SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Solar Power Generation Plant with Battery System Mr Mashudu Thathaisa Shudus Energy JV Cotton Star Energy Middleburg Solar Project Executive Summary 01 April 2023 Solar Project Executive Summary Introduction Shudus Energy (Pty) JV Cotton Star Energy Ltd is a joint Venture that have identified business opportunities in the renewable energy sector particularly in the design, development, construction and operation of Solar Power Generation plants with battery storage facilities. We have formed strong partnership to strategically position ourselves as the competitive developer and role player in the renewable energy sector. Our objective is to construct and implement our projects with the best technology in the sector and choose our partners and associates well. Our projects developments foundation is based on Strong feasibility study showing high profitability success, Tailored model indicating adequate future cash flows, and Superior risk mitigation plan. Project Type Our project is Grid Solar Power Generation Plant Solar photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity that is backed up with battery storages facilities. Energy Background in South Africa South Africa is having more than five thousand (5 000) energy shortage challenges and this is opening doors and opportunities for new developers in to the renewable energy sector. The government made this possible by removing red tapes for speedy development and construction of power generation plants by independent power producers and developers. Project Site and Location The project is located at Middleburg under Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape province through Municipal Power Purchase Agreement. Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated in the Chris Hani District. It is approximately 240km north of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. It is one of six municipalities in the district, making up a third of its geographical area. SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Shudus Energy JV Cotton Star Energy Middleburg Solar Project Executive Summary 01 April 2023 Project Capacity and Size This 100 MW project is a single-axis tracking solar system that is located adjacent to municipal substations for simple grid connection. It also includes a 60 MW battery storage facility. It will be put into service in five phases, each of 20 MW. Project Investment and Operational Model The project will be supplying all power that will be generated to Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality based on the signed Power Purchase Agreement at R1.50 per Kwh rate that will be increased by the approved annual rate of regulating body which is Nersa. The project is guaranteed by the following key operational elements and mechanisms: 1. We will install smart electrical prepaid meters in the whole community of Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality as part of the project and will be managed by ourselves as the developer to manage and control tempering and licks. 2. All the sales will be through our Trust Bank account / (Escrow Account) which will also be managed by us as the Developers and payments will be made once per month to the Municipality and to us as the Developer. 3. We will run the project for a term of twenty-five (25) years with the potential of an extension on municipal property. The National Treasury or the Municipal Balance Sheet will not provide any guarantees for the project; instead, the two aforementioned mechanisms will do so. Financial Information CONTRACT TYPE: CONTRACT TERM (YEARS): FINANCIAL CLOSE: CONSTRUCTION PERIOD (MONTHS): FIRST PHASE COMMISSIONING: PPA 25 30 May 2023 9 01 December 2023 SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Shudus Energy JV Cotton Star Energy Middleburg Solar Project Executive Summary 01 April 2023 Project Investment Summary Description Amount EPC Full Turnkey 1 550 000 000,00 Smart Prepaid Electrical Meters R 14 544 000,00 Project Management / Consulting R Engineers 72 720 000,00 Development Cost – Arranging and R Structure Fees 92 112 000,00 Commitment and Transaction Fees R Costs 63 024 000,00 Construction Interest Reserve R 4 848 000,00 Commissioning and Completion R 673 872 000,00 Development and Procurement Management R TOTAL CAPEX (Financed) R 8 670 000,00 2 479 790 000,00 Five Years Income and Expenditure Sales Expenditue Net Profit After Tax Year 1 18 177 000,00 Year 2 18 086 115,00 Year 3 17 995 684,43 Year 4 17 905 706,00 Year 5 17 816 177,47 1 935 850,50 37 071 360,04 37 216 355,24 37 371 500,10 37 537 505,11 203 317 421,88 192 639 156,21 208 177 411,95 224 803 345,59 242 593 094,59 SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Shudus Energy JV Cotton Star Energy Middleburg Solar Project Executive Summary 01 April 2023 Production Plan Summary TECHNICAL DATA Solar Plant Output Capex 2 479 790 000,00 Solar Degradation Plant Production Period 