Teori Inteligensi Psi. Belajar Peserta Didik Definisi Inteligensi Terdapat banyak definisi inteligensi Dalam suatu wawancara, Wechsler (1975, dlm Flanagan & Harrison, 2005) menceritakan bahwa pada tahun 1921 ada suatu konferensi atau simposium terkenal yang dihadiri sekitar 14 tokoh (Thorndike, Thurstone, Terman dsb). Yang menarik adalah ada 14 definisi yang berbeda akan inteligensi. Menurut Wechsler, ini membuktikan bahwa “intelligence was a multisomething (rather than being) one thing. Depending upon your area of interest or spesialisation you favored one or another definitions” Konsepsi Inteligensi “… we borrow from biology the following comparison; the primordial biological element is the cell; in grouping themselves, cells from the tissues; tissues in their turn form the organs. In the same way one might say that the intellectual functions of memory, attention, judgment, etc., correspond to the cells, combining themselves, they form something analogous to a tissue. What corresponds to the organ is our scheme of thought, because, like the organ, the scheme has a function.” (Binet & Simon, 1909/1916 in Flanagan & Harrison, 2005, p.3) Definisi Inteligensi The most widely referenced and enduring definition of intelligence (Flanagan & Harrison, 2005): “Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment. It is global because it characterizes the individual’s behavior as a whole; it is an aggregate because it is composed of elements or abilities which, though not entirely independent, are qualitatively differentiable” (David Wechsler, 1939). Perkembangan Inteligensi Psi. Belajar Peserta Didik Peran Faktor Bawaan dan Lingkungan Banyak tokoh-tokoh awal inteligensi yang berpendapat bahwa inteligensi bersifat bawaan Namun, dari waktu ke waktu semakin jelas bahwa inteligensi dipengaruhi oleh faktor bawaan dan lingkungan, sebagaimana saat para ahli melihat perkembangan atribut yg lain, misalnya perkembangan motorik, bahasa, dll Akan tetapi, perdebatan tentang faktor mana yang dominan masih terus berlanjut, terkait dengan implikasi sosiopolitis. Peran Faktor Bawaan dan Lingkungan Sandra Scarr (1991 dlm Weiten, 2005): hereditas menentukan batas tertentu dari inteligensi dan faktor lingkungan menentukan posisi individu dalam rentang tersebut. Pengaruh faktor lingkungan dimulai sejak masa konsepsi, dimana perkembangan otak sangatlah pesat sejak dalam kandungan sampai usia 2 tahun Pemberian stimulasi positif atau negatif akan berpengaruh langsung pd perkembangan inteligensi sso Volume otak (yg merupakan faktor genetis & sbg indikator kecerdasan) yg besar perlu diberikan stimulasi positif agar kecerdasannya bisa optimal Dari penelitian: janin yg diberikan stimulasi akan memiliki IQ 13 digit lebih tinggi dibanding janin yg tdk mendapat stimulasi Beberapa stimulasi kecerdasan Beberapa aspek lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kecerdasan (Santrock, 2007): Cara orangtua berkomunikasi dg anak. Semakin sering orangtua berkomunikasi dg anak dlm masa tiga tahun pertama, semakin tinggi skor IQ anak Dukungan yang diberikan orangtua Lingkungan dimana keluarga tinggal Kualitas sekolah Teori Inteligensi Stenberg Definisi Inteligensi menurut Stenberg Aktivitas mental dalam melakukan adaptasi, seleksi dan membentuk lingkungan hidup seseorang agar menjadi relevan untuk mencapai tujuan dirinya. Artinya kecerdasan adalah bagaimana seseorang mampu menghadapi perubahan lingkungan sepanjang hidupnya. Teori: Triarchic Intelligence, disebut juga teori Successful Intelligence Konsep-konsep 3 komponen yang saling berkaitan menyusun kecerdasan manusia, yaitu: componential (analytical) experiential (creative) contextual (practical) The Three Components of Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory Teori Inteligensi Sternberg Practical ability Beradaptasi dg lingkungan seseorang Membentuk lingkungan seseorang Creative ability Memilih lingkungan yang berbeda Memecahkan persoalan baru Analytical ability Menggunakan pengetahuan & pglmn unt memecahkan masalah dan mempelajari informasi baru Triarchic Theory The Three Components of Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory Analytical Intelligence Konsep inteligensi tradisional Berpikir abstrak dan penalaran logis Keterampilan verbal dan matematis Experiential / creative intelligence Kreativitas Berpikir divergen (menghasilkan ide-ide baru) Kemampuan untuk menghadapi situasi baru Contextual / practical intelligence 'Street smarts' Kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan pengetahuan pada dunia nyata Kemampuan untuk membentuk lingkungan, memilih lingkungan Successful intelligence in the classroom Pengajaran dan evaluasi harus menyeimbangkan berpikir analitis, kreatif dan praktis Pengajaran analitis berarti mendorong siswa untuk menganalisa, mengkritik, memutuskan, membandingkan, mengevaluasi dan mengukur Pengajaran kreatif berarti mendorong siswa untuk menciptakan, menemukan, membayangkan bila…, memprediksikan Pengajaran praktis berarti mendorong siswa untuk mengaplikasikan, menggunakan, mempraktekkan, sesuai kebutuhan praktis siswa Teori Inteligensi Gardner