E102 Nagel Name:______________________ Period:_____________ “The Lady, or the Tiger?” Vocabulary Directions: Define the following words and create one sentence using that word. Word 1. Untrammeled (298) 2. Genial (298) 3. Allegiance (299) 4. Aforementioned (299) 5. Procured (299) 6. Dire (300) 7. Justice (300) 8. Imperious (300) 9. Devious (302) 10. Reveries (303) Definition Empty, deserte Weak, fragile, delicate To have no confidence in Fit to be seen by people Leather with a soft, fuzzy surface Unique Sentence E102 Nagel Name:___________________________ Period:_____________ “The Lady, or the Tiger?” Guided Questions 1. Give three descriptions of the king 1. 2. 3. 2. When things become out of place, why does the king become excited? 3. What is the purpose of the arena? 4. What determines whether an accused criminal is guilty or innocent? 5. What does this quote tell the reader about the king’s character? “The king wanted no such subordinate arrangements to interfere with his great scheme...” 6. Do people enjoy being spectators at the arena? Why or why not? 7. What personality traits does the king’s daughter have in common with the king? E102 Nagel 8. List two qualities of the young man who is in love with the King’s daughter: a. b. 9. What does it mean that the young man is of “lowness of station?” 10. What happens when the King finds out about the love affair between his daughter and the young man? 11. Why doesn’t the king approve of the young man’s love for his daughter? 12. How are the princess’ thoughts and actions in the arena ambiguous to the reader? 13. What would motivate the princess to send the young man to the lady? Explain. 14. What would motivate the princess to send the young man to the tiger? Explain. E102 Nagel Name:___________________________ Period:_____________ Ambiguity in “The Lady, or the Tiger?” Your Task: Find clues (quotes) from the story that lead the reader to believe that the young man was led to the lady or the tiger’s door. Clues Leading to the Lady’s Door Clues Leading to the Tiger’s Door Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: Page #: Quote: