Subject: Front Office Services Grade Level: Grade 11 Objective: Offer alternatives, including waitlist options, if requested booking is not available. Learning across the curriculum: 1. English Language - Students can practice communicating alternative options and waitlist options through role plays or dialogues. 2. Mathematics - Students can analyze data related to booking availability and waitlist options, such as calculating the percentage of bookings filled and the average waitlist length. 3. Computer Applications - Students can use spreadsheet software to create a system for managing waitlist options and tracking availability. Engage: 1. Show a video clip or real-life scenario where a customer encounters a fully booked hotel and needs to be offered alternatives or waitlist options. 2. Conduct a class discussion on the importance of providing alternatives and waitlist options in the front office services industry. 3. Ask students to share personal experiences where they had to offer alternatives or waitlist options in a customer service setting. Explore: Activity 1: Materials: Role play scenarios, props (e.g., hotel reception desk, customer costumes) Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Each pair will act out a role play scenario where one student plays the customer and the other plays the front office staff. The customer should request a booking that is not available, and the front office staff should offer alternatives or waitlist options. Rubric: - Ability to effectively communicate alternative options or waitlist options (10 points) - Creativity in role play (5 points) Assessment questions: 1. What alternative options were offered in the role play scenario? 2. How did the front office staff handle the customer's request for a waitlist option? Activity 2: Materials: Data on hotel bookings and waitlist records, graph paper, markers Instructions: Provide students with data on hotel bookings and waitlist records. Ask them to analyze the data and create a graph showing the percentage of bookings filled and the average waitlist length over a certain period of time. Students should discuss the implications of the data and how it relates to offering alternatives and waitlist options. Rubric: - Accuracy of data analysis and graph creation (10 points) - Ability to explain the implications of the data (5 points) Assessment questions: 1. What does the data show about booking availability and waitlist options? 2. How can this data be used to improve the front office services in a hotel? Activity 3: Materials: Spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel), sample hotel booking and waitlist data Instructions: In pairs or individually, students will use spreadsheet software to create a system for managing waitlist options and tracking availability. They should input sample hotel booking and waitlist data and use formulas and functions to calculate the percentage of bookings filled, average waitlist length, and other relevant metrics. Rubric: - Accuracy and functionality of the spreadsheet system (10 points) - Ability to explain the purpose and use of the system (5 points) Assessment questions: 1. What formulas or functions did you use in the spreadsheet system? 2. How can this system help front office staff in managing booking availability and waitlist options? Explain: 1. Teacher-led lecture on the concept of offering alternatives and waitlist options in front office services, including the importance, benefits, and best practices. 2. Small group discussions where students analyze case studies or real-life examples related to offering alternatives and waitlist options, and present their findings to the class. Elaborate: 1. Group project where students create a brochure or presentation showcasing different alternatives and waitlist options for a specific hotel or accommodation establishment. 2. Guest speaker session where a front office staff member from a hotel or resort shares their experiences and strategies in offering alternatives and waitlist options. Evaluate: 1. Role play observation checklist to assess students' ability to effectively communicate alternative options or waitlist options. 2. Written reflection or discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of offering waitlist options in front office services. Assignment: Create a customer service script where a front office staff member offers alternative options and waitlist options to a customer who wants to book a fully booked hotel. Include at least three alternative options and explain the waitlist process.