Teori Multiple Intelligence Gardner Inteligensi seharusnya tidak dilihat sebagai satu bentuk kemampuan umum melainkan harusnya dapat dibedabedakan dalam berbagai bentuk modalitas atau kemampuan yang spesifik. Gardner’s Intelligences Intelligence Core Components Logicalmathematical Linguistic End-States Sensitivity to, and capacity to discern, logical Scientist or numerical patterns; ability to handle long Mathematician chains of reasoning. Sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words; sensitivity to the different functions of language. Poet Journalist Musical Abilities to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre; appreciation of the forms of musical expressiveness. Violinist Composer Spatial Capacities to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformations on one’s initial perceptions. Sculptor Navigator Intelligence Core Components End-States BodilyKinesthetic Abilities to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully. Dancer Athlete Interpersonal Capacities to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and desires of other people. Therapist Salesman Intrapersonal Access to one’s own feelings and the ability to discriminate among them and draw upon them to guide behavior; knowledge of one’s own strengths, weaknesses, desires, and intelligences. Person with detailed accurate selfknowledge Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom “If a child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the child learns." (Rita Dunn, - from Anne Bruetsch's Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plan Book) Manfaat aplikasi teori ini (misalnya menurut Campbell, 1991): Siswa lebih termotivasi dan mandiri dlm belajar Penurunan ketidakdisiplinan siswa Semua siswa mengembangkan keterampilan baru Peningkatan keterampilan belajar kooperatif Peningkatan prestasi akademik siswa Multiple Intelligences Eight Ways of Teaching Intelligence Teaching Activities Teaching Materials Instructional Strategies Sample Teacher Presentation Skill Linguistic Lectures, discussions, word games, storytelling, journal writing Books, tape recorders, stamps sets, books on tape Read about it, write about it, listen to it Teaching through story telling LogicalMathematical Brain teasers, problem solving, science experiments, mental calculations, number games, critical thinking Calculators, math manipulatives, science equipment, math games Quantify it, think Socratic critically about questioning it, put it in a logical framework, experiment with it Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, pg 41-42 Multiple Intelligences Eight Ways of Teaching Intelligence Teaching Activities Teaching Materials Instructional Strategies Spatial Visual presentations, art activities, Imagination games, visualization, metaphor Graphs, maps, videos, art materials, cameras, pictures, library See it, draw it, Drawing, Mindvisualize it, color mapping it, mind-map it concepts Bodilykinesthetic Hands on Building tools, Build it, act it learning, drama, clay , sports out, touch it, get dance, sports equipment, a “gut feeling” of that teach, manipulatives, it, dance it tactile activities, tactile learning relaxation resources exercisesMultiple Intelligences in the Classroom, pg 41-42 Sample Teacher Presentation Skill Using gestures, dramatic expressions Multiple Intelligences Eight Ways of Teaching Intelligence Teaching Activities Teaching Materials Instructional Strategies Sample Teacher Presentation Skill Musical Rhythmic learning, rapping, using songs that teach Tape recorder, tape collection, musical instruments Sing it, rap it, listen to it Using voice rhythmically Interpersonal Cooperative learning, peer tutoring, community involvement, social gatherings, simulation Board games, party supplies, props for role plays Teach it, collaborate on it, interact with respect to it Dynamically interacting with students Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, pg 41-42 Multiple Intelligences Eight Ways of Teaching Intelligence Teaching Activities Teaching Materials Instructional Strategies Sample Teacher Pres Intrapersonal Individualized instruction, independent study, options in course of study, self esteem building Self checking materials, journals, materials for projects Connect it to your personal life, make choices with regard to it, reflect on it Bringing feeling into presentation Naturalist Nature study, ecological awareness, care of animals Plant, animals, naturalists’ tools, gardening tools Connect to living things and natural phenomena Linking subject matter to natural phenomena Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, pg 41-42 Referensi Utama: Flanagan, D.P. & Harrison, P.L. (2005). Contemporary intellectual assessment: Theories, test, and issues. NY: The Guilford Press. Penunjang: http://www.context.org/iclib/ic27/campbell/ http://www.lincolnparkboe.org/pdf/Sternberg_on_intelligence s.pdf http://www.math.ccsu.edu/mitchell/mat420multipleintelligenc es8waysofteaching.ppt http://www.multipleintelligencetheory.co.uk/ http://www.e2c2.com/uploads/Learning_Profiles_Retyped.do c