0,50% 25 Years EQUITY STRUCTURE Equity 5% Debt 95% Internal Rate of Return 15% CONTRACT INFORMATION Tariff / Contractual (PPA) R1.50 Annual Escalation Contract Term Generated Energy 7% 4 808 176 528,78 SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Shudus Energy JV Cotton Star Energy Middleburg Solar Project Executive Summary 01 April 2023 Five Years Financial Projections Summary Year 1 Project Capacity in Kwh Year 2 Sales fpr Solar Plant Sales for Battery System Other Income TOTAL INCOME Year 4 Year 5 10000 MWp Annual No. Kwh (11400X14hoursX365) 18 177 000,00 Battery System (60MW) Year 3 18 086 115,00 17 995 684,43 17 905 706,00 17 816 177,47 29 174 085,00 31 216 270,95 33 401 409,92 35 739 508,61 310 370 085,00 332 095 990,95 355 342 710,32 380 216 700,04 37 071 360,04 37 216 355,24 37 371 500,10 37 537 505,11 2 042 185,95 2 185 138,97 2 338 098,69 2 501 765,60 29 174,09 31 216,27 33 401,41 35 739,51 273 298 724,97 294 879 635,71 317 971 210,21 342 679 194,93 175 200 000,00 27 265 500,00 262 800 000,00 290 065 500,00 - TOTAL EPENDITURE 1 935 850,50 Operations and Maintanance 1 908 585,00 Loan Repayment - Macelonous - Land Lease - Construction Cost / CAPEX - Aministration Cost 27 265,50 - Net Before Interest 288 129 649,50 - TOTAL 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 Depretiation 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 2 404 608,00 270 894 116,97 292 475 027,71 315 566 602,21 340 274 586,93 75 850 352,75 81 893 007,76 88 358 648,62 95 276 884,34 195 043 764,21 210 582 019,95 227 207 953,59 244 997 702,59 192 639 156,21 208 177 411,95 224 803 345,59 242 593 094,59 185 755 965,92 191 004 099,73 196 270 773,00 201 560 216,24 Loan Interest - Other - NET Profit 285 725 041,50 - Less Tax 28% 80 003 011,62 - Net Profit After Tax 205 722 029,88 Net Present Value 203 317 421,88 Closing Bank Balance NPV 205 722 029,88 SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Shudus Energy JV Cotton Star Energy Middleburg Solar Project Executive Summary 01 April 2023 Financial Ratio Net Profit Percent B/Tax 98,50362815 87,28100099 88,06942441 88,80626872 89,49490827 Net Profit Percent A/Tax 70,92261227 62,84232071 63,40998557 63,94051348 64,43633395 7,09 20.90 20.91 20.92 20.93 Gross Profit % Break Even Point Sales 2237550.77 2237550.78 2237550.79 2237550.80 2237550.81 Fixed Assets to Debt Ratio 142,666328 161,1147448 159,5254681 158,0682482 156,7302238 Debt Service Ration 145,5367368 0 0 0 0 Current Assets Turnover Ratio 142,666328 159,1284327 157,7038681 156,3953659 155,1919451 Total Assets Turnover Ration 19,33028501 20,71657477 22,20234013 23,79472336 25,50137986 Return On Investment 19,30 19,30 19,31 19,31 19,32 Return On Equity 12,07364854 11,53550904 12,3584796 13,22382633 14,1326486 Return On Sales 70,92261227 62,84232071 63,40998557 63,94051348 64,43633395 Return On Assets 13,69 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 13,00 14,06 15,19 16,41 15% 25 Years Financial Projections Summary Annual Kwh Revenue / Sales Y 1-5 Y 6-10 Y 11-20 Y 21 -25 89 980 682,90 87 753 548,80 169 044 828,30 81 397 468,77 428 176 528,78 1 668 090 986,31 2 339 583 899,81 7 883 703 091,79 6 454 985 771,72 18 346 363 749,62 Total Equity - Loan - Total Income Operations & Maintanance Loan Repayment Administration cost Depreciation Total Expenditure Net Before Tax 1 668 090 986,31 2 339 583 899,81 7 883 703 091,79 6 454 985 771,72 18 346 363 749,62 10 975 774,21 15 394 091,12 51 873 516,38 42 472 782,94 120 716 164,65 140 000 000,00 140 000 000,00 61 375 294,00 156 796,77 219 915,59 741 050,23 606 754,04 1 724 516,64 12 023 040,00 12 023 040,00 24 046 080,00 12 023 040,00 60 115 200,00 163 155 610,99 167 637 046,71 138 035 940,61 55 102 576,98 523 931 175,29 17 822 432 574,34 - 341 375 294,00 1 504 935 375,32 2 171 946 853,10 7 745 667 151,18 6 399 883 194,74 Less Tax 28% 421 381 905,09 608 145 118,87 2 168 786 802,33 1 791 967 294,53 4 990 281 120,81 Net After Tax 1 083 553 470,23 1 563 801 734,23 5 576 880 348,85 4 607 915 900,21 12 832 151 453,52 Cash Flow 1 071 530 430,23 1 551 778 694,23 5 552 834 268,85 4 595 892 860,21 12 772 036 253,52 NPV 1 083 553 470,23 1 489 334 984,98 5 058 394 874,24 3 980 491 005,47 10 557 042 757,72 SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Shudus Energy JV Cotton Star Energy Middleburg Solar Project Executive Summary 01 April 2023 Permits and licenses NERSA licensing is exempted on this capacity EIA is exempted on this capacity Project PPA is signed Land lease is to be signed once successfully rezoned EPC is identified and general terms and conditions of contract is to be finalized Conclusion We are looking forward to source project long term investment loan of up to 8% annual interest, or 30% equity investment partner. Please feel free to contact us or arrange for a video call meeting for the purpose of full project background including future projects. SHUDUS ENERGY JV COTTON STAR ENERGY (PTY) LTD PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY