Research Mehods MBA Research proposal Research Proposal • • • • • • • • • • • • • Title Acknowledgement Table of contents Introduction (background) Statement of the problem Research Questions and Objectives Hypotheses Theoretical Framework (literature Review) Empirical Framework Results and analysis Conclusion and Policy Implications References Appendices Title Title Acknowledgment Acknowledgment Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction/Overview/Background • Introduction/Overview/Background (example) • The literature on the behavior and determinants of private investment in developed countries is extensive. For developing countries, however, more efforts need to be made in order to identify variables that affect private investment behavior and those that shape the response of private investors to changes in government policy. • Moreover, because government policies in developing countries are distortive, more works are needed in order to model and quantify private investment behavior in these countries. In this respect, the standard neoclassical investment models need to be either modified or replaced by alternative ones. Statement of the problem Statement of the research problem is the core of research. A research problem is something that is disturbing you. It is the gap between expectation (what is expected) and reality (e.g. the real situation of an economy or an organization). Expectation might be: - an expectation of a theory - an expectation of literature - an expectation of the mission of an organization - an expectation of a plan or an objective Reality must be based on indicators from your case study (e.g. a country or an organization). Indicators must be derived from actual data and information that give an indication. Statement of the problem Statement of the problem Shows that something is disturbing Based on a solid background States expectations (e.g. theory) Provides indicators (the extent to which realities differ from expectations) Raises questions (research questions) Statement of the problem Example 1 Traditional investment models (theories) state that the rate of interest and level of economic activities (i.e. income) are the two major determinants of private investment (this is the expectation). However, data and available indicators (provide the evidence) show that traditional investment theories cannot be used to explain private investment in developing country like Egypt where government policies are distorted. Therefore, it is necessary to specify and estimate an alternative private investment model and apply it for a particular developing economy (Egypt). The proposed model is meant to integrate policy variables into the traditional neoclassical accelerator model. Statement of the problem Example 2 Production theory predicts that across firms/plants output (Q) varies due to the variation in the inputs of labor L and capital K. The theory also indicates that the relationship between Q and both L and K is not uniform (the response of Q to the variation in L and K is not uniform across firms/plants). Statement of the problem Example 2 Previous empirical works have also indicated that the both labor and capital has a positive impact on output. This is the expectation of the literature (from theory and previous empirical works. The literature states that: Output or production depends on the inputs of labor and capital Output of different firms responds differently to the variation in labor and capital Both labor and capital have positive impact on output What is written in this box is a clarification, it is not a part of the statement of the problem Statement of the problem Example 2 However, Actual data shows that output of firms/plants in the Dairy Products industry in Egypt varies due to factors other than the inputs of labor and capital (EVIDENCE). This would require different specification of the relationship between output and both labor and capital inputs. This different specification must not be exactly the same as the ones in the literature. The new specification should be able to handle variables other that labor and capital that explain output in the Dairy Product Industry in Egypt Statement of the problem Example 3 The Literature on leadership indicates that performance is strongly related to the style of leadership where transformational leaders move business organizations from failure to success. However, indicators show that this is not the case of company Z, where there is no clear evidence that change leadership has had any significant impact on the overall performance of the company. Research Questions and Objectives For Example 1 1. Do traditional investment models explain private investment in both developed and developing countries? 2. If the answer is no, does government policy in developing countries call for alternative investment models? 3. What is the impact of government policy (government expenditure in particular) on private investment? 4. Is there is a crowding-out effect? If yes, by how much? The research objective is to answer the above questions and develop an alternative investment model Research Questions and Objectives For Example 2 1. Is it true that variation in output across firms/plants in the Dairy Product industry in Egypt is explained by other variables, other than the inputs of labor and capital? 2. If the answer is “yes”, what are these other variables? 3. Does variation in output across firms/plants in the Dairy Product industry in Egypt reflect variation in managerial efficiency across firm? 4. Why the managerial efficiency level varies across firms/plants? The research objective is to answer the above questions and develop an alternative investment model Research Questions and Objectives Objectives: 1. To develop a production model that incorporates basic determinants of output (i.e. Labor and Capital) as well as other variables (other than labor and capital) that reflect variation in efficiency across firms. 