Poster Making Contest MECHANICS OF THE CONTEST a.) There shall be only one contestant per section. b.) Each contestant shall bring a 1 whole white cartolina and must use in vertical format. c.) The medium for visual artistry shall only be oil pastel. This would be provided by the contestant. Borrowing of materials from other contestants will not be allowed. d.) The contestants shall be guided by a theme which shall be announced right before the start of the contest. All artworks must be done on the spot and must be completed within the allotted time of two and a half hours. e.) Finished outputs should not contain label or name that may identify the contestant and his/her grade and section. f.) Only the contestants are allowed in the contest area. g.) The criteria for judging are as follows: Criteria for Judging Relevance to the Theme Creativity / Originality Craftsmanship Scientific Artwork TOTAL Percentage 45% 25% 15% 15% 100% Science Tricks and Magic Show MECHANICS OF THE CONTEST a.) The team shall compose of three students per grade level. They shall present a three-minute science tricks and magic demonstration including entrance and exit and provide a scientific explanation of their presentation. One point shall be deducted from the total score of the group for every minute of excess. b.) In the course of their presentation, the team should act as trickers, magicians and scientists. Audience participation is strictly not allowed. c.) Materials to be used should be eco-friendly and not hazardous. The use of fire and electricity are not allowed. REMINDER: Coaches should see to it that the participants in this category are very well acquainted on the safety and precautionary measures to be observed before, during and after the conduct of the activity. d.) Team contestants should provide their own tables and other needed materials. Music must be given to the contest chairman an hour before the contest to avoid delays. e.) Wearing of laboratory gown and goggles and other safety gears is a must. g.) The criteria for judging are as follows: Criteria for Judging Visual and Audio Impact Presentation/Demonstration Skills/ Magical Thrill Explanation of Science Concept Creativity/Resourcefulness Accuracy TOTAL Percentage 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100% SCIENTIST KA-LOOK-A-LIKE MECHANICS OF THE CONTEST a.) There shall be one contestant per section. b.) The contestant must be a look-a-like of the given scientist c.) The contestant must give a punch line or hugot line related to the accomplishment of the scientist he or she projected. d.) The competition will be divided into two Face and posture Question and Answer Portion For face and posture the following Criteria will be used: Criteria for Judging Poise, Carriage and Bearing Look and Similarities with the scientist projected Audience Impact Delivery and neatness of the Punchline/Hugot line TOTAL Percentage 25% 25% 25% 25% 100% For the Question and Answer Portion, The ability to answer the questions will be based on the depth, meaning and substance of the answer given by the candidates; The candidates may respond to the question either in English or in Filipino; and Questions will be framed by the organizer of the program. Criteria for Judging Intelligence and Wit (depth, meaning and substance of the answer given) TOTAL Percentage 100% 100% SCIENCE QUIZ BEE DETAILED MECHANICS 1. The contest is open to all grade levels. 2. The contest is a team quiz bee consist of 3 members per section. 3. During the contest proper the following materials will be used: A board (Facilitator) Writing material (Chalk) Eraser (tissue) Used Illustration board (1/8) 4. The question will be general science information (physics, biology, earth science and chemistry) 5. The contest will have three rounds: Easy Average and difficult round. There will be 10 questions for easy, 10 for average and 5 questions for Difficult round. 6. The quizmaster will read the question twice. After the second reading the quizmaster shall say the word “GO”. Only then the contestants shall begin writing their answers on the illustration board. The time allotted is ten seconds for regular questions and 20 seconds for problem solving questions. 7. After the time limit and the buzzer sound, the contestant will automatically stop writing. The contestants should raise their answer and the correct answer will be flashed on the screen. 8. Any protest or appeals regarding the preceding question will be entertained before the quiz master proceed to the next question. 9. For each team to advance in the Average Round, A team Shall answered at least 50% or 5 out of 10 of the questions. 10. After the average round, the top 5 will proceed to the difficult round. 11. For the difficult round, Teams will answer five questions. In case of a tie clincher round will follow. 12. Coaching from audience is strictly prohibited. 13. The committee and the judges have a right to disqualify the contestant who will violate the rules of the contest. 14. The winners will be declared as 2nd Place, 1st Place and Quiz Bee Champion. 15. The decision of the board of judges is final and irrevocable. TUG-SAY-AWIT Guidelines Total Consist of 20-25 dancers/singers per grade level Science oriented presentation The entry include tugtugan, awitan, sayawan Accompaniment of music from cassetes, cd’s and other is allowed Performance time 5 to 8 minutes. Criteria Percentage Mastery Coordination Costume Stage presence Science Implications 25% 25% 25% 10% 15% 100% Problem-Based Infographics MECHANICS OF THE CONTEST a.) There shall be three contestant each team per grade level from grade 9-12. b.) Each team shall make an infographic of the chosen existing problem in the community in relation to environmental issues and concern, energy, medicine, technology, and innovation. c.) The infographics must contain short (1.) background of study (observations, existing problem, significant of the possible solution and related studies) (2.) Highlighted Problem (accompanied with pictures, graph, and chart) (3) Possible Solution (how to come-up with the solution and target respondents, if possible, may use flow chart) d.) The infographic layout will be done in the computer laboratory and present it in 50 cm x 100 cm tarppapel. e.) Finished outputs should not contain label or name that may identify the contestant and his/her grade and section. f.) Only the contestants are allowed in the contest area. g.) The criteria for judging are as follows: Criteria for Judging Relevance and Adherence to the theme Impact Message of the Photograph Composition and Creativity Originality of the Work TOTAL Percentage 30% 25% 25% 20% 100%