering
12 Youth Street
Bornova, 3 5 0 4 0
Em ail: Huseyin.kadoglu@ ege.edu.tr
Salikh Tashpulatov
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
International Affairs
5, Shoh jahon
Tashkent, 1 0 0 0 0 0
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
D epartm ent o f Textile Engineering
4, Islom Karimov
Jizzak, 1 3 0 1 0 0
Em ail: ssth61@ m ail.ru
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ISBN 978-0-7354-4499-7
ISSN 0094-243X
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Spontaneous polymerization of a monomer based on 1-chloro-3-piperidine-2-propanol
with methacrylic acid
Nilufar Pulatova and Oytura Maksumova
Investigation of adsorption processes of sulfur compounds with natural gas in modified forms
of clinoptilotite
Nilufar Sarimsakova, Normurot Fayzullaev, and Khayotkhon Bakieva
Determination of the composition and properties of the components of polymer gels in electrolyte
Khamza Trobov, Nikolai Ferapontov, Mikhail Tokmachev, Gulnoza Tursunova,
and Khusniddin Karimov
Research of human-computer interaction in the modern education system
Dilnoz Ruzieva, Ulugbek Sodikov, and Sodikjon Mukhlisov
The interaction of vitagenic experience, computer and a human in a smart systems
Nodira Rustamova
Control mechanism of eliminate noise and improve visual perception of the image
Saida Beknazarova, Shaxislam Joldasov, Ozoda Abdullayeva, and Dilshod Mamasoatov
Conducting engineering-geological researches on bridges located in our country and diagnosing
their super structures, methods of eliminating identified defects
Olmos Zafarov, Doston G’ulomov, and Zuxriddin Murodov
Conducting engineering and geological research on the design and construction of buildings
and structures in saline areas
Zafar Maxkamov, Olmos Zafarov, Jamshid Xudoyberdiyev, Elbek Urishbayev,
and Jo’rabek Ravshanov
Soil composition in the construction of engineering structures, their classification, assessment
of the impact of mechanical properties of soils on the structure
Ravshan Bobojonov, Olmos Zafarov, and Jaxongir Yusupov
The research on road dust and particles caused by traffic (on the example Jizzakh city)
Kubaymurad Ismayilov, Zebo Alimova, Ixtiyorjon Asqarov, and Kamola Karimova
Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of fire-resistant and heat-insulating
wall materials made on the basis of industrial waste
Kamol Abdusamatov and Azizbek Bakhodirov
Groundwater flow modeling in urban areas
Zokhidjon Abdulkhaev, Mamadali Madraximov, Axror Akramov, and Aybek Arifjanov
Influence of soil contaminated with heavy metals on decorative trees
Nilufar Kobulova, Misliddin Halmatov, and Muxtorjon Xodjakulov
Conducting Engineering-Geological Researches on Bridges
Located in Our Country and Diagnosing their Super
Structures, Methods of Eliminating Identified Defects
O l m o s Z a f a r o v a), D o s t o n G ’u l o m o v b), Z u x r i d d i n M u r o d o v c)
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
a Corresponding author: olmos.zafarov@mail.ru
b>bigfire8088@gmail. com
czuxriddinmuradov@gmail. com
Abstract. This article presents information and research on the conduct of engineering and geological surveys on the
bridges of our country and the diagnosis of their superstructures, methods of eliminating identified defects. The article
also mentions the bridge, located Jizzakh (highway 4P38) - Pakhtakor - Dustlik.- Gagarin - Highway M39 (918 km) - 4
+35 km of highway 0P164 which passes through the Sangzor River, built according to outdated design standards and
given information on inspection and elimination of defects of the bridge, which is in disrepair.
Keywords. Bridge repair, superstructure, sulfite-alcohol composition, regulatory loads, technological cracks, cementpolymer mortar.
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-5083 dated April 21, 2021 "On additional
measures to actively attract investment in the field of geology, the transformation of network enterprises and the
expansion of the mineral and chemical base of the republic" was adoptedin order to develop the field of geology.
Inaddition, accepted new waysto transform the enterprises of the geological industry on the basis of advanced
international experience, to introduce an effective management system in them, to reduce the cost of geological
exploration aimed at discovering new mineral deposits, to increase the inflow of foreign direct investment in order
to develop new jobs in industry.
In the world and in our country, the construction of transport facilities is often carried out in difficult engineering
and geological conditions, including in regions consisting of salt marshes. Such cereals occupy large areas of the
earth's surface, in particular Australia, America, Mexico, Egypt, Pakistan, India, China, Iran, Kazakhstan,
Uzbekistan, Russia, as well as a number of European countries and almost all three climatic zones. Therefore, the
study of the properties of salt gratings, in particular, the assessment of the stagnation of transport structures built in
them, is one of the urgent tasks. When using transport structures, as well as highways and transport structures built
on saline soils, groundwater levels are formed under them due to natural and artificial factors. As a result of an
increase in the groundwater level and an increase in the moisture content of the foundation soil, an uneven
destruction of the structure occurs. This leads to excessive spending of time.