2. To identify the sources of technical efficiency and develop an empirical technique to measure it. 3. To develop an operational framework that helps manager identify different sources of output efficiency Hypotheses A hypothesis is: A proposition that there is a certain relationship that can be tested between two of more measurable variables A hypothesis must: 1. Be written in the present tense (why?) 2. Include a relationship between measured variables 3. Provide an Expectation 4. Amenable for testing 5. Be based on a priori information (logical) Hypotheses For example 1 Hypothesis 1 Policy variables (of which government expenditure is the most important) have strong impact on private investment, much stronger than the effects of variables suggested by conventional models Hypothesis 2 The magnitude (size) of the crowding-out effect of different types government expenditure is not the same (i.e. infrastructural and noninfrastructural public expenditure ). Hypotheses For example 2 Hypothesis 1 Output varies across firms/plants in the Dairy Product industry in Egypt due to not only the inputs of labor and capital, but more importantly due to the variation in technical (managerial) efficiency Hypothesis 2 The distribution of technical efficiency across firms/plants is universally not following NORMAL distribution Relationship – hypothesis - theory A relationship: 1. What are the variables?: 2. Which is the dependent?: 3. Positive or negative?: Profit 𝒚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒙 𝒚 𝒚= 𝒙 Positive 𝒚= + 𝒙 How to read a relationship? - There is a positive relationship between 𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒙 - the relationship between 𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒙 - 𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒙 are positively related Relationship – hypothesis - theory A hypothesis: 1. What are the variables?: Profit as percentage of toal sales 𝒚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕 𝒙 2. Which is the dependent?: 𝒚 𝒚= 𝒙 3. Positive or negative?: Positive 𝒚= + 𝒙 When tested: 4. How much will be the value of 𝒚 if 𝒙 = 𝟎? 𝒂 𝒚 = 𝒂 + 𝒙 5. By how much 𝒚 responds to changes in 𝒙? 𝒃 𝒚 = 𝒂 + 𝒃 𝒙 A hypothesis is a relationship that can be tested A theory is a relationship that has been tested and proved to be generally true Methodology Theoretical Framework (Literature Review) Establishing major relationships of the research Identifying variables (what is explained by what?) How the impact is transmitted from explanatory (independent) variables to the dependent variable? Is impact (effect) direct or indirect? How much and by how much? What is the empirical evidence from previous studies shows? ALL OF THESE MUST BE BASED ON THE LITERATURE Methodology How to Write a Literature Review?: an example (research title: the impact of the price elasticity of demand on pricing policies) The Importance of Pricing • Andreas Hinterhuber (2005) finds that on average, a five percent increase in price leads to a 22 percent improvement profits. According to the basic economic laws of supply and demand, an increased price can decrease demand. However, depending on the elasticity of demand, this can in turn increase or decrease revenues. Marn and Rosiello (1992) assured the importance of pricing by concluding that holding other variables constant, 1% increase in price leads to 11.1% increase in profit, while 1% increase in the quantity sold will only raise profits by3.3%. Methodology It follows that poor pricing leads to performance, while proper pricing increases profit. poor financial Based on the above conclusions, it is really not clear (strange) (not understood) that pricing is one of the least considered and researched aspects of marketing (Hoffman et al, 2002). Nagle and Holden (2002, p.21) define pricing strategy as “coordination of interrelated marketing, competitive, and financial decisions to maximize the ability to set prices profitably”. They also go as far as saying that few professional managers consider pricing in a strategic sense. Methodology While research in the area of pricing has picked up since the early 1990’s, much of the research has focused on pricing methods more relevant to products or goods than services. (Avlonitis and Indounas, 2007; Bonnemeier, Buriane and Reichwald, 2010; Demirkan, Kauffman, Vayghan, Fill, Karagiannis and Maglio, 2008; Hulton, VistrAm, and Mejtoft, 2009). (THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (LITERATURE REVIEW), IT IS JUST A SAMPLE OF HOW TO WRITE A LITERATURE REVIEW) Methodology Empirical framework Empirical framework is simply how hypotheses are tested? You must: 1. Convert theoretical relationships identified in the theoretical framework (literature review) into relationships that can be estimated 2. Decide the quantitative and/or qualitative techniques required 3. Identify and collect relevant data and information 4. Variables must be measured correctly (take care of your variables) 5. Sampling must be relevant (or error will be huge) 6. Model must be correctly specified (linear, non-linear …… ) Methodology 7. Relevant method of estimation must be employed (e.g. statistical methods) 8. Estimation is a human behavior (can one controls?) 9. Error of estimation CAN NOT be avoided (minimize error) 10. Estimated values of parameters and coefficients represent averages (how?) 11. True values of parameters and coefficients are unknown (in Social Sciences) 12. Estimated values of parameters and coefficients are nothing but an approximation of their unknown true values (be realistic and practical) Topics 1. The impact of leadership on organizational performance 2. The relationship between style of leadership and organizational culture 3. The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty in the banking industry 4. Service quality and customer satisfaction 5. The determinants of managerial (technical) efficiency of production 6. The relationship between HRM functions and innovation 7. The relationship between pricing policies and organizational profit 8. Cost leadership and differentiation strategies: a comparative analysis 9. Technical progress and economic growth 10. The impact of government policy on private investment