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Stata Log: Stock Data Retrieval from Quandl & Yahoo Finance

Friday January 6 17:02:38 2023
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Statistics/Data Analysis
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Statistics/Data Analysis
Copyright 1985-2015 StataCorp LLC
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Single-user Stata perpetual license:
Serial number: 10699393
Licensed to: Andrey
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1 . log using "\\Mac\Home\Documents\Q3 lab eco.smcl"
log type:
opened on:
\\Mac\Home\Documents\Q3 lab eco.smcl
6 Jan 2023, 16:51:14
2 . help getsymbols
3 . getsymbols TSLA
The data is being pulled from Quandl.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close volume exdividend splitratio adjopen adjhigh adjlow adj
> close adjvolume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
1949 periods of 1 symbol(s) from Quandl were downloaded.
4 . getsymbols TSLA, clear
The data is being pulled from Quandl.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close volume exdividend splitratio adjopen adjhigh adjlow adj
> close adjvolume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
1949 periods of 1 symbol(s) from Quandl were downloaded.
5 . getsymbols TSLA WMT, clear
The data is being pulled from Quandl.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close volume exdividend splitratio adjopen adjhigh adjlow adj
> close adjvolume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
7114 periods of 2 symbol(s) from Quandl were downloaded.
6 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK, clear
The data is being pulled from Quandl.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close volume exdividend splitratio adjopen adjhigh adjlow adj
> close adjvolume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
7114 periods of 3 symbol(s) from Quandl were downloaded.
Friday January 6 17:02:38 2023
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7 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear
The data is being pulled from Quandl.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close volume exdividend splitratio adjopen adjhigh adjlow adj
> close adjvolume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
Symbol XOM was downloaded
7114 periods of 4 symbol(s) from Quandl were downloaded.
8 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo
The data is being pulled from Yahoo.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close adjclose volume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
Symbol XOM was downloaded
8318 periods of 4 symbol(s) from Yahoo were downloaded.
9 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo fd(1)fm(2)fy(2021)1d(1)1m(12)1y(2022)
option 1d() not allowed
10 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo fd(1) fm(2) fy(2021) 1d(1) 1m(12) 1y(
> 2022)
option 1d() not allowed
11 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo fd(1)fm(2)fy(2021)ld(1)lm(12)ly(2022)
The data is being pulled from Yahoo.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close adjclose volume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
Symbol XOM was downloaded
464 periods of 4 symbol(s) from Yahoo were downloaded.
12 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo fd(1)fm(2)fy(2021)ld(1)lm(12)ly(2022)
> frequency(m)
The data is being pulled from Yahoo.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close adjclose volume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
Symbol XOM was downloaded
23 periods of 4 symbol(s) from Yahoo were downloaded.
13 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo fd(1)fm(2)fy(2021)ld(1)lm(12)ly(2022)
> frequency(m)price(adjclose)
The data is being pulled from Yahoo.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
adjclose volume
Period returns were calculated using the variable: adjclose and only this variab
> le was kept; if you want to keep all variables use the option keepall
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
Symbol XOM was downloaded
23 periods of 4 symbol(s) from Yahoo were downloaded.
Number of observations with valid prices for all symbols: 23 out of 23
Friday January 6 17:02:38 2023
Page 3
14 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo fd(1)fm(2)fy(2021)ld(1)lm(12)ly(2022)
> frequency(m)price(adjclose)keepall
The data is being pulled from Yahoo.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close adjclose volume
Period returns were calculated using the variable: adjclose and only this variab
> le was kept; if you want to keep all variables use the option keepall
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
Symbol XOM was downloaded
23 periods of 4 symbol(s) from Yahoo were downloaded.
Number of observations with valid prices for all symbols: 23 out of 23
15 . getsymbols TSLA WMT BLK XOM, clear yahoo fd(1)fm(2)fy(2021)ld(1)lm(12)ly(2022)
> frequency(m)
The data is being pulled from Yahoo.com ; the variables of this dataset are:
open high low close adjclose volume
Symbol TSLA was downloaded
Symbol WMT was downloaded
Symbol BLK was downloaded
Symbol XOM was downloaded
23 periods of 4 symbol(s) from Yahoo were downloaded.
16 . save "\\Mac\Home\Downloads\Question 3.dta"
file \\Mac\Home\Downloads\Question 3.dta saved
17 .