More than 90% of bridges and pipelines in Uzbekistan are built of reinforced concrete, most of them are made of
precast reinforced concrete. Currently, the use of monolithic reinforced concrete is expanding.
Increasing the level of industrialization in bridge construction is carried out through the use of more advanced
technological techniques, the transformation of construction into machine production, that is, the organization of
construction based on modern methods and the use of effective technologies, as well as increasing the level of
mechanization of work and the use of economically cheap structures.
Problems in the Textile and Light Industry in the Context o f Integration o f Science and Industry and Ways to Solve Them
AIP Conf. Proc. 2789, 040079-1-040079-5; https://doi.org/10.1063/5-0145756
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4499-7/$30.00
Engineer must take into account the natural and climatic conditions of the territory, diagnostics, as well as the
type of soil, in projecting of bridges.
The bridge, located on 4+35 km of highway 0P164, “Jizzakh (highway 4R38) - Pakhtakor - Dustlik- Gagarin Highway M39 (918 km)”, which passes through the Sangzor River in the Jizzakh region, was built around 1965. The
superstructure of the bridge is 3 x 16.76 m . The bridge, located on the road of the second technical category, has
overall dimensions of g-7.55 m and two sidewalks of 1.0 m each. The bridge consists of three spans. The bridge's
superstructure consists of six "T"-shaped spans with prestretched reinforcement with a length of 16.76 m. Spans are
interconnected by means of monolithic reinforced concrete joints in the immediate vicinity of the roadway plate.
The width of the bridge is 20.0 m, the total length of the bridge is 50.88 m.
FIGURE 1. The general view of the bridge
In recent years, the growth of heavy loads and the increasing need for their delivery to the necessary places, a
decrease in the quality of construction work for certain reasons and an unsatisfactory level of issues of their repair,
maintenance in good condition lead to an almost twofold reduction in the service life of bridges and other road
structures. And this, in turn, requires additional costs to maintain their condition at a satisfactory level. As a rule, the
performance of these works is also assigned to road engineers. In our republic, most of these structures were built in
the 50s and 60s, and most of them either do not fully meet modern requirements, or recently it has become difficult
to withstand the weight of developing large-sized transport, the dimensions of which are also small, which in turn
requires taking the necessary measures or strengthening structural elements, increasing the width etc. requires
The superstructure of the bridge consists of precast reinforced concrete, the movement which is carried out
above of it, designed for standard loads H-18 and HK-80. Reinforced concrete of class B25 was used as a highstrength building material. Superstructure consist of 6 "T" -shaped frame spans, not previously stretched.
The sidewalk is made of prefabricated porous slabs of ICE. The width of the pedestrian path is 100 sm. The type
of bridge bed is asphalt concrete. The total thickness of road surface is 18-22 sm.
The shore and intermediate bridge supports are installed in two rows. The support area is 30x35 cm. The racks of
the middle supports have a length of 3.20 m . The upper part of the supports is combined with a monolithic
reinforced concrete screed. Table top dimensions: length - 10.30 m, width - 120 cm, height - 45-50 cm. The
foundation is mounted on natural soil in a monolithic massive way. Beams in bridge intermediate devices are
mounted on metal cushions in a tangential way. The calculation of the supports is carried out by a zero picket fence,
the calculation of the types of piles and pillars is carried out from left to right along the kilometer. According to
representatives of the responsible organization, there were no accidents on the bridge during exploitation.
The need for the correct solution of these issues generates the need to solve rather complex organizational work
and economic tasks, or dictates the need to develop technical and economic guidelines for the expansion of the
facility, determining the order and timing of work, organizational and technical orientation, creating a raw material
base and, if necessary, their readiness for mass use. these include the expansion of structures, the strengthening of
their elements, the repair of worn-out ones, the mechanization of work as far as possible, the effective use of new
materials and new methods, as well as the performance of all work with high quality. The determination of the
carrying capacity of structures with large weights, which appeared in later times, was also the responsibility of the
guidebooks. For the correct solution of these issues, engineers need to know perfectly the designs of various types of
structures being erected, how their design is carried out, construction technology and how to properly use the
structures being erected.
The quality of the diagnosed artificial structures largely depends on the good organization and full-fledged
performance of geodetic, marking and control and measuring works at all stages of construction. Geodetic and
marking works during the construction of small and medium bridges and pipelines are carried out by a contractor or
an engineer of the production and technical department.
Assessment of the condition of the coating is the main issue of choosing technical solutions for the work. Based
on this, it became known that the protective properties of the coating are judged by its appearance. The loss of the
coating's ability to protect the metal from corrosion wear is determined according to Table 1.
TABLE 1. Assessment of the protective properties of the coating
Coating wear surface, %
metal corrosion
Up to 5
Up to 1
Above 50
Above 15
Coating wear surface by sizes
destruction depth
diameter of corrosion
sites, mm
No destruction
The outer layer destruction is visible
Up to 0,5
when it is 10 times bigger
The outer destroyed layer is visible
Decomposition to a primer layer
Decomposition to the surface to be
Above 3,0
The degree of elimination of defects identified as a result of diagnostics, cleaning of metal from rust and
remnants of old paint is determined based on the requirements for surfaces, depending on the type of paint (Table 2).
TABLE 2. Requirements for the preparation of surfaces for repair work as a result of diagnostics
Degree of surface
Degree of purification from
contamination and corrosion
Complete cleaning of paintwork
and corrosion products
Features of prepared surfaces
Cleaning of old paint coatings, rust
residues, whitewash when moving
large pieces
Loss of oxides to the second degree (it is impossible to see
without instruments). Surface preparation continues in the same
way as preparation for a new product
On the surface of the coating there remain: individual points of
rust, small pieces of scale that fit snugly to the base, fragments
similar in color to rust in places where there used to be rust
Faulty parts of old paint coatings,
separated from the base
Undamaged fragments of paintwork on the surface of structures
that are tightly adjacent to the base
When diagnosing superstructure of bridge, the following was established: the intermediate bridge structures
are precast reinforced concrete, the movement is upper, designed for standard loads of H-18 and k-80.
Reinforced concrete of class B25 was used as a high-strength building material.
The total length of the superstructure is 16.76 m, and they consist of six "T"-shaped beams, not stretched.
The beams are interconnected at the level of reinforced concrete slabs. The design range is 16.10 m. The height
of the dam is 100 cm . The thickness of the conductive plate is 15 cm. The distance between the fins of the
conductors is from 165 cm to 183 cm.
FIGURE 2. Overview of defects in bridge superstructure
As a result of the diagnostics , the following was revealed:
- welding seams on the edges of paving slabs and on poles are broken. This is due to the dynamic effects of
passing by the wheels of the car and the disruption of the compensators;
- there is a partial loss of the protective layer of concrete, as well as the opening of the reinforcement in some
- there are technological cracks and breakdowns caused by cooling of the intermediate device;
- as a result of waterproofing violations, areas prone to corrosion appear on the concrete surface.
A study conducted to study their salinity characteristics and the degree of salinity associated with the amount of
initial plaster and the degree of salt leaching during prolonged exposure to water based on salt gratings of buildings
and structures allows us to draw the following conclusion.
The following recommendations have been developed for the repair of the bridge superstructure and the
restoration of its technical condition:
1. Restoration of deformation seams, treatment with metal brushes of cracks formed earlier on the plate of the
2. Repair intermediate devices, seal cracks with concrete with polymer-cement mixture. Injection with epoxy
resin, if the cracks are not more than 0.5 mm;
3. Reinforcement of strong beam defects by metal levers;
4. Repair of the pedestrian path and installation of railings according to regulatory rules;
5. Cleaning the surface of intermediate devices from residual alkalis.
To restore the destroyed reinforced concrete span of the bridge, two categories of materials should be used:
type I - compositions that form solid coatings after application to concrete, similar in properties to cement
stone (cement-sand mortars, polymer-cement compositions);
Category II-rubber-like elastic compounds (compounds of the “filler" type, nitrite, rubber-bituminous
compounds, epoxy, compositions based on perchlorovinyl resins) that do not break down with significant
It is recommended to use cement-sand mortars and concretes with the addition of sulfite-alcohol fixed SSB.
Sulfite-alcohol inert SSB improves hydration of solution particles, increases their adhesion to old concrete,
mineral components and fittings. Repair and restoration of reinforced concrete structures with a thickness of the
restored layer up to 60 mm is recommended to be carried out from mortar, and concrete structures with a
thickness of 60 mm or more.
As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the technology of preparation of cement-polymer
mortar should be carried out as follows:
1. For the preparation of cement-polymer solutions, M400 Portland cement (GOST 10178-85) should be used as
a binder, sand (GOST 8736-93) should be used as a filler;
2. The content of powdery and clay mixtures should not exceed 1%. The cement-sand ratio should be 1:3;
3. Mixing of the binder (cement) and filler (sand) is carried out in shovel mixers or concrete mixers with forced
mixing in a dry state for 3-5 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
4. SSB additives in an amount of 0.2% by weight of cement are dissolved in water. The resulting solution is
gradually introduced into a dry mixture of cement and sand, thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is
obtained, then mixed with water so that the ratio of water and cement is W: C < 0.45.
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