Navarro Joaquin Nicholas D. LMGPROT REFLECTION PAPER The intellectual property code of the Philippines or Republic act no. 8293 holds or presents significant safety measures in creativity, innovation and the ideas of human intellect. IP law has stood out to me the most during this term because the idea of IP in itself is more interesting than what my other majors are offering namely, labor, criminology and negotiable instruments. IP law embodies the notion of creating a delicate equilibrium between innovation and the protection of its creators. There is a global understanding on the value of IP thus there is cooperation and collaboration in the form of treaties to better cover the scope of IPs internationally. Patents, Trade-marks, Copyright are three classifications of intellectual property that are discussed extensively in the class. . Patents encourage inventors to disclose their innovations while enjoying temporary exclusivity, Trademarks enable businesses to distinguish their goods and services, Copyright law on the other hand, plays a pivotal role in fostering literary, artistic, and musical expressions. Due to the mutual understanding of the value of IP multiple treaties have been signed in efforts in fostering better coverage of each international party. An example of these treaties would be The Philippines' commitment to international agreements like the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement underscores the nation's dedication to harmonizing IP standards on a global scale. This alignment facilitates trade, foreign investments, and collaborations, positioning the Philippines as a player in the global innovation arena. Reflecting on the Philippine Intellectual Property Law journey, I recognize its profound impact on stimulating creativity, fostering innovation, and preserving cultural heritage. It has taught me the importance of balancing competing interests, fostering collaboration, and constantly adapting to the dynamic landscape of technology and creativity. As the Philippines continues to evolve in its pursuit of intellectual property protection, I am excited to witness the positive changes, unique innovations and inventions that will contribute to the nation's growth and prosperity.