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Prepared by: Yari Isabel S. Trinidad
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a.) Identify the textual aid presented;
c.) Transform the text by using the correct textual aid type.
Topic: Textual Aids in Understanding Text
Code: EN10RC-Ia-2.15.2 (Determine the effect of textual aids like advance
organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text)
References: file:///C:/Users/Teacher/Downloads/eng10-pivot-module-in-grade10-english.pdf
Materials: Laptop, TV, printed handouts, manila paper and scotch tape
Values Integration: Communication, Cooperation
a. Preliminary Activities
Classroom Management
Checking of Attendance
b. Motivation: Ice Breaker Dance
Instruction: The students are encouraged to follow the dance steps in the video
presented. Those who participated well will have a reward.
Activity: Group Activity
Direction: The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will be given the same
tasks. The goal of each group is to match the names of each diagram. The first group
to finish and post their output on the board will gain 5 points; second to post will gain
3 points; third group to post will gain 1 point; while the last group to post will be the
first presenter. After posting, each group will be given 3-minute discussion within their
members about their answers. Moreover, the group must select 1 representative to
explain their output. Every correct answer is equivalent to 5 points. Lastly, the group
who gains the highest score will receive a reward.
1. How do you find the activity? Easy or difficult? Why?
2. Do the illustrations posted have in common?
3. What do we do particularly when summarizing a story?
The difference between a linear text and nonlinear text is the reading path.
Examples of linear texts are short stories, novels, letters, and educational texts.
A nonlinear text, on the other hand, is not required to be read from
beginning to end since its reading path is non-sequential. Examples are: graphic
organizers, concept maps, diagrams, and charts are used.
How to transcode linear to nonlinear text and vice versa?
Transcoding Linear to Nonlinear text and vice versa is a skill that one has to
be familiar with since it can be used in our everyday lives. There will be times
when you would have to transcode a linear text to nonlinear text to make it easier
for other people to understand it and a nonlinear text to linear text to have a
detailed description of a certain topic
What is Textual Aids?
Textual Aids are educational instruments that simplify comprehension of texts.
Textual aids are instruments that serve as a better visual method that promote faster
learning and better comprehension and are important sensory aids in teaching and
learning. They help in developing metacognition among learners.
CAUSE & EFFECT DIAGRAM - which emphasizes the
connection between different concepts, this explores why
something happened or might happened by organizing potential
causes into smaller categories.
FLOW DIAGRAM - It is a sequence chart that shows order or
series of events. We use this in concepts that follow processes.
A flow diagram is a visual illustration of the sequence of steps
or decisions necessary to accomplish a process.
VENN DIAGRAM – it is use to identify, classify, categorize and
recognize similarities and differences of two and more subjects,
ideas, thoughts or concepts that use two overlapping circles.
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER – also known as a Concept
Map/Diagram. It is a visual display that includes content
information that shows relationships of ideas and provides
learners with structure for abstract concepts.
1. In your own understanding, how will you define textual aids?
2. What are the relevance of textual aids in reading a text?
Direction: Transform the text into a non-textual information source, be sure to use the
correct textual aid type. Write your answers in a 1 whole sheet of paper. (by pair)
Sharks and whales are a classic example of two different animals revealing
similar traits in the same environment. One of the similarities of these two marine
animals is their habitat. They both live in the vast range of depth in their environment.
They also have the same fin structure. They only have a single tail for propulsion and
because they are both large aquatic animals, they both consume large volume of food;
however, sharks hunt for their food. Whales do not have this hunting tendency.
Another difference of sharks from whales is their class. Whales are mammals while
sharks are fish but they both live in the ocean. Also, whales have bones while sharks
only have cartilage.
Direction: Identify the textual aid presented and described in each number. Write
your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. It is a sequence chart that shows the order of a series of events.
a. Flow Diagram
b. Venn Diagram
c. Fishbone Diagram
2. It is composed of visual displays that have the key content information.
a. Pie Chart
b. Concept Map
c. Graphic Organizer
3. It emphasizes the connection between different concepts.
a. Flow Diagram
b. Venn Diagram
c. Cause & Effect Diagram
4. It is also known as the Ishikawa Diagram.
a. Flow Diagram
b. Venn Diagram
c. Fishbone Diagram
5. He is the Japanese organizational theorist who popularized the Ishikawa Diagram
in the 1960s.
a. Kaora Ishikawa
b. Kaori Ishikawa
c. Kaoru Ishikawa
Direction: Search other examples of textual aids. (½ sheet of paper.)