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Interview Guide

A. Questions patterning to initiation of innovations?
Main Question: What are some of the innovative strategies adopted by your institution over
the past five years?
1. What do you think was the need for such an innovative strategy?
2. Was there support from the entire administration and teachers?
3. What role did external stakeholders play in the initiation of this strategy?
4. Was there local (community) support for this strategy?
5. Do you think the structure of your institution influenced the process of initiating this strategy?
6. Was the atmosphere in your institution at that time supportive of this strategy?
7. Was the leadership in your institution at that time supportive of this strategy?
B. Question patterning to Implementation of innovation strategy
Main Question: How did you regard the implementation process of the innovation strategy?
Innovation characteristics
8. Do you think the innovative strategy implemented by your institution addresses the perceived
priority needs of the institution?
9. Were you able to identify the essential features of the innovative strategy?
10. How do you perceive the quality and practicality of the new strategy?
Local characteristics
11. What role did the local administration play in the implementation of the strategy?
12. What role did the local community play in the implementation of the strategy?
13. Were they difficulties faced in the implementation of the strategy? (In terms of Skills required
extent of alteration in beliefs, teaching strategy and use of materials).
14. What role did these personalities play in the implementation process of the innovation strategy?
a.) Deans/directors, b.) teachers
External characteristic
15. What role did these individuals play in the implementation process of the innovation? a.)
government, b.) other stakeholders
C. Challenges faced in the process of initiation and implementation of strategy
16. What are the challenges faced in the process of initiating and implementing innovations in your
D. Suggestions for the future
17. What are your suggestions to improve the initiation and implementation of innovation strategy
in the future?